كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 2nd Edition
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 2nd Edition

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 2nd Edition  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 2nd Edition    كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 2nd Edition  Emptyالأربعاء 08 نوفمبر 2023, 10:58 am

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Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers
2nd Edition
Author: Laurence W. McKeen

كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 2nd Edition  F_a_t_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of contents
1. Introduction to fatigue
2. Introduction to the Tribology of Plastics and Elastomers
3. Introduction to Plastics and Polymers
4. Styrenics
5. Polyethers
6. Polyesters
7. Polyimides
8. Polyamides
9. Polyolefins And Acrylics
10. Thermoplastic Elastomers
11. Fluoropolymers
12. High Temperature Plastics
Conversion Factors
1,12-dodecanedioic acid, 175–176
1,1-di-fluoro-ethene, 251
1,3-dioxolane, 73
1,4-diaminobutane, 175
1,6-hexamethylene diamine, 175
2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane, 99
4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)phenol (BP), 101
4,4’-bisphenol A dianhydride (BPADA), 149
4,4’-diaminodiphenyl ether (ODA), 151–152
4,4’-diphenyl methane diisocyanate (MDI), 152
4-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA), 100
4-methylpentene-1, 229
6-hydroxynapthalene-2-carboxylic acid (HNA), 101
Abrasive wear, 28
Acetal copolymer. See Polyoxymethylene copolymer
Acetal polymers. See Polyoxymethylene (POM)
Acetic acid, 73
Acetic anhydride, 73
Acid dianhydride, 101
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 51–52,
Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA), 51, 56–58
Acrylonitrile, 52
Addition polymerization, 39
Additives, 45
Adhesive wear, 28
Adipic acid, 175–176, 180
AISI 1080 carbon steel, 27
Alternating copolymer, 40
Amilan® CM3011N, coefficient of friction vs. load, 196
Amilan™ CM1011G-15, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 181
Amilan™ CM1011G-30, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 181
Amilan™ CM1011G-45, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 181
Amilan™ CM1011G-45, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 23°C, DAM, 182
Amilan™ CM1011G-45, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 130°C, DAM, 182
Amilan™ CM1011G-45, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 23°C, conditioned, 182
Amilan™ CM1021, coefficient of friction vs. load,
lubricated with water, 184
Amilan™ CM1021, coefficient of friction vs. load,
lubricated with molybdenum disulfide, 184
Amilan™ CM1021, coefficient of friction vs. load,
lubricated with machine oil, 184
Aminolauric acid, 174, 176–177
Aminoundecanoic acid, 175–177
Amodel® A-1133 HS, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 225
Amodel® A-1145 HS, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 100°C, 224
Amodel® A-1145 HS, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 170°C, 224
Amodel® A-1145 HS, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 225
Amorphous nylon, 178, 222
Amorphous, 43
ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 11
Antiblocking agents, 47
Antistatic agents, 48
Aramid fiber, 47
Arlon® 1260, dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
temperature, 269
Arlon® 1260, wear factor of friction vs. temperature, 269
Arnite®, 35% glass fiber, stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 128
Arnite®, unreinforced, stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 118
Aromatic polyamide fiber, 38
Asperities, 25
ASTM 1248, 229
ASTM D1044, 34
ASTM D1894
ASTM D2176
ASTM D3702, 32
ASTM D671, 10
ASTM D671, 8
ASTM D968, 35
ASTM E606, 6
ASTM G133, 34
ASTM G75-07, 35
ASTM G99, 33
ASTM International, 6, 11
Average linear strain, 15
Axial stress, 3288 Index
Beach marks, 22
Bending stress, 2
Benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (IA), 101
Benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid (TA), 101
Benzene-1,4-diol (HQ), 101
bis(p-aminocyclohexyl)methane, 176, 180
Bis-phenol A, 99
bisphenol diamine, 151
Block copolymer, 40
Break-in period, 32
Brineling, 28
Brittle failure, 21
Butadiene, 52
Butadiene, 52
Cantilevered beam flexural fatigue machine, 8, 10
Cantilevered beam, 2, 9
Caprolactam, 175–176
Carbon fiber, 38, 47
Carbonic acid, 99
Catalysts, 47
Cavitation, 28
Celanex®2000, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®2002, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®2012, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®2300 GV/30, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 118
Celanex®2500, dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
pressure loading, 126
Celanex®2500, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 127
Celanex®3200, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®3210, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Celanex®3211, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®3300, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Celanex®3300, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®3310, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Celanex®3310, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®3311, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®3400, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®4300, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®5300, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®6400, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celanex®7700, Taber abrasion and COF, 128
Celcon®, glass reinforced, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 79
Celcon®, unreinforced, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 79
Celcon®, unspecified and unlubricated, limiting PV
curve, 84
Celcon®, unspecified, dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
bearing pressure, 83
Celcon®, unspecified, dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
running speed, 84
Celcon®, unspecified, radial wear vs. load at 12 m/min,
Celcon®, unspecified, radial wear vs. load at 24 m/min,
Celcon®, unspecified, radial wear vs. load at 3 m/min, 83
Celcon®, unspecified, radial wear vs. load at 6 m/min, 83
Celstran® PP-GF30, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 236
Celstran® PP-GF40, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 236
Chain reaction, 39
Chemical attack, 20
Chlorotrifluoroethylene, 250
Chlorotrifluoroethylene, 251
Clamshell marks, 22
Classification of wear, 27
Coefficient of friction, 25, 29
Coffin-Manson relation, 21
Cold flow, 31
Combustion modifiers, 46
Composites, 45–46
Compressive force, 1
Compressive stress, 1
Condensation polymerization, 39
Copolymers, 40
Coupling agents, 49
Crack growth or propagation, 20
Crack initiation or nucleation, 20
Crastin®LW9020, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 137
Crastin®LW9030, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 137
Crastin®LW9130, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 137
Crastin®SK00F10, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Crastin®SK00F10, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Crastin®SK602, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Crastin®SK603, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 119
Crastin®SK605, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 120
Crastin®SK609, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 120
Crastin®SK645FR, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 120
Cross-linked PE (PEX), 230
Cross-linked polymer, 41
Crystalline, 43Index 289
Cyclic Hardening exponent, 17
Cyclic olefin copolymer, 232
