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عدد المساهمات : 18959 التقييم : 35383 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Make - The Maker’s Manual - A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution الخميس 12 أكتوبر 2023, 3:03 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make - The Maker’s Manual - A Practical Guide to the New Industrial Revolution Andrea Maietta and Paolo Aliverti
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents Preface ix PART I. The World of the Maker 1. Who Are the Makers? . 3 The Culture of Reuse 3 We Are All Designers 4 Not Only Digital . 4 The Maker 5 2. The Origins of the Movement . 7 The Culture of Sharing 7 The Triumph of Technology . 8 The Fab Labs 8 The Spread in the Media . 9 3. A New Revolution? . 11 The Introduction of Computers . 11 The Power of Information 12 From Bits to Atoms . 12 The Rebirth of the Economy 13 PART II. Realizing an Idea 4. Can Creativity Be Learned? 17 Neurophysiology for the Uninitiated 17 iiiThe Learning Process 18 Techniques for Creativity . 19 Lateral Thinking . 19 Making Associations . 19 Experimenting 19 Networking . 19 Generating Alternatives . 19 Changing the Assumptions 20 Shifting the Boundaries of the Problem . 22 Pseudorandom Input 22 5. From Idea to Project . 23 Design 23 The Design Process 24 The Problem Definition 25 The Requirements . 27 Decomposition 28 Evaluating Alternatives 29 Aesthetics in Design . 32 You’ve Got to Try, Try, and Try.. 33 Eventually You Can Do It...Even Twice, Three Times . 34 6. Project Management . 37 What Is a Project? 37 The Project Manager . 38 Management of a Project 39 The List of Activities 39 The Gantt Chart 41 7. Try, Fail, and Pick Yourself Up! 45 Business Plan 45 Abstract . 45 Product (or Service) . 45 Marketing Plan 46 Operating Plan 46 Management and Organization 46 Assets . 46 Financial Plan . 46 Ready for Success? . 46 Wrong Assumptions . 47 Success, This Time for Real . 49 iv The Maker’s ManualCustomer Development . 49 The Business Model Canvas 51 8. Financing Your Work . 55 Classic Funding Sources 55 The Friends and Family Network . 55 The Bank 55 Alternative Solutions . 56 Local and Regional Economic Development 56 The New Angels . 56 Venture Capital 56 Crowdfunding . 56 Beyond Financing 57 Bootstrapping . 57 What’s the Right Solution? . 57 9. Collaboration . 59 The Importance of the Net . 59 An Open Process . 60 Distributed Intelligence 60 A New Protection 61 Bits, Bytes, and Atoms . 62 PART III. From Bits to Atoms 10. Managing Project Files . 65 Distributed Design . 65 Git and GitHub . 66 Creating a New Project 66 The Three Areas of the System . 68 Installing Git Locally . 69 The Workflow 70 Not Only Trees Have Branches 73 11. This Is Not a Pipe 77 Manufacturing Processes 77 Starting from Bits 78 Software 78 OpenSCAD 79 Hello, World! 80 Beyond Cubes . 80 Table of Contents vVariables 81 Move Slightly! . 82 Lazy Is Good! 82 Other Transformations . 84 Expanding OpenSCAD . 87 12. 3D Printing . 89 How Does It Work? . 90 Materials 90 3D Printers 91 MakerBot . 92 Kentstrapper 92 WASP . 92 The Workflow 93 Corrections 93 Slice It Up! . 95 Setting Up the Printer . 95 Operating the Printer 96 What If You Don’t Have a Printer? 98 13. Milling 99 CNC Machines . 99 Designing with a CNC . 102 Software . 103 CAD Software 103 CAM Software 103 Control Software . 107 Where Do We Turn? . 107 14. Laser Cutting . 109 Lasers 109 Laser Cutters . 109 Models 112 PART IV. Giving Life to Objects 15. Electronics and Fairy Dust 123 Hello World! 123 What You Need 123 A First Circuit . 124 Current, Voltage, and Resistance 125 vi The Maker’s ManualCircuits and Components . 128 Circuits 128 Components . 128 Creating a Circuit . 135 Measurements . 137 Ohm’s Law . 139 16. Arduino . 141 What Is Arduino? . 141 The Software Structure . 142 The Simplest Sketch 142 How to Upload a Sketch in Arduino . 144 Interacting with the Physical World . 145 Shall We Switch It On? 146 Not So Fast… 146 Pardon Me, You Were Saying? . 146 Where Do You Store Your Data? . 147 Only When I Say Go… 148 …Even Two, Three Times! 149 Beyond Digital . 152 Some Exercises to Try 158 17. Expanding Arduino 159 Reading the World: Sensors . 159 Thermistors 159 Photoresistors 160 Other Kinds of Sensors . 160 Changing the World: Actuators 161 Buzzers 161 Servos . 