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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook - Processing, Materials,and Applications السبت 30 سبتمبر 2023, 1:49 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook - Processing, Materials,and Applications Second Edition Edited by Myer Kutz
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents Dedication Contributors About the Editor Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Second Edition Part I: Plastics, elastomeric and biobased materials 1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends Abstract 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Aliphatic Polyamides 1.3. Aromatic Polyamides, Aramids 1.4. SemiAromatic Polyamides 1.5. Polyacetals 1.6. Polycarbonates 1.7. Poly (phenylene ether) 1.8. Polysulfones 1.9. High-Temperature Sulfone Polymers (HTS) 1.10. Thermoplastic Polyesters 1.11. Liquid Crystalline Polymers (Polyesters) 1.12. Poly(phenylene sulfide) 1.13. Polyetherimide 1.14. Polyimides 1.15. Polyamide Imides 1.16. Aromatic Polyketones 1.17. Polyarylates 1.18. Aliphatic Polyketones 1.19. Syndiotactic Polystyrene 1.20. Self-Reinforcing Polyphenylene 1.21. Poly(p-xylylene) 1.22. Polybenzimidazole 1.23. Comparison of Physical Properties 1.24. Trends in Engineering Thermoplastics 1.25. Processing 1.26. Conclusions 2: Polyolefins Abstract 2.1. Industrial Processes for Polyolefin Production 2.2. Classes of Polyolefins 2.3. Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization 2.4. Industrial Reactors 2.5. Polyolefine Properties 2.6. Applications 2.7. Polyolefin Composites 3: Introduction to Fluoropolymers Abstract 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Fluoropolymer Classification 3.3. Fluoropolymer Products 3.4. Monomer Synthesis 3.5. Monomer Properties 3.6. Polymerization and Finishing 3.7. Structure–Property Relationship of PE to PTFE 3.8. Polymer Properties of PTFE 3.9. Fabrication Techniques 3.10. Applications 3.11. Safety 3.12. Polymerization Surfactant 3.13. Economics 3.14. Summary 4: Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Abstract 4.1. Introduction [1–3] 4.2. Synthesis of Vinyl Chloride [3,5] 4.3. PVC Resin Synthesis and Characterization [1–3] 4.4. PVC Compounds: Processing and Applications [4,7] 4.5. Recycling PVC [11] 4.6. Vinyl: Sustainability and Energy Efficiency [12] 4.7. Vinyl Chloride and Health 4.8. Dioxin 5: Thermoplastic Elastomers Abstract 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Classification and Structure 5.3. Production 5.4. Structure–Property Relationships 5.5. Applications 5.6. Economic Aspects and Trade Names 6: Thermoset Elastomers Abstract 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Some Experimental Details 6.3. Typical Stress–Strain Behavior 6.4. Control of Network Structure 6.5. Networks at Very High Deformations 6.6. Multimodal Chain-Length Distributions 6.7. Other Types of Deformation 6.8. Filler-Reinforced Elastomers and Elastomer-Modified Ceramics 6.9. Current Problems and Future Trends 7: Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers Abstract 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Naturally Occurring Biodegradable Polymers 7.3. Biodegradable Polymers Derived From Renewable Resources 7.4. Biodegradable Polymers Derived From Petroleum 7.5. Biobased Polymers Derived From Plant Oil 7.6. Concluding Remarks 8: Polymeric Biomaterials Abstract 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Polymeric Biomaterials in Ophthalmology 8.3. Polymeric Biomaterials in Orthopedics 8.4. Polymeric Biomaterials in Cardiovascular 8.5. Polymeric Biomaterials for Wound Closure 8.6. Polymeric Biomaterials in Extracorporeal Artificial Organs 8.7. Polymeric Biomaterials for Nerve Regeneration 8.8. Conclusions and Future Outlook Part II: Plastics processing 9: Recycling of Plastics Abstract 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Technology to Recycle Plastics 9.3. Challenges 9.4. Industries and Industry Organizations 9.5. Products 9.6. Conclusions Acknowledgment 10: Injection Molding Technology Abstract 10.1. The Injection Molding Screw 11: Microcellular Injection Molding Abstract 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Background 11.3. General Discussion of Foam Processing 11.4. General Discussion of Microcellular Processing 11.5. General Discussion of Microcellular Injection Molding 11.6. Process Monitoring and Control Methods for Microcellular Injection Molding 11.7. Equipment Requirements for Microcellular Foam Injection Molding 11.8. Trexel’s MuCell Technology 11.9. Other Physical Foaming Techniques 11.10. Typical Objectives of Microcellular Injection Molding 11.11. Limitations of Microcellular Injection Molding 11.12. Best Target Applications 11.13. More Challenging Situations 11.14. Commercial Examples 11.15. Future Trends Appendix 12: Extrusion Processes Abstract 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Single-Screw Extruders 12.3. Single-Screw Extruder Mechanisms 12.4. Twin-Screw Extruder Equipment 12.5. Planetary Roller Extruders: Principle Components and Operating Principles 12.6. Shaping and Drawing and Extrusion Applications 12.7. Extrusion Laminations and Coatings 12.8. Solidification and Cooling 13: Blow Molding Abstract 13.1. Introduction 13.2. The Process 13.3. Formulas for Blow Molding 13.4. Troubleshooting Acknowledgments 14: Compression Molding Abstract 14.1. Basics of Processing by Compression Molding 14.2. Molding Force and Pressure 14.3. Typical Presses 14.4. Compression Molds and Associated Tooling 14.5. Commonly Used Resins 14.6. Resin Charge Characteristics 14.7. Processing Parameters for Granules, Powders, and Preforms 14.8. Resin Matrix Modifiers 14.9. Engineered Fiber-Reinforced Molding Compounds 14.10. Comparisons with Transfer Molding and Injection Molding 14.11. Similar Processes 14.12. Modeling the Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Mold Filling 14.13. Ensuring Part Quality and Process Efficiency Acknowledgments 15: Rotational Molding Abstract 15.1. Introduction 15.2. Rotational Molding Process 15.3. Materials for Rotational Molding 15.4. Molds for Rotational Molding 15.5. Machinery for Rotational Molding 15.6. Design for Rotational Molding 16: Thermoforming Abstract 16.1. Introduction 16.2. Thermoforming Characteristics 16.3. Thermoformed Product Characteristics 16.4. The Thermoforming Concept 16.5. Thermoforming Machinery 16.6. Thin-Gauge Thermoforming 16.7. Thick-Gauge Thermoforming 16.8. Other Thermoforming Technologies 16.9. Heaters 16.10. Thermoforming Mold Materials 16.11. Plastic Materials 16.12. Product Design 16.13. Operational Aspects of Thermoforming [22] 17: Process Monitoring and Process Control: An Overview Abstract 17.1. Introduction 17.2. Historical Factors Affecting the Development of Process Monitoring and Controls 17.3. Basic Concepts: Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Controls 17.4. Transducers Used in Plastics Processes 17.5. Data Acquisition Systems 17.6. General Control Strategies: Extrusion Versus Injection Molding 17.7. Process Control Applications Overview: Extrusion 17.8. Process Control Applications Overview: Injection Molding 17.9. Process Development Tools 17.10. Conclusions 18: Polymer Stabilization Abstract 18.1. Introduction 18.2. Degradation Chemistry 18.3. Stabilizers 18.4. Performance of Stabilizers 18.5. Other Factors Determining the Choice of Stabilizers Appendix 18.1. Chemical structure, CAS number, and several trade names of several stabilizers 19: Chaotic Advection and Its Application to Extruding Micro- and Nanostructured Plastic Materials Abstract 19.1. Applicability and Fundamentals 19.2. Machinery and Process Control 19.3. Micro- and Nanolayered Plastics 19.4. Polymer Blends 19.5. Polymer–Solid Composites and Nanocomposites 19.6. Mixtures and Nanodispersions 19.7. Decoration 19.8. Rheology Measurements with Concurrent In Situ Structuring Part III: Additives, colorants and fillers 20: Surface Modification of Plastics Abstract 20.1. Introduction: Surface Modification of Plastics: For What Reasons? 