Cyclic strain amplitude, 18
Cyclic strength coefficient, 17
Cyclic stress amplitude, 18
Cycolac® BDT5510, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 60
Cycolac® BDT6500, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 60
Cycolac® CGA, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 61
Cycolac® CGF20, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 61
Cycolac® CTR52, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 62
Cycolac® EX38, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 63
Cycolac® EX39, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 62
Cycolac® EX75, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 63
Cycolac® FR15, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 64
Cycolac® FR23, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 64
Cycolac® G-100, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 59
Cycolac® KJB, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 65
Cycolac® LDA, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 65
Cycolac® MG38F, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 66
Cycolac® MG47, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 66
Cycolac® MGABS01, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 67
Cycolac® MGX53GP, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 67
Cycolac® X11, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 68
Cycolac® X37, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 25 Hz, 68
Cycolac® X37, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 5 Hz, 68
Cycoloy® C1000, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C1000, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 69
Cycoloy® C1000HF, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C1200, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C1200HF, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C1204HF, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C2100, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C2100HF, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C2800, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C2950, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C3100, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C3600, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C3650, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® C6200, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® CU6800, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® CX5430, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® FXC630xy, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® FXC810xy, Taber Abrasion, 70
Cycoloy® LG9000, Taber Abrasion, 70
Damage tolerant design, 22
Degree of crystallinity, 43
Delrin® 100, coefficient of friction, 78
Delrin® 100, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 75
Delrin® 100, wear against various materials, 77
Delrin® 100P, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® 500, coefficient of friction, 78
Delrin® 500, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 75
Delrin® 500, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
100°C, 75
Delrin® 500, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
23°C, 75
Delrin® 500, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
66°C, 75
Delrin® 500, wear against mild steel in a thrust washer
test, 76
Delrin® 500, wear against various materials, 77
Delrin® 500AF, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® 500CL, coefficient of friction, 78
Delrin® 500CL, wear against mild steel in a thrust
washer test, 76
Delrin® 500CL, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® 500P, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® 520MP, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® 900, coefficient of friction, 78
Delrin® 900, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 75
Delrin® 900, wear against various materials, 77
Delrin® 900P, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® 900SP, wear rate and dynamic COF, 78
Delrin® AF, coefficient of friction, 78
Delrin®, the effect of Teflon ® PTFE levels on wear rate
and dynamic coefficient of friction, 77
Design against fatigue, 22
Diakon™ CMG302, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 241, 242
Diamino diphenyl sulfone (DDS), 151
DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung.-German Institute
for Standardization), 11
Dioxolane, 73
Dodecanoic acid, 180290 Index
Ductile failure, 21
Dyes, 49
Dynamic coefficient of friction, 25, 31
Eccentric machines, 4–5
Elastic limit, 16
Elastic modulus, 16–18
Elastic region, 16
Elastomeric Alloy- Thermoplastic Vulcanizate, 247
Elastomers, 45
Electrohydraulic, 9
Enduran®7062X, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 146
Enduran®7065, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 146
Enduran®7085, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 146
Engineering strain, 15
Engineering stress–strain curve, 15
Engineering stress, 15
Environmental chamber, 11
EPDM, 247
Equivalent stress, 3
Erosion, 27
ETFE, generic with 25% carbon fiber, flexural stress
amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 257
ETFE, generic with 25% glass fiber, flexural stress
amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 257
Ethylene – propylene rubber (EPR), 247
Ethylene oxide, 73
Ethylene propylene rubber, 231
Ethylene, 229, 232
Ethylene, 250
Expanded polystyrene (EPS), 51
Extem® XH1005, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 160
Extem® XH1006, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 160
Extenders, 49
External release agents, 47
Extruded polystyrene (XPS), 51
Falex Corporation, 32
Falling Abrasive/Erosion Test, 35
Fatigue coupons, 6–7, 10
Fatigue crack growth rate curve, 21
Fatigue crack growth rate, 21
Fatigue crack propagation rate, 41
Fatigue ductility coefficient, 18, 22
Fatigue ductility exponent, 18, 22
Fatigue Dynamics, Inc, 4, 9, 10
Fatigue life, 20
Fatigue limit, 19
Fatigue strength coefficient, 18
Fatigue strength exponent, 18
Fatigue strength, 19
Fatigue testing method, 7
Fatigue testing, 4–11
Final fracture, 20
Finite lifetime concept, 22
Fire retardants, 46
Flame retardants, 46
Flexural eccentric fatigue machine, 8
Flexural oscillating fatigue tests, 9
Flexural stress, 2
Flexural test rig, 11
Fluid lubricants, 27
Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP), 250, 259
Fluoroguard ®, 36, 47
Fluoropolymers, 249–264
Formaldehyde, 73
Fortron® 1140L4, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 276
Fortron® 1140L4, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 276
Fortron® 1140L4, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 276
Fortron® 1140L4, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 90°C, 276
Fortron® 4184L4, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 276
Fortron® 4665B5, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 276
Fortron® 6160B4, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 276
Fortron® 6165A4, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 276
Fortron® 6165A4, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 90°C, 276
Fretting wear, 28
Fretting, 28
Friction, 25
Frictional force, 25
Frictional heating, 29
Fusabond®, 47
Galling, 28
Geloy® CR7010, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 56
Geloy® CR7020, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 57
Geloy® CR7510, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 57
Geloy® CR7520, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 58
Geloy® XP4020R, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 69Index 291
Geloy® XP4020R, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 70
Geloy® XP4034, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 70
Generic high-density PE, Fatigue crack propagation vs.
