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| موضوع: كتاب Project Management - The Managerial Process - Seventh Edition الخميس 1 فبراير 2024 - 0:05 | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Project Management - The Managerial Process - Seventh Edition Erik W. Larson, Clifford F. Gray Oregon State University Chapter-by-Chapter Revisions for the Seventh Edition
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Chapter 1: Modern Project Management ∙ New Snapshot: Project Management in Action 2016. ∙ Information updated. ∙ New Snapshot: Ron Parker replaced Research Highlight: Works well with others. ∙ New case: The Hokie Lunch Group. Chapter 2: Organization Strategy and Project Selection ∙ New Snapshot: Project Code Names replaced HP’s Strategy Revision. Chapter 3: Organization: Structure and Culture ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ Snapshot: Google-y updated. ∙ Snapshot: Skunk Works at Lockheed Martin updated. Chapter 4: Defining the Project ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ New case: Home Improvement Project.Note to Student xv Chapter 5: Estimating Project Times and Costs ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ New Snapshot: London 2012 Olympics: Avoiding White Elephant curse. ∙ Expanded discussion of Mega Projects including the emergence of white elephants. Chapter 6: Developing a Project Schedule ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ New Exercises 2-15 and Lag Exercises 18-21. ∙ Shoreline Stadium case replaces Greendale Stadium case. Chapter 7: Managing Risk ∙ Learning objectives established. Chapter 8 Appendix 1: The Critical-Chain Approach ∙ Learning objectives established. Chapter 9: Reducing Project Duration ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ Snapshot: Smartphone Wars updated. ∙ New exercises 1-7. Chapter 10: Leadership: Being an Effective Project Manager ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ New Research Highlight: Give and Take. ∙ Ethics discussion expanded. Chapter 11: Managing Project Teams ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ Expanded discussion on project vision. Chapter 12: Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations ∙ Learning objectives established. ∙ Discussion of RFP process. ∙ New Snapshot: U.S. Department of Defense’s Value Engineering Awards 2015. Chapter 13 Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation ∙ Learning Objectives established. ∙ Discussion of milestone schedules. ∙ New Snapshot: Guidelines for Setting Milestones. ∙ Discussion of Management Reserve Index. ∙ New case: Shoreline Stadium Status Report.xvi Note to Student Chapter 14: Project Closure ∙ Major Revision of chapter with more attention to project audit and closing activities. ∙ New Snapshot: The Wake. ∙ New Snapshot: 2015 PMO of the Year. ∙ New Snapshot: Operation Eagle Claw. ∙ Project Management Maturity model introduced. Chapter 15: International Projects ∙ Learning Objectives established. Chapter 16: An Introduction to Agile Project Management ∙ Learning Objectives established. ∙ New Snapshot: Kanban.xvii Preface ix 1. Modern Project Management 2 2. Organization Strategy and Project Selection 26 3. Organization: Structure and Culture 66 4. Defining the Project 100 5. Estimating Project Times and Costs 128 6. Developing a Project Plan 162 7. Managing Risk 206 8. Scheduling Resources and Costs 250 9. Reducing Project Duration 304 10. Being an Effective Project Manager 338 11. Managing Project Teams 374 12. Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations 418 Brief Contents 13. Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation 458 14. Project Closure 514 15. International Projects 544 16. An Introduction to Agile Project Management 578 APPENDIX One Solutions to Selected Exercises 603 Two Computer Project Exercises 616 GLOSSARY 633 ACRONYMS 640 PROJECT MANAGEMENT EQUATIONS 641 CROSS REFERENCE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT 642 SOCIO-TECHNICAL APPROACH TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT 643 INDEX 644xviii Contents Preface ix Chapter 1 Modern Project Management 2 1.1 What Is a Project? 6 What a Project Is Not 7 Program versus Project 7 The Project Life Cycle 8 The Project Manager 9 Being Part of a Project Team 11 1.2 Current Drivers of Project Management 12 Compression of the Product Life Cycle 12 Knowledge Explosion 12 Triple Bottom Line (Planet, People, Profit) 12 Increased Customer Focus 12 Small Projects Represent Big Problems 15 1.3 Project Governance 15 Alignment of Projects with Organizational Strategy 16 1.4 Project Management Today: A Socio-Technical Approach 17 Summary 18 Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 26 2.1 The Strategic Management Process: An Overview 29 Four Activities of the Strategic Management Process 29 2.2 The Need for a Project Priority System 34 Problem 1: The Implementation Gap 34 Problem 2: Organization Politics 35 Problem 3: Resource Conflicts and Multitasking 36 2.3 A Portfolio Management System 37 Classification of the Project 37 2.4 Selection Criteria 38 Financial Criteria 38 Nonfinancial Criteria 40 2.5 Applying a Selection Model 43 Project Classification 43 Sources and Solicitation of Project Proposals 44 Ranking Proposals and Selection of Projects 46 2.6 Managing the Portfolio System 48 Senior Management Input 48 The Governance Team Responsibilities 49 Balancing the Portfolio for Risks and Types of Projects 50 Summary 51 Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 66 3.1 Project Management Structures 68 Organizing Projects within the Functional Organization 68 Organizing Projects as Dedicated Teams 71 Organizing Projects within a Matrix Arrangement 75 Different Matrix Forms 76 3.2 What Is the Right Project Management Structure? 79 Organization Considerations 79 Project Considerations 79 3.3 Organizational Culture 81 What Is Organizational Culture? 81 Identifying Cultural Characteristics 83 3.4 Implications of Organizational Culture for Organizing Projects 86 Summary 89 Chapter 4 Defining the Project 100 4.1 Step 1: Defining the Project Scope 102 Employing a Project Scope Checklist 103 4.2 Step 2: Establishing Project Priorities 106 4.3 Step 3: Creating the Work Breakdown Structure 108 Major Groupings Found in a WBS 108 How WBS Helps the Project Manager 108 A Simple WBS Development 109 4.4 Step 4: Integrating the WBS with the Organization 113 4.5 Step 5: Coding the WBS for the Information System 113 4.6 Process Breakdown Structure 116Contents xix 4.7 Responsibility Matrices 117 4.8 Project Communication Plan 119 Summary 121 Chapter 5 Estimating Project Times and Costs 128 5.1 Factors Influencing the Quality of Estimates 130 Planning Horizon 130 Project Complexity 130 People 131 Project Structure and Organization 131 Padding Estimates 131 Organization Culture 131 Other Factors 131 5.2 Estimating Guidelines for Times, Costs, and Resources 132 5.3 Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Estimating 134 5.4 Methods for Estimating Project Times and Costs 136 Top-Down Approaches for Estimating Project Times and Costs 136 Bottom-Up Approaches for Estimating Project Times and Costs 140 A Hybrid: Phase Estimating 141 5.5 Level of Detail 143 5.6 Types of Costs 144 Direct Costs 145 Direct Project Overhead Costs 145 General and Administrative (G&A) Overhead Costs 145 5.7 Refining Estimates 146 5.8 Creating a Database for Estimating 148 5.9 Mega Projects: A Special Case 149 Summary 151 Appendix 5.1: Learning Curves for