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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Theory of Machines - S S Rattan الأربعاء 13 ديسمبر 2023, 11:39 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Theory of Machines S S Rattan Professor of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Preface xv List of Reviewers xvii Visual Walkthrough xviii 1. Mechanisms and Machines 1 1.1 Mechanism and Machine 1 1.2 Types of Constrained Motion 2 1.3 Rigid and Resistant Bodies 3 1.4 Link 3 1.5 Kinematic Pair 3 1.6 Types of Joints 5 1.7 Degrees of Freedom 5 1.8 Classification of Kinematic Pairs 6 1.9 Kinematic Chain 6 1.10 Linkage, Mechanism and Structure 7 1.11 Mobility of Mechanisms 7 1.12 Equivalent Mechanisms 14 1.13 The Four-bar Chain 18 1.14 Mechanical Advantage 23 1.15 Transmission Angle 23 1.16 The Slider-crank Chain 27 1.17 Double Slider-crank Chain 30 1.18 Miscellaneous Mechanisms 32 Summary 34 Exercises 35 2. VelocityAnalysis 38 2.1 Absolute and Relative Motions 38 2.2 Vectors 38 2.3 Addition and Subtraction of Vectors 39 2.4 Motion of a Link 40 2.5 Four-link Mechanism 41 2.6 Velocity Images 42 2.7 Angular Velocity of Links 43 2.8 Velocity of Rubbing 43 2.9 Slider-crank Mechanism 44 2.10 Crank- and Slotted-lever Mechanism 54 2.11 Algebraic Methods 62 2.12 Instantaneous Centre (I-Centre) 64 2.13 Kennedy’s Theorem 65viii Contents 2.14 Locating I-Centres 66 2.15 Angular-velocity-ratio Theorem 68 2.16 Centrode 74 Summary 76 Exercises 76 3. Acceleration Analysis 79 3.1 Acceleration 79 3.2 Four-link Mechanism 81 3.3 Acceleration of Intermediate and Offset Points 83 3.4 Slider-crank Mechanism 85 3.5 Coriolis Acceleration Component 97 3.6 Crank and Slotted-lever Mechanism 99 3.7 Algebraic Methods 110 3.8 Klein’s Construction 112 3.9 Velocity and Acceleration from Displacement-time Curve 113 3.10 Centre of Curvature 114 3.11 Hartmann Construction 115 3.12 Euler-Savary Equation 116 3.13 Bobillier Construction 118 3.14 Cubic of Stationary Curvature 120 Summary 121 Exercises 122 4. Computer-aided Analysis of Mechanisms 124 4.1 Four-link Mechanism 124 4.2 Use of Complex Algebra 131 4.3 The Vector Method 132 4.4 Slider-crank Mechanism 136 4.5 Coupler Curves 140 Summary 142 Exercises 143 5. Graphical and Computer-aided Synthesis of Mechanisms 144 Part A: Graphical Methods 5.1 Pole 144 5.2 Relative Pole 146 5.3 Function Generation by Relative Pole Method 148 5.4 Inversion Method 151 5.5 Function Generation by Inversion Method 151 5.6 Path Generation 155 5.7 Motion Generation (Rigid-body Guidance) 158 Part B: Computer-aided Synthesis of Mechanisms 5.8 Function Generation 159 5.9 Chebychev Spacing 166 5.10 Path Generation 169 Contents ix 5.11 Motion Generation (Rigid-body Guidance) 175 Summary 179 Exercises 179 6. Lower Pairs 181 6.1 Pantograph 181 6.2 Straight-line Mechanisms 182 63 Engine Indicators 190 6.4 Automobile Steering Gears 194 6.5 Types of Steering Gears 195 6.6 Hooke’s Joint 198 6.7 Double Hooke’s Joint 205 Summary 206 Exercises 207 7. Cams 209 7.1 Types of Cams 209 7.2 Types of Followers 212 73 Definitions 213 7.4 Follower Displacement Programming 214 7.5 Derivatives of Follower Motion 215 7.6 High-speed Cams 216 7.7 Undercutting 216 7.8 Motions of the Follower 217 7.9 Layout of Cam Profiles 223 7.10 Cams with Specified Contours 232 7.11 Analysis of a Rigid Eccentric Cam 241 7.12 Analysis of an Elastic Cam System 244 7.13 Spring