كتاب Advances in Engineering Design - Select Proceedings of FLAME 2022
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Advances in Engineering Design - Select Proceedings of FLAME 2022

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18938
التقييم : 35320
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Advances in Engineering Design - Select Proceedings of FLAME 2022
Rohit Sharma · Ravindra Kannojiya · Naveen Garg · Sachin S. Gautam  

كتاب Advances in Engineering Design - Select Proceedings of FLAME 2022  A_i_e_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Estimation of Lacunar Permeability in Anatomical Regions
of Femoral Cortex: Endocortical Versus Periosteal . 1
Saurabh Tiwari, Rakesh Kumar, Abhishek Kumar Tiwari,
Dharmendra Tripathi, Ram Naresh Yadav, Navin Kumar,
and Sonu Ambwani
Design of Efficient Finite Elements Using Deep Learning Approach 11
Sekhor S. Nath, Dipjyoti Nath, and Sachin S. Gautam
Design of Efficient Quadrature Scheme in Finite Element Using
Deep Learning 21
Rohan Chinchkar, Dipjyoti Nath, and Sachin S. Gautam
Accelerating Finite Element Assembly on a GPU . 31
Utpal Kiran, Sachin S. Gautam, and Deepak Sharma
Design and Fabrication of PLA-Printed Wearable Exoskeleton
with 7 DOF for Upper Limb Physiotherapy Training
and Rehabilitation . 43
Gaurav Gupta, Karan Agarwal, Ayush Yadav, Ashok Kumar Yadav,
and Devendra Kumar Sinha
Framework for Design and Control of Automatic Stone—Glass
Separator . 57
Priyank Srivastava, Siddharth, Vipul, Anmol, Shivam, Amartya,
and Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
Buckling Analysis of Piston Rod for Hydraulic Cylinder of Cotton
Bale Press Machine 67
S. G. Mahakalkar and Neeraj Sunheriya
viiviii Contents
Manufacturing Process-Related Challenges of Additive
Manufactured Parts: A Review . 75
Siddharth Pradeep Kumar Samgeetha, Neethesh Maharaj,
and Bhupendra Prakash Sharma
Modelling of Kinematic Chains and Mechanisms with Special
Emphasis on Multi-Linked Jointed Chain Mechanisms . 83
Ojasvi Rajeev Sharma, Shaurya Bhatnagar, Shivam Verma,
Jatin Mahallawat, Vipin Kaushik, and Sumit Sharma
Design and Analysis of a Spherical Joint Mechanism for Robotic
Manipulators . 93
B. L. S. Gopal and Rohit Singla
Recent Progress in the Design of Solar Still: An Understanding
and Comparison . 103
Priyansh Gupta, Gopal Nandan, Syed M. I. Nakshbandi, Vishal Gaur,
Anoop Kumar Shukla, Ramakant Shrivastava, and Arnav Kumar
Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of Formula-Based Vehicle
Through ANSYS 121
Venkata Siva Sainath Bavapuram, Surya Narayanan Suresh,
Sumit Sharma, and Vipin Kaushik
Numerical Estimation of Base Reactions of an Underwater
Manipulator with Variable Drag Coefficients . 133
Chandan Kumar, N. Srinivasa Reddy, Dipankar Chatterjee,
Pratik Saha, Sambhunath Nandy, and Soumen Sen
A Study on the Reflection Coefficient of Higher Modes of Torsional
Wave by Theoretical and Numerical Method . 145
I. Boris, Sunil Kumar Sharma, and Jaesun Lee
A Comparative Study on Ultrasonic Propagation Characteristics
and Defect Detection of Metal Material Additive Manufacturing
Using Deep Learning Algorithm 157
Hyeonsu Song, Junpil Park, Sunil Kumar Sharma, and Jaesun Lee
Design and Fabrication of an Atmospheric Water Generator
for Water Harvesting from Moist Air 169
Uhinee Banerjee, Harsh Kaushik, Harshit Garg,
and Basant Singh Sikarwar
A Comprehensive Survey on Visualization of Human Action
Recognition: By Hidden Markov Model and Convolution Neural
Network 179