Estimating 157 Chapter 6 Developing a Project Plan 162 6.1 Developing the Project Network 163 6.2 From Work Package to Network 164 6.3 Constructing a Project Network 166 Terminology 166 Basic Rules to Follow in Developing Project Networks 166 6.4 Activity-on-Node (AON) Fundamentals 167 6.5 Network Computation Process 171 Forward Pass—Earliest Times 171 Backward Pass—Latest Times 173 Determining Slack (or Float) 175 6.6 Using the Forward and Backward Pass Information 177 6.7 Level of Detail for Activities 178 6.8 Practical Considerations 178 Network Logic Errors 178 Activity Numbering 179 Use of Computers to Develop Networks 179 Calendar Dates 182 Multiple Starts and Multiple Projects 182 6.9 Extended Network Techniques to Come Closer to Reality 182 Laddering 182 Use of Lags to Reduce Schedule Detail and Project Duration 183 An Example Using Lag Relationships—The Forward and Backward Pass 186 Hammock Activities 188 Summary 189 Chapter 7 Managing Risk 206 7.1 Risk Management Process 208 7.2 Step 1: Risk Identification 210 7.3 Step 2: Risk Assessment 212 Probability Analysis 215 7.4 Step 3: Risk Response Development 216 Mitigating Risk 216 Avoiding Risk 217 Transferring Risk 217 Accept Risk 218 7.5 Contingency Planning 219 Technical Risks 220 Schedule Risks 222 Cost Risks 222 Funding Risks 222 7.6 Opportunity Management 223 7.7 Contingency Funding and Time Buffers 223 Budget Reserves 224 Management Reserves 224 Time Buffers 225 7.8 Step 4: Risk Response Control 225 7.9 Change Control Management 226 Summary 230 Appendix 7.1: PERT and PERT Simulation 240xx Contents Chapter 8 Scheduling Resources and Costs 250 8.1 Overview of the Resource Scheduling Problem 252 8.2 Types of Resource Constraints 254 8.3 Classification of a Scheduling Problem 255 8.4 Resource Allocation Methods 255 Assumptions 255 Time-Constrained Project: Smoothing Resource Demand 256 Resource-Constrained Projects 257 8.5 Computer Demonstration of ResourceConstrained Scheduling 262 The Impacts of Resource-Constrained Scheduling 266 8.6 Splitting Activities 269 8.7 Benefits of Scheduling Resources 270 8.8 Assigning Project Work 271 8.9 Multiproject Resource Schedules 272 8.10 Using the Resource Schedule to Develop a Project Cost Baseline 273 Why a Time-Phased Budget Baseline Is Needed 273 Creating a Time-Phased Budget 274 Summary 279 Appendix 8.1: The Critical-Chain Approach 294 Chapter 9 Reducing Project Duration 304 9.1 Rationale for Reducing Project Duration 306 9.2 Options for Accelerating Project Completion 307 Options When Resources Are Not Constrained 308 Options When Resources Are Constrained 310 9.3 Project Cost–Duration Graph 313 Explanation of Project Costs 313 9.4 Constructing a Project Cost–Duration Graph 314 Determining the Activities to Shorten 314 A Simplified Example 316 9.5 Practical Considerations 318 Using the Project Cost–Duration Graph 318 Crash Times 319 Linearity Assumption 319 Choice of Activities to Crash Revisited 319 Time Reduction Decisions and Sensitivity 320 9.6 What If Cost, Not Time, Is the Issue? 321 Reduce Project Scope 322 Have Owner Take on More Responsibility 322 Outsourcing Project Activities or Even the Entire Project 322 Brainstorming Cost Savings Options 322 Summary 323 Chapter 10 Being an Effective Project Manager 338 10.1 Managing versus Leading a Project 340 10.2 Managing Project Stakeholders 341 10.3 Influence as Exchange 345 Task-Related Currencies 345 Position-Related Currencies 346 Inspiration-Related Currencies 347 Relationship-Related Currencies 347 Personal-Related Currencies 348 10.4 Social Network Building 348 Mapping Stakeholder Dependencies 348 Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) 350 Managing Upward Relations 351 Leading by Example 353 10.5 Ethics and Project Management 356 10.6 Building Trust: The Key to Exercising Influence 357 10.7 Qualities of an Effective Project Manager 359 Summary 362 Chapter 11 Managing Project Teams 374 11.1 The Five-Stage Team Development Model 377 11.2 Situational Factors Affecting Team Development 379 11.3 Building High-Performance Project Teams 381 Recruiting Project Members 381 Conducting Project Meetings 383 Establishing Team Norms 385 Establishing a Team Identity 387 Creating a Shared Vision 388 Managing Project Reward Systems 391 Orchestrating the Decision-Making Process 392 Managing Conflict within the Project 394 Rejuvenating the Project Team 398 11.4 Managing Virtual Project Teams 399 11.5 Project Team Pitfalls 403 Groupthink 403 Bureaucratic Bypass Syndrome 404Contents xxi Team Spirit Becomes Team Infatuation 404 Going Native 404 Summary 405 Chapter 12 Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations 418 12.1 Outsourcing Project Work 420 12.2 Request for Proposal (RFP) 424 Selection of Contractor from Bid Proposals 425 12.3 Best Practices in Outsourcing Project Work 426 Well-Defined Requirements and Procedures 426 Extensive Training and Team-Building Activities 428 Well-Established Conflict Management Processes in Place 429 Frequent Review and Status Updates 431 Co-Location When Needed 432 Fair and Incentive-Laden Contracts 432 Long-Term Outsourcing Relationships 433 12.4 The Art of Negotiating 434 1. Separate the People from the Problem 435 2. Focus on Interests, Not Positions 436 3. Invent Options for Mutual Gain 437 4. When Possible, Use Objective Criteria 138 Dealing with Unreasonable People 438 12.5 A Note on Managing Customer Relations 439 Summary 442 Appendix 12.1: Contract Management 451 Chapter 13 Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation 458 13.1 Structure of a Project Monitoring Information System 460 What Data Are Collected? 460 Collecting Data and Analysis 460 Reports and Reporting 460 13.2 The Project Control Process 461 Step 1: Setting a Baseline Plan 461 Step 2: Measuring Progress and Performance 461 Step 3: Comparing Plan against Actual 462 Step 4: Taking Action 462 13.3 Monitoring Time Performance 462 Tracking Gantt Chart 463 Control Chart 463 Milestone Schedules 464 13.4 Development of an Earned Value Cost/Schedule System 467 Percent Complete Rule 467 What Costs Are Included in Baselines? 467 Methods of Variance Analysis 468 13.5 Developing a Status Report: A Hypothetical Example 470 Assumptions 470 Baseline Development 470 Development of the Status Report 471 13.6 Indexes to Monitor Progress 475 Performance Indexes 477 Project Percent Complete Indexes 474 Software for Project Cost/Schedule Systems 477 Additional Earned Value Rules 478 13.7 Forecasting Final Project Cost 476 13.8 Other Control Issues 481 Technical Performance Measurement 481 Scope Creep 483 Baseline Changes 483 The Costs and Problems of Data Acquisition 485 Summary 486 Appendix 13.1: The Application of Additional Earned Value Rules 505 Appendix 13.2: Obtaining Project Performance Information from MS Project 2010 or 2015 511 Chapter 14 Project Closure 514 14.1 Types of Project Closure 516 14.2 Wrap-up Closure Activities 518 14.3 Project Audits 521 The Project Audit Process 522 Project Retrospectives 525 Project Audits: The Bigger Picture 529 14.4 Post-Implementation Evaluation 532 Team Evaluation 532 Individual, Team Member, and Project Manager Performance Reviews 534 Summary 537 Appendix 14.1: Project Closeout Checklist 539 Appendix 14.2: Euro Conversion—Project Closure Checklist 541 Chapter 15 International Projects 544 15.1 Environmental Factors 546 Legal/Political 546 Security 547 Geography 548xxii Contents Economic 549 Infrastructure 550 Culture 551 15.2 Project Site Selection 553 15.3 Cross-Cultural Considerations: