كتاب Extrusion - The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook
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 كتاب Extrusion - The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18967
التقييم : 35407
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Extrusion - The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook
Harold F. Giles, Jr.
John R. Wagner, Jr.
Crescent Associates, Inc.
Rochester, New York
Eldridge M. Mount, III
EMMOUNT Technologies
Fairport, New York

كتاب Extrusion - The Definitive Processing Guide and Handbook E_t_d_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Part 1: Single Screw Extrusion
1 Extrusion Process . 1
1.1 Raw Material Supply . 1
1.2 Raw Material Blending and Mixing . 2
1.3 Drying 4
1.4 Feeding Polymer to the Extruder . 4
1.5 Extrusion 5
1.5.1 Shaping and Drawing . 5
1.5.2 Solidification and Cooling . 6
1.5.3 Puller 7
1.6 Secondary Operations 7
1.7 Inspection, Packaging, and Shipping 7
Review Questions .8
2 Extruder Safety . 9
2.1 Hazards Associated with an Extruder 9
2.1.1 Hazards Associated with Takeoff Equipment 10
2.1.2 Personal Protective Equipment . 10
2.1.3 Lock-Out, Tag, and Clear Procedure . 10
2.2 Proper Training 11
2.3 Inspection and Housekeeping . 11
2.4 Material Safety 11
Review Questions 11
3 Single Screw Extruder: Equipment 13
Introduction . 13
3.1 Equipment 13
3.2 Drive 14
3.3 Feed . 16
3.4 Screw, Barrel, and Heaters . 16
3.5 Die and Adapter . 20
3.6 Controls 22
3.6.1 Temperature Zone Control . 23
3.6.2 Melt Temperature 26
3.6.3 Pressure Measurement 27
3.6.4 On-Line Measurements 29
3.6.5 Control Summary . 31
3.7 Extruder Devolatilization 31
3.8 Vertical Extruders 32
References 32
Review Questions 324 Plastic Behavior in the Extruder 35
4.1 Feed Zone 35
4.2 Polymer Melting or Plastication . 39
4.3 Melt Conveying 41
4.4 Mixing . 42
4.5 Extruder Throughput Calculations . 45
4.6 Devolatilization 47
4.7 Die 47
References 51
Review Questions 51
5 Screw Design . 53
5.1 Barrier Screw . 55
5.2 Mixing Screw . 57
5.3 Screw Wear . 59
5.3.1 Worn Screws . 61
5.4 Screw Compression Ratios . 61
5.5 Screw Performance . 61
5.6 Summary . 62
References and Photo Credits . 62
Review Questions 63
6 Processing Conditions . 65
6.1 Extruder Temperature Profiles 65
6.2 Extruder or Production Run Setup . 67
6.3 Start-up 68
6.4 Steady-state Operation 68
6.5 Shutdown and Product Changes . 69
References 72
Review Questions 72
7 Scale Up 75
References 77
Review Questions 77
8 Shear Rates, Pressure Drops,
and Other Extruder Calculations 79
8.1 Shear Rates . 79
8.2 Extruder Screw Calculations 80
8.3 Calculations of Output in Different Sections of the Extruder 81
References 81
Review Questions 81
VIIIPart 2: Twin Screw Extrusion
9 Twin Screw Extrusion Process 83
9.1 Raw Material Supply 83
9.2 Raw Material Blending and Mixing . 84
9.3 Drying . 85
9.4 Feeding Polymer to the Extruder 86
9.5 Extrusion . 86
9.5.1 Shaping and Drawing 87
9.5.2 Solidification and Cooling 87
9.5.3 Puller . 88
9.6 Secondary Operations . 88
9.7 Inspection, Packaging, and Shipping . 89
Review Questions 89
10 Extruder Safety . 91
10.1 Hazards Associated with an Extruder . 91
10.1.1 Hazards Associated with Takeoff Equipment 92
10.2 Personal Protective Equipment 92
10.3 Lock-Out, Tag, and Clear Procedure . 92
10.4 Proper Training 93
