كتاب Theory of Machines and Mechanisms
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Theory of Machines and Mechanisms

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms
Er. Shishir Kumar
Unit Topic Hrs/Week Marks

كتاب Theory of Machines and Mechanisms  T_o_m_18
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1.1 Kinematics of Machines: - Definition of Kinematics, Dynamics, Statics,
Kinetics, Kinematic link, Kinematic Pair and its types, constrained motion
and its types, Kinematic chain and its types, Mechanism, inversion,
machine and structure.
1.2 Inversions of Kinematic Chain
1.2.1 Inversion of four bar chain, coupled wheels of Locomotive & Pentograph.
1.2.2 Inversion of Single Slider Crank chain- Rotary I.C. Engines mechanism,
Whitworth quick return mechanism, Crank and Slotted lever quick return
1.3.3 Ackerman's Steering gear mechanism.
1.3.4 Foot operated air pump mechanism.
2.1 Concept of relative velocity and relative acceleration of a point on link,
angular velocity and angular acceleration, inter- relation between linear
and angular velocity and acceleration.
2.2 Drawing of velocity and acceleration diagram of a given configuration,
diagrams of simple mechanisms. Determination of velocity and
acceleration of a point on link by relative velocity method [Excluding
coriollis components of acceleration].
2.3 Analytical method [no derivation] and Klein's construction to determine
velocity and acceleration of different links in single slider crank
3.1 Concept, definition and application of Cams and Followers.
3.2 Classification of Cams and Followers.
3.3 Different follower motions and their displacement diagrams like uniform
velocity, SHM, uniform acceleration and Retardation.
3.4 Drawing of profile of radial cam with knife-edge and roller follower with
and without offset with reciprocating motion (graphical method).4 POWER TRANSMISSION 14 16
4.1 Types of Drives - Belt, Chain, Rope, Gear drives & their comparison.
4.2 Belt Drives - flat belt, V- belt & its applications, material for flat and Vbelt, angle of lap, belt length. Slip and creep. Determination of velocity
ratio, ratio of tight side and slack side tension, centrifugal tension and initial
tension, condition for maximum power transmission( Simple numericals)
4.3 Chain Drives - Advantages & Disadvantages, Selection of Chain &
Sprocket wheels, methods of lubrication.
4.4 Gear Drives - Spur gear terminology, types of gears and gear trains, their
selection for different application, train value & Velocity ratio for
compound, reverted and simple epicyclic gear train, methods of
lubrication, Law of gearing.
4.5 Rope Drives - Types, applications, advantages & limitations of Steel ropes.
5.1 Flywheel - Concept, function and application of flywheel with the help of
turning moment diagram for single cylinder 4-Stroke I.C. Engine (no
Numericals). Coefficient of fluctuation of energy, coefficient of fluctuation
of speed and its significance.
5.2 Governors - Types, concept, function and application & Terminology of
5.3 Comparison between Flywheel and Governor.
6.1 Function of brakes and dynamometer, types of brakes and Dynamometers,
comparison between brakes and dynamometer.
6.2 Construction and working of i) shoe brake, ii) Band Brake, iii) Internal
expanding shoe brake iv) Disc Brake.
6.3 Concept of Self Locking & Self energizing brakes.
6.4 Numerical problems to find braking force and braking torque for shoe &
band brake.
6.5 Construction and working of i) Rope Brake Dynamometer, ii) Hydraulic
Dynamometer, iii) Eddy current Dynamometer.
6.6 Clutches- Uniform pressure and Uniform Wear theories.
6.7 Function of Clutch and its application, Construction and working of i) Single
plate clutch, ii) Multiplate clutch, iii) Centrifugal Clutch iv) Cone clutch v)
Diaphragm clutch. (Simple numericals on single and Multiplate clutch).
6.8 Bearings - i) Simple Pivot, ii) Collar Bearing, iii) Conical pivot. Torque &
power lost in friction (no derivation). Simple numerical.
7.1 Concept of balancing. Balancing of single rotating mass. Graphical method
for balancing of several masses revolving in same plane.
7.2 Concept and terminology used in vibration, causes of vibrations in
