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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook 2nd English Edition الجمعة 19 يناير 2024, 11:27 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook 2nd English Edition Ulrich Fischer, Roland Gomeringer, Max Heinzler, Roland Kilgus, Friedrich Naher, Stefan Oesterle, Heinz Paetzold, Andreas Stephan
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents 1 Mathematics 1.1 Numerical tables Square root, Area of a circle 10 Sine, Cosine 11 Tangent, Cotangent . 12 1.2 Trigonometric Functions Definitions 13 Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cotangent 13 Laws of sines and cosines . 14 Angles, Theorem of intersecting lines . 14 1.3 Fundamentals of Mathematics Using brackets, powers, roots 15 Equations 16 Powers of ten. Interest calculation 17 Percentage and proportion calculations 18 1.4 Symbols, Units Formula symbols, Mathematical symbols 19 Sl quantities and units of measurement 20 Non-SI units . 22 2 Physics 2.1 Motion Uniform and accelerated motion . 34 Speeds of machines . 35 2.2 Forces Adding and resolving force vectors . 36 Weight. Spring force . 36 Lever principle, Bearing forces . 37 Torques, Centrifugal force . 37 2.3 Work, Power, Efficiency Mechanical work . _ 38 Simple machines . 39 Power and Efficiency ___ . __ . _ . 40 2.4 Friction Friction force . __ _ . _ . _41 Coefficients offriction . _ . 41 Friction in bearings . 41 2.5 Pressure in liquids and gases Pressure, definition and types . 42 Buoyancy . _ . _ . 42 Pressure changes in gases 42 2.6 Strength of materials Load cases. Load types __ . ___ 43 Safety factors, Mechanical strength properties _____ 44 Tension, Compression, Surface pressure . 45 Shear, Buckling 46 9 1.5 lengths Calculations in a right triangle . 23 Sub-dividing lengths, Arc length . 24 Flat lengths, Rough lengths . 25 1.6 Areas Angular areas 26 Equilateral triangle, Polygons, Circle 27 Circular areas . 28 1.7 Volume and Surfac. area Cube, Cylinder, Pyramid 29 Truncated pyramid, Cone. Truncated cone, Sphere . 30 Composite solids 31 1.8 Mass General calculations 31 Linear mass density 31 Area mass density . 31 1.9 Centroids Centroids of lines . 32 Centroids of plane areas 32 33 Bending, Torsion . 47 Shape factors in strength _ . 48 Static moment, Section modulus, Moment of inertia 49 Comparison of various cross-sectional shapes 50 2.7 Thermodynamics Temperatures. Linear expansion, Shrinkage . 51 Quantity of heat . 51 Heat flux, Heat of combustion . 52 2.8 Electricity Ohm's Law, Conductor resistance 53 Resistor circuits _54 Types of current . 55 Electrical work and power . 56Table of Contents 3 Technical drawing 3.1 Basic geometric constructions Lines and angles . 58 Tangents. Circular arcs, Polygons 59 Inscribed circles. Ellipses, Spirals . 60 Cycloids, Involute curves, Parabolas 61 3.2 Graphs Cartesian coordinate system 62 Graph types . 63 3.3 Drawing elements Fonts 64 Preferred numbers, Radii, Scales . 65 Drawing layout 66 Line types . fil 3.4 Representation Projection methods 69 Views 71 Sectional views 73 Hatching . 75 3.5 Entering dimensions Dimensioning rules 76 Diameters, Radii, Spheres, Chamfers, Inclines, Tapers, Arc dimensions . 78 Tolerance specifications . 80 Types of dimensioning . 81 Simplified presentation in drawings 83 4 Materials science 4.1 Materials Material characteristics of solids . 116 M aterial characteristics of liquids and gases 117 Periodic table ofthe elements 118 4.2 Designation system for steels Definition and classification of steel . 120 Material codes, Designation 121 4.3 Steel types. Overview 126 Structural steels 128 Case hardened, quenched and tempered, nitrided, free cutting steels 132 Tool steels . 135 Stainless steels, Spring steels . 136 4.4 Finished st.eel products Sheet, strip, pipes . 139 Profiles 143 4.5 Heat treatment Iron-Carbon phase diagram 153 Processes . 154 4.6 Cast iron materials Designation, Material codes 158 Classification . 159 Cast iron . 160 Malleable cast iron, Cast steel 161 57 3.6 Machine elements Gear types 84 Roller bearings . 85 Seals . 86 Retaining rings, Springs . 87 3.7 Workpiece elements Bosses, Workpiece edges . 88 Thread runouts, Thread undercuts . 89 Threads, Screw joints . 90 Center holes, Knurls, Undercuts 91 3.8 Welding and Soldering Graphical symbols . 93 Dimensioning examples 95 3.9 Surfaces Hardness specifiCations in drawings 97 Form deviations, Roughness . 98 Surface testing, Surface indications 99 3.10 ISO Tolerances and Fits Fundamentals 102 Basic hole and basic shaft systems 106 General Tolerances, Roller bearing frts .110 Fit recommendations . 111 Geometric tolerancing .112 GO&T (Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing) . 113 115 4.7 Foundry technology Patterns, Pattern equipment 162 Shrinkage allowances, Dimensional tolerances 163 4.8 Light alloys, Overview of AI alloys 164 Wrought aluminum alloys . 166 Aluminum casting alloys . 168 Aluminum profiles . 169 Magnesium and titanium alloys 172 4.9 Heavy non-ferrous metals, Overview 173 Designation system 174 Copper alloys 175 4.10 Other metallic materials Composite materials, Ceramic materials . 177 Sintered metals 178 4.11 Plastics, Overview 179 Thermoplastics 182 Thermoset plastics, Elastomers 184 Plastics processing 186 4.12 Material testing methods, Overview 188 Tensile testing 190 Hardness test 192 4.13 Corrosion, Corrosion protection 196 4.14 Hazardous materials 197 56 Table of Contents 5 Machine elements 5.1 Threads (overview) 202 Metric ISO threads . 