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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب The Theory of Machines Through Solved Problems الجمعة 03 نوفمبر 2023, 11:24 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب The Theory of Machines Through Solved Problems J.S. RAO Professor of Mechanical Engineering BHEL Chair Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi 110016
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Aeolipile (Steam Reaction Turbine) 1 1.2 Apparatus Described by Hero of Alexandria / 1.3 Savery's Pumping Engine 1 1.4 Papin's Modification 2 1.5 Newcomen's "Atmospheric" Engine 2 1.6 James Watt and His Steam Engine 3 Chapter 2 Planar Mechanisms 2.1 Basic Kinematic Concepts 4 2.2 Elementary Mechanisms 6 2.3 Gr U bier's Criterion for Planar Mechanisms 7 2.4 Four Link Chains 8 2.5 Kinematic Inversion 9 2.6 Computer Aided Learning and Analysis of Planar Linkages 12 2.7 Additional Problems 12 Chapter 3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms 15 3.1 Velocities by Centro Method 16 3.2 Relative Velocity Equation 18 3.3 Relative Acceleration Equation 23 3.4 Acceleration Analysis of Reciprocating Engine Mechanism 30 3.5 Analytical Determination of Velocity and Acceleration of the Piston 31 3.6 Solved Problems 32 3.7 Additional Problems 46 Chapter 4 Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms 50 4.1 Graphical Methods of Synthesis 50 4.2 Analytical Methods of Synthesis 53 4.3 Solved Problems 57 4.4 Additional Problems 60viii Contents Chapter 5 Simple Mechanisms and Coupler Curves 61 5.1 Condition for Exact Straight Line Motion 61 5.2 Exact Straight Line Motion Mechanisms 61 5.3 Approximate Straight Line Motion Mechanisms 62 5.4 Steering Gear Mechanism 64 5.5 Davis Steering Gear Mechanism 65 5.6 Ackermann Steering Gear Mechanism 65 5.7 Hooke's (Cardan, Universal) Joint [Universal Coupling] 65 5.8 Four-Bar Mechanism Coupler Curve Equation 67 5.9 Geometrical Properties of Coupler Curves 68 5.10 Robert's Law 69 5.11 Solved Problems 70 5.12 Additional Problems 76 Chapter 6 Cams 78 6.1 Types of Cams and Followers 78 6.2 Displacement Diagrams 79 6.3 Disk Cain With Knife-edge Follower 85 6.4 Translating Roller Follower 88 6.5 Translating Flat Follower 92 6.6 Oscillating Flat Follower 94 6.7 Cams of Specified Contour 94 6.8 Solved Problems 98 6.9 Computer Program "Camsoft" 112 6.10 Additional Problems 112 Chapter 7 Spur Gears 114 7.1 Classification of Gears 114 7.2 Types of Motion 115 7.3 Nomenclature 116 7.4 Law of Gear Tooth Action 118 7.5 Involute as a Gear Tooth Profile 118 7.6 Layout of an Involute Gear Set 119 7.7 Producing Gear Teeth 121 7.8 Interference of Involute Gears 122 7.9 Minimum Number of Teeth to Avoid Interference 123 7.10 Contact Ratio 124 7.11 Cycloidal tooth Profiles 125 7.12 Cycloidal and Involute Tooth Forms 127 7.13 Solved Problems 127 7.14 Additional Problems 132 Chapter 8 Helical, Spiral, orm and Bevel Gears 133 8.1 Involute Hek.coid 133 8.2 Helical Gear Tooth Relations 133Contents ix 8.3 Contact of Helical Gear Teeth 134 8.4 Helical Gear Calculations 135 8.5 Spiral [Crossed Helical] Gears 135 8.6 Worm Gearing 135 8.7 Bevel Gears 136 8.8 Formation of Bevel Gears 137 8.9 Solved Problems 138 8.10 Additional Problems 140 Chapter 9 Gear Trains 141 9.1 Classification of Gear Trains 141 9.2 Simple Gear Trains 141 9.3 Compound Gear Trains 141 9.4 Synthesis of Gear Trains 142 9.5 Gear Train Applications to Machine Tools 142 9.6 Epicyclic Trains 144 9.7 Inversions of Epicyclic Trains 145 9.8 Differential Trains 147 9.9 Torque Distribution in Epicyclic Trains 147 9.10 Example of