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| موضوع: كتاب Fluorinated Coatings and Finishes Handbook - the Definitive User’s Guide - Second Edition الإثنين 13 نوفمبر 2023, 6:52 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Fluorinated Coatings and Finishes Handbook - the Definitive User’s Guide Second Edition Laurence W. McKeen
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents Dedication Foreword Acknowledgments 1. Fluoropolymers 1.1. The Discovery of Fluoropolymers 1.2. What Are Fluoropolymers? 1.3. Comparison of Fluoropolymer Properties 2. Producing Fluoromonomers, Fluoropolymers, and Fluoropolymer Finishing 2.1. Monomers 2.2. Polymerization 2.3. Finishing 3. The Components of Paint 3.1. Binder, Vehicle, Film Former 3.2. Important Properties of Liquid Coatings 4. Binders 4.1. Nonfluoropolymer Binders 4.2. Effect of Temperature on Properties of Binders 4.3. Comparison of Properties of Nonfluoropolymer Binders 5. Pigments, Fillers, and Extenders 5.1. Dispersion of Pigments 5.2. Measuring Dispersion Quality or Fineness 5.3. Dispersion Stabilization 5.4. Pigment or Particle Settling 5.5. Functions of Pigments 5.6. Types of Pigments 5.7. Permeability, Barrier Properties 5.8. Abrasion Resistance, Reinforcement: Physical Property Improvement 5.9. Electrically Conductive Fillers 5.10. Corrosion Inhibition 5.11. Quantifying Pigment Concentrations in Formulations 5.12. Commercial Pigment Dispersions 6. Solvent Systems 6.1. Classes of Solvents 6.2. Solubility and Dissolution of Polymers 6.3. Solids–Viscosity Relationships 6.4. Viscosity as a Function of Temperature 6.5. Evaporation 6.6. Solvent Composition and Evaporation Time 6.7. Solubility 6.8. Surface Tension and Wetting 6.9. N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone 6.10. Conductivity 6.11. Flash Point 6.12. Autoignition Temperature 6.13. Summary 7. Additives 7.1. Abrasion Resistance Improvers 7.2. Acid Catalysts 7.3. Acid Scavengers 7.4. Adhesion Promoters, Coupling Agents 7.5. Algaecides, Biocides, Fungicides 7.6. Anticratering Agent, Fisheye Preventer 7.7. Anticrawling Agent 7.8. Antifoaming Agent, Defoamer 7.9. Antifouling Agent 7.10. Rust Inhibitor, Corrosion Inhibitor, Flash Rust Inhibitor 7.11. Antisag Agent, Colloidal Additives, Thickeners, Rheology Modifiers 7.12. Antisettling Agent 7.13. Antistatic Agent, Electroconductive Additives 7.14. Coalescents, Coalescing Agent, Film-Forming Agent 7.15. Deaerators 7.16. Degassing Agent 7.17. Dispersant, Dispersing Agent, or Surfactant 7.18. Flattening Agents 7.19. UV Absorbers and Stabilizers 7.20. Lubricants 7.21. Moisture Scavenger 7.22. pH Control Agent 7.23. Summary 8. Substrates and Substrate Preparation 8.1. Substrates 8.2. Adhesion 8.3. Substrate Preparation 8.4. Soluble Salts at the Metal Paint Interface 8.5. Modifications to Fluoropolymer Surfaces to Improve Adhesion 8.6. Preventing Rust after Surface Preparation 8.7. Platings 8.8. Anodization 8.9. Substrate Characterization 8.10. Summary 9. Liquid Formulations 9.1. Selecting Ingredients 9.2. Recipes and Formulas 9.3. Formulating Water-Based Coatings 9.4. Solvent-Based Coatings 9.5. Soluble Fluoropolymers 9.6. Fluorotelomer-Based Coatings 9.7. Mixing Liquid Coatings Prior to Use 9.8. Filtering/Straining 9.9. Shelf Life 9.10. Commercial Producers and Their Product Lines 10. Application of Liquid Coatings 10.1. Liquid Spray Coating Application Technologies and Techniques 10.2. Liquid Bulk or Direct Coating Application Techniques 10.3. Summary 11. Powder Coating and Films 11.1. What is Powder Coating? 11.2. Spray Powder Coating Process 11.3. Thick Film Coatings 11.4. Bulk Application: Fluidized Bed Coating 11.5. Powder Fluorocoating Products 11.6. Fluoropolymer Film Lamination 12. Fluoropolymer Coating Processing Technology 12.1. Baking and Curing; Physics or Chemistry 12.2. Monitoring Bake 12.3. Types of Ovens 13. Measurement of Coating Properties and Performance 13.1. Viscosity Measurement 13.2. Density, Gallon Weight, or Liter Weight Measurement 13.3. Film Thickness 13.4. Wet Film Build 13.5. Adhesion Tests 13.6. Environmental Exposure Testing 13.7. Cathodic Disbondment 13.8. Electro-Impedance Spectroscopy 13.9. Autoclave Testing 13.10. Tribology Testing 13.11. Cure 13.12. Nonstick Testing 13.13. Conductivity 13.14. Cookware Testing 13.15. Summary 14. Permeation of Fluoropolymer Coatings 14.1. History 14.2. Transport of Gases and Vapors through Solid Materials 14.3. Permeation of Coatings 14.4. Permeation and Vapor Transmission Testing 15. Introduction to the Tribology of Fluorocoatings 15.1. Friction 15.2. Wear and Erosion 15.3. Characterizing Wear 15.4. Tribology Testing 15.5. Tribology Testing for Cookware 15.6. Hardness Testing 15.7. Erosion Tests 15.8. Standard