كتاب Introduction to Safety Science - With 234 Illustrations
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 كتاب Introduction to Safety Science - With 234 Illustrations

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عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Introduction to Safety Science
With 234 Illustrations
A. Kuhlmann

كتاب Introduction to Safety Science - With 234 Illustrations  I_t_s_15
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1. Functions and Goals of Safety Science 1
2. Special Definitions 5
2. 1. Damage 5
2.2. Danger, Endangerment , and Safety 6
2.3. Accident·like Occurrences Involving Damage 7
2.4. Source of Danger, Danger Field, Danger Potential. and Potential of
Endangerment 7
2.5. Risk 8
3. Cybernetics and the Science of Safety 12
3. 1. The Basics of Cybernetics 12
3. 2. Cybernetic Approach of the Science of Safety 22
3.3. Systems Engineering as a Tool ( orthe Evaluation of a Technical Plant as a
Cybernetic Instrument 28
3.4. Mathematical Simulation 35
4. Safely Analysis 42
4. 1. Tasks and Aims 42
4.2. Safety Analysis Work Methods 45
4.3. Qualitative Safety Analysis 78
4.4. Quantitative Safety Analysis 99
5. The Machine as a Safety Factor 109
5. 1. The Machine Under Operational Stress I iO
5.2. The Operalional Behavior of Ihe Machine 126
6. Man as a Safely Faclor and as an Objecl of Proleclion 153
6. 1. Medical Aspecis 156
6.2. Psychological Aspecls 210viii Contents
6.3. Ergonomics 224
6.4. Education and Training 247
7. The Environment as a Safely Faclor and an Asset Worthy of
Protection 261
7. 1. Natural and Civilizatory Factors 262
7.2. Environmental Strain Through Accidents in Technical Installations 292
7.3. Environmental Factors Influencing a Technical Installation 318
8. Safety Legislation 352
8. 1. The Concept of Safety Legislation 354
8.2. The Goals of Safety Legislation 361
8.3. The Prevention ofDamage Through Governmental Protection
Measures 367
8.4. Safety Legislation and Technical Standards 379
8.5. Correlations Between the Purpose and the Effect of Safety Rules 389
8.6. . The Limits of Safety Standardization 393
8.7. Extralegal Limits 398
8.8. Trends in the Development of Safety Legislation 399
9. Social Aspects of Safety Science 402
9.1. Technology Assessment 403
9.2. Risk Acceptance 416
References 435
Index 453
absolute (strict) liability, 363
accident, 7, 24, 292
analyses. 230
frequency. 198
injury, 429
prevention. 2[8. 3[6
proneness. 217
statistics. 25. 32
accommodation. 170
actual behavior. 14
actual crack characteristic, 131
administrative orders. 38 1-382
administrative regulations. 382-383, 385.
admissible risk. 426-428
age. 184
agricultural mechanization, 404
air conditioning, 204, 245
air temperature, 28 1
airplane crash, 319, 342
analysis after planning completion. 80
anatomical data, 156
anatomy. 224
anthropometric data, 225
anthropometric parameters. 187
anthropometry, 186
aptitude lest. 207
aptitude-related characteristics. 222
area of risk, 25
artificial light. 197
automobile, 404
autopilot. 17
autoreflex. 183
aviation. 404
background level. 264
ban involving a proviso for later
dispensation. 372
ban requiring notification. 37 1
ban with the reservation to grant a
permit . 371
basic freedom priority. 397
basic risk. 425
Bathtub curve. 60
behavioral patterns. 212. 220. 223. 248.
250 . 252
biochemical oxygen requirement. 307
biological fatigue. 185
biological oxygen requirement . 268
blood circulation. 181
boredom. 214
carbon cycle. 262
carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere.
catastrophes. 286
catastrophic stonns. 282
cause-unrelated liability. 355
centile. 187454
ccnainty o f[he law. 395
checklists. 227
chemical substances, 205
city and regional planning. 25
civil aviation aircraft . 342
climate. 204. 240. 279-280
city. 280
social, 2 19
climatic change. 280
color vision, 169, 172
combined pressure and temperature loads.
