كتاب Make - Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA
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 كتاب Make - Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA

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عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Make - Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA
Making Waerables with an Arduino Compatible Electronics Platform
Becky Stem and Tyler Cooper

كتاب Make - Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA  M_g_s_14
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface . vii
1/What You’ll Need 1
Tools . 1
Sewing Needle 1
Scissors . 2
Embroidery Hoop . 2
Conductive Thread 3
Clear Nail Polish or Fray Check 4
Sewing Machine 5
Disappearing Marking Pen 5
Clothes Iron 6
Soldering Iron 6
Solder . 7
Wire Strippers 8
Flush Diagonal Cutters . 8
Multimeter . 9
Techniques 9
Sewing . 10
Soldering . 10
Washing Your Wearable Projects 11
2/Getting the Software 15
Installing Arduino Libraries . 16
Let’s Get Blinking! . 16
3/Hardware . 21
Little, Round, Different . 22
FLORA Power 24
Family of Add-ons . 25
LED Sequins 25
RGB NeoPixels 26
FLORA Accelerometer/Compass Module (Motion Sensor) . 28
FLORA Accelerometer/Compass/Gyro (Motion Sensor) 29
iiiFLORA Light Sensor 30
FLORA UV Index Sensor . 31
FLORA Color Sensor 32
FLORA GPS (Location Sensor) 32
4/Making Stitches 35
Threading the Needle 35
Using an Embroidery Hoop . 36
The Running Stitch 38
Connecting Components . 40
Tying and Sealing Knots 41
Attaching Conductive Thread Buses with a Sewing Machine 43
5/Your First FLORA Project 47
Layout and Circuit Diagram . 47
Sew the Circuit . 48
Set Up . 48
Stitch the Pixel 49
Fish Fin Switch 50
Get Your Code On . 51
Hand Embroidering the Design 53
Battery 53
6/Intermediate Project: Sparkle Skirt 57
Layout and Circuit Diagram . 58
Sew the Circuit . 61
Code and Battery . 65
Wear It! . 70
7/Advanced Project: FLORA NeoGeo Watch 71
Layout and Circuit Diagram . 72
Assemble the Circuit 74
Assemble the Watch . 78
The Code 81
Using the Watch 85
Modifying Your NeoGeo Watch 87
8/Troubleshooting 89
Connectivity 89
Arduino IDE Issues 89
Compilation Errors . 90
Upload Errors . 90
iv ContentsUsage Issues . 91
Frequently Asked Questions 91
Manufacturer Support . 92
9/More Resources 93
Adafruit Online Resources 93
Other Online Resources 93
Print Resources . 94
Index . 95
3-axis accelerometers, 28
9 degrees of freedom (9DOF) sensor, 29
accelerometer/compass, 28
accelerometer/compass/gyro, 29
Adafruit FLORA
Atmega32u4 processor, 21
benefits of, viii, 21
customized Arduino IDE, 15
development of, vii
layout of, ix, 21-24
main board details, 22
main board functions, 21
manufacturer support, 92
pin names, assigning, 17
pins, assigning functions to, 17
powering, 21, 24-25
programming, x
resources, 93
USB support, ix, 23
Adafruit Learning System, 17, 93
FLORA accelerometer/compass
module, 28
FLORA accelerometer/
compass/gyro, 29
FLORA color sensor, 32
FLORA light sensor, 30
FLORA UV index sensor, 31
LED sequins, 25
RGB NeoPixels, 26
Android devices, 92
angler fish project
battery, 53
body embroidery, 53
circuit setup, 48
fish fin switch, 50
layout/circuit diagram, 47
materials needed, 47
overview of, 47
pixel stitching, 49
software, 51
Arduino IDE
basic software setup, 16
customized FLORA version, 15
installing Arduino libraries, 16
troubleshooting, 89
Atmega32u4 processor, 21
battery options, 21, 24-25
bike projects, viii
biometric data, viii
bootloader feedback, 23
clear nail polish, 4
clothes iron, 6
Codebender IDE, 16
color sensor, 32
compilation errors, 90
components, connecting, 40
conductive thread
buses, 43
connecting runs of, 43
needle threading, 35
using, 3
connectivity, troubleshooting, 89
cutters, flush diagonal, 8
diagonal cutters, flush, 8
95digital (I2C) interface, 28
disappearing marking pens, 5
embroidery hoops