an Epicyclic Train 147 9.11 Coupled Epicyclic Trains 148 9.12 Wilson Four Speed Automobile Gear Box 149 9.13 Solved Problems 149 9.14 Additional Problems 156 Chapter 10 Hydrodynamic Lubrication 157 10.1 Types of Lubrication 157 10.2 Viscosity 157 10.3 Lightly Loaded Journal Bearings [Petroff Equation] 158 10.4 Pressure Development in the Oil Film 159 10.5 Two Dimensional Reynolds' Equation 160 10.6 Idealized Plane Slider Bearing [Fixed Shoe] 162 10.7 Plane Slider Bearing [Pivoted Shoe] 165 10.8 Formation of Continuous Film in a Journal Bearing 167 10.9 Pressure Distribution in Idealized Journal Bearing 167 10.10 Characteristics of Journal Bearing 171 10.11 Solved Problems 172 10.12 Additional Problems 180 Chapter 11 Static Force Analysis 181 11.1 Reciprocating Engine Mechanism 182 11.2 Quick Return Mechanism 183 11.3 Four Link Mechanism 184 11.4 Six Link Mechanism Analysis 186 11.5 Effect of Sliding Friction 187x Contents .1•••••=1, 11.6 Reciprocating Engine Mechanism With Sliding Friction 188 11.7 Friction in Turning Pairs 190 11.8 Reciprocating Engine Mechanism With Friction 190 11.9 Solved Problems 192 11.10 Additional Problems 200 Chapter 12 Inertia Force Analysis 201 12.1 Rectilinear Translation of a Rigid Body 201 12.2 Rotation of a Rigid Body About Fixed Axis 201 12.3 Plane Motion of a Rigid Body 203 12.4 Inertia Forces of a Reciprocating Engine Mechanism 204 12.5 Four Link Mechanism 204 12.6 Quick Return Mechanism 205 12.7 More Details of Reciprocating Engine Mechanism 206 12.8 Solved Problems 208 Chapter 13 Combined Static and Inertia Force Analysis 220 13.1 Twin Cylinder Engine Example 220 13.2 Dynamics of Reciprocating Engine Mechanism 224 13.3 Correction Torque 226 13.4 Bearing Loads of a Reciprocating Engine Example 226 13.5 Solved Problems 230 13.6 Additional Problems 239 Chapter 14 Turning Moment Diagram and Flywheel 241 14.1 Turning Moment Diagram and Fluctuation of the Crankshaft Speed 241 14.2 Flywheel 242 14.3 Flywheel of an Internal Combustion Engine 242 14.4 Flywheel of a Punch Press 242 14.5 Analytical Expressions for the Turning Moment 244 14.6 Flywheel for Reciprocating Machinery 244 14.7 Solved Problems 245 14.8 Additional Problems 247 Chapter 15 Balancing of Rotating Components 249 15.1 Unbalance in One Plane 249 15.2 Unbalance in Several Planes 249 15.3 Balancing Machines 253 15.4 Solved Problems 255 15.5 Additional Problems 260 Chapter 16 Balancing of Linkages 261 16.1 Inertia Force of a Reciprocating Mass 261 16.2 Balancing of Multicylinder In-Line Engine 263 16.3 Firing Order 264Contents 16.4 Balancing of Radial Engines 266 16.5 Balancing of V-type Engine 269 16.6 Balancing of Four-Bar Linkages [Shaking Forces] 270 16.7 Balancing of Four-Bar Linkages [Shaking Moments] 272 16.8 Complete Balancing of Four-Bar Linkages 273 16.9 Solved Problems 276 16.10 Additional Problems 282 16.11 Dyermi - Computer Program 283 Chapter 17 Gear and Cam Forces 17.1 Spur Gears 284 17.2 Helical Gears 285 17.3 Worm Gears 287 17.4 Bevel Gears 288 17.5 Cam Forces 289 17.6 Solved Problems 290 Chapter 18 Mechanisms for Control : Governors and Gyroscopes 2 18.1 Illustration of Mechanisms in Control 297 18:2 Governors 297 18.3 -Watt Governor 298 18.4 Porter Governor 299 18.5 Proell Governor 301 18.6 Performance Parameters 304 18.7 Spring Controlled Flyball Marinelli Governor 305 18.8 Spring Controlled Governor With Auxiliary Spring [Wilson-Hartnell Governor] 308 18.9 Spring Controlled Governor With Bell Crank Attached to the Sleeve 309 18.10 Hartung Governor 310 18.11 Pickering Governor 311 18.12 Governor Effort and Power 311 18.13 Controlling Force 