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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Design and Manufacture of Plastic Components for Multifunctionality السبت 28 أكتوبر 2023, 11:31 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Design and Manufacture of Plastic Components for Multifunctionality Structural Composites, Injection Molding, and 3D Printing Vannessa Goodship, Bethany Middleton, Ruth Cherrington
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents Dedication List of Contributors Preface Acknowledgments 1: Introduction to Multifunctionality and Manufacture Abstract 1.1. Introduction to Multifunctionality and Manufacture 1.2. Plastic Processing Routes 1.3. Limitations 1.4. Example Application 1.5. Conclusions 2: Materials and Deposition Processes for Multifunctionality Abstract 2.1. Materials 2.2. Film-Forming Processes 2.3. Sensors 2.4. Conclusions 3: Composites: Manufacture and Application Abstract 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Materials 3.3. Processing 3.4. Composite Properties and Markets 3.5. Research Trends in PMCs 3.6. Barriers to Multifunctionality 3.7. Conclusions: Advantages and Disadvantages Abbreviations 4: Injection Molding of Thermoplastics Abstract 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Polymer Materials 4.3. Injection Molding Machine and Process 4.4. Toward Multifunctionality – in Mold Techniques and Multishot Techniques 4.5. Application Considerations 4.6. Impacts 4.7. Barriers to Multifunctionality 4.8. In Conclusion 5: Multifunctionality in Additive Manufacturing Abstract List of Acronyms 5.1. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing 5.2. Background and Terminology 5.3. Additive Manufacturing Processes and Materials 5.4. Applications 5.5. Multifunctionality in Additive Manufacturing 5.6. Impact of Multifunctionality in Additive Manufacturing 5.7. Barriers to Multifunctional Additive Manufacturing 5.8. Conclusions 6: Future Outlook Abstract 6.1. The Future of Manufacturing Multifunctional Systems Index 209 Index A Abrasion, 54 Acetic acid, 21 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 123, 176 carbon fiber-filled, 187 drying guide for, 119 in FDM/FFF filaments, 177 mold temperature settings, 135 Additive manufacturing (AM) process, 171 applications, 185 direct manufacturing, 186 medical parts, 188 prototypes, 185 rapid tooling, 188 background/terminology, 172 flow diagram, 173, 174 intellectual property, 175 magic bullet, 173 manufacturing and engineering, 171 and materials, 175 extrusion processes (FDM/FFF), 176 improving surface finish, 177 laminated object manufacturing (LOM), 184–185 material jetting, 183–184 photocuring (SLA), 181–182 powder bed fusion, 179 explosive/flammable, 181 postprocessing, 180 powder binding (3D printing), 178 postprocessing, 179 support removal, 176 multifunctionality, 191 barriers, 198 economic opportunity, 196 electrical conductivity, 193 electrostatic charge, 195 environmental impact, 197 environmental issues, 198 impact of, 196 intellectual property, 199 logistics and supply chain, 196 market-ready, 192 material supply and compatibility, 199 self-assembly, 194 society, 197 software and file formats, 200 stiffness/flexibility, 192 thermochromic effects, 194 time to market, 197 Additives, 118 manufacturing process flow, 174 plastic additives and usages, 120 within polymer alter injection molding, 120 Adhesion, 10, 14, 43, 58, 93, 121, 123, 164, 176 Aerospace with carbon fiber systems, 62 polymer matrix composites applications, 83 and wind energy sectors, 81 Agglomerates, 2 