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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Fluorinated Coatings and Finishes Handbook - The Definitive User’s Guide and Databook الخميس 05 أكتوبر 2023, 3:26 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Fluorinated Coatings and Finishes Handbook The Definitive User’s Guide and Databook Laurence W. McKeen
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents PDL Fluorocarbon Series Editor’s Preface xv Preface xvii Acknowledgments . xix 1 Fundamentals 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The Discovery of Fluoropolymers .1 1.3 What are Fluoropolymers? 2 1.3.1 Perfluorinated Polymers 2 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) .2 Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Copolymer .4 Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) Polymers .4 Teflon AF .5 Other Fully Fluorinated Polymers .6 1.3.2 Partially Fluorinated Polymers .6 Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) Copolymers 7 Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) 7 Polyvinyl Fluoride (PVF) 8 Ethylene-Chlorotrifluoroethylene (E-CTFE) Copolymer .9 Chlorotrifluoroethylene (CTFE) Polymers .9 Fluoroalkyl Modified Polymers 9 Lumiflon, Coraflon, ADS (Air-Dried System), FEVE .10 1.4 Comparison of Fluoropolymer Properties .10 REFERENCES 13 2 Producing Monomers, Polymers, and Fluoropolymer Finishing 2.1 Introduction 15 2.2 Monomers 15 2.2.1 Synthesis of Tetrafluoroethylene 15 2.2.2 Synthesis of Hexafluoropropylene .15 2.2.3 Synthesis of Perfluoroalkylvinylethers .16 2.2.4 Properties of Monomers 16 2.3 Polymerization 17 2.3.1 Polymerization of Homofluoropolymer PTFE 18 2.3.2 Copolymer and Terpolymer Polymerization .20 2.3.3 Core-Shell Polymerization .20 2.3.4 Polymerization in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 21VI FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK 2.3.5 Endgroups . 21 2.4 Finishing 22 2.4.1 Dispersion Concentration 22 2.4.2 Commercial Dispersions and Properties 23 2.4.3 Fine Powder Production 26 2.4.4 PTFE Micropowder Production .27 Production of Fluoroadditives by Electron Beam Irradiation . 28 Grinding Irradiated PTFE 29 Regulatory Compliance 29 Commercial Micropowder Products .30 2.4.5 Dispersion Coagulation . 33 2.4.6 Spray Drying 33 2.4.7 Spray Sintering 33 REFERENCES 34 3 Introductory Fluoropolymer Coating Formulations 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 Components of Paint .37 3.3 Important Properties of Liquid Coatings 37 3.3.1 Rheology/Viscosity 38 3.3.2 Weight Solids, Volume Solids 44 REFERENCES 44 4 Binders 4.1 Introduction 45 4.2 Adhesion 45 4.3 Non-Fluoropolymer Binders 46 4.3.1 Polyamide/Imide (PAI) . 46 4.3.2 Polyethersulfone (PES) . 49 4.3.3 Polyphenylenesulfide (PPS) 49 4.3.4 Polyimide (PI) 49 4.3.5 Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) 51 4.3.6 Polyetherimide (PEI) 51 4.3.7 Other Less Common Binders . 52 Acid .52 Acrylic . 52 Phenolic 53 Epoxy 53 Polyurethane . 53 Alkyd .54 Electroless Nickel Plating . 54 4.4 Effect of Temperature on Properties of Binders 55CONTENTS VII 4.5 Comparison of Properties of Non-Fluoropolymer Binders 56 REFERENCES 58 5 Pigments, Fillers, and Extenders 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Dispersion of Pigments . 59 5.2.1 Ball or Pebble Milling 60 5.2.2 Shear Process Dispersion 61 Media Mills .61 High-Speed Disperser 62 Rotor-Stator 63 5.3 Measuring Dispersion Quality or Fineness . 63 5.4 Dispersion Stabilization . 64 5.5 Pigment or Particle Settling .65 5.6 Hard and Soft Settling 66 5.7 Functions of Pigments 66 5.7.1 Appearance, Color, Hiding .66 Gloss 67 Hiding 67 Types of Pigments 68 5.7.2 Permeability, Barrier Properties .71 5.7.3 Abrasion Resistance, Reinforcement: Physical Property Improvement .72 5.7.4 Electrically Conductive Fillers 73 5.8 Quantifying Pigment Concentrations in Formulations .75 5.8.1 P/B: PVC . 75 5.9 Commercial Pigment Dispersions 75 REFERENCES 76 6 Solvent Systems 6.1 Introduction 77 6.2 Solids-Viscosity Relationships 77 6.3 Viscosity as a Function of Temperature 78 6.4 Evaporation 79 6.5 Solvent Composition and Evaporation Time .80 6.6 Solubility 80 6.7 Surface Tension and Wetting 81 6.8 N-Methyl-2-Pyrolidone (NMP) 82 6.9 Conductivity 83 6.10 Flash Point and Autoignition 83 6.11 Summary 83 REFERENCES 87VIII FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK 7 Additives 7.1 Introduction 89 7.2 Abrasion Resistance Improvers, Antislip Aids .89 7.3 Acid Catalysts 90 7.4 Acid Scavengers . 