204 Whitworth threads, Pipe threads 206 Trapezoidal and buttress threads 207 Thread tolerances . 208 5.2 Bolts and screws (overview) . 209 Designations, strength 210 Hexagon head bolts & screws . 212 Other bolts & screws 215 Screw joint calculations . 221 Locking fasteners . 222 Widths across flats, Bolt and screw drive systems . 223 5.3 Countersinks . 224 Countersinks for countersunk head screws . 224 Counterbores for cap screws 225 5.4 Nuts (overview) . 226 Designations, Strength . 227 Hexagon nuts . 228 Other nuts . 231 5.5 Washers (overview) 233 Flat washers . 234 HV, Clevis pin, Conical spring washers . 235 5.6 Pins and clevis pins (overview) . 236 Dowel pins, Taper pins, Spring pins . 237 6 Production Engineering 6.1 Quality management Standards, Terminology . 274 Quality planning, Quality testing 276 Statistical analysis . 277 Statistical process control 279 Process capability . 281 6.2 Production planning 'Time accounting according to REFA . 282 Cost accounting 284 Machine hourly rates 285 6.3 Machining processes Productive time . 287 Machining coolants 292 Cutting tool materials, Inserts, Tool holders . 294 Forces and power . 298 Cutting data: Drilling, Reaming, Turning . 301 Cutting data: Taper turning . 304 Cutting data: Milling . 305 Indexing . 307 Cutting data: Grinding and honing . 308 6.4 Material removal Cutting data 313 Processes . 314 6.5 Separation by cutting Cutting forces 315 201 Grooved pins, Grooved drive studs, Clevis pins 238 5.7 Shaft-hub connections Tapered and feather keys 239 Parallel and woodruff keys 240 Splined shafts, Blind rivets 241 Tool tapers . 242 5.8 Springs, components of jigs and tools Springs 244 Drill bushings 247 Standard stamping parts 251 5.9 Drive elements Belts . 253 Gears . 256 Transmission ratios . 259 Speed graph . 260 5.10 Bearings Plain bearings (overview) . 261 Plain bearing bushings 262 Antifriction bearings (overview) . 263 Types of roller bearings 265 Retaining rings . 269 Sealing elements 270 Lubricating oils 271 Lubricating greases . 272 273 Shearing 316 Location of punch holder shank . 317 6.6 Forming Bending . 318 Deep drawing 320 6.7 Joining Welding processes 322 Weld preparation . 323 Gas welding 324 Gas shielded metal arc welding . 325 Arc welding 327 Thermal cutting 329 Identification of gas cylinders . 331 Soldering and brazing . 333 Adhesive bonding 336 6.8 Workplace safety and environmental protection Prohibitive signs 338 Warning signs . 339 Mandatory signs, Escape routes and rescue signs . 340 Information signs . 341 Danger symbols 342 Identification of pipe lines 343 Sound and noise . 344Table of Contents 7 7 Automation and lnfonnation Technology 345 7.1 Basic terminology for control engineering Basic terminology, Code letters, Symbols . 346 Analog controllers . 348 Discontinuous and digital controllers 349 Binary logic 350 7.2 Electrical circuits Circuit symbols . 351 Designations in circuit diagrams . 353 Circuit diagrams 354 Sensors . 355 Protective precautions . 356 7.3 Function charts and function diagrams Function charts 358 Function diagrams 361 7.4 Pneumatics and hydraulics Circuit symbols . 363 Layout of circuit diagrams . 365 Controllers . 366 Hydraulic fluids . 368 Pneumatic cylinders . 369 Forces,Speeds, Po~er 370 Precision steel tube . 372 7.5 Programmable logic control PLC programming languages . 373 ladder diagram (LO) 374 Function block language (FBU 374 8 Material chart, Standards 8.1 International mat.erial comparison chart 407 8.2 DIN, DIN EN, ISO etc. standards 412 Subject index Structured text (STI . 374 Instruction list . 375 Simple functions . 376 7.6 Handling and robot systems Coordinate systems and axes . 378 Robot designs 379 Grippers, job safety . 380 7.7 Numerical Control INC) technology Coordinate systems . 381 Program structure according to DIN 382 Tool offset and Cutter compensation . 383 Machining motions as per DIN . 384 Machining motions as per PAL (German association) 386 PAL programming system for turning . 388 PALprogramming system for milling . 392 7.8 Information technology Numbering systems . 401 ASCII code . 402 Program flo~ chart, Structograms 403 WORD- and EXEL commands 405 Subject index Abrasives 309 ABS (IICrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymers) 181. 187 Acceleration 34 Ac<:oloration due to gravity . 36 Acceleration Ioree 36 Acceptance quality level (AOl) 280 Acceptance SBmpling . 280 Ac<:idont prevention regulations with regard to noise protection 344 Ace1yleno cylinders, color coding 332 Acme screw threads . 203 Acrylonitrole butadiene rubber (NBAI 185 Address codes, CNC controls 382 Adhesive bonding . 336 Adhesives. microencapsulated 222 Air consumption or pneumatic cylinders . 369 Air pressure . 42 Aluminum alloys, heat treatment 157 Aluminum casting alloys . 168 Aluminum Cllstings. designation . 168 Aluminum profiles 169- 171 Aluminum profiles, overview 169 Aluminum tubes . 171 Ball bearings . 265, 266 Ball knobs . 248 Basic dimensions 81 Basic geometrical constructions . 58- 61 Basic hole 103 Basic polymers, designation . 180 Basic quantities 20 Basic shaft . 103 Basic units 20 Beam cutting . 329, 330 Beam cutting, areas of application . 