Tests 15.9. Coating Selection for Tribology Applications 15.10. Tribology Data for Various Fluoropolymers 16. Recognizing, Understanding, and Dealing with Coating Defects 16.1. Surface Tension and Shear 16.2. Common Coating Defects 16.3. Summary 17. Commercial Applications and Uses of Fluorocoatings 17.1. A Historical Chronology of Fluoropolymer Finishes Technology 17.2. Food Contact 17.3. Commercial Applications of Fluorocoatings 17.4. Manufacturers Tables of Specific Applications 17.5. Summary 18. Health and Safety 18.1. Toxicology of Fluoropolymers 18.2. Safe Handling and Application of Liquid Fluoropolymer Coatings 18.3. Thermal Properties of Fluoropolymers 18.4. Removal of Fluoropolymer Films and Coatings 18.5. Fire Hazard 18.6. Spillage Cleanup 18.7. Protective Clothing 18.8. Personal Hygiene 18.9. Material Incompatibility 18.10. Food Contact and Medical Applications 18.11. Fluoropolymer Scrap and Recycling 18.12. Environmental Protection and Disposal Methods Appendix 1. Fluoropolymer Properties Appendix 2. Permeability Data of Fluoropolymer Films Appendix 3. Chemical Resistance of Fluoropolymers Glossary Index . GLOSSARY 599Index Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables, respectively. A Abrasion, measuring, 256e257 Abrasion resistance, 119e120, 120t, 142e143, 322 Abrasion tests, 257 Abrasive wear, 278e279 Accelerated in-home abuse test (AIHAT) procedure, 258 Accelerated tests, cookware, 255 Acid catalysts, 120 Acid primer, 74 Acid scavengers, 120 Acrylic polymer, 28e29 Acrylic resin, for cracking, 151 Acrylics, 74e75 Acyl fluoride, 14, 27e28, 36 Additives, 52, 119e127, 335 food contact, 311e312 function, 119 to powders, 196 Adhesion, 59, 129e130 of coating, 309 to copper, 129 of films, 233 fluoropolymer surface modification, 141 measurement of, 235 promoters, 120 ratings, 237f scale, 237t tests, 235e238 postboiling cross-hatch tape, 236, 236fe237f, 237t post-boiling nail, 236e237, 237f Adhesive bond strength, 235e236 Adhesive wear, 279 Aerosil, 124 Agglomerates, 29e30 AgION, 121e122 Air, removal of entrapped, 300 Air bubbles, 299e300 Air entrapment, 124, 299e301 Air-knife coating, 183 Alkyd resins, 77 Alkyl ammonium salts, 121 Alligatoring, 302 Alloy, 142e143, 309 Aluminum oxide (Al2O3), 100e101, 101t Aluminized steel, 142 Aluminum flake, 126 Aluminum oxide, 132e133 Amines, 123, 126e127 Ammonium hydroxide, 121, 126e127 Ammonium salts, 16e18 Amorphous fluoropolymer (AF), 5e6 regions, 4 Teflon AF, 396, 396f, 396t Andrade’s equation, 109 Anodization, 142e143 Anti-cratering additives, 303 Anticratering agents, 122 Anticrawling agent, 122 Antifoaming agents, 122 Antifouling agent, 122e123 Antisag agents, 123 Antisettling agents, 124 Antistatic agents, 124 Applications architectural coatings, 328, 328f, 328t automotive, 322e324, 322fe324f bakeware, 312e313 chemical processing industry, 325e326, 325fe326f commercial dryer drums, 326, 326f commercial/industrial bakeware, 318e321, 320f cookware, 312e313 ductwork, 326 efficiency, of coating techniques, 183t fuser rolls, 321e322, 321f glass ovenware, 311 gourmet cookware, 311 hardware, 310 industrial rollers, 326, 327f light bulbs, 322, 322f of liquid spray coatings. See Liquid spray techniques medical devices, 326e327, 327f office automation, 311 oil production and refining, 327, 328f small electrical appliances, 312e313 Aquadag, 125 Aqueous dispersions, 150e151, 335e336 Aqueous fluoropolymer coatings, 121 Arc spray, 136 Architectural coatings, 328, 328f, 328t Arrhenius equation, 265e266 parameters, 266, 266t vs. temperature diffusion coefficient, 266, 267f permeability coefficient, 266, 267f solubility coefficient, 266, 268f Asahi Glass, 157 ASTM B117-03, 238 C868-02, 240 D1005-95, 232 D1186-01, 230 D1212-91, 233e234 D1475-98, 229 D1644-01, 58 D1654-92, 239 D1876-01, 237 D1894-08, 283 D2196-99, 229 D2697-03, 58 D2803-03, 239 D3359-97, 236 D3363-00, 287e288 D3702-94, 284 D4138-94, 232 D4212-99, 229 D4214-98, 239 D4414-95, 233 D4541-02, 237 D610-01, 239 D6132-04, 231 D714-02, 239 D968-93, 288e289 G87-02, 239e240 Atlas Cell test, 240 Atomization, 300, 304e305 Atomizing air pressure, 173 601Aluminum anodizing, 142 Autocatalytic nickel plating, 77 Autoclave testing, 253 Autoignition temperature, 118 Automatic flash point tester, 115 Automotive applications, 137, 322e324 Automotive brake lines, 324, 324f Autopolymerization, TFE inhibitors, 14 Axial impellers, 154 Azeotropes, 111 B Bake temperatures, 129 Baking, 211e215, 212fe214f Baking soda, 133 Ball mills, 84, 84fe85f Batch ovens, 219e220 Batch size, 150 Bearings, coatings, 309 Benard cell, 302e303 Benzoguanamine formaldehyde, dispersing aid, 152 Bimetallic corrosion, 136 Binders, 51e52 additional, 74 nonfluoropolymer, 60e78 resins, 309 selection, 