90 7.5 Adhesion Promoters, Coupling Agents .90 7.6 Algaecides, Biocides, Fungicides .91 7.7 Anti-Cratering Agent, Fisheye Preventer .91 7.8 Anti-Crawling Agent .92 7.9 Anti-Foaming Agent, Defoamer . 92 7.10 Anti-Fouling Agent . 92 7.11 Rust Inhibitor, Corrosion Inhibitor, Flash Rust Inhibitor 92 7.12 Anti-Sag Agent, Colloidal Additives, Thickeners, Rheology Modifiers . 93 7.13 Anti-Settling Agent . 93 7.14 Antistatic Agent, Electroconductive Additives 94 7.15 Coalescents, Coalescing Agent, Film Forming Agent .94 7.16 Deaerators 94 7.17 Degassing Agent . 94 7.18 Dispersant, Dispersing Agent, or Surfactant . 95 7.19 Flattening Agents . 95 7.20 UV Absorbers and Stabilizers . 95 7.21 Lubricants 95 7.22 Moisture Scavenger .95 7.23 pH Control Agent . 97 7.24 Summary 97 REFERENCES 97 8 Substrates and Substrate Preparation 8.1 Introduction 99 8.2 Substrates 99 8.3 Substrate Preparation .99 8.3.1 Cleaning 99 8.3.2 Increasing Surface Area 100 Mechanical Roughening 100 Other Methods of Roughening and Cleaning 102 8.3.3 Preventing Rust after Surface Preparation 104 8.3.4 Platings 105 8.3.5 Anodization 105 8.4 Substrate Characterization .106 8.5 Summary 107 REFERENCES 107CONTENTS IX 9 Liquid Formulations 9.1 Introduction 109 9.2 Selecting Ingredients .109 9.2.1 Selection of Fluoropolymer 109 9.2.2 Selection of Binder 109 9.3 Recipes and Formulas 109 9.4 Formulating Water-Based Coatings 111 9.4.1 Fluoropolymer Coatings from Raw Dispersion . 111 9.4.2 Fluoropolymer Coatings by Dispersion of Powders 112 9.5 Solvent-Based Coatings 113 9.6 Soluble Fluoropolymers . 113 9.7 Mixing Liquid Coatings Prior to Use . 113 9.8 Filtering/Straining . 114 9.9 Shelf Life 116 9.10 Commercial Producers and Their Product Lines . 116 9.10.1 Acheson Colloids . 117 9.10.2 Whitford Liquid Products . 117 9.10.3 Weilburger Coatings (Grebe Group) . 118 9.10.4 Akzo Nobel . 118 9.10.5 DuPont 118 9.10.6 Mitsui-DuPont Fluorocarbon Liquid Products 118 REFERENCES 133 10 Application of Liquid Coatings 10.1 Introduction 135 10.2 Liquid Spray Coating Application Technologies and Techniques .135 10.2.1 Conventional Spray Coating 135 10.2.2 High-Volume, Low-Pressure Spray Application . 136 10.2.3 Electrostatic Spray Application 136 10.3 Liquid Bulk or Direct Coating Application Techniques .137 10.3.1 Dip Coating 138 10.3.2 Dip-Spin Coating .139 10.3.3 Spin-Flow Coating .140 10.3.4 Curtain Coating 141 10.3.5 Coil Coating .141 10.3.6 Roller Coating 143 10.3.7 Pad Printing .144 10.4 Summary 146 REFERENCES 146 11 Powder Coating Fluoropolymers 11.1 What is Powder Coating? .147X FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK 11.2 Spray Powder Coating Process 147 11.2.1 Corona Charging . 149 11.2.2 Tribocharging .150 11.2.3 Powder Coating Advantages and Limitations 151 11.3 Thick Film Coatings 152 11.3.1 Hot Flocking .152 11.3.2 Special Problems with High-Build Coatings 153 Decomposition 153 Sagging . 154 Shrinkage 154 11.4 Bulk Application: Fluidized Bed Coating 154 11.5 Commercial Powder Coating Products 156 11.5.1 Preparation of Powder Coating .156 REFERENCES 162 12 Fluoropolymer Coating Processing Technology 12.1 Introduction 163 12.2 Baking and Curing, Physics or Chemistry 163 12.3 Monitoring Bake 166 12.3.1 Thermocouples . 166 12.3.2 Non-Contact Temperature Measurement 167 12.4 Types of Ovens 168 12.4.1 Convection Heating .168 12.4.2 Infrared Baking (IR) 171 12.4.3 Induction Baking 172 REFERENCES 174 13 Measurement of Coating Performance 13.1 Introduction 175 13.2 Viscosity Measurement . 175 13.2.1 Cup Viscosity .175 13.2.2 Brookfield Viscometer . 176 13.3 Density, Gallon Weight, or Liter Weight Measurement 177 13.4 Film Thickness 177 13.4.1 Nondestructive Measurement of Film Thickness 177 Magnetic Devices . 177 Eddy Current . 178 Ultrasound .178 Physical Measures of Film Thickness 179 13.4.2 Destructive Film Thickness Tests . 180 13.5 Wet Film Build 180 13.6 Adhesion 182CONTENTS XI 13.6.1 Measuring Adhesion, Adhesion Tests 183 Post-Boiling Cross-Hatch Tape Adhesion Test .183 Post-Boiling Nail Adhesion Test 184 Instron Peel Test .185 13.7 Environmental Exposure Testing .185 13.7.1 Salt Spray 185 13.7.2 Kesternich DIN 50018 . 