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| موضوع: كتاب Make - Getting Started with Processing السبت 27 يناير 2024, 1:07 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make - Getting Started with Processing Casey Reas and Ben Fry
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface vii 1/Hello 1 Sketching and Prototyping 2 Flexibility 3 Giants . 4 Family Tree 5 Join In 6 2/Starting to Code 7 Your First Program 8 Show . 10 Save 11 Share . 12 Examples and Reference . 13 3/Draw 15 Basic Shapes 16 Drawing Order . 22 Shape Properties 23 Color .26 Custom Shapes .30 Comments 33 Robot 1: Draw .34 4/Variables 37 Making Variables 39 Processing Variables .40 A Little Math 40 Repetition 42 Robot 2: Variables .49 5/Response 51 Follow 53 Map 58 Click .60 Location 64 Type 68 Robot 3: Response . 74vi Contents 6/Media 77 Images . 78 Fonts .83 Shapes .86 Robot 4: Media 89 7/Motion 91 Speed and Direction .92 Tweening .95 Random 97 Timers .99 Circular . 100 Translate, Rotate, Scale 104 Robot 5: Motion 113 8/Functions 115 Function Basics 116 Make a Function 118 Return Values 124 Robot 6: Functions 126 9/Objects 129 Classes and Objects 130 Robot 7: Objects 138 10/Arrays 141 Make an Array 144 Repetition and Arrays . 147 Arrays of Objects .150 Robot 8: Arrays .153 11/Extend 157 3D 158 Image Export 164 Hello Arduino .168 Community 175 A/Coding Tips 177 B/Data Types 183 C/Order of Operations 185 D/Variable Scope 187 Index 189 Index Symbols 3D, drawing in, 158–163 // (double slashes) for code comments, 33 == (equal to) operator, 72 > (greater than) operator, 44 >= (greater than or equal to) operator, 44 # (hash mark) symbol, 164 < (less than) operator, 44 <= (less than or equal to) operator, 44 && (logical AND operator), 68 || (logical OR operator), 72 % (modulo operator), 149 != (not equal to) operator, 44 A ACM SIGGRAPH archives, 4 alpha values, 29 ambient lights, 162 analogRead() function, 170 animation bouncing shapes off sides of screen, 94–95 calculating tween positions, 95–96 circular motion with sine and cosine, 103 drawing/moving shapes randomly, 97–99 frame rates, 91–92 moving shapes, 92–93 rotating coordinate system, 108–109 scaling shapes, 110–113 sine wave values/movement, 102–103 spirals, creating, 104 timed events, triggering, 100 tracking time, 99 translating locations, 106–108 wrapping shapes around screen, 93–94 antialiasing (smoothing), 23 applet folder, 12–13 arc() function, 20 Arduino boards data stream, visualizing, 172–173 overview, 168–169 reading data from serial port, 170–171 reading sensors, 169–170 visualizing data in circular patterns, 173–174 arithmetic operations operators, 41–42 order of, 185 arrays creating (examples), 144–147 defined, 141 filling arrays with values in for loops, 148 of objects, 150–152 repetition and, 147 sequence of images stored in, 152–153 tracking mouse movements with, 148–149 arrow keys, detecting, 73 arrows, drawing, 30 B background() function, 26, 54 beginShape() function, 30 blocks, for loop, 43 boolean data type, 60–62, 183 buttons (mouse), tracking, 63–64190 Index C calculations, order of, 185 camera() function, 162–163 char variables, 70 circles cursor position relative to, 66–67 drawing, 10, 19 circular motion example, 113–114 with sine and cosine, 103 classes of objects, 130–134 clicks, mouse, 60–63 CLOSE parameter, 31–32 code coding tips, 177–181 examples, x modifying with variables, 49–50 repeating with for loops, 42–45 splitting into tabs, 137 coded keys, 73 color coding, 179 Color Selector, 28–29 drawing with, 26–30 columns and rows, creating with for loops, 47 comments adding to code with //, 33–34 multiple-line, 179 tips for writing, 179 community, Processing, 175 comparison operator (==), 72 Console defined, 8 functions of, 181 constrain() function, 99 constructors (OOP), 132 continuous