149 Bisulfite initiators, 15e16 Black body radiation, 216e217 Blended pigments, 195 Blisters, 301, 301f cookware coatings, 258e259 Block copolymer, 73 Bodying agents, 123 Brake dampers, 324, 324f Branched chain alcohols, 122 Bristle blast, 135, 135f Brookfield Viscometer, 52e53, 229, 229f Bubble breakers, 122 Bubble-breaking additives, 301 Bubbles, 192 Bubbling onset temperature, 301 Bulk application, 193e194, 193fe195f liquid coatings coil coating, 179e180, 179fe180f curtain coating, 178e179, 179f dip coating, 176, 176f dip-spin coating, 176e177, 177f Landau-Levich equation, 175 meniscus-coating techniques, 175 pad printing, 182e183, 182f postforming coatings, 182 roller coating, 180e182, 181f spin-flow coating, 177e178, 178f techniques, 185 C Calcium carbonate, 120 Capture velocity, 336 Carbon dioxide, supercritical, 27, 153, 175 Carbonyl fluoride, 338e339, 338t Carboxylic acid, 36 Cascading action, 84, 85f, 86 Cataracting action, 86 Cathodic disbondment, 252, 252f Ceramic fillers, 311 Chain transfer, 15 Checking, 302 Chemetall Oakite, 137e138 Chemical agents, 121 Chemical etch, 135e136 Chemical processing industry, 325e326 Chemical resistance guidelines, 413 ratings, 413, 414t Chemical washes, 130 Chemours, 157e160 Chemours Cookware Coating Systems, 313t Chromate conversion, 136 Chromic anodizing, 142 Clear coatings, 308e309 Cloud point, 28 Cosolvent, 107 Coagulated dispersion, 15 Coagulum, 26 Coating defects, 299e306 Coating process, fry pans, 213, 213f Coating weight, 137 Coefficient of friction, 277 Teflon PTFE, 278, 279f Vespel SP-21, 278, 278f Coil, induction, 224, 224f Colloidal dispersion, 123 Colloidal particles, 123 Colloid mill, 90, 90f Complex inorganic pigments, 97e98 Components of paint, 51e58 Conductive coatings, 101e103 Conductive pigment loading, 103 Conductivity, 114, 254e255, 255f Contaminants, removing, 303 Contamination, 121 Continuous ovens, 220 Convection heating, 220e221 Convection ovens, 220e221 Conversion coatings, 136e138 Cookware, 307 coating of, 307 quality, 308 Cookware testing accelerated, 256, 256f in-home, 255 Copolymers, 4 Coreeshell polymerization, 26e27 Corona charging, 186e188, 188f Corona treatment, 138e139 Corrosion inhibition, 103e105, 123 Corrosion resistance tests, 238e240 Cracks, 302e303, 302fe303f in coatings, 151, 299, 302 Craters, 122, 303, 303f in coatings, 299 formation, 303 Crawling, 122, 304 Crazing, 302 Critical cracking thickness, 151 Critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC), 105 Cross-hatch tests, 235e236 Cross-linkers, 76 Cross-linking, 211 Cross-links, 59 Crushed glass, 133 Cup method, 54e58 Cure tests, 253e254 Curing process, fluoropolymer coatings, 211 Curtain coating, 178e179, 179f, 311 D Daikin Liquid Primers, 160t Daikin Polyflon, 161t Daikin topcoats, 162t Deaerators, 124e125 Deagglomeration, 33 Decomposition gases, 192 of fluoropolymers, 338 products, 336e337, 338t, 341e342 Defects “chicken tracks”, 180 in coatings, 299e306 Defoamers, 122, 301 Degassing agents, 125 Degradation of polytetrafluoroethylene, 33, 35e36 products, 335e336, 338e339 temperatures, 33, 35, 35t Density measurements, 124 of coatings, 229 Destructive film thickness measurement, 232e233 602 INDEXDewetting, 304 Diamond stylus, 132, 145e146 Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A epoxy resin, 75e76, 76f Dilatant flow, 53, 54f Dimethyl formamide (DMF), 108 DIN Standard 50018, 239e240 Dip coating, 176, 176f Dip cup, 227e229 Dip-spin coating, 176e177, 177f Direct-fired gas, 221 Dispersed pigment particles, 91 Dispersibility, 235 Dispersing agent, 17 Dispersing aids, 152 Dispersing mills, 86 Dispersion-based fluoropolymer products, 124 Dispersions aqueous, 335e336 commercial, 150 for liquid coatings, 152 polymerization, 15, 28, 41 processes, 84, 86, 88e89 products, 18, 26 stabilization, 91e92, 92fe93f Disposal fluoropolymer, 335, 342 Disuccinic acid peroxide, 17 Drip marks, 176 Dripping, 192 Dry blending, 195 Dry film thickness, 230 calculated, 231 measurement, 232 Dry lubrication, 125, 277, 310e311 Dry paint, 185 Dry powders, 51 Dry spraying, 304e306 Dry film thickness, 194 Dryer baskets, 326 Ductworks, 326 Dynamic coefficient of friction, 277 DyneonTHE, 7 DyneonTHV, 7 E Eddy current, 223e224, 224f film thickness measurements, 230e231 Elasticity, 235 Elcometer Payne permeability cups, 270, 270t, 274f, 275f Electro-impedance spectroscopy, 252e253, 253f Electroless nickel plating, 77, 78f Electron beam irradiation, 37, 37f Electroplate, 142 Electrostatic coating, 191, 194 Electrostatic spray, 114, 173e175, 173fe175f, 185 Electrostatic wrap, 191 Emission control, 336 Emissivity, 217e218, 218t temperature calculation, 217 Emitter temperatures, 222 Emulsion polymerization, 17e18, 41 Enamel topcoat, 310 