A Closer Look 554 Adjustments 555 Working in Mexico 556 Working in France 559 Working in Saudi Arabia 560 Working in China 562 Working in the United States 563 Summary Comments about Working in Different Cultures 565 Culture Shock 565 Coping with Culture Shock 567 15.4 Selection and Training for International Projects 568 Summary 571 Chapter 16 An Introduction to Agile Project Management 578 16.1 Traditional versus Agile Methods 580 16.2 Agile PM 582 16.3 Agile PM in Action: Scrum 585 Roles and Responsibilities 586 Scrum Meetings 587 Product and Sprint Backlogs 588 Sprint and Release Burndown Charts 589 16.4 Applying Agile PM to Large Projects 592 16.5 Limitations and Concerns 593 Summary 595 Appendix One: Solutions to Selected Exercise 603 Appendix Two: Computer Project Exercises 616 Glossary 633 Acronyms 640 Project Management Equations 641 Cross Reference of Project Management 642 Socio-Technical Approach to Project Management 643 Index 644 Index A Abdel-Hamid, T., 328 Abdelshafi, I., 598 Abramovici, A., 501 Abrashoff, D. M., 365 acceleration options, 307–312 accounting services, 357, 438 Acer Predator 6, 306 Ackoff, Russell L., 545, 572 activity basic relationships, 168–170 burst, 166, 169, 174 defined, 164, 166, 168 hammock, 188 level of detail, 178 merge, 166, 169, 172–173 numbering, 179 parallel, 166, 169 in project networks, 164–170 splitting, 255, 269, 295–296, 300 activity-on-arrow (AOA), 167–170 activity-on-node (AON), 167–170 versus activity-on-arrow (AOA), 167–168 automated warehouses, 169, 170, 171–177, 179–181 backward pass, 173–175 basic relationships, 168–170 computers in developing, 179–182 forward pass, 171–173 fundamentals, 167–168 laddering, 182, 183 lag relationship, 182–187 combinations, 183, 186 finish-to-finish, 186 finish-to-start, 183 start-to-finish, 186 start-to-start, 183–184 use in forward and backward pass, 186–187 activity orientation, 557 actual cost (AC) defined, 466 variance analysis, 468–469 Adams, A. M., 232 Adams, J. R., 395, 407 Adaptive Software Development, 593 adjourning stage of team development, 378 Adler, N., 551, 568, 572 Adler, P. S., 55 administrative support, dependencies of, 342 Aerial Transportation, Inc., 135 aerospace industry, 72, 383 Agile Alliance, 593 Agile Manifesto, 593 Agile PM (Agile Project Management), 221n, 579–595 examples of, 584, 585 iterative incremental development processes (IIDs), 582–584 with large projects, 592–593 limitations and concerns, 593–595 nature of, 579–580 process break-down structure (PBS), 584 scrum, 585–592 traditional methods versus, 580–582 AgileZen, 590 Ahmadi, R., 328 Air France (Concorde), 150 airlines, 150, 438 airplane production, 297, 422–423 Albaugh, Jim (Boeing), 423 Alexander, R. C., 35n6, 57 Allen, Roger E., 101n Allen, Stephen D., 101n all-or-nothing projects, 222 alternatives, in group decision making, 394 AMRDEC Maintenance Engineering Division, 434 Anand, V., 365 Anbari, F. T., 501 Ancona, D. G., 365 Andersen, Arthur E., 357 Andersen, Erling S., 366 Angola, 548 Angus, R. B., 456 Aniftos, S., 539 Apocalypse Now (film), 549 Apple, 15, 32, 36, 49, 74, 306, 420, 423 Applebaum, Jeffrey, 431 apportionment, for estimating project times and costs, 137 Arenas, Gilbert, 520 Arms, P. B., 555, 572 Arrow, K. J., 258, 291 Arthur Andersen, 356, 357 artificial intelligence, 30 Ashforth, B. E., 365 Ashley, D. B., 102, 124 Atkinson, W., 232 AT&T, 27, 67–68, 138, 535 audit. See project audit automated warehouses, 169, 170, 171–177, 179–181 automotive industry, 13, 387 Avatar (film), 404n avoiding risk, 217 B backward pass-latest times, 173–175 lag relationships, 186–187 using backward pass information, 177–178 Badaracco, J. L. Jr., 365 Baker, B. M., 328 Baker, B., 232, 365 Baker, W. E., 365 balanced matrix, 76 Bangalore (India), 420. See also India Bank of America, 138 Bard, J. F., 367 Barnes, M., 154 Barnes, R., 301, 302 baseline budget, 470–471 baselines changes in, 483–484 developing, 273–278, 470–471 project cost, 251, 273–278 project monitoring information system, 461, 467, 470–471, 483–484 time-phased budget, 251, 273–278, 465, 467 basic nature of people, 557 BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), 438 Baxter, Jerry B., 308n Bay of Pigs invasion (Cuba), 403 Bedeian, A. G., 232 behavior, in organizational culture, 85 Beijing Olympics (2008), 150 BellAircraft, 222 Benko, C., 20, 55 Bennis, W., 360, 365 Benson, S., 408 Berkun, S., 389n6, 407 Bertsche, R., 365 best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA), 438 best practices in outsourcing, 426–434 co-location, 432 conflict management processes 429, 431 fair and incentive-laden contracts, 433 frequent review and status updates, 431–432 long-term outsourcing relationships, 433–434Index 645 Hector Gaming Company, 57–58 The Hokies Lunch Group, 22–25 The Home Improvement Project, 126–127 Horizon Consulting, 97–99 International Capital, Inc.—Part A, 245–246 International Capital, Inc.—Part B, 329 Introducing Scrum at P2P, 599–602 Kerzner Office Equipment, 410–412 Manchester United Soccer Club, 125–126 Maximum Megahertz Project, 542 Moss and McAdams Accounting Firm, 94–96 Nightingale Project—A, 332–333 Nightingale Project—B, 333–334 The “Now” Wedding—Part A, 334–336 The “Now” Wedding—Part B, 336 Phuket A, 576 Post Graduation Adventure, 156–157 Power Train, Ltd., 292–294 Scanner Project, 504 Sharp Printing, AG, 155–156 Shell Case Fabricators, 444–446 Shoreline Stadium Case, 204–205 Shoreline Stadium Status Report Case, 502–503 Silver Fiddle Construction. 234–235 Sustaining Project Risk management during Implementation, 238–240 Tom Bray, 371–372 Trans LAN Project, 235–236 Tree Trimming Project, 502 Whitbread World Sailboat Race, 329–331 XSU Spring Concert, 237–238 Casey, W., 80, 80n, 92 Castro, Edson de, 389 Cavendish, J., 456 C. C. Myers, Inc., 308 CCPM. See critical-chain project management (CCPM) celebration in closing stage, 521 certification programs, 4 Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), 4 change management systems, 227–229 change request forms and logs, 227–229 integration of, 228–229 changed priority closure, 518 Chaparral Steel, 80–81, 88 Charnes, A., 291 Chatman, J., 82n, 93 checklists closing stage, 516, 518, 519 project scope, 103, 105–106 in project selection, 41 time-phased budget baselines, 251, 273–278, 465 Buehler, R., 147, 154 buffers feeder, 296 project, 296 resource, 296 time, 225 Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) provisions, 217 bureaucratic bypass syndrome, 404 Burgess, A. R., 291 burst activities, 166, 169, 174 Button, S., 301, 302 C Cabanis, J., 356n6, 365 Cabanis-Brewin, J., 361n, 365 Cahill, T., 547, 572 Caldwell, D., 365 Caldwell, D. F., 82n, 93 calendar dates, for project activities, 182 Calhoun, Chad, 312 California Department of Transportation (CalTrans), 308 Callaway Golf, 104 Cameron, K. S., 92 Canan, Cystal, 431 Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 529 CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management), 4 career paths. See project management career paths Carlton, J., 74n, 92 Carr, M. J., 232 Carrier Transicold, 220 cases The Accounting Software Installation Project, 446–447 A Day in the Life, 20–22 Advantage Energy Technology Data Center Migration—Part A, 202–204 Advantage Energy Technology Data Center Migration—Part B, 246–249 Ajax Project, 412–413 Fly-Fishing Expedition, 233–234 AMEX, Hungary, 574–576 Blue Mountain Cabin, 292 The Blue Sky Project, 367–371 Buxton Hall, 447–450 The CCPM Dilemma, 303 Cerberus Corporation, 372–373 