كتاب Project Management 6th Edition
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
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إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
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وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
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إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
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 كتاب Project Management 6th Edition

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Project Management 6th Edition    كتاب Project Management 6th Edition  Emptyالجمعة 03 نوفمبر 2023, 11:30 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Project Management 6th Edition
by Jonathan L. Portny, MBA, PMP®
Certified Project Management Professional (PMP®)
Stanley E. Portny, PMP®
Certified Project Management Professional (PMP®)

كتاب Project Management 6th Edition  P_m_f_13
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
About This Book 2
Foolish Assumptions 2
Icons Used in This Book 3
Beyond the Book 4
Where to Go from Here 4
CHAPTER 1: Project Management: The Key to
Achieving Results 9
Determining What Makes a Project a Project 10
Understanding the three main components that
define a project 11
Recognizing the diversity of projects 12
Describing the four phases of a project life cycle 14
Adopting a Principled Approach to Project Management 16
Starting with stewardship and leadership 17
Continuing with team and stakeholders 18
Delivering value and quality 19
Handling complexity, opportunities, and threats 20
Exhibiting adaptability and resilience 22
Thinking holistically and enabling change 23
What Happened to Process Groups and Knowledge Areas? 25
Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Effective Project Manager? 26
Questions 27
Answer key 27
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 28
CHAPTER 2: I’m a Project Manager! Now What? 31
Knowing the Project Manager’s Role 31
Looking at the project manager’s tasks 32
Staving off excuses for not following a structured
project management approach 32
Avoiding shortcuts 33
Staying aware of other potential challenges 35
Aligning with the Four Values that Comprise the Code of Ethics 36
The price of greatness is responsibility 36iv Project Management For Dummies
R-e-s-p-e-c-t, find out what it means to. . .your project 37
Maintaining fairness 37
Honesty is the best policy 38
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 39
CHAPTER 3: Beginning the Journey: The Genesis of a Project 41
Gathering Ideas for Projects 42
Looking at information sources for potential projects 43
Proposing a project in a business case 43
Developing the Project Charter 45
Performing a cost-benefit analysis 46
Conducting a feasibility study 48
Generating documents during the development of the
project charter 49
Deciding Which Projects to Move to the Second Phase of
Their Life Cycle 50
Tailoring Your Delivery Approach 51
For the organization 52
For the project 53
Identifying the Models, Methods, and Artifacts to Use 54
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 60
CHAPTER 4: Knowing Your Project’s Stakeholders:
Involving the Right People 63
Understanding Your Project’s Stakeholders 64
Developing a Stakeholder Register 64
Starting your stakeholder register 65
Ensuring your stakeholder register is complete
and up-to-date 70
Using a stakeholder register template 71
Determining Whether Stakeholders Are Drivers,
Supporters, or Observers 73
Deciding when to involve your stakeholders 75
Using different methods to involve your stakeholders 78
Making the most of your stakeholders’ involvement 78
Displaying Your Stakeholder Register 79
Confirming Your Stakeholders’ Authority 80
Assessing Your Stakeholders’ Power and Interest 82
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 84Table of Contents v
CHAPTER 5: Clarifying What You’re Trying to
Accomplish — And Why 85
Defining Your Project with a Scope Statement 86
Looking at the Big Picture: Explaining the Need for Your Project 90
Figuring out why you’re doing the project 90
Drawing the line: Where your project starts and stops 100
Stating your project’s objectives 101
Marking Boundaries: Project Constraints 106
Working within limitations 106
Dealing with needs 109
Facing the Unknowns When Planning: Documenting Your
Assumptions 109
Presenting Your Scope Statement in a Clear and Concise
Document 110
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 111
CHAPTER 6: Developing Your Game Plan: Getting
from Here to There 113
Divide and Conquer: Breaking Your Project into
Manageable Chunks 114
Thinking in detail 114
Identifying necessary project work with a work
breakdown structure 116
Dealing with special situations 124
Creating and Displaying Your Work Breakdown Structure 127
Considering different schemes to create your WBS hierarchy 128
Using one of two approaches to develop your WBS 129
Categorizing your project’s work 130
Labeling your WBS entries 132
Displaying your WBS in different formats 133
Improving the quality of your WBS 136
Using templates 137
Identifying Risks While Detailing Your Work 138
Documenting What You Need to Know about Your
Planned Project Work 140
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 141
CHAPTER 7: You Want This Project Done When? 145
Picture This: Illustrating a Work Plan with a Network Diagram 146
Defining a network diagram’s elements 146
Drawing a network diagram 148vi Project Management For Dummies
Analyzing a Network Diagram 149
Reading a network diagram 150
Interpreting a network diagram 151
Working with Your Project’s Network Diagram 156
Determining precedence 156
Using a network diagram to analyze a simple example 160
Developing Your Project’s Schedule 164
Taking the first steps 165
Avoiding the pitfall of backing in to your schedule 166
Meeting an established time constraint 167
Applying different strategies to arrive at your picnic
in less time 167
Estimating Activity Duration 172
Determining the underlying factors 173
Considering resource characteristics 174
Improving activity duration estimates 174
Displaying Your Project’s Schedule 176
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 179
CHAPTER 8: Establishing Whom You Need, How Much
of Their Time, and When 181
Getting the Information You Need to Match People to Tasks 182
Deciding what skills and knowledge team members
must have 183
Representing team members’ skills, knowledge,
and interests in a skills matrix 187
Estimating Needed Commitment 189
Using a human resources matrix 189