10.5 Inspection and Housekeeping . 93
10.6 Material Safety 93
Review Questions 93
11 Twin Screw Extruder Equipment 95
11.1 Drive . 102
11.2 Feed 103
11.3 Screw and Barrel Heating and Cooling 105
11.4 Die and Adapter 109
11.5 Controls . 110
11.5.1 Temperature Zone Control 111
11.5.2 Pressure Measurement . 112
11.5.3 In-Line Measurements . 112
11.5.4 Control Summary 112
References and Photo Credits 112
Review Questions .113
12 Plastic Behavior in Twin Screw Extruders 115
12.1 Feed 115
12.2 Plasticating and Melting 117
12.3 Melt Conveying . 119
12.4 Mixing 119
12.5 Downstream Feeding . 121
12.6 Devolatilization . 123
12.7 Pumping 124
12.8 Die . 124
IX12.9 Melt Pressure Profile 129
12.10 Residence Time . 129
References and Photo Credits 130
Review Questions .131
13 Screw Design 133
13.1 Conveying . 133
13.2 Mixing Elements 134
13.3 Screw Design Applications 136
Reference . 139
Review Questions .140
14 Processing Conditions .141
14.1 Extruder Temperature Profile 141
14.2 Screw Speed . 142
14.3 Process Variables 143
14.4 Extruder or Production Run Setup 143
14.5 Start-Up . 144
14.6 Steady-State Operation . 145
14.7 Shutdown and Product Changes . 145
14.7.1 Disassembling Screw Elements 146
14.7.2 Scenario #1 . 147
14.7.3 Scenario #2 . 147
14.7.4 Scenario #3 . 147
14.7.5 Scenario #4 . 148
14.7.6 Scenario #5 . 148
14.7.7 Scenario #6 . 148
14.7.8 Scenario #7 . 149
14.7.9 Scenario #8 . 149
Review Questions .150
15 Applications .151
15.1 Compounding 151
15.2 Reactive Extrusion and Devolatilization 152
15.3 Profile and Other Twin Screw Extrusion Applications . 153
References and Photo Credits 155
Review Questions .155
16 Scale-Up .157
Review Questions .159
17 Shear Rate, Pressure Drop, and Other Extruder Calculations 161
17.1 Shear Rates 161
17.2 Extruder Calculations 162
17.3 Other Calculations 163
References . 163
Review Questions .163
XPart 3: Polymeric Materials
18 Polymer Overview and Definitions 165
18.1 Overview 165
18.2 Thermoplastic versus Thermoset . 167
18.3 Polymer Formation 168
18.4 Molecular Weight . 170
18.5 Copolymers 174
18.6 Polymer Structures 174
Review Questions .176
19 Polymer Structure 179
19.1 Amorphous Polymers 179
19.2 Semicrystalline Polymers . 181
19.3 Comparison of Semicrystalline and Amorphous Polymers . 182
19.4 Crystallinity Measurement 184
19.5 Polyethylene Crystallinity . 184
19.6 Polypropylene Crystallinity 184
19.7 Polystyrene Crystallinity 184
Review Questions .185
20 Polymer Rheology 187
20.1 Definitions 188
20.2 Measurement . 188
20.3 Viscosity in Extrusion 191
References . 193
Review Questions .193
21 Testing Properties 195
21.1 Density and Specific Gravity 196
21.2 Melt Flow Index 197
21.3 Tensile 197
21.4 Flexural Test . 199
21.5 Compressive Strength 199
21.6 Heat Deflection Temperature 199
21.7 Long-Term Heat Aging . 200
21.8 Thermal Properties 200
21.9 Time-Temperature Relationship 201
21.10 Izod Impact 201
21.11 Charpy 202
21.12 Comparative Thermoplastic Properties . 203
21.13 Polymer Additives . 203
21.14 Drying 203
Review Questions .204
XI22 Processing Recommendations for Various Resin Systems 207
22.1 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 207
22.1.1 Extrusion Temperature Profile 208
22.2 Polyamide . 208
22.2.1 Drying . 209
22.2.2 Extrusion Conditions 210
22.2.3 Amorphous Polyamide 211
22.3 Polyethylene . 211
22.3.1 Extrusion Conditions 211
