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عدد المساهمات : 18938 التقييم : 35320 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Handbook of Adhesives and Surface Preparation - Technology, Applications and Manufacturing الأربعاء 27 سبتمبر 2023, 2:05 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Handbook of Adhesives and Surface Preparation - Technology, Applications and Manufacturing Edited by Sina Ebnesajjad President, FluoroConsultants Group, LLC
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents Preface PART I INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Introduction and Adhesion Theories (Chapter 1, from Adhesives Technology, 19 pages) Chapter 2 Introduction to Surface Preparation (Chapter 1 from Surface Treatment, 5 pages) PART II SURFACE PREPARATION Chapter 3 Surface Tension and Its Measurement (Chapter 2 from Surface Treatment, 20 pages) Chapter 4 Surface and Material Characterization Techniques (Chapter 4 from Surface Treatment, 33 Chapter 5 Material Surface Preparation Techniques (Chapter 6 from Surface Treatment, pages) 60 pages) Chapter 6 Surface Preparation of Metals (Chapter 7 from Surface Treatment, 42 pages) Chapter 7 Surface Preparation of Thermoplastics, Thermosets, and Elastomers (Chapter 8 from Surface Treatment, 54 pages) PART III ADHESIVE CHARACTERISTICS Chapter 8 Characteristics of Adhesive Materials (Chapter 5, from Adhesives Technology, 73 pages) NEW: Chemical structures added Chapter 9 Heat‐resistant adhesives (Sections 4.1, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 from Chapter 4 Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, Vol 2 by Philippe Cognard, 55 Chapter 10 UV‐Radiation curing of adhesives (Section 5.1 to the end of Chapter 5 except pages) Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, Vol 2 by Philippe Cognard, 37 pages) PART IV ADHESIVES FOR APPLICATIONS Chapter 11 Adhesives for Special Adherends (Chapter 6 from Adhesives Technology, 22 pages) Chapter 12 Adhesives for Electronics (Sections 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 from Chapter 6 of Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, Vol 1 by Philippe Cognard, 45 Chapter 13 Adhesives for Automotive and Aerospace Applications (Sections 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 from Chapter 5 pages) of Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, Vol 1 by Philippe Cognard, 32 pages) Chapter 14 Adhesives for Medical and Dental Applications (New by Sina Ebnesajjad, estimate 20 pages) Appendix Safety, Environmental, Economic Aspects, and Future Trends (Chapter 13 from Adhesives Technology, 20 NEW: Regulatory frameworks: REACH, ROHS, WEEE etc pages) Glossary (From Adhesives Technology, 25 pages) Index Index 2-OCA adhesive, 349e50, 352, 359 380 Black Max adhesive, 148, 349e50 Abrading of reinforced plastics/thermosets, 124 Abrasive treatment: butyl rubber, 127 chlorobutyl rubber, 128 chlorosulfonated polyethylene, 128 description, 16 general-purpose bonding of zinc, 102 neoprene, 125e6 nickel/nickel alloys, 92 nitrile, 128 platinum, 92e3 polybutadiene, 131 polysulfide rubber, 131 polyurethane elastomers, 129 styrene-butadiene rubbers, 129 synthetic natural rubbers, 129 ABS see acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene Acetal copolymer, 109, 249, 250 Acetal homopolymer, 109e11 Acetic-hydrochloric acid for uranium, 102 Acetylene terminated thermosetting resins, 199e200, 211e13 Acid etch: (FPL-ferric sulphate) for copper/copper alloys, 90e1 stainless steel (types 301, 302), 95 steel, 94 zinc, 102e3 Acidebase theory of adhesion, 9 Acrylic adhesives, 140e1 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), 111, 250 Activated-gas plasma: butyl rubber, 127 nitrile, 129 silicone rubber, 127 styrene-butadiene rubbers, 130 Adhesion promoters: applications, 376e7 chemistry, 369e70 concepts, 369 coupling agents, 369e70 industry and utility fiber glass surface treatment, 377e8 minerals fillers in