Identifying needed personnel in a human resources matrix 191
Estimating required work effort 192
Factoring productivity, efficiency, and availability into
work-effort estimates 193
Reflecting efficiency when you use historical data 194
Accounting for efficiency in personal
work-effort estimates 196
Ensuring Your Project Team Members Can Meet
Their Resource Commitments 198
Planning your initial allocations 198
Resolving potential resource overloads 200
Coordinating assignments across multiple projects 202
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 205Table of Contents vii
CHAPTER 9: Planning for Other Resources and
Developing the Budget 207
Determining Non-Personnel Resource Needs 208
Making Sense of the Dollars: Project Costs and Budgets 210
Looking at different types of project costs 210
Recognizing the three stages of a project budget 212
Refining your budget as your project progresses 213
Determining project costs for a detailed budget estimate 215
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 219
CHAPTER 10: Venturing into the Unknown: Dealing
with Risk 221
Defining Risk and Risk Management 222
Focusing on Risk Factors and Risks 223
Recognizing risk factors 224
Identifying risks 226
Assessing Risks: Probability and Consequences 229
Gauging the likelihood of a risk 230
Estimating the extent of the consequences 232
Getting Everything under Control: Managing Risk 234
Choosing the risks you want to manage 235
Developing a risk management strategy 236
Communicating about risks 237
Preparing a Risk Management Plan 239
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 240
CHAPTER 11: Aligning the Key Players for Your Project 245
Defining Three Organizational Environments 246
The functional structure 246
The projectized structure 248
The matrix structure 250
Recognizing the Key Players in a Matrix Environment 253
The project manager 253
Project team members 255
Functional managers 255
The project owner 256
The project sponsor 256
Upper management 257
Working Successfully in a Matrix Environment 258
Creating and continually reinforcing a team identity 258
Getting team member commitment 259viii Project Management For Dummies
Eliciting support from other people in the environment 259
Heading off common problems before they arise 260
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 261
CHAPTER 12: Defining Team Members’ Roles and
Responsibilities 263
Outlining the Key Roles 264
Distinguishing authority, responsibility,
and accountability 264
Understanding the difference between authority
and responsibility 265
Making Project Assignments 265
Delving into delegation 266
Sharing responsibility 271
Holding people accountable — even when they
don’t report to you 272
Picture This: Depicting Roles with a Responsibility
Assignment Matrix 276
Introducing the elements of a RAM 277
Reading a RAM 278
Developing a RAM 280
Ensuring your RAM is accurate 281
Dealing with Micromanagement 284
Realizing why a person micromanages 284
Gaining a micromanager’s trust 285
Working well with a micromanager 286
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 286
CHAPTER 13: Starting Your Project Team Off
on the Right Foot 287
Finalizing Your Project’s Participants 288
Are you in? Confirming your team members’
participation 288
Assuring that others are on board 291
Filling in the blanks 292
Developing Your Team 293
Reviewing the approved project plan 294
Developing team and individual goals 295
Specifying team member roles 295
Defining your team’s operating processes 296
Supporting the development of team member
relationships 297
Resolving conflicts 297
All together now: Helping your team become a
smooth-functioning unit 300Table of Contents ix
Laying the Groundwork for Controlling Your Project 303
Selecting and preparing your tracking systems 303
Establishing schedules for reports and meetings 304
Setting your project’s baseline 305
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Announcing Your Project 305
Setting the Stage for Your Project Retrospective 306
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 306
CHAPTER 14: Tracking Progress and Maintaining Control 311
Holding On to the Reins: Monitoring and Controlling 312
Establishing Project Management Information Systems 314
The clock’s ticking: Monitoring schedule performance 315
All in a day’s work: Monitoring work effort 322
Follow the money: Monitoring expenditures 327
Putting Your Control Process into Action 330
Heading off problems before they occur 330
Formalizing your control process 331
Identifying possible causes of delays and variances 333
Identifying possible corrective actions 334
Getting back on track: Rebaselining 334
Reacting Responsibly When Changes Are Requested 335
Responding to change requests 336
Creeping away from scope creep 337
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 338
CHAPTER 15: Keeping Everyone Informed 339
I Meant What I Said and I Said What I Meant: Successful
Communication Basics 340
Breaking down the communication process 341
Distinguishing one-way and two-way communication 341
Can you hear me now? Listening actively 342
Choosing the Appropriate Medium for Project Communication 344
Just the facts: Written reports 345
Moving it along: Meetings that work 346
Preparing a Written Project Progress Report 350
Making a list (of names) and checking it twice 350
Knowing what’s hot (and what’s not) in your report 351
Earning a Pulitzer, or at least writing an interesting report 352x Project Management For Dummies
Holding Key Project Meetings 355
Regularly scheduled team meetings 356
Ad hoc team meetings 357
Executive leadership progress reviews 357
Preparing a Project Communications Management Plan 358
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 359
CHAPTER 16: Encouraging Peak Performance
by Providing Effective Leadership 361
Exploring the Differences between Leadership
and Management 362
Recognizing the Traits People Look for in a Leader 363
Developing Personal Power and Influence 365
Understanding why people do what you ask 365
Establishing the bases of your power 367
You Can Do It! Creating and Sustaining Team
Member Motivation 368
Increasing commitment by clarifying your
project’s benefits 369
Encouraging persistence by demonstrating
project feasibility 370
Letting people know how they’re doing 371
Providing rewards for work well done 372
Leading a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Project Team 373
Diversity is an asset worthy of inclusion 374
Equity is a choice – choose it 375
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 375