314 18.14 Friction and Insensitiveness 317 18.15 Centrifugal Effect of the Revolving Arms 318 18.16 Gyroscopes 319 18.17 Gyroscopic Forces and Couple 320 18.21 Thin Rod Rotating About Its Centroidal Axis 321 18.18 Gyroscopic Stabilization 324 18.19 Stability of a Four Wheel Vehicle Moving on a Curved Path 325 18.20 Stability of a Two Wheel Vehicle 326 18.21 Solved Problems 327 18.22 Additional Problems 335 Chapter 19 Vibration Characteristics of Simple Systems 19.1 Natural Frequency 337 19.2 Equivalent Systems 339xii Contents 19.3 Energy Method 342 19.4 Response to Initial Disturbance 343 19.5 Damping 345 19.6 Single Degree of Freedom System With Viscous Damping 347 19.7 Logarithmic Decrement 349 19.8 Forced Vibrations 350 19.9 Support Motion — Absolute Response 354 19.10 Support Motion Relative Motion Response 356 19.11 Vibration Isolation 358 19.12 Solved Problems 358 19.13 Additional Problems 368 Chapter 20 Critical Speeds 20.1 Bending Critical Speeds of Simple Shafts 369 369 20.2 Bending Critical Speeds of Multimass Systems 370 20.3 Holzer Method for Torsional Systems 373 20.4 Solved Problems 375 20.5 Additional Problems 382 Index 385 Index Absolute acceleration 15 Absolute motion 15 Absolute velocity 15 Acceleration 15 Accelerometer 357 Ackerman steering gear 65 Active force 181 Addendum 1117 Addendum circle 117 Aeolipile 1 All geared headstock 143 Amplitude 337 Analytical design of cams 89 Analytical methods of synthesis 53 Angular acceleration 15 Angular displacement 15 Angular velocity ratio 116 Applied force 181 Approximate straight line motion mechanism 61 Arc of action 124 Arc of approach 124 Arc of recess 124 Asymptote (coupler curve) 67 Atmospheric engine 2 Automobile steering gear 64 Average energy principle 342 Axial force 181 Axial pitch 134 Backlash 118 Backward synchronous whirl 70 Balancing 249 dynamic 249 four bar linkages 270 shaking forces 270 shaking Moments 272 influence coefficient method 254 linkages 261 machines 253 multicylinder in-line engine 263 radial engines 266 reciprocating engine 262 reciprocating mass 261 by revolving mass 263 rotating parts 249 analytical method 251 graphical method 251 static 249 V engines 269 Bar 4 Barrel cam 78 Base circle 85 Basic ratio 144 Beam engine 64 Bearing force 181 Beat 337 Bending criticrd speed 269 Multimass systems 370 Bennet's cthistruction 31 Bevel gears 114, 136 force analysis 288 formation 137 Bonary link 7 Block's method 53 Body force 181 Bottom land 117 Boundary lubrication 157 Branching condition 9 CALOPL 12 Cam angle 80 Cam follower 79 Cam forces 289 Campbell diagram 373 Cams 78 analytical design 89, 92 circular arc 95 eccentric circle 94 equivalent mechanism 95 force analysis 289 tangent :97 triple curve 95386 Index with flat follower 92 knife-edge follower 85 oscillating follower 94 roller follower 88 specified contour 94 translating follower 88 Cardan joint 65 Center of percussion 203 Center of pressure 163 Centipoise 158 Centrifugal effect of revolving arms 318 Centrifugal force 201 Centrifugal governor 298 gravity controlled 298 spring controlled 298 Centripetal acceleration 15 Centro 16 Change gear trains 142 Change point condition 9 Chebyshev precision points 50 Circle of singular focii 68 Circular arc cam 95 flat follower 95 roller follower 96 Circular diametral pitch 134 Circular pitch 118 Circular pressure angle 134 Clearance 117 Closure 5 C motion 84 Coefficient of fluctuation of speed 241 Coefficient of friction 163, 172 Coefficient of insensitiveness 318 Cognate linkages 70 Combination motion 85 Combined rolling and sliding 115 Combined static and inertia force