rubber reinforcement, 381e2 PICA, 382e3 surface treatment of minerals in plastics, 378e81 mechanism with silanes bonding to inorganic substrate, 372 bonding to organic polymer, 373 coupling agents, 373e5, 375e6 interphase region, 371e2 non-silane, 383e4 silanes, 369e71 sources, 384 Adhesive joints: adhesives, 320e45 aluminium, 309e10 corrosion inhibiting primers, 317e18 fiber-metal laminate, 310e11 fiber-reinforced plastics, 310 organosilanes, 318e19 primers and priming, 316e17 sandwich panels, 311e15 stainless steel, 310 substrate surface pretreatment, 315e16 substrates, 309e15 surface protection primers, 317 titanium, 310 wood, 309 Aerospace industry adhesives processing conditions, 218 Aerospace structures adhesives: chemistries, 322e3 commercial, 324e32 cure temperatures, 323e4 curing, 341e3 formats, 321e2 formulations, 324 manufacture, 332e7 mechanisms, 320 metallic aircraft structures, 301 postwar aerospace industry, 304e9 primers, 340e1 415Aerospace structures adhesives: (Continued) Redux and Redux process, 301e2 role, 320e1 Aeroweb honeycomb, 311 Airbus, 328 Alkaline cleaning of titanium, 99 Alkaline etch for titanium, 99e100 Alkaline-detergent for magnesium/magnesium alloys, 91 Alkaline-peroxide etch (RAE) for titanium, 100e1 Alloyed or modified (two-polymer) adhesives, 141e2 Allyl diglycol carbonate (CR-39), 111, 141 Aluminium: adhesive joints, 309e10 surface preparation, adhesive bonded joints, 51 anodization, 88 brush plate bond etch, 88e9 chromate-free etch process, 84 etching research, 85e8 FPL etch, 83e4 immersion etch (optimised FPL process), 83 Aluminium/aluminium alloys recommended adhesives, 247 Anaerobic adhesives/sealants, 139, 142e3 Animal glues: blood albumen, 160 bone and hide, 160 casein, 159 description, 138 fish, 160 shellacs, 160e1 Anodization: aluminium, 88 magnesium/magnesium alloys, 91 Antireflection (AR) coatings, 108 AR see antireflection Arall (aramid fiber-reinforced aluminum laminates), 310 Ardel (polyarylate) adhesive, 113 Aromatic polymer adhesives, 143 Asphalt, 143, 172 ASTM methods: stainless steel, 96e7 steel, 94e5 titanium, 101 Atmospheric plasma: cleaning metals, 56 plastic surfaces, 68, 70 thermoplastics, 108 ATR see attenuated total reflection Attenuated total reflection (ATR), 33 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), 31e2, 37e8 Basic salts (Sorel cements), 157 Beryllium: recommended adhesives, 247 surface preparation, 89 Blood albumen glue, 160 Boeing Aircraft, 88 Bonding aircraft parts: crack growth arrest, 307 fatigue life, 306 increased strength, 308 joining dissimilar materials, 305 thin substrates, 307 joint sealing, 308 new types of structure, 308e9 reduction production costs/time, 307 weight, 304e5 simplification of design, 307 smooth external finish, 307 sonic dampening, 306 Bonds: adhesive process, 6 cleanliness, 5, 17 failure, 10e12 joint design, 5 requirements, 5, 17 stress, 12 wetting, 5, 17 Bone glues, 160 BR see butyl rubber Brass: recommended adhesives, 247 surface preparation, 89 Bristol-Blenheim fighter-bomber, 301 British Tego film, 303 Bromophosphate for stainless steel, 96 Bronze: recommended adhesives, 247 surface preparation, 89 Brush plate bond etch for aluminium, 88e9 Butyl rubber (BR): abrasive treatment, 127 activated gas plasma, 127 adhesives, 143e4 chlorination, 127 cyclization, 127 primers, 127 Butylcyanoacrylate adhesive, 349 CA see cyanoacrylates Cadmium (coated on steel): recommended adhesives, 247 surface preparation, 89 Calibre polycarbonate, 114 “Canada Balsam”, 159 Carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile elastomers (CTBN), 208 416 INDEXCare (carbon fiber-reinforced laminates), 310 Casein glue, 138, 159 Celcon copolymer, 109, 249 Cellulose: ester adhesives, 144 ether adhesives, 144 Cellulose acetate plasma treatment, 69 Cellulosics, 111e12, 250 Celonex adhesive, 115 Ceramics recommended adhesives, 255e6 CF see coefficient of friction Chemical bonding: covalent and ionic bonds, 8e9 