22.4 Polymethyl Methacrylate (Acrylic) . 212
22.4.1 Extrusion Conditions 213
22.5 Polypropylene 213
22.5.1 Extrusion Conditions 213
22.6 Polycarbonate 214
22.6.1 Extrusion Conditions 214
22.7 Polystyrene 215
22.7.1 Extrusion Conditions 215
22.8 Polyvinyl Chloride 216
22.8.1 Extrusion Conditions 216
22.9 Polyester 217
22.9.1 Extrusion Conditions 218
References . 218
Review Questions .219
Part 4: Troubleshooting the Extrusion Process
23 Problem Solving 221
Review Questions .225
24 Five Step Problem Solving Process 227
24.1 Problem Definition 227
24.2 Fix the Problem 228
24.3 Identify the Root Cause 228
24.4 Take Corrective Action 230
24.5 Process Monitoring . 230
Reference . 230
Review Questions .230
25 Design of Experiments 231
25.1 DOE Process 231
25.1.1 Defining the Problem . 231
25.1.2 Plan the Experiment 232
25.1.3 Data Collection 233
25.1.4 Data Analysis 234
25.1.5 Report Conclusions . 234
25.2 Experimental Design 234
XII25.3 Experiments . 238
25.3.1 Factorial Design 238
25.3.2 Response Surface . 240
25.3.3 Mixture Experiments 242
References and Software Providers . 244
Review Questions .244
26 Quality . 247
26.1 Statistical Process Control 248
26.2 Process Capability 249
References . 250
Review Questions .250
27 Troubleshooting Mechanical Extrusion Problems 251
27.1 Problem 1—Extruder Screw Doesn’t Turn 251
27.2 Problem 2—DC Motor Will Not Start . 252
27.3 Problem 3—Drive Train Problems 252
27.4 Problem 4—Rupture Disk Failure in Barrel . 252
27.5 Problem 5—Barrel/Screw Wear 253
27.6 Problem 6—Screw Turns and No Material Exits the Die . 255
27.7 Problem 7—Extruder Shuts Itself Off . 255
27.8 Problem 8—Melt Flows Out the Barrel Vent 256
27.9 Problem 9—Leaking Polymer at Breaker Plate or Die . 257
27.10 Problem 10—Extruder Throughput Rate Is Lower than Anticipated 258
27.11 Problem 11—Temperature Overrides Setpoint . 259
27.12 Problem 12—Extruder Surging Caused by the Equipment . 260
27.13 Problem 13—Poor or Insufficient Polymer Mixing . 261
27.14 Problem 14—Throughput Variation Over Time 262
References . 262
Review Questions .263
28 Troubleshooting Extrusion Product Problems . 265
28.1 Problem 1—Product Surging 265
28.2 Problem 2—Variation in the Product Over Time 266
28.3 Problem 3—Random Product Variation 267
28.4 Problem 4—Streaks in the Product Caused by Poor Mixing 268
28.5 Problem 5—Variation in Product Strength 268
28.6 Problem 6—Product Degradation . 270
28.7 Problem 7—Dull Streaks . 270
28.8 Problem 8—Machine Direction Die Lines 272
28.9 Problem 9—Color Contamination 272
28.10 Problem 10—Holes in Extrudate . 273
28.11 Problem 11—Gels . 274
28.12 Problem 12—Gauge Variations . 275
28.13 Problem 13—Weld Lines . 276
28.14 Problem 14—Weak Film or Coating 276
28.15 Problem 15—Warpage . 277
XIII28.16 Problem 16—Sink . 278
Review Questions .279
29 Troubleshooting Sheet Extrusion 281
29.1 Mechanical Problems and Solutions . 281
29.1.1 Problem 1—Die Lip Damage Causing Defects in the Machine Direction . 281
29.1.2 Problem 2—Chill Roll Adjustment or Condition 282
29.1.3 Problem 3—Product Variations Caused by the Puller Rolls or Winder . 284
29.1.4 Problem 4—Static Charge Build-up on Sheet . 284
29.1.5 Problem 5—Other Equipment Problems . 284
29.2 Product Problems and Solutions 285
29.2.1 Problem 1—Sheet Product Contamination . 285