329 Bearing foroes 37 Belt drive. transmission ratio . 259 Bending 318,319 Bending load . 47 Bending stress 47 Bending, bending radius 318 Bending, Clllculation of blanks 31B, 319 Bending, spring back . 319 Bevel gears, Clllculation 258 Binary logic . 350 Binary number system . 401 Binomialformula . 15 Blind rivet 241 Block and tackle . 39 A B Aluminum, Aluminum alloys, overview 164 Aluminum, welding fillers 326 Amino plastic molding materials 164 Analog controllers . 348 AND operation . 350, 375, 376 Angular-contact ball bearings . 265 Anti-rotation lock lor SCfOWS 222 Aramide fibers 187 Arc length, dimensionong 78 Arc welding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 327. 328 Arc welding. weld design 328 Area graphs . 63 Argon cylinders, color coding 332 Arrow projection method 70 ASOI code . 402 Austenite . 153 Austenitic steels . 136 Automation 345-406 Auxiliary dimensions 81 Average speed of crank mechanism 35 Axial deep groove ball bearings . 266 Axonometric representation . 69 Boiling temperature . 116, 117 Bolt thread as inclined plane . 39 Bolts and screws 209-221 Bolts and screws for T-slots . 250 Bolts and screws, designation 210 Bolts and screws, head styles . 223 Bolts and screws, overview 209, 210 Bolts, tightening torques . 221 Bonded joints, preparation . 336 Bonded joints. representation 96 Bonded joints, !.Osting . 337 Bonded joints. types . 337 Bosses on turned parts . 88 BA (butadiene rubber) . 185 Brazing materials . 333 Breakeven point . 286 Brinell hardness test . 192 Buckling, load 46 Buoyant force 42 Buttress threads . 207418 Subject index Subject index Cabinet projec1ion 69 Calculations with brackets 15 Captive fastener . 222 Car·bon dioxide cylinders. color coding . 332 Carbon fibers 187 Cartesian coordinate system . 62 Case hardening steels 132 Case hardening steels. heat treatment 155 Case-hardening 154 Cast copper alloys 176 Cast iron with flake graphite 159, 160 Cast iron with spheroidal graphite 159, 160 Cast iron, bainitic . 159 Cast iron, designation system 158 Cast iron, dimensional tolerances . 163 Cast steel 159, 161 Casting tolerance grade 163 Castle nuts . 232 Cavalier projection 69 Cellulose acetate plastics (CAl 181 Cellulose acetobutyrate plastics ICABI . 181 Centrifugal force 37 Centroids, lines 32 Centroids, plane areas 32 Ceramic materials 177 Chamfers, dimensioning . 78 Change in volume . 51 Character sizes . 64 Character types . 64 Chemicals used in metal technology 119 Chlorepoxypropane rubber (COl 185 Circle, area 10. 27 Circle, circumference 27 Circle, finding the center of . 60 Circlips . 269 Circuit diagrams 354 Circuit diagrams, hydraulic 365, 367 Circuit diagrams, pneumatic 365, 366 Circuits, elec1rical . 351- 354 Circular movements of CNC machines . 384. 385 Circularring (annulus), area 28 Circular sector, area 28 Circular segment, area 28 Circumferential velocity, calculating . 34, 35 Clearance fit . 102 Clearance holes for bolts . 211 Clevis pins . 238 Closed loop control, general terms 346 Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act . 197 Coarse threads . 204 Coefficient of linear expansion . 116, 117 c Coeffocient of thermal conductivity 111 Coefficient of volumetric expansion . 116, 117 Coeffocients of friction . 41 Cold work steels 135 Cold work steels. heat treatment 155 Combination signs 341 Combined dimensioning . 82 Composite materials . 177 Compressed-gas cylinders 324 Compressed'iJaS cylinders, color coding . 332 Compression springs 245 Compressive load . 45 Compressive stress . 45 Conductor resistance 53 Cone. surface area and volume . 30 Conical seats 250 Conical spring washers 235 Continuous controllers . 348 Contribution margin 286 Control charact.ers of computers 394 Control dimensions 81 Controlled systems 349 Controllers . 346- 349 Coordinate axes in programming 381 Coordinate dimensioning . 82 Coordinate systems of CNC machines . 381 Copper-tin alloys . 175 Copper-zinc alloys . 175 Corrosion . 196 Corrosion protection 196 Cosine 11.13 Cost accounting . 284 Cost calculation . 284 Cost comparison method . 286 Cotangent . 12, 13 Cotter pins . 232 Counterbores for cap screws and hexagon head bolts 225 Counter nut 222 Countersink depth, calculating . 225 Countersinking, productive time . 289 Countersinks for countersunk head screws 224 Countersinks for screws . 224, 225 Countersunk head screws, slotted 217 Countersunk screws, hexagon socket 216 CR (chloroprene rubber) 185 Cross-section area 73 CSM (chlorosulfonated polyethylene elastomers) . 185 Cube root 15 Current density . 54 Currents . 356 Cutting data, drilling . 301Subject index 419 Subject index Cun ing data, grinding 308, 311 Cuning data, honing 312 Cuning date. milling . 305 Cuning data, reaming . 302 Cunlng data, tapping 302 Cunlng data, turning . 303 Cunlng force . 46 Cutting force. drilling 298 D.contro llers 348 Danger critena . 342 Danger symbols . 342 Data processong, graphical symbols . 403. 404 Deceleration force . 36 Decimal system 393 Deep drawing force . 321 Deep drawing, blank diameters 320 Deep drawing, deep drawing force . 321 Deep drawing. drawing gap 320 Deep dr11wing, drawing ratio . 321 Deep drawing, drawing steps 321 Deep drawing, tool radii . 320 Deep groove ball bearings 265 Deep-drawing. hold-down force 321 Defect che n . 281 Deflection . 