intermolecular reactions, 8e9 organosilanes, 9 theory of adhesion, 8e9 Chemical etching: introduction, 70e3 sodium etching of fluoroplastics, 73e6 sulfuric ac0d-dihromate, 73 Chemical treatment (cleaning), 16e17, 56 Chemlok primers: chlorosulfonated polyethylene, 128 epoxies, 121 plated metals, 92, 93 polysulfide rubber, 131 silicone rubber, 127 styrene-butadiene rubbers, 129 Chippendale, 137 Chlorination: butyl rubber, 127 chlorobutyl rubber, 128 neoprene, 126 nitrile, 128 polybutadiene, 131 styrene-butadiene rubbers, 129 synthetic natural rubbers, 129 Chlorobutyl rubber: abrasive treatment, 128 chlorination, 128 Chlorosulfonated polyethylene: abrasive treatment, 128 primers, 128 Choice of adhesive, 5, 17 Chromate conversion coating for silver, 93 Chromate-free etch process, 84 Classification of adhesives, 4 Cleaning: intermediate chemical, 56 grit blasting, 54e6 metals atmospheric plasma jet, 56 degreasing, 50e2 nickel/nickel alloys plated parts, 92 plastic surfaces, 57e8, 58e9 solvents safety, 53e4 ultrasonic with liquid rinse, 53 ultrasonic vapor degreasing, 53 vapor degreasing, 52e3 surface preparation sequence, 52 Coefficient of friction (CF), 108 Cold plasma, 66 Cold rolled steel surface preparation, 51e2 Colophony (rosin) glue, 159 Commercial range of structural adhesives (aerospace), 324e32 Compimide adhesive, 208 Condensation oligomers, 194e6 Condensation prepolymers: polybenzimidazoles, 216e18 polyimides, 213e16 Conductive adhesives, 144e5 Contact angle: test, 77 Young’s equation for surface tension, 23e5, 27 Contact-bond (plastic foams) recommended adhesives, 255 Conversion coatings: magnesium/magnesium alloys, 91e2 zinc/zinc alloys, 103 Coover, Harry, 139 Copper surface preparation, 51e2 Copper/copper alloys: recommended adhesives, 247e8 surface preparation acid etch, 90e1 nitric acid, 90 nitric acid/ferric chloride, 90 nitric acid/sodium chlorite, 90 Corona treatment of plastic surfaces, 58e63, 70 Corrosion resistance of metals, 50 Corrosion-resistant stainless steel (CRES), 95 Critical surface tension concept, 28 Cured adhesives for electronics: adhesive cure, 287e8 bond strength, 290e1, 290e4 coefficient of linear thermal expansion, 294e5 dielectric properties, 295 electrical stability, 296 filler content, 289 ionic content, 289e90 outgassing, 289e90 properties, 287 sequential environmental testing, 296e7 thermal conductivity, 295 thermal stability, 288e9 volume resistivity, 295 Curing: aerospace structures adhesives, 341e3 INDEX 417Curing: (Continued) electronics adhesives agents, 264e8 Cyanate ester resins, 272e3 Cyanoacrylate (CA) adhesives: advantages, 348 benefits/limitations, 349 bond strength, 351 case studies bacterial counts, 353e4 gastrointestinal endoscopy, 355e6 hernias, 356e9 pediatric urology, 355 plastic surgery, 359 sutureless anastomoses, 354e5 topical skin wounds, 356 classification, 3 description, 147e8, 347e9 Food and Drug Administration, 359 history, 139 manufacturers, 351e2 medical applications, 345e6 medical grade, 349e50 pitfalls and pearls, 358 skin closure, 346e7, 359 Cyclization: Boeing-Vertol modification and neoprene, 126 butyl rubber, 127 nitrile, 128 polybutadiene, 131 styrene-butadiene rubbers, 129 synthetic natural rubbers, 129 DAP see diallyl phthalate De Bruyne, Norman: bonding aircraft parts, 304e9 Redux, 301 Redux 775 film, 311 sandwich panels, 311 De Havilland: DH103 Hornet aircraft, 303, 305 DH104 Dove aircraft, 306 De Khotinsky cement, 161 Definition: adhesive bonding, 3, 15 adhesives, 3, 15, 137 failure, 10 surface preparation, 15 surface tension, 21e2 Degrease-abrade-prime for silver, 93 Degreasing, 16 Delayed-tack adhesives, 149e50 Delrin (acetal copolymer), 109, 250 Dental adhesives: applications, 359e63 ingredients, 361 introduction, 345 orthodontic appliances, 346 restorative fillings, 346 Dermabond (2-OCA) adhesive, 349e50, 352, 359 Dextrins, 159, 160 Diallyl phthalate (DAP), 120e1, 253 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 41e2 