162 Strong Currents 163 Shields . 164 Smart Textiles 164 18. Raspberry Pi 167 Component Check! . 167 Getting Started . 169 Basic Shell Commands . 171 Operations on Files and Directories . 172 Redirection 173 The World of the Superuser . 174 Table of Contents viiMonitoring Hardware 174 The Graphical User Interface 175 Python . 176 GPIO . 177 Hello World 177 A Flashing Python! . 179 Button, Button . 181 Arduino and the Raspberry Pi . 182 19. Processing 185 Your First Sketch 185 Let’s Get a Move On! 188 How Many Circles? 190 I’ve Got the Power! 192 Programming with Cartoons 192 Classes and Objects 193 I Want…a New One! 194 OK, but What Should I Do with It? . 195 Using a Drop . 195 Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head… . 196 Processing, Meet Arduino! 198 Libraries . 198 20. The Internet of Things 201 Physical Computing 201 This New World . 201 Where to Put the Data? . 202 From Ivrea to Rome: Flyport . 202 Raspberry Pi on the Net . 203 Features of a Service 206 Index 207 Index Symbols 123D Design software, 78, 93, 110 3-axis CNC machines, 100, 102 3D Hubs i.materialise, 98 3D printing basic printer operation, 89 benefits of, 90 detailed printer operation, 90 economic impact of, 13 increased access to, 13, 89 material selection, 90 object creation with, 77 online printer reviews, 93 online sources for, 98 printer selection, 91 technologies available, 89 workflow considering tolerances, 93 correcting defects, 93 G-code translations, 95 model creation, 93 object finishing, 98 printer operation, 96 printer set-up, 95 3D scanners, 93 3DTin design software, 79 = (equals sign), 149 == (double equals sign), 149 A acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), 90 actuators buzzers, 161 purpose of, 161 servo motors, 162 Adafruit, 129 additive manufacturing, 77 aesthetics, 32 affordances, 33 Alexander, Christopher, 33 ampere (A), 125 angel investors, 56 animation, 188 Arduino applications for, 141 benefits of, 142, 201 development of, 141 IDE for, 142 shields for, 164 sketches adding conditions, 148 adding contingencies, 146 adding pauses, 146 adding repetitions, 149 basic syntax, 142, 144 control structure, 148 data storage with variables, 147 defining pin behavior, 145 for analog sensors, 152 LED blink program, 143 practice exercises, 158 premade examples, 143 pulse-width modulation, 156 serial monitor, 155 switching on/off, 146 uploading, 144 verifying, 144 software structure, 142 using with Processing, 198 using with Raspberry Pi, 182 vs. Raspberry Pi, 167 wearable textiles and, 164 working with actuators, 161-163 working with sensors, 159-161 working with strong currents, 163 ARPANET project, 12 arrays, 190 art, generative, 78 artifacts, definition of, 23 artisans, 59 assets, 46 associations, creative thought through, 19 assumptions, changing, 20 Autodesk 123D Catch, 93 207Autodesk 123D Make, 110 Autodesk Fusion 360, 103 B BCM numbering, 180 biological factors of design, 32 bitmap images, 112 Blender design software, 78 bootstrapping, 57 boundaries, shifting, 22 Bowyer, Adrian, 91 branches, 73 breadboards, 136 bridging, 97 buffers, 199 build-measure-learn cycle, 49 business model canvas, 51 business plans abstract section, 45 assets section, 46 business model canvas, 51 financial section, 46 for startups, 47 management/organization section, 46 marketing plan section, 46 operating plan section, 46 pitfalls of traditional, 46 product/service section, 45 purpose of, 45 buttons, 134 buzzers, 161 C CAD software, 103 CAM software, 103 capacitors, 133 carving, types of CNC, 102 cathodes, 130 circuits creating a basic, 124 creating with breadboards, 135 creating with matrix boards, 137 hydraulic model , 128 LED blink program, 123 measuring current and voltage, 137 power source, 124, 137 class methods, 198 classes, 193 CNC machines applications for, 100 benefits and drawbacks of, 107 building your own, 108 CAD software for, 103 CAM software for, 103 control software for, 107 designing with, 102 desktop versions, 99, 107 drivers and encoders in, 101 materials milled, 100 milling heads, 100 outsourcing, 107 subtractive manufacturing with, 77, 99 variations of, 100 collaboration benefits of distributed intelligence, 60 challenging aspects of, 60 craftsperson guilds, 59 Creative Commons licenses, 61 of digital information, 62 (see also project files) role