47 Density, values 116. 117 Description of hazards 342 Detent edged ring 222 Deviations . 102 Diame ter, dime nsioning . 78 Diametric projection . 69 Die clearance 316 Die dimensions 316 EC Directive on Hazardous Substances . 198, 199 Effective length of bent pans . 318, 319 Elastomers . 179, 185 Electric current . 53, 54 Electrical circuit symbols . 351, 352 Electrical circuits 353, 354 Electrical conductance . 53 Electrical engineering, fundamentals . 53- 55 Electricity, quantities and units . 22 Electrochemical series . 196 Electrohydraulic controls . 367 Electropneumatic controls 366 Ellipse. area . 28 Ellipse, constructing 60 Embedding matenals (matrix) for plastics . 187 Energy of position 38 D E Cuning force, face milling 300 Cuning force, specifoc 299 Cuning force, turning 298 Cuning power in face milling . 300 Cuning power, drilling 298 Cutting power, turning . 298 Cuning speed, calcula ting 35 Cutting tool materi&ls . 294, 295 Differential indexing . 307 Digital controllers 349 Dimension lines 76 Oomension num bers 76 Dimensioning rules .n Dimensioning systems 75 Direct costing . 286 Direct costs . 284 Direct Current lOCI 55, 351 Direct indexing 307 Disoontinuous controllers . 349 Disk springs . 246 Disposal of substances . 197 Dividing head . 307 Divisions. dimensioning . 79 Drain plugs . 219 Dnll bushings 247 Drilling cycles 389 Drilling screws . 210 Drilling, cuning data . 301 Drilling, cutting force and cutting powe r . 299 Drilling. problems 306 Drilling, productive time . 289 Dry machining . 293 Energy. kinetic . 38 Energy, potential . 38 EPA (ethylene propylene rubber, EPOM) 185 Equations, solving . 15 Equipment. electrical 353 Erichsen cupping test 191 Escape route and rescue signs 340 Euclidean theorem . 23 Eutectic . 153 Eutectoid 153 EXCEL. commands . 406 Exlension lines . 76 Exlrusion . 186 Eye bolls 219 Eye nuts 231420 Subject index Subject index F110e milling. cutting fOFBtlgue test 189 Feather l!c tapered keys, overview . 239 Feather keys . 240 Feod rato, calculating . 35 Felt rings . 270 Ferrite . 153 Ferritic steels 137 Fiberglass . 187 Filler metals 334 Fillers lind reinforcing materi11ts for plutics 180 Fine thre11ds 204 Fire elCllngulshlng lines, identification marking . 343 Fire protection symbols 340 Fits, ISO system . 102 Fits, recommended . 1t1 Fixed costs . 286 Flame-cuning, dimensional tolerances . 330 Flamo-cuning, standard values . 329 Flat head countersunk screws, cross recessed 217 Flat head countersunk 111pping screw . 217 Flat steel bllr, bright . 145 Flat steel bllr, hoHolled 144 Flip-nop elements . 350, 352 Flow rates 371 FluorOCIIoutchouc IFKMI 185 Fluted knobs . 249 Flux for brazing 334 Gage pressure . 42 Gas cylinders, color coding . 331 Gas cylinders, identification . 331 Gas shielded me111l arc welding . 325, 326 Gas welding rods . 324 Gaseous materials, characteristics 117 Gear winch 39 General tolerances 110 General tolerances, weldments 322 Geometric tolerancing . 112- 114 Geometrical areas. calculating . 26-28 Geometrical areas, centroid 32 Geometrical areas. units . 20 Gib-head keys 239 Golden Rule of Mechanics 38. 39 Handling systems. job safety 380 Hard milling 293 Hard turning . 293 Hardening . 153, 154 F G H Flux for soldering 334 Foam materials . 185 Folded joints. representation . 96 Fonts . 64 Force diagram, calculation . 36 Forces 36 Forces, adding and resolving 36 Forces, representation . 36 Fom~ and positional tolerances 112- 114 Fotm deviations 98 Fom~ing gas UCI cyhnders, color coding 332 Foundry technology . 162. 163 Free cuning steels . 134 Free cutting steels, heat treatment . 157 Freezing temperature 117 Frequency, relative . 277 Friction 41 Friction power . 41 Frictional moment . 41 Frictional work . 38 Function block language (FBU . 373, 374 Function chans 358-360 Function diagrams 361,362 Fundamental deviations 102 Fundamental deviations for holes 105 Fundamental deviations for shafts 104 Fundamental tolerance grades 102, 103 Fundamental tolerances 103 Fuses 356 GRAFCET, graphical design language for sequential control . 358 Graphical symbols for data processing . 403, 404 Graphs 62, 63 Greek alphabet . 64 Grinding . 308-311 Grinding wheels. selection . 310 Grinding. cutting data 308, 311 Grinding. maximum allow11ble peripheral velocity . 308 Grinding. prod1Jctive time . 291 Grippers . 380 Grooved drive studs . 238 Grooved pins 238 Grub screws with thrust point 248 Hardness limits . 97 Hardness penetration depth 97 Hardness specifications in drawings 97 Hardness test . 188-195Subject index 421 Subject index Hardness values, conversion table 194 Hatching, represenl81ion . 73 Hatchings, material dependent . 75 H&zardous gases and substances . 198 Hazardous materials, gases . 198 Hazardous substances . 198- 200 Hazardous waste 197 Headed drill bushings . 247 Heat fluK 52 Heat of combustion 52 Heat of fusion 52 Heat of vaporizatoon 52 Heat transfer . 22 Heat transmission 52 Heat tr&nsmission coeffident 52 Heat treatment . 153-157 Heat treatment information 97 Heat treatmenl of steels 153- 157 Helical line, constructing . 61 Helium cylinders, color coding 332 He)(adocimal numbering sys1em . 401 HeKagon he&d bolts & screws 212- 214 HeKagon head bolts with reduced shank 213 HeKagon head bolts, heavy . 214 He)(agon nuts . 228- 231 He)(agon, constructing 59 HeKagonal acorn nuts . 