Differential thermal analysis (DTA), 43 Diffusion theory of adhesion, 7 DMA see dynamic mechanical analysis Dornier helicopter rotor blades, 342 Dry abrasion: fluorocarbon elastomers, 130 polyacrylate rubbers, 131 DSC see differential scanning calorimetry DTA see differential thermal analysis Du Nouy Ring method for measurement of surface tension, 25e7 Dual-care systems and UV-curable adhesive resins, 230e1 Dupre, A., 23 Duralumin, 301, 303 Duranickel (nickel alloy), 92 Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), 43e4 Dyne liquids, 16, 77 Dyneon adhesive, 130 E&Rs see etch and rinse adhesives Eastman Chemical Company, 139, 147e8, 347 ECAs see electrically conductive adhesives Economics and adhesives, 390e1 ECTFE see ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer EDS see Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy EFTE see ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer Elastomers: adhesives, 150 carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile, 208 epoxies, 141 fluorosilicone, 130 history, 138 polymers in non-structural applications, 145e6 polyurethane, 129 thermoplastic, 131e2 Electrical conductivity, 277e80 Electrical and thermal conductivities: electrical conductivity, 277e80 inorganic fillers, 277 thermal conductivity, 280e3 Electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs), 144, 146e7, 262 Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), 10e11, 31e2, 37e8, 74e5 Electronics adhesives: cured, 287e97 cyanate ester resins, 272e3 electrical and thermal conductivities, 277e83 epoxies, 259e68 418 INDEXepoxy-phenolic resins, 268e9 epoxy-silicone compositions, 269e71 free radical and ionic polymerization, 259 introduction, 259 material properties, 283 polyimides, 273e7 silicone resins, 271e2 uncured, 283e7 Electrostatic (electronic) theory of adhesion, 6e7 Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), 31e2, 35 Environment and adhesives, 389e90 Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), 34 EPDM see ethylene-propylene-diene Epichlorohydrin elastomer, 130e1 Epoxies: electrically conductive adhesives, 144 history of adhesives, 138 recommended adhesives, 253 thermosets, 121 Epoxy adhesives: description, 150e2 electronics curing agents, 264e8 epoxy resins, 260e4 introduction, 259e60 reactive and non-reactive solvents, 264 Epoxy-phenolic adhesives, 141, 152, 268e9 Epoxy-polysulfide adhesives, 152 Epoxy-silicone compositions, 269e71 epoxy-phenolic resins, 268e9 ESCA see electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis Etch and rinse adhesives (E&Rs), 360 Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer (ECTFE), 112 Ethylene-propylene-diene polymer (EPDM), 125, 126e7 Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE), 112 Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), 112, 143, 155 EVA see ethylene-vinyl acetate Failure modes, 10 FDA see Food and Drug Administration FEP see fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer Fiber-metal laminate, adhesive joints, 310e11 Fiber-reinforced plastics, adhesive joints, 310 Fiberglass: surface treatment introduction, 377 miscellaneous, 378 printed circuit boards, 378 reinforced plastics, 377e8 Fibrin, 346 FID see flame ionisation detector Film adhesives, 152e4, 339e40, 341 Fish glues, 138, 160 Flame ionisation detector (FID), 40 Flame treatment for plastic surfaces, 63e5 Fluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer (FEP), 45e7, 62e3, 68, 72, 112 Fluoro Etch, 76 Fluorocarbon elastomers: dry abrasion, 130 epichlorohydrin elastomer, 130e1 sodium etch, 130 Fluoroplastics: corona treatment, 62e3 electron spectroscopy, 74e5 plasma treatment, 70, 70e2 recommended adhesives, 250 sodium etching, 73e6 Fluoropolymer insulated wires, 71 Fluorosilicone elastomers, 130 FM series adhesives, 196, 210, 216, 218, 254 Foamable hot-melt adhesives, 155 Foams (plastic) recommended adhesives, 254e5 Fokker F-27 Friendship aircraft, 306 