of Internet in, 12, 59 collective intelligence, 59 color, vs. colour, 190 committed files, 68 company structure, 46 components basic tools for, 135 buttons and switches, 134 capacitors, 133 datasheets, 128 diodes, 134 LEDs, 130 obtaining, 129 overview of, 129 part numbers/markings, 128 resistors, 131 symbols and diagrams for, 130 trimmers/potentiometers, 132 Computer Aided Design (CAD), 78 computer numerical control (CNC) (see CNC machines) concept selection matrix, 30 conductors, 125 control structure, 148 craftspeople, 59 Creative Commons licenses, 61 creative techniques experimentation, 19 generating alternative solutions, 19 lateral vs. vertical thinking, 19 making associations, 19 mind maps, 20 networking, 19 overturning assumptions , 20 pseudorandom input, 22 role of learning in, 18 role of neurophysiology in, 17 shifting boundaries, 22 sources of creativity, 17 crowdfunding, 56 Cupcake 3D printer, 92 current, 125, 137, 163 CVS, 66 D DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 12 datasheets, 128 debugging, in Python, 176 decomposition approach, 28 design aesthetics in, 32 definition of, 23 design patterns, 33 distributed, 65 for laser cutting, 119 form and function in, 29 objective of, 23 software for, 78 with CNC machines, 102 die-cutting machines, 77 DigiKey, 129 digital models correcting defects in, 93 creating, 78 208 Indexobtaining, 93 diodes, 134 direct observation, 27 distributed design, 65 distributed intelligence, 60 distributed version control, 66 divide et impera (divide and conquer), 39 Do It Yourself (DIY) technology, 7 dominant ideas, 26 double equals sign (==), 149 Dougherty, Dale, 9 drawtext command, 87 drivers, 90 E e-textiles, 164 EBITDA plan, 46 Economic Development Corporations, 56 electroluminescence, 130 electromechanical calculators, 12 electronics alternative view of, 123 circuits, 128, 135 components, 128-135 current, 125 electricity basics, 125 Hello World application, 123 measuring electricity, 137 Ohm's law, 139 resistance, 127 safety issues, 127 voltage, 126 voltage dividers, 133 electrons, 125 elegance, 30 Element 14, 129 EMC2 LinuxCNC, 107 endmill tool, 100 ENIAC computer, 12 Enigma machine, 12 Eno, Brian, 22 enterprise philosophy, ix entrepreneurs, new approach of, ix equals sign (=), 149 evaluating alternatives, 29-32 events, 192 experimentation, creative thought through, 19 extruders, 90, 96 F Fab Labs, 7, 8, 110 Farnell, 129 file management (see project file management) financial plans, 46 five whys method, 25 Flyport, 202 focus groups, 27 for loops, 150 for statements, 187 forgery, 62 form and function, 29 Frankenstein Garage, x FreeMill CAM software, 103 freemium services, 66 Fritzing, 130 funding sources angel investors, 56 bank loans, 55 bootstrapping, 57 crowdfunding, 56 Economic Development Corporations, 56 friends and family, 55 selecting, 57 venture capital, 56 fused deposition modeling (FDM), 89 G G-code, 95, 106 Gantt charts, 41-43 Gantter software, 42 GanttProject software, 42 genchi gembutsu principle, 50 generating alternatives, creative thought through, 19 generative art, 78 Gershenfeld, Neil, 8 getting help, xi Git basic workflow in, 69 branch feature, 73 detailed workflow in, 70 installing locally, 69 project creation, 66 purpose of, 66 three stages of work in, 68 Good-Fast-Cheap triangle, 38 Grasshopper plug-in, 78 guilds, 59 H hackerspaces, 7, 110 Hello World program, 123, 176, 180, 185 hypothesis of growth, 49 hypothesis of value, 49 I i.materialise prototyping service, 98 Industrial Revolution effect of computers on, 12 short history of, 11 infill, 97 information hiding, 197 information, increased access to, 12 (see also collaboration) Inkscape CAD software creating a circle in, 113 creating projects in, 113 downloading, 112 for 3D printing, 103 optimizing files, 118 tricks for 3D, 119 tutorials for, 112 working with images in, 116 working with text in, 113 innovation importance of, 5 techniques for, 18 innovative projects, 35 input, pseudorandom, 22 Index 209instances, 193 Instructables, 59 insulators, 125 intellectual property, 61 Internet impact on personal manufacturing, 13 importance to collaboration, 59 origins of, 12 Internet of Things (IoT) concept of, 201 features of a service, 206 networking connections, 202 physical computing, 201 publishing data, 202 Raspberry Pi