Encapsulated pigments, 195 Endgroups, 36 hydroxyl, 16 stability, 27 Engrave, 136 Erosion measurements, 292 Ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE), 9, 9fe10f, 406, 406te407t, 408f, 408t, 409f, 410f chemical resistance, 421te460t chemical structure, 9f thermal properties, 373, 373f Ethylene fluorinated ethylene propylene terpolymers, 7e8, 8f Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 7, 7f, 356, 356f, 403, 403te404t, 405f, 461te497t chemical structure, 7f thermal properties, 368, 368te369t, 370fe372f Evaporation solvent, 302e303 Evaporation rate, 111 Evaporation time, 111 Exhaust air, 336 F Fabric printing rollers, 326 Falling abrasive erosion test, 288e289, 289f, 290t Faraday Cage effect, 191, 191f, 193e194 Fast-evaporating nonsolvents, 114 Fasteners, 323 Fatty acids, 122 FDA compliance, 41 Ferrous metals, 130 Fillers, 52, 337 Film build, 191 Film forming agent, 124 Film shrinkage, 98, 99f Film thickness measurements, 230 powder coatings, 152, 190 Filtration, 156 Fine powder processing steps, 29 products, 15 PTFE, 33 resins, 15 Fine mixtures, 340 Fingerprint contamination, 130 Fisheyes, 122 formation, 303e304 Flake pigments, 98, 99f Flame treating, 138 Flammability tetrafluoroethylene, 14 Flash point, 114e118, 115f Flash rusting, 123, 130e131 Flattening agents, 125 Flexibility, 79 Flocculation, 91e92, 103, 103f Flow agent, fumed silica, 196, 197f Fluid energy mill, 39e40 Fluidized bed coating, 193e194, 193fe195f Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), 4e5, 5f, 13, 34t chemical resistance, 498t chemical structure, 5f electrical properties, 375, 375f fluff, 41e44 mechanical properties, 347, 347fe349f melting point, 211 permeation, 387, 387f, 388f, 388te390t powder, 41e44 thermal properties, 360, 360fe361f, 361t tribology, 294, 295f Fluorinated surfactants, 122 Fluorine in fluoropolymers, 335 sheath, 4 Fluorine-containing polymers, 1 Fluoroadditives, 31e33, 41, 341 irradiated, 41 Fluoroalkenes, 338e339 Fluoro copolymers chemical properties, 378t electrical properties, 373t mechanical properties, 344t thermal properties, 357t Fluoroolefin polymerization, 28 Fluoropolymers adhesive laminating, 207e208, 207t coatings, 1, 10, 51 commercial films, 208, 208t, 209t INDEX 603Fluoropolymers (Continued) discovery of, 1e2 dispersions, 340e341 disposal of, 335, 342 endgroups, 28, 28f handling and processing, 335e336 heat bonding, 207 film production melt extrusion, 197e203, 203f paste extrusion, 203e204 skiving, 204, 204f one-coats, 60 paint formulations, 51 polymerizations, 24e26 powder, 119e120 properties, 11e12 selection of, 147e149, 148te149t surface treatment atmospheric glow discharge, 207t corona treatment, 206, 206t flame treatment, 205e206, 206t plasma treatment, 206 sodium etch, 204e205, 205f, 205t Fluorotelomer-based coatings, 153 Foam macro, 124 micro, 124 Food contact, 311e312, 341 Formic acid rinse, 130 Free radical mechanism, 15e16 reaction, 16 Fretting wear, 280 Frictional force asperities, 277e278 basic frictional forces, 277, 277f block and coated plate contact, 277e278, 277f coefficient of friction, 277 Teflon PTFE, 278, 279f Vespel SP-21, 278, 278f kinetic, 277 properties, 278 static, 277e278 testing, 283e284, 283fe284f Fuel pump coatings, 323 Fume fever, 339 Fumed silica, 196e197, 197f Fuser rolls, 321e322, 321f G Gallon weight, 229, 299e300 GALVALUME, 142 Galvanized steel, 142 Gas permeation, 261e262 Glass beads, 133 Glass containment, 322 Glass transition temperature, 62, 79 Glycerol, cracking, 151 Glycol, cracking, 151 Graham’s law, 262 Granular resins, 15 Graphite, 125 Gravimetric film thickness measurement, 231 Grinding media, 84, 88 Grinding process, 84 Grit blasting, 131e134, 311, 339 air pressures, 131e132 Grit types, properties, 132, 133t H Halar, 9 Hammer mill, 39e41, 40f Hand-tool manufacturers, 309 Hansen solubility parameters, 108e109, 112 Hard grit, 131 Hardcoat anodizing, 143 Hardness, 235 test, 235 Health hazards, 338t Heat transfer, IR source, 222 Heating methods convection, 220e221 induction, 223e225, 224fe225f infrared, 221e223, 223f Heating treatment/thermal cleaning, 130 Hegman Fineness Gauge, 91, 91f Henkel Acheson products, 163t Hexafluoropropylene (HFP), 4e5 as comonomer, 13e14 Hexafluoropropylene epoxy (HFPO), 13 Hexafluoropropylene, tetrafluoroethylene, ethylene terpolymer (HTE), 394, 394t Hiding ability of a coating, 96 High molecular weight amides, 122 High-bake coatings, 125 High-build coatings, 192 High-speed disperser (HSD), 89e90, 89fe90f High-temperature non-fluoropolymer binders, properties of, 79, 80te81t High-temperature polymers, 64, 70, 147 High-temperature processing, thermal degradation, 192 High-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) atomization, 173 Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS), 125 Homofluoropolymers chemical properties, 378t electrical properties, 373t mechanical properties, 343t thermal properties, 357t Homopolymer, 4 Horizontal media mills, 87e89, 88f Hot flocking, 191e192, 192f House paint, 51 Hydantoin, 121 Hydroblasting, 130 Hydrofluoric acid production, 13, 27e28 Hydrogen bonding, 112 Hydrogen gas, 126 Hydrolysis of free radicals, 16 Hygroscopic silica, 126 Hysteresis heating, 225 I ILAG, 160 ILAG Bakeware Coating Systems, 318t ILAG Cookware Coating Systems, 315t ILAG Small Electric Appliances Coating Systems, 320t Impeller variations, 154 Indirect-fired gas systems, 221 Induction baking, 223e225, 224f Induction heating, 223e225, 224fe225f Infrared heating, 221e223, 223f Ingredients order of addition, 150 selection of, 312 Inherently conductive polymers, 124 Inhibitors corrosion, 123 rust, 123 Initiation, 4, 15e16 Initiators, 15e16 bisulfite, 15e16 Inorganic acids, 30 Inorganic glass, 74 Inorganic pigments, 96e98, 97t Inorganic salts, 30 Instron peel test, 237, 238f Intercoat adhesion, 235 Inversions, 9 IR curing, 222 IR ovens, 222, 223f IR source heat transfer, 222 IR thermometers, 216 Iron impregnation, 133 Iron phosphates, 136e137 Irradiated fluoropolymers, 311e312 Irradiation, 38 ISO 3231, 239e240 Isocyanate group, 77 604 INDEXJ Jet mill, 39e40, 39f K Kapton, 67e68 Kesternich test, 239e240, 240f Ketjen black, 96, 101 Kinetic coefficient of friction, 277 KYNAR, 8, 10 L Landau-Levich equation, 175 Lawn and garden tools, 309 Leveling, 111 Licensees, 308 Light bulbs, 322, 322f Liquid bulk/direct coatings, 51e52 coil, 179e180, 179fe180f curtain, 178e179, 179f by dip, 176, 176f by dip-spin, 176e177, 177f meniscus-coating techniques, 175 pad printing, 182e183, 182f postforming, 182 properties, 52 roller, 180e182, 181f spin-flow, 177e178, 178f Light colored primers, 64 Liquid paint, spray, 171 Liquid spray techniques conventional spray coating, 171e172, 172f electrostatic spray application, 173e175, 173fe175f high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP), 173 types, 171 Linear reciprocating abrasion testing, 286, 286f Low Build Topcoat, 307 Lower explosive limit (LEL), 118 Lucite, 74e75 Lumiflon, 10e11, 11f M Magnetic “permeability”, 225 Magnetic pull-off gauges, 230, 230f Manual Tiger Paw Test, 256 Manufacturing equipment, 149e150 Marine organisms, preventing attachment of, 122e123 Market segments, industrial, 311 Mechanical Tiger Paw (MTP), 256e257, 257f Media mills attrition mills, 89, 89f dispersion process, 86 horizontal media mills, 87e89, 88f sand mills, 86e87, 87f vertical mills, 86e87 Medical applications, 341 Medical devices, coatings, 326e327, 327f Melamine formaldehyde, dispersing aid, 152 Melt creep viscosity, PTFE, 16 Melt viscosity, 4e5, 10, 192e193 Melting, 211 IR radiation, 221 Melting point, fluoroplastics, 343t Meniscus-coating techniques, 175 Mesh number, 156 “Metal temperature”, 215 Metallic soaps, 122 Metal paint interface, 139e141, 139fe140f MFA, 393, 393t, 394f Mica pigments, 98 Micrometer film thickness measurement, 232 Micron sizes, for screens, 156 Micropowders, 33, 36 Microscopic film thickness measurement, 232 Mixing impellers, 154 instructions, 153 RPM, 150 Modified granular PTFE, improvements, 4 Moisture scavengers, 126 Mold-release applications, 309 Molecular weight, micropowders, 31e33 Molybdenum disulfide, 125 Monomers polytetrafluoroethylene, 13 structures, 3f Morpholine, 123 Mud-cracking, 211, 213, 302e303 Multibody impact wear, 280 Multiple coats, powder coatings, 191 Multiple-layered films, 266e267 Multiple polar groups, 122 N Nanoscale titanium dioxide, 121 National Association of Corrosion Engineers International (NACE), 143e144 Newtonian flow, 53, 53f Non-cookware applications, 329t, 331t Non-Fickian diffusion, 265 Nonfluoropolymer binders, 60e78 Nonmetallic substrates, 138 Nonperfluorinated polymers, 147 Non-polar parameter, 112 Nonsolvents, 114 Nonstick coatings, 122e123 Nonstick cookware, 308 Nonstick testing, 254, 255f Nondestructive measurements, 230e232 Nozzles, for spray guns, 171 O Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 336 Oil production and refining, 327, 328f One-coat coatings, 64 Optical pyrometers, 216 Orange peel, 304e305, 305f Organic polyesters, 77 Organic substrates, 138e139 Overheating, 337 Overspray, 190 Oxidation products, 338e339 Oxygen, in oven air, 213e214 Ozone, 138e139, 341e342 P Painting, bulk applications, 171 Paints adding pigments, 83e84 color matching, 94 defects, 299 density, 299e300 dry, 185 recipe, 149 Paper making rollers, 326 Partially fluorinated polymers, 3 Particle morphology, 194e195 Particle sizes, power, 192 Particulates, 303, 338e339 Pebble mill, 84e86, 84fe86f Peel tests, 