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), cyanoacrylate adhesives, 347, 349, 359 tissue adhesive for topical application of skin, 395e405 Forest Products Laboratory see FPL Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 32e3, 200e1 FPL etch: aluminium, 83e4 plastics, 73 zinc, 103 Fracture energies of thermosetting resins, 208e9 Free radical and ionic polymerization, 259 FTIR see Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Functions of adhesives, 3e4 Fundamentals of Adhesion, 6 Furane adhesives, 154 Future trends in adhesives, 391e3 Gas chromatography (GC), 39e40 GC see gas chromatography Glare (glass fiber-reinforced aluminum laminate), 307e8, 310 Glass recommended adhesives, 255e6 Glossary, 407e13 Glubran 2 adhesive, 356, 358 Gold recommended adhesives, 248 Gordon Aerolite composite, 301e2, 311 Green adhesives, 392e3 Green adhesives and sealants, 178e9 Grit blasting: cleaning, 54e5 reinforced plastics/thermosets, 123 Hardening agents for epoxy adhesives: aliphatic polyamines, 151 INDEX 419Hardening agents for epoxy adhesives: (Continued) anhydrides, 151e2 aromatic polyamines, 151 boron trifluoride, 152 fatty polyamides, 151 miscellaneous, 152 Heat-resistant adhesives: aerospace industry, 218 aromatic polyimides, 186e8 heterocyclic polymers, 185 introduction, 185e7 lap-shear strength measurement, 203e4 light scattering analysis, 187 linear polymers, 204e7 macromolecular backbone, 186 molecular weight determination, introduction, 187 polymer chemistry condensation oligomers, 194e6 introduction, 190e1 linear polymer precursors, 191e2 precyclized polymers, 192e4 thermosetting resins, 196e200 precyclized polymers, 204e7 resin characterization HPLC, 201e2 infrared spectroscopy, 200e1 introduction, 200 NMR, 201 size exclusion chromatography, 187e9 strength measurement, 203 thermal properties dynamic TGA, 188 isothermal aging, 188e90 stability, 185e6 thermomechanical analysis, 190 thermosetting resins, 196e200, 207e13 HEMA see hydroxy ethyl methacrylate Heterocyclic polymers and heat-resistant adhesives, 185 Hide glues, 160 High-density polyethylene sheet plasma treatment, 67 High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 201e2 Histoacryl adhesive, 349 History of adhesives: anaerobic adhesives, 139 animal glues, 138 casein glue, 138 chronology, 139e40 cyanoacrylates, 139 description, 137e9 epoxies, 138 fish glue, 138 hot-melt adhesives, 138e9 RTV silicone adhesive, 139 rubber-based solvent cements, 138 starch, 138 violins, 137 World War II, 138 Honeycomb core, 311e14 Hot-melt adhesives, 138e9, 154e6 HPLC see high-performance liquid chromatography Hydrogels for skin closure, 346 Hydroxy ethyl methacrylate (HEMA), 362 Hytrel elastomer, 131 Imidite 850 adhesive, 217 Immersion etch (optimised FPL process) for aluminium, 83 In-line plasma treatment of wire insulation, 68e9 Inconel(nickel-iron-chromium), 92 Industrial Revolution, 137 Infrared spectroscopy, 31e3, 287 Inorganic adhesives (cements): basic salts, 157 introduction, 156e7 litharge, 157 phosphate, 157 Sauereisen’s, 157e8 soluble silicates, 156e7 sulfur, 157 Intermolecular interactions, 8e9 Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN), 229 Ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), 31e2, 38 Ion-assisted reaction, 108e9 Ionomer (Surlyn) recommended adhesives, 250 Ionomers, 112 IPN see interpenetrating polymer networks Iridite (chromate free etching), 84 Isothermal aging, 188e90 Isothermal thermogravimetric analysis (ITGA), 188e90 ISS see ion scattering spectroscopy ITGA see isothermal thermogravimetric analysis Joining using adhesives (advantages/disadvantages), 4e5 Joint design: cleanliness, 5 surface treatment, 17 wetting, 5 Kel-F elastomer, 130 Kraton elastomer, 131 Krieble, Vernon, 139 Lap-shear strength measurement: heat-resistant adhesives, 203e4, 206, 210e11, 215e16 plastics, 67, 69 Laplace’s equation (bubbles and liquids), 25 Larc adhesives, 204e6, 211, 218, 254 Latex adhesives: contact bonding, 176e7 fish