كتاب Advances in Design - With 264 Figures
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 كتاب Advances in Design - With 264 Figures

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18956
التقييم : 35374
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Advances in Design - With 264 Figures
Hoda A. ElMaraghy and Waguih H. ElMaraghy (Eds.)

كتاب Advances in Design - With 264 Figures  A_i_d_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Part I Next Generation Design
1 Economic Growth, Business Innovation and Engineering Design . 3
G. Sohlenius, L. Clausson, A. Kjellberg
2 Directions of Next Generation Product Development . 27
T. Tomiyama, B. R. Meijer
3 ‘What-if’ Design as an Integrative Method in Product Design . 37
F.J.A.M. van Houten, E. Lutters
4 Self Organization in Design . 49
B. R. Meijer
5 Towards a Design Methodology for Self-optimizing Systems . 61
J. Gausemeier, U. Frank, A. Schmidt, D. Steffen
Part II Design Knowledge and Functional Design
6 Reusing Design Knowledge 75
S. Ahmed, K.M. Wallace
7 Structural and Functional Analysis for Assemblies 87
H. Falgarone, N. Chevassus
8 Knowledge Management for a Cooperative Design System 97
S. Tichkiewitch, B. Radulescu, G. Dragoï, K. Pimapunsri
List of Contributors .xiii
viiviii Contents
Part III Innovative and Conceptual Design
9 AdaptEx: Extending Product Life Cycles through Strategic
Product Upgrades . 111
J.C. Sand, P. Gu
10 Product Genetic Engineering 121
K. Huang, H. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Song, L. Lv
11 Gene Engineering-based Innovation of Manufactured Products. 133
K.-Z. Chen, X.-A. Feng, X.-C. Chen
12 Use of Constraint Programming for Design . 145
B. Yannou, G. Harmel
13 Model Infrastructures and Human Interaction in a Stereo
Table Environment . 159
T. Kjellberg, C. Lindfors, M. Larsson, J. Gustafsson
14 Inventive Design Applied to Injection Molding . 169
T. Eltzer, D. Cavallucci, N. Khomenkho, P. Lutz, E. Caillaud
Part IV Design Frameworks
15 Supporting Problem Expression within a Co-evolutionary
Design Framework . 185
P. Lonchampt, G. Prudhomme,D. Brissaud
16 A Four-stage Approximation Strategy for the Exploration of a
Mechanical Concept . 195
B. Yannou, A. Hamdi, E. Landel
17 A Framework of Product Styling Platform Using Case-based
Styling Indexing . 209
Dr. R.Y.K. Fung
18 A Systematic Design Approach for Reconfigurable
Manufacturing Systems . 219
A. Deif, W. ElMaraghy
19 Crosstalk: Collaborative Framework for Electro-mechanical
Product Design . 229
M. Montero, N. Vargas, P. Wright, J. ShahContents ix
20 Integrated Architecture of Geometric Models and Design
Intentions . 243
K. Takeuchi, A. Tsumaya, H. Wakamatsu, K. Shirase, E. Arai
Part V Design Management
21 Management of Engineering Design Process in Collaborative
Situation 257
V. Robin, B. Rose, P. Girard, M. Lombard
22 Requirements Management for the Extended Automotive
Enterprise 269
R. Roy, C.I.V. Kerr, P.J. Sackett
23 Federated Product Data Management in Multi-company
Projects . 281
H.J. Pels
24 STEP PLCS for Design and In-service Product Data
Management . 293
R. Sharma, J. Gao
25 Value Chain Structure and Correlation Between Design
Structure Matrices 303
M. Cantamessa, M. Milanesio, E. Operti
26 Integration of Cost Models in Design and Manufacturing . 315
N. Perry, M. Mauchand, A. Bernard
Part VI Product Life Cycle
27 Life Cycle Product Support in the Digital Age 327
J. Niemann, E. Westkämper
28 Total Quality Management and Process Modeling for PLM
in SME 339
U. Cugini, A. Ramelli, C. Rizzi, M. Ugolotti
29 Selection and Evaluation of PLM Tools for Competitive Product
Development 351
M. Benassi, M. Bordegoni, U. Cugini, G. Cascinix Contents
Part VII Collaborative Engineering Design
30 Efficient Product Data Sharing in Collaboration Life Cycles . 365
F.-L. Krause, H. Hayka, B. Pasewaldt
31 Design Iterations in a Geographically Distributed Design
Process 377
T. Boudouh, D.-C. Anghel, O. Garro