231 HeKagonal fit bolts with long threaded stem 214 l·beams, medium w idth 149 l·beams, wide . 149, 150 1-controller 348 Ideal gas 18w . 42 Imperial threads . 203 Incline, dimensioning . 78 Inclined plane 39 lnde)(ing . 307 Industrial robots 378, 379 lnen gas 325 Information signs . 341 Information technology 401- 406 Injection molding . 186 Keys. feather keys, woodruff keys . 239 Kinetic energy . 38 Knurled nuts . 232 Labels for hazardous goods 331 Ladder diagram LAD 374 Laminate materials 184 I, J K L He)(agonal fit bolts, heavy 214 Hexagonal steel bers, bright 145 High-grade cast zinc alloys 176 High-performance grinding 311 High-speed machining . 293 High-speed steels 135 High·speed steels, heat treatment 155 High-temperature plastics . 187 Histogram 277 Hoisting winch 39 Hold-down force in deep drawong operations . 321 Hollow cylinder, surface area and volume 29 Hollow taper shanks 243 Homogenizing anneal 153 Honing. cutting values . 312 Honing, productive tome . 289 Honing. selection of honing stones 312 Hooke's law . 36 Hot work steels . 135 Hot work steels. heat treatment 155 HSC (High speed cutting) 293 Hydraulic drcuit symbols 363, 364 Hydraulic fluids . 368 Hydraulic oils . 368 Hydraulic press 370 Hydraulics . 363-372 Hydrostatic pressure 42 Hyperbola, constructing . 61 Injection pressure . 186 Instruction list IL 373, 375 Interference fit 102 Intersection line, representation . 73 Involute curve, constructing 61 lA (isoprene rubber) . 185 Iron-Carbon phase diagram . 153 ISOfots 104-109 lsobutene-isoprene rubber . 185 Isometric projectioo 69 Job ti me ace. to AEFA (German association for work time studies) 282 Jointing, productive time . 289 Knurls . 91 Kryptoo cylinders. color coding . 332 laser beam cutting, dimensional tolerances 330 laser beam cutting, standard values 330 Latent heat of fusion . 116, 117422 Subject index Subject index Law of cosines 14 Law of sines 14 Leader lines 77 Ledeburite . 153 Left-hand threads 202 Length, calculating . 24, 25 Length, effective . 25 Length, units . 20 Lever . 37 Lever principle 37 Lifting worlc . 38 Limit dimensions for threads 208 Limits . 102 Linear expansion . 51 Linear function . 16 Linear movements of CNC machines . 384, 385 Machine capability 281 Machine hourly rates 285 Machined plates for press tools and fixtures . 251 Machining coolants . 292 MAG (Metal active gas) welding. standard values 326 Magnesium. cast alloys 172 Magnesium, wrought alloys . 172 Magnetism . 22 Malleable cast iron 159, 161 Mandatory signs 340 Manufacturing costs 284 Martens hardness . 194 Martensitic steels 137 Mass moment of inertia . J8 Mass. calculation 31 Mass, linear mass density and area mass density . 31, 152 Material characteristics 116, 117 Material removal processes, productive time 313 Material removal rate, standard values 313 Material science . 115-200 Material testing . 188- 195 Material testing, overview . 188- 189 Mathematical symbols 19 Mathematics . 9-32 Matrix materials for plastics . 187 Maximum clearance . 102 Maximum dimension 102 Maximum interterence . 102 Mean value. arithmetical . 278 Mean value. standard deviation chart . 279 Mechanical strength properties 44, 45 Mechanics, quantities and units . 20, 21 L M Lines in technical drawings . 67, 68 Lines, centroid . 32 Liquid materials, characteristics . 117 Load cases 43 Load types 43 Lock nuts 231 Lock nuts for roller bearings . 268 Lock washers for bolts and screws 222 Lock w ashers lor roller bearing slotted nuts . 268 Lock washers. slotted nuts 231 Lock wire lor screws 222 Locki ng edge washer 222 Locking fasteners 222 Lubricants 272 Lubricating greases . 272 Lubricating oils . 271 Melting temperature . 116, 117 Memory [f lip-flop) . 350, 352 Metric ISO screw threads . 204 Metric tapers 242, 243 MF (melamine formaldehyde) resin . 181 Microstructures of carbon steel 153 MIG (Metal-inert-gas) welding, standards . 326 Milling, cutting data . 305 Milling, cutting force and cutting power 300 Milling, cycles ace. to PAL (German association) 392-400 Milling, problems . 306 Milling, productive time . 290 Minimum clearance . 102 Minimum dimension 102 Minimum engagement depth for screws 211 Minimum interterence . 102 Minimum quantity of machining coolant 293 Module series for spur gears 257 Modulus of elasticity . 46 Molding materials, thermoplastic 183 Molding materials, thermosetting 184 Molecular groups . 119 Morse taper . 242, 243 Motion, accelerated . 34 Motion, circular 34 Motion. uniform . 34 Multiple start threads . 202Subject index 423 Subject index NAND o pera tion 350 Narrow V·bells . 254 Nassi·Shnelderman diagrams 395 Needlo bearings 268 Neon gas cylinders. color coding . 332 Net calorific valuo . 52 Nitriding . 154 Nitridlng stee ls . 134 Nitriding steels, heat treatment 157 Noiso . 344 Noise Protootoon Regulations (German) 344 Noise. d11meges to health 344 Nominal d imensions . 102 Non-ferrous metals . 164- 176 Non·ferrous metals, m aterial numbers . 165, 174 Non·fcrrous metals. systematic designation . 165, 174 O·rlngs 270 Ohm's law 53 Open loop control. general tenms 346, 347 OR operation 350 PA (polyamide) plastics 180-182 PAL drilling cycles (German association) . 389 PAL m illing cycles !German association! 392- 400 PAL turning cycles (German association! . 389- 391 Parabola, constructing . 61 Parallel circuit . 