187 13.7.3 Atlas Cell 187 13.8 Coefficient of Friction (CoF) 188 13.9 Abrasion/Erosion . 189 13.9.1 Taber 189 13.9.2 Falling Abrasive Test 190 13.9.3 Thrust Washer Abrasion Testing .191 13.10 Hardness 192 13.10.1 Pencil Hardness .192 13.11 Cure 192 13.12 Cookware Testing 192 13.12.1 In-Home Testing 193 13.12.2 Accelerated Cooking Test . 193 13.12.3 Mechanical Tiger Paw (MTP) 194 13.12.4 Steel Wool Abrasion Test (SWAT), Sand Paper Abrasion Test (SPAT) 195 13.12.5 Accelerated In-Home Abuse Test (AIHAT) 195 13.12.6 Blister Test 196 13.12.7 Salt Corrosion Test . 196 13.13 Summary 196 REFERENCES 196 14 Recognizing, Understanding, and Dealing with Coating Defects 14.1 Introduction 197 14.2 Surface Tension and Shear .197 14.3 Common Coating Defects 198 14.3.1 Air Entrapment . 198 14.3.2 Decomposition Bubbles or Foam 199 14.3.3 Blisters 199 14.3.4 Pinholing, Popping, or Solvent Popping .199 14.3.5 Mud Cracking, Stress Cracking, and Benard Cells .200 14.3.6 Cratering 201 14.3.7 Fisheyes 202 14.3.8 Crawling and Dewetting .202 14.3.9 Wrinkling 202 14.4 Summary 203 REFERENCES 203XII FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK 15 Commercial Applications and Uses 15.1 Introduction 205 15.2 A Historical Chronology of Fluoropolymer Finishes Technology . 205 15.3 Food Contact 209 15.4 Commercial Applications of Fluorocoatings 210 15.4.1 Housewares: Cookware, Bakeware, Small Electrical Appliances (SEA) 210 15.4.2 Commercial or Industrial Bakeware 210 15.4.3 Fuser Rolls 211 15.4.4 Light Bulbs . 212 15.4.5 Automotive . 212 15.4.6 Chemical Processing Industry (CPI) . 214 Chemical Reactors . 214 Ducts for Corrosive Fumes, Fire Resistance . 215 15.4.7 Commercial Dryer Drums .216 15.4.8 Industrial Rollers 216 15.4.9 Medical Devices 217 15.5 Summary 217 REFERENCES 218 16 Health and Safety 16.1 Introduction 219 16.2 Toxicology of Fluoropolymers 219 16.3 Safe Handling and Application of Liquid Fluoropolymer Coatings .219 16.4 Thermal Properties of Fluoropolymers 221 16.4.1 Off-Gases During Baking and Curing 222 16.4.2 Polymer Fume Fever . 222 16.5 Removal of Fluoropolymer Films and Coatings 223 16.6 Fire Hazard 224 16.7 Spillage Cleanup . 224 16.8 Personal Protective Equipment . 224 16.9 Personal Hygiene 225 16.10 Food Contact and Medical Applications .225 16.11 Fluoropolymer Scrap and Recycling 225 16.12 Environmental Protection and Disposal Methods . 225 REFERENCES 226 Appendix I: Chemical Resistance of Fluoropolymers I.1 PDL Chemical Resistance Guidelines 227 I.2 PDL Resistance Rating . 227 Table I.1 PDL Chemical Resistance Ratings 228 I.3 Chemical Resistance Tables 228 Table I.2 Chemical Resistance of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) .229CONTENTS XIII Table I.3 Chemical Resistance of Ethylene Chlorotrifluoroethylene Copolymer (ECTFE) . 233 Table I.4 Chemical Resistance of Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer (ETFE) 259 Table I.5 Chemical Resistance of Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Copolymer (FEP) 273 Table I.6 Chemical Resistance of Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) .277 Table I.7 Chemical Resistance of Perfluoroalkoxy Copolymer (PFA) . 289 Table I.8 Chemical Resistance of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) .295 REFERENCE 319 Appendix II: Permeability of Fluoropolymers II.1 Permeability of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 321 II.2 Permeability of Ethylene Chlorotrifluoroethylene Copolymer (ECTFE) .323 II.3 Permeability of Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer (ETFE) .327 II.4 Permeation of Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Copolymer (FEP) 329 II.5 Permeability of Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) 334 II.6 Permeability of Perfluoroalkoxy Copolymer (PFA) 339 II.7 Permeability of Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) 340 II.8 Permeability of Polyvinyl Fluoride (PVF) 347 REFERENCES 348 Appendix III: Permeation of Automotive Fuels Through Fluoroplastics III.1 Introduction 349 III.2 IVA Test Method 349 III.3 Fuel Types 349 REFERENCES 350 Appendix IV: Permeation of Chemicals Through Fluoroplastics IV.1 Introduction 351 REFERENCES 353 Trade Names 355 Glossary 357 Index .367 Index A Abrasion measuring 189 Abrasion resistance 89, 102, 212 Abrasion tests 190, 195 thrust