glues, 160 heat reactivation, 176e7 420 INDEXopen-time bonding, 176e7 solvent reactivation, 176e7 wet bonding, 176e7 Lead recommended adhesives, 248 Lexan polycarbonate, 114 Light scattering analysis, 187 Linear polyimide precursors, 204e7 Liquid Bandage, 349 Litharge cements, 157 Loctite Corporation, 139, 148, 349 Loose materials removal (metals), 50 MA see methacrylic acid “Mach 3 Fighter” test, 214 Magnesium surface preparation, 51e2 Magnesium/magnesium alloys: alkaline-detergent, 91 anodic treatments, 91 conversion coatings and wash primers, 91e2 hot chromic acid, 91 recommended adhesives, 248 sodium hydroxide-chromic acid, 91 Maleimide terminated thermosetting resins, 197e8, 207e10 Manual scouring of reinforced plastics/thermosets, 124 Manufacture of adhesives, primers, 332e8 Mass spectroscopy (MS), 39 Manufacture of adhesives: film, 339e40 paste, 338e9 Mechanical theory of adhesion, 6 Mechanical treatment (roughening) of plastic surfaces, 59 Medical adhesives: applications, 345e6 introduction, 345 skin closure, 346e59 strength tests, 352e3 Melamine-formaldehyde (melamines) adhesives, 121, 158, 253 Melinex adhesive, 115 Metal oxides and weak boundary layers, 9e10 Metalite panels, 308e9, 311 Metals: cleaning (degreasing), 50e2 recommended adhesives, 247e9 surface preparation, 49e50 see also individual metals Methacrylate-based adhesives, 346 Methacrylic acid (MA) adhesive, 362 10-Methacryloyloxyethyl dihydrogen phosphate, 363 4-Methacryloyloxyethyl trimetillic acid, 362e3 4-Methacryloyloxyethyl trimetillitate anhydride, 363 Methyl methacrylate (MMA) adhesive, 362 Micro-encapsulated adhesives, 158 Minerals fillers in rubber reinforcement: rubber tires, 381e2 wire and cable, 382 MMA see methyl methacrylate Monel (nickel-copper alloy), 92 MS see mass spectroscopy Mylar adhesive, 115 Nadimide terminated thermosetting resins, 198e9, 209, 210e11 Natural glues: animal, 159e61 introduction, 158 vegetable, 158 Neoprene (polychloroprene): abrasive treatment, 125e6 adhesives, 161 chlorination, 126 cyclization, 125e6 Neoprene-phenolic adhesives, 141, 161 Newell, George, 301 Nickel/nickel alloys: abrasive cleaning, 92 cleaning and plated parts, 92 nickel-base alloys, 92 nitric acid etch, 92 recommended adhesives, 248 sulfuric-nitric acid pickle, 92 Nitric acid: copper/copper alloys, 90 nickel/nickel alloys, 92 uranium, 102 Nitric acid/ferric chloride for copper/copper alloys, 90 Nitric acid/sodium chlorite (black oxide) for copper/ copper alloys, 90 Nitrile (butadiene-acrylonitrile): abrasive treatment, 128 activated-gas plasma, 129 chlorination, 128 cyclization, 128 epoxy adhesives, 161 primers, 128 rubber adhesives, 162 Nitrile-phenolic adhesives, 141e2, 162 NMR see nuclear magnetic resonance NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, 201 Non-silane adhesion promoters, 384 Novalac resins, 268e9 NR 056X adhesive, 204e5, 254 NR 150 series adhesives, 215e16, 254 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 40e1 Nylon 6 plasma treatment and lap-shear joint strength, 69 Nylon (polyamides): adhesives, 112e13, 162 epoxies, 141 recommended adhesives, 250 Nylon-epoxy adhesives, 162 INDEX 421Octylcyanoacrylate see 2-OCA Organosilanes, 9, 318e20 Orlon, 120 Oxalic-sulfuric acid and heat resistance of stainless steel, 95e6 PAA (phosphoric acid anodization), 88 Painted surfaces preparation, 132 Pasa-Jell treatment for titanium, 100 Paste adhesives, 338e9, 340e1 PBIs see polybenzimidazoles PCs see polycarbonates PCTFE see polychlorofluoroethylene PEEK see polyetheretherketone Peel tests and surface exposure time, 78e9 Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) polymer, 43, 113 PES see polyethersulfone PFA see perfluoroalkoxy Phenol-formaldehyde (phenolics), 121 recommended adhesives, 253e4 Phenolic adhesives: acid-catalysed phenolics, 163 hot-setting phenolics, 163 introduction, 163 Phenolic resoles, 302e3 Phenoxy adhesives, 163e4 Phenylene-oxide-based resins (Noryl), 113, 250e1, 254 