Agglomeration, of nanoparticles, 32 Aluminum, 20, 30 Aluminum matrix (AlSiC), 30 Aluminum nitride, 31 Amorphous/crystalline structures, 113210 Index Amorphous materials, 113 AM technology. See Additive manufacturing (AM) process Ancillary equipment, 135 dryers, 135 robot, 136 Aniline black, 21 Anisotropic fillers, 24 Antimicrobial effect, of silver, 31 materials, 31 nanoparticles, in packaging applications, 31 properties, 2 Aramid fibers, 59 Assembly, 3, 15, 90, 106, 183 environmental impact, 198 self, 194 time, 187 Autoclaving, 73–74 Automated cutter, 73 Automation, 3, 88, 157 initiatives as Factory 4.0, 169 and internet of things, 157 B Bactericidal effect, 31 Barium ferrite, 35 Basalt fibers, 59 Beryllium oxide/beryllium matrix, 31 Big area additive manufacturing (BAAM) process, 187–188 Bio-based polymers, 107 Biodegradation, 107 Biomaterials, 1 Bioresins, 90 Blow molding, 8, 9 coextrusion, 9 extrusion, 5, 9 injection, 5, 11 stretch, 12 Boron fibers, 59 Boron nitride, 31 Bulk molding compound (BMC), 61, 80 C Carbon-based fillers, 25–29 Carbon-based materials, 25 Carbon emissions, 15 Carbon fibers, 58–59, 123 Carbon nanostructures, 40 Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 2, 25 as a functional filler, 28 incorporated into products, 2 potential, 28 structures, 7 types of, 28 Cast extrusion, 8 Caustic baths, 176 Cellular ceramics, 37 Ceramic additives, 31 Ceramic-based superconducting magnets, 38 Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), 38 Ceramics, 19 advanced, 37 smart, 38 technology, 37 tiles, 37 C-glass (chemical or corrosion) fibers, 58 Chopped strand mat (CSM), 61 Chromium iron, 35 CIJ systems, 43 CNTs. See Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) Cobalt, 35 Cobalt iron, 35 G-Code, 176 Coextrusion blow molding, 9 Coextrusion material structure, 11 Coinjection technologies, 12 Commercially available magnets, 35 Commutation temperature, 24 Composite laminate, 56 Composite market, 60, 80 applications, 82–87 aerospace, 83 automotive, 84–85Index 211 construction and infrastructure, 85 defence, 86–87 energy generation, 85 marine, 83 sport and leisure, 86 global and European, 80–81 UK, 81–82 Composite properties, 77 bulk properties, 77–79 off-axis crimp in woven fabrics, 79 Compostability, 107 Compression molding, 5, 71–72 Computer aided design (CAD) software, 173, 189 design mobile apps, 197 packages, 200 Conductive polymers, 3, 20, 21, 40 composites, 23, 24 Constituent materials, 60 Continuous fiber composites, 56, 61 Cooling channels, 134 Cooling time, 134 Copper, 20, 30 Crystalline structures, 113 Crystallization, 120 D Data capture device, 3 Degree of conductivity, 20 Deposition techniques, 39 Diamond/copper–silver alloy, 30 Digital design software, 175 Direct digital manufacturing (DDM), 185 Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), 179 Disruptive manufacturing routes, 207 Doctor blading, 40 Dopants, 20, 21 Drop-on-demand technology, 44 Dry fabrics, 64 Drying guide, for indicative materials, 119 Dual-shape materials, 35 E Electronic products, 3 E-glass (electrical) fibers, 58 Elastomer, 107–109 commercial, 109 Elastomeric silicones, 23 Electrical conductivity, 19, 20 of polymers, 28 Electrical damage, 20 Electrical discharge machining (EDM), 180 Electrical material system, 23 Electrical properties, of PP-CNT, 29 Electrical resistance, 28, 135 Electroless plating, 30 Electromagnetic interference shielding, 3 Electromagnetic shielding, 20 Electron beam melting (EBM), 179 Electronic industry, 159 conductive polymers, 159 search for alternative materials, 159 WEEE directive, 159 