washer 191 Absorbers 95 Accelerated tests cookware 193 Acid catalysts 90 Acid primer 52 Acid scavengers 90 Acrylic polymer 22 Acrylic resin for cracking 112 Acrylics 52 Acyl fluoride 28 Additives 37, 89, 219 food contact 209 function 89 to powders 157 Adhesion 45 of coating 209 to copper 99 of films 182 measurement of 182 Adhesion promoters 90 Adhesion tests 185 post-boiling nail 184 Adhesive bond strength 182, 183 Aerosil 93 Agglomerates 27 AgION 91 AIHAT test procedure 195 Air removal of entrapped 199 Air bubbles 198 Air entrapment 94, 198 Air-knife coating 146 Alkyd resins 54 Alkyl ammonium salts 91 Alligatoring 200 Alloy 309 102 Aluminized steel 105 Aluminum flake 95 Aluminum oxide abrasive 100, 190 Amines 93 Ammonium hydroxide 91, 97 Ammonium salts 20 Amorphous fluoropolymer 5 regions 3 Andrade’s equation 78 Anodizing 105 Anti-cratering additives 201 Anti-cratering agents 91 Anti-foaming agents 92 Anti-sag agents 93 Antisettling agents 93 Antistatic agents 94 Application efficiency of coating techniques 146 Application problems 89 Application techniques liquid coatings 135 Applications automotive 209, 212 automotive industry 212 bakeware 207 chemical processing industry 214 commercial bakeware 210 cookware 206, 207 ductwork 215 electrical appliances 207 food 209 fuser drums 211 glass ovenware 208 gourmet cookware 208 hardware 207 laser printers 211 light bulbs 212 of liquid coatings 143 office automation 209 reactors 214 Aquadag 95 Aqueous dispersions 111, 219 Aqueous fluoropolymer coatings 91 Arc spray 102 Architectural coatings 8 ASTM B117-03 186 C868-02 187 D1005-95 179 D1186-01 178 D1212-91 181 D1475-98 177 D1644-01 44 D1654-92 187 D1876-01 185 D1894-01 189 D2196-99 176 D2697-03 44 D2803-03 187 D3359-97 183368 FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK D3363-00 192 D3702-94 191 D4060-01 189 D4138-94 180 D4212-99 176 D4214-98 186 D4414-95 180 D4541-02 185 D610-01 186 D6132-04 179 D714-02 186 D968-93 190 G87-02 187 ASTM industry standard tests 175 Atlas Cell test 187 Atomization 198 Atomizing air pressure 136 Auminum anodizing 105 Autocatalytic nickel plating 54 Autoignition 83 Automotive applications 103, 212 Autopolymerization TFE inhibitors 16 Axial impellers 114 Azeotropes 80 B Bake temperatures 99 Baking of coatings 163 methods 168 Baking soda 101 Ball mills 60 Batch ovens 171 Batch size 110 Bearings coatings 207 Benard Cell 200 Benzoguanamine-formaldehyde dispersing aid 113 Bimetallic corrosion 102 Binders 37, 45 additional 52 polymer 45 resins 207 selecting 109 Bisulfite initiators 18, 19 Black body radiation 167 Blended pigments 157 Blisters 199 cookware coatings 196 Block copolymer 51 Bodying agents 93 Box feeder 148 Branched chain alcohols 92 Brookfield Viscometer 38, 176 Bubble breakers 92 Bubble-breaking additives 199 Bubbles 153 Bubbling onset temperature 199 Bulk application 154 liquid coatings 135 techniques 147 C Calcium carbonate 90 Cantilever beam 55 Capture velocity 220 Carbon degradation temperature 166 Carbon dioxide supercritical 21, 113, 137 Carbonyl fluoride 222 Carboxylic acid 28 Cascading action 61 Cataracting action 61 Ceramic fillers 209 Certification program quality 206 Chain transfer 17 Charging powder 148 Checking 200 Chemetall Oakite 104 Chemical agents 91 Chemical etch 102 Chemical processing industry applications 214 Chemical resistance test Atlas Cell 187 Chemical washes 99 Chromate conversion 102 Chromic anodizing 105 Clear coatings 206 Clothing protective 224 Cloud point 22 Co-solvent 77 Coagulated dispersion 18 Coagulum 22 Coating defects 198 Coating process fry pans 165 Coating properties tests 175 Coating techniques application efficiency of 146 Coating weight 103 Coatings 77, 219 modification of 89 from powder 112INDEX 369 selection 109 solvent-based 113, 224 stability 77 Coefficient of friction 188 Coil induction 173 Colloidal dispersion 93 Colloidal particles 93 Complex inorganic pigments 69 Complex parts 155 Components of paint 37 Composition of the solvent system 80 Conductive coatings 73 Conductive pigment loading 74 Conductivity 83 Contaminants removing 201 Contamination 91 Convection heating 163 Convection ovens 168, 171 Conversion coatings 102 Cookware 205 coating of 210 quality 206 Cookware testing accelerated 193 in-home 192 Copolymers 4 Core-shell polymer 20 Corona charging 148, 