235 Peeling cookware, 258 Pencil hardness test, 287e288, 287f Pencil type, thickness gauge, 230, 230f Percolation threshold, 101e103 Perfluorinated polymers, 147 Perfluorinated side groups, 10 Perfluoro-2-alkoxy-propionyl fluoride, 14 Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) polymer, 5, 5fe6f, 29, 34t chemical resistance, 523t chemical structure, 5f electrical properties, 376, 376f mechanical properties, 349, 349fe351f INDEX 605Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) polymer (Continued) melt point, 192 permeation, 391e393, 391t, 392f, 392t powders, 194e195 thermal properties, 361, 361t, 362fe363f tribology, 294, 295t, 296f Perfluoroalkylvinylethers (PAVEs), 13 Perfluorocarbon solvents, 28 Perfluoropolymers, 3 Perfluoropropylvinylether, 14 Performance tests, 227 “Permeability”, magnetic, 225 Permeation of coatings, 268e269 gases and vapors transport, solid materials Arrhenius equation. See Arrhenius equation effusion, 262e263, 262f, 263t multiple-layered films, 266e267 non-Fickian diffusion, 265 solution-diffusion and pore-flow models, 263e265, 263fe265f gas permeation, 261e262 properties, 261 and vapor transmission testing ASTM, 269, 271t coatings, substrates, 274 defect-free free-standing film, 272e274 DIN, 269, 273t free paint film preparation, 274 gas permeability units, 269 gas permeation test cells, 270, 274f ISO, 269, 273t IUPAC’s STP, 270 JIS, 269, 274t standard tests, 272 TAPPI, 269, 274t vapor permeation cup testing, 270e272, 270t, 274f, 275f wet-free film, 269 Personal protective equipment, 337 Persulfate, degradation of, 16 Pfund Gauge, 233e234, 234f pH, 126e127 Phosphate coatings treatment, 136 Phosphate esters, 122 Pigment dispersions, 152 Pigment level, 304 Pigments, 52 acicular distribution, 100 additives, 83e84 concentration, 101e103, 103f, 105 food contact, 312 measure of, 105 mica, 98e99, 98fe99f paint formulations, 93, 93f purpose, 94 used in fluoropolymer coatings, 96 Pin-on-disk abrasion testing, 285e286, 285f Pinholes, in coatings, 299 Pistons, coatings, 322e323 Planck’s law, 216e217 Plasma treatment, 139 handheld devices, 139 Plastic grit, 133 Plexiglass, 74e75 Polar/dipole, 112 Polar groups, 138e139 Polyaddition reaction, 15 Polyamideeimide (PAI), 60e62, 61fe62f, 63t, 113, 213 chemical structure, 62f Polyamide-imide binder, 149 Polyaniline, 124 Polyaryletherketones (PAEK), 68e70, 69te72t Polybasic acid, 77 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), 9e10, 10f, 398, 398te400t chemical resistance, 505t chemical structure, 10f electrical properties, 377, 377f mechanical properties, 352, 352fe354f thermal properties, 365, 365f, 365t Polyether ether ketone (PEEK), 70, 70te72t Polyetherimide (PEI), 70e74, 73fe75f, 75t binder, 149 Polyetherimide sulfone, 73f Polyethersulfone (PES), 62, 64f, 113 binder, 149 Polyethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE), 294, 294t Polyethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 294, 294t, 295f Polyhydric alcohol, 77 Polyimide (PI), 67e68, 67fe68f, 68t Polymer fume fever, 339 Polymerization, 14e28 reaction, tetrafluoroethylene, 17 Polymers, solubility and dissolution, 84e86 Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 74e75 Polyols, for cracking, 151 Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), 66e67, 66f, 67t binder, 149 Polyphenylenesulfone (PPSU), 65, 65f, 66t Polysiloxanes, 122 Polysulfone, 62e64, 65f, 65t Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 13, 31t, 33t, 45t agglomerates, 30e31 chemical resistance, 415t electrical properties, 374, 374f degradation, 33, 35e36 fibrillated, 30e31, 35f granular, 15, 33 homopolymers, 16, 381e386, 381te385t, 385f irradiated, 36, 39e41, 39fe40f mechanical properties, 344, 344fe347f modified PTFE, 386t molecular weight, 15e16 monomers, 13 radiation-induced degradation reaction scheme, 36f scrap, 341 self ignition temperature, 340 structure, 3f thermal decomposition, 13, 35 thermal properties, 357, 357fe359f, 359t tribology, 292f, 292t, 293, 293f Polyurethanes, 77 Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF), 35t, 397, 397f, 397t, 398f chemical structure, 9f thermal properties, 364, 364f Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 8e9, 8f, 27e28, 400, 400f, 401f, 402f, 402t chemical resistance, 536te587t chemical structure, 8f mechanical properties, 354, 354fe355f thermal properties, 366, 366t, 367f Popping, 301e302 Postboiling cross-hatch tape adhesion test, 236, 236fe237f, 237t Postboiling nail adhesion test, 236e237, 237f, 237t Postforming coatings, 182 Powder coatings, 311 and films, 185e209 Powder dispersions, 152 Powder fluorocoating products, 194 formulation, 194e197, 196f 606 INDEXPowder particles, charging, 188 Powder pump, 185e186, 187f Powdered