stress intensity factor, MW  45000, 233
Generic high-density PE, Fatigue crack propagation vs.
stress intensity factor, MW  70000, 233
Generic high-density PE, Fatigue crack propagation vs.
stress intensity factor, MW  200000, 233
Geon™ Fiberloc™ 85891, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 239
Geon™ Fiberloc™ 87321, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 239
Geon™ Fiberloc™ 87371, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 239
Glass fibers, 38
Glass transition temperature, 43
Gouging, 28
Grafted copolymer, 40
Graphite, 27, 36, 47
Grilamid® LV-5H, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 185
Grilamid® TR-55, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 222
Grilamid® TR-90, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 222
Grilon® PV-5H, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 182
Grivory® GC-4H, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 225
Grivory® GV-5H, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 221
Grivory® GV-5H, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 225
Grivory® HT2V-5H, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 226
Grivory® HTV-5H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 226
Grivory® HTV-5H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 80°C, 226
Grivory® HTV-6H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 227
Grivory® HTV-6H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 80°C, 227
Grivory® HTV-6H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 120°C, 227
Grivory® HTV-6H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 150°C, 227
Grivory® HTV-6H1, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 180°C, 227
GUR®, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. pressure,
GUR®, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding speed,
GUR®, permissible unlubricated bearing load vs. sliding
speed, 238
GUR®, PV load limit vs. sliding speed, 238
Haigh diagram, 20
Halar® 600, tribological properties, 256
Halar® 902, tribological properties, 256
Halar®, 250
Halar®, standard polymers, tribological properties,
Halar®, standard polymers, tribological properties,
Heterophasic copolymers, 230
copolymer (THE), 252
Hexafluoropropylene, 250
High temperature polymers, 265–286
High-cycle fatigue, 21
High-density PE (HDPE), 230
High-impact polystyrene, (HIPS), 51
HIPS, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 54
HIPS, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 54
HIPS, temperature rise vs. the number of fatigue cycles,
stress amplitude 18.6, 54
HIPS, temperature rise vs. the number of fatigue cycles,
stress amplitude 17.2, 54
HIPS, temperature rise vs. the number of fatigue cycles,
stress amplitude 13.8, 54
HIPS, temperature rise vs. the number of fatigue cycles,
stress amplitude 12.4, 54
HIPS, temperature rise vs. the number of fatigue cycles,
stress amplitude 10.3, 54
Homophasic copolymers, 230
Hoop stress, 3
Hostacom® G3 N01, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 235
Hostacom® M2 N01, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 235
Hostaform ® C 9021 3% Si Oil, wear and dynamic
coefficient of Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9021 AW, wear and dynamic coefficient
of Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9021 G, wear and dynamic coefficient of
Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9021 GV1/30, flexural stress amplitude
vs. cycles to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 80–81
Hostaform ® C 9021 K, wear and dynamic coefficient of
Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9021 TF 3% Si Oil, wear and dynamic
coefficient of Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9021 TF, wear and dynamic coefficient of
Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9021, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 79292 Index
Hostaform ® C 9021, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 80–81
Hostaform ® C 9021, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 80
Hostaform ® C 9021, torsional stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 80–81
Hostaform ® C 9021, wear and dynamic coefficient of
Friction, 87
Hostaform ® C 9064, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 80
Hostaform ® C 9244, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 80
Hydrodynamic, 27
Hydroquinone (HQ), 101
Hyflon® PFA M Series, MIT flex life vs. melt flow
index, 260
Hyflon® PFA P Series, MIT flex life vs. melt flow
index, 260
Hysteresis loop, 16
Hysteretic heating, 7
Imide polymer blends, 152
Immiscible blends, 44–45
Impact modifiers, 47
Inclined plane, 31
Infinite lifetime concept, 22
Instron®, 32
Internal lubrication, 27
Internal release agents, 47
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 11
Isophthalic acid (IA), 101, 175, 176, 179
IXEF® 1002, tribological properties, 228
IXEF® 1022, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 228
IXEF® 1022, tribological properties, 228
JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards), 11
Kevlar ®, 38, 47
Kinetic coefficient of friction, 25
Kynar Flex® 2500, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 2750-01, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 2800-00, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 2850-00, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 2850-02, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 2900-04, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 2950-05, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 3120-10, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 3120-15, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar Flex® 3120-50, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar® 460, Taber abrasion, 263
Kynar® 710, Taber abrasion, 263
Lexan® 101, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 101, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 101, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 101R, coefficient of friction vs. temperature, 113
Lexan® 121, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 141, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 141, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 143R, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 143R, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 104
Lexan® 191, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 191, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 4501, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 135
Lexan® 4701R, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 136
Lexan® 500, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 500, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 915R, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 106
Lexan® 920, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 920, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 925, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 940, Taber abrasion performance, 117
Lexan® 940, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 945, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® 955, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lexan® EM1210, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 109
Lexan® EM2212, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 109
Lexan® EM3110, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 110
Lexan® HF1110, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 110
Lexan® HF1130, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 111
Lexan® HF1140, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 111
Lexan® LS1, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 112
Lexan® OQ1030, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 112
Lifed part, 22Index 293
Linear low-density PE (LLDPE), 230
Linear polymer, 40
Linear Reciprocating Abrasion Testing, 33
Liquid crystalline polymers (LCP), 100–101, 133–135
Longitudinal stress, 3
Low-cycle fatigue, 21
Low-density PE (LDPE), 230
Lubricants, 47
Lubrication, 26
Lubricomp® BGU, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 227
Lubricomp® IFL-4036, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 218
Lubricomp® QFL-4017 ER HS, flexural stress amplitude
vs. cycles to failure, 217
Lubriloy® FR-40, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Lupolen® PE, dynamic coefficient of friction vs.