analysis 220 Common normal 117 Common tangent 117 Comparison of follower displacement curves 86 Complete balancing four bar linkage 273 Compound gear train 141 Compound pendulum 202 Compressive force 181 Concentrated force 181 Conservation energy principle 342 Concurrent force system 181 Conical gear 114 Conjugate profile 118 Connecting rod 9 analytical method 208 correction torque equivalent system 207 inertia force 208 analytical method 208 lumped mass model 208 translatory & rotatory motion 208 Connectivity 5 Constant acceleration motion 80 Constant velocity motion 80 Constraint 5 Contact ratio 124 helical gears 134 Continuous film formation 167 Continuous force 181 Control system 297 Controlling force 314 Converging oil film 160 Coplanar force system 181 Coriolis acceleration 15 component 28 force 201 Correction mass 249 Correction torque 226 Cosine acceleration 82 Couple 181 Coupled epicyclic gear train 141, 148 Coupler curve 61 asymptote 67 equation for four bar 67 geometrical properties 68 points at infinity 68 Coupler link 9 Cradle balancing machine 253 Crank 9 Crank arrangement 265 four stroke engines 265 two stroke engines 265 Crank-lever mechanism 9 Crank-rocker mechanism 9 Cranks 266 direct 266 primary 266 secondary 266 Critical damping 345, 348 Critical speed 350 bending 369 torsion 373 Crosby indicator 64 Crossed double chain 8 Crossed helical gears 135 Crosshead 9 Crown wheel 114 Cusp (cams) 93 Cusp points (coupler curve) 69 CV motion 80Index 387 Cycle 337 Cycloid (gears) 125 Cycloidal motion (cams) 83 Cycloidal and involute tooth profile comparison 127 Cycloidal tooth profile 125 Cylindrical cam 78 Cylindrical gear 114 Cylindrical pair 6 D'Alembert couple 201 D'Alembert force 201 D'Alembert principle 201 Damping 345 Damping coefficient 345 Damping ratio 345 Davis steering gear 65 Dedendum 117 Dedendum circle 117 Degrees of freedom 5 Diametral pitch 118, 134 Diesel locomotive torsional vibration 373 Differential gear train 141, 147 Direct crank 266 Disk cam 78 Displacement 15 Displacement diagram 79 Distributed force 181 Distributed mass of governor arms 318 Distributed unbalance 250 Dobbie-Mclnnes indicator 64 Double crank mechanism 9 Double helical gear 114 Double Hooke's joint 66 Double lever mechanism 9 Double points 68 Double rocker mechanism 9 Double slider chain 8 Drag link mechanism 9 Driven link 9 Driving link 9 Dunkerley's method 371 Dynamic balancing of a rotating body 249 Dynamic equilibrium 201 Dynamic magnifier 351 Dynamics 201 DYREMI 283 Dwell motion 80 Eccentric circle cam 94 flat follower 94 roller follower 94 Eight bar linkage 7 Eighth power polynomial 85 Elastic force 181 Element 4 Elementary mechanisms 6 Elliptical Trainmel 11 Energy method :342 Enveloping worm 114 Epicyclic gear train 141, 144 equivalent trains 149 inversions 145 torque distribution 147 Epicycloid 123 Equilibrium 182 primary-forces 264 secondary forces 264 Equilibrium speed 302 Equivalent system of connecting rod 207 Equivalent systems — vibrations 339 Equivalent viscous damping 345 Exact straight line motion 61 External bevel gear 114 External force 181 Face 117 Face cam 78 Face width 117 Fall motion 80 Firing order 264 two stroke engines 264 four stroke engines 264 Five bar linkage 8 Fixed shoe bearing 162 Flank 117 Flat follower 79 , Floating link 9 Fluctuation of energy 241 Fluctuation of speed 241 Fluid film lubrication 157 Fly press 7 Flywheel 241 internal combustion engine 242 punch press 242 reciprocating machinery 244 Force 181 Force analysis bevel gears 288 cams 289 combined static and inertia 220 helical gears 285 inertia 201 spur gears 