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عدد المساهمات : 18990 التقييم : 35476 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب A Multi-agent Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing Systems - ANEMONA السبت 30 ديسمبر 2023, 11:08 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب A Multi-agent Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing Systems Vicente Botti , Adriana Giret ANEMONA
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Acronyms . xv 1 Introduction . 1 1.1 Structure of the Book . 2 Part I Backgrounds 2 Holonic Manufacturing Systems . 7 2.1 Holon 8 2.2 Holonic Manufacturing Systems – HMS . 9 2.3 HMS State-of-the-Art . 10 2.3.1 Holon Architecture . 10 2.3.2 Holons Interconnection . 15 2.3.3 Holons Operation 17 2.3.4 Holonic Control . 19 2.3.5 Methods for HMS Development 20 2.4 Conclusions . 20 3 Holons and Agents . 21 3.1 Agents 21 3.2 Holons and Agents: Two Similar Modeling Notions 22 3.2.1 Autonomy 23 3.2.2 Reactivity 23 3.2.3 Proactivity 24 3.2.4 Sociability 25 3.2.5 Cooperation . 26 3.2.6 Openness . 26 3.2.7 Rationality 27 3.2.8 Mental Attitudes . 28 3.2.9 Learning . 28 3.2.10 Benevolence 29 xixii Contents 3.2.11 Mobility 29 3.2.12 Recursiveness . 29 3.2.13 Physical and Information Processing Part 30 3.3 Recursiveness . 30 3.4 Abstract Agent . 32 3.4.1 Abstract-agent Structure 34 3.5 Conclusion 38 Part II Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing System 4 HMS Development . 41 4.1 Modeling Requirements . 41 4.1.1 Functional Requirements 41 4.1.2 Software Engineering Requirements 42 4.2 Holonic Manufacturing System Methodologies 44 4.3 Multi-agent System Methods . 45 4.3.1 General-purpose MAS Methods 45 4.3.2 MAS Methods for Manufacturing Systems . 52 4.4 Enterprise Modeling 53 4.5 Comparative Overview 54 4.6 Conclusions . 57 5 ANEMONA Notation . 59 5.1 ANEMONA Metamodel . 60 5.2 Basic Modeling Entities . 62 5.3 Agent Model 66 5.3.1 Abstract Agent and Role 67 5.3.2 Abstract Agent, Role and Goal . 67 5.3.3 Abstract Agent and Belief . 68 5.3.4 Abstract Agent, Role and Task . 68 5.4 Task/Goal Model . 70 5.4.1 Abstract Agent, Task and Goals 70 5.4.2 Task, Goals and Beliefs . 72 5.4.3 Task Specification 73 5.4.4 Goal Decomposition and Goal Dependencies . 75 5.5 Interaction Model 78 5.5.1 Interactions, Abstract Agents, Roles and Goals . 79 5.5.2 Interactions, Interaction Units, Abstract Agents, Roles and Tasks 80 5.5.3 Interaction Specification 82 5.5.4 Interactions and Organizations . 83 5.6 Environment Model 83 5.7 Organization Model 84 5.7.1 Organization Structure 85 5.7.2 Social Relations Among Autonomous Entities 86Contents xiii 5.7.3 Organization unctional efinition . 88 5.8 Conclusions . 89 6 ANEMONA Development Process . 91 6.1 SPEM 91 6.2 A Simplified Supply Chain Case Study 92 6.3 The Method . 93 6.3.1 System Requirement . 94 6.3.2 Analysis 97 6.3.3 Design . 117 6.3.4 Holon Implementation 130 6.3.5 Setup and Configuration 132 6.3.6 Operation and Maintenance 132 6.4 Conclusions . 132 Part III Evaluation and Case Study 7 Evaluation of the ANEMONA Methodology . 137 7.1 ANEMONA Applicability to Intelligent Manufacturing Problems 138 7.2 ANEMONA vs. State-of-the-Art Methods 141 7.3 Conclusions . 142 8 Case Study 143 8.1 Requirements 143 8.1.1 Organizational Chart/Departments 144 8.1.2 Business Processes . 147 8.1.3 System Scope . 149 8.1.4 Processes to Control 149 8.1.5 Operation Conditions . 154 8.1.6 Goals 155 8.2 Analysis 156 8.2.1 Iteration 1 156 8.2.2 Iteration 2 168 8.2.3 Iteration 3 179 8.3 Design 185 8.3.1 Holons Specification . 185 8.3.2 System Architecture 195 8.4 Conclusions . 200 9 Conclusions . 201 9.1 Review . 201 9.2 Future Work . 203 References . 205 Index . 