كتاب Maintenance for Industrial Systems
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Maintenance for Industrial Systems

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18990
التقييم : 35476
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Maintenance for Industrial Systems
With 504 figures and 174 tables
Riccardo Manzini , Alberto Regattieri , Hoang Pham , Emilio Ferrari

كتاب Maintenance for Industrial Systems  M_f_i_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 A New Framework for Productivity in Production Systems 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 A Multiobjective Scenario 2
1.2.1 Product Variety . 3
1.2.2 Product Quality . 3
1.3 Production System Design Framework 4
1.4 Models, Methods, and Technologies for Industrial Management 5
1.4.1 The Product and Its Main Features . 5
1.4.2 Reduction of Unremunerated Complexity:
The Case of Southwest Airlines . 6
1.4.3 The Production Process and Its Main Features . 7
1.4.4 The Choice of Production Plant 7
1.5 Design, Management, and Control of Production Systems . 10
1.5.1 Demand Analysis . 10
1.5.2 Product Design . 10
1.5.3 Process and System Design . 10
1.5.4 Role of Maintenance in the Design of a Production System 11
1.5.5 Material Handling Device Design 11
1.5.6 System Validation and Profit Evaluation 11
1.5.7 Project Planning and Scheduling . 11
1.5.8 New Versus Existing Production Systems . 11
1.6 Production System Management Processes for Productivity 13
1.6.1 Inventory and Purchasing Management . 14
1.6.2 Production Planning . 14
1.6.3 Distribution Management . 14
1.7 Research into Productivity and Maintenance Systems . 14
xixii Contents
2 Quality Management Systems and Statistical Quality Control 17
2.1 Introduction to Quality Management Systems 17
2.2 International Standards and Specifications . 19
2.3 ISO Standards for Quality Management and Assessment . 19
2.3.1 Quality Audit, Conformity, and Certification . 19
2.3.2 Environmental Standards . 21
2.4 Introduction to Statistical Methods for Quality Control 23
2.4.1 The Central Limit Theorem . 23
2.4.2 Terms and Definition in Statistical Quality Control . 24
2.5 Histograms . 25
2.6 Control Charts 25
2.7 Control Charts for Means . 26
2.7.1 The R-Chart 26
2.7.2 Numerical Example, R-Chart 29
2.7.3 The xN-Chart 29
2.7.4 Numerical Example, xN-Chart 30
2.7.5 The s-Chart 30
2.7.6 Numerical Example, s-Chart and xN-Chart . 33
2.8 Control Charts for Attribute Data 33
2.8.1 The p-Chart 35
2.8.2 Numerical Example, p-Chart 36
2.8.3 The np-Chart . 37
2.8.4 Numerical Example, np-Chart . 37
2.8.5 The c-Chart 37
2.8.6 Numerical Example, c-Chart 39
2.8.7 The u-Chart 40
2.8.8 Numerical Example, u-Chart 40
2.9 Capability Analysis 40
2.9.1 Numerical Example, Capability Analysis
and Normal Probability 42
2.9.2 Numerical Examples, Capability Analysis
and Nonnormal Probability . 46
2.10 Six Sigma 48
2.10.1 Numerical Examples . 51
2.10.2 Six Sigma in the Service Sector. Thermal Water Treatments
for Health and Fitness 51
3 Safety and Risk Assessment 53
3.1 Introduction to Safety Management 53
3.2 Terms and Definitions. Hazard Versus Risk 54
3.3 Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction . 57
3.4 Classification of Risks . 58
3.5 Protective and Preventive Actions 60
3.6 Risk Assessment, Risk Reduction, and Maintenance 63
3.7 Standards and Specifications 63Contents xiii
4 Introduction to Maintenance in Production Systems 65
4.1 Maintenance and Maintenance Management . 65
4.2 The Production Process and the Maintenance Process . 66
4.3 Maintenance and Integration 69
4.4 Maintenance Workflow . 70
4.5 Maintenance Engineering Frameworks 70
4.6 Reliability-Centered Maintenance 72
4.7 Total Productive Maintenance . 73
4.7.1 Introduction to TPM . 73
4.7.2 The Concept of TPM 74
4.7.3 TPM Operating Instruments . 75
4.7.4 From Tradition to TPM: A Difficult Transition . 76
4.8 Maintenance Status Survey . 80