20.2. Overview of Surface Modification Techniques 20.3. Surface Modification (Activation) Techniques 20.4. Surface-Coating Deposition Techniques 21: Plastics Additives Abstract 21.1. Introduction 21.2. Overview 21.3. Thermal Stabilizers 21.4. Nucleating Agents 21.5. Antioxidants 21.6. Flame Retardants 21.7. Color and Colorants 21.8. Fillers 21.9. Reinforcements 21.10. Impact Modifiers and Impact Modification 21.11. Miscellaneous 22: Dispersants and Coupling Agents Abstract 22.1. Introduction 22.2. Dispersants 22.3. Practical Use Considerations 22.4. Types of Dispersants 22.5. Property Effects 22.6. Coupling Agents 22.7. Conclusions 23: Functional Fillers for Plastics Abstract 23.1. Introduction 23.2. The Basics 23.3. Thermal and Electrical Properties 23.4. Hardness, Friction, Scratch Resistance, and Wear 23.5. Barrier Properties 23.6. Optical Properties 23.7. Processing 23.8. Extra Phase Effects 23.9. Popular Fillers 23.10. Specialty Fillers 24: Plasticizers Abstract 24.1. Introduction 24.2. Mechanism of Plasticization 24.3. Types of Plasticizers 24.4. Phthalate Esters 24.5. Terephthalate Esters 24.6. Dibasic Acid Esters 24.7. Epoxy Plasticizers 24.8. Trimellitate Esters 24.9. Benzoate Esters 24.10. Cyclohexanoate Esters 24.11. Polymeric Plasticizers 24.12. Phosphate Esters 24.13. Citrate Esters 24.14. Other Plasticizers 24.15. Plasticizer Characteristics and Performance of Flexible PVC 24.16. Plasticizer Selections for Specific Applications 24.17. Plasticizers for Other Polymers 24.18. Human Health Aspects of Plasticizers 24.19. Future of Plasticizers 25: Adhesion Promoters: Silane Coupling Agents Abstract 25.1. General Concepts 25.2. Silane Adhesion Promoters 25.3. Adhesion Promoter Mechanism with Silanes 25.4. Optimizing Coupling Agent Performance 25.5. How to Choose a Silane Coupling Agent 25.6. General Applications of Silane Coupling Agents 25.7. Industry and Utility 25.8. Non-Silane Adhesion Promoters 25.9. Sources of Adhesion Promoters Part IV: Design and applications 26: Plastics Joining Abstract 26.1. Introduction 26.2. Mechanical Joining 26.3. Adhesive Bonding 26.4. Welding 27: Design of Plastic Parts Abstract 27.1. Introduction 27.2. Material Selection 27.3. Process Selection 27.4. Structural Design 27.5. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly 27.6. Conclusions Acknowledgments 28: Three-Dimensional Printing of Plastics Abstract 28.1. Introduction 28.2. 3D Printing Processes 28.3. Design with 3D Printing 28.4. Manufacturing Strategy 28.5. Future Outlook 28.6. Conclusions Acknowledgments 29: Plastics in Buildings and Construction Abstract 29.1. Introduction 29.2. Applications 29.3. Plastic Applications in Green Building Design 29.4. Conclusions Acknowledgments 30: Automotive Applications of Plastics: Past, Present, and Future Abstract 30.1. Introduction 30.2. Exterior Components 30.3. Interior Components 30.4. Under-the-Hood Components 30.5. Future Outlook 30.6. Conclusions 31: Infrastructure Applications of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Abstract 31.1. Introduction 31.2. Products and Applications 31.3. Durability of Polymer Composites 31.4. Summary 32: The Plastic Piping Industry in North America Abstract 32.1. Introduction 32.2. Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings Materials 32.3. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride Materials 32.4. Cross-Linked Polyethylene (PEX) Materials 32.5. Polypropylene Materials 32.6. Polybutylene Materials 32.7. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Materials 32.8. Nylon (PA) Materials 32.9. Fluoropolymer Materials 32.10. Engineering Plastic Materials 32.11. Multilayer Piping Products 32.12. Composite Piping Products 32.13. Fiberglass-Reinforced Thermoset Piping 32.14. Cured-in-Place Piping 32.15. Pipeline and Piping Rehabilitation Technologies 32.16. Plastic Pipe and Fittings Manufacturing Processes 32.17. Long-Term Strength Testing of Thermoplastic Piping Materials 32.18. Test Methods for Determining Long-Term Hydrostatic Strength 32.19. Validation of Polyethylene Pipe Materials 32.20. Popelar Shift Function Calculations for PE Pipe Materials 32.21. Design of Plastic Piping Systems 32.22. Specifications, Product Standards, Test Methods, and Codes 32.23. Regulatory Matters 32.24. Applications of Thermoplastic Plastic Piping 32.25. Installation Using Thermoplastic Pipe for Pipeline Replacement 32.26. Other Piping Applications 33: PET Use in Blow Molded Rigid Packaging Abstract 33.1. Introduction 743 Index A A-B-A block copolymer, 91 A/B pillar covers, 661–662 Abrasion, 443, 525–526 resistance, 526 Acetaldehyde (AA), 720 Acetylated tributyl citrate (ATBC), 544 Acid etching, 443 Acid-functionalized polymers, 506, 515–516 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 19, 326, 357, 643, 654, 701 thermoplastics, 462 Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA), 654 Additive manufacturing (AM) processes, 24, 617 binder jetting, 618 directed energy deposition, 618 material extrusion, 618 material jetting, 618 powder bed fusion, 618 sheet lamination, 618 vat photopolymerization, 618 Additives, 489, 642 for biological defense, 499 chemical classes of, 490 Adhesion, 559 Adhesion enhancer, 561 Adhesion promoters, 555–571 applications, 562 general concepts, 555 industry and utility, 562–570 fiberglass, surface treatment of, 562–564 minerals in plastics, surface treatment of, 564–567 PICA (paints, inks, coatings, and adhesives), 568–570 mechanism with silanes, 557–561 bonding to the inorganic substrate, 558 bonding to the organic polymer, 558–559 interphase region, 557 optimizing coupling agent performance, 559–561 non-silane adhesion promoters, 570 silane, 555–557 chemistry, 556–557 coupling agents, 555–556, 561–562 sources of, 570–571 Adhesive bonding, 557, 607 in plastics joining, 580–582 application, 582 curing, 582 joint design, 582 surface preparation, 581 Adipates, 80 Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), 183 Adsorption theory, 581 Advanced engineering thermoplastics (AETP), 3 physical properties, comparison of, 18–20 Aerosol-based DBD treatment, of foils, 472 Aesthetics additives, 22 Akashi-Kaikyo bridge, 677 Aliphatic polyamides, 4 PA66 molding, 4 polyamide 66, structure of, 4 Aliphatic polybenzimidazoles, 17 Aliphatic polyketones, 15–16 structure of, 16 Alkyl radical scavenging, 400 Aluminates, 514 Aluminum-plastic composite water piping, 702 Aluminum trihydrate (ATH), 493, 529 Aluminum vacuum web coating, 477 American Chemistry Council (ACC), 167 American Composites Manufacturers’ Association (ACMA), 686 American National Standards (ANS), 713 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 713 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Committee, 55, 617, 698, 708 11-Aminoundecanoic acid, 4 Ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO), 67 Ammonium polyphosphate (APP) helium glow discharge, 450 Amorphous Carbon Treatment on Internal Surface (ACTIS) coating, 470, 471 Amorphous polymers, 20, 521, 583 properties of, 20 high-performance, 20 Analytical melting model, 225 Anchoring, 510 Angiosarcoma of the liver (ASL), 88 Antimony/halogen systems, 493 Antioxidants, 491–492, 501 carbon blacks, 492 chemical types of, 491 lactones, 492 primary antioxidants, 491 secondary antioxidants, 492 sulfur-based, 492 thin films, 492 vitamin E, 492 A-PD precursor delivery system, 475 Ap/Po ratio methods, 535, 536 Aramids (aromatic polyamides), 5 Aromatic polyketones, 14–15 Arrhenius activation energy, 710 Arrhenius equation, 710 Aspect ratio, 519 Assembly, 606–607 ASTM D883-12, 169 ASTM standards, 640 Atmospheric-plasma treater, 450 Atmospheric-pressure glow discharge (APGD), 449 Atmospheric-pressure plasma jet (APPJ) alignment of