common mode case. 4 1
communication theory. 17
compatibility. 236
composition of air. 264
concentration limits for toxic effects, 296
concepl analysis of the technical plant
after planning. 9 J
conflagrations, ]16
constitution, 369, 392
consumer prOiection. 355, 36 1
contingent liability. 364
control loop, 13
control system, 15
controlling activities. 207
controls. 12. 234. 235
corrosion. 33 1
cosmic radiation. 268
cost·effectiveness analyses, 410
CO, production. 267
crack characteristic . 132
crack magnitude. 132
creep stress. 117
cybernetic system . 13.2 1. 36
cybernetics. 12
damage. 5. 24
damage statistics. 25
danger. 6
daylight vision. 169
death rJ.te . 429
decision table technique. 73
defects. human. 222
physical. 223
delay time. J3
delays in time. 16
density of the population. 288
deposition into soil. 3 11
dermal receptors. 177
designing and engineering of safety. 25
deterministic models. 37
discharge of substances. 308
"disjunctive" normal form. 76
dispersion. 300. 303
equations. 307
model, 302
parameters. 300
of toxic substances. 3 11
in water, 307
display systems. 2 13
displays. 232, 235
distribution functions. 53
disturbances. 7, 2 1, 37
factors, 15
variable. 13
disturbing innucnces. 28
dose. 299
driving jobs. 206
driving simulators. 254
dynamic models. 36
dynamic pressure stresses. III
dynamic system. 22
ear. 168. 173, 199.212
earthquakes. 284. 286, 287. 3 19. 334
economic and social mobility, 404
education. 247. 259 . 406
EEC. 356, 361, 366
emission limits. 293. 295
empirical syStem analysis. 3 1
employee risk profile. 425
endangennent. 6
energy consumption. 166,230
fault. 363-364. 380. 386
fault tree analysis, 60
faulty readings, 231
fcasibility studies. 410
feedback. 13, 15.22.28
fire. 325
detection. 329
protection, 329
firefighting . 326. 328. 329
fires. 342Index
finn reference. 383
fission products. 405
filness. 184
flash evaporation, 303. 304
flex.ible reference, 383
flood control systems, 348
floods. 282. 319. 347
food chain, 274
frequency range of sound. 200
gas dedusting plan!. 141
general clause. 384, 395, 400
general system theory. 28
global risk. 10
government standardization. 420. 424
hazard, 8
hazard and operability study (HAZOP),
hazard potential. 318. 370
hazardous technology. 417
health impairment. 166
heat effect. 281
heat emission. 282
heavy gases, 307
heavy metals, 272
high water. 283
human body. 189
human error. 217, 230, 238
human risk reaction. 416
human self-control. 219
hydrological cycle. 262
hypothermia. 167
ignition, 327
imperilmenl, 7
imposed risks. 417
impressed individual risk. 432
incentive fatigue. 135
incident. 7, 24, 304. 316
incident progression analysis, 60
incident-related release. 297, 305
individual risk. 9, 426. 431
instabilities. 16
instrument layout, 238
integrator, 18
inte1Jigent controller. 17
interdisciplinary. 13.22
interviews, 227
inversions, 202
involuntary reflex.es. \67
job rotation. 239
landings, 342
learning, 247
learning aids. 249
learning programs. 253
lethal dose. 298
liability. 380, 391, 393
risk, 362
licensing procedures. 25
lighting. 241
intensity. 198
link analysis. 228
locomotor system. 157
logarithmic Gauss distribution. 56
logical model. 30
London smog. 282
Los Angeles smog, 28 1
loss of hearing, 202
loss statistics. 32
lower ignition threshold. 305
machine, 22
maintenance, 102
MAK standards, 205
malfunction under static load. 129
man, 22
man-machine--environment- system
(MMES), 3. 22
manufacture of detergents. 404
manufacturer liability. 386
mathematical model. 30. 35, 39
mathematical simulation. 35
maximum concentrations. 265
maximum emission concentration (M IK).
293. 295
mean crack characteristic. 131
measuring technologies, 27
mechanical stimulation. 177
medical aspects. 153, 156456
medical checkups. 166
medical suitability, 206
mental capacity, IS4
fatigue. 215
strain, 214
stress. 221
metabolism. 163
methodology. 407
MIK standards, 205
military aircraft. 342, 345
mineral substances in meal. 273
MMES. 3. 22
mockUp, 231, 245
model, 31
monitoring device, 15
monotony. 215, 239
Monle Carlo method, 38
motivation. 220
motor vehicle, 19
motorization, 407
muscle power. 161
muscle training, 161
muscular strength. 192
myography. 179
natural catastrophes. 288
natural forms. 337
natural frequency. 336. 347
natural phenomena. 318
natural threats. 421
negligence. 363-]64
nervous system. 178
autonomic, 183
neuron. 179
night vision. 169
nitrogen cycle. 262
nitrogen oxide emissions, 265
noise. 198,24 1
noise chart. 314
noise level. 274. 276. 277
noise pollution map, 314
nondimensional crack characteristic.