4.9 Maintenance Outsourcing and Contracts 83
5 Basic Statistics and Introduction to Reliability 87
5.1 Introduction to Reliability 88
5.2 Components and Systems in Reliability . 88
5.3 Basic Statistics in Reliability Engineering . 89
5.4 Time to Failure and Time to Repair 90
5.5 Probability Distribution Function 90
5.6 Repairable and Nonrepairable Systems . 91
5.7 The Reliability Function – R(t) 91
5.8 Hazard Rate Function 92
5.8.1 Hazard Rate Profiles . 94
5.8.2 Mean Time to Failure 95
5.9 Stochastic Repair Process . 95
5.10 Parametric Probability Density Functions . 97
5.10.1 Constant Failure Rate Model: The Exponential Distribution 97
5.10.2 Exponential Distribution. Numerical example 99
5.10.3 The Normal and Lognormal Distributions . 103
5.10.4 Normal and Lognormal Distributions. Numerical example . 106
5.10.5 The Weibull Distribution . 110
5.10.6 Weibull Distribution. Numerical Example . 112
5.11 Repairable Components/Systems:
The Renewal Process and Availability A(t) 113
5.12 Applications and Case Studies . 117
5.12.1 Application 1 – Nonrepairable Components . 117
5.12.2 Application 2 – Repairable System . 122
6 Reliability Evaluation and Reliability Prediction Models . 133
6.1 Introduction 133
6.2 Data Collection and Evaluation of Reliability Parameters 134
6.2.1 Empirical Functions Direct to Data . 135
6.2.2 Theoretical Distribution Research 145
6.3 Introduction to Reliability Block Diagrams 152
6.4 Serial Configuration . 153
6.4.1 Numerical Example – Serial Configuration 154
6.5 Parallel Configuration 161xiv Contents
6.5.1 Numerical Example – Parallel Configuration . 163
6.6 Combined Series–Parallel Systems . 168
6.7 Combined Parallel–Series Systems . 170
6.8 k-out-of-n Redundancy . 170
6.8.1 Numerical Examples, k-out-of-n Redundancy 171
6.9 Simple Standby System 174
6.9.1 Numerical Example – Time-Dependent Analysis:
Standby System . 180
6.10 Production System Efficiency . 183
6.10.1 Water Supplier System . 185
6.10.2 Continuous Dryer System 187
7 Maintenance Information System and Failure Rate Prediction . 189
7.1 The Role of a Maintenance Information System 189
7.2 Maintenance Information System Framework 190
7.2.1 Data Collection . 190
7.2.2 Maintenance Engineering . 192
7.2.3 Interventions and Workload Analysis . 194
7.2.4 Spare Parts and Equipment Management 195
7.3 Computer Maintenance Management Software . 196
7.4 CMMS Implementation: Procedure and Experimental Evidence 199
7.4.1 System Configuration and Integration 199
7.4.2 Training and Data Entry 200
7.4.3 Go Live . 200
7.4.4 Postimplementation Phase and Closing . 200
7.4.5 Experimental Evidence Concerning CMMS Implementation . 200
7.5 Failure Rate Prediction . 204
7.5.1 Accelerated Testing 204
7.5.2 Failure Data Prediction Using a Database . 206
7.6 Remote Maintenance/Telemaintenance . 214
7.6.1 Case Study . 216
8 Effects Analysis and Reliability Modeling
of Complex Production Systems 219
8.1 Introduction to Failure Modes Analysis
and Reliability Evaluation 220
8.2 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis 220
8.2.1 Product Analysis 221
8.2.2 Failure Mode, Effects, and Causes Analysis . 222
8.2.3 Risk Evaluation . 222
8.2.4 Corrective Action Planning . 225
8.2.5 FMEA Concluding Remarks 229
8.3 Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis . 229
8.3.1 Qualitative FMECA . 231
8.3.2 Quantitative FMECA 231
8.3.3 Numerical Examples . 232
8.4 Introduction to Fault Tree Analysis . 236
8.5 Qualitative FTA . 239
8.5.1 Fault Tree Construction Guidelines . 239Contents xv
8.5.2 Numerical Example 1. Fault Tree Construction . 240
8.5.3 Boolean Algebra and Application to FTA . 241
8.5.4 Qualitative FTA: A Numerical Example . 242
8.6 Quantitative FTA 244
8.6.1 Quantitative FTA, Numerical Example 1 248
8.6.2 Quantitative FTA, Numerical Example 2 252
8.6.3 Numerical Example. Quantitative Analysis in the Presence
of a Mix of Statistical Distributions 254
8.7 Application 1 – FTA . 263