several potential-free, 452 arrays, 451 for deposition of coatings, 473 wide-angle rotating jet head plasma jet, 452 Autoclave temperature development, 31 Automotive industry, 49 polypropylene, 49 Automotive Manufacturers Equipment Compliance Agency (AMECA), 655 Azeotropic dehydrative condensation, 132 Azo compound, 35 cross-linking, 706 B Bairocade, 726 Bamboo fiber (BF), 130 Bamboo pulp fiber (BPF), 130 Barrel sections like extruders, 244 Barrier films, 639–640 flights, 236 properties, 526 Bell brittleness testing procedures, 534 Benzoate esters, 542 Biocides, 499 Biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic polyesters, 137744 Index Biodegradable polymers, 127 cellulose, 129–131 naturally occurring, 127 overview of, 127 from petroleum, 135 poly(butylene adipate-coterephalate), 137 poly(butylene succinate), 136 polycaprolactone, 135 from plant oil, 137 carbon-carbon double bond functionalization in triglycerides, 138 ester group, modification of, 138 from renewable resources, 132 polyhydroxyalkanoates, 133–135 polylactic acid, 132–133 soy protein plastic, 131 starch, 128–129 Biofibers, 646 Biomaterials applications of, 145 biomimetic apatite formation, 150 for IOLs, 148 Biostability, 151 Biphenyl tetra carboxylic dianhydridebased polyimides structures, 14 4,4″-Bis (4-chlorophenylsulfonyl) biphenyl, 9 Bisphenol A (BPA), 6 Bisphenol A polycarbonate (BPA-PC), 397 BiW materials, properties of, 658 Blast-resistant structures, 688–689 Blennerhassett bridge (WV), 680 Block copolymers, 93 with polyisobutylene midsegments, 96 Block diagram, for blown film MD thickness control, 387 Blow air entrance, 272 Blow air pressure, 289 Blow molding, 265, 598–599, 736–738 blow pressure curve, 736–737 blow-up ratio, 275 clamp tonnage, 276 die swell, 276 heat extraction load, 276 injection blow molding. See also Injection molding internal cooling (hot fill bottles), 738 origin of, 719 part thickness, 275 pinch-offs, 277 polyethylene terephthalate, 717–740 commercial manufacturing processes, 726–728 container and preform design fundamentals, 728–735 development, 717–719 morphology, 722–724 packaging material, 719 permeation and barrier, 724–726 processing, 735 rigid packaging, 717–740 structure and manufacturing, 720–722 process of, 265–273 under 5 L, 275 over 5 L, 275 parison programming-wall distribution, 273 resin characteristics, 273–275 Reynolds number, 276 shrinkage, 279 stretch blow molding, 285–289 troubleshooting, 279 injection blow, 281–284 venting, 278 Blow molding cycle, 266, 267, 728 Blow molding polyarylsulfones, 8 Blow pressure curve, 737 Blow-up ratio (BUR), 723 Body-in-white (BiW), 657–658 Bond strengths, 502–504 “Bootstrap” strategy, 613 Borstar polypropylene heterophasic copolymers, 46 Borstar polypropylene homopolymers, 46 Borstar PP process, 46 Breakdown paschen curves, 448 Bridges, 675–676 decks, 678–682 pavements, 678–682 smart materials for, 685–686 substructures, 682 superstructures, 676–678 system design and construction, 676 unique bridges, 682–683 Brønsted-Lowry Acids, 502 Building envelopes, 639–640 Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA), 714 Buildings and construction industry applications, 635–646 barrier films, 639–640 building envelopes, 639–640 cladding, 635–636 conduits, 640–642 decking, 646 doors, 642–644 electrical wiring insulation, 640–642 fencing, 646 glazing, 642–644 green building design, plastic applications in, 646–647 house wraps, 639–640 insulation, 636–638 piping, 644–646 plastics in, 635–647 railing, 646 roofing, 638–639 siding forms, 635–636 windows, 642–644 Bulk-density cylinder, 330 Bulk molding compounds, stack of, 310 Bumpers, 652–653 Butene, 33 Butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT), 491 Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), 537, 548 n-Butylmethacrylate (n-BMA) monomer, 150 C Cabinet shuttle machines, 357 Cadmium colors, 494 Calcium carbonate, 494, 521 Canadian Standards Association (CSA) rating systems, 698 Canopy machines, 355 Cantilever snap-fit, 578 Capped POM, structure of, 6 Carbonated soft drink (CSD) bottle, 717, 729 Carbon blacks, 492, 495 filler, 567 structure of, 495 Carbon dioxide pressure-temperature phase diagram, 204 Carbon fiber loadings, 51 Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP), 651, 653, 658, 666 Carbon fibers use of, 685 Carbon FRP (CFRP) cables, 679 Carboxylic acid anchoring groups, 511 Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), 155 Cardiovascular, polymeric biomaterials, 151 expanded PTFE, 152 polyethylene terephthalate, 152 polyurethanes, 151 Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE), 174, 184 Cast aluminum mold, 332 Catalyst copolymer, 707 Catalyst residues, 490 Catalytic gas combustion radiant heaters, 361 Cavity plate, 302 Cavity pressure profiles, 208 Cavity pressure, 378 C-C double bond, 28 Celluloid, 533 Cellulose, 489 Cellulosic fibers, 130 natural fibers, 130 Center for Integration of Composites into Infrastructure (CICI), 675 Central nervous system (CNS), 156 Cetyltrimethyl ammoniumbromide (CTAB), 512 Chaotic advection based processing, of plastics, 395, 399 applicability and fundamentals, 423–425 decoration, 435–436 machinery and process control, 425–429 micro- and nanolayered plastics, 430 mixtures and nanodispersions, 434–435 polymer blends, 431–432Index 745 polymer-solid composites and nanocomposites, 432–434 rheology measurements with concurrent in situ structuring, 436–437 Chartwell adhesion promoters, 515 Chemical aging, 693 Chemical foaming agents (CFA), 203 Chemical forces, 555 Chemical process piping systems, 699 Chemical reactions, 556 Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polymerization method, 17 China Entry-Exit Inspection, 183 Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), 82 Chlorinated polyolefins, 570 Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), 699 use of, 699 Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3), 64 Chlorotrifluoroethylene, 60 synthesis of, 57–58 Chopped/ground/shredded e-plastics resin, 305 Chromium salts, 514 Chronic Hazard Advisory Panel (CHAP), 550 Circumferential profiling, 731 Citrate esters, 543–544 Cladding, 635–636 Clamp tonnage, 195, 276 Clay, 495 Clean-reactor technology, 89 Closed-circuit television (CCTV), 703 Closed loop, 380 Closure and Container Manufacturing Association (CCMA), 735 13C-NMR spectroscopy, 536 Coalescing agent, 549 Coat-hanger design, of film, 257 Coating, 685 Cobalt-chromium, 153 Codes, piping, 713–714 Coefficient of friction (COF), 222, 525 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion (CLTE), 23 Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), 524–525 Coextrusion technology, 259 Coiling bridge, 684 Cold staking, 579 Color/colorants, 494, 527 Combustion process, 458 Commercial APPJ systems, 474 Commercial silanes, thermal stability of, 560 Common blow molding difficulties, 280 Compatibility, with polymer, 504–505, 545 Compatibilizers, 179 Complex automobile electronic throttle control, 292 Composite army bridge (CAB), 683 Composite Building Systems Inc. (CBS), 689 Composite piping applications of, 716 systems, 716 Composites, 702 Compression molding, 300, 708 basics of processing, 291 commonly used resins, 303–304 compression molds and associated tooling, 300–302 engineered fiber-reinforced molding compounds, 310–311 BMC/SMC/GMT/LFT/CFRT processing, 312–313 ensuring part quality and process efficiency, 316–318 fluid dynamics and heat transfer of mold filling, 314–316 molding force and pressure, 294 mold instrumentation, 302–303 process, 307, 316 processing parameters for granules/ powders/preforms, 306 curing and solidification reaction, 306–307 cycle and molding times, 308 mold closure control, 307 resin charge control, 307 temperature control, 308 resin charge characteristics, 304–305 thermoset resin pricing, 305–306 resin matrix modifiers, 308 additives, 308–309 fillers, 