pressure, 233
Lupolen® PE, jet abrasion volume vs. jet velocity,
Lupolen® PE, wear rate vs. mean pressure, 234
Luran® 368 R, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 58
Luran® S 757 R, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 56
Luran® S 776 S, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 56
Maleic anhydride, 53
Mean strain, 5
Mean stress offset, 5
Mean stress, 5
Medium-density PE (MDPE), 230
Methacrylic acid, 232
Methyl methacrylate acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(MABS), 52
Methyl methacrylate, 52, 229
Methylene dianiline (MDA), 151
Mica, 49
Migratory lubricant, 36
Miller number, 35
Minlon® 11C40, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 189
Minlon® 12T, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 189
Minlon® 20B, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 189
MIT Flex life machine, 9
MIT Flex life test, 9, 11
Modified polyphenylene ether/polyphenylene oxides,
74, 88–98
Modulus of elasticity, 16
Modulus of rigidity, 2
Molecular weight, 41
Moly, 36
Molybdenum disulfide, 27, 47
Molybdenum disulphide, 27, 47
Monomers, 39
Monotonic stress-strain behavior, 15
Monotonic stress-strain curves, 15
m-phenylene diamine (MPD), 151
MTS Systems Corporation, 11
Multibody impact wear, 28
Multiphase polymer blends, 45
m-xylylenediamine, 180
Nanovea Corporation, 33–34
Napthalene-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (NDA), 101
Necking, 16
Network polymer, 41
Neutral axis, 2
Noncontact infrared thermometers, 7
Nonisotropic materials, 22
Norborene, 229
Normal stress, 1
Noryl®731, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
23°C, 92
Noryl®EM6100F, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 93
Noryl®EM6101, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 93
Noryl®EM7100, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 94
Noryl®EM7304F, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 94
Noryl®FN150X, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 95
Noryl®FN215X, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 95
Noryl®GFN1, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 96
Noryl®GFN1, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 61°C, 96
Noryl®GFN2, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 96
Noryl®GFN3, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 97
Noryl®GFN3, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 66°C, 97
Noryl®GTX954, Tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 88
Noryl®HH195, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 92
Noryl®HS1000X, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 97
Noryl®HS2000X, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 98294 Index
Noryl®IGN320, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 100°C, 98
Noryl®IGN320, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 150°C, 98
Noryl®IGN320, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 98
Noryl®PPX615, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 89
Noryl®PPX630, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 89
Noryl®PPX640, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 90
Noryl®PPX7110, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 90
Noryl®PPX7112, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 91
Noryl®PPX7115, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 91
Nylon 11, 177
Nylon 12, 177, 185–187
Nylon 46, 179, 223
Nylon 6, 175–176, 181–185
Nylon 6, fatigue life vs. stress and heat treatment, 44
Nylon 610, 178, 217
Nylon 612, 178, 218–221
Nylon 66, 177–178, 188–216
Nylon 66, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
stress intensity factor, MW17000, 195
Nylon 66, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
stress intensity factor, MW34000, 195
Nylon 66, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
stress intensity factor, Hz100, 195
Nylon 66, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
stress intensity factor, Hz10, 195
Nylon 66, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
stress intensity factor, Hz1, 195
Nylon 666 or 66/6, 178, 221
Oxydianiline (ODA), 151–152
Paris’ Law, 20–21
PEBAX® 33, 246
PEEK, generic with SiC fiber, graphite and PTFE,
tribological properties, medium molecular weight, 271
PEEK, generic with SiC fiber, graphite and PTFE,
tribological properties, high molecular weight, 271
PEEK, generic, tribological properties, high molecular
weight, 271
PEEK, generic, tribological properties, low molecular
weight, 271
PEEK, generic, tribological properties, medium
molecular weight, 271
Perfluoro alkoxy (PFA), 251, 260–261
Perfluoroethyl vinyl ether (EVE), 251
Perfluoromethyl vinyl ether (MVE), 251
Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) synthetic oil, 36
Perfluoropropyl vinyl ether (PVE), 251
PES FO-10D, tribological properties, 275
PES SGF2020R, tribological properties, 275
PES SGF2030, tribological properties, 275
PES SGF2040, tribological properties, 275
Petra® 130, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Petra® 140, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
PFPE, 47
Phase -separated mixtures, 44
Phthalates, 48
Pigments, 49
Pin-on-disk abrasion testing, 33
Pin-on-disk tribometer, 33
Pin-on-disk tribometer, 33
Plastic region, 16
Plastic strain amplitude, 22
Plasticizers, 48
Plexiglas®, 232
Plint Tribology Products, 32
Polishing wear, 28
Poly-(4-methyl-1-pentene), 230