Surge, Unbalance and Wind Up 246 Summary 247 Exercises 247 8. Friction 250 8.1 Kinds of Friction 250 8.2 Laws of Friction 251 8.3 Coefficient of Friction 251 8.4 Inclined Plane 252 8.5 Screw Threads 256 8.6 Screw Jack 262 8.7 Wedge 265 8.8 Pivots and Collars 268 8.9 Friction Clutches 274 8.10 Rolling Friction 285 8.11 Anti-friction Bearings 285 8.12 Greasy Friction 286 8.13 Greasy Friction at a Journal 286X Contents 8.14 Friction Axis of a Link 287 8.15 Film Friction 290 8.16 Mitchell Thrust Bearing 291 Summary 292 Exercises 293 9. Belts, Ropes and Chains 296 9.1 Belt and Rope Drives 296 9.2 Open- and Crossed-belt Drives 298 9.3 Action of Belts on Pulleys 298 9.4 Velocity Ratio 299 9.5 Slip 299 9.6 Material for Belts and Ropes 301 9.7 Crowing of Pulleys 301 9.8 Types of Pulleys 302 9.9 Law of Belting 304 9.10 Length of Belt 304 9.11 One (Stepped) Pulleys 307 9.12 Ratio of Friction Tensions 310 9.13 Power Transmitted 312 9.14 Centrifugal Effect on Belts 315 9.15 Maximum Power Transmitted by a Belt 316 9.16 Initial Tension 320 9.17 Creep 324 9.18 Chains 325 9.19 Chain Length 326 9.20 Angular Speed Ratio 327 9.21 Classification of Chains 328 Summary 329 Exercises 330 10. Gears 332 10.1 Classification of Gears 333 10.2 Gear Terminology 337 10.3 Law of Gearing 342 10.4 Velocity of Sliding 343 10.5 Forms of Teeth 343 10.6 Cycloidal Profile Teeth 343 10.7 Involute Profile Teeth 345 10.8 Interchangeable Gears 348 10.9 Non-standard Gears 348 10.10 Path of Contact 349 10.11 Arc of Contact 350 10.12 Number of Pairs of Teeth in Contact (Contact Ratio) 351 10.13 Interference in Involute Gears 354 10.14 Minimum Number of Teeth 355Contents xi 10.15 Interference Between Rack and Pinion 360 10.16 Undercutting 361 10.17 Comparison of Cycloidal and Involute Tooth Forms 362 10.18 Helical and Spiral Gears 362 10.19 Terminology of Helical Gears 364 10.20 Velocity Ratio and Centre Distance of Helical Gears 364 10.21 Helical Gear Forces and Efficiency 365 10.22 Worm and Worm Gear 369 10.23 Terminology of Worm Gears 370 10.24 Velocity Ratio and Centre Distance of Worm Gears 370 10.25 Efficiency of Worm Gears 371 10.26 Bevel Gears 372 Summary 374 Exercises 375 11. Gear Trains 378 11.1 Simple Gear Train 378 11.2 Compound Gear Train 379 11.3 Reverted Gear Train 380 11.4 Planetary or Epicyclic Gear Train 381 11.5 Analysis of Epicyclic Gear Train 382 11.6 Torques in Epicyclic Trains 390 11.7 Sun and Planet Gear 394 11.8 Bevel Epicyclic Gear 397 11.9 Compound Epicyclic Gear 399 11.10 Automotive Transmission Gear Trains 400 11.11 Differentials 405 Summary 407 Exercises 407 12. Static Force Analysis 410 12.1 Constraint and Applied Forces 410 12.2 Static Equilibrium 410 12.3 Equilibrium of Two- and Three-force Members 411 12.4 Member With Two Forces and a Torque 412 12.5 Equilibrium of Four-force Members 412 12.6 Force Convention 413 12.7 Free-body Diagrams 413 12.8 Superposition 414 12.9 Principle of Virtual Work 426 12.10 Friction in Mechanisms 428 Summary 431 Exercises 432 13. Dynamic Force Analysis 434 13.1 D'alembert’s Principle 434xii Contents 13.2 Equivalent Offset Inertia Force 435 13.3 Dynamic Analysis of Four-link Mechanisms 435 13.4 Dynamic Analysis of Slider-crank Mechanisms 437 13.5 Velocity and Acceleration of a Piston 437 13.6 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration of Connecting Rod 439 13.7 Engine Force Analysis 440 13.7 Turning Moment on Crankshaft 441 13.8 