Film Prioritization, 58–59 Franklin Equipment, Ltd., 414–416 Fund Raising Project Selection, 62–63 Goldrush Electronics Negotiation Exercise, 450–451 training and team-building activities, 428– 429 well-defined requirement and procedures, 426–427 beta distribution, PERT, 240–241 beverage industry, 13 Beyer, J. M., 82n, 92 Biesenthal, C., 366 Big Bertha, 104 “Big Dig” (Boston), 106 Bigelow, D., 55 bio-tech industry, 309 Bird’s Nest (Beijing), 150 Block, T. R., 92, 523n Bloom, Howard, 520n Bloomberg Business Week, 547 Boeing, 148, 301, 422 Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 422 Bogart, Humphrey, 420 bottom-up estimates, 134–144 nature of, 134–135 parametric procedures, 140 range estimating, 140 template methods, 140 Bolman, D. G., 385n, 407 Bonar, Robert, 14 Boulter, M., 598 Bourne, Lynda, 119n, 344n, 365 Borsuk, R., 572 Bowen, D., 560n, 573 Bowen, H. K., 88, 92, 389, 407 Bowles, M., 501 Boyer, C., 55 Bradberry, T., 361n, 365 Bradford, D. L., 345, 346n, 365 brainstorming of cost saving options, 322–323 in generating alternatives, 394 Brandon, D. M. Jr., 501 Brandt, S. E., 395, 407 bread-and-butter projects, 50 bribery, 555, 562, 565 Brin, Sergey, 84 Brooks, Frederick P. Jr., 309, 309n1, 328, 459 Brown, S., 92 Brown, Tim, 583, 583n Brucker, P., 291 Bruzelius, N., 149, 154 Bryant, Kobe, 376 Budd, C. S., 302 Bucharest (Romania), 420 budget at completion (BAC), 466 budget reserves, 224 budgets budget reserves, 224 percent complete index—budgeted costs (PCIB), 477 Project Baseline Budget, 470–471646 Index Coppola, Francis Ford, 549 core project team, in accelerating project completion, 310 Corning Bio, 309 cost account, 113 Cost and Optimization Engineering (Jelen and Black), 159 cost estimates, 130–148 apportion methods, 137 consensus methods, 136 factors influencing quality of, 130–132 forecasting final project cost, 479–481 function point methods, 138–139 guidelines for, 132–133 learning curves, 139, 157–161 level of detail, 143–144 mega projects, for, 149–150, 152 parametric procedures, 140 phase estimating, 141–143 range estimating, 140 ratio methods, 137 refining, 146–148 template methods, 140 time and cost databases, 148 top-down versus bottom-up, 134–143 types of costs, 144–146 cost performance index (CPI), 476 cost-plus contracts, 454–455 cost risks, in contingency planning, 222 cost saving options, brainstorming of, 322–323 cost-sharing ratio (CSR), 454 cost/schedule graph, 468, 469 cost variance (CV) computing, 466, 478 defined, 466 variance analysis, 468–469 Coutu, D. L., 401, 407 Covance, 309 Covey, Stephen R., 358, 360n9, 365, 437, 437n, 443 Cowan, C., 426n, 443 crashing, 314–321 crash point, 315–316 crash times, 314–316, 319 Crawford, Lynn, 20, 38, 55 critical-chain project management (CCPM), 294–302 accelerating project completion, 311, 312 in action, 296–297, 301 impact on project schedule, 298 methodology, 296 monitoring project performance, 300–301 splitting tasks, 300 time estimates, 295–296 traditional scheduling approach versus, 297–298 conflict management, 394–398 dedicated project teams and, 73–75 dysfunctional conflict, 396, 397–398 functional conflict, 396–397 low-priority projects, 395 matrix management and, 78 in outsourcing, 429–431 resource conflicts, 36–37 virtual project teams and, 402–403 Confucius, 562 Conrad, Joseph, 549 consensus methods consensus testing in group decision making, 393 for estimating project times and cost, 136–137 construction/demolition agencies, 254 consultants, external as independent project facilitators, 525–526 in rejuvenating the project team, 398–399 contingencies, in project estimation, 133 contingency funding, 223–225 contingency planning, 219–223 cost risks, 222 funding risks, 222–223 schedule risks, 222 technical risks, 220–221 Contingency Planning and Management. com, 548n, 572 contract change control system, 455–456 contract management, 451–456 contract change control system, 455–456 cost-plus contracts, 454–455 fixed-price contracts, 453–454 nature of contracts, 452 in outsourcing, 452–456 in perspective, 456 procurement management and, 452 contractors. See also outsourcing dependencies of, 343 incentive contracts, 307, 308, 433 selection from bid proposals, 425–426 control. See also project monitoring information system in conflict management, 397 contract change control, 455–456 defined, 459, 461 project control process, 461–462 risk response control, 225–226 control charts, in project monitoring information system, 462, 463–464 control tower project office, 80 Controlled Demolition Inc., 218 Cooke-Davies, T., 538 Cooper, M. J., 302 Cooper, W. W., 291 cooperation. See also project teams in leading by example, 355 in negotiations for outsourcing, 433, 435 Chen, M., 555, 572 Chermack, T. J., 56 Chetty, T., 149, 155 Chilmeran, A. H., 124 China cross-cultural factors in, 562–563 guanxi, 562 legal/political factors in, 562–563 Christensen, D. S., 480, 501 Chudoba, K. M., 408 Chunnel project, 149, 420 Cigna, 134 Citibank Global Corporate Bank, 523 Citigroup, 547 Clark, J., 390, 409 Clark, K. B., 92, 407 clean air industry, 13 Cleland, D. I., 407 Cleveland Cavaliers, 520 closing stage, 8–9, 515–536 adjourning stage of team development, 378 dedicated project teams and, 75 evaluation, 516, 532–536 post-implementation evaluation, 516, 532–536 project closeout checklists, 516, 518, 539–541 of project life cycle, 8, 395–396 retrospectives, 516, 525–529 sources of conflict in, 395–396 types, 516–518 wrap-up activities, 516, 518–521 Coady, Gerry (Frontier Airlines), 42 Coca-Cola Co., 13 Cochran, Dick, 535n, 536, 538 CogniToys, 13 Cohen, A. R., 345, 346n, 365 Cohen, D. J., 20, 55 Colangelo, Jerry (Phoenix Suns), 376 Collins, J. C., 88, 92, 572 co-location in outsourcing, 432 team identity and, 387–388 combination of lag relationships, 186 communication cultural factors in, 551–552, 570. See also cultural factors in international projects, 551, 570 in outsourcing, 427, 428, 431, 433, 437 project communication plan, 119–121 virtual project teams and, 400, 402–403 compadre system, 556 computer industry, 29, 30, 35, 271 Conaway, W. A., 560n, 573 concurrent engineering, 184–186 conductor metaphor, 344 conference calls, virtual project teams and, 402Index 647 documentation. See also reports and reporting in outsourcing, 428 public documents in organizational culture, 85 Doh, J. P., 572 doing it twice, in accelerating project completion, 310 Dooley, K. J., 382, 409 Doran, G. T., 33, 33n, 55 Drexl, A., 291 Drexler, John A., 414n, 443, 444 dropped baton, 295 Drummond, Erin, 312n Duffey, M. R., 501 Dunbar, E., 573 Duncan, David (Arthur Andersen), 357 Duncan, J., 232 DuPont, 138 duration of project. See project duration Dvir, D., 80n, 94, 301, 302 Dworatschek, S., 92 Dyer, L., 408 Dyer, S., 443 Dyle, Dov, 28 dysfunctional conflict, 396–398 E EAC f (estimated cost at completion, forecast), 479 EAC re (estimated cost at completion, revised), 479 Earley, Kristin, 532 early times and late times, 166 earned value (EV) additional earned value rules, 478–479, 505–511 defined, 462, 466 development of earned value cost/ schedule system, 464–469, 505–511 50/50 rule, 478 percent complete rule, 467 percent complete with weighted monitoring gates, 478 pseudo-earned value percent complete approach, 485 in status report, 471 in time-phased budgets, 276 variance analysis, 468–469 0/100 rule, 478 economic factors, 549–550 Economy, P., 443 Eden, L., 572 EDS, 464 Edward, K. A., 444 Einsiedel, A. A., 366 Eisenhardt, K. R., 92 Eiteman, D. K., 573 electronic