selecting, 2
using, 36
compilation, 90
upload, 90
fade effect, 25
FAQs, 91
FET (field-effect transistor), 21
FLORA 9 degrees of freedom
(9DOF) sensor, 29
FLORA accelerometer/compass
module, 28
FLORA accelerometer/compass/
gyro, 29
FLORA color sensor, 32
FLORA light sensor, 30
FLORA NeoGeo watch (see LED
timepiece project)
FLORA UV index sensor, 31
fray check, 4
fuses, 21
GEMMA microcontroller, 92
GPS sensor, 32
GPS watch (see LED timepiece
Atmega32u4 processor, 21
FLORA accelerometer/compass
module, 28
FLORA accelerometer/
compass/gyro, 29
FLORA color sensor, 32
FLORA light sensor, 30
FLORA main board, 21-24
FLORA UV index sensor, 31
LED sequins, 25
powering, 24-25
RGB NeoPixels, 26
HID (human interface device), 23
I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuits), 29
ICSP connector, 23
infrared sensors, 30
clothes, 6
soldering, 6
conductivity of, 43
tying/sealing, 41
LED timepiece project, 71-88
circuit diagram, 72
circuit set up, 74
materials needed, 71
modifications to, 87
overview of, 71
software, 81
using, 85
watch assembly, 78
blinking, 16
indicator, 23
RGB NeoPixels, 26
sew-on sequins, 25
light sensors, 30
location sensor, 32
LSM303DLHC sensor, 28
lux sensors, 30
magnetometers, 28
main board
functions of, 21
96 Indexlayout of, 21
powering, 21
main program loop, 18
marking pens, disappearing, 5
metering tools, 9
motion sensors
FLORA accelerometer/
compass, 28
FLORA accelerometer/
compass/gyro, 29
MTK3339 chipset, 33
multimeter tool, 9
nail polish, clear, 4
needles (see sewing needles)
NeoGeo watch (see LED timepiece
NeoPixels, 26, 43
9 degrees of freedom (9DOF) sensor, 29
on/off switch, 23
online resources, 93
outputs, setting pins as, 18
assigning functions to, 17
assigning names to, 17
pinout diagram, 23
setting as outputs, 18
pixels, 26, 43
power options, 21, 24-25
print resources, 94
beginner angler fish (beginner),
LED timepiece (advanced), 71
sparkle skirt (intermediate), 57
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), 27
reset button, 23
resources, 93-94
RGB NeoPixels, 26, 43
running stitch, 38
scissors, 2
accelerometer/compass, 28
color, 32
GPS location, 32
light, 30
UV index, 31
component connection, 40
conductive thread buses, 43
connecting runs of thread, 43
embroidery hoops, using, 36
needle threading, 35
running stitch, 38
technique, 10
tying/sealing knots, 41
sewing machines
selecting, 5
zig-zag stitch, 43
sewing needles
selecting, 1
threading, 35
Si1145 sensor, 31
sketches, blinking LEDs, 16
software, 15-19
Arduino IDE, 15
basic setup of, 16
Codebender IDE, 16
installing Arduino libraries, 16
solder selection, 7
soldering iron, 6
technique, 10
sparkle skirt project, 57-70
battery, 69
circuit set up, 61
layout/circuit diagram, 58
materials needed, 57
overview of, 57
Index 97software, 65
running stitch, 38
zig-zag, 43
techniques, 9-13
sewing, 10
soldering, 10
washing your project, 11-13
thread (see conductive thread)
3-axis accelerometers, 28
tools, 1-9
clothes iron, 6
conductive thread, 3
embroidery hoops, 2
flush diagonal cutters, 8
marking pens, 5
multimeter, 9
nail polish/fray check, 4
scissors, 2
sewing machines, 5
sewing needles, 1
solder, 7
soldering iron, 6
wire strippers, 8
troubleshooting, 89-92
Arduino IDE, 89
compilation errors, 90
connectivity, 89
FAQs, 91
manufacturer support, 92
upload errors, 90
usage issues, 91
twinkle effect, 25
upload errors, 90
usage issues, troubleshooting, 91
USB HID (human interface device)
support, 23
UV index sensor, 31
washing your project, 11-13
watch project (see LED timepiece
wearable electronics
bike projects, viii
biometric data, viii
examples of, vii
fashion sense and, viii
LED timepiece project, 71
phone interaction, vii
popularity of, vii
role of Adafruit FLORA, vii
sensors for, 28-33
sparkle skirt project, 57
wire strippers, 8
zig-zag stitch, 43

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