Dynamically Equivalent System 445 13.9 Inertia of the Connecting Rod 446 13.10 Inertia Force in Reciprocating Engines (Graphical Method) 449 13.11 Turning-moment Diagrams 458 13.12 Fluctuation of Energy 460 13.13 Flywheels 461 13.14 Dimensions of Flywheel Rims 469 13.15 Punching Presses 471 Summary 474 Exercises 474 14. Balancing 477 14.1 Static Balancing 477 14.2 Dynamic Balancing 480 14.3 Transference of a Force From One Plane to Another 480 14.4 Balancing of Several Masses in Different Planes 481 14.5 Force Balancing of Linkages 488 14.6 Balancing of Reciprocating Mass 490 14.7 Balancing of Locomotives 492 14.8 Effects of Partial Balancing in Locomotives 492 14.9 Secondary Balancing 496 14.10 Balancing of Inline Engines 497 14.11 Balancing of V-engines 509 14.12 Balancing of W, V-8 and V-12 Engines 513 14.13 Balancing of Radial Engines 575 14.14 Balancing Machines 520 14.15 Field Balancing 524 Summary 526 Exercises 527 15. Brakes and Dynamometers 530 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 Types of Brakes 530 Block or Shoe Brake 530 Band Brake 536 Band and Block Brake 541 Internal Expanding Shoe Brake 544 Effect of Braking 547 Types of Dynamometers 549 Prony Brake Dynamometer 550Contents xiii 15.9 Rope Brake Dynamometer 550 15.10 Belt Transmission Dynamometer 551 15.11 Epicyclic-train Dynamometer 552 15.12 Bevis-Gibson Torsion Dynamometer 553 15.13 Automotive Propulsion 553 Summary 556 Exercises 556 16. Governors 559 16.1 Types of Governors 559 16.2 Watt Governor (Simple Conical Governor) 560 16.3 Porter Governor 562 16.4 Proell Governor 566 16.5 Hartnell Governor 569 16.6 Hartung Governor 574 16.7 Wilson-Hartnell Governor (Radial-spring Governor) 575 16.8 Pickering Governor 578 16.9 Spring-controlled Gravity Governor 579 16.10 Inertia Governor 580 16.11 Sensitiveness of a Governor 582 16.12 Hunting 582 16.13 Isochronism 583 16.14 Stability 583 16.15 Effort of a Governor 583 16.16 Power of a Governor 585 16.17 Controlling Force 589 Summary 594 Exercises 594 17. Gyroscope 597 17.1 Angular Velocity 597 17.2 Angular Acceleration 597 17.3 Gyroscopic Torque (Couple) 599 17.4 Gyroscopic Effect on Aeroplanes 601 17.5 Gyroscopic Effect on Naval Ships 602 17.6 Stability of an Automobile 605 17.7 Stability of a Two-wheel Vehicle 610 17.8 Rigid Disc at an Angle Fixed to a Rotating Shaft 612 Summary 613 Exercises 613 18. Vibrations 18.1 Definitions 615 18.2 Types of Vibrations 616 18.3 Basic Features of Vibrating Systems 616 18.4 Degrees of Freedom 617 615xiv Contents Section-I (Longitudinal Vibrations) 618 18.5 Free Longitudinal Vibrations 618 18.6 Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration 623 18.7 Inertia Effect of the Mass of Spring 624 18.8 Damped Vibrations 629 18.9 Logarithmic Decrement 633 18.10 Forced Vibrations 636 18.11 Forced-damped Vibrations 638 18.12 Magnification Factor 641 18.13 Vibration Isolation and Transmissibility 644 18.14 Forcing Due to Unbalance 646 18.15 Forcing Due to Support Motion 648 Section II (Transverse Vibrations) 650 18.16 Single Concentrated Load 650 18.17 Uniformly Loaded Shaft 651 18.18 Shaft Carrying Several Loads 654 18.19 Whirling of Shafts 657 Section III (Torsional Vibration) 659 18.20 Free Torsional Vibrations (Single Rotor) 659 18.21 Inertia Effect of Mass of Shaft 660 18.22 Multifilar Systems 661 18.23 Free Torsional Vibrations (Two-rotor System) 666 18.24 Free Torsional Vibrations (Three-rotor