309 reinforcements, 309 sample compression molding procedure, 298–299 similar processes, 314 transfer molding and injection molding, 313–314 typical presses, 294–298 Compression press, typical, 293 Computed tomography scanner, 623 Computer-aided design (CAD), 617 Computer aided engineering (CAE), 730 Concentration, 518 Conductivity, 523–524 Conduits, 640–642 Conical twin screws, 247 Contact forming, 349 Contact lens and intraocular lens, 147 Continental Can Company (CCC), 717 Continuing technological advances, 3 Continuous fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin pipe, 705 Continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic (CFRT), 309 Continuous liquid interface production (CLIP), 619 Continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), 45 Control algorithms, 381 45/45 conveying element, 245 Coolers, 335 Cooling, 583 Cooling channel locations, 278 Coplanar barrier discharge (CBD), 453 Copolymers, 722 Copper chromium arsenate (CCA), 686 Copper phalocyanine (CPC), 494 Core-and-skirt, 148 Core-back technology, 204 Cornea tissue, 148 Corona discharges, 447, 455, 581 Corona treater, 457 Corotating screws defining location, 239 Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, 651 Corrosion resistance, 702 Cost coefficients, 629 Cost-effective mass production processes, 686 Cost estimation, 628–631 Cotton and cellulose fibers, 497 Council of American Building Officials (CABO), 714 Coupling agents, 498, 508–516, 555, 564 acid-functionalized polymers, 515–516 aluminates, 514 amounts to use and surface coverage, 512 anchoring the inclusion, 510 bridging two together, 511 chartwell adhesion promoters, 515 chromium salts, 514 coupling to polymer, 510–511 differences between dispersion and coupling, 508–509 history, 509–510 organosilanes, 513–514 other organo-metallics, 514 practical use considerations, 511 precoating, 511 principles, 510 in situ treatment, 512 terminology, 508 titanates, 515 types of, 512–513 unsaturated acids, 515 Coupling, to filler/inclusion, 502 Coupling to polymer, 510–511 Cracking, 28 propagation, 399 Creep, 523 behavior, 40 Crosslinked polyethylene (PEX), 34, 645, 699–700, 708 pipe, 697 pipe and fittings manufacturing, 706–708 piping systems, 699 Cross-linker system, 570 Cross-linking chemical methods, 699 Cross-linking reactions, 707 Cross-linking technologies, 699–700 Cryogenic grinding, 328 Crystalline polymers, 491746 Index Crystallinity, polyethylene terephthalate blow molding, 722–724 Crystal melting temperatures, 99 C3 sources, 29 Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP), 703 Curing, 582 Cushioned vinyl flooring, 548 Custom molds, 617 Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid esters, 542 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol (CHDM), 11 polyester, structure of, 11 Cyclohexanoate esters, 543 Cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate copolyesters (CTC), 171 Cycloolefin (COC), 367 D Daoplas process, 707 DE19720916C5, 252 Decabromodiphenyl ether (DECA), 493 Decking, 646 Decks/decking, 678–682 Deck-stiffening systems, 676 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 683 Defense bridges. See also Bridges Deflection temperature under load (DTUL), 489 Deformed piping, 704 Dehalogenation, with zinc, 56 Dense fillers, 531 Density separation techniques, 181 Department of Energy (DOE), 714 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of, 714 Deposition techniques, 464 Designed experiment (DOE), 391 Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) guidelines, 606 Deterioration processes, 725 Diaminopropyltrimethoxysilane, 563 Dibasic acid esters, 541 Dibenzoate ester plasticizers, 537 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), 533 use of, 537 Dibutyl terephthalate (DBTP), 541 Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) configuration, 448 Die shaping, 274 Die swell, 257 Diethylene glycol dibenzoate (DEGDB), 537 Di-2-ethylhexyl adipate (DEHA), 536, 541 Di-2-ethylhexyl azelate (DEHZ), 541 Di-2-ethylhexyl cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid ester (DC8CH), 543 Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) plasticized system, 534 Di-2-ethylhexyl succinate (DEHS), 541 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 528 Difluoroethane, 59 Diisodecyl adipate (DIDA), 541 Diisononyl adipate (DINA), 541 Diisononyl cyclohexanediacid esters (DC9CH), 552 Diisononyl phthalate (DINP), 534 DINP-based plastisol, 547 Diisooctyl phthalate, 550 Diluents, 550 Dimethyl terephthalate transesterification of, 541 N,N-Dimethyl-p-toluidine, 150 Di-n-octyl phthalate, 533 Dinonyl phthalate (DNP), 499 Dioctyl phthalate (DOP), 499 Dioxin, 89 Diphenylmethane 4, 4′-diisocyanate (MDI), 97 Dipropylene glycol dibenzoate (DPGDB), 537 Dispersants acid-functionalized polymers, 506 basic principles, 501–502 bond strengths, 502–504 compatibility with polymer, 504–505 coupling to the filler/inclusion, 502 general structure of, 501 organosilanes, 505–506 practical use considerations, 505 amounts to use and surface coverage, 505 precoating, 505 in situ treatment, 505 property effects, 506–508 flow/processability, 506 gloss, 508 impact resistance, 506–508 tail length, 505 terminology, 501 titanates, 506 types of, 505–506 unsaturated acids, 506 Dispersions, 400, 519 Dispersive mixer designs, 235 Distance velocity lag (DT), 380 Distribution, 519 Ditridecyl phthalate (DTDP), 537 DMA analysis, 534 Dolomite, 503 door panels, 659–661 Doors, 642–644 Double blow processes, 738 Dow Corning, 473 Downstream feeding, of filler, 250 3D printing processes, 617–623 fused deposition modeling (FDM), 620–621 polyjet modeling (PJM), 621–622 selective laser sintering (SLS), 619–620 stereolithography (SLA), 618–619 Draft angles, 372 Drain-waste-and-vent (DWV) plumbing pipe, 697, 701 Droplet-based 3D printing processes, 622 Drying, to eliminate moisture, 261 3D test, CT scans of, 624 DuPont, 5 Durability, fiber-reinforced polymer composites, 691–693 Dynamic exchange process, 535 Dynamic mechanical analysis use of, 547 Dynamic vulcanizates, 94 E E-glass, 51 Elastic collisions, 444 Elastic modulus, 594 vs. yield stress, 595 Elastomers, 526, 549 Electrically conductive fillers, 523 Electrical voltage (EMF), 382 Electrical wiring insulation, 640–642 Electric-hydraulic compression press, 296 Electro discharge machining (EDM) methods, 252 Electrofusion coupler, 587 Electrofusion couplings, 705 Electrofusion welding, 587 Electromagnetic and radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI), 23 Electromagnetic internal heating methods, 584 Electron beam, 35 Electrostatic forces, 558 Elongation to break, 522 Emulsion polymerization, 62 End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV), 182 Energy efficient buildings, 689–691 Engel process, 707 Engineered fiber-reinforced molding compounds, 312 Engineering plastic materials, 701–702 Engineering thermoplastics (ETP), 3 global consumption, 3 physical properties, comparison of, 18–20 processing, 24 trends in, 20 additives, 22–24 blends and alloys, 21–22 copolymers, 20–21 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 651 Environmental stress cracking (ESC), 712 EP0340407A2, of planetary roller extruder, 253 Epoxidized soybean oil (ESO), 541 Epoxy-functionalized, 180 Epoxy liners, 704 Epoxy lining process, 704 Epoxy plasticizers, 541–542 consumption of, 541Index 747 Epoxy resin curing mechanism of, 558 quartz filler, 567 ESO-plasticized PVC materials, 541 Ethylene, block copolymers of, 97 Ethylene chloro-trifluoroethylene (ECTFE), 701 Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer (ECTFE), 55 polymerization and finishing, 62 Ethylene glycol (EG), 720 Ethylene-propylene copolymer, 110 Ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), 93, 638 synthetic rubbers, 705 Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR), 37 Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE), 