284 static 181 worm gears 287 Force-closed pair 5 Forced vibration 350 Form-closed pair 5388 Index Forming process 121 Forward synchronous whirl 370 Four bar coupler curve 67 Four bar linkage 9 Four bar mechanism 9 acceleration analysis 25 balancing 270 shaking forces 270 shaking moments 272 complete balancing 273 inertia force analysis 204 static force analysis 184 velocity analysis 20 Fourier component 337 Four link chain Four wheel vehicle stability 325 Frame 7 Free body diagram 184 Free vibration 337 Frequency 337 Frequency response 351 Friction force 163, 171 Friction in governors 317 Friction in turning pairs 190 Freudenstein's method 54 Function generating mechanism 50 Fundamental frequency 337 Fundamental vibration 337 Hartung 310 hunting 305 isochronous 304 Pickering 311 Porter 299 Proell 301 Watt 298 Wilson-Hartnell 308 Graphical methods of synthesis 50 Grass- hopper mechanism 62 Gravity controlled governor 298 Porter 299 Proell 301 Watt 298 Grtibler's criterion 7 Guidance mechanism 50 Guide 9 Gyroscopes 319 electric locomotive motors 322 four wheeled vehicle 325 locomotive wheels 322 thin rod 321 three bladed airscrew 323 two bladed airscrew 322 two wheeled vehicle 326 Gyroscopic couple 319 Gyroscopic stabilization 324 ships 324 Gas forces 224 Geai• box 143 Geared torsional system 340 Gears 114 Gear sector 114 Gear segment 114 Gear trains 141 application to machine tools 142 kinematic layout 143 ray diagram 143 synthesis 142 Generating process 121 by pinion cutter 121 by rack cutter 122 GoN%ernor arms centrifugal effect 318 Governor controlling foce 314 Governor effort 311 Governor friction 317 Governor insensitiveness 318 Governor power 312 Governor stability 304, 315 Governors 297 Auxiliary spring 308 Bell Crank 309 Hartnell 305 Half cycloid 85 Half harmonic 85 Harmonic 337 Harmonic analysis of piston acceleration 32 Harmonic vibration 337 Hart mechanism 61 Hartnell governor 305 Hartung governor 310 Helical gear 114, 133 axial thrust 285 force analysis 285 Helical gear contact ratio 134 Helical pair 6 Helical rack 134 Helix angle 133 Herring-Bone gear 114 Hero's apparatus 1 Higher pair 6 Hinge 6 H motion 83 Hobbing process 121 Holzer's method 373 Hooke's joint 65 Hunting 305 Hunting tooth 142Index 389 Hydrodynamic lubrication 157 'rlypocycloid 125 Hypoid gear 115 Hysteresis loop 346 Idler 115 Idealized journal hearing 1 67 Idealized plane slider beating 162 Impending motion 188 Inclined spring 339 Inertia couple 201 Inertia force 201 pi-Unary 261 secondary 261 Inertia force analysis 201 four li ik mechanism 204 plane motion 203 quick return mechanism 205 reciprocating engine 204 reciprocating mass 261 rectilinear translation 201 rotation about fixed axis Input Ilnk 9 Insensitiveness 318 Instantaneous center 15 Interference 120. 122 Internal bevel gear 114 Internal force 181 Internal spur gear 114 MverNion 9 Inversion of epicyclic trains Involute 1 I b Involute gear H9 influence of center distance Involute heltcoid 133 Involute profile-internal gear Isochronous governor 304 Isolation of vibration 358 Jerk 82 Joint 5 Journal bearing 158, 167 pressure distribution 167 Kennedy's theorem 16 Kinematic chain 5 Kinematic concepts 4 Kinematic inversion 9 Kinematic pair 5 Kinetically equivalent system 206 Kinetic energy 342 Klein's construction 30 Knife edge follower 79 Mass moment of inertia 202 Maximum pressure angle 90 Mechanical energy 342 Mechanism 4 Mechanisms for control 297 Minimum number of teeth 123 Minimum radius of curvature 90 Minimum size of cam 85 Mitre gear 115 Mode of vibration 337. Modified circule arc motion 80 Module 118 