fluoropolymer, 83 Primers, 130, 143 Printers, coatings, 311 Production code, 149 Profilometers, 132, 145e146, 145f Propagation, of free radicals, 16 Protective clothing, 340e341 Pseudoplastic flow, 53, 54f Pull-off adhesion test, 237e238 Pull-off gauges, 230 Pulmonary edema, 338t Pumps, powder, 185e186, 187f Pyrolysis fumes, 337e338 reaction, 14 Pyrometers, 216 R Radial impellers, 154 Radiation black body, 216 exposure, 36 resistance, 67e68 Radical, 15, 27 Raw dispersions, 28, 30 Raw fluoropolymers, 1 Razor blade coatings, 327e328, 328f Reactor deflagration, 17 Reactor tanks, 325e326, 325f Recipes, 149e150 Regulatory agencies, food contact, 312 Release coatings, polysiloxane, 318 Remote sensing device, 218 Repro, molding powders, 341 Residual voids, 16 Resin-bonded coating, 310, 323 Resins epoxy, 75e76, 76f fine powder, 15 polyamideeimide, 61 Respirators, 336e337, 340e341 Rheocin, 123 Rheology, 52e58 Rollback thickness gauge, 230f Roller coating, 180e182, 181f, 321e322, 326, 327f Rolling contact wear, 280, 280f Rotogravure, 180 Rotorestator, 90, 90f Rotoviscometer, 53 Roughness, 144e146 Rust inhibiting formulations, commercial, 141e142 S Sagging, 193, 193f Salt corrosion test, 259 Salt fog test, 238 Salt spray resistance, 142 Salt spray test, 238e239, 239f Sand grit, 133 Sand mill, 86e87, 87f Sand paper abrasion test, 257e258, 257f Scouring pad abrasion test, 258 Scrap material, 341 Scratches, cookware, 256, 258 Scratching device, tiger paw, 256 Screens, mesh or micron size, 156 Scotch-Brite Egg Release Test, 258 Seat belt D-rings, 323, 323f Semiconductor industry applications, 326 Shear force, 299 Shear rate, 53 Shear stability, of dispersions, 151 Shear stress, 52e53 Shear-thickening, 53 Shear-thinning, 53e54 Shelf life, 156 solvent-based coatings, 152 Shore (durometer)/Rockwell hardness, 288, 288f Shrinkage, 193, 193f Sieves, 156 Silanes, 120 Silica grit, 133 Silicon carbide, 100 grit, 133 Silicon dioxide, 101, 102t grit, 133 Silk-screen coating, 183 Siltem, 73 SilverStone, 310e311 Single Package Primer, 307 Sintering, 2 “Skin depth”, 224e225 Skin over, 222, 301 Sliding wear process, 278e280 Slurry erosion tests, 289e290 Snake oils, 119 Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), 143e144 Soda lime glass, 133 Sodium bicarbonate slurries, 132 Sodium chromate, 136 Solegel, 77e78 Solubility, 235 paint materials, 112, 113f perfluorinated solvents, 153 Solution-diffusion and pore-flow models, 263e265, 263fe265f Solvay, 160 Solvents application properties, 107 classes, 83e90, 84f cleaning, 130 composition, 111, 112f evaporation, 302e303 molecules, 99 pops, in coatings, 299, 302 system, 107e118 Solvent-based coatings, 152 Spectragraphics, 310e311 Spin-flow coating, 177e178, 178f Splitting, 302 Spontaneous ignition, 118 Spray booth, 336 Spray can, 171 Spray coating, 316t. See also Liquid spray techniques Spray dryer, key components, 44e46, 46f Spray gun, 171, 185e186, 188, 188f Spray sintering, 46, 46f Spray techniques electrostatic spray, 185 hot flocking, 191e192, 192f Spray velocity, 171 Spraying molten metal, 136 Stability, 27, 29 Stabilizers, 125 Stack gas treatment, 38 Stain resistance, 310 Staining of coatings, 309 cookware, 256 Stainless steel shot, 133 Static electricity, 101 Static coefficient of friction, 277 Steel grit, 133 Steel wool abrasion test (SWAT), 257e258, 257f StefaneBoltzmann law, 216 Steric stabilization, 92, 92f Stokes’ Law, 92e93, 124e125 Strainers, 156 Stratification, 60, 60f control, 311 Stresses, in coatings, 302 Stylus deflection, 146 Styrene, heat of polymerization, 14 Substrate adhesion, 235 Substrate preparation, 130e139 Substrate roughness replica tape measures, 144e145, 144f, 145t stylus measures, 145e146, 145fe146f visual comparator measures, 145, 145f INDEX 607Sulfur dioxide, corrosion test, 239e240 Sulfuric anodizing, 142e143 Supercritical carbon dioxide, 27 Surface-active agent coating, 92 Surface area calculation, 58 roughened, 131 Surface profiles, 132, 144 Surface tension, 112e113, 113f, 299 vs. surfactant concentration, 93f Surface fatigue wear, 280 Surfactants in aqueous dispersions, 150e151 with fluorocoatings, 125 perfluorinated carboxylic ammonium, 16e17 polymerization, 17e26 Surging powder, 191 Suspension method, 15 Suspension polymerization, 15, 17e18 T Taber Abraser, 286e287, 286f Taber shear/scratch tester, 288, 288f Tallmadge Withdrawal Theory, 175 Target absorptivity factor, 222 Tedlar, 9 Tefal, 307e308 Teflon AF, 5e6, 6f Teflon-S, 60, 309 Teflon, 1e2, 307e310 TEFLON ETFE coatings, 158 TEFLON FEP coatings, 158 Teflon NXT resins, 4 TEFLON one-coat systems, 158e159 TEFLON PFA coatings, 158 TEFLON primers, 159e160, 159t TEFLON PTFE coatings, 158 Temperature dependence, viscosity, 110 Temperatures maximum