55 polymerization and finishing, 62 Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene terpolymers, 65 Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), 128 carbon monoxide products, 543 copolymer, 700 Ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH), 398 Ethylene with tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 56 European commission, 551 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), 664 Exothermic heat, 29 Exothermic reaction, 637 Expandable microspheres, 531 Expanded polystyrene (EPS), 637 Expanded PS (EPS), 174 Expanded PTFE (ePTFE), 151 Extracorporeal artificial organs polymeric biomaterials, 155–156 Extra phase effects, 528–529 Extrudate cooling, 260 Extrudate swell, 257 Extruded film, 400 Extruded plastic sidings, 635 Extruded polypropylene (XPP), 635 Extruded polystyrene (XPS), 637 Extruder showing principle components, 218 Extrusion, 585–586 Extrusion blow molding, 266, 739 Extrusion coating, 260 Extrusion-orientation process, 719 Extrusion processes, 217, 598 downstream feeding, 250 extrusion laminations/coatings, 260 melt conveying, 248 mixing, 248–249 planetary roller extruders (PRE), 250–252 discharge of melt, 254 coextrusion, 259 die/adaptor, 254–256 feeding, 253 melting and mixing, 254 plasticating and melting, 247–248 single-screw designs, 234 mixing, 234–236 single-screw extruder mechanisms, 219–220 extrusion model, 233–234 melting mechanism, 224–227 metering mechanism, 228–233 solid feeding, 221 solids conveying, 221–224 single-screw extruders, 218–219 solidification/cooling, 260–261 drying, 261 hazards associated with an extruder, 262–263 twin-screw screw, barrel, heating, and cooling, 243–247 twin-screw extruder equipment, 236–243 Extrusion technology, 191 Extrusion welder, 586 F Fabricated sheet metal mold, 331 Fast crystallization, 491 Fasteners, 575–577 Fastening, 607–610 types of, 607 Faster Engel manufacturing process, 707 Fast-fusing plasticizers, 537, 544 Fatigue, 693 Federal-aid projects, 675 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 714 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS), 655, 657–659, 661, 662 Fencing, 646 Fiberglass applications of, 564 based roofing shingles, 564 polyamide composite crash boxes, 666 reinforced epoxy composite formulation, 564 reinforced phenolic laminate strength test, 563 reinforced polyesters, 562 reinforced polyimide, 560 reinforced thermoset, 702–703 surface treatment of, 562–564 miscellaneous fiberglass applications, 564 printed circuit board applications, 564 for reinforced plastics, 563–564 Fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP), 702 Fiberglass-reinforced thermoset piping (FRP), 708, 716 manufacturing, 708–712 ductile-to-brittle transition, 712 failure mechanisms, 712 long-term hydrostatic strength, 710–711 long-term strength testing, 712 PE pipe materials, popelar shift function calculations for, 711–712 polyethylene pipe materials, validation of, 711 Fiberglass-reinforced thermosetting resin pipe applications of, 716 Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites blast-resistant structures, 688–689 bridges, 675–676 superstructures, 676–678 decks, 678–682 defense applications, 683–685 durability, 691–693 energy efficient buildings, 689–691 fire-resistant structures, 688–689 highway structural components, 675–676 infrastructure applications, 675–691 pavements, 678–682 pipes, 687 platforms, 691 poles, 686–687 products, 675–691 structures, 686–691 substructures, 682 towers, 691 turbine blades, 687–688 unique bridges, 682–683 Fibers, 528 Fibrous blend, 399 Fibrous fillers, 520 Filament winding, 691 Filled resin systems electrical properties of, 566 Fillers, 494–496, 526 abrasion, 525–526 amorphous polymers, 521 aspect ratio, 519 barrier properties, 526 basics, 517–518 coefficient of friction (COF), 525 coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), 524–525 color, 527 concentration, 518 conductivity, 523–524 creep, 523 debonds, 506 dense fillers, 531 dispersion, 519 distribution, 519 elongation to break, 522 expandable microspheres, 531 extra phase effects, 528–529 flame retardant fillers, 529–530 functional, 517–531 gloss, 527748 Index hardness, 525 heat distortion temperature, 521 impact resistance, 522–523 interphase, 529 market, 518 mechanical properties, 519–520 modulus, 520 molecular fillers, 531 nanofillers, 531 natural and renewable fillers, 530–531 nucleation, 528–529 optical properties, 526–527 particle shape, 519 particle size and size distribution, 518–519 permeability, 526 polymer systems, 502 popular fillers, 529 processing, 527–528 properties, 51 scratch resistance, 525 semicrystalline polymers, 521–522 specialty fillers, 529–531 specific heat capacity, 524 thermal and electrical properties, 523–525 transcrystallinity, 529 transparency/opacity, 526–527 vicat temperature, 521 voids/foams, 529 wear, 525–526 yield strength, 520–521 zeolites, 531 Film adhesives, 582 Film-forming polymer, 563 Fine fillers, 522 Fine talc, 528 Finite element analysis, 688 geometrical meshing, 315 Finite element analysis (FEA) methods, 730 Finite element method (FEA) analysis, 578 Fire-resistant structures, 688–689 Fittings materials, 698–699 Flame retardants, 493–494 fillers, 529–530 halogen free, 493 halogen systems, 493–494 inorganic flame retardants, 493 Flame treatment, 460, 581 Flammability, 399 Flash mold closure designs, 300, 301 Flat die coextrusion system, 259 Flat heaters, 361 Flatness tolerances, recommended, 343 Flexible polyvinyl chloride, 545–548 Flexible thermoplastic polyolefin (FPO) membranes, 638 Flexural modulus, 52 Flexural rigidity, 399 Float-sink segregation, 176 Fluid catalytic cracking, liquefied petroleum gas (FCC LPG), 34 Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), 62, 701 Fluoroadditives, 61 Fluoropolymers, 67, 327, 697, 701 classification, 55 monomer properties chlorotrifluoroethylene, 60 hexafluoropropylene, 60 perfluoroalkylvinylethers, 60 tetrafluoroethylene, 59 vinyl fluoride, 60 vinylidene fluoride, 60 monomer synthesis, 56 chlorotrifluoroethylene, synthesis of, 57–58 hexafluoropropylene, synthesis of, 57 perfluoroalkylvinylethers (PAVEs), synthesis of, 57 tetrafluoroethylene, synthesis of, 56–57 vinyl fluoride, synthesis of, 59 vinylidene fluoride, synthesis of, 58–59 overview of, 55 products, 56 Fly ash, 495 Fold and form systems, 704 Food Contact Articles, 739 Food packaging, 526 Formed-in-place liner (FIPL), 704 Four-arm turret machine, 337 Four-head Uniloy blow molding machine, HDPE milk containers, 268 Free flowing powder, 330 Free radical mechanism, 31 Free radical polymerization, 29 Friedel-Crafts reaction, of biphenyl-4, 4′-disulfonyl chloride, 8 FRP modular panels advantages of, 681 Fuel spillage FMVSS 301 Standards for, 665 Fuel tanks, 664–665 Functional fillers, 517–531 Functionalized thermoplastics (FTPs), 21 Fused deposition modeling (FDM), 620–621, 623 enabling feature of, 620 process, 627 Fused deposition modeling process, 623 Fusion bonding, 575, 582 Fusion-welded polyethylene pipe, 716 G Galata Chemicals, 544 1320-gal HDPE tank, 269 Gas combustion heaters, 361 Gas diffusion barrier coatings, 469 Gas phase reactors, 46 Gaussian distribution function, 113 Gear mixers, 249 Gel theory, 535 General-purpose (GP) plasticizer, 536, 537 Geometric design, in three-dimensional printing, 622–626 Glass fiber, 7, 13, 562 epoxy composite, 666 Glass-fiber-reinforced (GFR) pipe, 702 Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP), 651, 702 Glass-fiber reinforced polyester (GFRP), 636, 642 Glass mat-reinforced compounds, 304 Glass mat-reinforced sheets, 311 Glass-mat-reinforced thermoplastic (GMT), 653 Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), 702 Glass-reinforced polyethylene (PE-GF) piping products, 702 Glass spheres, 495 Glass transition, 99 Glazing, 642–644 thermal insulation property of, 642 Gloss, 527 Gloss 60˚, 53 Gloucester