machines, their harmful effects and remedies.
Total: 64 70Content
Chapter 1. Fundamentals and Types of Mechanisms 9 — 34
- Introduction #9
- Kinematic Pair According to Nature of Contact as #12
- Kinematic Pair According to Nature of Mechanical Constraint #12
- Kinematic Pair According to Nature of Relative Motion #13
- Kinematic Chain #13
- Grashof’s Law for a Four Bar Mechanism
- Coupling Rod of a Locomotive (Double Crank Mechanism) #16
Watt’s Indicator Mechanism (Double Lever Mechanism) #16
- First Inversion #17
- Second Inversion (Link 2 is fixe [Crank]) #17
- Whitworth Quick-Return Mechanism #18
- Rotary Engine #18
- Third Inversion - Link 3 is Fixed (Connecting Rod) #19
- Fourth Inversion - Link 4 is Fixed (Slider) #19
- Inversion of Double Slider Crank Mechanism #20
- Ackerman Steering Gear Mechanism #20
Chapter 2. Velocity and Acceleration in Mechanism 35 — 62
- Concept of Absolute and Relativer Velocity #35
- Velocity (Motion) of a Link #35
- Angular Velocity of Links #36
- Relation Between Linear velocity and angular velocity #37
- Relation Between Angular Acceleration & Linear Acceleration #38
- Velocity in Slider Crank Mechanism #39
- Acceleration in the Slider (Rank Mechanism) #40
- Klein’s Construction #41
- Slider-Crank Mechanism #41
- Acceleration of the Mid Point of the Connecting Rod #44
- Angular Velocity of Connecting Rod #45
- Angular Acceleration of the Connecting Rod #45
Chapter 3. Cam and Follower 63 — 90
- Introduction #63
- According to Follower Movement #65
- According to Constraint Manner of the Foolower #66
- Types of Follower #66
- According to Movement of the Follower #69
- According to Path of Movement of the Follower #69
- Definitions and Terms of radial cam #69
- Motion of the Follower #70Chapter 4. Power Transmission 91 — 130
- Introduction #91
- Types of Belt Drives #91
- Types of Belts #92
- Material used for belts and ropes #93
- Types of Flat Belt Drives #93
- Velocity Ratio #94
- SLIP #95
- Creep of belt #96
- Length of an open belt drive #96
- Length of a Cross Belt Drive #97
- Ratio of tensions in flat belt drive #97
- Power transmitted by a belt #99
- Maximum Tension in the belt #100
- Initial tension #100
- Chain Drive #100
- Advantage and Disadvantage of Chain Drive #101
- Classification of Chains #101
- Lubrication of Chain #101
- Gear drives #101
- Gear Terminology #102
- Material of gear #104
- Types of Gears #104
- According to Peripheral Velocit of Geers #106
- According to Types of Gearing #107
- Gear Train #108
- Law of gearing #111
- Rope drive #112
Chapter 5. Flywheel and Governors 131 — 154
- Iintroduction #131
- Turning Moment Diagram #131
- Turning Moment Diagram for a 4-Stroke Cyle Internal
Combustion Engine (Single Cylinder) #132
- Turning Moment Diagram for a Multi-Cylinder Engine #133
- Coefficient of fluctuation ofo energy #133
- Coefficient of Fluction of Speed #134
- Energy stored in a flywheel #135
- Types of Flywheel #135
- Governor #136
- Centrifugal Governor #137
- Inertia Governor #137
- Comparison between Flywheel and Governor #138
- Terminology of Governor #138- Watt Governor #139
- Porter Governor #140
- Proell Governor #143
Chapter 6. Brackes, Dynamometers, Clutches and Bearings 155 — 204
- Introduction #155
- Dynamometer #155
- Types of Brakes #155
- Types of Mechanical Brakes #155
- Pivoted Block Shoe Brake #159
- Disc Brake #167
- Advantage of Disc Brake #168
- Disadvantage of Disc Brake #168
- Dynamometers #168
- Rope Brake dynamometers #168
- Hydraulic Dynamometer #170
- Eddy-Current Dynamometers #171
- Friction Clutches #171
- Diaphragm Clutch #181
- Bearing #182
- Simple Pivot Bearing #183
- Conical pivot bearing #185
- Flat Collar Bearing #186
Chapter 7. Balancing and Vibrations 205 — 216
- Introduction #205
- Static Balancing #205
- Dynamic Balancing #205
- Balancing of a single rotating mass by a single mass which is
rotatin in some plane #206
- Balancing of several masses rotating in same plane #206
- Vibrations #211
Previous Year Solved Papers and Model Paper 217 — 333
- 2013 (Even) #217
- 2012 (Even) #231
- 2011 (Even) #242
- 2010 (Even) #258
- 2010 (A) #272
- 2009 (A) #287
- 2005 (A) #299
- 2003 (A) #313
- Model Paper

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