Aleem Ahmed, Garima Jain, Amritanshu Sharma, Md. Hashim,
and Aditya RajContents ix
Design and Modal Analysis of an Impact Energy Absorption
System for a Four-Wheeler Vehicle 197
Angat Singh, Surendra Nath Banerjee, Ujjwal Kumar, Rohit Sharma,
and Vikas Kumar
Analysis of a Steering Upright for a Three-Wheel Solar Electric Car . 209
Vinayak H. Khatawate, Burhanuddin H. Telwala, and Ayush P. Shah
Advanced Helmet System 225
Rupam Dahe and Ram Bansal
Modelling and Stress Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Fusion 360 235
Riya Pal, Shweta Mitra, Rahul, and Neetu Kanaujia
Numerical and Experimental Study of Vortex Generator 249
K. Balaji, Mayuri R. Gore, and S. V. Khandal
Performance Comparison of Cryptographic Algorithms Used
in Cloud Computing . 261
Neha Juyal, Eeshita Deepta, and Dolly Sharma
Modern Generative Design Tools: Siemens NX’s Algorithmic
Feature and Rhinoceros 3D’s Grasshopper . 275
Amit Singh Rawat and Gaurav Tiwari
Farming System: Quadcopter Fabrication and Development . 285
Rajat Yadava and Anas Aslam
Development of a Drone with Spraying Mechanism for Agricultural
Work . 295
Pratejas Tomar and Sumit Krishnan
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Pelamis Wave Energy
Converter Considering Indian Economic Estimates . 309
Krishnakant Dixit and Kanchan Yadav
Review and Development of Thermal Design of a Cryogenic Dewar 319
Pranav Pandharpatte, Kartik Kurkure, Sandeep Kore, Avinash Shinde,
and K. V. Shrinivasan
Static Analysis of a Low-Pressure Stage Blade of a Steam Turbine
Using ANSYS . 333
Pooja Rani and Atul Kumar Agrawal
Behavioral Simulation of Biological Neuron Using VHDL . 343
Sarthak Sharma and V. K. Tomar
Flexible Manufacturing System By Mechanized Guided Vehicles
Through Genetic Algorithms Approach . 351
Aman Sharma and Rishabh Chaturvedix Contents
Investigation of Two-Stage Epicyclic Gearbox for an Automobile
for Energy Regeneration . 363
Aditi Namdeo, Ashok Atulkar, and R. K. Porwal
Securing Network Address in PingER and IOS Application
Development 377
Palak Gupta and Purushottam Sharma
Atlas Generation of Planar Flapping Wing Mechanism with Higher
Pair 391
Pankaj Vinayak Dorlikar, Nikhil Belhekar, and Sujit Suresh Pardeshi
Structural and Dynamic Analysis of an Aluminium Alloy Piston
Using Finite Element Method . 401
Prayas Gupta, Manish Kumar, Kuldeep Narwat, and Vivek Kumar
Design and Simulation of PV Solar Cell System with Microgrid
and Fuel Cell Using Discrete PID and FUZZY Controller . 427
Gunjan Taneja, Vijay Kumar Tayal, and Kamlesh Pandey
Modeling, Analysis, and Comparison of Two Materials
for Universal Joint by Using ANSYS Software . 439
Bishnu Bishwakarma, Devyanshu Raj Singh, Rohit Chaudhary,
and Brahma Nand Agrawal
Small-Scale Electricity Generation from Biogas in Third World
Countries . 449
Coddell Tanaka Mutate, Artwell Jairos Kanjanda, and Gitanjali Mehta
Design and Implementation of a Gesture-Controlled Car
with Arduino Nano Board 461
Pawan Kumar, Prabhat Kumar Singh, Vaibhav Nijhawan,
and Harsh Khanna
Design and Fabrication of a Solar-Powered Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV) . 473
Izhaan Shaikh, Mahmoud Abdelrazag Salih Suliman,
Nour Alaa Elsonbaty, Sarath Raj Nadarajan Assari Syamala,
and Apurv Yadav
Screw-Based Extruder Design for 3D Printing of Food Using Food
Layered Technology . 479
Moin Khan, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Shashi Bahl,
Chander Prakash, Rajesh Singh, and Ashok Kumar Bagha
Finite Element Analysis of Residual Stresses During Incremental