Engineering introduced control loops, 387 Glyceryl methacrylate (GMA), 146 Glycolide, 155 Glycolide-l-lactide, 155 Good bumper system, 653 GPC Z-N vs. SSC molecular weight distribution, 43 Granular PTFE, 61 Graphite, 497 Green building design, plastic applications in, 646–647 Grilamid, 5 H Halogenated polymers, 494 Halogen-containing polymers, 101 HA(L)S stabilizers, 408 Hardness, 525 Hard polymer-elastomer combinations, 94, 105 HBA/biphenol/TTA based LCP, 12 structure of, 12 Hdrogen shift, 400 Hdroperoxides, decomposition of, 401 Hdroxybenzophenones, 404 Head injury criteria (HIC), 661 Headlight systems, 655 Head/rear light housing and lenses, 655–657 Heat deflection temperature (HDT), 11, 521, 596, 627 HDT-A, 53 median values for, 596 Heating/cooling systems, 636 Heat resistance factor, 636 Heat transfer, 640 Heavy assault bridge system, 684 Helical coil, 576 Fillers (cont.)Index 749 Hercules Chemical Company, 544 Heterophasic polypropylene rubber particle size of, 38 Heterophasic PP, 38 Hexafluoroisopropyl methacrylate (HFIM), 145 Hexafluoropropylene (HFP), 55, 60 synthesis of, 57 Hexene, 33 High density polyethylene (HDPE), 18, 32, 86, 128, 406, 490, 645, 687, 711 bottles, 270 fuel tanks, 665 milk containers, 270 Semicrystalline polymers, properties of, 19 High-density thermoplastic foam sheet, 370 High heat deflection temperature (HDT), 18 High impact polystyrene (HIPS), 19, 21, 522 High melt processing temperatures, 494 High-performance adhesives, 582 High-performance epoxy resins, 564 High-performance polymer composites, 508 High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS), 474 High-pressure glass-fiber-reinforced thermoset piping, 703 High pressure resistant, 676 High-strength steels, 653 High-temperature sulfone polymers (HTS), 9 structure of, 9 Highway structural components, 675–676 Hi-Lo screw, 576 Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS), 492 Hole size, on part surface, 279 Homopolymer, 699 Horizontal directional drilling (HDD), 716 Hot air/cold staking, steps for, 580 Hot and cold plumbing pipe, 699 Hot fill bottle, 719 Hot filled packages, 732 Hot gas, 585 welding, 585 Hot plate cycle, 584–585 House wraps, 639–640 Howick’s analysis, 536 Hubcaps, 654 Human health aspects, 550–551 Husky Index system, 735 Hydraulic machine, 196 Hydraulic press, 297, 298 Hydrogen fluoride, 66 Hydrogen peroxide gas plasma (HPGP), 445 Hydrolyzes, in organosilicate-polymer systems, 117 Hydrophobic silane, 559 Hydrostatic design basis (HDB), 698, 710, 712 Hydrostatic design strength (HDS), 698 Hydrostatic design stress (HDS), 712 Hydroxyapatite (HA), 150 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), 145 Hydroxylamines, 401 6-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (HNA), 12 Hysteresis, in stress-strain isotherms, 113 I IKV ProFoam plasticizing unit, 212 Impact modification, 497–498, 526 Impact PP structure, 37 Impact resistance, 522–523 Implant induction, 586 Implant resistance, 587 welding, 587 Important gas-phase reactive species, 461 Independent arm machine layouts, 337 Induction welding, 585 Industrial corona treaters, 456 Industrial polyolefin processes, 45 Industrial smart blender, 397 Industry and utility adhesion promoters, 562–570 fiberglass, surface treatment of, 562–564 minerals in plastics, surface treatment of, 564–567 PICA (paints, inks, coatings, and adhesives), 568–570 In-floor heating systems, 699 Infrared (IR), 590 Infra-red data collection (IRT), 339 Infra red dryer (IRD), 735 drying crystallizing system, 737 Infrared heaters, 362 Infrared/laser staking, 580 Infrared spectroscopy, 536 Infrastructure applications, fiber-reinforced polymer composites, 675–691 Initiated CVD (iCVD), 464 Injection blow molding, 283 advantages and disadvantages of, 282 process, 281 Injection molding, 84, 527, 599–600, 735–736 cooling, 735–736 drying, 735 Injection molding machine (IMM), 191, 192 screw configurations, 202 Injection molding pressures, 496 Injection molding process, 627 Injection molding technology, 191 limitations, 191 mold shrinkage, 200 polyetheretherketone(PEEK), 198 pressure versus time curve, 193 screw, 201–202 sizing injection molding machines, 196 stress generation and stress retention, 198 typical clamping section, 191 Injection stretch blow molding (ISBM), 727 In-machine trimming, 354 In-plant recycling, 739 In situ treatment, 512 Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV), 210 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), 185 Instrument panel/dashboard, 658–659 Insulated concrete forms (ICFs), 637 Insulation, 636–638 Intake manifolds, 664 Integral blending, 566 Interference-fit. See Press-fit Intermeshing conical twin-screw extruder, 237 Intermeshing/nonintermeshing twin-screw extruders, 238 Intermeshing twin-screw extruders, 240 Intermittent (manual) closed loop control block diagram, 379 Intermolecular diffusion, 583 Internal joint sealingnly, 705 Internal protective coating (IPC), 703 International Agency for Research into Cancer (IARC) agency, 550 International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), 713 International Code Council (ICC), 714 International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 714 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), 646 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 708, 713 evaluation system, 698 International Society of Beverage Technologies (ISBT), 735 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 533 Interpenetrating network theory, 558 Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs), 557 Interphase, 529 Intimate contact, 580 Intraocular lenses (IOLs), 145 Intrinsic viscosity (IV), 720 Isocyanates, 637 Isotropic fillers, 520–522 J Joining, piping, 713 K Kanmonkyo bridge, 677 Kaolin clay, 567750 Index Kautex, in line head, 269 Kenics Static Mixer, polymer flow distributive mixing mechanism of, 237 Kevlar, 497 Kleine Emme bridge, 680 Kneading blocks, 246 narrow kneading blocks, 249 neutral kneading blocks, 249 wider kneading blocks, 249 45/5/30 kneading element, 246 L Lactones, 492 Lambert-Beer’s law, 404 Laminar flame profile, 458 Laser, 590 Laurel Lick Bridge, 683 Lead-based compounds, 81 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), 647 Leaf springs, 666–667 “Leap-frog” technologies, 688 Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs), 151 Leveling system, 621 Levulinic acid, 544 Lewis acid-base interactions, 502 Life cycle analysis (LCA), 88, 531 Light duty composite tower, 692 Light interactive characteristics, 399 Limiting oxygen index (LOI), 18 Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), 33, 173, 399 molecular diagram, 33 Linear phthalate esters, 548 Linear regression analysis, 710 Linear vibration welding, 588 Line of communication (LOC), 685 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) industry, 714 Liquid crystalline polymers, 11 Liquid nylons, 326 Living polymer, 95 Load, type of, 575 Long chain branching (LCB), 33 Long-term heat aging (LTHA), 395 Long-term hydrostatic strength (LTHS), 698, 711 values, 712 Low-density polyethylene (LDPE), 128, 645, 653 blend morphologies, 397 Low-molecular-weight additives, 529 Low-molecular-weight oxidized materials (LMWOM), 455 formation, 461 Low pressure gas (LPG), 27 Low-temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization (LTHPGP), 445 Low-temperature plasticizers, 537 Low-volatility plasticizers, 537 Lysine diisocyanate, 151 M Maddock mixer, 235 Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), 493, 529 form of, 529 Magnetostrictive linear displacement transducers, 383 Maleated polyolefin adhesion promoters, 571 Maleated polypropylene, 570 Maleic anhydride (MA), 128 Maleic anhydride terminated polyolefins (PP-MA), 180 Manual-hydraulic compression press, 295 Manufacturing strategy, 627–632 classification, 618 comparison, 618 Materials electrical properties, 596 mechanical properties, 594–596 