8.7.1 Fault Tree Construction 264
8.7.2 Qualitative FTA and Standards-Based Reliability Prediction 266
8.7.3 Quantitative FTA 269
8.8 Application 2 – FTA in a Waste to Energy System 277
8.8.1 Introduction to Waste Treatment . 277
8.8.2 Case study . 278
8.8.3 Emissions and Externalities: Literature Review 279
8.8.4 SNCR Plant 280
8.8.5 SNCR Plant. Reliability Prediction and Evaluation Model . 281
8.8.6 Qualitative FTA Evaluation . 283
8.8.7 NOx Emissions: Quantitative FTA Evaluation 287
8.8.8 Criticality Analysis 292
8.8.9 Spare Parts Availability, What-If Analysis . 295
8.8.10 System Modifications for ENF Reduction and Effects Analysis . 300
8.9 Markov Analysis and Time-Dependent Components/Systems . 301
8.9.1 Redundant Parallel Systems . 302
8.9.2 Parallel System with Repairable Components 304
8.9.3 Standby Parallel Systems . 306
8.10 Common Mode Failures and Common Causes . 309
8.10.1 Unavailability of a System Subject to Common Causes 310
8.10.2 Numerical Example, Dependent Event 311
9 Basic Models and Methods for Maintenance of Production Systems . 313
9.1 Introduction to Analytical Models
for Maintenance of Production Systems . 314
9.1.1 Inspection Versus Monitoring . 315
9.2 Maintenance Strategies . 315
9.3 Introduction to Preventive Maintenance Models 318
9.4 Component Replacement . 319
9.4.1 Time-Related Terms and Life Cycle Management 319
9.4.2 Numerical Example. Preventive Replacement
and Cost Minimization . 320
9.5 Time-Based Preventive Replacement –
Type I Replacement Model . 323
9.5.1 Numerical Example. Type I Replacement Model . 324
9.5.2 Numerical Example. Type I Model
and Exponential Distribution of ttf . 325
9.5.3 Type I Replacement Model for Weibull distribution of ttf 326
9.5.4 The Golden Section Search Method 326xvi Contents
9.5.5 Numerical Example. Type I Model and the Golden Section
Method 328
9.6 Time-Based Preventive Replacement Including Duration
of Replacements 333
9.6.1 Numerical Example 1: Type I Replacement Model Including
Durations T
p and Tf 333
9.6.2 Type I Model with Duration of Replacement for Weibull
Distribution of ttf . 335
9.6.3 Numerical Example 2: Type I Model with Durations Tp and Tf 335
9.6.4 Practical Shortcut to t
p Determination 335
9.7 Block Replacement Strategy – Type II 339
9.7.1 Renewal Process 340
9.7.2 Laplace Transformation: W(t) and w(t) 341
9.7.3 Renewal Process and W(t) Determination, Numerical Example . 341
9.7.4 Numerical Example, Type II Model 343
9.7.5 Discrete Approach to W(t) 348
9.7.6 Numerical Examples . 349
9.7.7 Practical Shortcut to W(t) and t
p Determination 352
9.8 Maintenance Performance Measurement in Preventive
Maintenance . 353
9.8.1 Numerical Example . 354
9.9 Minimum Total Downtime 355
9.9.1 Type I – Minimum Downtime . 355
9.9.2 Type II – Downtime Minimization . 357
9.10 Group Replacement: The Lamp Replacement Problem 358
9.11 Preventive Maintenance Policies for Repairable Systems . 359
9.11.1 Type I Policy for Repairable Systems . 360
9.11.2 Type II Policy for Repairable Systems 370
9.12 Replacement of Capital Equipment . 372
9.12.1 Minimization of Total Cost . 372
9.12.2 Numerical Example . 372
9.13 Literature Discussion on Preventive Maintenance Strategies 372
9.14 Inspection Models . 373
9.15 Single Machine Inspection Model Based
on a Constant Value of Conditional Probability Failure 375
9.15.1 Numerical Example 1, Elementary Inspection Model 376
9.15.2 Numerical Example 2, Elementary Inspection Model 377
9.16 Inspection Frequency Determination and Profit
per Unit Time Maximization 378
9.17 Inspection Frequency Determination and Downtime
Minimization . 380
9.18 Inspection Cycle Determination and Profit
per Unit Time Maximization 381
9.18.1 Exponential Distribution of ttf . 381
9.18.2 Weibull Distribution of ttf 382
9.18.3 Numerical Example . 382
9.19 Single Machine Inspection Model Based on Total Cost
per Unit Time Minimization 383Contents xvii