System) 667 18.25 Torsionally Equivalent Shaft 668 18.26 Free Torsional Vibrations of Geared System 671 Summary 673 Exercises 674 19. Automatic Control 677 19.1 Open and Closed-loop Control (Unmonitored and Monitored Control) 677 19.2 Amplification 678 19.3 Actuator (Servomotor) 678 19.4 Transducer 678 19.5 Block Diagrams 678 19.6 Lag in Response 679 19.7 Damping 680 19.8 First-order System Response 680 19.9 Second-order System Response 682 19.10 Transfer Function 682 19.11 Transfer Function Relationships 685 Summary 686 Exercises 686 Appendix I Appendix II Index 687 702 705INDEX Absolute motion 38 Absorption dynamometer 549 Accelerating force primary 490 secondary 490 Acceleration 79 centripetal 80 Coriolis component 97 image 84 of intermediate points 83 of offset points 83 of piston 437,438 radial 80 tangential 80 Ackermann steering gear 194, 196 Actuator 678 Addendum 339 Addendum circle 339 Addendum coefficient 356 Adsorbed film 286 Amplification 678 Analysis of mechanisms 1, 124 Andrew variable stroke engine 53 Angle of action 213, 341 of ascent 213 of dwell 213 of descent 213 of friction 25 helix 364 lead 370 of obliquity 340 pressure 340 repose 252 Angular acceleration 597, 599 of connecting rod 439 of links 83 Angular velocity of links 43 Angular velocity of precession 599 Angular velocity ratio theorem 68 Anti-friction bearings 284 Applied forces 410 Arc of approach 341 Arc of contact 341, 350 Arc of recess 341 Automatic control 677 closed-loop 677 monitored 677 open-loop 677 unmonitored 677 Automobile steering gears Ackeramann 194, 196 Davis 194 types 194 Automotive propulsion 553 Balancing 477 dynamic 480 field 524 In different planes 481 machines 520 static 520 dynamic 521 of in-line engines 497 two-cylinder 498 four-cylinder 499 six-cylinder 500 of linkages 488 of locomotives 492 of radial engines 515 of reciprocating mass 490 ofV-engines 509 of V-8 engines 513, 514 of V-12 engines 513, 514 ofW-engines 513 secondary 496 static 477 Ball bearings 284 Ball’s point 121 Band brake 536 Band and block brake 541 Base circle cam 212 gear 346 Bearings anti-friction 284 ball 284 collar 267 footstep 267 Mitchell thrust 290 pivot 267 roller 285 thrust on 441 Belt action on pulleys 298 centrifugal effect on 315 creep in 324 crossed drive 298 flat 310 initial tension in 320 law of (belting) 304 length of crossed 306 length of open 304 material 301 maximum power transmitted 316 open drive 298 power transmitted 312 ratio of friction tensions 310 slip 299 V 311 velocity ratio 299, 324 Bevel gears 334,372 epicyclic 397 spiral 334 straight 334706 Index zerol 334 tangent 231 frustrum of cone 270 Block diagrams 678 trace point 212 Collar bearing 267 Bobillier construction 118 types 208 Complex numbers 63, 111 Bobillier theorem 118 unbalance in 245 Compound epicyclic gear 399 Body centrode 74 undercutting 215 Computer-aided analysis of Body guidance 175 wedge 208 four link mechanism 124 Brakes 530 wind up in 245 slider crank mechanism 136 band 536 with specified contours 231 Computer-aided synthesis 144 band and block 541 Centre of curvature 114 Constraint forces 410 block 530 Centre distance of Constrained motion effect of (braking) 547 helical gears 364 completely 2 internal expanding shoe 544 worm gears 370 incompletely 2 self energised 531 Centrifugal governors 559 successfully 2 self locking 531 Centrifugal clutch 275 types 2 shoe 530 Centripetal acceleration 