149 Corona treatment 103 Corrosion inhibition 93 Corrosion resistance tests 185, 187 Cracks 200 in coatings 112, 198, 200 formed during curing 163 Craters 91, 201 in coatings 198 formation 201 Crawling defects 92, 202 Crazing 200 Critical cracking thickness 112 Critical pigment volume concentration (CVPC) 75 Cross-hatch tests 182, 183 Crosslinkers 53 Crosslinking 163 Crosslinks 45 Crushed glass 101 CTFE 9 Cup method 39 Cure tests 192 Curing of coatings 163 IR radiation 171 Curing process fluoropolymer coatings 163, 165 Curtain coating 141, 210 D Deaerators 94 Deagglomeration 27 Decomposition gases 153 of fluoropolymers 222 products 220, 221, 223, 225 Defects “chicken tracks” 143 in coatings 198, 203 Defoamers 92, 199 Degassing agents 94 Degradation of polytetrafluoroethylene 27 products 219, 222 temperatures 27 Density measurements 94 of coatings 177 Destructive film thickness measurement 180 Dewetting 202 Diamond stylus 100 Dilatant flow 39 Dimethyl formamide (DMF) 82 DIN 50018 187 Dip coating 137, 138 Dip-cups 175 Dip-spin coating 139, 140 Direct-fired ovens 171 Dispersed pigment particles 64 Dispersibility 183 Dispersing agent 20 Dispersing aids 113 Dispersing mills 61 Dispersion polymerization 18, 22 Dispersion processes 60 Dispersion products 18 Dispersion stabilization 65 Dispersion-based fluoropolymer products 94 Dispersions aqueous 219 commercial 111 for liquid coatings 112 Disposal fluoropolymer 226 Disuccinic acid peroxide 19 Drip marks 138 Dripping 154 Dry blending 157 Dry film thickness 189 calculated 180 measurement 180370 FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK Dry lubrication 95, 188 Dry paint 147 Dry powders 37 Dry spraying 202 Dry-film thickness 155 Dryer basket coatings 216 Ductwork coatings 215 Dyneon THE 6 Dyneon THV 6 E E-CTFE 9 Eddy current 173 film thickness measurments 178 Egg Release Test 195 Elasticity 183 Electroless nickel plating 54 Electron beam irradiation 28 Electroplate 105 Electrostatic coating 151 Electrostatic spraying 83, 136, 137, 147 Electrostatic wrap 151, 152 Emissions control 220 Emissivity 168 temperature calculation 168 Emitter temperatures 172 Emulsion polymerization 18 Enamel topcoat 207 Encapsulated pigments 157 Endgroups 28 hydroxyl 19 stability 21 Engrave 102 Environments corrosive 186 Erosion measuring 189 ETFE 7 mechanical properties of 7 Evaporation solvent 202 Evaporation rate 79 Evaporation time 80 Exafluoropropylene epoxy (HFPO) 16 Exhaust air 220 F Fabric printing rollers 216 Falling abrasive test 190 Faraday Cage effect 152, 156 Fast-evaporating non-solvents 82 Fasteners coatings 213 Fatty acids 92 FDA compliance 30 FEP fluff 33 melting point 163 powder 33 Ferrous metals 100 Fillers 37, 222 Film build 152 Film forming agent 94 Film shrinkage 70 Film thickness powder coatings 112, 151 Film thickness measurements 177, 178 Filtration 114 Fine powder processing steps 26 products 18 PTFE 26 resins 18 Fines mixtures 224 Fingerprint contamination 99 Fisheyes 91 formation 202 Flake pigments 70 Flame treating 103 Flammability tetrafluoroethylene 16 Flash point 83 Flash rusting 92, 104 Flattening agents 95 Flexibility 56 Flocculation 64 Flow agent fumed silica 157 Fluid energy mill 29 Fluidization of powder 147 Fluidized bed 147 coating 154 Fluorad 91 Fluorinated coatings 55, 106, 109 Fluorinated ethylene propylene 4, 21. See also FEP Fluorinated surfactants 91 Fluorine in fluoropolymers 219 sheath 3 Fluorine-containing polymers 1 Fluoroadditives 27, 30, 225 irradiated 30 Fluoroalkenes 222 Fluoroolefin polymerization 21 Fluoropolymer endgroups 21 Fluoropolymer one-coats 46 Fluoropolymer polymerizations 20INDEX 371 Fluoropolymer powder 89 Fluoropolymer properties comparison of 10 Fluoropolymers coatings 1, 10, 37 discovery of 1 dispersions 225 disposal of 226 handling and processing 219 paint formulations 37 selection of 109 Foam macro 94 micro 94 Food contact 209, 225 Formic acid rinse 100 Formulas 109 Free radical mechanism 18 reaction 18 Frictional force kinetic 188 static 188 Fuel pump coatings 213 Fume fever 223 Fumed silica 157 Fuser rolls 211 G Gallon weight 177, 198 GALVALUME 105 Galvanized steel 105 Glass beads 101 Glass containment 212 Glass transition temperature 55 Glycerol for cracking 112 Glycol for cracking 112 Granular resins 18 Graphite 95 Gravimetric film thickness measurement 