32 A Cluster-based Approach for Collaborative Design Process
Analysis 387
R. M. Khah, E. Ostrosi, O. Garro
33 Workspaces and Cooperation Notions in the Design Process . 401
E. Pena, D. Choulier, O. Garro
34 Pitfalls of Engineering Change - Change Practice during
Complex Product Design 413
T. Jarratt, C. Eckert, P.J. Clarkson
35 Modeling of Manufacturing Process Complexity 425
R. J. Urbanic, W. ElMaraghy
36 Human Modeling in Industrial Design . 437
M. Shahrokhi, M. Pouliquen, A. Bernard
Part VIII Design Intent and Tolerancing
37 On the Merging of Geometric Models Based on Hierarchical
Context 451
J.A. Knowlton, M.J. Wozny
38 Haptic Virtual Prototyping for Design and Assessment of
Gear-shifts . 461
M. Tideman, M.C. van der Voort, F.J.A.M. van Houten
39 Predicting Design Quality through Sensitivity Modeling 473
L. Laperrière, W. Ghie, A. Desrochers
40 Computer Aided Tolerancing - Solver and Post Processor
Analysis 487
S. Samper, J.P. Petit, M. GiordanoContents xi
41 A New Method for Integrated Design and Tolerancing 499
P. Hernandez, M. Giordano, G. Legrais
42 Contact and Channel Model for Pairs of Working Surfaces 511
A. Albers, N. Burkardt, M. Ohmer
Part IX Modeling and Design for Manufacturing
43 Manufacturing-driven Design of Sculptured Surfaces 523
A. Barari, H. ElMaraghy
44 Extended Design for X for Digital Consumer Products 535
K. Ohtomi
45 Development of Integrated Design System for Structural
Design of Machine Tools 547
M.-W. Park, Y.-T. Sohn
46 The Structured Design of a Reconfigurable Control Process . 559
E. ElBeheiry, W. ElMaraghy, H. ElMaraghy
Subject Index 573
Subject Index
Adaptive, 58, 60
Assembly modeling, 81, 83, 88
Assembly process analysis, 81
Axiom, 11, 12, 13, 14, 36, 47, 479
Behavior based design, 434
Benchmarking, 305, 336
Best practice, 96, 320, 326
Brainstorming, 53
Brand, 201
Break-even point, 502
CAD, 30, 82, 83, 86, 88, 100, 114, 122,
153, 186, 188, 190, 218, 219, 220,
229, 231, 232, 254, 257, 266, 279,
280, 296, 298, 299, 320, 322, 393,
394, 433, 434, 441, 442, 444, 455,
466, 467, 473, 474
Case-based indexing, 197, 203, 201, 204
Change management, 81, 89, 222, 345,
387, 388
Checklist, 345, 392, 393
Co-evolution, 175, 177, 178
Collaborative design, 92, 98, 114, 243,
245, 247, 249, 337, 343, 346, 363,
365, 373, 375, 384
Collaborative design process, 243, 244,
245, 247, 363, 364, 369, 372, 373
Collaborative engineering, 263, 346
Collaborative knowledge, 243, 244, 245,
246, 247, 249, 251
Collaborative product development, 257,
Collaborative/concurrent design, 217
Competitive advantage, 254, 295, 305,
Computer aided design, 30, 81, 82, 113
Computer aided engineering, 30
Concept generation, 321
Conceptual design, 36, 57, 60, 61, 65,
115, 146, 185, 230, 255, 336, 337,
380, 507
Conceptual modeling, 185
Concurrency, 54, 266, 357, 530
Conflict management, 243, 249
Consistency measure, 137, 145
Constraint programming, 137, 138, 139,
146, 194
Continuous improvement, 15
Control architecture design, 523
Co-operative design, 91
Cost entity, 295, 296, 297, 301
Cost management, 295, 301, 311
Cost modelling, 295
Creativity, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 23, 37, 93,
113, 114, 159, 180, 358, 417
Customer needs, 180, 208, 210, 443574 Subject Index
Data mapping, 277, 343
Decision making, 53, 137, 155, 244, 326,
393, 398, 406, 453, 520
Decision theory, 3
Deliberative and reactive planning, 523,
Derivative product, 198, 202
Design criteria, 186, 188, 189, 190, 195
Design experiment, 355, 358, 376
Design for manufacturing, 487, 488
Design for manufacturing and assembly,
Design information, 103, 104, 107, 109,
114, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234,
235, 236, 237, 238, 253, 255, 265,
274, 330, 336, 357
Design intention, 229, 230, 231, 232,
Design of experiments, 185, 189, 192
Design phases, 36, 45, 88, 220, 301, 375,
Design structure matrix, 283, 285, 356
Design support, 29, 46, 69
Design support system, 35, 40, 43, 44