and, 203 strength of, 206 iron triangle, 38 iteration in design process, 34 in project management, 39 J Jameco, 129 jumpers, 136 K Kentstrapper 3D printer, 92 kerf, 118 Kirchhoff’s current law, 128 L laser cutting 3D objects and, 119 applications for, 110 community resources for, 110 iterative approach to, 119 model creation for, 112-119 online sources for, 110 possible materials, 109 reducing costs of, 118 software for, 110 tutorials for, 119 types of cutters, 109 Lasersaur laser cutter, 110 latent needs, 27 lateral thinking, 19 Lean Startup movement, 49 learning process, role in creativity, 18 LED blink program Arduino controlled, 143 basic circuit for, 124 capacitors and, 134 materials required, 123 vs. Hello World , 123 LEDs, 130, 165 legal protection, 61 licenses, 61 life projects, 37 light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (see laser cutting) light sensors, 160 LilyPad Arduino , 165 logical numbering, 180 loops, 150 M MACH3 for Windows, 107 MailChimp, 57 MAKE Magazine, 9 Maker Faires, 9 maker movement contributions of Neil Gershenfeld to, 8 culture of reuse in, 3 culture of sharing in, 8, 59 definition of, ix, 5 economic impact of, 5, 11-14 effect of technology on, 4, 8 MAKE Magazine, 9 origins of, 7-9 skills required for, ix, 4 social aspects of, 9 MakerBot 3D printers, 92 MakerShed, 129 makerspaces, 7, 60, 110 management plans, 46 (see also business plans) manufacturing process 3D printing, 77, 89-98 additive vs. subtractive, 77 digital model creation, 78, 93 laser cutting, 109-119 milling machines, 99-108 OpenSCAD software, 79-87 marketing plans, 46 matrix boards, 137 matrix of concept selection, 30 Mebotics Microfactory, 100 MechSoft FreeMill, 103 memory, nonvolatile, 142 Mendel Max 3D printer, 92 Mercurial, 66 MeshLab, 95 MeshMixer, 94 Microsoft Kinect, 93 Microsoft Project, 42 milestones, 42 milling machines benefits and drawbacks of, 107 CNC, 99 endmill tool, 100 manufacturing using, 77, 99 milling heads, 100 software for, 103 mind maps, 20 minimum viable product (MVP), 49 Mintronics: Survival Pack, 124 modified files, 68 modularization, 100 MOSFET (metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistor), 163 Mouser, 129 multimeters, 137 N nano text editor, 176, 181 needs, latent, 27 nesting, 118 nests, 202 Netfabb Studio Basic, 94 networking, creative thought through, 19 210 Indexneurophysiology, role in creativity, 17 nonvolatile memory, 142 O object-oriented programming (OOP) borrowing classes, 197 classes and objects, 193 concept of, 192 creating classes, 195 creating multiple objects, 196 creating objects, 194 modifying classes, 197 objects, 193 observation, 27 Ohm's law, 127, 139 open source phenomenon benefits of, 5 challenging aspects of, 60 culture of sharing in, 8, 59 effect of, ix OpenPicus, 202 OpenSCAD basic interface, 80 benefits of, 79 combining objects in, 85 creating 3D objects in, 86 creating cubes in, 80 creating ellipses in, 86 creating spheres in, 80 exporting models for printing, 80 modifying resolution in, 81 removing objects in, 85 repeating commands, 82 rotate function, 84, 86 scaling object in, 84 storing information in, 81 text libraries for, 87 translate function in, 82 operating plans, 46 overhang, 97 P parent-child projects, 9 patents, 61 patterns, in project design, 33 perpendiculars to the plane, 93 personal manufacturing, 13, 89, 92 photoresistors, 160 physical computing, 201 physical numbering, 180 piezoelectric transducers, 161 pivot/persevere phase, 50 pixels, 112 Planner software, 42 Pleasant3D, 94 polylactic acid (PLA), 91 polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 91 Ponoko prototyping service, 98, 119 postmortems, in project lifecycle, 39 potentiometers, 132 PowerWASP 3D printer, 92 predictable projects, 35 printed circuit boards (PCBs), 137 Printrbot 3D printers, 92 Printrun, 96 problem solving, 23, 60 Processing adding animation with, 188 animating multiple objects, 190 comprehensive manual for, 187 creating a circle with, 188 creating a line with, 186 downloading, 185 Hello World program in, 185 object-oriented programming basic concept of, 192 borrowing classes, 197 classes and objects, 193 creating classes, 195 creating multiple objects, 196 creating objects, 194 modifying classes, 197 popularity of, 185 practice exercises, 200 repetitive commands in, 187 