CHAPTER 17: Bringing Your Project to Closure 377
Staying the Course to Completion 378
Planning ahead for your project’s closure 379
Updating your initial closure plans when you’re
ready to wind down the project 380
Charging up your team for the sprint to the
finish line 380
Handling Administrative Issues 381
Providing a Smooth Transition for Team Members 381
Surveying the Results: The Project Retrospective Evaluation 384
Preparing for the evaluation throughout the project 384
Setting the stage for the evaluation meeting 386
Conducting the evaluation meeting 387
Following up on the evaluation 389
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 389Table of Contents xi
CHAPTER 18: Using Newer Methods and Resources
to Enhance Your Project Management 393
Taking a Look at the Agile Approach to Project Management 394
Understanding what drives the Agile approach 394
Taking a look at the elements of Agile when
implemented through Scrum 396
Comparing the Agile and traditional (Waterfall)
approaches 397
Using Computer Software Effectively 398
Looking at your software options 399
Helping your software perform at its best 404
Introducing project management software into
your organization 406
Using Social Media to Enhance Project Management 407
Defining social media 408
Exploring how social media can support your
project planning and performance 409
Using social media to support your project
communications 411
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 412
CHAPTER 19: Monitoring Project Performance with
Earned Value Management 413
Defining Earned Value Management 414
Getting to know EVM terms and formulas 414
Looking at a simple example 418
Determining the reasons for observed variances 420
The How-To: Applying Earned Value Management to
Your Project 421
Determining a Task’s Earned Value 425
Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7 429
CHAPTER 20: Ten Questions to Ask Yourself as
You Plan Your Project 433
What’s the Purpose of Your Project? 433
Whom Do You Need to Involve? 434
What Results Will You Produce? 434
What Constraints Must You Satisfy? 435
What Assumptions Are You Making? 435xii Project Management For Dummies
What Work Has to Be Done? 435
When Does Each Activity Start and End? 436
Who Will Perform the Project Work? 436
What Other Resources Do You Need? 437
What Can Go Wrong? 437
CHAPTER 21: Ten Tips for Being a Better Project Manager 439
Be a “Why” Person 439
Be a “Can Do” Person 440
Think about the Big Picture 440
Think in Detail 440
Assume Cautiously 440
View People as Allies, Not Adversaries 441
Mean What You Say and Say What You Mean 441
Respect Other People 441
Acknowledge Good Performance 442
Be a Manager and a Leader 442
Index450 Project Management For Dummies
automated impact
assessments, 234
factoring into estimates,
193, 194
as a resource
characteristic, 174
avoidance, as a risk
management strategy, 236
backing into schedules, 166–167
backlog, 396
backlog grooming, 396
backlog refinement, 396
back-to-front approach, 159
backward pass, 153–156
bar chart, 176–179
Basecamp, 321
baselines, as artifacts, 59
beak points, 125
Bellu, Renato (author)
Microsoft Dynamics 365 For
Dummies, 403
bid documents, as artifacts, 60
blogs, 409
bottom-up approach, 129, 130,
boxes, in network diagrams,
brainstorming, 129, 130
bubble-chart format, 134–136
as artifacts, 59
defined, 210
needs for, 109
refining, 213–214
stages of, 212–213
documents during project
charter development, 49–50
goals, 295
hierarchy of charts, 282
network diagrams, 162–164
personal power/influence,
project charter, 45–50
project schedule, 164–172
responsibility assignment
matrix (RAM), 280–281
risk management strategies,
stakeholder registers, 64–73
team goals, 295
team member motivation,
teams, 293–302
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 121, 127–138
business cases
as artifacts, 58
proposing projects in, 43–45
business graphics and
presentation software, 399
business requirements
document, 87
capacity, as a resource
characteristic, 174
capital appropriation plan, 98
Carrying Out the Work stage, 14
for projects, 130–132
ranking, 230
for stakeholder registers,
change, as a principle of PMBOK
7, 23–25
change control plans, as
artifacts, 58
change models, 55–56
change orders, as artifacts, 60
change requests
about, 335
responding to, 336–337
scope creep and, 337–338
charge codes, 304
Cheat Sheet (website), 4
checking inferences, as an active
listening technique, 344
chief information officer
(CIO), 73
immediate predecessors,
mediums for communication,
risks to manage, 235–236
tracking systems, 303–304
to support expenditure
tracking systems, 330
to support schedule tracking
systems, 320–322
to support work-effort
tracking systems, 323–324
Churchill, Winston, 36
CIO (chief information
officer), 73
clarifying project benefits,
classical approach, 149
clients, as external
stakeholders, 66
Closing the Project stage
about, 15, 377–378
handling administrative
issues, 381
planning, 378–381
project retrospective, 384–389
providing transitions, 381–383
thinking ahead about, 378–381
cloud, 400, 408
cloud storage, 400, 408
code of ethics, 36–39
collaborators, as external
stakeholders, 66
expenditure data, 329
ideas for projects, 42–45Index 451
schedule performance data,
work-effort data, 322–323
estimating needed, 189–197
getting from team
members, 259
increasing, 369–370
about, 339–340
about risks, 237–238
basics of, 340–344
choosing mediums for,
holding key project meetings,
listening actively, 342–344
meetings, 346–350, 355–358
models for, 54–55
one-way compared with twoway, 341–342
preparing communications
management plans,
preparing written progress
reports, 350–355
processes of, 296, 341
project dashboards, 354–355
using social media to support,
written reports, 345–346
management plan
as artifacts, 58
preparing, 358–359
comparing Agile and traditional
approaches, 397–398
completed, approved project
budget, 213
complexity, as a principle of
PMBOK 7, 20–22
component title, as WBS
components, 140
computer software, using
effectively, 398–407
conditional work, 124–125
authority of stakeholders,
participation in projects,
conflict resolution, 297–300
consequences, estimating
extent of, 232–234
considerations for, 435
in scope statement, 86
content, in communications
management plan, 359
contingency plan, 140
contractors, as external
stakeholders, 67
about, 87
as artifacts, 60
issuing, 127
contributed funds, 92
control process
about, 311
in action, 330–335
change requests, 335–338
controlling, 312–314
establishing project
management information