Sheet Forming of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys Using Different Tool Path
Profiles . 493
Gianender Kajal, M. R. Tyagi, and Gulshan KumarContents xi
A Comparative Analysis of Plane and Corrugated Designs of Soft
Pneumatic Actuators Based on Finite Element Method 507
Narendra Gariya and Pushpendra Kumar
Study of Anti-Tetra Chiral Auxetic Cluster Under Biaxial Loading
Using FEM . 519
G. Siva Prasad, Ch Jaya Krishna, and M. P. Hariprasad
Cross-Correlation of Schlieren Images to Retrieve Velocity
Information . 529
Louther Charl Flores David, Jhoffanel Pazo, Efstratios L. Ntantis,
and Kizhakkelan Sudhakaran Siddharth
Design and Fabrication of a Small-Scale Solar Aircraft 541
Chaithanya Reddy, Mohammed Hisham,
and Kizhakkelan Sudhakaran Siddharth
Numerical Study on the Influence of Shape Parameters
on Aerodynamic Performance of a Trapezoidal Cylinder 551
S Aiswarya Lakshmi, Parvathy Rajeev, Manu Sivan, and Ajith Kumar S
Transosonde Balloon Aerial Mapping with APRS Module and GPS
Tracking 563
Sarath Raj, Ali Asgher, Mohamed Sufyan Shafi,
and Nour Alaa Elsonbaty
Analysis of Water Indices’ Level in Nile River over the City
of Cairo Using Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery 573
Sarath Raj, Anusha Santhosh, and Sathiyagayathiri Ramamoorthy
Design and Analysis of Load Stiffness Tester for Dual Applications
in Measurement of Spring Stiffness and Walnut Shell Stiffness . 605
Shivam Aggarwal, M. L. Aggarwal, and Krishan Verma
A Review of Vehicle Automation Using Artificial Intelligence 613
Sudhanshu Sharma, S. A. Khan, Sachin Sharma, Vishal Gupta,
Yatharth Rajput, and Surya Pratap Singh
Ultra-Broadband with High Absorption Rate Metamaterial
Absorber on Thin Substrate for Airborne Radar Applications . 629
Maxon Okramcha and Malay Ranjan Tripathy
Experimental Design of a Novel Winglet for Aircraft 639
Sarath Raj, Shone George Kurian, and Sathiyagayathiri Ramamoorthy
Design and Analysis of PLA and Carbon Fiber Mono Leaf Spring
for Small Commercial Vehicles . 663
Lavepreet Singh, Shreyansh Gupta, and Rahul Katiyar
Design and Analysis of a Compliant Microgripper 673
Anurag T. Vidap, Bhagyesh D. Deshmukh, and Sujit. S. Pardeshixii Contents
Water Logging Analysis over Dubai Using Sentinel-2 Satellite
Imagery 683
Sarath Raj, Ayush Harish, and Sathiyagayathiri Ramamoorthy
Comparative Deflection Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Fixed
at One End by Using Finite Element and Analytical Method . 697
Aditya Pratap Singh, Shrikant Vidya, P. Suresh, and Amresh Kumar
Application of Compliant Mechanisms in Various Fields—A Review . 707
Pooja K. Jambhale and Bhagyesh B. Deshmukh
Enhancement of the Machine Safety Using OpenCV 717
Sumit Raut, Vishal Hase, Shreyas Kotgire, Swapnil Dalvi,
and Abhijeet Malge
Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Prognosis
of Photovoltaic Panel Using Python . 725
Neeraj Khera, Komal Rukshar Begum, and Farheen Khan
A Methodology for Optimal Scaling of Unguided and Guided
Rockets in a Military Formation 733
N. Ranjana and Indra Deo Kumar
Static Analysis of Pick-and-Place Robotic Arm Based on ANSYS 743
Shikkha Sood and Pramod Kumar
Experimental Reduction of Coke Oven Gas by Adjustment of Gas
Flow in Pushing and Charging Schedule of Coke Oven Plant 753
Niranjan Mahato, Himanshu Agarwal, and Jainendra Jain
Studying Current Safety Systems for Accident Prevention
and Wellbeing of Powered Two-Wheeler Community: Prevalence
of Safety Components 767