continuous-use, 337 measurement, optical pyrometers, 216 monitoring, 211, 215 noncontact measurement, 216e218 processing, 338 remote sensing devices, 217 vs. weight loss rates, 356, 356f Termination, 4 of endgroups, 16 Terpolymer, 7 Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), 1 autopolymerization inhibitors, 14 deflagration, 14 heat of polymerization, 14 monomer, 13e14 polymerization, 14 Tetrafluoroethylene, hexafluoropropylene, vinylidene fluoride terpolymer (THV), 395, 395t Tetrafluoromethane, 338e339 T-fal, 160 Thermal degradation, high-temperature processing, 192 Thermal stability, 60e61, 235, 338 of polymers, 147 Thermocouples, 215e216, 215t Thermoplastic polyimide, 67, 68f Thermoplastics, 68, 341 Thermosets, 76 Thick films electrostatic spray, 185 hot flocking, 191 Thick fluoropolymer coating, 191e192, 192f Thickeners, 123e124 Thin films, 191e192 electrostatic spray, 185 Thinner, 109, 109f Thixotropic flow, 53e54, 54f Thixotropic loop, 53e54 Thrust washer abrasion testing, 284e285, 284fe285f Tiger paw test, 256 Titanates, 120, 121f tetraalkyl, 120 Toluene, 141 Toner beads, 310e311 Tools, coatings, 309 Toxic gases, 339 Toxicity, of fluoropolymers, 335 Tribocharge, 310 Tribocharging power gun, 189, 190f Triboelectric charge, 321 Triboelectric series, 189, 189t Tribology, 253 applications, 291e292 ASTM and ISO standard tests, 290, 290t for cookware, 287 falling abrasive erosion test, 288e289, 289f, 290t fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), 294, 295f friction. See Frictional force linear reciprocating abrasion testing, 286, 286f pencil hardness test, 287e288, 287f perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), 294, 295t, 296f pin-on-disk abrasion testing, 285e286, 285f polyethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE), 294, 294t polyethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 294, 294t, 295f polytetrafluoroethylene, 292f, 292t, 293, 293f Shore (durometer)/Rockwell hardness, 288, 288f slurry erosion tests, 289e290 Taber Abraser, 286e287, 286f Taber shear/scratch tester, 288, 288f thrust washer abrasion testing, 284e285, 284fe285f tribometers, 283 wear classification, 278, 279f definition, 278 impact wear, 280 PV limit, 282e283 rolling contact wear, 280, 280f sliding wear process, 278e280 wear factor, 281e282, 281fe282f wear rate, 281 Triethyl amine, 141 Tumble blast, 135, 135f Tunnel ovens, 213, 216, 221 Two-body impact wear, 280 Two-package primers, 309 Tyvek, 340e341 U Ultem, 73e74 Ultrasonic film thickness gauge, 231, 231f Upper explosive limit (UEF), 118 UV absorbers, 125 UV curing, 225 V Vapor degreasing, 130 Vapor permeation cup testing, 270e272, 270t, 274f, 275f Vapor pocket, 301 Venturi pump, 185e186 Vertical paint film, 299 Vespel, 67e68 Vespel SP-21 coefficient of friction, 278, 278f wear factor, 281e282, 281fe282f Vibratory box feeder, 185, 187f Victrex, 160 View factor, 222 Vinyl chloride, heat of polymerization, 14 Virgin molding polymers, 341 Viscosity, 52e58, 109 dispersion-based products, 151 measurement, 227e229 608 INDEXpaint formulation, 93, 93f temperature, 109e111 Viscosity cups, 228t Viscous resistance, 92e93 Voids, closure, 16 Volatile gases, 180 Voltage blocking equipment, 175 Volume solids, 58 Volumetric film thickness measurement, 231 W Walnut shells, 133 Waste fluoropolymer, 341 Water, 107 purified, 17 spots, 305, 305f Water-based coatings, 150e152 Wear classification, 278, 279f definition, 278 impact wear, 280 PV limit, 282e283 rolling contact wear, 280, 280f sliding wear process, 278e280 wear factor, 281e282, 281fe282f wear rate, 281 Weathering atmospheric pollutants, 242 factors, 240 laboratory-accelerated tests, 246e252, 247t, 248f, 248te249t, 250f, 250t, 251f outdoor testing, 243e245, 244fe246f photodegradation and photooxidationeUV degradation process, 242, 243f, 243t physical process, 241e242 Weight solids, 58 Weilburger/Greblon Bakeware Coating Systems, 317t Weilburger/Greblon Cookware Coating Systems, 315t Weilburger/Greblon SEA Coating Systems, 320t Weld-nut/stud coating, 323e324, 323f Wet abrasive blasting, 134 Wet film gauge, 233e234 Wet film thickness (WFT), 233 measurement, 234f Wetting, 112e113, 113f Wheel blasting, 134e135, 134fe135f Wheel sanding, 135 White Teflon, 310 Whitford Worldwide Bakeware CoilCoating Systems, 317t Whitford Worldwide Bakeware Small Electric Appliances Coating systems, 319t Whitford Worldwide Bakeware Spray Coating Systems, 316t Whitford Worldwide Cookware Coating Systems, 314t Wien displacement, 221 Wire brushing, 135 Wrinkling, of fluorinated finishes, 304 Z Zahn cup, 227e229, 227f number, 227e229 Zeolite matrix, 121e122 Zinc electroplating, 142 Zinc phosphate process, 136
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