54 Paralle l dimensioning . 82 Paralle logram area 26 Pareto diagra m . 281 Panial views in drawings 71 Path Ootreclion in CNC machining . 383 Panems. color coding . 162 PC lpolycarbonatel plastics 180, 181 PC & ABS plastics . 187 PC & PET plastics 187 PO controller . 348 PE (polyethylene) plastics 180- 182 PE molding materials 183 Pearlite 153 Percentage, calculating 18 Periodic table ofthe elements . 118 Pf (phenol fonmaldehydel resin . 181 Pf PMC molding materials . 184 Pf molding materials 184 pH value . 119 Pheno lic molding materials 184 Phenolic plastic molding materials 184 Physics . 33-56 N 0 p NOR operation . 350 Normal d istribution . 278 Normalizing 153, 154 NOT operation 350 Notched-bar impact bending tost , . 191 NPSM threads 203 NPT threads 203 NPTF threads 203 NR (natural rubber) 185 Numerical control technology 381- 400 Nuts 226-232 Nuts lor T·slots . 250 Nuts, designation 227 Nuts. overview . 226, 227 Nuts, properly classes . 228 Orientation tolerance 113 Overhead . 284 Oxygen cylinders, colo r coding 332 PI Cf>ropoPIO (Proportional-integral-differential) controller . 348 Pillar presses . 252 Pins 236-238 Pins. locating . 249 Pins, overview 236 Pins, seating 249 Pipe lines, identification 343 Pipe threads 206 Piston speeds 371 Plain bearing . 261,262 Plain bearing bushings 262 Plain bearing materials 261 Plasma cuning, standard values 329 Plastic prooessing, settings . 186 Plastic processing, tolerances . 186 Plastics 179-187 Plastics testing 195 Plastics, cuning . 301-305 Plastics, distinguishing characteristics 181 Plastics, hardness test 195 Plastics, identification 181 Plastics, material testing . 195 Plastics. tensile load . 195 Plastics, thermal behavior 179 Plateau honing . 312 Plates for pillar presses 251 PLC. controls . 373- 377424 Subject index Subject index PLC. programming . 373-376 PLC. programming languages 373- 376 PMMA lpolymethylmethacrylatel plastics 181, 182 Pneumatic circuit symbols 363, 364 Pneumatic cylinders, air consumption . 369 Pneumatic cylinders, dimensions . 369 Pneumatic cylinders, piston forces 369 Pneumatics . 362- 371 Polar coordinate system 63 Polar coordinates in drawings . 82 Polyblends 187 Polyetherctherketone (PEEK) . 187 Polygon. constructlng . 59 Polygon, irregular 27 Polygon, regular 27 Polyimide (PII resin 187 Polyoxidemethylcne (POM, polyacetall resin . 181, 182 Polyphcnyleno sulfide IPPSI plastics . 187 Polystyrene plastics . 180-182 Polysulfone iPSUI plastics 187 Position lolerances 114 Positional dimensions in drawings 81 Positional tolerances 114 Potable water lines, identification marking 343 Potential energv 38 Pour point . 368 Power factor . 56 Power, electrical 56 Power, mechanical 40 Powers lexponentiationl . 15 PP lpolypropylenel plastics 181, 182 PP molding materials 183 PPE & PS plastics . 187 Precision steel1ubes for hydraulic and pneumatic applications 372 Precision steel tubes, seamless . 142 Preferred numbers 65 Pressed joints, representation . 96 Pressure 42 Pressure intensifoer 370 Pressure units 42 Primary profile IP profile) 98 Prime cost . 284 Probability . 276 Quadratic function . 16 Quality and process capability 281 Quality control 276 Quality control chan . 279 Quality control circle . 276 Quality inspection and testing 276 Quality management . 274-281 a Pr~bility network . 277 Process capability . 281 Process steps . 280 Production COSts 284 Production engineering 273- 344 Productive time, countersinking 289 Productive time, drilling , . 289 Productive time, grinding 291 Productive time, honing 289 Productive time. material removal processes 313 Productive time, milling . 290 Productrve tome, reaming . 289 Productive time, thread aming 287 Productive lime, 1uming . 287 Productive lime, lurning W1th V consL 288 Program flowchan 404 Program structure of CNC machines . 382 Programmable logic conlroiiPLCI . 373- 377 Prohibitive signs 338 Projec1ion methods . 69, 70 Property classes of bolts and screws . 211 Proportion, calculatmg 18 Proportional conuoller . , . 348 PrOieelive measuresagainst dangerous currents . 356 Proximity sensors . 355 PTFE .181, 187 Pulley, fixed . 39 Pulley, movable 39 Pumping capacity . 371 Pumps, power 371 Punch dimensions 316 Punch holder shanks 251 Punch holder shanks, loc111ion 317 Punches . 251 PUR (polyurethane) foam 185 PUR lpolyurethane) plaslics . 181 Pure aluminum . 164, 166 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastics . 181, 182 PVC·Pplastics (plasticized PVC! . 182 Pyramid. slant height . 29 Pyramid, volume . 29 Pythagorean theorem 23 Pythagorean theorem of heigh! 23 Oualil)' management. definitions . 275 Quality management, standards . 274 Quality planning 276 Quantity of heat 51 Quenched and 1empered steels . 133 Quenched and tempered steels. heatlreatmenl 156 Quenching and tempering 154Subject index 425 Subject index A-Phrases lnformatOfY notes on possible hazards and nslts. 11oc. to the German Hazardous Substances Regulations IGefStoffV) 199 Radial seals (rotary shaft seals! 270 Radius 65 Radius, dimensioning . 78 Raisod head countersunk screws 217 Raised head countersunk tapping screws . 217 Raised he&d tapping screws 218 Random sample tests, 111tribute testing 280 Random samples . 278 Range (ol samples! 278 Rawdata 277 R11w data chart 279 Reaming, cutting data . 302 Reaming, productive time 289 Recommended safety measures . 