9.20 Single Machine Inspection Model Based on Minimal Repair
and Cost Minimization . 384
9.21 Inspection Model Based on Expected Availability
per Unit Time Maximization 385
9.22 Group of Machines Inspection Model . 386
9.23 A Note on Inspection Strategies . 387
9.24 Imperfect Maintenance . 388
9.24.1 Imperfect Preventive Maintenance p – q . 388
9.25 Maintenance-Free Operating Period 390
9.25.1 Numerical Example (Kumar et al. 1999) 391
9.25.2 MFOPS and Weibull Distribution of ttf . 392
9.26 Opportunistic Maintenance Strategy 393
10 Advanced Maintenance Modeling . 397
10.1 Introduction 397
10.2 Maintenance Policy 398
10.2.1 Age Replacement . 398
10.2.2 Block Replacement 399
10.3 Modeling of Nonrepairable Degraded Systems . 399
10.4 Modeling of Inspection-Maintenance Repairable Degraded
Systems . 402
10.4.1 Calculate EŒNI . 403
10.4.2 Calculate P
p 404
10.4.3 Expected Cycle Length Analysis . 405
10.4.4 Optimization of Maintenance Cost Rate Policy . 405
10.4.5 Numerical Example . 406
10.5 Warranty Concepts 406
10.6 Conclusions 408
11 Spare Parts Forecasting and Management . 409
11.1 Spare Parts Problem . 409
11.2 Spare Parts Characterization 410
11.3 Forecasting Methods . 411
11.4 Croston Model 412
11.5 Poisson Model 413
11.6 Binomial Model 414
11.6.1 Numerical Example . 415
11.7 Spare Parts Forecasting Accuracy . 416
11.8 Spare Parts Forecasting Methods: Application and Case Studies 417
11.8.1 Case Study 1: Spare Parts Forecasting for an Aircraft . 417
11.8.2 Case Study 2: Spare Parts Forecasting in a Steel Company . 418
11.9 Methods of Spare Parts Management . 422
11.9.1 Spare Parts Management: Qualitative Methods . 423
11.9.2 Spare Parts Management: Quantitative Methods 426
12 Applications and Case Studies 433
12.1 Preventive Maintenance Strategy Applied
to a Waste to Energy Plant 433
12.1.1 Motor System Reliability Evaluation . 434xviii Contents
12.1.2 Bucket Reliability Evaluation . 436
12.1.3 Motor System. Determination of Maintenance Costs 437
12.1.4 Time-Based Preventive Replacement for the Motor System 439
12.1.5 Time-Based Preventive Replacement for the Bucket Component 439
12.1.6 Time-Based Preventive Replacement with Durations Tp and Tf . 441
12.1.7 Downtime Minimization . 442
12.1.8 Monte Carlo Dynamic Analysis . 442
12.1.9 Monte Carlo Analysis of the System 446
12.2 Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Analysis
in a Plastic Closures Production System for Beverages 446
12.2.1 RBD construction . 448
12.2.2 Rotating Hydraulic Machine 449
12.2.3 Data Collection and Reliability Evaluation of Components . 449
12.2.4 Reliability Evaluation, Nonrepairable Components/Systems 454
12.2.5 Data on Repairs and Maintenance Strategies . 456
12.2.6 Monte Carlo Analysis of the Repairable System 456
12.2.7 Alternative Scenarios and System Optimization 460
12.3 Conclusions and Call for New Contributions . 462
A Appendix 463
A.1 Standardized Normal Distribution 463
A.2 Control Chart Constants 464
A.3 Critical Values of Student’s Distribution with  Degree
of Freedom . 465
Bibliography 467
Index 475
accelerated life testing, 204
accident, 53, 54
active maintenance time, 320
adaptive-response-rate single exponential smoothing, 412
additive Holt–Winter, 412
ADI average interdemand interval, 410, 430
Aerospace, 21
age-based replacement policy, 319
AIAG FMEA-3, 221
airlines, 6, 417
alternating renewal process, 261, 345
analytic hierarchy process, 425
Anderson–Darling, 43
ANEC, 22
ARP5580, 221
Arrhenius, 205
as bad as first failure, 124
as good as new, 96
asset management, 196
asset register, 190
associative law, 243
attribute data, 33
automation, 8
automotive, 220, 221
autonomous maintenance, 74
autoregressive integrated moving average, 412
availability, 91, 113, 127
basic event, 237
basic statistics, 89
bathtub curve, 94
Bellcore, 213
binomial distribution, 27, 48
binomial model, 412
Birnbaum, 294
block diagram, 156
block replacement, 399
block replacement policy, 319, 339