29.2.2 Problem 2—Poor and/or Nonuniform Gloss 286
29.2.3 Problem 3—Inferior Transparency . 287
29.2.4 Problem 4—Color Shift or Wrong Color 287
29.2.5 Problem 5—Sheet Is Brittle 288
29.2.6 Problem 6—Surface Voids, Indentations, and Imperfections . 288
29.2.7 Problem 7—High or Inconsistent Molecular Orientation 289
29.2.8 Problem 8—Warped Sheet . 291
29.2.9 Problem 9—Thickness Variations 292
29.2.10 Problem 10—Lines and Roughness on Sheet . 292
Review Questions .294
30 Troubleshooting Cast Film . 295
30.1 Problem 1—Molten Web Tears Easily When Exiting the Die . 295
30.2 Problem 2—Film Thickness Variation . 296
30.3 Problem 3—Lines, Streaks, and Foreign Contamination . 296
30.4 Problem 4—Extrudate Width Is Too Narrow 298
30.5 Problem 5—Wrinkles Are Formed in the Film 298
30.6 Problem 6—Roughness on Film Due to Melt Fracture 298
Review Questions .300
31 Troubleshooting Blown Film . 301
31.1 Problem 1—Bubble Instability . 301
31.2 Problem 2—Gauge Variation Around the Circumference 302
31.3 Problem 3—Wrinkles 303
31.4 Problem 4—Lines, Streaks, or Film Contamination . 304
31.5 Problem 5—Rough Film Due to Melt Fracture 304
Photo Credits 305
Review Questions .306
32 Troubleshooting Profile and Pipe . 307
32.1 Problem 1—Excessive Wall Thickness or Thinness . 307
32.2 Problem 2—Wavy Surface Inside Pipe or Tubing 308
32.3 Problem 3—Weld or Knit Line Weakness 309
32.4 Problem 4—Nonuniform Resin Velocity from a Profile Die 309
Review Questions .310
XIVPart 5: Auxiliary Equipment
33 Feed Systems 311
33.1 Feed System . 311
33.2 Blending Systems for Single Screw Extrusion . 314
33.3 Feeders . 321
33.3.1 Volumetric Feeder 322
33.3.2 Gravimetric Feeders . 325
33.3.3 Liquid Feeders . 328
References and Photo Credits 329
Review Questions .329
34 Drying 331
34.1 Drying Definitions and Factors Affecting Drying 333
34.2 Types of Drying Equipment . 334
34.2.1 Oven Drying System 335
34.2.2 Hopper Dryers and Central Drying Systems 336
34.3 Purchasing a Dryer 338
References . 339
Review Questions .339
35 Screen Changers . 341
35.1 Breaker Plate with Screens 342
35.2 Manual Screen Changer 343
35.3 Hydraulic Screen Changer 343
35.4 Double Bolt Screen Changer 344
35.5 Ribbon-Type Screens 346
35.6 Rotary Disk Screen Changer 346
References and Photo Credits . 347
Review Questions .348
36 Gear Pumps . 349
36.1 Gear Pump System 350
36.2 Drive and Control System . 352
36.3 Potential Gear Pump Problems . 354
36.4 Applications . 354
References and Photo Credits 356
Review Questions .356
37 Granulators . 357
Review Questions .360
38 Chillers and Heaters 361
38.1 Chillers . 361
38.2 Heaters . 363
Reference . 364
Review Questions .364
XV39 Screw Cleaning and Purge Compounds 365
39.1 Purge . 365
39.2 Mechanical Cleaning 369
References and Suppliers . 371
Review Questions .372
Part 6: Coextrusion
40 Coextrusion Applications 373
40.1 Film . 373
40.2 Sheet . 385
40.3 Pipe, Tubing, and Profile . 385
40.4 Wire Coating 388
40.5 Large-Part Blow Molding 388
References and Suppliers . 388
Review Questions .389
41 Feedblocks and Dies 391
41.1 Feedblocks . 391
41.2 Multimanifold Dies . 393
41.3 Feedblock Combined with a Manifold Die 398
41.4 Computer-Aided Design . 398
References and Suppliers . 399
Review Questions .399
42 Polymer Selection for Coextrusion 401
42.1 Melt Viscosity Matching 401
42.2 Interfacial Instability . 403
