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عدد المساهمات : 19004 التقييم : 35512 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Making Simple Robots الأربعاء 06 ديسمبر 2023, 8:22 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Making Simple Robots Kathy Ceceri
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents What You Need to Know . 40 Gather Your Materials 40 Directions . 41 Project: Design a Wheel-Leg Hybrid . 48 What It Does . 48 Where It Came From . 48 How It Works 49 How Does a 3D Printer Work? . 50 Making the Project . 53 Project Parameters . 53 What You Need to Know . 54 Gather Your Materials 54 Directions . 54 3. Unevolved Robots 73 Project: Make a Swarm of Gliding Vibrobots . 77 What Is a Vibrobot? 77 What It Does . 77 Where It Came From . 77 How It Works 78 Making the Project . 78 Project Parameters . 78 What You Need to Know . 79 Project: Make a Souped-Up Solar BEAM Wobblebot . 83 What Is a BEAM Robot? . 83 What It Does . 83 Where It Came From . 83 How It Works 84 Making The Project 84 Project Parameters . 85 4. Robot Friends and Helpers 105 Project: Make a Chatbot Program 107 What Is a Chatbot? 107 What It Does 107 Where It Came From 107 How It Works . 108 Making the Project 110 Project Parameters 112 What You Need to Know 112 Gather Your Materials . 112 Project: Picture Yourself in the Uncanny Valley . 124 What Is the Uncanny Valley? . 124 What It Does 124 Where It Came From 124 iv Making Simple RobotsHow It Works 126 Making the Project . 127 Project Parameters 127 What You Need to Know 127 Gather Your Materials . 128 5. Fun, Artsy Robots 135 Project: Make a littleBits Plotter . 136 What Is a Plotter? . 136 What It Does . 137 Where It Came From 137 How It Works . 139 Making the Project . 140 Project: Make FiberBot, an E-Textile Arduino Robot . 153 What Are E-Textiles? 153 What It Does . 154 Where It Came From 154 How It Works . 155 Making the Project . 156 Afterword: What I Learned Writing This Book . 191 Index 195 Indexbatteries, 20, 158, 159 Baughman, Ray, 2 Baxter robot (ReThink Robotics), 106 Bayirli, Erkin, 37, 39 BBots (Harvard), 78 Bdeir, Ayah, 45 Beatty Robotics, x–x Beatty, Camille, x Beatty, Genevieve, x Beatty, Robert, x BeetleBot, 84 Biagini, Kevin, 50 Bicalho, Chico, 73 Big Dog robot (Boston Dynamics), 34, 127 Bio-Inspired Robotic Laboratory (National Taiwan University), 48 Blade Runner, vii Bladerunner, 126 Block Palette (Scratch), 114 Bob the BiPed, 50 Boston Dynamics, 34 Branwyn, Gareth, 103 Breazeal, Cynthia, 105 Bristlebots, 77, 78 Brooklyn Aerodrome, 33 Buechley, Leah, 154 Buehler, William J., 7 Burton, Tim, 164 C C-3PO, vii, 105 CAD software, 55 Tinkercad, 56 carbon nanotubes, 2 Carnegie Mellon University, 23, 111 Case Western Reserve University, 37, 49 Cassini spacecraft, 37 Cheetah, 34 circuits, 20–21 batteries, 158 LED Matrix controller, 160 links for, 22 Ohms Law, 22 soldering, 88–90 wires, 158 wiring for eFabric project, 160–169 Citilab Smalltalk Team, 111 Cleverbot chatbot (Cornell), 109 Colour Chaser, 135 Connors, Chris, 11 Cornell University, 109 Crayola Model, 129 Cubelets, 75 Cupcake CNC, 51 Curiosity rover, 37 current, 20 D da Vinci, Leonardo, 73 DASH (Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod), 7 Dash Robotics DIY kit, 7 DC (direct