Boolean algebra, 239, 243
breakdown, 65, 67, 236, 316
British Standards Institution, 221
BS 5760, 221
C c
-chart, 39
call cost, 320
capability analysis, 25, 40
capital equipment, 372
CAPP, 12
case studies, 117
catastrophic risks, 58
causes by occurrence analysis, 227
CEN standard, 19, 21, 60
censored data, 118, 135, 145
central limit theorem, 23
check lists, 59
closure production system, 446
CM downtime, 334
CMMS, 196
Coffin–Manson model, 206
cold standby, 180
comakership with suppliers, 13
combined parallel–series system, 170
combined series–parallel system, 168
common causes, 25, 309
commutative law, 243
complete failure data, 134
component, 88
computer-aided design, 10
computer-aided manufacturing, 10
computerized maintenance management system, ix, 189
condition based maintenance, 315, 454
conditional probability, 89
conditioning event, 237
confidence interval, 137
constant failure rate, 95, 97, 247
constant interval replacement policy, 319, 339
continuous dryer system, 187
continuous improvement, 18
control charts, 25, 464
475476 Index
conventional risks, 58
corrective, 67, 70
corrective actions, 227
corrective maintenance, 314
cost, 3, 203
cost control, 68
cost of emissions, 438
cost of failure, 438
cost of man work, 438
cost of materials and spare parts, 438
cost rate, 405
crew cost, 320
critical path method, 11
criticality, 294, 430
criticality matrix, 231, 234
Croston method, 412
cumulative distribution, 90
cumulative failure, 152
customer, 5, 18
CV2 squared coefficient of variation, 410, 430
cycle length, 333, 405
cycles of replacement, 369
danger, 54
data collection, 83, 134, 191, 196
data mining, 12
data warehousing, 12
decision tree, 12
defect, 24, 50
defectives, 75
deferred maintenance, 315
degradation process, 400, 402
demand analysis, 10
density function, 90
dependent event, 311
design, 10
design FMEA (DFMEA), 220
design for assembly, 5
design for disassembly, 5
design for manufacturing, 5
design modification, 318
detection, 222, 225
DFA, 4
DFD, 5
DFM, 4
direct method, 136
discounted cash flow rate of return, 11
discrete random variable, 36
disjunction, 243
distinct causes, 240
distribution function, 36
distribution management, 13, 14
distributive law, 243
double exponential smoothing, 412
downing event criticality index, 159
downtime, 65, 115
drink vending machine, 221
duration of replacements, 336
early wear out, 110
economic order quantity, 13
economic value added, 12
ECOS, 22
effects classification, 227
Efficiency, 183
EFTA, 19
elasticity, 3
electric power supplier, 252
electrical hazards, 55
electromigration model, 205
elementary inspection model, 376
emergency situation, 57
EN ISO 14121, 55
EN ISO 9000, 17, 19
enterprise resource program, 195
environment factor, 207
environmental standards, 21
equivalent fault tree (EFT), 244
equivalent reliability block diagram, 244
ergonomic hazards, 56
erratic demand, 411
expected cycle length, 323
expected number of failures (ENF), 113
expected overall performance, 43
expected within performance, 43
exponential distribution, 97
exponential smoothing, 10
exponential voltage model, 205
exponential weighted moving averages, 412
Eyring, 206
failure event, 91
failure mode, 233
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), 222
failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA), 220,
failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), 220, 224
failure process, 90
failure rate databank (FARADA), 206
failure rate prediction, 97, 204, 211
failure replacement, 333
failure report, 191, 192
failure to danger, 57
father event, 236
fault finding, 317
fault tree analysis (FTA), 237, 239, 244, 263
FFR, 113
fire service, 60
first failure, 248
fit analysis, 118, 145
flexible automation, 9
flexible manufacturing system, 8
forecasting, 11, 410
forecasting accuracy, 416
functional scheme, 152Index 477
functional unit, 133
Fussell–Vesely, 294
gamma function, 110
Gantt, 11