References . 409
Review Questions .409
43 Troubleshooting Coextrusion . 411
43.1 Problem 1—Nonuniform Cross or Transverse Direction (CD or TD) Layer Thickness . 411
43.2 Problem 2—Nonuniform Machine Direction (MD) Layer Thickness . 412
43.3 Problem 3—Interfacial Instability 412
43.4 Problem 4—Repetitive Layer Thickness Variations . 414
43.5 Problem 5—Layer Rearrangement . 415
43.6 Problem 6—Layers Aren’t the Correct Thickness 416
43.7 Problem 7—Poor Adhesion Between Layers in Structure 416
43.8 Problem 8—Structural Integrity Problems from Recycle 418
43.9 Problem 9—Haze Level Is Higher than Anticipated 419
43.10 Problem 10—Product Discoloration . 419
43.11 Problem 11—Gel or Lump Formation . 420
43.12 Problem 12—Warpage . 420
43.13 Problem 13—Regrind Utilization . 422
Review Questions .423
XVIPart 7: Extrusion Applications
44 Compounding . 425
44.1 Pelletizing Process 425
44.2 Operation 432
References and Suppliers . 433
Review Questions .433
45 Sheet and Cast Film 435
45.1 Sheet . 435
45.1.1 Die 435
45.1.2 Three-Roll Stack . 440
45.1.3 Puller Rolls . 442
45.1.4 Windup or Stacker 442
45.1.5 Thickness Measurement . 443
45.1.6 Operation 445
45.2 Cast Film 446
45.2.1 Die 447
45.2.2 Rolls . 447
45.2.3 Film Treatment . 449
45.2.4 Slitter 450
45.2.5 Gauging 450
45.2.6 Winders 450
45.2.7 Operation . 451
References And Suppliers . 451
Review Questions .452
46 Blown Film 453
46.1 Die . 454
46.2 Cooling . 456
46.3 Blown Film Tower . 457
46.4 Winders . 458
46.5 Gauging . 459
46.7 Operation . 459
References and Photo Credits 462
Review Questions .463
47 Extrusion Coating and Lamination 465
Review Questions .468
48 Wire and Cable Coating . 469
48.1 Pretreatment . 471
48.2 Die . 471
48.3 Downstream Equipment 472
48.4 Polymers 473
References . 474
Review Questions .474
XVII49 Profile Extrusion . 475
49.1 Die . 476
49.2 Calibration and Cooling Tank 479
49.3 Puller . 482
49.4 Cutters 483
49.5 Thermoplastic Materials . 484
References and Photo Credits 484
Review Questions .484
50 Pipe and Tubing Extrusion . 487
50.1 Die . 488
50.2 Cooling and Sizing 489
50.3 Puller . 494
50.4 Packaging . 495
50.5 Scale-Up 495
References and Photo Credits 495
Review Questions .495
51 Monofilament . 497
51.1 Die . 498
51.2 Quench Tank . 499
51.3 Drawing Unit with Ovens . 500
51.4 On-Line Gauging . 501
51.5 Creel . 501
51.6 Testing 501
Supplier . 502
Review Questions .502
52 Extrusion Blow Molding . 505
52.1 Parison Delivery System 506
52.2 Tooling . 507
52.3 Materials 511
52.4 Equipment Selection . 511
References . 512
Review Questions .512
53 Foam Extrusion 513
53.1 Blowing Agents . 514
53.2 Downstream Equipment 516
53.3 Microcellular Foam . 516
References and Suppliers . 516
Review Questions .517
54 Solid Stock Shapes . 519
Review Questions .521
55 Reprocessing 523
Supplier . 524
Review Questions .524
Glossary . 525
Index 539
elasticity 188, 198, 382, 408, 413, 419
embossing 448
EPDM 168, 378, 482
ethylene propylene polymers 168
ethylene vinyl alcohol 169, 373, 376
extensional viscosity 408, 409, 415
extruder drive 103, 108, 255, 256, 353
extrusion blow molding 176, 188, 211, 212, 368, 388,
505, 506, 507, 509, 511, 512
extrusion coating 382, 425, 451, 465, 466, 467, 468
F f
ines 118, 337, 338, 357, 366, 428, 429
fishbone diagram 228, 229, 230
flame retardance 195, 214, 242, 247
flame retardants 1, 43, 59, 83, 95, 121, 151, 203, 261,