80 Cone clutch 275 types 530 Centrode Cone pulley 307 Braking effect 547 body 74 Configuration diagram 38 moving 74 Conical collar 268, 270 Cam fixed 74 Conjugates 115 angle of action 208 space 74 Conjugate point 115, 119 angle of ascent 213 Chain 327 Connecting rod angle of decent 213 block 328 angular acceleration of 439 angle of dwell 213 classification 328 angular velocity of 439 barrel 210 conveyor 328 force (thrust) along 441 base circle 212 hoisting 328 inertia of 446 circular arc 233, 234 inverted tooth 329 Contact length 340 conjugate 210 length of 326 Contact ratio 341, 351 convex 233, 234 power transmission 328 Control, automatic 679 cylindrical 209 roller 328 Convex cams 233, 234 disc 209 silent 329 Coriolis acceleration drum 210 speed ratio 327 component 97 eccentric 240 sprocket 326 Correction couple 448 elastic 243 Chebychev spacing 168 Coupler 18 flat 208 Circular-arc cams 233, 234 Coupler curves 140 globoidal 210 Circular pitch 338, 364 Cramer’s rule 160 gravity 211 Clearance 339 Crank-crank mechanism 19 high speed 215 Closed pair 4 Crank effort 441 jump 241, 245 Clutches 273 Crank effort diagrams 458 pitch curve 212 centrifugal 275 Crank-lever mechanism 20 pitch circle 213 cone 275 Crank-rocker mechanism 20 pitch point 213 disc 274 Crank and slotted lever positive drive 211 multi plate 274 mechanism 28 pre-loaded 211 single plate 274 Critical speed 657 pressure angle 212 Coefficient of Crowning of pulleys 301 prime circle 213 fluctuation of energy 460 Cubic of stationary curvature 120 profile, layout of 222 fluctuation of speed 460 Cycloidal motion 220 radial 209 friction 250 Cycloidal profile teeth 343 rigid eccentric 240 Coincident points 62 spiral 209 Collar 267 D’Alembert’s principle 434 spherical 210 Conical 268, 270 Damped vibrations 629 spring surge in 245 flat 268, 269 Damping 680Index 707 Damping coefficient 629 Damping factor 630 Damping ratio 630 Davis steering gear 194 Dead angle 288 Dead centre position 288 Dedendum 339 Dedendum circle 339 Degree of freedom 5 Deltoid linkage 20 Differentials 405 Differential gear 406 Direct and reverse cranks 575 Double lever mechanism 20 Double Hooke’s joint 204 Double parallelogram linkage 10 Double rocker mechanism 20 Double slider crank chain 30 Drag crank mechanism 19 Dunkerley’s method 655 Dynamic balancing 480 Dynamic force analysis 434 Dynamically equivalent system 445 Dynamics 1 Dynamometers 530, 549 absorption 549 belt transmission 557 Bevis-Gibson torsion 553 epicyclic train 552 prony brake 550 rope brake 550 transmission 549 types 549 Eccentric cam 240 Effective driving force 440 Efficiency of helical gears 365 spiral gears 365 worm gears 371 Elastic cam system 243 Element 3 Elliptical trammel 30 Equilibrium of members with two forces 477 two forces and a torque 472 three forces 411 four forces 472 Energy method 655 Engine indicator 189 Crosby 190 Dobbie mclnnes 192 Simplex 190 Thomson 191 Epicyclic gear 381 bevel 397 compound 399 Epicyclic train dynamometer 552 Equilibrium of two-force member 411 three-force member 411 four-force member 472 Equilibrium method 618 Equivalent mechanism 74 Equivalent offset inertia force 435 Error detector 677 Euler-Savary equation 116 Feedback 677 Ferguson’s paradox 408 Film friction 249, 289 Field balancing 524 First order system response 680 Fluctuation of energy 460 coefficient of 460 maximum 460 Fluctuation of speed 459 coefficient 460 maximum 460 Flywheels 460 Flywheel rims 469 Follower displacement programming 213 flat faced 272 knife edge 277 mushroom 272 offset 272 oscillating 272 radial 272 reciprocating 272 roller 277 spherical faced 272 types 277 Follower motions 276 constant accel, and decel. 