Poly(methyl methacrylate), 230, 232
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. temperature, 1 Hz, 242
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. temperature, 100 Hz, 242
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor,
MW110000, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor,
MW190000, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor,
MW350000, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor,
MW230000, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor,
MW360000, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor, 0%
crosslinking agent, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor, 6.7%
crosslinking agent, 243
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, fatigue crack
propagation rate vs. stress intensity factor, 11%
crosslinking agent, 243Index 295
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, tension/compression
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, unnotched, 241
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, tension/compression
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 1 mm notch, 241
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, tension/compression
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 0.25 mm notch,
Poly(methyl methacrylate), generic, tension/compression
stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 0.01 mm notch,
Polyacrylics, 232, 241–243
Polyamide -imide (PAI), 149–150, 164–168
Polyamides, 175–228
Polyarylamide (PAA.), 180, 227–228
Polybenzimidazole (PBI), 267
Polybutadiene, 51
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), 99, 118–128
Polycarbonate (PC), 99, 103–117
Polycarbonate, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
temperature, 1 Hz, 113
Polycarbonate, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
temperature, 100 Hz, 113
Polycarbonate, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate,
1 Hz, 113
Polycarbonate, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate,
10 Hz, 113
Polycarbonate, generic, fatigue crack propagation rate,
100 Hz, 113
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE or PCTFE), 251
Polycyclohexylene -dimethylene terephthalate (PCT),
101–102, 136
Polyester blends and alloys, 102–103, 137
Polyesters, 99–148
Polyetheretherketones (PEEK), 265, 268–273
Polyetherimide (PEI), 149, 153–164
Polyethersulfone (PES), 265, 273–275
Polyethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (E-CTFE), 250, 256
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 100, 128–132
Polyethylene tetrafl uoroethylene (ETFE), 250, 257–258
Polyethylene, 229–230, 233–234
Polyformaldehyde, 73
Polyimide, 149, 169–173
Polymer blends, 43
Polymer, 39
Polymerization, 39
Polymethyl pentene, 231
Polyolefin TPE, 247
Polyolefins, 229
Polyoxymethylene (POM) homopolymer, 73, 75–78
Polyoxymethylene (POM) homopolymer, generic,
various molecular weights, fatigue crack propagation
vs. stress intensity factor, 76
Polyoxymethylene copolymer (POM-Co), 73, 79–87
Polyphenylene ether (PPE), 74, 88–98
Polyphenylene oxide (PPO), 74, 88–98
Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), 266, 276–283
Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU), 267
Polyphthalamide (PPA)/high-performance polyamide,
179–180, 224–227
Polyphthalate carbonate (PCC), 102, 135–136
Polypropylene, 229–230, 235–236
Polysiloxane fluid, 36
Polystyrene, 51, 54–55
Polystyrene, crosslinked, fatigue crack propagation, 41
Polystyrene, fatigue crack propagation dependence on
molecular weight, 41
Polystyrene, fatigue crack propagation rates, frequency
0.1 Hz, 55
Polystyrene, fatigue crack propagation rates, frequency 1
Hz, 55
Polystyrene, fatigue crack propagation rates, frequency
10 Hz, 55
Polystyrene, fatigue crack propagation rates, frequency
100 Hz, 55
Polystyrene, fatigue life vs. stress and molecular weight,
Polystyrene, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure, 54
Polysulfone (PSU), 266, 283–285
Polysulfone (PSU), generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. temperature, 1 Hz, 284
Polysulfone (PSU), generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. temperature, 100 Hz, 284
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 249, 253–256
Polytetramethylene glycol segments (PTMG), 246
Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT), 102
Polyvinyl chloride, 230
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, 100 Hz, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, 10 Hz, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, 1 Hz, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW61000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW67000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW97000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW95000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW106000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW141000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW225000, 240
Polyvinyl chloride, generic, fatigue crack propagation
rate vs. stress intensity factor, MW205000, 240
Polyvinylidene fluoride, (PVDF), 251, 262–264
p-phenylene diamine (PDA), 151296 Index
Propylene, 229
PTFE, 47
PTFE, additive, 36
PTFE, fatigue life vs. stress and crystallinity, 44
PTFE, fatigue life, 7
PTFE, generic with 25% carbon, dynamic coefficient of
friction vs. temperature, 254
PTFE, generic with 25% carbon, wear factor vs.