288, 311, 328, 524
flange 369, 501
flash 201, 506, 509, 523
flight depth 20, 55, 99, 210, 214, 215
flight pitch 118
flood feeding 4, 37, 39, 68, 321
foam extrusion 215, 513, 516, 517
foaming agents 515
Food and Drug Administration 195, 368
gauge variation 282, 297, 302, 303, 355, 446, 447
gauging 7, 89, 447, 450, 459, 466, 501, 502
Gaylord 2, 84, 359
gel permeation chromatography 171, 173
glass transition 6, 49, 87, 126, 152, 179, 181, 185, 200,
201, 290, 338, 370, 426, 468
granulators 311, 357, 358, 359, 360, 523
granules 312, 324, 523
gravimetric feed 3, 85
haul-off 457, 475, 482, 483, 496, 519
haze 419, 424, 448, 449, 453
heat deflection temperature 195, 199, 207
heat of fusion 80, 81, 162, 163, 183, 426
heat stabilizers 3, 85, 203, 433, 524
heater bands 9, 17, 21, 22, 39, 67, 109, 110, 233, 310,
heating zones 110, 436
helical gears 351
helix angle 18, 19, 20, 45, 46, 54, 55, 58, 76, 81
homopolymer 405
hydraulic screen changer 21, 343, 344
hydraulic slide plate 341
inspection 7, 11, 89, 93, 196, 228, 337, 429
Izod Impact 201, 202
elvin 29, 192, 404, 405
L/D ratio 14, 18, 50, 127, 214
laminar 39, 56, 57, 188, 373, 391, 401, 436
laminates 383
lamination 66, 174, 425, 435, 465, 466, 467, 468
lay-flat width 453, 460, 461
leakage flow 22, 42, 45, 97, 124
liner 17, 19, 107, 158, 210, 465
load cell 189, 318, 319, 321, 327
long-term heat aging 2, 84, 200, 201, 433
loss modulus 189
loss-in-weight 2, 3, 68, 84, 85, 103, 130, 144, 311, 319,
321, 325, 326
masterbatch 3, 8, 85, 89, 312
mechanical cleaning 369, 370, 371
melt blockage 16
melt channel 26, 58, 124, 392, 472, 478, 488, 489
melt flow rate 197, 419
melt index 197, 211
melt instability 50, 127, 403, 443
melt plug 38, 52, 65, 69, 255
microcellular foam 513, 514, 516, 517
mixture experiments 234, 235, 236, 242, 245
540moisture-sensitive 4, 22, 86, 204, 210, 217, 219, 289,
311, 334
multimanifold dies 391, 393, 398, 399
non-Newtonian 40, 46, 165, 187, 190, 193, 436
nonpolar 70, 148, 174, 295, 332, 374, 375, 449, 450, 466
Noryl® 4, 61, 67, 85, 142, 152, 167, 195, 479
orange peel 466
overall length 135
oxidation 27, 380
areto diagram 229, 230
permeability 20, 379, 382, 383
pilot 221
pinholes 381, 383, 460, 466, 473
plasticating 5, 13, 35, 39, 62, 109, 117, 119
plate-out 49, 127, 203, 271, 283, 285
Plexiglass® 195
PMMA 46, 61, 67, 142, 167, 180, 195, 201, 219, 368,
pocket 14, 19, 20, 116, 332, 465
polyacrylonitrile 169
polybutylene 169
polybutylene terephthalate 4, 6, 85, 167, 217, 222, 332,
386, 473, 514
polychlorotrifluoroethylene 169
polydispersity 173, 177
polydispersity index 173, 177
polyetherether ketone 195
polyetherimide 167, 180, 195, 204, 332, 366
polyethylene terephthalate 4, 53, 85, 167, 217, 332, 373,
polyhexafluoropropylene 169
polymer additives 203, 205
polymer structures 169, 174
polymerization 30, 152, 153, 168, 169, 170, 173, 175,
176, 177, 347
polymethylmethacrylate 167
polymethylmethracrylate 195
polymethymethacrylate 169
polyoxymethylene 93, 195
polyphenylene oxide/polystyrene blend 167, 195
polyphenylene sulfide 167, 195, 386, 497
polyphthalamide 195
polysulfone 4, 67, 85, 142, 167, 180, 195, 204, 332, 365
polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) 169
polyurethanes 152, 168
polyvinylacetate 169
polyvinylchloride 169, 333, 473
polyvinyldiene fluoride 169