179 Grinding directional 102 Grinding media 61 Grinding process 60 Grit blasting 100, 209, 223 air pressures 100 Grit types properties 100 Grounding 151 H Halar 9 Hammer mill 29 Hand-tool applications 207 Hansen Solubility Parameters 80 Hard grit 100 Hardcoat anodizing 106 Hardness 183 test 192 Health hazards 223 Heat transfer IR source 172 Heating methods convection 163 induction 163, 172 infrared 163 Hegman Fineness Gauge 63 Hexafluoropropylene 4 as comonomer 15, 16 Hiding ability of a coating 67 High molecular weight amides 92 High-bake coatings 95 High-build coatings 153 High-speed disperser (HSD) 62 High-temperature non-fluoropolymer binders properties of 56 High-temperature polymers 51, 109 High-temperature processing thermal degradation 153 Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) 95 History of fluoropolymer 205 Homopolymer 4 Horizontal media mills 62 Hot flocking 147 House paint 39 HVLP atomization 136 Hydantoin 91 Hydrofluoric acid production 21 Hydrogen bonding 80 Hydrogen gas 95 Hydrolysis of free radicals 19 Hygroscopic silica 95 Hysteresis heating 173 I Impeller variations 114 Indirect-fired ovens 171 Induction heating 163, 172, 173 Infrared heating 163 Ingredients order of addition 110 selection of 209 Inherently conductive polymers 94 Inhibitors corrosion 93 rust 92372 FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK Initiation 4, 18 Initiators 17 bisulfite 19 Inorganic acids 26 Inorganic glass 52 Inorganic pigments 68 Inorganic salts 26 Instron Peel Test 185 Intercoat adhesion 182 Interpenetrating polymer network 46 Inversions 8 IR curing 172 IR radiation heating 171 temperature measurement 167 IR source heat transfer 172 IR thermometers 167 IR wavelengths 171 Iron impregnation 101 Iron phosphates 103 Irradiated fluoropolymers 209 Irradiation 30 ISO 3231 187 Isocyanate group 53 J Jet mill 29 K Kapton 49 Kesternich Test 187 Ketjen black 73 Kinetic frictional force 188 KYNAR 7 L Landau-Levich equation 137 Lawn and garden tools 207 Leveling 79 Licensees 206 Light bulbs 212 Light colored primers 49 Liquid coatings 37 application methods 135 by dip 138 by dip-spin 139 properties describing 37 Liquid paint spraying 135 Liquid spray techniques 137 Low Build Topcoat 205 Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) 83 Lubrication dry 188 Lucite 52 Lumiflon 10 M Magnetic “permeability” 173 Magnetic pull-off gauges 177 Manual Tiger Paw Test 194 Manufacturing equipment 110 Marine organisms preventing attachment of 92 Market segments industrial 209 Measurement of coatings 175 film thickness 177 Mechanical Tiger Paw (MTP) 194 Media mills 61, 62 Medical applications 225 Medical devices coatings 217 Melamine-formaldehyde dispersing aid 113 Melt creep viscosity PTFE 19 Melt viscosity 4, 5, 154 Melting 163 IR radiation 171 Meniscus-coating techniques 137 Mesh number 116 “Metal temperature” 166 Metallic soaps 92 Methacrylics 52 Mica pigments 70 Micrometer film thickness measurement 179 Micron sizes for screens 116 Micropowders 27, 30 Microscopic film thickness measurement 180 Mixing impellers 114 instructions 113 RPM 110 Modified granular PTFE improvements 4 Moisture scavengers 95 Mold-release applications 206 Molecular weight micropowders 27 Molybdenum disulfide 95 Monomers polytetrafluoroethylene 15 Morpholine 93INDEX 373 Mud-cracking 200 Mud-cracks 163 Multiple coats powder coatings 152 Multiple polar groups 92 N N-methyl-2-pyrolidone (NMP) 82 Nanoscale titanium dioxide 91 Naphtha 104 Newtonian Flow 38 NMP 51 advantages of 82 Non-fluoropolymer binders 45 Non-metallic substrates 103 Non-perfluorinated polymers 109 Non-polar 80 Non-solvents 82 Non-stick coatings 92 Non-stick cookware 206 Nondestructive measurements 177 Nozzles for spray guns 135 O One-coat coatings 49 Optical pyrometers 167 Organic polyesters 54 Organic substrates 104 OSHA 220 Ovens types 168 Overheating 222 Overspray 151 Oxidation products 222 Oxygen in oven air 166 Ozone 104, 225 P Paint defects 197 Paint density 198 Paint recipe 109 Paint spraying 135 Painting bulk applications 137 Paints adding pigments 60 color matching 66 dry 147 Paper-making rollers 216 Partially fluorinated polymers 7 Particle morphology 157 Particle sizes powder 156 of powders 155 Particulates 201, 223 Pebble mill 60, 61 Peel tests 182 Peeling cookware 196 Pencil hardness test 