218 constant velocity 219 cycloidal 220 SHM 216 Footstep bearing 267 Force analysis dynamic 434 static 410 Forced vibrations damped 638 harmonic 637 periodic 637 step input 63 Forces constraint 410 applied 410 Forcing due to unbalance 646 support motion 648 Forms of teeth 343 Four-bar chain 18 Four-link mechanism 41, 81, 124, 148, 151, 435 Free-body diagrams 413 Free longitudinal vibrations 618 Free torsional vibrations 666, 667 of geared system 671 Friction angle of 257 axis 286 boundary 249, 285 circle 286 clutches 273 coefficient of 250 dry 249 film 249, 289 greasy 249, 285 in mechanisms 428 kinds 249 laws of 250 limiting angle of 257 rolling 249, 284 skin 249 solid 249 tension 310 wheels 332 Freudenstein’s equation 159 Function generation 744, 148, 151, 159 Fundamental frequency 667 Gear ratio 338 Gear box sliding 400 pre-selective 401 Gears bevel 334, 372708 Index classification 333 conjugate 343 contact ratio 341, 351 crossed helical 335, 336 differential 405 double helical 333 epicyclic 381 for intersecting shafts 334 for parallel shafts 333 for scew shafts 334 helical 333, 336, 362 Herringbone 333 Humpage 409 hypoid 337 Interchangeable 348 Interference in involute 354 law of (gearing) 342 mitre 334 non-standard 348 pairs of teeth in contact 351 pressure angle 340 spur 333 spiral 335, 362 rack and pinion 360 worm 336 zerol bevel 334 Gear teeth bottom land 340 comparison of teeth forms 362 cycloidal 343 face 340 face width 340 flank 340 forms of 343 involute 343, 345 left-handed 362 minimum number of 355 right-handed 362 space width 339 top land 340 Gear trains automotive transmission 400 bevel epicyclic 397 compound 379 compound epicyclic 399 epicyclic 381 planetary 381 reverted 380 simple 378 sun and planet 394 torques in 390 Geared system 671 Governor 559 Centrifugal 559 coefficient of insensitiveness 590 controlling force 589 effort of 583 Hartnell 569 Hartung 574 height of 560 hunting 582 inertia 560, 580 isochronous 583 Pickering 578 Porter 562 Proell 566 power of 585 radial spring 575 sensitiveness of 582 spring-controlled gravity 579 stability of 583 types 559 Watt 560 Wilson-Hartnell 575 Graphical differentiation 111 Graphical methods of synthesis 144 Grass-Hopper mechanism 185 Grashof’s law 20 Gruebler’s criterion 8 Gyroscope 597 Gyroscopic couple 599 Gyroscopic effect on aeroplanes 601 naval ships 602 Gyroscopic torque 599 Hammer-blow 492 Hand pump 29 Harmonic forcing 637 Hartmann construction 115 Hart mechanism 183 Hartnell governor 569 Hartung governor 574 Height of governor 560 Helical gears 333, 336, 362 centre distance of 364 crossed 335, 336 double 333 efficiency of 365 forces in 365 helix angle 364 herringbone 333 spur 333 velocity ratio 364 Helical pair 5 Helix angle 364 Herringbone gear 333 Higher pair 4 High speed cam 215 Hooke’s joint 197 acceleration of driven shaft 201 double 204 polar velocity diagram 200 velocity ratio 199 Humpage reduction gear 409 Hypoid gears 337 Inclined plane 251 Indexing mechanisms 33 Indicators, engine 189 Inertia effect 624 Inertia force 449 Inertia governor 560, 580 Inertia of connecting rod 446 Initial tension 320 Instantaneous centre 64 