Phosphate cements, 157 Phosphate-fluoride for titanium, 99 Phosphoric acid anodization see PAA Photo-initiated cationic polymerization: introduction, 227 UV-curing epoxides, 227e8 hybrid systems, 229e30 VEs, 228e9 Photo-initiated radical polymerization: introduction, 222 thiol-polyene system, 225e7 UV-curable acrylate resins, 222e5 Phyfe, Duncan, 137 PICA adhesion, 382e3 Plasma (glow discharge) treatment for plastic surfaces, 65e8, 70e2 Plastics: foams recommended adhesives, 254e5 FPL etch, 73 history, 138 Plastics surface preparation: ablation, 57e8 chemical etching, 73 chemical modification, 57e8 cleaning, 57e8, 58e9 corona treatment fluoroplastics, 62e3, 70 plastics, 58, 59e61 corona treatment (3D), 61e2, 68, 70 cross-linking, 57e8 flame treatment, 63e5 foams, 124 introduction, 56e7 lap-shear joint strength, 67, 69 mechanical treatment (roughening), 59 plasma treatment atmospheric, 68 description, 58, 65e8 fluoroplastics, 70 wire insulation, 68e9 Plated metals recommended adhesives, 248 Platinum abrasive cleaning, 92e3 Plexiglas (polymethyl methacrylate), 41, 117, 139 PMMA see polymethyl methacrylate; polymethylmethacrylate Polvinyl chloride (PVC), recommended adhesives, 253 Polvinyl fluoride (Tedlar), recommended adhesives, 253 Poly(1, 4)-phenylene, 185 Polyacrylate rubbers dry abrasion, 131 Polyamic acid synthesis, 191 Polyamides: polyester resins, 155e6 solvents, 172 see also nylon Polyaryl ether (Arylon T), recommended adhesives, 251 Polyaryl sulfone (Astrel 360), 114, 251 Polyarylate, 113 Polybenzimidazoles (PBIs): adhesives, 143, 164 condensation prepolymers, 216e18 Polybutadiene (butadiene rubber): abrasive treatment, 131 cyclization, 131 solvent wipe, 131 Polycarbonate (PC): ion-assisted reaction, 109, 114e15 plasma treatment and lap-shear joint strength, 67 recommended adhesives, 251 Polychlorofluoroethylene (PCTFE), 115 Polydimethylsiloxanes, 139 Polyester: adhesives, 141, 165 polyamide, 155e6 saturated, 115 thermoplastic recommended adhesives, 251 thermosets, 121, 254 Poly(ether-imides), 194 Polyetheretherketone (PEEK): adhesive chemistries, 322 recommended adhesives, 251 thermoplastics, 115e16 ultraviolet light, 107e8 422 INDEXPolyetherimide (Ultem), 116, 251 Polyethersulfone (PES), 116, 251e2 Polyethylene (PE): plasma treatment and lap-shear joint strength, 67, 69 recommended adhesives, 252 thermoplastics, 107, 116e17 weak boundary layers, 9e10 Polyethylene-nitrile rubber recommended adhesives, 254 Polyimides (PIs): adhesives for electronics, 273e7 aromatic polymer adhesives, 143 heat-resistant adhesives, 186e8 linear precursors, 204e7 precursors, 273 self-standing films, 273e4 thermosets, 121, 165, 254 Polyisobutylene rubber, 166, 254 Poly(isoimides), 193e4 Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), 41, 117, 139 free radical and ionic polymerization, 259 recommended adhesives, 252 Polymethylpentene (TPX), 117, 252 Polymethylsiloxane, 170 Polyphenols, 268 Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS; Ryton), 117e18, 252 Polyphenylqinoxalines, 204 Polyphenylquinoxalines, 192e3 Polypropylene (PP): chemical treatment, 58, 67 plasma treatment and lap-shear joint strength, 67 recommended adhesives, 252 thermoplastics, 107, 118 Polypropylene oxide rubber, 131 Polystyrene adhesives, 118e19, 166, 252, 254 Polystyrene terephthalate plasma treatment and lap-shear joint strength, 69 Polysulfide rubber (PTR): abrasive treatment, 131 chlorination, 131 Polysulfides (thiokols) adhesives, 166 Polysulfone: adhesives, 166e7 recommended adhesives, 252 Udel, 119e20 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE): bond values and lap-shear test, 74e5 cleaning (degreasing) of metals, 51 corona treatment of fluoroplastics, 62 differential thermal analysis, 70 plasma treatment of fluoroplastics, 70 recommended adhesives, 252 thermogravimetric analysis, 45 thermoplastics, 119 Polytrichlorofluoroethylene (PCTFE: Aclar), 251 Polyurethane: adhesives, 167, 254 elastomers, 129 thermosets, 