temperature, 255
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 10.7 mm thick, 253
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 20 Hz, 253
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 3.6 mm thick, 253
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 40 Hz, 253
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 60 Hz, 253
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 6.6 mm thick, 253
PTFE, generic, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 320 Hz, 253
PTFE, generic, temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles,
10.3 MPa, 254
PTFE, generic, temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles,
6.3 MPa, 254
PTFE, generic, temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles,
6.9 MPa, 254
PTFE, generic, temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles,
7.6 MPa, 254
PTFE, generic, temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles,
8.3 MPa, 254
PTFE, generic, temperature rise vs. fatigue cycles,
9.0 MPa, 254
PTFE, measured temperature at failure, 8
PTFE, testing frequency, 8
Pulsator, 9
PV limit, 30
PV multiplier, 29
PV value, 29
PVC, fatigue crack propagation rate and toughener, 48
PVDF, generic, fatigue crack propagation vs. stress
intensity factor, 263
Pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), 151–152
Radel®A A-200, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 273
Radel®A AG-210, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 273
Radel®A AG-220, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 273
Radel®A AG-230, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 273
Radel®A, Taber abrasion loss vs. glass fiber content,
Radial stress, 3
Random copolymer, 40
Reinforcing fillers, 45
Release agents, 47
Retirement-for-cause, 22
Rigid polyvinyl chloride, 232, 239–240
Riteflex® TPE, 246
RTP 200 AR 15 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 201
RTP 200 SI 2, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 196
RTP 200 SI 2, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 196
RTP 200 TF 10 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 198
RTP 200 TF 10, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 197
RTP 200 TF 10, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 197
RTP 200 TF 18 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 198
RTP 200 TF 18 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against self, 199
RTP 200 TF 20, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 198
RTP 200 TF 20, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 198
RTP 200 TF 5, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 197
RTP 200D TFE 10, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 219
RTP 200D TFE 10, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 219
RTP 200D TFE 18 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 219
RTP 200D TFE 18 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against self, 220
RTP 200D TFE 20, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 219
RTP 200D TFE 20, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 219
RTP 202 TF 15 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 199
RTP 202 TF 15 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against self, 199
RTP 202 TF 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 199
RTP 202 TF 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 199
RTP 202D TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 220
RTP 202D TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 220Index 297
RTP 205 TF 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 200
RTP 207A TFE 13 SI 2 HS, wear properties at various
PV levels, 184
RTP 207A TFE 20 HS, wear properties at various PV
levels, 184
RTP 2100 AR 15 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV
levels, 162
RTP 2200 AR 15 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV
levels, 272
RTP 2200 LF TFE 15, wear properties at various PV
levels, 271
RTP 2200 LF TFE 20, wear properties at various PV
levels, 271
RTP 2205 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels, 272
RTP 2285 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
RTP 2299 x 57352 A, wear properties at various PV
levels, 273
RTP 282 TF 13 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 200
RTP 282 TF 13 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against self, 201
RTP 282 TF 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 200
RTP 282 TF 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 200
RTP 282D TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 220
RTP 282D TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 220
RTP 285 TF 13 SI 2, wear properties at various PV
levels, against steel, 201
RTP 285D TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against self, 221
RTP 285D TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels,
against steel, 221
RTP 299A x 82678 C, wear properties at various PV
levels, 185
RTP 299A x 90821, wear properties at various PV
levels, 185
RTP 299B x 89491 A, wear properties at various PV
levels, 217
RTP 300 AR 10 TFE 10, wear properties against steel at
various PV levels, 116
RTP 300 AR 10, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 116
RTP 300 TFE 10 SI 2, wear properties against steel at
various PV levels, 115
RTP 300 TFE 10, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 114
RTP 300 TFE 10, wear properties at various PV levels
against self, 114
RTP 300 TFE 15, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 115
RTP 300 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV levels
against self, 115
RTP 300 TFE 20, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 115
RTP 300 TFE 20, wear properties at various PV levels
against self, 115
RTP 300 TFE 5, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 114
RTP 300 TFE 5, wear properties at various PV levels
against self, 114
RTP 302 TFE 15, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 116
RTP 305 TFE 15, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 116
RTP 382 TFE 15, wear properties against self at various
PV levels, 117
RTP 382 TFE 15, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 117
RTP 385 TFE 15, wear properties against steel at various
PV levels, 117
RTP 4205 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV
levels, 161
RTP 4285 TFE 15, wear properties at various PV
levels, 161
RTP 4299 x 64425, wear properties at various PV
levels, 162
RTP 4299 x 71927, wear properties at various PV
levels, 161
RTP 800 SI 2, wear properties at various PV levels, 86
RTP 800 TFE 10 SI2, wear properties at various PV
levels, 87
RTP 800 TFE 10, wear properties at various PV levels,
RTP 800 TFE 20 DEL, wear properties at various PV
levels, 78
RTP 800 TFE 5, wear properties at various PV
levels, 86
RTP 800, wear properties at various PV levels, 86
RTP ESD 800, wear properties at various PV levels, 86
Rynite® 408, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 129
Rynite® 415HP, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 129
Rynite® 530, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 130
Rynite® 535, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 130
Rynite® 545, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 130
Rynite® 555, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 130
Rynite® 940, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 130
Rynite® FR515, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 131298 Index
Rynite® FR530L, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 131
Rynite® FR543, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 131
Rynite® FR943, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 131
Rynite® SST35, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 131
Rynite®415HP, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®530, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®530, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®545, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®555, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®935, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 130
Rynite®935, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®940, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR330, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR515, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR530, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR543, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR943, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR945, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®FR946, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Rynite®SST35, Taber abrasion and COF, 132
Ryton® A-200, Taber abrasion, 283
Ryton® A-200, tensile stress retained vs. cycles to