Moment arm 181 Moment of a couple 182 Moment of a force about an axis 181 about a point 181 Motion 15 Multicylinder in-line engine balancing 263 Natural frequency 337 Negative pressure in oil film 170 Newcomen's engine 2 Newtonian fluid 157 Newton's low-viscous flow 157 Newton's second law 201 Normal acceleration 15 Node 337 Normal diametral pitch 134 Normal pitch 133 Normal reaction 181 121 201 145 120 Law of gear tooth action 118 Lead angle 133, 136 Lett handed gear 133 Lever 9 Lift 80 Lightly loaded journal bearing 158 Linear interpolaticn 375 Line of action of force 181 Line of centers method 18 Link •1 Linkage 5 Link to Link method 17 load 182 Load carrying capacity 163, 171 Logarithmic decrement 349 Longitudinal vibration. 337 Longitudinal force 181 Loss coefficient 347 Lower bound approximation. 371 Lower pair 6 Lumped mass inouel 208390 Index Oldham's coupling 11 Offset follower 79 Open pair 5 Oscillating cylinder engine 11 Oscillating flat follower 94 Oscillating follower 79 Oscillating roller follower 94 Oscillation 337 Output link 9 Overdamped system 347 Overlay method 53 Pantograph 63 Papin's engine 2 Parabolic motion 80 Parallel crank mechanism 9 Parallel force system 181 Parallel springs 340 Path generating mechanism 50 Path of approach 124 Path of contact 124 Path of recess 124 Paucellier mechanism 61 PB motion 82 Percussion center 203 Period 337 Petroff equation 158 Phase angle 351 Physical pendulum 274 Pickering governor 311 Pinion 114 Piston acceleration 31 harmonic analysis 32 Pitch 133 Pitch circle (cams) 88 Pitch circle (ears) 116 Pitch cones 1,36 Pitch curve 88 Pitch diameter 117 Pitch point (cams) 89 Pitch point (gears) 117 Pivoted shoe bearing 165 Planar contact 6 Planare mechanisms 4 Planar motion 15 Plane motion of a rigid body 203 Plane slider bearing 162 pivoted shoe 165 Planetary gear 115 Planet gear 115 P motion 85 Pointing 89 Poise 157 Polynomial motion 84 3-4-5 85 Porter governor 299 Potential energy 342 Precision points 50 Pressure angle (cams) 89 Pressure angle (gears) 118, 134 Pressure development in oil film 159 Pressure distribution journal bearing 167 slider beating 162 Pressure induced flow 159 Primary Centro 16 Prime circle 88 Primary crank 266 Principle of conservation of energy 342 Prismatic pair 6 Proell governor 302 Pure rolling 115 Pure sliding 115 Quadric cycle chain 8 Quality factor 350 Quick return mechanism 10 acceleration analysis 28 inertia force analysis 205 static force analysis 184 velocity analysis 22 Rack 114 Radial engine balancing 266 Radial roller follower 89 Radius of curvature (cam) 89 Radius of gyration 202 Rayleigh's maximum energy principle 342 Rayleigh's method 371 Reaction 181 Reciprocating engine 10 acceleration analysis 30 bearing loads 225 correction torque 226 dynamic analysis 224 effect of sliding friction 188 friction in turning pairs 190 gas forces 224 inertia force analysis 204 inertia forces 224 kinetically equivalent system 206 static force analysis 182 Rectilinear translation 15, 201 Relative acceleration 15 equation 23 two coincident points 27 Relative displacement 15Index 391 Relative motion 15 Relative velocity 15 equation 18 two coincident points 21 Resonance 350 Resonance frequency 350 Response to initial disturbance 343 Resultant force 181 Resliltant moment 182 Return motion 80 Reverse crank 266 Reverted gear train 141 Revolute pair 6 Reyn 158 Reynolds equation 160 Richards indicator 64 Right handed gear 133 Rise motion 80 Ritterhaus construction 31 Robert's law 69 Robert's linkage 69 Robert's mechanism 63 Rocker 9 Roller follower 79 Root circle 117 Rotary engine 10 