192 Pencil type thickness gauge 177 Percolation threshold 73 Perfluorinated polymers 109 Perfluorinated side groups 9 Perfluoro-2-alkoxy-propionyl fluoride 16 Perfluoroalkoxy 4. See also PFA Perfluoroalkoxy polymer (PFA) 21 Perfluoroalkylvinylethers 16 Perfluorocarbon solvents 21 Perfluoromethylvinylether 4 Perfluoropolymers 2 Perfluoropropyl 4 Perfluoropropyl vinyl ether 17 Performance tests 175 “Permeability” magnetic 173 Personal protective equipment 222 Persulfate degradation of 18 PFA 4 melt point 153 powders 157 Pfund Gauge 181 pH 97 Phosphate esters 92 Phosphate treatments 103 Pigment dispersions 112 Pigment level 202 Pigments 37, 59 acicular distribution 72 additives 59 concentration 75 and fillers 59 fluorinated coatings 68 food contact 209 measure of 75 mica 70 paint formulations 59 purpose 66 used in fluoropolymer coatings 68 Pinholes in coatings 198 Pistons coatings 212 Planck’s law 167, 171374 FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK Plasma 103 Plasma treatment 104 hand held devices 104 Plastic grit 101 Plexiglass 52 Polar groups 104 Polar or dipole 80 Polyaddition reaction 17 Polyamide-imide (PAI) 46, 82, 165 Polyamide-imide binder 109 Polyaniline 94 Polybasic acid 54 Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) 51 Polyether sulfone (PES) 49, 82 binder 109 Polyetherimide (PEI) 51 binder 109 Polyetherimide sulfone 51 Polyfluoroethylene/vinyl ether 10 Polyhydric alcohol 54 Polyimide (PI) 49 Polymer fume fever 223 Polymerization 17 in carbon dioxide 21 particles 27 pressure conditions 19 regimes 18 techniques 20 Polymerization reaction tetrafluoroethylene 20 Polymers properties 109 Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 52 Polyols for cracking 112 Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) 49 binder 109 Polysiloxanes 92 release coatings 210 Polytetrafluoroethylene 1, 22. See also PTFE agglomerates 26 degradation 27 homopolymers 19 monomers 15, 18 Polyurethanes 53 Polyvinylidene fluoride 7. See alsoPVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) 21 Poor charging 151 Popping 199 Post-boiling nail adhesion test 184 Powder coatings 147, 151, 152, 209 grades 155 layers 152 multiple coats 152 thickness 182 Powder dispersions 112 Powder particles charging 149 Powder pump 148 Powdered fluoropolymer 59 Powders particle size 155 Preheating metal substrates 100 Primers 106 Printers coatings 208 Production code 110 Profilometers 100, 106 Propagation of free radicals 18 Protective clothing 224 Pseudoplastic 39 PTFE 2. See alsoPolytetrafluoroethylene fibrillated 26 granular 27 irradiated 29 molecular weight 19 scrap 225 self ignition temperature 224 thermal decomposition 27 Pull-off gauges 177 Pulmonary edema 223 Pumps powder 148 PV rating 192 PVDF 7. See alsoPolyvinylidene fluoride key attributes of 8 PVF 8. See also Polyvinyl fluoride Pyrolysis fumes 222 reaction 16 Pyrometers 167 R Radial impellers 114 Radiation black body 167 exposure 28 Radiation resistance 49 Radical 17, 28 Raw dispersions 22 Raw fluoropolymers 1 Reactor deflagaration 20 Reactor tanks 214 Recipes 109 Regulatory agencies food contact 209 Release coatings polysiloxane 210INDEX 375 Remote-sensing temperature 168 Repro molding polymers 225 Residual voids 19 Resin-bonded coating 207 Resins DEGBA 53 epoxy 53 fine powder 18 polyamide/imide 46 Respirators 221 Rheocin 93 Rheology 38, 77 Rollback thickness gauge 177 Roller coating 143, 210 Rollers coating of 216 Rotogravure 143 Rotor-stator 63 Rotoviscometer 38 Roughness 100, 106, 107 Rust inhibiting formulations commercial 104 S Sagging 154 Salt Corrosion Test 196 Salt fog test 185 Salt spray resistance 106 Salt spray test 185, 186 Sand grit 100 Sand mill 61 Sand paper abrasion testing 195 Scouring pad abrasion testing 195 Scrap material 225 Scratch testing tiger paw 193 Scratches cookware 196 Screens mesh or micron size 116 Seat belt D-rings 213 Semiconductor industry applications 215 Shear force affects paint flow 197 Shear rate 38 Shear stability of dispersions 111 Shear stress 38 Shear-thickening 39 Shear-thinning 39 Shelf life 116 solvent-based coatings 113 Shrinkage 154 Sieves 116 Silanes 90 Silica grit 100 Silicon carbide grit 100 Silicon dioxide grit 100 Silk-screen coating 146 Siltem 51 SilverStone 208 Single Package Prime 205 Sintering 2 “Skin depth” 173 Skin over 199 “Skinning over” 172 Snake oils 89 Soda lime glass 101 Sodium bicarbonate slurries 100 Sodium chromate 102 Solubility 183 in perfluorinated solvents 113 Solubility of paint materials 80 Solvent cleaning 99 Solvent evaporation 202 Solvent molecules 71 Solvent pops in coatings 198, 200 Solvent system 77 Solvent-based coatings 113 Solvents application properties 77 SPAT abrasion testing 195 Spectragraphics 208 Spin-flow coating 140 Splitting 200 Spontaneous ignition 83 Spray application 135 Spray booth 220 Spray can 135 Spray coating 136, 210 Spray dryer key components 33 operational considerations 33 Spray gun 135, 147, 149, 150 Spray sintering 33 Spray techniques dry 147 electrostatic spray 147 hot flocking 147 powder 147 Spray velocity 135 Spraying electrostatic 137 Spraying molten metal 102 Stability 22 Stabilizers 95376 FLUORINATED COATINGS AND FINISHES HANDBOOK Stack gas treatment 29 Stain resistance 207 Staining of coatings 207 cookware 196 Stainless steel shot 101 Static electricity 73 Static frictional force 188 Steel grit 101 Steel wool abrasion testing 195 Stefan-Boltzmann law 167 Steric stabilization 65 Stokes’ Law 65, 94 Strainers 114 Stratification 46 control 209 Stresses in coatings 200 Stylus deflection 107 Styrene heat of polymerization 16 Substrate adhesion 182 Substrate preparation 99 Substrates continuous 141 Sulfur dioxide corrosion test 187 Sulfuric anodizing 106 Supercritical carbon dioxide 21 Surface area calculate 44 roughened 100 Surface profiles 100 Surface tension 81 gradients 200 microscopic 197 Surface-active agent coating 65 Surfactants in aqueous dispersions 111 perfluorinated carboxylic ammonium 19 with fluorocoatings 95 Surging powder 152 Suspension method 18 Suspension polymerization 18 SWAT testing 195 T Taber Abraser 189 Tallamadge Withdrawal Theory 137 Target absorptivity factor 172 Tedlar 8 Tefal 205, 206 Teflon AF 5 Teflon-S 46, 207 Teflon 1, 2, 205 Teflon NXT resins 4 Temperature dependence of viscosity 79 Temperature measurement optical pyrometers 167 Temperatures curing 207, 210 maximum continuous-use 221 monitoring 163, 166 non-contact measurement 167 processing 219 remote-sensors 168 Termination of endgroups 19 Terpolymer 6 Test equipment 175 Tests and measurement of coatings 175 Tetrafluoroethylene 1, 15, 16, 20 molecular structure 2 monomer 18 polymerization 18, 20 Tetrafluoromethane 222 TFE 1 autopolymerization inhibitors 16 deflagration 16 heat of polymerization 16 Thermal degradation during high-temperature processing 153 Thermal stability 183, 222 of polymers 109 Thermally stability 49 Thermocouples 166 attachment to substrate 167 Thermoplastics 49, 225 Thermosets 45 Thick films electrostatic spray 147 hot flocking 152 powder coatings 152 Thick fluoropolymer coating, 152 Thickeners 93 Thin films 155 electrostatic spray 147 Thinner 77 Thixotropic flow 39 Thixotropic loop 39 Thrust Washer Abrasion Test 191 Tiger paw test 193 Titanates 90 tetraalkyl 90 Toluene 104 Toner beads 208 Tools coatings 207 Toxic gases 224INDEX 377 Toxicity of fluoropolymers 219 Tribocharge 208 Tribocharging 148, 150 Triboelectric charge 211 Triboelectric Series 150 Tribology 189 Triethyl amine 104 Tunnel ovens 171 Two-package primers 206 Tyvek 225 U U.S. Food and Drug Administration 225 Ultem 51 Ultrasonic film thickness gauge 178 Unsaturated 17 Upper Explosive Limit (UEF) 83 V Vapor degreasing 99 Vapor pocket 199 Venturi pump 148 Vertical paint film 197 Vespel 49 Vibratory box feeder 148 View factor 172 Vinyl chloride heat of polymerization 16 Virgin molding polymers 225 Viscometers 175, 176 Viscosity 38, 77 dispersion-based products 112 Viscosity cups 175 Viscosity measurement 175 Viscous resistance 65 Voids closure 19 Volatile gases 142 Voltage blocking equipment 137 Volume solids 44 Volumetric film thickness measurement 179 W Walnut shells 101 Waste fluoropolymer 225 Water 77 purified 20 Water-based coatings 111 Wear factor calculation 191 Weight solids 44 Weld-nut coating 213 Wet-film gauge 180, 182 Wet-film thickness 180 measurement 181 Wetting 81 Wheel sanding 102 White Teflon 207 Wien Displacement 171 Wire brushing 102 Wire coating 138 Wrinkling of fluorinated finishes 202 Z Zahn cup 175 number 176 Zeolite matrix. 91 Zinc electroplating 105 Zinc phosphate process 103 Zonyl 91
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