Electrons transfer, 25 Electro-spinning process, 38, 39 Electrostatic charges, 20 Electrostatic discharge, 20 Energy efficiency, 127, 158, 160, 163, 164 Energy harvesting, 3, 94 Energy storage, 3 Engine valves, for motorsport, 180 Extrinsically conductive polymers, 22–23 Extrusion, 7, 76 -based processes, 5 blow molding, 9, 10 single screw, 5 twin screw, 5 F FDM printers, 192 Ferrimagnetic, 35212 Index Ferrite, 35 Fiber architecture, 56, 57 Fiber composites, 19 Fiber–matrix interface, 78 Fiber orientation, 78 Fiber reinforced polymers or plastics (FRPs), 55 Fiber reinforced thermoplastics (FRTPs), 55 Fiber:resin ratios, 64 Filament winding, 77 Filler material, 25 Film blowing, 7, 8 Film-forming processes, 38 Finishing, 3 Flexural modulus, 23 Foams, 19 Formic acid, 21 Fountain flow, 117–118 produce stratified temperature flow channel, 117 Free electrons, 20 Fused deposition modeling (FDM), 171 low-cost FDM machines, 197 TPE filaments, 192 Fused-filament fabrication (FFF), 171 G GFR epoxy composites, 93 Glass fibers, 22, 58, 61 fabrics, 61 Glass mat reinforced thermoplastic (GMT), 61 Glass transition temperature, 114 Graft copolymerization, of pyrrole, 21 Graphite fibers, 31 H Hand lay-up, 66–67 Hard ferrites, 35 Heat transfer, 120 High-conductivity materials, 20 High density polyethylene (HDPE), 23, 25, 103, 111 applications, 111 High elongation (HE) fibers, 88 Hybrid fabrics, 62 Hybrid process routes, 3 Hydraulic injection molding machine, 124 control unit, 124 machine base, 124 Hygroscopic materials, 135 I IMD. See In-mold decoration (IMD) IML. See In-mold labeling (IML) Indium tin oxide (ITO), 21 Industry 4.0 strategy, 157 Inflation station, 11 Infrared radiation, 135 Injection blow molding, 11, 13 Injection molding, 3, 5, 12, 23, 75 terminology, 124–126 tool, 11, 191 Injection molding industry, 160 barriers to multifunctionality, 164–168 heat transfer and cooling complexity, 165 machine design (screw processing), 164 materials, 164 tooling costs, 165 comparing injection molding against competing multifunctional processing techniques, 165–168 cost/finance, 160 environmental impacts, 160–161 life cycle analysis, 162 recycling, 161 legislation factors, 160 society competing factors in multifunction, 163Index 213 energy efficiency, 162 lack of adequate information, 163–164 Injection molding machine, 104, 123 clamping unit, 127 injection unit, 126 purpose of, 123 Inkjet technologies, 43 continuous (CIJ), 43 drop-on-demand, 44 In-mold decoration (IMD), 144, 145 In-mold labeling (IML), 9, 144, 145 creating touch screen displays, 15 Insulating materials, 20, 117 Insulator, 25 Integrated metal/plastic injection molding (IMKS), 29 Osram LED manufactured by, 30 Intellectual property (IP) protection, 199 Internet of things, 3 Intrinsically conductive polymers, 21 Intrinsically self-healing polymer (ISHP) matrices, 93 Intrinsic material properties, 120 Iron, 20, 33, 34 oxides, 35 Isopropyl alcohol (IPA), 182 K Kinect motion tracking camera system, 200 L Laminated object manufacturing (LOM), 184 disadvantages of, 185 postprocessing, 185 Laminates, 19 composite, limitation of, 57 diagram, 57 material, 56 structures, 56 micrograph, 62 Lamination, 5, 12, 14 Lasers, 30 Legislative drivers, in the European Union, 96 Light-emitting devices (LEDs), 30 Liquid silicone rubber (LSR), 110 Long fibers, 56, 60 processed using injection molding, 61 Low density polyethylene (LDPE), 103 Low elongation (LE) fibers, 88 Low volume composites, 5 manufacture, 14 M Magnetic materials, 19, 32–34 Magnetism, 135 Manufacturing multifunctional systems future perspective, 