200 Recrystallization annealing 153 Rectangle, area . 26 Reference lines . 77 Reference po1nts ol CNC machines 381 Reinforcing fibers . 187 Retaining rings . 269 Retaining rings, representation . 87 Rhomboid, area 26 Rhombus. area . 26 Safety colors 338 Safety factors 44 Safety measures lor robot systems 380 Safety signs 338- 341 Sales price . 284 SAN (styrene-acrylonitrilel copolymers 181, 182 S8 (Styrene-butadiene! copolymers . 180-182, 187 SBA (Styrene-butadiene! rubber . 185 Scales . 65 SCAAA robots . 379 Screw joints, calculation . 221 Screw joints, representation 90 Screw thread standards ofvarious countries 203 Screw threads 202- 208 Seals, representation 86 Second moment olinertia 49 Sectional views 73, 74 Sections, comparison of load capacity . 50 Selection of fits 111 Sensors 355 Sequential charts 359 Sequential control 358. 360, 367 Series circuit 54 Serrated lock washers 222 R s Robot axes . 378 Rockwell hardness test . 193 Rod electrodes, designatron 327 Roller bearing fits . 110 Roller bearings 263- 268 Roller bearings, designation 264 Roller bearings, dimension series 264 Roller bearings, overview 263 Roller bearings, representation 85 Roller bearings, selection 263 Rolling friction . 41 Roman numerals . 64 Roots, extracting 15 Rotation, kinetic energy 38 Rough dimensions in drawings . 81 Roughness depth in turning operations . 303 Roughness parameters . 98 Roughness profile (A·prolilel 98 Round bar steels. bright , . 145 Round bar steels, polished . 145 Round steel bar, hot-rolled 144 AS flip-flop 350, 352 Rubbers . 185 Rule-of-ten (for costS) . 276 Run-out tolerances 114 Running dimensioning 82 Serrations, representation 87 Set screws, hexagon socket . 220 Set suews, slotted . 220 Shape dimensions . 81 Shear cutting Ioree . 315 Shearcutting work . 315 Shear load . 46 Shear strength 46 Shear stress 46 Shear test 191 Shearing . 316, 317 Shearing, design of press . 315 Shearing, die dimensions . 316 Shearing, edge width . 3 16 Shearing,edgewidth . 316 Shearing, location of clamping pin . 317 Shearing, punch dimensions . 316 Shearing, utilization of strip stock . 317 Shearing. web width . 316 Sheet and strip metal, overview 139 Sheet metal. cold-rolled 140 Sheet metal, hoi-dip galvanized 141 Sheet metal. hot-rolled . 141 Sheet. hOI·dip galvanized 141426 Subject index Subject index Shewhllrt quality control chart 279 Shore hardness test . 195 Shrinkage 51 Shrinkage etlowances 163 Shrinkage chucks 243 Sl quantities and units . 20 Silicone rubber (SIR) . 185 Simple Indexing 307 Sino 11. 13 Simored metals 178 Size factor . 48 Sliding fri<:tion .41 Slip type jig bushong . 247 Slot tenons 250 Slo15, dimensioning . 79 Software con1rollers . 349 Soldering . 335 Solders . 333. 334 Solid lubricants 272 Solids, characteristics 116, 117 Sound level 344 Sound, definitions . 344 SPC (statistical process control) . 279 Special characters, CNC machines 382 Special characters, computers 402 Speciroc cuning force standard values . 298 Specific heat 116, 117 Speed graph . 260 Speeds of machines . 35 Sphere, dimensioning . 78 Sphere, surface area and volume . 30 Spherical segment, surface area and volume 30 Spherical washers . 250 Spiral, construction . 60 Spllned shaft joints 241 Splines, representation 87 Spreadsheets . 406 Spring back in bending 319 Spring force .36 Spring lodt washers 222 Spring pins 237 Spring rate . 244, 245 Spring steel wire 138 Spring steel, hot-rolled . 138 Spring washers 222 Springs, representation 87 Springs: tension, compression, disk 244-246 Sprockets, representation 84 Spur gears, calculating 256, 257 Square prism, area . 29 Square prism, volume . 29 Square root 10, 15 Square steel bar, hot-rolled 144 Square, area . 26 Square, dimensioning .n Stainless steels . 136, 137 Standard deviation 2'78 Standardization, regulation body . 8 Star knob 249 Static friction 41 Statistical analysis 2n Statistical process control . 279 Steel bars, bright 145 Steel bars, hot-rolled . 144 Steel channel 146 Steel sections. hot·rolled 143 Steel sheet . 139-141 Steel tubes . 142, 372 Steel tubes, hot·rolled 151 Steel tubes, seamless 142, 372 Steel tubes, welded . 151 Steel wire for springs, patented drawn . 138 Steels for name and induction hardening . 134 Steels, alloying elements . 129 Steels, classification . 120 Steels, identifiCIItion codes 122-125 Steels, numbering system . 121 Steels, overview . 126, 127 Steep tape< shanks . 242 Strength of mat.erials . 43- 50 Stress concentration 48 Stress limits 43 Stress relief anneal 153, 154 Stress. allowable 41, 48 Strip steel, cold-rolled . 139, 140 Strip stock utilization in shearing . 317 Structural steels. carbon . 130 Structural steels, quenched and tempered 131 Structural steels. selecting . 128, 129 S1ructural tee steel, equal legs 146 Structured tex1 (ST) . 373, 374 Stub-Aane screw threads 203 Studs . 219 Sub-dividing lengths 24 Surface profile . 98 Surface areas. calculation 29, 30 Surface condition factor . 48 Surface finish 99 Surface indications . 99, 100 Surface pressure, stress . 45 Surface protection . 196 Surface roughness, attainable . 101 Switching controllers 349 Symbols. mathematical 19-22 Syrochronous belts 255 Synchronous pulleys 255 Systems for rots . 103Subject index 427 Subject index T·slots . 