bulletin boards, virtual project teams and, 402 Davis, E. W., 258, 291 deadlines imposed, 307 in outsourcing, 428 Deal, T. E., 81, 92, 385n, 407 Decarlo, D., 598 decision-making process, 393–394 facilitating, 393–394 importance of, 392–393 nominal group technique (NGT) in, 405 in project meetings, 383–385 dedicated project teams, 71–75 advantages and disadvantages, 72–75 examples of, 72, 74 nature of, 71 projectitis, 74 we–they syndrome, 74 defining stage, 8, 101–121 coding WBS for information system, 113–115 establishing project priorities, 106–108 organization breakdown structure (OBS), 113 process breakdown structure (PBS), 116–117 project communication plan, 119–121 of project life cycle, 8, 396 project scope, 102–106 responsibility matrices (RM), 117–119 sources of conflict, 396–397 work breakdown structure (WBS), 108–112 Dehler, G. E., 366 De Laat, P. B., 92 Delbeeq, Andrew, 405n Dell Children’s Medical Center, 14 Deloitte Consulting, 35 Delphi Method, 136, 212n DeMarco, T., 310, 328, 407 Demeulemeester, E. L., 291, 302 Deneire, M., 572 Denver Airport, 106, 149, 484 dependencies, mapping, 348–349 stakeholder, 341–343 Derby, Charles, 20 DeRosa, D., 401, 408 Descamps, J.P., 55 Developing Products in Half the Time (Smith and Reinertsen), 220 Dexter, Susan, 309 DiDonato, L. S., 443 DiStefano, J. J., 555n, 573 Dinsmore, P. C., 365 direct costs, 145 project, 314 project overhead, 145 Disney, 464 Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), 547, 547n critical path method (CPM), 163, 166, 167, 171, 175–177, 178, 187. See also PERT (program evaluation and review technique) cross-cultural orientations, 557 Crystal Clear, 593 Cullinane, T. P., 456 cultural factors, 551–553. See also communication; organizational culture adjustments, 555–556 in China, 562–563 cross-cultural orientations, 557 culture, defined, 554 culture shock, 565–567 in France, 559–560 Hofstede framewok, 558 in Hong Kong, 563 in international projects, 551–553, 554–568 Kluckhohn-Strodthbeck cross-cultural framework, 557 in Mexico, 556, 558–559 in Namibia (Africa), 568 in outsourcing, 428 in Saudi Arabia, 560–561 summary comments, 565 in the United States, 563–564 culture shock, 565–568 coping with, 567–568 culture shock cycle, four stages of, 566 nature of, 565–566 stress-related, 567 Culver, Irvin, 72 currency fluctuations, 549–550 customer relations increased customer focus and, 12–14 met expectations, 439–441 project managers as client account executives, 441 customers assumption of project responsibilities, 322 dependencies of, 343 scope checklist review with, 105 D Dahlgren, G., 443 daily scrum, 588 DaimlerChrysler, 420 Dalkey, N. C., 154 dangler paths, 182 Daniel, Tim, 547 Darnell, R., 20 databases project monitoring information system, 460–461, 485 time and cost, 148 Data General Corporation, 389648 Index with slack times, 175 using forward pass information, 177–178 Foti, R., 37, 40, 56 Frame, J. D., 92, 387, 408, 523n France, cross-cultural factors in, 559–560 Frank, L., 56 Frankel, Rob, 520 Fraser, J., 457 free float, 177 free slack (FS), 177 Fretty, Peter, 297n, 538 Friedman, Thomas L., 56 Fritz, Robert, 388 Frontier Airlines Holdings, 42 functional conflict, 396–397 functional managers dependencies of, 343 project managers versus, 7 functional organization, 68–71 advantages and disadvantages, 69–71 nature of, 68–69 “function points,” for estimating project times and cost, 138–139 funding risks, in contingency planning, 222–223 Fusco, Joseph C., 35, 35n4, 56, 533, 533n G Gabarro, S. J., 366 Gale, S. F., 598 Gallagher, R. S., 92 Gamble, J. E., 104n Gantt, H. L., 179n, 202 Gantt chart, 179 baseline, 462–463 in critical-chain project management (CCPM), 298, 300 in project monitoring information system, 462–463 tracking, 462–463, 473–474 Gantz, J., 532n Gardner, D., 523n Gary, L., 124 GE Appliances, 405 Geary, L. K., 93 Gene Codes, 585 general and administrative (G&A) overhead costs, 145 General Electric (GE), 15, 27, 138, 405, 535 General Motors (GM), 301 geographical factors, 548 Gersick, Connie J., 380, 380n Giangreco, D. M., 527n Gibson, C. B., 408 Ginter, P. M., 232 global project office (GPO), 523 Globerson, S., 125, 367 F Facebook, 13 facilitators. See project facilitators Faerman, S. R., 444 failed projects, 517 The Wake, 517 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), 215 Faris, R., 598 fast-tracking, 185, 310–311 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 526 feeder buffers, 296 Fendly, L. G., 258, 291 Ferrazzi, K., 366 Ferrucci, D., 30n FHA (Federal Housing Authority), 137 FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), 149 Filipczak, B. 92 film industry, 549 final project report, 516, 518, 524–525 analysis, 525 appendix, 525 classification, 525 lessons learned, 516, 525, 526, 527, 529, 532 recommendations, 525 Financial Accounting Standards Board, 438 financial selection models, 38–40 net present value (NPV), 38–40 payback, 38–40 Financial Solutions Group of Mynd, 351 finish-to-finish lag relationship, 186 finish-to-start lag relationship, 183 Fischer, Randy, 431, 435n Fisher, R., 435, 435n, 438, 439, 443 fixed-price contracts, 453–454 Fleming, Q. W., 457, 465n, 476n, 480, 501 float, 175–177 free, 177 total, 175–177 Floyd, S. W., 55 Flyvbjerg, Bent, 149, 150, 151, 154 FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), 215 folklore, in organizational culture, 85 follow-on contracts, 159 follow-up, in group decision making, 394 Ford, E. C., 232 Ford, Henry, 375 Ford Motors, 138, 387 forecasting of final project cost, 479–480 reference class forecasting (RFC), 151 forming stage of team development, 378 Fortune 500, 34 forward pass-earliest times, 171–173 lag relationships, 186–187 electronics industry, 13 Eliyahu Goldratt Institute, 301, 301n e-mail, virtual project teams and, 402 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 305 Emhjellenm, K., 155 emotional intelligence (EQ), 361 Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 361 empathy, 361 Endurance Antarctic expedition, 354 energy conservation, 14 energy efficiency, 14 Englund, R. L., 92 Enron, 356, 357 environmental factors, 546–553 culture, 551–553 economy, 549–550 geography, 548 infrastructure, 550–551 legal/political, 546–547 security, 547–548 environmental sustainability, 12 Dell Children’s Medical Center, 14 London Olympics (2012), 150 Studio Roosegaarde, 13 equipment factor, as resource constraint, 255 Ericksen, J., 408 Ernst, H., 409 errors as acceptable, 226 network logic, 178 project estimation, 134 reporting, 226 escalation, 429 estimated cost at completion (EAC) defined, 466, 479 EAC f (forecast), 479 EAC re (revised), 479 estimated cost to complete (ETC), 466 estimation. See project estimation ethics, 355–357 bribery, 555, 562, 565 code of conduct, 356 collapse of Arthur Andersen, 357 in leading by example, 355 top management and, 356 evaluation. See project evaluation Evans, J., 269, 291 Everest (film), 221 exchange rate fluctuations, 549–550 excessive multitasking, 295–296 executing stage, 8. See also implementation of project life cycle, 8, 396 sources of conflict, 395–396 expectancy theory of motivation, 320, 320n expectations managing, 351 met expectations, 439–441 Extreme Programming (XP), 584, 593Index 649 performance indexes, 476 project percent complete indexes, 477 software for project cost/schedule systems, 477–478, 511–513 technical performance measurement, 481 India infrastructure factors in, 550 outsourcing in, 428 indirect costs, project, 313–314 individual reviews, 536–536 