205–207 Material appearance, 113 Material jetting, 183 postprocessing, 184 Melt flow index (MFI), 114 Melting points, indication of, 114 Melt mixing techniques, 23 Metal fibers, 23 Metallic colloids, 40 Metallic filled polymer composite, 25 Metallic fillers, 23, 24 Metal matrix composites (MMC), 94 Metal–polymer composite conductivity of, 24 Methane sulfonic acid, 21 Microchips, 30 MIT logo, 194 Mobile phone, 15, 197 protective case, 193 RFI shielding in, 31 Mold cooling, 131 cooling system for injection molding tool, 133 quadruple effect, 133214 Index Molding process, 54. See also Thermoplastic injection molding advantages of incorporating multifunctionality, 162 capital investment, 75 chemical reaction occurred during, 55 LSR vulcanized in, 110 multicomponent injection, 3 technical design and simulation, 128 Mold temperature settings, 135 Multiaxial fabrics, 62, 65 Multifunctional design, options, 206 Multifunctional materials, 1, 19 Multifunctional plastic design, 207 Multifunctional structures (MFS), 205 Multi jet fusion technology, 200 Multijet modeling (MJM), 183 Multimaterial moldings, 3 MWNT/PP composite materials, 29 N Nanoclays platelets, 2 Nanomaterials, 1 incorporated into products, 2 Nanotubes, 28 Natural fibers, 57, 59 hybrids, 89 Neodymium (NdFeB) magnets, 35 Nickel, 35 Ninjaflex TPE filament, 193 Noncrimp fabrics, 62 Nonextrusion-based processes, 12 Nonlinear positive temperature coefficient (PTC) effect, 24 Nonpolymeric composite materials, 30 Nonwoven matrix material, 66 Nylon 6/6, 23 Nylon layer, 10 O Objet Connex MJM machine, 191 Open Customer Engagement Program, 200 Out of autoclave (OoA) process, 74 Overmolding, 104–105 P Packaging, 158–159 Packing-factor (F), 24 value, 24, 25 Painting, 3 Partially polymerized material, 54 Particle material, 23 Particle size, 28 Passenger aircraft, complex air ducts, 186 Percolation theory, 23 Percolation threshold, 28 Phosphorous iron, 35 Photocopier, 172 3D Photocopying, 195 Photocuring (SLA), 181–182 postprocessing, 182 Photogenerated catalysis, 32 Piezoelectric crystal, 44 Piezoelectric printers, 44 Piezo-resistive exPAN carbon filament, 92 Plastic extrusion processes, 2 Plastic processing processes, 5 Plastic processing routes, 4 PMCs. See Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) Polyacetylene, 21 Polyamides (PA), 29, 54 Polyaniline, 21 Polybutylene (PBT), 25 dispersion of multiwalled CNTs in, 28 Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), 23 Polycarbonates, 23 Polyetherimide (PEI), 176 Poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), 21 Poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate, 20 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 11, 29, 111Index 215 Polylactic acid (PLA), 176 Polymer-based structural composite materials, 3 Polymer chains, at rest and in shear, 116 Polymer composite, 25 Polymeric-based application solutions, 20 Polymerization, 54 Polymer materials, 31 classification, 106 commercial elastomer designations, 109 defined, 54 elastomers, 108 functional classes, 31 materials and applications, 108 silicone-based elastomers, 110 as substrates, 121 adhesion- or not adhesion, 121 thermosets, 108 Polymer matrix composites (PMCs), 24, 53, 54 classification, 63 continuous (primary) phase, 53 dispersed (secondary) phase, 53 mechanical properties of typical fibers used in, 60 multifunctionality advantages, 97 barriers to, 95 environmental impacts, 96–97 financial impact, 95 political impact, 95 social impacts, 97 defined, 1 disadvantages, 98 processing methods. See Processing methods, for PMCs research trends