213 F DAcronyms CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing DFD Data Flow Diagram FMS Flexible Manufacturing System FIPA Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents HMS Holonic Manufacturing System IMS Intelligent Manufacturing System JADE Java Agent Development Framework MAS Multi-agent System MOF Meta Object Facility PROSA Product-Resource-Order-Staff Architecture RUP Rational Unified Process SPEM Software Process Engineering Metamodel UML Unified Modeling Language Index abstract agent, 32, 63 abstract belief, 65 abstract goal, 64 abstract task, 65 abstraction level, 33 AContainE relation, 68 activity, 92 adaptability, 22 agent, 7, 21, 64 agent model, 66 agent-based manufacturing system, 7 aggregation relation, 61 AGOClientServer relation, 86 AGOConditionalSubordination relation, 86 AGONotConditionalSubordination relation, 86 AGOSubordination relation, 86 application, 65 AResponsible relation, 68, 85 association relation, 61 autonomy, 10, 21, 23 belief, 64 benevolence, 22, 29 bifurcate relation, 82 business process, 94 concurrent relation, 82 cooperation, 10, 26 cooperation domain, 12 development process, 91 device controlling, 19 distributed intelligent manufacturing, 7 divide and conquer, 2 document, 92 enterprise modeling, 53 environment model, 83 environment resource, 83 EPerceive relation, 84 EResourceBelongsTo relation, 83 event, 66 function block guidelines, 128 functional decomposition, 43, 107 goal, 64, 95 goal-type property, 71 group belief, 65 group goal, 64 GTAffect relation, 72 GTCreate relation, 73 GTDecompose relation, 76 GTDecomposeAnd relation, 76 GTDecomposeOr relation, 76 GTDepend relation, 76 GTDependAnd relation, 76 GTDependOr relation, 76 GTDestroy relation, 73 GTFail relation, 73 GTModify relation, 73 GTPursue relation, 79, 85 GTPursues relation, 67 GTSatisfy relation, 73 guidance, 92 heterarchical control system, 7 HMS-UC guidelines, 102 holarchy, 8, 10 holon, 8, 10 holonic manufacturing system, 9, 10 ICooperate relation, 79 information processing part, 11, 30 213214 Index inheritance relation, 61 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 8 interaction, 65 interaction model, 78 interaction scenario, 78 interaction specification, 82 interaction unit, 65, 81 IPursue relation, 79 IStart relation, 79 JADE agent template, 127 JADE guidelines, 125, 126 job-shop control, 19 learning, 28 max-deadline property, 70, 71 mental attitude, 28 mental state, 64 metamodel, 60 mobility, 22, 29 model, 92 multi-agent system, 7, 22, 32 OContainA-Agent relation, 85 openness, 26 operation condition, 95 organization, 64 organization model, 84 organization structure, 85 organizational chart, 94 periodic property, 70 phase, 92 physical decomposition, 42, 107 physical processing part, 10, 30 play relation, 67 precede relation, 82 pro-active, 21 pro-active behavior, 78 pro-activeness, 22 pro-activity, 24 process, 92 process package, 92 process role, 92 product holon, 17 PROSA, 17 PROSA guidelines, 110–112 rationality, 21, 27 reactive, 21 reactive behavior, 78 reactivity, 21, 23 real-time goal, 71 real-time task, 70 recursion level, 33 recursiveness, 29, 30 resource, 66 resource holon, 17 role, 63 scheduling, 19 sociability, 25 social, 21 social ability, 21 SPEM, 91 staff holon, 17 system scope, 94 task, 65 task specification, 73 task-type property, 70 task/goal model, 70 UICooperate relation, 81 UIIteration relation, 82 UIStart relation, 81 veracity, 22 WFConnect relation, 88 WFConsume relation, 73, 88 WFDecompose relation, 75, 76, 85 WFProduce relation, 73, 88 WFPursue relation, 79 WFResponsible relation, 69 WFUse relation, 73, 88 work definition, 92 work flow, 65, 88 work product, 92 work-order execution, 19 work-order holon, 17 work-order programming, 19
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب A Multi-agent Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing Systems - ANEMONA رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب A Multi-agent Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing Systems - ANEMONA