golden section search method, 326
goodness of the fit, 106, 145
Government–Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP), 206
great risks, 58
group replacement, 339, 358
harm, 54
hazard, 54, 57
hazard operability, 59
hazard rate, 92, 94
head protection, 60
health, 21, 51
hearing protectors, 60
heating system, 263
hospitals, 6
hot standby, 180
idempotent law, 243
idle time, 319
IEC 812, 221
immediate maintenance, 315
imperfect maintenance, 388, 398
improved indirect method, 136
in control, 25
incinerator, 278
independent events, 90, 239
individual censored data, 134
industrial management, 5
infant mortality, 94, 110
information technology, 8
INHIBIT gate, 237
inspection maintenance, 317, 373, 381
inspection units, 37, 38
intermediate event, 237
intermittent demand, 410, 411
International Electrotechnical Commission, 221
interval censored data, 134
inventory control, 68, 196
inverse Laplace transform, 305
inverse power rule, 205
item criticality, 232
J1739, 220
just in time, 13
K k
-out-of-n parallel, 170
Kaplan–Meier, 120, 136
key characteristic, 24
KPI, 71, 353
lamp replacement problem, 358
Laplace transform, 302
law of absorption, 243
lean manufacturing, 73
least-square, 136, 145
left censored data, 134
life cycle management, 5, 320
life data analysis, 133
life–stress relationships, 205
linear regression, 145
location allocation problem, 13
logistic delay, 320
loglogistic function, 454
lognormal distribution, 103, 104
lower control limit, 26
lower incomplete gamma function, 324
lower specification limit, 24
lumpy demand, 411
–P diagram, 58
magnitude, 54, 224
maintainability, 96
maintenance, 65, 71, 398
maintenance control, 66
maintenance cost, 334
maintenance global service, 83, 215
maintenance information system, 189, 196
maintenance management, 65, 77
maintenance planning, 66
maintenance status survey, 80
maintenance strategies, 66, 315, 398, 437
maintenance-free operating period, 390
manufacturing systems, 8
market investigation, 12
market uncertainty, 2
Markov analysis, 116, 301
Martin Titan Handbook, 206
material handling device design, 11
material/substance hazards, 56
maximum likelihood estimator, 136, 149
mean absolute deviation (MAD), 416
mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), 416
mean availability, 115
mean deviation (MD), 416
mean square deviation (MSD), 416
mean time to failure (MTTF), 95, 137
mean time to repair (MTTR), 96, 429
mechanical hazards, 55
median rank, 136
memoryless, 94
micro-stops, 74
MIL-STD-1629A, 220
MIL-STD-217, 206
minimal cut sets (MCS), 239478 Index
minimal repair, 371
minimum total cost method, 426
minimum total downtime, 355
mirrored blocks, 244
Monte Carlo simulation, 128, 157, 260, 275, 442
motorcycle manufacturer, 429
moving average, 10, 412
multiattribute spare tree analysis, 424
multiple censored data, 134
multiscenario analysis, 337
net present value, 11
neural network, 145
noise hazards, 55
nonconformity, 24, 27
nonnormal probability, 46
nonparametric reliability evaluation, 101, 120
nonproduction cost, 320
nonrepairable component, 91
normal distribution, 41, 103
not conditional failure rate, 92
np-chart, 37
number of failures, 159
occurrence–severity matrix, 227
on condition monitoring, 70
on-line counseling, 215
operating time, 319
opportunistic maintenance, 317, 393
ordinary free replacement, 407
OSHA, 53
out of control, 26
out of specification, 49
outsourcing, 83
overall equipment effectiveness OEE, 76
overhaul, 83, 316
P-AND gate (priority AND gate), 237
p-chart, 35
parallel configuration, 161
Pareto chart, 227
part stress analysis, 207
payback analysis, 11
performance, 2
piping system, 236
planned replacement, 317
plant control, 68
plant layout, 12
PM downtime, 334
point availability, 115
Poisson distribution, 27, 38, 413
population, 23, 35
power rating factor, 207
PPM, 48
predetermined maintenance, 315
predictive maintenance, 72, 316, 439
prevention strategy, 60