systems (PIMS), 314–330
formalizing, 331–332
causes of delays/variances,
corrective actions, 334
about, 312–314
expenditures, 327–330
schedule performance,
work effort, 322–326
rebaselining, 334–335
scope creep and, 337–338
accountability, 272–274
administrative issues, 381
expenditures, 327–330
projects, 446–447
risk, 222–223, 234–238
schedule performance,
team member motivation,
work effort, 322–326
coordinating assignments
across multiple projects,
corrective actions
identifying, 334
taking, 312
cost performance index
(CPI), 416
cost variance (CV), 415
cost-benefit analysis
about, 96
performing, 46–48
CPM (Critical Path Method), 151
documents during project
charter development, 49–50
goals, 295
hierarchy of charts, 282
network diagrams, 162–164
personal power/influence,
project charter, 45–50
project schedule, 164–172
responsibility assignment
matrix (RAM), 280–281
risk management strategies,
stakeholder registers, 64–73
team goals, 295
team member motivation,
teams, 293–302
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 121, 127–138452 Project Management For Dummies
Critical Path Method (CPM), 151
critical paths
about, 151–152
activities and, 318
determining, 152–153
customers, as external
stakeholders, 66
Daily Scrum, 396–397
daily stand-up, 396–397
dashboard format, for progress
reporting, 59
data collection, in
management plan, 359
data gathering and analysis, 56
database software, 321, 399
David, Shirley (author)
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion For
Dummies, 373
deadlines, 145–146
decision trees, for risk
management, 233–234
decision-making, operating
processes and, 297
decomposition, 67, 115
earned value management
(EVM), 414–420
organizational structures,
risk, 222–223
risk management, 222–223
scope, 86–90
social media, 408–409
team operating processes,
delays, identifying causes of,
delegation, 266–271
defined, 115, 121
focusing on results when
naming, 120
in scope statement, 86
deliverables-activities hierarchy,
delivery, tailoring, 51–54
demonstrating project
feasibility, 370–371
denial approach, 237
detailed budget estimates
about, 213
determining project costs for,
detailed thinking, 114–115
activities, 160–161
critical paths, 152–153
earliest finish date, 152–153
earliest start dates, 152–153
earned values of tasks,
factors affecting duration
estimates, 173
latest finish date, 153–156
latest start date, 153–156
noncritical paths, 152–153
non-personnel resource
needs, 208–210
precedence, 156–159
project costs for detailed
budget estimates, 215–218
reasons for observed
variances, 420
slack times, 153–156
types of stakeholders, 73–79
underlying factors, 173
documents during project
charter development, 49–50
goals, 295
hierarchy of charts, 282
network diagrams, 162–164
personal power/influence,
project charter, 45–50
project schedule, 164–172
responsibility assignment
matrix (RAM), 280–281
risk management strategies,
stakeholder registers, 64–73
team goals, 295
team member motivation,
teams, 293–302
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 121, 127–138
Dionisio, Cynthia Snyder
Microsoft Project 2019 For
Dummies, 159
Microsoft Project For
Dummies, 403
direct costs, 211
discount rate, 48
discretionary dependencies, 158
project schedule, 176–179
stakeholder registers, 79–80
WBS in different formats,
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 127–138
distribution list, 64
diversity, equity, and inclusion
(DEI), 373–375
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion For
Dummies (Davis), 373
diversity, of projects, 12–14
assumptions, 109–110
planned project work,
generating during project
charter development,
related to scope statement, 87Index 453
drawing network diagrams,
of Agile project management,
determining real expectations
and needs, 94–96
on project team, 291
as stakeholders, 73–79
when to involve, 75, 76
considerations for, 436
importance of, 146
in network diagrams, 147–148
earliest finish date
about, 151
determining, 152–153
earliest start dates
about, 151
determining, 152–153
earned value (EV), 415
earned value management
about, 329, 413
applying to projects, 421–424
defining, 414–420
determining reasons for
observed variances, 420
determining task’s earned
value, 425–428
example of, 418–420
terms and formulas for,
accounting for in personal
work-effort estimates,
factoring into estimates,
historical data and, 194–195
of meetings, 348–349
employee benefits, as indirect
costs, 212
empowerment, 52
encouraging persistence,
end users, as stakeholders,
65, 68
engagement, tailoring, 52
accuracy of expenditure
data, 329
accuracy of schedule
performance data, 319–320
accuracy of work-effort data,
activity duration estimates,
project management using
social media, 407–412
quality of WBS, 136–137
ensuring accuracy of RAM,
enterprise-wide, on-premise
software, 320
enthusiasm, as a leadership
trait, 364
equipment, as indirect
costs, 212
escalation procedures, for
conflict resolution, 297
bases of power, 367–368
project management
information systems (PMIS),
schedules for reports/
meetings, 304–305
about, 56
activity durations, 172–176
extent of consequences,
needed commitment, 189–197
required work effort, 192–193
EV (earned value), 415
expenditures, 328–329
interest of stakeholders, 82–83
network diagrams, 149–156
performance, 312
power of stakeholders, 82–83
projects, 50
return on investment (ROI), 47
risks, 229–234
schedule performance, 316–317
work effort expended,
about, 57
in network diagrams, 147
EVM (earned value
about, 329, 413
applying to projects, 421–424
defining, 414–420
determining reasons for
observed variances, 420
determining task’s earned
value, 425–428
example of, 418–420
terms and formulas for,
executive leadership, as external
stakeholders, 65
executive leadership progress
reviews, 357–358
expected value of risk, 235
expenditures, monitoring,
external dependencies, 158
external stakeholders, 66–67
fairness, as a value in the
PMI Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct, 36,
fast tracking, 167454 Project Management For Dummies
feasibility studies
about, 370–371
conducting, 48–49
feedback, 396
50/50 method, 426–428
activities, 160–161
critical paths, 152–153
earliest finish date, 152–153
earliest start dates, 152–153
earned values of tasks,
factors affecting duration
estimates, 173
latest finish date, 153–156
latest start date, 153–156
noncritical paths, 152–153
non-personnel resource
needs, 208–210
precedence, 156–159
project costs for detailed
budget estimates, 215–218
reasons for observed
variances, 420
slack times, 153–156