processing properties, 596–597 selection, 593–598 thermal properties, 596 in three-dimensional printing, 627 Materials recovery facilities (MRFs), 176 Mechanical fasteners, 607 Mechanical joining, in plastics joining, 575–580 fasteners, 575–577 press-fit, 579 snap-fit, 577–579 staking, 579–580 swaging, 579–580 Mechanical properties, fillers, 519–520 Medical tubing, 388 Medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) piping, 645, 711 Medium Girder Bridge (MGB), 685 Melamine-phenolic molding compound, 305 Melt elasticity, 254 Melt flow index (MFI), 64, 173, 197, 200 Melt flow properties, 52 Melt flow rate (MFR), 64, 707 Melting mechanism, 234 Melting system, mathematical analysis of, 224 Melt, in metering section, 229 Melt temperature and fill rates, 208 “Melt to resin” (MTR), 722 Metallic behemoth, 651 Metallocene catalyst structure, 42 Metering screw, 229 Methacrylate/butadiene/styrene (MBS) modifiers, 82 Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane, 570 Methylene diphenyldiisocyanate (MDI), 131 Methyl methacrylate (MMA), 145 MgCl2-supported catalysts, 44 Mica, 495 Microcellular extrusion, 207 Microcellular foaming, 214 Microcellular injection molding background, 204–205 best target applications, 213 challenging situations, 213 commercial examples, 214 discussion of, 207–208 foam injection, equipment requirements for, 209–210 foam processing, general discussion of, 205–206 future trends, 214 limitations of, 213 overview of, 203 physical foaming techniques, 210 ErgoCell system from Demag, 212 ProFoam, 212 sulzer optifoam, 210 processing of, 206–207 monitoring and control methods, 208–209 sampling of, 215 related trexel patents, 215 related US patents, 215 thermoplastic foams, 203 Trexel’s MuCell technology, 210 typical objectives cycle time reduction, 213 less molded-in stress, 213 uniform shrinkage, 213 weight reduction, 212 Microlayered, scanning electron microscope images, 398 Microwave, 589–590 Microwave welding, 590 Mineral fibers, 497 Mineral-filled composite, 565 Mineral-filled rubber formulations, 568 Mineral fillers, 523, 564, 565 applications, 565 in rubber reinforcement, 567–568 rubber tire applications, 567–568 wire and cable applications, 568 Mineral-reinforced rubber, 568 Minerals in plastics surface treatment of, 564–567 methods of applying silanes, 566 mineral-filled composites, effect of silanes on properties of, 566–567 nature of bonding to minerals, 564 Mississippi Polymer Technologies (MPT), 17 Modulus, 520 Molar mass (MM), 35 Molar mass distribution (MMD), 35 Mold, 626–627 Mold cavity temperatures, 304 Mold changeover, 358 Molding cycle, 626Index 751 Molding, photographic, 299 Molding techniques, 528 Mold parting line venting system, 278 Mold release agents, 499–500 Mold shrinkage, 196 Molecular fillers, 531 Molecular modeling calculations, 536 Molecular sieves. See Zeolites Monobenzoate esters, 542 Monomeric plasticizers, 536 Monomeric silicon chemicals, 556 MonoSil process, 707 Mooney-Rivlin constants, 113 Motor Vehicle Suspension, 666 Move-compiler, 620 MuCell process, 209 MuCell screw, 211 Multiblock copolymers, 104 Multilayer and composite plastic piping applications of, 716 Multilayer materials, 702 Multilayer spiral dies, 259 Multiple cavity coextrusion die, 260 Multizone circulating reactor (MZCR), 47 N N -alkyl pyrrolidones (NAP), 544 Nanocalcium carbonate, 507 Nanoclay, 530 Nanofillers, 527, 531 Nanoparticles, 519 Naphtha, 27 Naphthalene based LCPs structure of, 12 Naphthalene-2, 6-dicarboxylic acid, 10 Naphthalene, structure of, 12 National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR), 184 National Association of Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors (NAPHCC), 714 National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER), 184 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 75 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standard, 652, 664 National Toxicology Program (NTP), 550 Natural and renewable fillers, 530–531 Natural fibers, 530 Natural gas transmission systems, 687 Natural polymers, 127 Natural product-based materials, 533 Neck crystallization, 724 Neck pinch-off insert, 277 Negative feedback, 380 Nerve regeneration, polymeric biomaterials, 156–157 Net shape manufacturing processes, 627 Net shape processes, 617 Newtonian models, 232 N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm), 148 Nitinol, 153 Nitrogen containing plasmas, 445 Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH), 664 Noncontact hot plate welding, 585 Noncrystallizable, 114 Nonintermeshing twin-screw extruders, 239 Nonplastic piping systems, 644 Non-silane adhesion promoters, 570 No objection letter (NOL), 739 Notched impact resistance, 523 Nucleating agents, 491 Nucleation, 528–529 Nylons, 325, 549, 697, 701 based on w-aminocarboxylic acids, 4 MXD6, 726 nylon-6, 153 O Objet Technologies Ltd., 621 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 88 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), 682 cold water pipe for, 683 3-Octanoylthio-1- propyltriethoxysilane, 568 Octene, 33 Olefin polymerization, catalysts for, 41 hydrogen effect, 43 ethylene, 44 propylene, 43 temperature, 44 ethylene, 44 propylene, 44 industrial reactors, 44 gas phase reactors, 45 polypropylene production, 45 borstar process, 46–47 spheripol process, 47 spherizone process, 47 slurry reactors, 44 metallocene catalysts, 42–43 catalyst effect on melting point, 43 Phillips catalysts, 42 Ziegler-Natta (Z-N) catalysts, 41 performance of, 41–42 Oligomeric adhesion promoter, 555 Open-cut excavation method, 715 Open-cut installation, 715–716 Operating extruder, 220 Operation Green Fence (OGF), 183 Ophthalmology, polymeric biomaterials, 145 polymeric artificial cornea, 148–149 polymeric contact lens, 145 polymeric intraocular lens, 146–147 Optical properties, 526–527 Organofunctional silane coupling agents, 568 Organosilanes, 505–506, 513–514, 557 applications, 562 classification, 557 coupling agents, 555 Orientation, polyethylene terephthalate blow molding, 722–724 Orthopedic biomaterials, 149 Orthopedics, polymeric biomaterials, 149 natural polymers, 150 polyacrylates, 150 polyethylene, 149 Oxidative CVD (oCVD), 464, 466 Oxidizing radical species, 459 4,4′-Oxydianiline (ODA), 13 P Packaging, 717–740 applications, 84 materials, permeation factor of, 719 Paints, inks, coatings, and adhesives (PICA), 568 applications, 569 PA66/PPE, 23 chopped glass and long glass fiber, 23 Parallel twin-screw extruder, 238 Parison programming, 274 Particles agglomerate, 507 Particle shape, 519 Particle size, 518–519 Particle size distribution (PSD), 329 Particulate-filled thermoplastic polyolefins, 369 Particulate fillers, 566 Parylene-coating system, 465, 467, 469 Parylene polymers, 467 chemical structure, 468 PASSAGE/COMPRESSION, 316 Paste rheology, 85 Pavements, 678–682 PB1 crystalline states, 39 PB-1, tensile behavior of, 41 PC/ABS alloys, 22 Pentaerythritol ester, 544 Percolation threshold, 524 Perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer (FEP) polymerization and finishing, 61 Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), 61, 701 Perfluoroalkoxy polymer (PFA), 55 polymerization and finishing, 61 Perfluoro-2-alkoxy-propionyl fluoride, 57 Perfluoroalkylvinylethers (PAVEs), 58, 60 synthesis of, 57 Perfluoropropylvinylether (PPVE), 55 Peripheral nervous system (PNS), 156 Permanent/nonpermanent joints, 575 Permeability, 526 Permeation characterization, 725 factor, 725 Peroxide crosslinking, 707 Peroxide method, 34752 Index PEX. See Crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) Phase change materials (PCMs), 647 Phenolic antioxidants, 399, 403, 406 Phenolic resins, 303, 310, 558 Phenyl-substituted p-hydroxybenzoates, 405 Phenyltrimethoxysilane blends, 560 Phosphate esters, 543 Phosphates, 533 Phosphazene polymers, 118 Photodegradation, 405 Photo-Fries reaction, 397, 405 Photopolymers, 621, 