Interchangeable gears 348 Intermediate pulley 302 Internal expanding shoe brake 544 Interference in gears 354 Inversion method of synthesis 151 Inverted slider-crank mechanism 57 Inversions of mechanisms 27 Involute profile teeth 343, 345 Joints 5 Kempe’s mechanism 188 Kennedy’s theorem 65 Kinematics 1 Kinematics chain 6 Kinematic derivatives 214 Kinematics link 3 Kinematics pair 3 classification 6 types 3 Kinetics 1 Klein’s construction 112 Kutzback’s criterion 8Index 709 Lag in response 679 Law of belting 304 gearing 342 Laws of friction 250 Lazy tongs 189 Lead 370 Lead angle 370 Least square technique 161 Limiting angle of friction 251 Line of action 340 Line of centres 338 Linear system 780 Link 3 Linkage 7 Logarithmic decrement 633 Longitudinal vibrations 616 damping coefficient 629 damping factor 630 energy method 622 equilibrium method 618 inertia effect of mass 624 magnification factor 641 Rayleigh’s method 623 Loose and fast pulley 303 Lower pairs 4 Machine 1 Magnification factor 641 Mechanical advantage 23 Mechanism crank-crank 19 crank-lever 20 crank-rocker 20 double-crank 19 double-lever 20 double-rocker 20 drag-crank 19 of zero order 7 oscillating-oscillating 20 rotary-oscillating 20 rocker-rocker 20 rotary-rotary 19 Mechanisms 1, 7 classification 7 degree of freedom 8 mobility 7 Mitchell thrust bearing 290 Motion absolute 38 of a link 40 relative 38 Motion generation 144 Multifilar systems 661 bifilar suspension 661 trifilar system 662 Multiplate clutch 274 Natural frequency 615 Non standard gears 348 Number synthesis 8 Oldham’s coupling 31 Oscillating cylinder engine 28 Oscillating-oscillating converter 20 Pair 3 Pantograph 180 Parallel-crank four bar linkage 20 Parallel linkages 188 Parallel ruler 188 Path generation 144 Path of approach 340 Path of contact 340 Path of recess 340 Paucellier mechanism 181 Periodic forcing 637 Physical derivatives 214 Pickering governor 578 Pinion 333, 338 Piston acceleration 437, 438 effort 440 velocity 437, 438 Pitch axial 370 circle 213, 337 circular 338, 364 curve 212 cylinder 337 diametral 338 diameter 338 line 338 module 338 normal circular 364 point 213, 338 surface 338 Pivots 267, 271 conical 268, 272 flat 268, 272 Pivot bearing 267 Planetary gear train 381 Polar velocity diagram 200 Pole 144 Porter governor 562 Pre-selective gear box 401 Prime circle 213 Principle of virtual work 426 Pressure angle 212, 340 Primary accelerating force 490 Proell governor 566 Pulleys cone 307 crowning of 301 guide 303 idler 302 intermediate 302 loose and fast 303 stepped 307 types 302 Quadric-cycle mechanism 41 Quick return mechanisms crank and slotted lever 28 Whitworth quick return 27 Rack 333 Rayleigh’s method 623 Redundant chain 7 Redundant degree of freedom 10 Redundant link 10 Relative motion 38 Relative pole 146 Relative pole method 148 Relative velocity method 383 Resistance aerodynamic 554 frictional 554 gradient 554 road 553 rolling 553 tractive 554 Resistant body 3 Resonance 641 Rigid body 3 Rigid-body guidance 175 Rigid disc at an angle 612 Robert mechanism 207 Rocker-rocker mechanism 20 Roller bearing 285 Rolling pair 5 Rolling friction 249, 284710 Index Root circle 339 Rope drive 296, 297, 311 Rope material 301 Rotary engine 27, 28 Rotary-oscillating converter 20 Rubbing velocity 43 Scotch yoke 31 Scott-Russel mechanism 185 Screwjack 261 Screw pair 5 Screw threads 255 Secondary accelerating force 490 