types of stakeholders, 73–79
underlying factors, 173
project participants, 288–293
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 304
financial expenditures, as a
KPI, 303
financial resources, project
feasibility and, 48
finish-to-finish precedence, 157
finish-to-start precedence, 157
First Law of Motion, 55
fixed-price contracts, as
artifacts, 60
float, 151
formal communication, 344
formal information-sharing
vehicles, 78
formalizing control processes,
Forming stage, in Tuckman
Ladder model, 301
forward pass, 152–153
free slack, 156
freemium, 321
frequency, in communications
management plan, 359
front-to-back approach, 158
fudge factors, 174–175
functional managers, roles and
responsibilities in matrix
environment, 255–256
functional organization
structure, 246–248
functions, scope and, as WBS
component, 128
funds, contributed, 92
Gantt chart, 59, 176–179, 199
gaps, decomposition and, 115
expenditure data, 329
ideas for projects, 42–45
schedule performance data,
work-effort data, 322–323
general and administrative
costs, 211
documents during project
charter development, 49–50
goals, 295
hierarchy of charts, 282
network diagrams, 162–164
personal power/influence,
project charter, 45–50
project schedule, 164–172
responsibility assignment
matrix (RAM), 280–281
risk management strategies,
stakeholder registers, 64–73
team goals, 295
team member motivation,
teams, 293–302
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 121, 127–138
geographical areas, as WBS
component, 128
goals, developing, 295
Go/No-Go Decision, 50
Google Docs, 321, 399
Google Drive, 408
Google Sheets, 321, 399
Google Slides, 321, 399
Google Workspace, 400
group meetings, 78
groups, as stakeholders, 66
A Guide to the Project
Management Body of
Knowledge, 7th Edition
(PMBOK 7), 10. See also
accountability, 272–274
administrative issues, 381
expenditures, 327–330
projects, 446–447
risk, 222–223, 234–238
schedule performance,
team member motivation,
work effort, 322–326
hard logic, 158
hidden inferences, 100
hierarchy diagram, 133, 134
hierarchy of charts
as artifacts, 59
developing, 282Index 455
high energy, as a leadership
trait, 363–364
historical data, efficiency and,
holistic thinking, as a principle of
PMBOK 7, 23–25
as a leadership trait, 363
as a value in the PMI Code
of Ethics and Professional
Conduct, 36, 38–39
human resources matrix,
189–191, 198
icons, explained, 3
identification code, as WBS
components, 140
artifacts, 54–60
causes of delays and
variances, 333–334
corrective actions, 334
methods, 54–60
models, 54–60
needed personnel in human
resources matrix, 191
project initiator, 90–92
project work with work
breakdown structure,
risks, 138–140, 226–229
immediate predecessors
choosing, 158–159
defined, 157
implementing Agile
management through
Scrum, 396–397
accuracy of expenditure
data, 329
accuracy of schedule
performance data, 319–320
accuracy of work-effort data,
activity duration estimates,
project management using
social media, 407–412
quality of WBS, 136–137
increasing commitment,
indented-outline format,
indirect costs, 211, 218
allowing for, 47
net present value (NPV)
and, 47
influence, developing, 365–366
informal communication, 344
informal written
correspondence, 78
information needs, in
management plan, 359
information sources, for
potential projects, 43
information-sharing activity,
in communications
management plan, 359
information-sharing vehicles, 78
considerations for, 435
in project management
information systems
(PMIS), 314
Instagantt, 321
intangible benefits, 52
integrated project management
software, 320–321, 401–403
integration, 52
integrity, as a leadership
trait, 363
intended activities, 100
interest, assessing of
stakeholders, 82–83
internal stakeholders, 65–66
Internet resources
Agile Manifesto, 395
Cheat Sheet, 4
LinkedIn, 408
online resources, 4
Yammer, 408
interpreting network
diagrams, 151
issue logs, as artifacts, 58
iteration review, 57
Jira, 321
justification, in scope
statement, 86
key performance indicators
(KPI), 50, 98, 303
key players
about, 245
in matrix environments,
organizational environments,
working in matrix
environments, 258–260
kickoff meeting, 57
productivity and, 193
required by team members,
knowledge areas, 25–26
known unknown, 139
labeling WBS entries, 132–133
labor, as a direct cost, 211
latest finish date
defined, 151
determining, 153–156
latest start date
defined, 151
determining, 153–156456 Project Management For Dummies
Layton, Mark C. (author)
Agile Project Management For
Dummies, 397
Scrum For Dummies, 397
about, 361–362
compared with management,
creating and sustaining team
member motivation,
developing personal power
and influence, 365–368
as a principle of PMBOK 7,
of project teams, 373–375
traits of, 363–365
legal requirements, 157
legal resources, project
feasibility and, 48
lessons learned. See project
letters, in network diagrams,
Level x components, 116–117
liaisons, 68
LibreOffice Base, 321, 399
LibreOffice Calc, 321, 399
LibreOffice Impress, 321, 399
LibreOffice Writer, 321, 399
life cycle
of projects, 14–16
tailoring, 51
likelihood of risk, assessing,
addressing in scope
statement, 108
defined, 106
looking for, 108
types of, 106–107
linear responsibility chart
(LRC), 276
LinkedIn, 408–409
listening actively, 342–344
logical dependencies, 158
logs, as artifacts, 58
long-range plan, 97
long-term projects, planning,
lost return on investment, net
present value (NPV) and, 47
accountability, 272–274
administrative issues, 381
expenditures, 327–330
projects, 446–447
risk, 222–223, 234–238
schedule performance,
team member motivation,
work effort, 322–326
management, compared with
leadership, 362–363
management and administrative
salaries, as indirect
costs, 212
managerial choices, 158
accountability, 272–274
administrative issues, 381
expenditures, 327–330
projects, 446–447
risk, 222–223, 234–238
schedule performance,
team member motivation,
work effort, 322–326
mandatory dependencies,
market requirements
document, 87
matching people to tasks,
materials, as a direct cost, 211
matrix organizational structure,
measure, 101
expenditures, 328–329
interest of stakeholders, 82–83
network diagrams, 149–156
performance, 312
power of stakeholders, 82–83
projects, 50
return on investment (ROI), 47
risks, 229–234
schedule performance,
work effort expended,
mediums, choosing for
communications, 344–350
about, 57, 346–347, 355–356
ad hoc, 357
efficiency of, 348–349
establishing schedules for,
executive leadership progress
reviews, 357–358
planning for successful, 348
regularly scheduled, 356
time constraints for, 167