Rotation 15 Rotation about fixed axis 18, 23, 201 Sandwich pair 6 Savery's pumping engine 1 Scale factor 51 Scotch Yoke Mechanism 11 Scott-Russel mechanism 62 modified 62 Screw pair 6 Secondary Centro 16 Secondary crank 266 Seismometer 356 Self-closed pair 5 Series springs 340 Seven bar linkage 7 Shaking force 262 Shaking moment 263 Shaping machine 4 Shear force 181 Ship motions 324 Ship stabilization 324 Simple gear train 141 Simple harmonic motion 82 Simple harrumic quantity 337 Sine acceleration motion 83 modified 84 Single degree of freedom system 338 Single slider chain 8 Singular focii 68 Sinusoidal vibration 337 Six bar linkage 7 velocity analysis 20 acceleration analysis 26 static force analysis 186 Slider 9 Sliding Klock 9 Sliding pair 6 Sommerfeld number 171 Spatial force system 181 Specific damping coefficient 347 Spectrum 337 Spherical cam 78 Spherical faced follower 79 Spherical pair 6 Spiral bevel gear 115 Spiral gears 114, 135 Spiral rack 114 Spring controlled governor 298 Auxiliary spring 308 Bell crank 309 Hartnell 305 Hartung 310 Pickering 311 Wilson-Hartnell 305 Spur gear 114 force analysis 284 Spur rack 114 Stability of a four wheel vehicle 325 Stability of a governor 304, 315 Stability of a two wheel vehicle 326 Static balancing of a rotating body 249 Static force 181 Static force analysis effect of sliding friction 187 four bar mechanism 184 friction in turning pairs 190 quick return mechanism 183 reciprocating engine 182 six link mechanism 186 Statics 181 Steady state vibration 337 Steering gear mechanism 64 Straight bevel gear 115 Straight line motion 61 Strain energy 342 Structural error 50 Structure 6 Support motion 354 absolute response 354 relative motion 356 Surface force 181392 Index Synthesis 50 analytical methods 53 graphical methods 50 Synthesis of gear trains 142 Tangent cam 97 Tangential acceleration 15 Tangential reaction 181 Tchebicheff mechanism 63 Tensile force 181 Ternary link 7 Three position synthesis 52 Thrust bearing 166 Tooth space 118 Tooth thickness 117 Top land 117 Torsional critical speeds 373 Torsional moment 182 Torsional vibration 337 Torque 182 TP motion 82 Trace point 88 Traction force 181 Transient vibration 337 Translation 15 Translation cam 78 Translating flat follower 92 analytical design 92 graphical layout 92 Translating roller follower 88 analytical design 89 graphical layout 88 Translatory and Rotatory motion 208 Translatory follower 79 Transportation force 201 Transverse circular pitch 133 Transverse diametral pitch 134 Transverse force 181 Transverse pitch 133 Transverse pressure angle 134 Transverse vibration 337 Trapezoidal acceleration 82 modified 82 Triple curve cam 95 flat follower 95 roller follower 96 Turning moment 242 analytical expressions 244 Turning pair 6 Twin cylinder engine analysis 220 Twisting moment 182 Two plane balancing 254 Two position synthesis 51 Two wheel vehicle stability 326 Unbalance 249 distributed 250 in one plane 249 in several planes 249 Undercutting (cams) 89 Undercutting (gears) 121 Underdamped system 348 Uniform motion 80 modified 80 Universal coupling 65 Universal joint 65 Upper bound approximation 371 Varnum's nomogram 91 Velocity 15 Velocity induced flow 159 V engine balancing 269 Vibration 337 Vibration isolation 358 Viscosity 157 Visco. damper 345 Viscous damping 345 Watt governor 298 Watt's engine 3 Watt mechanism 62 Wedge flow 159 Whitworth mechanism 1.1 Wilson gear box 149 Wilson-Hartnell governor 308 Worm and wheel right angled 136 Worm gear 115.135 force analysis 287 Worm wheel 115 Yoke cam 79
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