polyvinylidenechloride 169, 379
POM 195
power law model 46
PPO/PS 195, 365
PPS 167, 195, 204, 365, 367, 368, 386
practical residence time 98
pressure measurement 27, 28, 112
process capability 62, 249, 250
product changes 69, 145, 146, 223, 266, 311, 313, 320,
368, 448
profile and pipe 124, 307, 309
PSF 195
PSO 167, 195
PTA 195
puller rolls 284, 285, 294, 295, 435, 440, 442, 443, 445,
446, 453, 468
purge compounds 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 371
pyrometer 271
quench tank 499, 500, 502
recycled plastics 36
relaxation 5, 6, 48, 87, 126, 277, 477
relief 104, 122, 363
reprocessing 167, 311, 334, 425, 523, 524
residence time distribution 43, 98, 100, 101, 113, 129,
130, 153
rheometer 30, 189, 190
ribbon blender 3, 84, 314, 315, 316, 523
ribbon-type screen 341, 346, 348
Rockwell hardness 352, 438, 479
rotary disk screen changer 346, 347
screw axis 58
screw cleaning 60, 311, 365, 367, 369, 371
screw performance 55, 62
sealing ring 257
shank 20, 32, 55
shaping and drawing 5, 87
sharkskin 49, 50, 52, 127, 128, 298
shear flow 40, 188, 190
shear strain 40, 44, 76, 188
shear thinning 40, 46, 165, 188, 191
sheet extrusion 96, 155, 215, 281, 283, 285, 287, 289,
291, 293, 347, 435, 452
sheeting 124, 154, 383, 425
shipping 1, 7, 35, 83, 89, 227, 373
shutdown 11, 65, 69, 93, 102, 141, 145, 223, 224, 228,
297, 338, 354, 395, 418
silo 2, 83
sink 274, 278, 279, 471, 477, 478, 484, 513
sleeve 352, 354, 469, 480
slitter 446, 450, 457
soak 13, 68, 144, 183, 251, 367, 440
solid shapes 519
solidification 6, 7, 87, 88, 121, 277, 290, 494, 507, 519
solidification and cooling 6, 87
solids conveying zone 116
SPE 62, 72, 112, 130, 244, 339, 356, 389
specific gravity 196, 197, 204, 207, 209, 229
spectroscopy 30, 32, 112, 184
spur gears 351
square pitch 19, 52, 54, 76, 134, 214
stacker 284, 435, 442, 443
standard deviation 61, 202, 233, 235, 236, 247, 249, 250,
starve feeding 4, 16, 36, 37, 86, 317, 322, 354
statistical process control (SPC) 7, 89, 224, 429
steady-state 65, 68, 141, 142, 145, 441, 460
steady-state operation 65, 68, 141, 145, 460
storage modulus 189
styrene acrylonitrile copolymer (SAN) 195
styrene butadiene copolymer (SB) 195
thermal properties 200, 205
thermoform 385
thermoplastic polyesters 195, 514
thermoset 167, 168, 175, 176, 474
thickness gauges 31, 443, 444, 450
thickness measurement 443
three-lobe 98, 99, 113, 119, 131, 135, 157
throughput calculations 45
time-temperature relationship 201, 204
tooling 182, 478, 481, 482, 505, 507, 508
transparent 15, 180, 181, 182, 183, 211, 212, 215, 287,
301, 368, 444, 456, 459
tumble blenders 3, 84, 315
twin cone blender 314, 316
two-lobe 98, 99, 101, 113, 119, 135, 157, 163
two-stage screw 3, 20, 31, 33, 47, 212, 215, 227, 230,
256, 333, 513, 515
ultraviolet 203, 269, 444
ultraviolet stabilizers 203
underwater pelletizing 361, 430, 431, 432, 434
UV resistance 195, 212
V v
ent stack 75, 106, 107
vented extruder 4, 31, 47, 86, 213, 273, 333
vertical blender 314, 316
vertical extruders 32
viscoelasticity 154, 409
warped sheet 291
windup 22, 23, 110, 111, 284, 295, 301, 306, 435, 442,
446, 448, 451, 453, 457, 466, 471
wire and cable 211, 354, 397, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473,
474, 523
wrinkles 298, 299, 303, 304, 465
zero defects 25

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