Secondary balancing 496 Servomotor 678 Sewing machine mechanism 73 Shaking force 490 Shaking couple 490 Simple conical governor 560 Simple harmonic motion 216 Single plate clutch 274 Slider-crank mechanism 44, 85, 136, 151, 288, 437 Sliding gear box 400 Sliding pair 4 Slip 299 Snap action mechanisms 32 Space centrode 74 Speed ratio 327 Spherical pair 5 Spiral gears 362 Spring surge 245 Sprocket 326 Spur gears addendum 339 addendum circle 339 addendum coefficient 356 angle of action 213, 341 angle of obliquity 340 arc of approach 341 arc of contact 341 arc of recess 341 backlash 340 base circle 346 circular pitch 338, 364 clearance 339 contact length 340 contact ratio 341, 351 cycloidal tooth profile 343 dedendum 339 dedendum circle 339 diametral pitch 338 face 340 face width 340 flank 340 forms of teeth 343 gear ratio 338 interference in 354 involute tooth profile 343, 345 line of action 340 line of centres 338 minimum number of teeth 355 module 338 path of approach 340 path of contact 340 path of recess 340 pinion 333, 338 pitch 338 pitch circle 337 pitch diameter 338 pitch line rack 338 pitch point 338 pitch surface 338 pressure angle 340 pressure line 340 rack 338 rack and pinion 333, 360 top land 340 tooth thickness 340 velocity of sliding 343 undercutting 361 Square threads 256 Stability of automobile 605 Stability of two-wheel vehicle 610 Static balancing 477 Static equilibrium 410 Static force analysis 410 Statics 1 Steering gears Ackermann 194, 196 Davis 194 Straight line mechanisms 181 Structure 7 Sun and planet gear 394 Superposition of loads 414 Superstructure 7 Swaying couple 493 Synthesis of mechanisms 144 Tangential acceleration 80 Tchebicheff mechanism 187 Thrust along connecting rod 441 on bearings 441 on sides of cylinder 441 Torsional system 681 Torsionally equivalent shaft 668 Torsional vibrations 659 geared system of 671 inertia effect of mass 660 three-rotor system 667 two-rotor system 666 Trace point 212 Tractive force 492 Tractive resistance 554 Transducer 678 Transfer function 682 open loop 685 closed loop 685 Transmission angle 23 Transmissibility 644 Transverse vibrations 650 Dunkerley’s method 655 energy method 655 shaft carrying several loads 654 single concentrated load 650 uniformly-loaded shaft 651 Turn buckle 260 Turning pair 4 Turning-moment diagrams 458 Turning moment on crankshaft 441 Unbalance 245 Unclosed pair 4 Undercutting cam 215 gear 361 Uniform pressure theory 268 Uniform wear theory 268 Universal drafting machine 189 Universal joint 197 V-belt 311 Vector approach 62, 111 Velocity Angular 43 from displacement curve 111 image 42 of piston 437,438 of rubbing 43 of sliding 343Index 711 ratio 339, 364 of three-rotor system 667 Whipping speed 657 Vibrations 615 of two-rotor system 666 Whirling of shaft 657 cycle 615 period of 615 Whirling speed 657 damped 615, 229 resonance in 615 Whitworth quick return degree of freedom 617 torsional 616 mechanism 27 free 615 transmissibility of 644 Wilson-Hartnell governor 575 frequency of 615 transverse 616 Wind up 245 forced 615 types 616 Worm gears forced damped 638 Virtual work 426 axial pitch of 372 isolation 644 V-threads 259 centre distance 372 logarithmic decrement 633 efficiency of 373 longitudinal 616 Watt governor 560 lead 372 magnification factor 641 Watt mechanism 186 lead angle 372 natural 615 Wedge 264 velocity ratio 372
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