failure, 277
Ryton® R-4 02XT, tensile stress retained vs. cycles to
failure, 278
Ryton® R-4, coefficient of friction, 283
Ryton® R-4, Taber abrasion, 283
Ryton® R-7, Taber abrasion, 283
Ryton® R-7, tensile stress retained vs. cycles to failure,
S –N curve, 21
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), 11
Safe-life design practice, 22
Sebacic acid, 175, 176
Semicrystalline polyamide (PACM 12), 180
Servo hydraulic, 9, 11
Shear stress, 1
Silicone resin, 36
Silicone, 36, 47
Slip agents, 47
Slurry Abrasion Response (SAR Number), 35
Slurry abrasivity, 35
Slurry erosion, 28
Smoke suppressants, 46
S-N curve, 19
Solef® 1010, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
100°C, 262
Solef® 1010, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
20°C, 262
Solef® 1010, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
60°C, 262
Solef® PVDF, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 262
Solvay Solexis M620, flex life, 261
Solvay Solexis M640, flex life, 261
Solvay Solexis P420, flex life, 261
Solvay Solexis P450, flex life, 261
Spalling, 28
Stanyl® TE200F6, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 223
Static coefficient of friction, 25, 31
Stat-Kon®WC-4036, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 121
Strain amplitudes, 17
Strain life curve, 18
Strain life plot, 18
Strain range, 17
Strain-life behavior, 17
Stress intensity factor (K), 20–21
Stress intensity factor range, 21
Stress intensity, 20
Stress range, 17
Stress/strain amplitude, 7
Stress-life behavior, 19
Striations, 22
Stroke set, 6
Styrene acrylonitrile (SAN), 51–52, 58–59
Styrene maleic anhydride (SMA), 53
Styrene, 51
Styrenic blends, 53, 69–71
Styrenic block copolymer (SBC), 53
Styrenic block copolymer TPEs, 247
Styrenic plastics, 51–72
Styrofoam™, 51
Supec® G401, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 279
Supec® G401, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 279
Supec® G620, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 280
Supported structural beam bending, 2
Surfaces scratches, 20
Taber abraser, 34
Tangential shear stress, 3
Teflon ® PTFE, coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 26
Teflon® FEP, 10% bronze, tribological properties, 259
Teflon® FEP, 15% glass fiber, tribological properties,
259Index 299
Teflon® FEP, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 0.007 MPa, 259
Teflon® FEP, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 0.07 MPa, 259
Teflon® FEP, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 0.69 MPa, 259
Teflon® PTFE, 15% glass fiber, tribological properties,
Teflon® PTFE, 15% graphite, tribological properties, 256
Teflon® PTFE, 20% glass and 5% graphite, tribological
properties, 256
Teflon® PTFE, 20% glass and 5% MoS2, tribological
properties, 256
Teflon® PTFE, 25% carbon, tribological properties, 256
Teflon® PTFE, 25% glass fiber, tribological properties,
Teflon® PTFE, 60% bronze, tribological properties, 256
Teflon® PTFE, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 0.3 MPa, 255
Teflon® PTFE, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 0.1 MPa, 255
Teflon® PTFE, dynamic coefficient of friction vs. sliding
speed, 0.5 MPa, 255
Teflon® PTFE, neat, tribological properties, 256
Teflon®, 249
Tefzel® ETFE HT-200, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 257
Tefzel® ETFE HT-2004, bearing wear vs. PV, 258
Tefzel® ETFE HT-2004, coefficient of friction vs. PV,
Tefzel® ETFE HT-2004, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 257
Tefzel® ETFE HT-2004, static coefficient of
friction, 258
Tensile eccentric fatigue machine, 4
Tensile force, 1
Tensile stress, 1
Terephthalic acid (TA), 101, 102, 175, 176, 179
Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), 249–250
Thermal stabilizers, 49
Thermocomp® BF-1006, Flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 59
Thermocomp® CF-1006, Flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 55
Thermocomp® CF-1008, Flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 55
Thermocomp® GF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 283
Thermocomp® GF-1008, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 283
Thermocomp® IF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 218
Thermocomp® JC-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 274
Thermocomp® JF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 274
Thermocomp® JF-1008, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 274
Thermocomp® MF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 235
Thermocomp® PF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 183
Thermocomp® QF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 217
Thermocomp® QF-1008, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 217
Thermocomp® RC-1002, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 190
Thermocomp® RC-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 190
Thermocomp® RC-1008, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 190
Thermocomp® RF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 190
Thermocomp® RF-1008, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 190
Thermocomp® UC-1008, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 23°C, 227
Thermocomp® UF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 23°C, 227
Thermocomp®WC-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 121
Thermocomp®WF-1006, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 121
Thermocomp®ZF-1006, tensile stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, 23°C, 88
Thermocouples, 7
Thermoplastic copolyester elastomers, 246
Thermoplastic elastomers, 245–247
Thermoplastic polyether block amide elastomers, 246
Thermoplastic polyimide, 149
Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers, 245
Thermoplastics, 42
Thermosets, 42
Threshold regime, 21
Thrust washer abrasion test, 32
Thrust washer abrasion testing, 32
THV™, 252
Torelina® A504, coefficient of abrasion vs. PV value,
against itself, 282
Torelina® A504, coefficient of abrasion vs. PV value,
against steel, 282
Torelina® A504, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
110°C, 280
Torelina® A504, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
160°C, 281
Torelina® A504, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
180°C, 281300 Index
Torelina® A504X90, stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 110°C, 280
Torelina® A504X90, stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 160°C, 281
Torelina® A504X90, stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 180°C, 281
Torlon® 4203L, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 165
Torlon® 4203L, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 177°C, 166
Torlon® 4203L, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 164
Torlon® 4275, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 165
Torlon® 4275, wear factor at various PV, 168
Torlon® 4275, wear rate at various PV, 168
Torlon® 4275, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity0.25 m/sec, 167
Torlon® 4275, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity1.02 m/sec, 167
Torlon® 4275, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity4.06 m/sec, 166
Torlon® 4301, extended cure, wear factor vs. pressure,
velocity1.02 m/sec, 168
Torlon® 4301, wear factor at various PV, 168
Torlon® 4301, wear rate at various PV, 168
Torlon® 4301, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity0.25 m/sec, 167
Torlon® 4301, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity1.02 m/sec, 167
Torlon® 4301, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity4.06 m/sec, 166
Torlon® 4435, wear factor at various PV, 168
Torlon® 4435, wear rate at various PV, 168
Torlon® 4435, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity0.25 m/sec, 167
Torlon® 4435, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity1.02 m/sec, 167
Torlon® 4435, wear resistance vs. pressure,
velocity4.06 m/sec, 166
Torlon® 5030, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 165
Torlon® 5030, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 177°C, 166
Torlon® 7130, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 165
Torlon® 7130, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 177°C, 166
Torlon® 7130, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 2 Hz, 164
Torlon® 7130, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 30 Hz, 164
Torsional constant (K), 2
Torsional stress, 2
Total true strain, 16
Tougheners, 47
Transition life, 18
Tribology additives, 47
Tribology, 25
Tribometers, 31
Trifluoromethyl group, 250
Trimellitic anhydride (TMA), 152
Trimethyl hexamethylene diamine, 175
Trioxane, 73
Trogamid® CX7323, abrasion resistance, 228
Trogamid® T5000, fatigue crack propagation rate vs.