Gaurav Gupta, Riya Mariam Babu, Ashok Kumar Yadav,
Devendra Kumar Sinha, R. K. Tyagi, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma,
and Srinivasa Rao Gorrepati
Design and Temperature Measurement of Axisymmetric Heater
for Rotor–Stator System . 781
Rakesh Kumar Yadu and Achhaibar Singh
Formulating and Analysing the Effect of Suspension Parameters
on Critical Speeds for Various DOFs in Rail Vehicle 791
Prem Narayan Vishwakarma, Pankaj Mishra, Sunil Kumar Sharma,
and Anoop Kumar ShuklaContents xiii
Detection of Biofilm on Steel and Plastic Surfaces Using Image
Analysis 803
Manoj Kumar Dewangan, Pulkit Jain, and Gurmeet Singh
Artificial Hip Prostheses Design and Its Evaluation by Using ANSYS
Under Static Loading Condition 815
Gyan Prakash Tripathi, Sumit Agarwal, Ankita Awasthi, and Vanya Arunviii Contents
Manufacturing Process-Related Challenges of Additive
Manufactured Parts: A Review . 75
Siddharth Pradeep Kumar Samgeetha, Neethesh Maharaj,
and Bhupendra Prakash Sharma
Modelling of Kinematic Chains and Mechanisms with Special
Emphasis on Multi-Linked Jointed Chain Mechanisms . 83
Ojasvi Rajeev Sharma, Shaurya Bhatnagar, Shivam Verma,
Jatin Mahallawat, Vipin Kaushik, and Sumit Sharma
Design and Analysis of a Spherical Joint Mechanism for Robotic
Manipulators . 93
B. L. S. Gopal and Rohit Singla
Recent Progress in the Design of Solar Still: An Understanding
and Comparison . 103
Priyansh Gupta, Gopal Nandan, Syed M. I. Nakshbandi, Vishal Gaur,
Anoop Kumar Shukla, Ramakant Shrivastava, and Arnav Kumar
Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of Formula-Based Vehicle
Through ANSYS 121
Venkata Siva Sainath Bavapuram, Surya Narayanan Suresh,
Sumit Sharma, and Vipin Kaushik
Numerical Estimation of Base Reactions of an Underwater
Manipulator with Variable Drag Coefficients . 133
Chandan Kumar, N. Srinivasa Reddy, Dipankar Chatterjee,
Pratik Saha, Sambhunath Nandy, and Soumen Sen
A Study on the Reflection Coefficient of Higher Modes of Torsional
Wave by Theoretical and Numerical Method . 145
I. Boris, Sunil Kumar Sharma, and Jaesun Lee
A Comparative Study on Ultrasonic Propagation Characteristics
and Defect Detection of Metal Material Additive Manufacturing
Using Deep Learning Algorithm 157
Hyeonsu Song, Junpil Park, Sunil Kumar Sharma, and Jaesun Lee
Design and Fabrication of an Atmospheric Water Generator
for Water Harvesting from Moist Air 169
Uhinee Banerjee, Harsh Kaushik, Harshit Garg,
and Basant Singh Sikarwar
A Comprehensive Survey on Visualization of Human Action
Recognition: By Hidden Markov Model and Convolution Neural
Network 179
Aleem Ahmed, Garima Jain, Amritanshu Sharma, Md. Hashim,
and Aditya RajContents ix
Design and Modal Analysis of an Impact Energy Absorption
System for a Four-Wheeler Vehicle 197
Angat Singh, Surendra Nath Banerjee, Ujjwal Kumar, Rohit Sharma,
and Vikas Kumar
Analysis of a Steering Upright for a Three-Wheel Solar Electric Car . 209
Vinayak H. Khatawate, Burhanuddin H. Telwala, and Ayush P. Shah
Advanced Helmet System 225
Rupam Dahe and Ram Bansal
Modelling and Stress Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Fusion 360 235
Riya Pal, Shweta Mitra, Rahul, and Neetu Kanaujia
Numerical and Experimental Study of Vortex Generator 249
K. Balaji, Mayuri R. Gore, and S. V. Khandal
Performance Comparison of Cryptographic Algorithms Used
in Cloud Computing . 261
Neha Juyal, Eeshita Deepta, and Dolly Sharma
Modern Generative Design Tools: Siemens NX’s Algorithmic
Feature and Rhinoceros 3D’s Grasshopper . 275