identifying, 54–60
for involving stakeholders, 78
Micosoft Project, 320
micromanagement, 284–286
Microsoft Access, 321, 399
Microsoft Dynamics 365, 320
Microsoft Dynamics 365 For
Dummies (Bellu), 403
Microsoft Excel, 321, 399
Microsoft Outlook, 400
Microsoft PowerPoint, 321, 399
Microsoft Project, 320, 321
Microsoft Project 2019 For
Dummies (Dionisio), 159Index 457
Microsoft Project For Dummies
(Dionisio), 403
Microsoft Project Server,
320, 321
Microsoft Teams, 408
Microsoft Word, 321, 399
milestone list, 176–179
milestone method, 426–428
milestone review, 57
milestones, in network
diagrams, 147
minimizing conflict on teams,
mitigation, as a risk
management strategy,
identifying, 54–60
tailoring, 52
motivation, of team members,
motivation models, 55
needs, 106
negative risks, 20, 222
net present value (NPV), 47–48
network diagrams
about, 146
analyzing, 149–156
creating, 162–164
determining precedence,
drawing, 148–149
elements of, 146–148
interpreting, 151–156
reading, 150–151
using, 160–164
working with, 156–164
Newton, Isaac, 55
noncritical paths
defined, 151
determining, 152–153
non-personnel resource needs,
determining, 208–210
non-personnel resources
matrix, 208–210
non-personnel summary usage
chart, 208–210
non-personnel usage charts,
non-project-specific professional
activities, efficiency
and, 193
Norming stage, in Tuckman
Ladder model, 301
objective information, relying
on, 231
anticipating resistance to,
clarity of, 102–103
specificity of, 102–103
stating, 101–105
types of, 103–104
objectivity, fairness and, 38
observed variances, determining
reasons for, 420
about, 291, 305
as stakeholders, 73–79
when to involve, 75, 77
one-on-one meetings, 78
one-way communications,
online collaboration tools, 408
online resources (website), 4
OpenOffice, 321
OpenProject, 320
open-source software, 320
operating processes, defining,
operational resources, project
feasibility and, 48
opportunities, as a principle of
PMBOK 7, 20–22
opportunity costs, 47
ordering activities, 161
ordinal ranking, 230
organizational breakdown
structure, as artifacts, 59
organizational environments
functional structure, 246–248
matrix structure, 250–252
projectized structure, 248–250
organizational structures
about, 246
defining, 246–252
functional structure, 246–248
matrix structure, 250–260
projectized structure, 248–250
organizational units, as WBS
component, 128
organization-chart format,
133, 134
defining organizational
structures, 246–252
introducing project
management software into,
tailoring delivery for,
Organizing and Preparing
stage, 14
ostrich approach, 237
outputs, in project management
information systems
(PMIS), 314
overhead costs, 211
overlaps, decomposition
and, 115
paraphrasing, as an active
listening technique, 343
percent complete method,
426–428458 Project Management For Dummies
assessing, 312
controlling projects during,
performance period, 350
performance targets, 101
activities simultaneously,
cost-benefit analysis, 46–48
feasibility studies, 48–49
Performing stage, in Tuckman
Ladder model, 302
persistence, encouraging,
person effort
defined, 190
estimating required, 192–193
personal activities, efficiency
and, 193–194
personal opinions, counting on,
person-loading graph/chart,
personnel needs
about, 109, 181–182
ensuring team members
can meet resource
commitments, 198–205
estimating needed
commitment, 189–197
matching people to tasks,
personnel resource use, as a
KPI, 303
PERT chart, 149
phase review, 57
physical environment,
productivity and, 193
physical product/service, 104
planned value (PV), 414
closure, 378–381
considerations for, 433–437
documenting assumptions,
initial allocations, 198–200
long-term projects,
for successful meetings, 348
plans, as artifacts, 58
about, 16, 155–156
principles of, 17–25
topics on PMP exam, 28–29,
39–40, 60–61, 84, 111–112,
141–142, 179–180, 205–206,
219, 240–241, 261, 286,
306–307, 359–360, 375–376,
389–390, 412, 429
PMI (Project Management
Institute), 10
PMI Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct,
PMIS (project management
information systems),
establishing, 314–330
PMO (project management
office), 320
PMP (Project Management
Professional) certification
exam, topics on, 28–29,
39–40, 60–61, 84, 111–112,
141–142, 179–180, 205–206,
219, 240–241, 261, 286,
306–307, 359–360, 375–376,
389–390, 412, 429
positive risks, 20, 222
post-project evaluation.
See project retrospective
post-project review. See project
assessing of stakeholders,
developing, 365–368
Power-Interest Grid, 83
prayer approach, 237
precedence, determining,
precision, 232
predecessors, factors affecting,
project communications
management plans,
project plan, 443–446
risk management plans,
tracking systems, 303–304
written project progress
reports, 350–355
presentation software, 321
presenting scope statement,
principles, 36
prior experience, productivity
and, 193
probability of occurrence, 230
procedural requirements, 157
process groups, 25–26
about, 311
in action, 330–335
change requests, 335–338
controlling, 312–314
establishing project
management information
systems (PIMS), 314–330
formalizing, 331–332
identifying causes of delays/
variances, 333–334
identifying corrective
actions, 334
monitoring, 312–314
monitoring expenditures,
monitoring schedule
performance, 315–322Index 459
monitoring work effort,
rebaselining, 334–335
scope creep and, 337–338
project compared with, 13
in project management
information systems
(PMIS), 314
tailoring, 51
product components, as WBS
component, 128
product owner, Scrum and, 396
product risk, 229
product scope description, in
scope statement, 86
productivity, factoring into
estimates, 193
products. See deliverables
professional societies, as
external stakeholders, 67
program, project compared
with, 13
program evaluation and review
technique (PERT), 175–176
progress Gantt chart, 316, 317
project champions, 74, 93,
259, 291
project charter
defined, 87
developing, 45–50
project charters, 58
project closeout meeting. See
project retrospective
project communications
management plans,
preparing, 358–359
project constraints
about, 106
managing needs, 109
working within limitations,
project costs
determining, 215–218
types of, 210–212
project dashboards, 354–355
project director. See project
project exclusion, in scope
statement, 86
project initiator, 90–92
project leader. See project
project life cycle, using social
media to support, 409–410
project management. See also
specific topics
about, 9–10
enhancing using social media,
principles of, 16–25
recognizing diversity, 12–14
stages of, 14–16
technology and, 393–412