current), 20 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 35 degrees of freedom, 6 Demaine, Erik, 5, 27 Demers, Jérôme, 84 Der Kritzler (Norwegian Creations), 138 dimmer switches, 44 in littleBits plotter, 140 DIY Mini Fume Extractor, 89 Dörfelt, Matthias, 135 Drake University, 109 Drawdio, 135 Dynalloy, 8 how-to website, 10 voltage requirement for wires, 19 E e-textile Arduino robot, 153– 189 Adafruit tutorials, 160 building, 159–189 history of, 154 links for, 155 materials, 156–158 mechanics of, 155 Edgar, Emma, 33 Edgar, Marc, 33 Egg-Bot (Evil Mad Scientist), 137 Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA), 111 Eliza chatbot, 108, 109 Elmers Dry Erase Board, 144 Emma Willard Mini Maker Faire, 33 Evil Mad Scientist website, 79 plotter, 137 EyeRoll animation, 176 F FabLab, 138 Felt, Wyatt, 25, 26 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001), 125 Finio, Ben, 31 FIRST Robotics Competition, 33 Flexinol, 8, 9 France, Anna Kaziunas, 71 Franklin Institute, 73 Freeform Miller Solar Engine, 95–97 Fried, Limor Lady Ada, 155 frozen smoke, 1–3, 3 Fuller, Buckminster, 36 196 IndexFunniest Computer Ever competition, 108 G GeekDad, vii GeekMom, vii Geminoid robot (Osaka University), 125 Getting Started with Arduino (Banzi), 155 Ghazanfar, Asif, 127 Giomi, Luca, 78 GLaDOS chatbot, 122 Glue Dots, 46 Google, 34 Graffiti Research Lab (New York City), 21 graphical programming links for, 123 Scratch and, 110–111 Griffith, Saul, 23 H Hanako 2 (Yoshida Dental Manufacturing), 125 Hanks, Tom, 125 Hanson Robotics, 126 Hanson, David, 126, 126 Hart, Vi, 27 Harvard University, 5, 25 BBots, 78 Kilobots, 77 RoboBee, 34 TERMES robots, 76 Hawaii Pacific University, 108 Hayes, Gregory, 91 heat, nitinol and, 7 Hektor (Norwegian Creations), 138 Hello World programs, 122 Hexbug, 77 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (Smithsonian Institution), 37 hopping frog origami, 7 Hrynkiw, David, 83, 92, 103 Hugo (movie), 73 Humphrys, Mark, 109 I I-Swarm, 78 if-then-else blocks, 119 Indiana University Department of Informatics, 126 inflatable robot project, 23–31 building, 26 history of, 23–25 links for, 31 materials, 26 mechanics of, 25 Instructables, 51, 103 integrated development environment (IDE), 154 installing, 170 Intel, 51 Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, 154 iPhone, 108 iRobot, 23 Ishiguro, Hiroshi, 125, 127 Isle of Man, 49 J Jansen, Theo, 74 Jaquet-Droz, Pierre, 73 Java, 111 Jepson, Brian, 91 Jimmy (Intel), 51 Johnson, Brian David, 51 Joseph, Sam, 108 JunkBots, BugBots & Bots on Wheels (Tilden and Hrynkiw), 83, 92, 103 K Kamen, Dean, 33 Karvinen, Kimmo, 155 Karvinen, Tero, 155 Keepon robot (Yale), 106 Kelly, James Floyd, 71 Kemp, Adam, 91 Kennedy, Erin RobotGrrl, 136 Kilobots, 77 kinetic furnishings, 4 kinetic sculptures, 4 Kismet, 105 Kogakuin University (Japan), 125 L LabVIEW, 111 Lang, Robert J., 10 Learn How to Program with Scratch (Marji), 123 Learn to Solder (Jepson, Moskowite, Hayes), 88 LEDs, 20 bar graph of, 44 LEGO Education WeDo kit, 111 LEGO Mindstorms, vii, 51 programming, 111 Leonardo robot (MIT), 105 Levin, Stephen, 38 Li, David, 111 Lifelong Kindergarten group (MIT), 110, 135 LilyPad components, 154, 155 Lipson, Hod, 109 littleBits, 45 servos, 140 littleBits plotter