627 Photovoltaic solar panels, 690 Phthalate esters, 539–541 European Union CMR classification of, 551 Phthalate plasticizers, 537 Phthalates, 80, 174, 533 PICA (paints, inks, coatings, and adhesives) adhesion promoters for, 568–570 addition of silane directly to coating, 569 application as primer, 569 choice of, 569 corrosion protection of metals, 570 silane coupling agents in dentistry, 570 Pin movement, 273 Pin position, 271 Pipe bursting, 716 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 714, 716 Pipes/piping, 644–646, 687 acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 701 azo cross-linking, 706 chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), 699 codes, 713–714 composites, 702 crosslinked polyethylene, 699–700 cured-in-place piping (CIPP), 703 engineering plastic materials, 701–702 fiberglass-reinforced thermoset, 702–703 pipe manufacturing, 708–712 fittings materials, 698–699 fluoropolymers, 701 horizontal directional drilling, 716 industry applications, 697–716 joining, 713 manufacturing processes, 705–708 multilayer materials, 702 nylons, 701 open-cut installation, 715–716 peroxide crosslinking, 707 pipe bursting, 716 plastic systems, design of, 712–713 polybutylene, 700 polyethylene, 698–699 polypropylene, 700 polyvinyl chloride, 698 radiation crosslinking, 708 regulatory matters, 714–715 rehabilitation, 703–705 silane crosslinking, 707 specifications, 713–714 standards, 713–714 thermoplastic pipe, 698–699 Planetary roller extruder (PRE), 217, 250, 251 Planetary spindle types, 252 Plant oil, typical structure of, 137 Plasma-solid interactions, 444 Plasma treatment, 444, 581 Plastic-based fuel tanks, 665 Plastic fuel tanks, European Standards for, 665 Plastic glazing materials, advantage of, 642 Plastic glazing sheets, 643 Plasticization, 534 explanation of, 535 lubricating theory of, 534 Plasticized polyvinyl butyral (PVB), 549 Plasticizers, 499, 533–552 with acrylic polymers, 549 alcohol structure effects on performance, 540 benzoate esters, 542 citrate esters, 543–544 classifications, 537 cyclohexanoate esters, 543 dibasic acid esters, 541 efficiency, 545 epoxy plasticizers, 541–542 flexible, performance in, 540 flexible polyvinyl chloride, 545–548 future, 551–552 human health aspects, 550–551 manufacturer, 533 mechanisms, 534–536 molecular weight, 540 molecules, 536 other plasticizers, 544–545 for other polymers, 549–550 performance, 540 phosphate esters, 543 phthalate esters, 539–541 plasticizer interactions, 535 polymeric plasticizers, 543 primary plasticizers, 536 properties, 538 secondary plasticizers, 536 selection, 548 selections, 548–549 technology, 533 terephthalate esters, 541 trimellitate esters, 542 types, 536–539 volatility, 546 Plastic lumber (PL), 185, 646 Plastic material, versatility of, 613 Plastic parts design, 593–614 for manufacturing and assembly, 606–613 assembly, 606–607 fastening, 607–610 risk mitigation, 611–613 tolerances, 610–611 material selection, 593–598 process selection, 598–602 structural design, 602–606 Plastic pipes and fittings, 697 Plastic recycling, 182 Plastics advantages, 593, 601 automotive applications of, 651–668 in buildings and construction industry, 635–647 disadvantages, 601 exterior components, 652–658 body-in-white (BiW), 657–658 bumpers, 652–653 head/rear light housing and lenses, 655–657 wheel covers, 653–655 extrusion, 598 future outlook, 667–668 interior components, 658–663 A and B pillar covers, 661–662 door panels, 659–661 instrument panel/dashboard, 658–659 seats and associated parts, 662–663 manufacturers, 627 manufacturing systems, 598 optical properties of, 657 processing properties of, 597 product designers, 632 thermal properties of, 596 under-the-hood components, 663–667 crash applications, 665–666 fuel tanks, 664–665 intake manifolds, 664 leaf springs, 666–667 use of, 651 instrument panels/dashboards, 660 roofing systems, 638 Plastics additives, 489–500 antioxidants, 491–492 biocides, 499 color and colorants, 494 coupling agents, 498 fillers, 494–496 flame retardants, 493–494 impact modification, 497–498 mold release agents, 499–500 nucleating agents, 491 overview, 489–490 plasticizers, 499 reinforcements, 496–497 surface modifiers, 498–499 thermal stabilizers, 490–491 overview, 490 polyolefins, 490–491Index 753 polyoxymethylenes (POM polyacetals), 491 PVC, 490 wetting agents, 499 Plastics extrusion, 705 Plastics identification, 176 Plastics joining, 573–591 adhesive bonding, 580–582 application, 582 curing, 582 joint design, 582 surface preparation, 581 mechanical joining, 575–580 fasteners, 575–577 press-fit, 579 snap-fit, 577–579 staking, 579–580 swaging, 579–580 welding, 582–591 extrusion, 585–586 hot gas, 585 hot plate, 584–585 implant induction, 586 implant resistance, 587 infrared (IR), 590 laser, 590 microwave, 589–590 radio-frequency, 589–590 spin, 589 steps, 582–584 ultrasonic, 587 vibration, 588–589 Plastics manufacturers, 613 Plastic systems, design of, 712–713 Plastic welding methods, 584 Plastisols, 86, 549 processing, 547 Platforms, 691 Platy fillers, 520 Plunger machine, 192 Poles, 686–687 Poly (butylene terephthalate), 9 structure of, 9 Poly (phenylene ether), 7–8 Polyacetals, 5–6 Polyacrylonitrile, 156 Polyamide 6 structure of, 4 Polyamide (PA), 156, 398 polyesters, 153 Semicrystalline polymers, properties of, 19 Polyamide imides, 14 structure of, 14 Polyamide 66, structure of, 4 Polyamide 9T (PA9T), 5 structure of, 5 Polyamide 6T, structure of, 5 Polyarylates (PARs), 15 structure of, 15 Polyarylsulfones, 8 structure of, 8 Polybenzimidazole, 17–18 Poly(2,5-benzimidazole), 18 structure of, 18 Poly(1,4-benzoate), 12 structure of, 12 Polybutene-1 (PB-1), 39, 40 mechanical properties, 49 physical properties, 49 structure, 39 Polybutene, processing temperatures, 49 Polybutylene (PB), 645, 700 Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephalate) (PBAT) chemical structure of, 137 Poly(butylene naphthalene-2, 6-dicarboxylate) structure of, 10 Poly(butylene naphthalene-2, 6-dicarboxylate) (PBN), 10 Polybutylene piping, 700 Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), 127 synthesis and structure, 136 Poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBSA), 127 Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), 153 Polycaprolactone (PCL), 127 synthesis and structure, 135 Polycarbonate (PC), 6–7, 197, 452, 653 structure of, 6 Poly-carboxylic acid-based modifier (Phytagel), 130 Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, 89 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), 56 polymerization and finishing, 62 Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1, 4-phenylene ether), structure of, 7 Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), 110, 149 networks, 115 Poly-p-dioxanone (PDS), 155 Poly(dl-lactide) (PDLLA), 133 Polyesters, 717 liquid crystalline polymers, 11–12 semicrystalline polymers, properties of, 19 Polyether ether ketone (PEEK), 15, 198, 497, 702 structure of, 15 Polyetherimide (PEI), 13, 656 structure of, 13 Polyetherketone, 15 Polyetherketoneketone, 15 structure of, 15 Polyethersulfone, 156 structure of, 8 Poly(ethyl acrylate), 110 Polyethylene (PE), 34, 497, 503, 567, 697–699 crosslinking of, 34 mechanical properties of, 48 physical properties of, 48 processing properties, 48 slit-type failure mechanism for, 709 Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), 149 Poly(ethylene naphthalene-2, 6-dicarboxylate) (PEN), 10 structure of, 10 Polyethylene oxide (PEO), 136 Polyethylene piping materials, 698 Poly(ethylene-propylene) midsegments (S-EP-S), 92 Polyethylene raised-temperature materials (PE-RT), 699 Polyethylenes (PE) pipe and fittings manufacturing, 706 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 86, 167, 273, 663 blow molding, 717–740 blow pressure curve, 736–737 caps, 734–735 commercial manufacturing processes
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