project management
information systems (PMIS),
establishing, 314–330
Project Management Institute
(PMI), 10
project management office
(PMO), 320
Project Management
Professional (PMP)
certification exam, topics
on, 28–29, 39–40, 60–61, 84,
111–112, 141–142, 179–180,
205–206, 219, 240–241, 261,
286, 306–307, 359–360,
375–376, 389–390, 412, 429
project management
software, introducing into
organizations, 406–407
project managers
characteristics of effective,
roles and responsibilities
in matrix environment,
roles and responsibilities of,
as stakeholders, 65
tips for, 439–442
project number, 303
project owner, roles and
responsibilities in matrix
environment, 256
project phases, as WBS
component, 128
project plans
preparing, 443–446
reviewing approved, 294–295
project portfolio management
software, 404
project profile, 87
project progress reports,
preparing, 350–355
project request, 87
project retrospective, 57, 306,
project schedules
as artifacts, 59
developing, 164–172
displaying, 176–179
project sponsors, roles and
responsibilities of in matrix
project team development
models, 56
project team members, roles
and responsibilities in
matrix environment, 255
project title, 88–89
projecting total expenditures at
completion, 417–418
projectized organization
structure, 248–250460 Project Management For Dummies
ProjectLibre, 320
announcing, 305
applying earned value
management (EVM) to,
assigning, 265–276
breaking into chunks, 114–127
categorizing, 130–132
clarifying benefits of, 369–370
components of, 10–12
confirming participation in,
controlling, 446–447
coordinating assignments
across multiple, 202–205
demonstrating feasibility of,
diversity of, 12–14
end of, 100–101
evaluating, 50
explaining your need for,
gathering ideas for, 42–45
information sources for
potential, 43
justifying, 90–95
life cycle of, 14–16
project retrospective, 384–389
proposing in business cases,
setting baselines for, 305
start of, 100–101
stating objectives of, 101–105
tailoring delivery for, 53–54
proof-of-concept (POC), 48
proposing projects in business
cases, 43–45
providing rewards, 372–373
public, as external
stakeholders, 67
purpose, of projects, 433–434
quality, as a principle of PMBOK
7, 19–20
quality reports, as artifacts, 59
quality requirements, as WBS
components, 141
QuickBooks Microsoft
Dynamics, 400
RACI chart, 276
RAID (Risks, Actions, Issues, and
Decisions) log, 239–240
RAM (responsibility assignment
about, 276
as artifacts, 59
developing, 280–281
elements of, 277–278
ensuring accuracy of, 281–283
reading, 278–280
network diagrams, 150–151
responsibility assignment
matrix (RAM), 278–280
rebaselining, 334–335
recognizing risk factors, 224–226
refining project budget, 213–214
registers, as artifacts, 58
regularly scheduled team
meetings, 356
regulators, as external
stakeholders, 67
relative likelihood of
occurrence, 230
relying on objective
information, 231
Remember icon, 3
rent, as indirect costs, 212
as artifacts, 59
establishing schedules for,
writing, 345–346
requesters, as stakeholders, 65
required resources
as a components of
projects, 11
as WBS components, 141
requirements documents, as
artifacts, 60
requirements traceability
matrix, 20
resilience, as a principle of
PMBOK 7, 22–23
resistance, anticipating, 104–105
resolving potential resource
overloads, 200–202
resource characteristics, 174
resource histogram, 198–200
resource limitation, 107
resource management plans, as
artifacts, 58
resource risk, 229
about, 207
considerations for, 437
determining non-personnel
needs, 208–210
project budgets, 210, 212–217
project costs, 210–212, 218
resolving potential overloads,
respect, as a value in the
PMI Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct,
36, 37
responding to change requests,
responsibilities and roles
compared with authority, 265
considerations for, 436–437
distinguishing, 264–265
outlining, 264–265
of Project Manager, 31–35
sharing, 271–272Index 461
specifying for team members,
as a value in the PMI Code
of Ethics and Professional
Conduct, 36–37
responsibility assignment matrix
about, 276
as artifacts, 59
developing, 280–281
elements of, 277–278
ensuring accuracy of, 281–283
reading, 278–280
considerations for, 434
focusing on when naming
deliverables, 120
as a limitation type, 106
return on investment (ROI), 47
rewards, providing, 372–373
risk factors
about, 223–224
recognizing, 224–226
risk management strategies
as artifacts, 58
developing, 236–237
preparing, 239–240
risk registers, as artifacts, 58
questionnaires, 234
about, 221–222
assessing, 229–234
communicating about,
defined, 12
defining, 222–223
identifying, 138–140, 226–229
managing, 222–223, 234–238
negative compared with
positive, 20
preparing risk management
plans, 239–240
risk factors, 223–229
Risks, Actions, Issues, and
Decisions (RAID) log,
roadmaps, as artifacts, 58
ROI (return on investment), 47
roles and responsibilities
compared with authority, 265
considerations for, 436–437
distinguishing, 264–265
outlining, 264–265
of Project Manager, 31–35
sharing, 271–272
specifying for team members,
as a value in the PMI Code
of Ethics and Professional
Conduct, 36–37
rolling-wave approach, 126
rough order-of-magnitude
(ROM) estimate, 212–213
schedule achievement, as a
KPI, 303
schedule milestones, as WBS
components, 141
schedule performance,
monitoring, 315–322
schedule performance index
(SPI), 415
schedule resources, project
feasibility and, 48
schedule risk, 229
schedule variance (SV), 415
backing into, 166–167
as a components of
projects, 11
establishing for reports/
meetings, 304–305
scope, defining, 86–90
scope creep, controlling,
scope statement
addressing limitations in, 108
defined, 86
documents related to, 87
presenting, 110–111
Scrum, implementing Agile
project management
through, 396–397
Scrum For Dummies (Layton), 397
Scrum master, 396
immediate predecessors,
mediums for communication,
risks to manage, 235–236
tracking systems, 303–304
to support expenditure
tracking systems, 330
to support schedule tracking
systems, 320–322
to support work-effort
tracking systems, 323–324
self-confidence, as a leadership
trait, 364
selfishness, fairness and, 38
sense of urgency, productivity
and, 193
sequences, importance of, 146
setting project baseline, 305
sharing responsibility, 271–272
project schedule, 176–179
stakeholder registers, 79–80
WBS in different formats,
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 127–138
situational leadership
models, 54
productivity and, 193
required by team members,
183–187462 Project Management For Dummies
skills and knowledge registry,