lines, drawing, 55 cursors, finding location of, 65–68 customizing shapes, 30–33 D data folder, 77–78 data types boolean, 60–62, 183 char, 183 float, 183 int, 183 parameters and, 122 PFont, 183 PImage, 183 PShape, 183 String, 183 summary of, 183–184 of variables, 39 declaring object variables, 134 degrees, measuring in, 20–22 directional lights, 162 Display Window, 15 dist() function, 55–56, 66 dot (.) operator, 136 double slashes (//) for code comments, 33 downloading Processing, 7–8 drawing in 3D, 158–163 basic shapes, 16–18 circles, 10 with color, 26–30 continuous lines, 55 controlling order of, 22–23 draw() function, 51–52 ellipses, 9, 19–20 with fonts, 84–85 images to screen, 78–80 lines, 18 to PDF files, 166–167 points, 16 with radians, 22 rectangles, 19 shapes randomly, 97–99 smooth lines, 23–24 squares and circles, 19 windows, 16Index 191 E easing mouse movements, 56–57 smoothing lines with, 57 elements, defined (arrays), 144 ellipses drawing, 9, 19–20 ellipseMode() function, 25 else blocks, 62–63 embedded for loops, 46 endShape() function, 30 examples and reference (Processing), 13–14 exporting images, 164–167 sketches, 12–13 expressions, arithmetic, 41–42 F fields, object, 129–134 fill() function, 26 float data type, 92 float numbers, 183 folders, library, 158 fonts creating, 83–84 drawing with, 84–85 for loops examples of, 42–47 filling arrays with values in, 148 frame rates, 91–92 functions basics of, 116–117 calculating and returning values with, 124–125 coding tips, 178 defined, 15 steps for creating, 118–124 G Getting Started with Arduino (O’Reilly), 168 GIF image format, 12, 81–82 GIMP software, 81 global variables, 52 gray values, 27–28 H HTML files in applet folder, 12 I if blocks, 62–63 images drawing to screen, 78–80 exporting, 164–167 image() function, 79 resizing, 80–81 saving, 164–165 initialization statement, 44 instances, defined (objects), 130 instance variables, 129 J JAR file in applet folder, 12 JAVA2D renderer, 158 JPEG image format, 81–82 K keyboard characters, setting size of, 71 keyCode variable, 73 keyPressed variable, 68–70 keys detecting specific, 72–73 tapping, 70–71 L libraries, Processing, 157–158 lighting in 3D (example), 161–162 lights() function, 162 lines drawing, 18 drawing continuous, 55 drawing smooth, 23–24 and pins, creating, 48 setting thickness of, 55–56 smoothing with easing, 57 Linux, installing Processing on, 7–8 loadFont() function, 84 loadImage() function, 78192 Index local variables, 187 logical operators AND (&&), 68 OR (||), 72 M Mac OS X, installing Processing on, 7 Maeda, John, vii map() function, 59–60 media files,downloading, 77 message area, defined, 8 methods (OOP), 129–134 modulo (%) operator, 149 mouse buttons, tracking multiple, 63–64 clicks of, 60–63 easing movements of, 56–57 resizing images with movements of, 80–81 tracking movements with arrays, 148–149 mousePressed variable, 60 mouse speed, calculating with variables, 55–56 mouse tracking, 53–54 N naming variables, 39 new keyword, 134, 145 nf() function, 152 non-Roman characters, 84 noSmooth() function, 23 O objects arrays of, 150–152 basic concepts, 129–130 classes and, 130–134 creating, 134–135 creating multiple, 136–137 OOP (object-oriented programming), 129 OpenGL, 5 OpenGL renderer, 159 operators arithmetic, 41 relational, 44 order, drawing, 22–23 order of operations (calculations), 185 owl function, creating (example), 118–124 P P5 Processing Robot. See robot programs (examples) parameters basics of, 122–123 coding tips, 178 PDE file in applet folder, 12 PDF Export library, 165 PDF files, drawing to, 166–167 PEMDAS acronym, 42 PFont data type, 84 PImage data type, 78 pins and lines, creating, 48 pixel basics, 15 PNG image format, 81–82 point lights, 162 points, drawing, 16 popMatrix()/pushMatrix() functions, 107 PostScript, 5 Present