normal distribution. 56
nO)lious material. 3 19
nO)lious substances. 330
nuelear technology. 405
observation. 228
occupational medicine, 156
occupational safety. 218
operational behavior. 126
of electronic boards. -137
of installations. 140
of pipes. 128
operational load collective. 114
operational stress, 110
outer continental shelf. 414
o)lygen dcficit. 310
pain recepton, 178
paths of sound, 315
pay-as-you-pollllle regUlation, 360
physical activities. 222
physical models, 32
physical strength, 189
physical work environment. 239
physiological factors. 185
physiological functions, 156
physiology. 224
plants. 273
political pressure, 413
population density, 288
population risk. 427
positional forces, 196
precaution against possible risks. 374
preliminary hazard analysis , 81
pressure waves. 319, 326
probabilistic models. 37
probability calculus, 13
communication. 13
statistics. 17
theory. 17
problem-induced TA. 406
product liability. 365
production technology. 406
prognoses, 26
prognostic methods. 30
project-induced TA . 406
protection from danger. 374
psychological aspects. 153.210
tests. 210
psychology. 224
psychometric models. 418
psychomotoric systcm. 204Index
pulse frequency. 163
punishment. 249
qualitative safety analysis. 78
quality of life. 418
quality standards for water. 270
quantitative safety analysis. 99
questionnaires. 227
radiation exposure. 268
radioactive isotopes. 405
random process. 15.22.27
ranges of movement. 189
raw materials. 406
recovery time. 165
repetitive jobs. 2 14
Research Parliament. 40 I
reservation of the law. 394
residual risk. 375
response spectra. 338. 347
revealed reference model. 418
revocable license or permit. 370
reward. 249
Richter scale. 284
risk. 8. 25
acceptance. 4 16
base values. 430
boundary values. 422
compensation theory . 220
fields. 10
inventory . 431
quantification. 424
survey. 25
role of safety legislation. 353
Royal Commission. 401
rules of technology . 37 1. 379. 380. 385.
386. 389
sabotage. 3 19. 349
safety analysis . 26. 35.42
safety campaigns. 249
safety in the place of work. 355
saturation concentrJtion . 310
Science COllrt. 401
sed imentation rate. 309
sensory organs. 167.212
short-term values. 301
simulation. 30. 231
model. 307
simulators. 32
smog . 282
social aspects. 402
social protection. 421
soi l. 27 1
sound. 199
absorption . 3 13
intensity. 312
levels. 200
level. 274. 277
paths. 3 15
propagation. 312. 3 17
model. 3 12. 316
sources for carbon dioxide. 266
speech interferance. 242
stability. 13. 16
standards for endangerment measures. 27
standby diesel power plants. 146
standby power plant. 145
state of science . 385. 386
state of the art. 385
in technology. 24
static models. 36
static s tress level. 129
statistics. 32
steps of safety analysis. 46
stereoscopic vision. 17 1
stochastic processes. 13
storms. 282
street sweeping vehiele. 244
street traffic. 404
stress cycle resistance. 135
strict (direct) liability. 362
subsoil water. 3 11
sudden release. 306
summer smog. 282
supervisory activities. 207
sweating. 167
switching crrors. 243
system analysis. 29
system descript ion . 3 0
systcm functions. 50
system management. 29
system of standards. 25458
system structure analysis. 80
systematic failures. \48
systems. 12.28
syslcms engineering. 28
lakeoffs. 342
technical safety legal code. 393
{echnical supervisory associations. 369
Tcchnische Oberwachungsvcreinc. 369
tcchnology . 24
technology assessment , 35, 402, 403.
technology·induced TA, 406
temperature. 28 1
loads. 117
sensations. 177
temporary disability. 429
the machine as a safclY faclOr. 109
theoretical systems analysis, 34
time delays. 16
time histories, 335
TNT equivalent method. 322
toxic effect. 296. 297
traffic. 406
density. 29 1. 292
psychology. 210
training. 193. 247. 252. 259
stimulus. 185
transportation. 406
Iriat·and·error method . 252
trinitrotoluene (TNT). 322
turbulent diffusion. 302
upper ignilion threshold. 305
utilitarian school. 416, 419
variance analysis, 33
venture, 8
verbal communication. 242
vibration. 202, 278
resonance. 203
thresholds, 177
vigilance, 197, 215, 239
vision, 184
field of. 227
visual perception, 212
voice communicability, 275
water, 268
water characteristic (model), 309
water level control. 348
water pollution, 27 1
water quality, 270
weather. 279
Weibull distribution, 56
Winter smog, 282
Woehler tests (S-N tests). 114
work fatigue. 185
yearly mean values, 301
Yerkes-Dodson law. 214

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