Design theory, 19, 113, 475
Design theory and methodology, 125,
Design through interfaces, 81
DfX, 31, 499, 501, 503, 504, 505, 506,
Document life cycle, 263, 267, 268, 271
Economic growth, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 23
Electronic-mechanical design, 217, 218
Empirical studies, 69
Empirical study, 283, 375
Engineering change, 86, 87, 345, 387,
388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394,
Engineering knowledge management,
Engineering model, 18
Enhancement, 51, 103, 104, 106, 108
Enterprise, 103, 243, 247, 248, 249, 253,
254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261,
275, 295, 296, 301, 317, 345, 346,
347, 348, 349, 393, 398, 502
Ergonomics, 7, 217, 254, 358, 397, 409,
411, 412, 416, 417, 502
Evaluation process, 175
Evolutionary problem solving, 45, 49,
52, 54
Experimental analysis, 363
Extension, 60, 66, 103, 104, 106, 115,
122, 152, 270, 275, 317, 318, 357,
400, 426, 470, 501
Feasibility, 36
Federation, 270, 279, 280, 343, 347, 348,
349, 350, 351, 352
Functional element, 445
Fuzzy, 53, 137, 138, 162, 369, 415, 489,
Gap analysis, 317, 323
Gene engineering, 125, 126, 133, 134
Genetic engineering, 113, 115, 119, 122,
Geographically distributed design, 355
Geometric modelling, 430, 431
Haptic interfaces, 433, 435
Heuristic, 10, 50, 154, 399
Hierarchical control, 523, 528
Human engineering, 409, 412, 417
Human factors, 400, 409
Human model, 409, 412, 415, 416, 417
Ideation, 8
Industrial design, 409, 410, 412, 417
Industrial systems design, 409, 410
Information management, 27, 35, 39, 41,
Injection, 159, 160, 161, 171, 182, 444
Innovation process, 6, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21,
Integrated design, 92, 96, 175, 434, 514
Integrated design system, 511, 512, 514,
Integrated knowledge-based
environment, 329
Integrated product development, 198
Intellectual property, 266
Intelligent Systems, 57Subject Index 575
Interactive system, 149
Invention, 3, 159, 162, 165
ISO 10303, 273, 275
Knowledge fusion, 27, 28, 33, 34
Knowledge sharing, 243, 363
Life cycle controlling, 305, 310, 311
Life cycle management, 28, 30, 263,
265, 305, 306
Manufacturability, 51, 165, 487, 488,
489, 496
Mass customisation, 197, 198
Mechanical system, 61, 222, 437, 465,
Mechatronics, 29, 30, 32, 33, 57
Metamodels, 185
Metrics, 333, 334, 335, 337, 338, 398
Modular architecture, 283, 525
Modularity, 103, 291, 524, 525, 528
Negotiation, 62, 63, 65, 147, 190, 193,
New product development, 330, 334,
Ontologies, 91, 98, 259, 260
PDM collaborator, 343, 345, 347, 348,
349, 352
Physical elements, 397
Preliminary design, 137, 138, 186, 193,
195, 259, 265, 321, 483
Process aided design, 81
Process modelling, 39, 318, 321
Process re-engineering, 318
Process simulation, 317, 325
Product attributes, 197, 204
Product data management, 30, 88, 263,
343, 345, 349, 350, 393
Product development modeling and
simulation, 329
Product genetic engineering, 113, 114,
Product life cycle management, 28, 30,
Product management, 81, 265
Product platforms, 46
Production management, 305, 307, 309
Quality Function Deployment, 331, 338,
Rapid prototyping, 27, 324, 325
Robust design, 106
Self organization, 45, 46, 47
Sensitivity analysis, 86, 137, 308
6-polytopes, 455, 456, 459
Stereo viewing, 149
Structural and functional analysis, 81
Structural design, 114, 115, 504, 505,
511, 514, 521
Subassembly, 84
Systems analysis methodology, 397
Systems engineering, 61, 81, 82, 83, 208,
Teamwork, 31, 363
Thinking process, 103, 475, 476
Time to market, 13, 343, 362, 488, 503
Tolerance allocation, 487, 490
Tolerance synthesis, 465, 466, 473
Tolerancing analysis, 455, 456, 460
Tooling, 298, 299, 403
Top-down design, 465, 467
TRIZ, 114, 159, 160
User observation, 375
Utilities, 264
Visualization, 150, 151, 423, 493576 Subject Index
Web-based collaboration, 253
'What-if' design, 35
Workspaces, 375, 376, 377, 435

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