Amit Singh Rawat and Gaurav Tiwari
Farming System: Quadcopter Fabrication and Development . 285
Rajat Yadava and Anas Aslam
Development of a Drone with Spraying Mechanism for Agricultural
Work . 295
Pratejas Tomar and Sumit Krishnan
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Pelamis Wave Energy
Converter Considering Indian Economic Estimates . 309
Krishnakant Dixit and Kanchan Yadav
Review and Development of Thermal Design of a Cryogenic Dewar 319
Pranav Pandharpatte, Kartik Kurkure, Sandeep Kore, Avinash Shinde,
and K. V. Shrinivasan
Static Analysis of a Low-Pressure Stage Blade of a Steam Turbine
Using ANSYS . 333
Pooja Rani and Atul Kumar Agrawal
Behavioral Simulation of Biological Neuron Using VHDL . 343
Sarthak Sharma and V. K. Tomar
Flexible Manufacturing System By Mechanized Guided Vehicles
Through Genetic Algorithms Approach . 351
Aman Sharma and Rishabh Chaturvedix Contents
Investigation of Two-Stage Epicyclic Gearbox for an Automobile
for Energy Regeneration . 363
Aditi Namdeo, Ashok Atulkar, and R. K. Porwal
Securing Network Address in PingER and IOS Application
Development 377
Palak Gupta and Purushottam Sharma
Atlas Generation of Planar Flapping Wing Mechanism with Higher
Pair 391
Pankaj Vinayak Dorlikar, Nikhil Belhekar, and Sujit Suresh Pardeshi
Structural and Dynamic Analysis of an Aluminium Alloy Piston
Using Finite Element Method . 401
Prayas Gupta, Manish Kumar, Kuldeep Narwat, and Vivek Kumar
Design and Simulation of PV Solar Cell System with Microgrid
and Fuel Cell Using Discrete PID and FUZZY Controller . 427
Gunjan Taneja, Vijay Kumar Tayal, and Kamlesh Pandey
Modeling, Analysis, and Comparison of Two Materials
for Universal Joint by Using ANSYS Software . 439
Bishnu Bishwakarma, Devyanshu Raj Singh, Rohit Chaudhary,
and Brahma Nand Agrawal
Small-Scale Electricity Generation from Biogas in Third World
Countries . 449
Coddell Tanaka Mutate, Artwell Jairos Kanjanda, and Gitanjali Mehta
Design and Implementation of a Gesture-Controlled Car
with Arduino Nano Board 461
Pawan Kumar, Prabhat Kumar Singh, Vaibhav Nijhawan,
and Harsh Khanna
Design and Fabrication of a Solar-Powered Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV) . 473
Izhaan Shaikh, Mahmoud Abdelrazag Salih Suliman,
Nour Alaa Elsonbaty, Sarath Raj Nadarajan Assari Syamala,
and Apurv Yadav
Screw-Based Extruder Design for 3D Printing of Food Using Food
Layered Technology . 479
Moin Khan, Abid Haleem, Mohd Javaid, Shashi Bahl,
Chander Prakash, Rajesh Singh, and Ashok Kumar Bagha
Finite Element Analysis of Residual Stresses During Incremental
Sheet Forming of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys Using Different Tool Path
Profiles . 493
Gianender Kajal, M. R. Tyagi, and Gulshan KumarContents xi
A Comparative Analysis of Plane and Corrugated Designs of Soft
Pneumatic Actuators Based on Finite Element Method 507
Narendra Gariya and Pushpendra Kumar
Study of Anti-Tetra Chiral Auxetic Cluster Under Biaxial Loading
Using FEM . 519
G. Siva Prasad, Ch Jaya Krishna, and M. P. Hariprasad
Cross-Correlation of Schlieren Images to Retrieve Velocity
Information . 529
Louther Charl Flores David, Jhoffanel Pazo, Efstratios L. Ntantis,
and Kizhakkelan Sudhakaran Siddharth
Design and Fabrication of a Small-Scale Solar Aircraft 541
Chaithanya Reddy, Mohammed Hisham,
and Kizhakkelan Sudhakaran Siddharth
Numerical Study on the Influence of Shape Parameters
on Aerodynamic Performance of a Trapezoidal Cylinder 551
S Aiswarya Lakshmi, Parvathy Rajeev, Manu Sivan, and Ajith Kumar S