responding to events, 192 sketches in, 185 using with Arduino, 198 working with colors in, 190 working with text in, 186 product adoption curves, 47 product development model, 47 project design aesthetics in, 32 challenging aspects of, 23 decomposition approach, 28 definition of design, 23 design patterns, 33 evaluating alternatives, 29 for laser cutting, 119 iteration in, 34 listing requirements, 27 modularization, 100 predictable vs. innovative projects, 35 problem definition, 25 process overview, 24 prototyping, 33 software for, 78 with CNC machines, 102 project file management distributed version control, 66 Git and GitHub, 66-70 Git's branch feature, 73 version control system for, 65 workflow for, 70 project management basics of, 38 common project attributes, 37 common project limitations, 38 Gantt charts, 41 importance of, 37 iron triangle of, 38 listing activities, 39 project lifecycle, 39 risk management, 42 software for, 42 project review meetings (PRMs), 42 prototyping, 33, 98, 142, 201 pseudocode, 148, 148 pseudorandom input, 22 pulse-width modulation (PWM), 156 Python accessing the Internet with, 203 Arduino and, 183 benefits of, 176 Index 211calculator operation, 176 code syntax, 177 connecting button switches in, 182 creating comments in, 177 creating scripts in, 176 development environment, 176 exiting, 176 GPIO library configuring ports with, 180 controlling LEDs with, 180 repeating instructions in, 180 Hello World program in, 176, 180 interpreted language of, 176 launching, 176 official documentation for, 177 Raspberry Pi and, 167 RPi library logical vs. physical numbering in, 180 managing GPIO pins with, 179 time library in, 180 variables in, 177 vs. other languages, 176 R raft layer, 98 rails, 136 Raspberry Pi basic shell commands, 171 benefits of, 167 component overview, 167 files and directories in, 172 GPIO pins, 177-182 graphical user interface, 175 initial set up, 169 Internet access, 203 monitoring peripherals, 174 Python interpreter, 176 redirection, 173 superusers, 174 using with Arduino, 182 vs. Arduino, 167 raster images, 112 Redmine software, 42 relief grooves, 119 Repetier-Host, 96 replicating rapid prototyper, 91 Replicator 3D printer, 92 repositories, 66 RepRap printer, 91 requirements, determining, 27 resistance, 127 resistors, 123, 131 restrictions, in project design, 25 Rhinoceros design software, 78 risk management, 42 Rory's Story Cubes, 22 RPi library, 179 S safety issues importance of training, 8 working with electricity, 127 scanners, 93 Sculpteo prototyping service, 98 sensors available types, 160 light, 160 photoresistors, 160 purpose of, 159 temperature, 159 thermistors, 159 serial monitor, 155 servo motors, 162 Shapeways prototyping service, 98 shells, 97 shields, 164 Simple Maker's Kit 3D printer, 92 sketches, 142, 185 SketchUp Make design software, 78 Slater Technology Fund, 56 slicing, 95 smart textiles, 164 snap-fit joints, 100, 119 solutions evaluating alternative, 29 finding alternative, 19 SparkFun, 129 sponsored funding, 57 staged files, 68 stakeholders, 42 Standard Tesselation Language (STL), 78, 80 static methods, 198 stepper motors, 90 Structure Scanner, 93 subtractive manufacturing, 77 Subversion, 66 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 112 switches, 134 system variables, 187 T tacit knowledge, 30 technical approach, 33 technology benefits of, 4, 8 DIY renaissance, 7 effect on Industrial Revolution, 12 increased access to, 4, 7, 13 limitations of, 3 TechShop, 7 temperature sensors, 159 TextGenerator.scad file, 87 thermistors, 159 Thingiverse, 13, 61, 93 time library, 180 TinkerCAD design software, 79 tinkerers, 4 tolerances, 93 trademarks, 62 trimmers, 132 U Ultimaker 3D printer, 92 uncertainty cone, 43 V value propositions, 52 variable resistors, 132 212 Indexvariables, 147 vector graphics, 112 (see also Inkscape CAD software) venture capital, 56 version control system (VCS), 65 vertical thinking, 19 visual representations (see Processing) volt (V), 126 voltage, 126, 137 voltage dividers, 133 W WASP (World's Advanced Saving Project), 92 watertight models, 94 wearable textiles, 164 Weebly, 57 WordPress, 57 work breakdown structure (WBS), 39 wow factor, 30 X Xively, 202 XML ( eXtensible Markup Language), 203 Y YouMagine, 13, 61, 93
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