preventive maintenance, 57, 314, 317, 333
pro rata warranty, 407
proactive, 72
probability distribution function, 90
probability of event, 238
probability plot, 101
process capability, 2
process design, 10
process FMEA (PFMEA), 220
product design, 10
product life cycle management, 5, 9, 320
product limit estimator method, 136
product mix, 2, 3, 5
production efficiency, 75
production planning, 14
production process, 66
production system, 2, 11, 13
production system design framework, 4
profit analysis, 12
profit per unit time maximization, 378
program evaluation and review technique, 11
project execution, 12
project planning, 11
protection, 54
protection strategy, 60
protective action, 57, 60, 63
purchase order, 196
quality audit, 19
quality control, 23, 68
quality factor, 207
quality management system, 18
-chart, 26
RADC, 212
radiation hazards, 56
radio-frequency identification, 9
RAMS, 72
random failures, 110
rank adjustment method, 136, 140
rapid wear out, 110
rate of quality, 75
RCM, 71
reactor explosion, 240
redundant system, 161, 171, 246, 302
refurbishment, 316
relevant accident, 58
reliability, 88
reliability based preventive maintenance, 316
reliability block diagram, 152
reliability database, 267
reliability function, 91
reliability libraries, 268
reliability of system, 153, 163, 434
reliability parameters evaluation, 133, 454Index 479
remote maintenance, 190, 214
renewal process, 113, 115, 340
repair process, 91, 95, 99, 248
repair time, 320
replacement, 317
replacement upon failure, 317
required time, 319
research for productivity, 2
residual risk, 59
restoration, 316, 346
right censored data, 134
risk, 53, 56
risk analysis, 54, 57, 222
risk priority number (RPN), 220
Rome Air Development Center (RADC), 206
running in period, 94
S s
-chart, 30
SABE, 21
safety, 53
safety of machinery, 61
safety stock, 13
scheduled-basis preventive maintenance, 316
scheduling, 10
sequencing, 10
serial configuration, 153
service life period, 94
severity, 222, 232
shock damage, 400
simple standby system, 174
simulation, 11, 157
single exponential smoothing, 412
Six Sigma analysis, 48
six-pack capability analysis, 43
spare parts, 195, 295, 320, 409
spare parts forecasting, 411, 414
spare parts management, 7, 423, 426
specific/minor risks, 58
specification limit, 24
stakeholders, 4
standardized MAD (SMAD), 416
standardized normal distribution, 463
standby system, 180, 246, 319
state diagram, 157
static reliability importance analysis, 252
statistical quality control, 24
steady-state availability, 115
stochastic failure and repair process, 89, 95, 117
storage cost, 409
stress factor, 207
student distribution, 137, 465
successful configuration, 171
supply plant, 152
survival function, 92
switching device, 180
Telcordia, 213
telemaintenance, 214
thermal hazards, 55
thermal water treatments, 51
three stress models, 206
time series, 10, 59
time series decomposition, 412
time to failure, 90
time to market, 3
time to repair, 90
time-based preventive maintenance, 316
time-dependent analysis, 180, 301
top event, 237, 239
top-down analysis, 233
total expected replacement cost per cycle, 323
TPM, 71, 73, 76
transfer out block, 265
transporation, 13
traveling scheduling procedures, 11
two temperature/voltage models, 205
two-state diagram, 91
type I model, 324, 328
type II model, 319, 343, 357
unavailability, 247
UNI, 19
unlimited free replacement, 407
up/down analysis, 132, 157
uptime, 65
use-based preventive maintenance, 316
variety reduction program, 7, 12
VED approach, 423
vehicle routing, 12, 13
Venn diagrams, 241
vibration hazards, 55
VRP, 7, 12
warm standby, 307
warranty, 406, 407
waste to energy plant, 433
waste treatment, 277
water supplier system, 185
wear out, 94
Weibull distribution, 47, 110, 454
weighted moving averages, 412
what-if analysis, 12
wood panel manufacturing, 216
work order, 191
X Nx
-chart, 29

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