Transosonde Balloon Aerial Mapping with APRS Module and GPS
Tracking 563
Sarath Raj, Ali Asgher, Mohamed Sufyan Shafi,
and Nour Alaa Elsonbaty
Analysis of Water Indices’ Level in Nile River over the City
of Cairo Using Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery 573
Sarath Raj, Anusha Santhosh, and Sathiyagayathiri Ramamoorthy
Design and Analysis of Load Stiffness Tester for Dual Applications
in Measurement of Spring Stiffness and Walnut Shell Stiffness . 605
Shivam Aggarwal, M. L. Aggarwal, and Krishan Verma
A Review of Vehicle Automation Using Artificial Intelligence 613
Sudhanshu Sharma, S. A. Khan, Sachin Sharma, Vishal Gupta,
Yatharth Rajput, and Surya Pratap Singh
Ultra-Broadband with High Absorption Rate Metamaterial
Absorber on Thin Substrate for Airborne Radar Applications . 629
Maxon Okramcha and Malay Ranjan Tripathy
Experimental Design of a Novel Winglet for Aircraft 639
Sarath Raj, Shone George Kurian, and Sathiyagayathiri Ramamoorthy
Design and Analysis of PLA and Carbon Fiber Mono Leaf Spring
for Small Commercial Vehicles . 663
Lavepreet Singh, Shreyansh Gupta, and Rahul Katiyar
Design and Analysis of a Compliant Microgripper 673
Anurag T. Vidap, Bhagyesh D. Deshmukh, and Sujit. S. Pardeshixii Contents
Water Logging Analysis over Dubai Using Sentinel-2 Satellite
Imagery 683
Sarath Raj, Ayush Harish, and Sathiyagayathiri Ramamoorthy
Comparative Deflection Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Fixed
at One End by Using Finite Element and Analytical Method . 697
Aditya Pratap Singh, Shrikant Vidya, P. Suresh, and Amresh Kumar
Application of Compliant Mechanisms in Various Fields—A Review . 707
Pooja K. Jambhale and Bhagyesh B. Deshmukh
Enhancement of the Machine Safety Using OpenCV 717
Sumit Raut, Vishal Hase, Shreyas Kotgire, Swapnil Dalvi,
and Abhijeet Malge
Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Prognosis
of Photovoltaic Panel Using Python . 725
Neeraj Khera, Komal Rukshar Begum, and Farheen Khan
A Methodology for Optimal Scaling of Unguided and Guided
Rockets in a Military Formation 733
N. Ranjana and Indra Deo Kumar
Static Analysis of Pick-and-Place Robotic Arm Based on ANSYS 743
Shikkha Sood and Pramod Kumar
Experimental Reduction of Coke Oven Gas by Adjustment of Gas
Flow in Pushing and Charging Schedule of Coke Oven Plant 753
Niranjan Mahato, Himanshu Agarwal, and Jainendra Jain
Studying Current Safety Systems for Accident Prevention
and Wellbeing of Powered Two-Wheeler Community: Prevalence
of Safety Components 767
Gaurav Gupta, Riya Mariam Babu, Ashok Kumar Yadav,
Devendra Kumar Sinha, R. K. Tyagi, Sanjeev Kumar Sharma,
and Srinivasa Rao Gorrepati
Design and Temperature Measurement of Axisymmetric Heater
for Rotor–Stator System . 781
Rakesh Kumar Yadu and Achhaibar Singh
Formulating and Analysing the Effect of Suspension Parameters
on Critical Speeds for Various DOFs in Rail Vehicle 791
Prem Narayan Vishwakarma, Pankaj Mishra, Sunil Kumar Sharma,
and Anoop Kumar ShuklaContents xiii
Detection of Biofilm on Steel and Plastic Surfaces Using Image
Analysis 803
Manoj Kumar Dewangan, Pulkit Jain, and Gurmeet Singh
Artificial Hip Prostheses Design and Its Evaluation by Using ANSYS
Under Static Loading Condition 815
Gyan Prakash Tripathi, Sumit Agarwal, Ankita Awasthi, and Vanya Arun

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كتاب Advances in Engineering Design - Select Proceedings of FLAME 2022
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