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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Make - Technology on Your Time Volume 36 - All About Boards الجمعة 17 نوفمبر 2023, 11:47 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make - Technology on Your Time Volume 36 - All About Boards PICK AND PLAY A FIELD GUIDE TO MICROCONTROLLERS +25 MAKER PROJECTS Covert Web Router •Laser Microscope Two-Hour Table •Desktop Foundry Hard Cider •Easy Silk-Screen
و المحتوى كما يلي :
COLUMNS 8 Welcome Computers in the mist 10 Reader Input Siphon logic, DTV antennas. Arduino sound synthesis, and Japanese toolboxes galore. FEATURES 26:New ZealandKiteMaker Reter Lynn's vision for the future hangs from a string. Tigergate Building gates for the London Zoo’s tigers proves onerous. 12 Making theFuture with Arduino People over megahertz. 16:Wearable Tech Experiments in 3D-printed fashion. 20:Made on Earth AT-AT liquor cabinets, big-rig sculptures, pole-dancing ro¬ bots,and more from makers in our community. 38:Kickscooter Kickstarter From maker to manufacturer: rethinking how we scale the stuff we make. 42:Maker HangarProfile 17-year-oldLucas Weakley on building an R/C plane video series, 44: LightUp:FromMaker toPm Two California kids with a bright idea,makingit happen PICK YOUR BRAIN 48: Which Board isRight for Me? A field guide for choosing a brain for your project. 50: Anatomy of a Board Matt Richardson's illustrated board glossary, 66:The Stary of Pinoccio How two makers brought their board to life. 70: Cloudfridge Get started in the Internet of Things by automating your icebox. 61: Now What,Noobs? Four projects to bring your Arduino to life. 74: OnionPiProject Hack your Raspberry Piinto an anonymizingTor proxy! 62: TheBoard Room Meet nine new boards and the cool projects you can make with them. 80: Android/Arduino LED Lighting MakeRGBLEDsglowany color with a finger swipe. PROJECTS 14: Skill Builder: Make Your Own Damn Board Using EAGLE to design a bare bones Arduino board. 90: Nuclear Fusor Build yourself a star in a jar. 100: Desktop Foundry Cast itty-bitty metal items with a DIYminiature foundry. 108: Capstan Kite Winder Make a powerful kite line winder using a lawnmower wheel and some ingenuity. 112 Shrink-Film Gaming Minis Faster than figurines, tougher than cardboard, and way more fun to make, 115 1+2+3:Smartphone Test Signal Generator Perfect for testinginputs on a new hardware design. 116: Laser Projection Microscope Laser pointer + drop of water = microbial movie theater! 120: Electronics: Fun & Fundamentals Clever off-label uses for the underappreciated triac. 124: Two-Hour Table Making haste with tasteful tapers. 127 1+2+3:$5Smartphone Projector Turn your mobile device into an inexpensive projector. 128: Vinyl Silk-Screen Printing Silk-screen without chemicals or a darkroom. 131: Homebrew A homemade teardrop camper trailer. 132 Kitchen-Table Cider Making Forget messy presses — use modern centrifugal juicers. 135: LiteBrite LED Clock Build this programmable Arduino-powered desk clock. 136:CountryScientist How to use LEDs to detect light. 139: Toy Inventor's Notebook Make a combination corkboard/chaIkboard. 140: Hedge Maze Area Rug Give your rug a haircut. 142: Remaking History Squire Whipple and the truss bridge. 146: Toolbox Multitools, butt connectors, borescopes, and books. 154: New Maker Tech The latest tools in 3D printing. Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. 160: Makey the Robot Rising above the daily traffic grind.
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Make - Technology on Your Time Volume 36 - All About Boards رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Make - Technology on Your Time Volume 36 - All About Boards