project, 136– 153 building, 144–152 history of, 137 links for, 153 materials for, 142 Index 197mechanics of, 139 locomotion, 33–71 degrees of freedom, 6 links for, 35 tensegrity robot project, 36–48 wheel-leg hybrid robot project, 48–71 Loebner Prize, 107 Loebner, Hugh, 107 loops, 114 Loper, 49 Luxembourg, 135 M M-Blocks, 75 MacDorman, Karl, 126 magic smoke, 91 Maillardet, Henri, 73 Make: 3D Printing: The Essential Guide to 3D Printers (France), 71 Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets (Karvinen and Karvinen), 155 Make: Basic Arduino Projects (Wilcher), 155 Make: Electronics (Platt), 91 Make: Getting Started with Soldering Kit (Maker Shed), 88 Make: website, 10 Maker Faires, viii Maker Movement, viii Maker Shed website, 33 MakerBot, 50 MakerShed, 103 MaKey MaKey, 111, 136 Marji, Majed, 123 martensite phase of nitinol, 8 Matelli, Tony, 129 materials, 1–31 3D printers and, 50–53 actuated paper project, 4– 22 inflatable robot project, 23– 31 paper robotics linkbox, 16 shrinkable plastic, 1–3 SMA wire, 3 McElroy, Kathryn, 154 McKibben, Joseph L., 25 MGonz, 109 Miller Solar Engine, 84, 92 Miller, Andrew, 84 Mind, 107 Minecraft, 55 MIT, 5 RoboTuna, 34 Step by Step Chatbot project page, 113 MIT Media Lab, 6, 10 MIT Media Labs Personal Robots Group, 105 Mitsuku chatbot, 108 Model Magic, 129 modular robots, 75 Mori, Masahiro, 124, 127 Moskowite, Tyler, 91 motors, 100–103 mountain folds, 17 MouseBot, 84 MSRox, 49 N Nano robots, 77 NASA Ames Research Center, 37 National Taiwan University, 48 Needle Tower (Snelson), 36 New York, viii New York City, New York, 21 Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 7 nitinol SMA wire, 3, 7 austenite phase of, 7 martensite phase of, 8 Nomad Press, vii North Carolina State University, 1 Norwegian Creations, 138 Nuremburg, Germany, 138 O Octopus Project, 3 Ohms Law, 22 origami, 4 origami robots, 5 Osaka University, 125 OtherLab, 23 inflatable arm, 25 website, 1 Owen, Ivan, 51 P Pancake Bot, 51 Paul robotic arm (Tresset), 138 Pausch, Randy, 111 peel-and-stick aluminum foil tape, 9 Pettis, Bre, 39 Philip K. Dick android, 126 PLA, 51 Platt, Charles, 91 Pleo robot (Yale), 105 Plotclock (FabLab), 138, 140 plotters mechanics of, 140 Traveling Salesman Problem and, 140 Pneubots, 23 Polar Express (2004), 125 Ponoko, 50, 55 pop-up illustrations, 4 potentiometer, 44 Princeton University, 127 Processing, 154 198 IndexQ Qi, Jie, 6, 19 Quattroped, 48 R R2-D2, vii, 105 RadioShack, 20 Raspberry Pi, 122 RepRap, 50 resistance, 22 ReThink Robotics, 106 Rieffel, John, 37, 39, 39 RiSE, 34 RoACH (Robotic Autonomous Crawling Hexapod), 6 Robo Faber (Dörfelt), 135 RoboBee, 34 RoboBrrd robot (Kennedy), 136 Robohand, 51 Robojelly, 3 Robotics: Discover the Science and Technology of the Future (Ceceri), vii, 84 RobotShop, 9 how-to website, 10 RoboTuna, 34 Roomba, 23 Rosenbaum, Eric, 136 Rus, Daniela, 5 S safety 9V batteries and, 9 acetone, 53 LiPo batteries and, 159 overheating actuating wire, 10 short-circuits, 21 soldering, 85, 89 Sarrus linkages, 7 sarrus linkages, 26 School of Visual Arts, 154 Scratch, 110–111 Scratch Cat, 112 Scratch Chat Bot Assignment worksheet, 114 Script Area (Scratch), 114 Sculpteo, 50 Second Life, 55 Segway personal transporter, 33 Sense M-Blocks, 75 Shafer, Jeremy, 