in, 87, 91–92 “bucky syntactic foam,” 94 EMI-shielding, 95 encapsulated resin/accelerator, 93–94 green and biocomposites, 89–90 hybrid composites, 88–89 joining, 90 piezoelectric/electroactive systems, 94 raw material and processing, 87–88 recycling, 91 sensing, 92 Polymer types, relative to injection molding, 111 additives and their effects, 118 amorphous and semicrystalline structures, 112 amorphous materials, 113 characteristics, 111–112 common plastic additives, 120 comparator thermal conductivity values, 117 drying guide for some indicative materials, 119 fountain flow, 117 generic processing window, 113 indication of melting points and glass transitions, 114 influence of branching on polyethylene properties, 115 material appearance, 113 polymer chains, at rest and in shear, 116 thermal and thermal stability, 114 water absorbing (hygroscopic materials), 118 Poly(m-xylene adipamide) (MXD6), 23, 25 Polyphenylene oxides, 23 Polyphenylene sulphides, 23 Polyphenylsulfone (PPSF), 176 Polypropylene (PP), 54, 60, 103, 111 influence of branching properties, 115 Polypyrrole, 21 -coated fabrics, 21 -paint injection molded composites, 21 soluble, 21216 Index Polypyrrole–polyvinylchloride injection molded composites, 21 Polystyrene (PS), 111 Poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS), 21 Polyurethane sheet, 36 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), 107 Porous structures, 19 Powder bed fusion, 179 explosive/flammable, 181 postprocessing, 180 Powder binding (3D printing), 178 postprocessing, 179 Powder binding systems, 182 Pre-impregnated fabric, 62 Prepreg fabric, 65 3D Printing, 4, 5, 178 4D Printing, 191, 194, 198 Processing methods, for PMCs, 66 autoclaving, 73–74 automated cutting and AFP, 73 compression molding, 71–72 extrusion, 76 filament winding, 77 hand lay-up, 66–67 injection molding, 75 out of autoclave (OoA), 74 pultrusion, 76–77 resin infusion, 69–70 resin transfer molding (RTM), 70–71 spray lay-up, 67–68 stamp forming, 72 vacuum bagging, 68–69 Process variations assisted molding, 141 coinjection molding, 142 foam molding, 141 microinjection molding, 140 PTC effect, 25 Pultrusion, 76–77 Pyrrole black, 21 Q Quartz glass fiber, 58 R Random fiber orientation, 61 Rapid prototyping (RP), 172 to just-in-time, 185 Rapid tooling, 188 Reactive processes, 66 Recycling systems, 206 Reinforced reactive injection molding (RRIM), 75 Reinforcement phase, 55 RepRap, 171 Resin infusion, 69–70 Resin injection molding (RIM), 66, 75 Resin transfer molding (RTM), 66, 70–71 Resistive heating, 135 RFID tags, 196 RFI shielding, 31 R-glass fibers, 58 RIM. See Resin injection molding (RIM) Robots, in injection molding industry, 136 Roll-to-roll (RTR) processing, 39 Roto-molding, 5, 13 RTM. See Resin transfer molding (RTM) S Screen printing, 40, 41 Selective laser melting (SLM), 179 Selective laser sintering (SLS), 171, 178, 179 Self-reinforced polymers/plastics (SRPs), 60 Self-reinforcing fibers, 57 Semiconductors, 20, 21 Sensing polymers, 45 Sensors, 3, 45 S-glass fibers, 58 Shape memory, 19 effect, 35Index 217 Shape memory polymers (SMP), 35 application of, 37 polyurethane, 36 to produce wings that reconfigure or “morph,” 36 thermomechanical, 36 behavior for, 36 Shape memory polyurethanes (SMPUs), 36 Shear forces, 116 Sheet and film extrusion, 6 and film production, 5 molding compound, 61 Silicon, 20 Silicon carbide, 30 Silicone-based elastomers, 110 Silicone moldings, 110 Silicon iron, 35 Silicon semiconductors, 31 Silver, 20, 31 as antimicrobial materials, 31 fillers, 25 nanoparticles, 2, 25, 31 remote control with, 