skills matrix, 187–189
slack times
defined, 151
determining, 153–156
SMART goals, 103
Smartsheet, 321, 408
social media, enhancing project
management using,
social networking apps/
websites, 408–409
integrated project
management, 401–403
options for, 399–404
project portfolio
management, 404
standalone specialty, 399–401
troubleshooting, 404–406
special situations, 124–127
specific scope, as a components
of projects, 11
specifying team member roles,
spreadsheet software, 321, 399
sprint planning, 396
Sprint retrospective
meeting, 397
Sprint review, 57, 397
sprints, 396–397
Adjourning, in Tuckman
Ladder model, 302
of budgets, 212–213
Carrying Out the Work, 14
Closing the Project
about, 15, 377–378
handling administrative
issues, 381
planning, 378–381
project retrospective,
providing transitions,
thinking ahead about,
Forming, in Tuckman Ladder
model, 301
Norming, in Tuckman Ladder
model, 301
Organizing and Preparing, 14
Performing, in Tuckman
Ladder model, 302
of project management, 14–16
Starting the Project
about, 14, 41–42
determining projects to move
to second stage, 50
developing project charter,
gathering ideas for projects,
identifying models, methods
and artifacts, 54–60
tailoring delivery, 51–54
Storming, in Tuckman Ladder
model, 301
stages, of project management,
stakeholder registers
as artifacts, 58
defined, 49
developing, 64–73
displaying, 79–80
template for, 71–73
about, 63–64
assessing power and interest
of, 82–83
confirming authority of, 80–82
defined, 64
determining type of, 73–79
determining when to involve,
developing stakeholder
registers, 64–73
displaying stakeholder
registers, 79–80
methods for involving, 78
as a principle of PMBOK 7,
standalone specialty software,
standard approaches, to conflict
resolution, 297
The Standard for Project
Management, 16
standup meeting, 57
starting stakeholder registers,
Starting the Project stage
about, 14, 41–42
determining projects to move
to second stage, 50
developing project charter,
gathering ideas for projects,
identifying models, methods
and artifacts, 54–60
tailoring delivery, 51–54
start-to-finish precedence, 157
start-to-start precedence, 157
statement of work, 87, 101
status meeting, 57
status reports, as artifacts, 59
steering committee meeting, 57
stewardship, as a principle of
PMBOK 7, 17–18
storming, 214
Storming stage, in Tuckman
Ladder model, 301
applying, 167–172
tailoring, 52
strategy artifacts, 58
Structured Product List, 82–84
subcontractors, as a direct
cost, 211
summary person-loading chart,
suppliers, as stakeholders, 67
support groups, as
stakeholders, 67–68
support staff, 55Index 463
on project team, 291
as stakeholders, 73–79
when to involve, 75, 76–77
delivery, 51–54
as a principle of PMBOK 7,
tangible benefits, 52
target audience, in
management plan, 359
determining earned values of,
matching people to, 182–189
in network diagrams, 147
team goals, developing, 295
team members
about, 64
considerations for, 434
getting commitment from, 259
motivation of, 368–373
skills and knowledge required
by, 183–187
specifying roles of, 295–296
as stakeholders, 65
supporting relationships
of, 297
about, 287–288
announcing projects, 305
defining operating processes,
developing, 293–302
establishing schedules for
reports/meetings, 304–305
finalizing participants of,
preparing tracking systems,
as a principle of PMBOK 7,
project retrospective, 306
reinforcing identity of, 258–259
Scrum and, 396
selecting tracking systems,
setting project baselines, 305
technical requirements,
specifications document, 87
technical resources, project
feasibility and, 48
techniques, combining into a
process, 443–447
technology, project
management and, 393–412
stakeholder register, 71–73
work breakdown structure
(WBS), 137–138
tenacity, as a leadership
trait, 363
thinking in detail, 114–115
threats, as a principle of PMBOK
7, 20–22
three-point estimating, 121, 289
time and information
management software, 400
time and materials contracts, as
artifacts, 60
time constraints, meeting, 167
time contingency, 161
time durations, 98–100
time sheet/card, 322
time-frame limitation, 106
time-recording systems, 324
Tip icon, 3
tools, tailoring, 52
top-down approach, 129–130,
215, 217
total float, 108
total slack, 155
traceability matrix, 20
tracking systems, selecting and
preparing, 303–304
traits, of leaders, 363–365
transfer, as a risk management
strategy, 236
transitions, providing,
travel, as a direct cost, 211
Trello, 321
trigger events, identifying for
risks, 152–154
considerations for, 437
software, 404–406
t-shirt size estimate,
Tuckman Ladder model,
two-way communications,
uncontrolled change, 230
unions, as external
stakeholders, 54
unknown unknown, 139
updating stakeholder register,
upper management, roles and
responsibilities in matrix
environment, 257–258
defined, 36
as a principle of PMBOK 7,
variances, identifying causes of,
vendors, as external
stakeholders, 67
authority of stakeholders,
participation in projects,
288–291464 Project Management For Dummies
visual data and information, as
artifacts, 59
visualizing, as an active listening
technique, 342–343
Warning! icon, 3
Waterfall project management,
WBS (work breakdown
about, 23, 315
approaches for, 129
as artifacts, 59
categorizing project work,
components of, 128
creating, 127–138
developing for large and small
projects, 121
displaying, 127–138
displaying in different formats,
finalizing, 304
hierarchy, 128
identifying project work with,
improving quality of, 136–137
labeling entries, 132–133
using, 122–123
using templates, 137–138
WBS dictionary, 140–141
web-based “freemium”
applications, 321
web-based subscriptionssupported applications, 321
Agile Manifesto, 395
Cheat Sheet, 4
LinkedIn, 408
online resources, 4
Yammer, 408
weighted labor rates, 218
wikis, 409
word processing software,
321, 399
work breakdown structure
about, 23, 315
approaches for, 129
as artifacts, 59
categorizing project work,
components of, 128
creating, 127–138
developing for large and small
projects, 121
displaying, 127–138
displaying in different formats,
finalizing, 304
hierarchy, 128
identifying project work with,
improving quality of, 136–137
labeling entries, 132–133
using, 122–123
using templates, 137–138
work detail, as WBS
components, 140
work effort
about, 190
defined, 147
estimating required, 192–193
monitoring, 322–326
work order, 87
work packages, 116, 121, 208
work-effort estimates,
accounting for efficiency in
personal, 196–197
written approvals, 78
written project progress reports,
preparing, 345–346,
Yammer, 408–409

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