command, 11 println() function, 181 Processing community for sharing programs, 175 defined, 1 downloading/launching, 7–8 examples and Reference, 13 flexibility of, 3 history of, vii–viii, 4 libraries, 157–158 Processing Development Environment (PDE), 8 related languages and programming environments, 5 special variables in, 40 versions of, installing, 7–8 website for sharing/networking, 6 properties, shape, 23–25 pushMatrix()/popMatrix() functions, 107Index 193 R radians defined, 20–21 drawing with, 22 random() function, 97, 113–114, 117 randomSeed() function, 99 ranges, mapping values to, 58–59 raster images in JPEG/PNG/GIF formats, 81 reading sensors (Arduino), 169–170 rectangles cursor position relative to, 67–68 drawing, 19 rectMode() function, 25 Reference and examples (Processing), 14 relational operators, 44 resizing images, 80–81 RGB color, 28 robot programs (examples) arrays of Robot objects, 153–155 drawing P5 robot, 34–35 drawRobot() function, 126–128 loading images from SVG/PNG files, 89–90 modifying code with variables, 49–50 random and circular movements, 113–114 Robot class and objects, 138–139 shapes responding to mouse, 74–76 rotate() function, 108 rotating coordinate system, 108–109 rows and columns, creating with for loops, 47 Run button, 10–11 S Safari Books Online, xi saving images, 164–165 Save command, 11–12 saveFrame() function, 164 scale() function, 110 scaling shapes, 88, 110–113 scope, variable, 187 sensors, reading (Arduino), 169–170 Serial Library (Processing), 168, 171 setup() function, 52–53 shapes custom, 30–33 drawing basic, 16–18 drawing randomly, 97–99 drawing with, 87 moving, 92–93 properties, 23–25 responding to mouse, 74–75 scaling, 88 shape() function, 87 shortcuts for calculations, 42 sin() and cos() functions, 101–104 sine wave values/movement, 102–103 size() function, 15–16, 40 sketching creating/saving sketches, 11–12 exporting sketches, 12–13 overview, 2 sketchbook, defined, 11 Sketch menu, 11 smoothing lines with easing, 57 smooth lines, drawing, 23–24 spirals, creating, 104 spot lights, 162 strings, storing text in, 86 strokeCap() function, 25 stroke() function, 26 strokeJoin() function, 25 stroke weights consistency of, 111–112 setting, 24 style tips for coding, 180 SVG files, loading and drawing, 87 SVG format, vector shapes in, 81 syntax, precise use of, 9 T tab feature (Processing Environment), 137 tapping keys, 70–71 test statement, 44194 Index text drawing in boxes, 85 editor, defined, 8 storing in strings, 86 textAlign() function, 71 textFont() command, 84 text() function, 71, 84 textSize() function, 71, 84 TIFF format, 164 timed events, triggering, 100 toolbar, defined, 8 Tools Color Selector, 28–29 tracking mouse, 53–54 multiple mouse buttons, 63–64 translate() function, 106–107 translating locations, 106–109 transparency with GIF/PNG images, 81–83 setting, 29 tweening (animation), 95–96 U uppercase/lowercase letters in code, 180 V values, returning with functions, 124–125 variables arrays and, 141–143 calculating mouse speed with, 55–56 changing values with, 38 creating, 39 declaring object variables, 134 frameRate variable. See frame rates global, 52 modifying code with, 49 reusing identical values, 37 variable scope, 187 vector graphics, 165 vector shapes in SVG format, 81 loading into Processing, 86 scaling, 88 vertex() function, 30–32 VLW format, 83 W websites, for downloading media files, 77 Processing libraries, 157 websites, for further information Arduino boards, 168 resources for sharing programs, 175 width/height variables, 40 Windows (Microsoft), installing Processing on, 7 wrapping shapes on screen, 93–94
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Make - Getting Started with Processing رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Make - Getting Started with Processing