10 shape memory alloy (SMA), 1 Shapeways, 50, 55 Shi robot, 39 Showa University (Japan), 125 Shrek (2001), 125 shrinkable plastic, 1–3 Shrinky Dinks, 1 Sicily, 49 silicon gripper robot, 25, 25 Silver, Jay, 135, 135, 136 sintering, 51 Siri, 108 SketchUp, 54, 71 SMA wire, 3 smart body, 1 Smart Composite Microstructures, 6 Snelson, Kenneth, 36 Social Robotics Lab (Yale), 105 social robots, 105–133 chatbox, 107–123 links for, 107 Uncanny Valley project, 124–133 Solar BEAM robot project, 83– 103 building, 91–95 Freeform Miller Solar Engine, 95–97 history of, 83 materials, 85–88 mechanics of, 84 motors for, 100–103 solar panels, 98–99 solar panels, 98–99 Solar Wobblebot project, 84 Solarbotics, 103 Solarbotics Circuit Board/Solar Panel, 92, 85, 92 solder, 88 soldering, 88–90 links, 91 magic smoke, 91 soldering iron, 88 SparkFun website, 21, 154 Sphero Robotic Ball, 33 sprites, 112 Stage (Scratch), 114 Stan Winston Studio, 105 Star Wars, 105 Step by Step Chatbot project, 107–123 building, 112–122 history of, 107 links for, 110, 123 materials, 112 mechanics of, 108 Scratch and, 110–111 when two chatboxes meet, 109–110 Step by Step Chatbot project page, 113 Strandbeests, 74 subroutine, 118 SunSpiral, Vytas, 37 Super Ball Bot lander, 37 Suzuki, Yuri, 135 swarming robots, 76 Sylvias Super-Awesome Maker Show, 137 T Tech Valley Center of Gravity, ix Teng, Frank, 93 Index 199tensegrity robot project, 36– 48 building, 41–48 history of, 36 links for, 48 materials, 40 mechanics of, 38 TERMES robots, 76 TetraSpine robot, 37, 39 The Makerspace Workbench (Kemp), 91 thermoplastic filament, 51 Thingiverse, 51, 55 Think M-Blocks, 75 Throwies, 21, 21 Tilden, Mark W., 83, 92, 103 Tinkercad, 54, 56 TinyDuino, 154 Todd, Sylvia, 137 tools for soldering, 88 traces, 11 transformable robots, 4 Traveling Salesman Problem, 140 Tresset, Patrick, 138 Trinket microcontroler, 155 triskelion, 49 Troy, New York, 33 Turing Test, 107 Turing, Alan, 107 Turn Signal Jacket (Buechley), 154 U UC Berkeley Biomimetic Millisystems Lab, 6 Uncanny Valley project, 124– 133 building, 128–133 history of, 124–126 links for, 133 materials, 128 mechanics of, 126 unevolved robots, 73–103 BEAM robot project, 83– 103 links for, 76, 103 vibrobots, 77 Union College, 37, 39 University College, Ireland, 109 University of Iran, 49 University of Minnesota, 49 University of Texas at Dallas, 2 USBtinyISP, 170 V valley folds, 17 Van As, Richard, 51 vertical plotter, 138 vibrobot project, 77 building, 79–82 history of, 77 links for, 82 materials, 79 mechanics of, 78 Virginia Tech, 3 voltage, 20 W wall plotter, 138 Wallace, Richard, 108 Waseda University (Japan), 125 WaterColorBot kit, 137 Weizenbaum, Joseph, 108 Wellesley College, 129 wheel-leg hybrid robot project, 48–71 3D printers and, 50–53 building, 54–71 history of, 48 links for, 50 materials, 54 mechanics of, 49 Wheg, 49 White House Science Fair, 137 Whitesides Group, 25 Wilcher, Don, 155 wire, solid vs. stranded, 158, vii wires, 158 Wood, Robert, 5 World Maker Faire New York, 51 Worswick, Steve, 108 Wowwee Robosapien toys, 83 X Xbox Kinect, 111 XinCheJian makerspace (Shanghai), 111 Y Yale University, 105 Yoshida Dental Manufacturing, 125 YouTube, x Tinkercad channel, 56
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