inflation, 550 “influence currencies.” See law of reciprocity information system. See also project monitoring information system coding work breakdown structure for, 113–115 in project communication plan, 120–121 infrastructure factors, 550–551 Ingebretsen, M., 124, 232 inspiration-related currencies, 346, 347 integrity, 360 Intel, 27, 301 internal staff specialists, in rejuvenating the project team, 398 International Business Machines (IBM), 88, 138, 148, 300, 558 international projects, 545–571 cross-cultural factors, 554–568 environmental factors, 546–553 personnel selection and training, 568–570 project site selection, 553–554 virtual project teams in, 399, 400 International SOS Assistance, Inc., 547 Into Thin Air (Krakauer), 221 invitation for bid (IFB), 453 IPC Media, 595 iPhone 7, 306 Irix Pharmaceuticals, 309 iterative incremental development processes (IIDs), 582–584 J Jackson, M. B., 598 Jago, A. G., 393, 409 Jakarta (Indonesia), 548 James, LeBron, 376, 520 James, M., 598 Jamieson, A., 56 Janis, I. L., 403, 408 Jassawalla, A. R., 93 Jedd, Marcia, 538 Jeffery, R., 154 Jensen, M. C., 377, 409 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 383 Jobs, Steve, 74 Head, 583 health care industry, 14 Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad), 549 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse (film), 549n Hedberg, B., 443 Heise, S., 501 Helm, J., 56 Helpdesk Automated Site (HASS), 389 Henricks, Paul, 309 Hendrickson, Chet, 579 Hendrix, K., 125 Henry, R. A., 210, 232 Herroelen, W. S., 291, 302 heuristics, 258, 259 Hewlett-Packard (HP), 67–68, 399, 405, 535 Highsmith, J., 598 high-tech toy industry, 13 Hildebrand, C., 598 Hill, L. A., 366 Hirschman, A. O., 149, 154 Hoang, H., 443 Hobbs, B., 38, 55, 79, 93 Hobday, M., 93 Hodgetts, R. M., 573 Hoegl, M., 409 Hoffman, R., 535n, 538 Hofstede framewok, 558 Hofstede, Geert, 558, 558n, 573 Holloway, C. A., 92, 407 Hollywood, 3, 13, 320 Homans, G. C., 379n, 408 Homeland Security, 526 Hong Kong, cross-cultural factors in, 563 Hooker, J., 560n, 562n, 573 Hulett, D. T., 232 Hurowicz, L., 258, 291 Hurricane Katrina, 526 Hutchens, G., 56 I IBM, 88, 138, 148, 300, 558 IBM System/360, 309 IBM Watson’s Jeopardy Project, 13, 29, 30 Ibbs, C. W., 328, 538 IDEO, 583 implementation implementation gap in project portfolio system, 34–35, 36–37 projects in organization strategy, 33 incentives, 320 incentive contracts, 307, 308 project reward systems, 391–392 independence in project estimation, 133 project facilitators, 523 indexes to monitor progress, 475–479 additional earned value rules, 478–479, 505–511 Goal, The (Goldratt), 294–301 Gobeli, D. H., 77, 79, 92, 93, 102, 124, 538 Godfather movies, 549 Gold, Dan, 309 Goldberg, Aaron, 74 Goldberg, A. I., 93 Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), 255 Goldratt, Eliyahu, 269, 291, 294–296, 301, 302 Goldsman, L. P., 457 Goleman, Daniel, 361, 361n going native, 545 Goo, S. K., 84n Google, 13, 15, 84 Gordon, R. I., 309n2, 328 governance. See project governance government agencies. See also names of specific government agencies dependencies of, 343 Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (California), 308 Gradante, W., 523n Graham, J. L., 562n, 572 Graham, R. J., 20, 55, 92 Grant, Adam, 345, 345n, 366 Graves, J., 361n, 365 Gray, Clifford, 8, 20, 79, 92, 232, 426n, 443, 616n Gray, N. S., 154 Green, S. G., 366 Greenland, 548 Griffin, D., 147, 154 Griffiths, M., 598 Gringo, 556 Griswold, T. A., 527n groupthink, 403–404 Gryglak, Adam, 387 guanxi, 562 Gudergan, S., 366 Gundersen, A., 551, 568, 572 Gundersen, N. A., 456 Gustafson, D. H., 405n H Habitat for Humanity, 312, 312n Hackman, J. R., 408 Haliburton, 519 Hall, C., 306n Hallowell, R., 560n, 573 Hamburger, D. H., 232 hammock activities, 188 Hansson, J., 443 Harris Semiconductor, 301 Harris, P. R., 561n, 573 Harrison, M. T., 82n, 92 Hartman, Frances, 388n Harvard Business School, 584 Hawkins, K., 434 HBO, 583650 Index Leading at the Edge (Perkins), 354 leading by example, 353–355 learning curves, for estimating project times and costs, 139, 157–161 leave-takings, 561 Leavitt, H. J., 404, 408 Lechler, T., 94 LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design), 14 Lee, S. A., 328 legal/political factors, 546–547. See also organization politics Leifer, R., 56 Lerner, Matthew, 309n lessons learned final project report, 516–518 from Hurricane Katrina, 526 from Operation Eagle Claw, 527 letters of recommendation, 392 Leus, R., 302 leveling, 253, 256–257 level of detail for project activities, 178 in project estimation, 143–144 for project networks, 178 Levine, H. A., 302 Levi Strauss, 464 Levy, F. K., 202 Levy, S. L., 392, 392n, 409 Lewis, J. P., 124 Lewis, M. W., 366 Lewis, R., 154 Li, M. I., 328 Lieberthal, G., 573 Lieberthal, K., 573 Likert, R., 377n, 408 Lilly, Bonnie, 312 Lincoln, Abraham, 345 Lindberg, Mike, 135 linearity assumption, 319 Linetz, B. P., 408 Lipman-Blumen, J., 404, 408 Lipsinger, R., 401, 408 Lister, T., 407 Loch, C. H., 232 The Lodge at Snowbird (Utah), 593 Logitech, 583 Loizeaux, Mark, 218 London Olympics (2012), 150 Lone Ranger analogy, 352 long-term relationships, in outsourcing, 433–434 Lonza Biologics, 309 Lockheed Aerospace Corporation, 72 Lockheed Martin, 72, 208 looping, 166, 178 Lorsch, J. W., 93 Lovallo, D., 147, 155 Low, G. C., 154 Lowe, D., 457 Krause, Melissa, 585n Kruchten, P., 598 Krupp, Goran, 221 Kryzewski, Mike, 376 Kurtulus, I., 291 Kuruppuarachchi, P., 408 Kvalnes, Ø., 366 Kwak, Y. H., 538 L Lackey, Michael B. (Trojan Nuclear Plant), 482n laddering, 182, 183 Ladika, S., 538 lags, 182–187 in forward and backward pass procedures, 186–187 to reduce schedule detail, 182–184 Lam, N. M., 562n, 572 Lamb, J. C., 309n2, 328 Landau, F., 209n Lane, H. W., 555n, 573 Lange, Merete, 568 Lansing, Alfred, 354, 354n Larman, C., 598 large projects. See also mega projects, 149–151 Larson, Erik W., 69, 72, 77, 79, 92, 93, 102, 124, 355n, 366, 367n, 426n, 443, 538, 616n Larsson, U., 93 Laslo, Z., 93 Latham, G. P., 535, 538 Lavell, Debra, 538 law of reciprocity, 345–348 inspiration-related currencies, 346, 347 personal-related currencies, 346, 348 position-related currencies, 346–347 relationship-related currencies, 346, 347 styles of social interaction, 545 task-related currencies, 345–346 Lawrence of Arabia (film), 404n Lawrence, P. R., 94 Leach, L. P., 296n, 302 leadership, 339–362. See also project managers ethics and, 355–356 law of reciprocity and, 345–348 leading at the edge, 354 leading by example, 353–355 managing versus leading a project, 340–341 project stakeholders and, 341–343 qualities of effective project managers, 359–362 social network building, 348–355 trust and, 357–359 Johansen, R., 404, 408 Johnson, Clarence L. “Kelly,” 72, 93 Johnson, Magic, 376 Johnson, R. E., 56 Joint Chiefs of Staff, 527 Jonas, D., 20 Jonasson, Hans, 598 Jones, C., 154 Jordan, Michael, 376 Joshi, M., 365 K Kahneman, D., 147, 155 Kalaritis, Panos, 309 Kanban, 590 Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 358, 366, 419, 443 Kaplan, R. E., 345, 366 Kaplan, R. S., 56 Karif, O., 13n Katz, D. M., 124 Katz, Ralph, 385n, 388, 408 Katzenbach, J. R., 385n, 408 Keifer, S., 483n Kellebrew, J. B., 291 Kelly, J. E., 202 Kendrick, Tom, 538 Kennedy, A. A., 81, 92 Kenny, J., 56 Kerth, Norman L., 538 Kerzner, Harold, 81n, 93, 124, 501 Kezsbom, D. S., 444 Khang, D. B., 328 Kharbanda, O. P., 56, 129n, 130n, 154 Kidd, Jason, 376 Kidder, Tracy, 389, 389n, 390, 390n, 408 Kim, E. H., 501 King, J. B., 355n, 366 Kipling, Rudyard, 