250 Tally sheet 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2n Tangent 12 Top hole diameter for tapping screws 218 Tap holes. drill . 204 Taper pins . 237 Taper turning 304 Tapered keys . 239 Tapered roller bearings . oo oo 267 Tapered threads . 205 Tapers, dimensioning . 00 78 Tapers, nomenclature . 00 304 Tapping drill holes, diameter 204 Tapping screw threads 00 00 00 . 00 00 00 00 . 202 Tapping screws 00 00 00. 00 00. 00. 00 00 . 00. 217, 218 Technical drawing . 57-114 Temperature 0 0 51 Theorem of Intersecting lines . 14 Thermal conduction 52 Thermal conductivity, definition . 52 Thermal conductivity, values . 116, 117 Thermodynamic temperature (Kelvin! . 51 Thermodynamics 00 00 . 00 . 00 00 00 22. 51, 52 Thermoplastics 00 00 00 . 00 00. 179, 182, 183 Thermoplastics, amorphous 179 Thermoplastics, semi~alline 179 Thermoset molding materials . 184 Thermoset plastics 00 00. 00 . 00 oo 00.00 00 179 Thread cunlng, productive time 287 Thread forming screws . 218 Thread molding, cuning data 302 Thread runouts . 89 Thread topping, cuning data . 00 . 302 Thread tolerance 0 208 Thread types, overview 202. 203 Thread undercuts 0 00 0 00 0 89 Threads, dimensioning 0 . 79 Threads, multiple start 0 00 . 202 Threads, representation 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 90 Three steps for direct proportions 18 Three·phase current 55 UF (urea formaldehyde) resin . 180, 181 UF molding materials . 184 UF PMC molding materials 00 0 00 00 00 00 184 UF/MF-PMC plastics o. 0 0 0 0 184 UNC screw threads . 00 00 00 00. 00. 00 00 . 203 Undercuts 00 00 92 UNEF screw threads . 0 00 0. 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 . 0 00. 203 UNF screw threads 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 203 Unit prefixes 0. 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 00 . 17, 22 T u Three-phase power . 00 00 00 . 00 00 00 00 56 Three-point controller , . 00 349 Thrust pads 0 248 litle block in drawings . 00 00 00 00 66 Tolerance class . 00 00 0 00 102 Tolerance grade . , . 102 Tolerance lnd~ations in drawings , . 80 Tolerancesofform oooooooooo oo oo oo o 113 Tolerances of POSition 00 00 00 00 00 00 114 Tolerances, dimensioning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 Tolerances. ISO system 00 00. 00 00 00 00 103 Tool holders for inde)(able tnserts 297 Torque 0 0 . 37 Torsion, loading 00 00 00 00 00 . 0 00 00 0 47 Total run-out tolerances . 114 Transformers . 56 Transition fir 00 00 00 00 . 00 00 102 Transmission ratios 259 Trapezoid, area . 26 Trapezoidal screw threads . 207 Triangle, area 26 Triangle, constructing circumscribed circle 0 60 Triangle. constructing inscribed circle . 60 Triangle. equilateral . 00 0 27 Truncated cone, surface area and volume 30 Truncated pyramid, volume . 30 Tubes . 142, 151 Turning cycles . 0. 0 0 388- 391 Turning with v= const productive rime 288 Turning, cuning data . 00 00 00 00 00 00 303 Turning. cuning force and cuning power 0 0 0 0 0 298 Turning, cycles ace. to PAL (German association) . 388- 391 Turning, problems . 0 306 Turning, pmductive time 00 00 00 00 00. 00 00. 00 00 287 Turning, roughness depch 00. 00 00 00. 00 00 0 00 303 Types of adhesives 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 336 Units of measurement 0 20 UNS screw threads 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 203 UP (unsaturated polyester resin) 0 0 0 0 180, 181 UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride! . 181, 182 Urea fonnaldehyde molding materials 184 Urea{melamine IOmaterials 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 Utilization time ace. to REFA (German association for work time studies) . 283428 Subject index Subject index V·bolt , , . 253, 254 V·belt pulleys 254 Variable costs 286 Velocity . 34, 308 V1bration tost . 222 Vickers hardness test . 193 Views in drawings . 71, 72 Warning signs . 339 Washers . 233- 235 Washers for cap screws 234 Washers for channels and 1-beams 235 Washers for clevis p4ns . 235 Washers for hexagon bolts and nuts . 233. 234 Washers for steel st ructures 234. 235 Waste Disposal Act (Germani 197 Web width in shear cutting . 316 Wedge as en Inclined plane 39 Weight 36 Weld design for arc welding . 328 Weld nuts, hexagonal . 232 Weld preparation . 323 Weldable fine-grain structural steels . 131 Welding . 322- 330 Welding and soldering, dimensioning 95, 96 Welding and soldering, graphical symbols . 93- 95 Welding and soldering, representation . 93- 95 Welding fillers for aluminum . 326 Welding methods . 322 Xenon cylinders. color coding 332 v w X V1scosity grade . 271 VISCOSity, kinematic 368 Voltage 53. 54 Vohage drop . 54 Volume of compound solids 31 Volume. calculaling 31 Volume, units 20 Welding pOSotlons . 322 Welding, general tolerances . 322 White cast iron . 159 Widths across Rats. dimension series 223 Widths across Rats. dimensioning . n Wire electrodes . 325 Wire, electrical . 353 Woodruff keys 240 Word processing 405 Work. electrical 56 Work. mechanical . 38 Worm drive. calculating 258 Worm drive, transmission ratio 259 Wrought aluminum alloys, designation . 165 Wrought aluminum alloys, heat treatable . 167 Wrought aluminum alloys, matenal codes . 165 Wrought aluminum alloys, non-heat treatable . 166 Wrought capper-aluminum alloys 176 Wrought copper-nickel-zinc alloys . 176 Wrought titanium alloys . 172
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