32 powder, 23 Single and twin screw extrusion, 5–6 Sintered aluminum, 35 SLA. See Stereolithography (SLA) SLM. See Selective laser melting (SLM) SLS. See Selective laser sintering (SLS) Smart materials, 1 SMP. See Shape memory polymers (SMP) SMPUs. See Shape memory polyurethanes (SMPUs) Sodium hydroxide, 176 Soft ferrites, 35 Solubility, 21 Solvents, 21, 64, 177 barrier, 10 Spin-coating process, 38 for largescale, high-volume manufacture, reasons for, 38–39 principle of, 39 Spray lay-up, 67–68 Stamp forming, 72 Static charge, 20 Static energy, 21 Static-free environment, 20 Stereolithography (SLA), 171, 173, 178, 181 Stiffness, 23 Stitched fabrics, 62 Strati AM car, 187 Stretch blow molding, 12 Structural reactive injection molding (SRIM), 75 Sulfuric acid, 21 Surface-to-volume ratio, 31 T Tensile modulus, 29 Tensile properties, 23 Thermal conductivity, 19 values, 117 Thermal diffusivity, 133 Thermal expansion, 24, 25 coefficients, 31 Thermal inkjet printers, 44 Thermally conductive materials, 30 Thermoforming, 5, 12 Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), 109 filament, 193 -like materials, 183 Thermoplastic injection molding cyclic process, 137 mold techniques, and multishot techniques, 142 combine more than one material, 143 biinjection methods, 150–153 decoration, 144–145 FreeFormer machine, 154–156 hybrid processing systems, 154 in-mold electronics (IME), 148–150218 Index in-mold labeling (IML), 145–147 in-mold paint films, 147 in-mold textiles (IMT), 148 in-mold veneers, 148 multishot options, 153–154 robotic direct repositioning in mold, 154 through a nozzle process/separate injection points into tool, 143 process variations assisted molding, 141 coinjection molding, 142 foam molding, 141 microinjection molding, 140 variable parameters, 138 machine base control, 139 product design, 140 wall thickness/projected area, 138 Thermoplastic matrix, 61 Thermoplastic polymer materials, 30, 54, 107 applications, 111 degradation, 116 molecular chains in, 54 properties, 54 semicrystalline, 54 Thermoplastic pre-pregs, 63 Thermoplastic resins, 23 Thermoplastics. See Thermoplastic polymer materials Thermoplastic UD tapes, 63 Thermosets, 55, 107, 108 materials and applications, 108 molding temperature profile, 122 polymer, 54 use in conjunction with thermoplastics, 122 Three-dimensional (3D) fiber reinforcements, for composite, 57 Tie layers, 8, 10 Titanium dioxide (TiO2), 32 photocatalytic activity, 32 as transparent, self-cleaning coating on glass, 32 Tooling process, 128 overview of, 132 slide mold, 130 stripper mold, 129 three-plate mold, 130 two-plate mold, 128 Touch-screen displays, 15, 16 TPE. See Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) Transmission devices, 3 Transparent silica (glass) fibers, 37 Twin-screw extrusion, 23 U UK Landfill Tax, 96 Unidirectional (UD) fabrics, 56, 61, 79, 82 UV curable polymers, 183 UV emitting LEDs, 182 UV laser, 182 UV light, 183 UV tool sterilizer, 182 V VAC bag, 69 Vacuum-assisted transfer molding (VARTM), 70, 93 Vacuum bagging, 68–69 Vacuum bag only (VBO), 74 Vacuum deposition, 40 Vacuum dryers, 136 Viscosities, 41, 114, 115 W Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) directive states, 96 Water absorbing (hygroscopic materials), 118 Water-soluble polyelectrolyte, 21 Wet polymers, 118 X Xbox 360 console, in camera system
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Design and Manufacture of Plastic Components for Multifunctionality رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Design and Manufacture of Plastic Components for Multifunctionality