163 Kirk, Dorothy, 351, 351n, 366 Kirkman, B. L., 408 Kluckhohn, F., 557, 557n, 573 Kluckhohn-Strodthbeck cross-cultural framework, 557 Knoepfel, H., 92 Knoop, C. I., 560n, 573 knowledge explosion, 12 Koh, Aileen, 20 Kokkla (Finland), 548 Kolawa, Adam Dr., 428, 428n Konda, S. L., 232 Koppelman, Joel M., 465n, 476n, 480, 501 Korto, R. F., 56 Kotter, J. P., 340, 366 Kouzes, J. M., 353, 366 Krakauer, Jon, 221n Kraków (Poland), 567 Krane, J., 573 Kras, E., 559n, 573Index 651 Morigeau, Stuart, 233n Morris, P. W., 56 Morrison, T. 560n, 573 Morton, Danelle, 383, 383n motivation for extraordinary performance, 320 incentives in, 307, 308, 320 Motorola, 420 Motta, Silva, 56 Müller, R., 356, 360, 366, 367 multi-criteria selection models, 40–43 multiproject environments project networks in, 182 resource scheduling in, 272–273 multiproject resource schedules, 272–273 multitasking, 36–37, 295–296 multi-weighted scoring models, 41–43 Murch, R., 124 Murphy, C., 390, 409 N Nabisco, 535 Naeni, L., 501 NAFTA, 559 Nambisan, S., 444 Namibia, Africa, cross-cultural factors in, 568 NASA Mars Climate Orbiter, 208–209 Nash, Steve, 520 National Basketball Association (NBA), 376, 520 National Guard, 526 Navistar, 387 Navy Federal Credit Union, 532 NCR, 464 NEC, 27 negotiation components of principled, 435–439 in outsourcing, 434–439 Nelson, K. A., 356n7, 367 Nelson, Ryan R., 538 net present value model (NPV) in project selection, 38, 39 in risk assessment, 215 Netflix, 13 network logic errors, 178 Newbold, R. C., 269, 291, 302 Newmann, L., 291 new products, concurrent engineering in, 184–186 NIH (not invented here), 379 Nike, 583 Nissen, M. E., 444 Nobel Peace Prize, 547 Nofziner, B., 360, 367 Nokia, 583 nominal group technique (NGT) in, 405 Nonaka, Ikujiro, 585, 598 McDougall, Lorna, 357n McFarlan, F. W., 20, 55 McGrath, M. R., 444 McNerney, Jim, 423 McPherson, S. O., 408 Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), 547, 547n mediating conflict, 397 meetings. See project meetings mega projects, estimation for, 149–151 Melnyk, Les A., 526n Ménard, 79, 93 Mendenhall, M. E., 569n, 573 Menon, R., 232 merge activities, 166, 169, 172–173 Merritt, G. M., 232 met-expectations model, 439 Meyer, A. D., 232 Meyer, D., 269, 291 Meyer, E., 573 Mexico, cross-cultural factors in, 556, 558–559 MGM, 320 Miami Heat, 520 Microsoft Project, 385, 478, 511–513 middle management. See also top management implementation gap in project portfolio management, 34–35, 36–37 level of detail in project estimates, 143–144 managing versus leading a project, 340–341 milestones guidelines for setting, 465 in project scope, 103 schedules, 463–464 Millard, Candice, 552, 552n Miller, D., 555, 572 Miller, J., 72n, 93 Mills, E., 84n Milosevic, D. Z., 56, 155, 564n, 573 mission of organization project manager, understanding of, 28 in strategic management process, 30 Mitchel, Russ, 271n mitigating risk, 216–217 Mittman, R., 408 Mobil Oil, 535 Moffett, M. H., 550, 573 Mohring, R., 291 Molinski, D., 13n Molloy, E., 149, 155 Monarch, I., 232 Monroe, Marilyn, 420 Montreal Olympics (1976), 150 Moran, James, 202n Moran, R. T., 561n, 573 Moran, S. V., 561n, 564n, 573 Morgan, Pat, 387 loyalty, 352 Luby, R. E., 124 Lucas, E., 555, 572 Lucas George, 549 Lucent Technologies, 301 Luthans, F., 573 M MacCormack, Alan, 584, 584n MacIntyre, Jeff, 35, 35n3, 56 Mackey, J., 302 MacLeod, G., 155 Madnick, S., 328 Magenau, J. M., 444 Magne, E., 155 Magretta, Joan, 56 Maier, N. R. F., 393n, 408 Majchrzak, A., 93, 408 Malhotra, A. A., 408 “management by wandering around” (MBWA), 350–351, 393 Management Reserve index (MRI), 477 management reserves, 224–225 managing expectations, 351 Managing Martians (Shirley and Morton), 383 managing upward relations, 351–353 mañana syndrome, 556 Mannakau (New Zealand), 312 Mantel, S. K., 351n3, 367 Marlin, Mark, 538 Marriott Corp., 405 Mars Exploration Program (JPL), 383 Martin, A., 408 Martinelli, Russ, 538 Martin, M., 456 Mass Fatality Identification System (M-FISys), 585 materials factor, as resource constraint, 254 Matheson, David, 50–51, 50n, 56 Matheson, Jim, 50–51, 50n, 56 matrix management, 75–81 advantages and disadvantages, 77–78 balanced matrix, 76 example of, 89 nature of, 75 performance reviews, 534–535 project versus functional manager responsibilities, 7, 75 recruiting project members, 381–382 strong matrix, 77 weak matrix, 76–78, 81 maturity models, 529–532 growth levels, 529–532 Maurer, I., 444 MBWA (“management by wandering around”), 350–351 McConnel, S., 598 McDermott, C. M., 56652 Index overhead costs, 145 direct, 145 general and administrative (G&A), 145 oversight. See project audit; project offices (POs) overtime in accelerating project completion, 308, 310 cross-cultural attitudes toward, 560 ownership, in team building, 399 oyster projects, 50 P pace of life, 555 padding estimates, 131 Panama Canal expansion project, 13 parametric procedures, for estimating project times and costs, 140 parallel activities, 166, 169 Parker, Ron, 10–11 Pakinson’s law, 295 Parsi, N., 13n partnering charters, 429, 430 Pascoe, T. L., 258, 291 past experience, in project estimation, 130, 157 path, 166 Patheon Inc., 309 Patterson, J. H., 258, 291 Patterson, J., 258, 291 Patzelt, A. H., 538 Paulus, P. B., 379n, 409 Pavlik, A., 232 payback, model, 38 PBS (process breakdown structure), 102, 116–117 pearl projects, 50 Peck, W., 80, 80n, 92 Peel, D., 124 people factor in assigning project work, 271 dealing with unreasonable people, 438–439 in negotiation process, 434–439 in project estimation, 131 as resource constraint, 254 separating people from problem, 435–436 People’s Republic of China (PRC). See China Pepsi-Cola, 583 percent complete index—actual costs (PCIC), 477 percent complete index—budgeted costs (PCIB), 477 percent complete rule, 467 percent complete with weighted monitoring gates, 478 performance-based contracts, 433 implications for organizing projects, 86–88 nature of, 81–83 in project estimation, 131 relationship with project structure, 88 organizational culture review questionnaire, 528 Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3), 529 organization breakdown structure (OBS), 109, 110, 113 integrating with organization, 113, 114 time-phased budget and, 274–276 organization politics project managers and, 361 in project portfolio system, 35–36 in recruiting project members, 382 trust and, 357–359 organization strategy, 28–51 implementation through projects, 33 managing portfolio system, 48–51 project alignment with, 28 project manager understanding of, 28 project portfolio management system, 37–38 project priority system, 34–37 project selection criteria, 38–43 project selection models, 44 selection model application, 43–48 strategic management process overview, 29–34 strategy, defined, 27 Orlando Sentinel, 209, 232 Osmundsen, P., 155 outdoor experiences/retreats, 399 outsourcing, 419–441 in accelerating project completion, 309, 322 advantages and disadvantages, 421–424 best practices, 426–434 co-location, 432 communication in, 427–428, 433 conflict management processes, 429–431 contract management, 433, 451–456 customer relations, 439–441 defined, 420 examples of, 422–423, 428, 431 long-term relationships, 433–434 negotiation in, 434–439 in resource allocation, 272–273 review and status updates, 431–432 team-building activities, 426, 428–429 traditional approach versus partnered approach, 426–427 training activities, 428–429 well-defined requirements and procedures, 426–427 nonfinancial selection models, 40–43 checklist