stress intensity factor, 222
Trogamid® T5000, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 223
True fracture strain, 16
True fracture strength, 16
True strain, 15–16
True stress, 15–16
Two-body impact wear, 28
Ultem® 1000, Taber abrasion, 163
Ultem® 1000, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 153
Ultem® 1000, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 77°C, 153
Ultem® 1010, Taber abrasion, 163
Ultem® 1010, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 154
Ultem® 2100, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 154
Ultem® 2200, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 155
Ultem® 2212, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 155
Ultem® 2300, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 155
Ultem® 2300, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 77°C, 155
Ultem® 2310, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 156
Ultem® 2312, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 156
Ultem® 2400, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 156
Ultem® 2400, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 77°C, 156
Ultem® 3452, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 157
Ultem® 4000, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 157
Ultem® 4000, tribological properties, 163
Ultem® 4001, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 23°C, 157
Ultem® 4001, tribological properties, 163Index 301
Ultem® 9075, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 158
Ultem® 9076, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 158
Ultem® AR9100, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 158
Ultem® AR9200, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 158
Ultem® AR9300, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 158
Ultem® CRS5001, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 159
Ultem® CRS5001,Taber abrasion, 163
Ultem® CRS5011, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 159
Ultem® CRS5311, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 159
Ultem® D9065, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 159
Ultem® LTX300B, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 159
Ultem® XH6050, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 160
Ultimate tensile strength, 15
Ultraform ® N2200 G53, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 82
Ultraform ® N2310P, coefficient of sliding friction vs.
roughness, 85
Ultraform ® N2310P, wear rate vs. roughness, 85
Ultraform ® N2320 003, coefficient of sliding friction vs.
roughness, 85
Ultraform ® N2320 003, flexural stress amplitude vs.
cycles to failure, at 23°C and 10 Hz, 82
Ultraform ® N2320 003, wear rate vs. roughness, 85
Ultrahigh Molecular Weight PE (UHMWPE), 232,
Ultrahigh Molecular Weight PE (UHMWPE), generic,
fatigue crack propagation vs. stress intensity factor,
unfilled, 237
Ultrahigh Molecular Weight PE (UHMWPE), generic,
fatigue crack propagation vs. stress intensity factor,
carbon fiber filled, 237
Ultralow-density PE (ULDPE), 229
Ultramid® A 3HG5, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 191
Ultramid® A 3HG5, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 90°C, 191
Ultramid® A 3WG7, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, 191
Ultramid® A 3WG7, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 90°C, 191
Ultramid® AG5, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Ultramid® AG7, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Ultramid® B 3WG6, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 23°C, conditioned, 183
Ultramid® B 3WG6, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 90°C, 183
Ultramid® BG5, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Ultramid® BG7, stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Ultrason® E 2010 G4, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 274
Ultrason® E 2010 G4, tribological properties, 275
Ultrason® E 2010 G6, tribological properties, 275
Ultrason® E 2010, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 274
Ultrason® E 2010, tribological properties, 275
Ultrason® KR 4113, tribological properties, 275
Ultrason® S 2010 G4, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles
to failure, 284
Ultrason® S 2010 G4, tribological properties, 285
Ultrason® S 2010 G6, tribological properties, 285
Ultrason® S 2010, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 284
Ultrason® S 2010, tribological properties, 285
Underwriters Laboratories, 46
UV stabilizers, 48
Valox®310, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®325, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®337, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®368, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®3706, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®412E, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 123
Valox®420, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®430, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®508, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
23°C, 138
Valox®508, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
82°C, 139
Valox®732E, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 124
Valox®736, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®865, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to failure,
Valox®AE7370, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 146302 Index
Valox®CS860, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 147
Valox®EF3500, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 136
Valox®EF4517, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 136
Valox®EF4530, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 136
Valox®HV7075, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 126
Valox®V4280, tensile stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 147
Vectra® A115, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A130, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A130, dynamic coefficient of friction,
Vectra® A130, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 133
Vectra® A130, wear volume, 134
Vectra® A150, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A230, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A230, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® A230, wear volume, 134
Vectra® A410, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A430, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A430, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® A430, wear volume, 134
Vectra® A435, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A435, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® A435, wear volume, 134
Vectra® A515, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A530, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® A530, wear volume, 134
Vectra® A625, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® A625, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® A625, wear volume, 134
Vectra® B130, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® B130, wear volume, 134
Vectra® B230, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® B230, flexural stress amplitude vs. cycles to
failure, 133
Vectra® B230, wear volume, 134
Vectra® C130, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® C130, wear volume, 134
Vectra® L130, coefficient of friction, 135
Vectra® L130, dynamic coefficient of friction, 134
Vectra® L130, wear volume

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - Third Edition
» كتاب Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - 3rd Edition
» كتاب Permeability Properties of Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب Permeability and Other Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers

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