models, 40–41 multi-weighted scoring models, 41–43 nonproject factors, in project estimation, 131 Noreen, E., 302 normal closure, 516–517 normal conditions in project estimation, 132–133 norming stage of team development, 378 Nortel Networks Corp., 547 Northridge earthquake (California), 308 Norton, D. P., 56 not invented here (NIH), 379 Novell, Inc., 271 numbering activities, 179 O objectives characteristics of, 33 in project scope, 102–103 strategy formulation to meet, 32–34 in supporting organization strategy, 33 O’Boyle, B., 306n OBS (organization breakdown structure), 109, 110, 113 O’Connor, G. C., 56 Oculus Rift, 13 Oddou, G. R., 573 Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (New York), 585 Ohio School Facilities Commission, 431 Olson, E. M., 93 Olve, N., 443 Olympic Forest, 270 Olympic games, 376 O’Neal, Shaquille, 520 operational projects, 37–38 Operation Eagle Claw, 527 Operations and Technology for Global Cash Management, 523 OPM3 (Organizational Project Management Maturity Model), 529 opportunity management, 223 opportunity, defined, 223 responses to opportunity, 223 optimism, 361 Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU), 135 O’Reilly, Brian, 535n O’Reilly, C. A., 82n, 93 organizational culture, 68, 81–89. See also cultural factors characteristics of, 83–86 countercultures and, 83, 86, 88 diagnosis worksheet, 85 ethics in, 355–357 example of, 84 functions of, 82–83Index 653 classification of, 37–38, 43, 50 defined, 6–7 everyday work versus, 7 examples of for college students, 5 implementing organization through, 33–34 program versus, 7 size, 15 project audits, 516, 521–532 bigger picture of, 529–532 data collection and analysis, 524 external consultants in, 525–526 guidelines for conducting, 522–525 importance of, 521 in-process, 521 initiating and staffing, 522–523 nature of, 521–522 postproject, 521 project maturity models in, 529–532 project offices (POs) and, 522, 523 reporting, 524–525 retrospectives, 525–529 senior management in, 522 Project Baseline Budget, 470–471 project buffers, 296 project charters, 11–12, 105–106, project classification in project selection, 43 types of projects, 37–38, 50 project closure, 516. See also closing stage wrap-up closure activities, 516, 518–521 project code names, 49 project communication plan, 119–121 project control process, 461–462 project complexity, in project estimation, 130 project cost baselines, 273–278 Project Cost–Duration Graph, 313–321 crashing, 314–321 determining activities to shorten, 314–316 project direct costs, 314 project indirect costs, 313–314 simplified example, 316–318 time reduction decisions, 320–321 using, 318–319 project definition. See defining stage project duration, 305–323 acceleration options when resources are constrained, 310–312 acceleration options when resources are not constrained, 308–310 cost as issue in, 321–323 lags and, 183–186 practical considerations, 318–321 Project Cost–Duration Graph, 313–321 in project estimation, 131 rationale for reducing, 306–307 position-related currencies, 346–347 positive synergy, 375–377 Posner, B. Z., 125, 353, 360, 366, 367, 395, 409 post-implementation evaluation, 532–536 individual reviews, 535–536 performance reviews, 534–536 team evaluation, 532–534 360-degree reviews, 534–535, 536 postproject retrospectives, 525–529 Powell, M., 93 premature closure, 517 Pressman, R. S., 155 Price, M., 56 PricewaterhouseCoopers, 547 Primavera, 385 principled negotiation, 435 priorities changed priority closing stage, 518 leading by example, 353 low-priority projects, 395 priority matrix, 107 priority system in project selection, 34, 36–37 project reward systems, 391–392 responsibility for prioritizing projects, 47–48, 50 priority matrix, 107–108 priority system, 34, 36–37, 47–48, 50 priority team, 42 proactive approach, 360 probability analysis, in risk assessment, 215–216 problem identification, in group decision making, 393 problem solving in leading by example, 355 in recruiting project members, 382 process breakdown structure (PBS), 102, 116–117 procrastination (student syndrome), 296 Procter and Gamble, 27, 583 procurement management components of, 452 Request for Proposal (RFP), 44, 45, 63–64, 452 product backlog, 588–589 product life cycle, compression of, 12, 27 product owner, 586–587 program(s) defined, 7–8 project versus, 7 program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 140, 216, 240–244 program goals, 8 program management, 8 progress measurement. See project monitoring information system project(s), 6–12 characteristics of, 7 performance indexes, 476 performance measurement. See project monitoring information system performance reviews, 534–536 individual, 535–536 project manager, 534 team member, 532–534 360-degree reviews, 535, 536 performing stage of team development, 378 Perkins, Dennis N. T., 354, 354n perpetual closure, 517 Perrow, L. A., 328 personal integrity, 360 personal-related currencies, 347, 348 PERT (program evaluation and review technique), 140, 216, 240–244 development of, 240 hypothetical example of, 242–244 Pesch, E., 291 Peters, J. F., 538 Peters, Lawrence H., 366, 389, 389n Peters, L. S., 56 Peters, T., 20, 353, 366, 409 Pethokoukis, J. M., 583n Pettegrew, A. M., 93 phase estimating, for project times and costs, 141–143 Philippines, 547, 549, 553 physical characteristics, in organizational culture, 84–85 Pich, M. T., 232 Pinto, J. K., 56, 102, 124, 129n, 130n, 154. 232, 301, 302, 351n3, 367, 444 Pippett, D. D., 538 Pitagorsky, G., 124 planned value (PV) costs included in, 467–468 defined, 276, 466 in time-phased budgets, 276 variance analysis, 468–469 planning decisions, 384 planning horizon, in project estimation, 130 planning stage, 8. See also project estimation; resource scheduling of project life cycle, 8, 396 sources of conflict, 395–396 PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), 223n, 232 PM Network, 538 PMI. See Project Management Institute (PMI) PMI Standards Committee, 124 PMI Today, 4n Poli, M., 94 Porras, J. I., 88, 92 portfolio management, 37–38 senior management input to, 48–49 portfolio risks, balancing, 50–51 Portland General Electric Company, 480654 Index understanding strategy, 28 work breakdown structure (WBS) and, 108–109 working in a multicultural environment, 555, 565–568 project measurement. See project monitoring information system project meetings, 383–387 establishing ground rules, 384–385 project kick-off meeting, 383 scrum, 587–589 subsequent meetings, 386–387 team identity and, 387–388 project monitoring information system, 459–486 baseline changes, 483–484 costs and problems of data acquisition, 485–486 critical-chain project management (CCPM) in, 300–301 data collected in, 460–461, 485 earned value (EV) cost/schedule system, 462, 464–469, 505–511 examples of use, 464, 480 forecasting final project cost, 479–481 indexes to monitor progress, 475–479 Microsoft Project and, 478, 511–513 process overview, 467 project control process, 461–462 reports and reporting in, 460–461, 470–475 scope creep, 483 status report, 470–475, 478, 481 structure of, 460–461 time performance, 462–464 tracking Gantt, 462–463 project networks, 163–189 activities in, 163–164, 166–170 activity numbering, 179 activity-on-arrow (AOA), 167–170 activity-on-node (AON), 167–170 activity-on-arrow (AOA) versus, 167–168 backward pass, 173–175 forward pass, 171–173 backward pass-latest times in, 173–175 basic rules for developing, 166 calendar dates
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