122 Polyurethane-acrylates (PUAs), 223 Polyvinl chloride (PVC), recommended adhesives, 255 Polyvinyl acetal adhesives, 168 Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesives, 160, 168 Polyvinyl alcohol adhesives, 168e9 Polyvinyl butyral adhesives, 168e9 Polyvinyl butyral-phenolics adhesives, 175 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 120 Polyvinyl fluoride: plasma treatment and lap-shear joint strength, 69 thermoplastics, 120 Polyvinyl formal-phenolics adhesives, 175 Polyvinyl pyrrolidine particles, 36e7 Polyvinylidene fluoride, (PVDF; Kynar), 120, 253 Potassium iodide-phosphoric acid method for steel, 94 PP see polypropylene PPS see polyphenylene sulfide Precyclized polymers: introduction, 192 linear polyimide precursors, 204e7 poly(ether-imides), 194 poly(isoimides), 193e4 polyphenylquinoxalines, 192e3, 204 Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs), 169, 234e6, 255 Primers: aerospace industry, 316e18, 332e8, 340 butyl rubber, 127 silicone, 127 surface protection, 317 surfaces and adhesion, 383 see also Chemlok primers Priming: aerospace applications, 316e18 metals, 50 surfaces, 56 PSAs see pressure-sensitive adhesives PTFE see polytetrafluoroethylene PTR see polysulfide rubber PUAs see polyurethane-acrylates PVDF see polyvinylidene fluoride Radiation-curable adhesives applications: conclusions, 237 pressure-sensitive, 234e6 release coatings, 236e7 structural adhesives, 232e4 summary, 231e2 Raman spectroscopy, 33 RBS see Rutherford backscattering theory Real time infrared spectroscopy (RTIR), 223, 228 INDEX 423Redux adhesives: 319 specification, 329e36 aerospace structures, 301e4 series, 325e36 Reinforced plastics/composites, recommended adhesives, 254 Reinforced plastics/thermosets: grit blasting/sand blasting, 123 introduction, 123 manual scouring, 124 sanding, 123 solvent soak and abrading, 124 tear-ply method, 123 Reinforced thermoplastics (glass-reinforced) surface preparation, 124 Release coatings and radiation-curable adhesives, 236e7 Remixed frozen adhesives, 169 Resorcinol-formaldehyde adhesives, 169 Rolls Royce engines, 342 Room temperature vulcanization (RTV), 115, 139, 259 Rosin glue, 159 Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), 100e1 RTIR see real time infrared spectroscopy RTV see room temperature vulcanization RTV silicone adhesive, 139 Rubber-based adhesives see elastomers Rubber-based solvent cements, 138 Rubbers: butyl, 127 chlorobutyl, 127e8 chlorosulfonated polyethylene, 128 elastomers, 255 ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer, 126e7 fluorocarbon elastomers, 130e1 fluorosilicone elastomers, 130 introduction, 124e5 neoprene, 125e67 nitrile, 128e9 polyacrylate, 131 polybutadiene, 131 polypropylene oxide, 131 polysulfide, 131 polyurethane elastomers, 129 silicone rubber, 127 styrene-butadiene, 129e30 synthetic natural, 129 Rutherford backscattering theory (RBS), 31e2, 34e5 Rutherford, Lord Ernest, 34 Safety and adhesives, 387 SAN see styrene-acrylonitrile Sand blasting of reinforced plastics/thermosets, 123 Sanding reinforced plastics/thermosets, 123 Sandwich panels: honeycomb core, 311e14 introduction, 311 skins, 314 Sauereisen’s adhesives, 157e8 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 31, 33e5 Scotchweld 3553adhesive, 70 Sea Hornet aircraft, 303 SEAs see self-etch adhesives SEC see size exclusion chromatography Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), 31e2, 38e9 Self-etch adhesives (SEAs), 359e60 SEM see scanning electron microscopy SET see surface exposure time Shellac glues, 160e1 Silicone adhesives, 122, 170e2, 254 “Silicone Adhesives and Sealants”, 318 Silicone rubber (polydimethylsiloxane): activated-gas plasma, 127 primers, 127 soap and water wash, 127 solvent cleaning, 127 Silquest adhesive primer, 318e20 Silver: recommended adhesives, 248 surface preparation chromate conversion coating, 93 degrease-abrade-prime, 93 see also platinum abrasive cleaning SIMS see secondary ion mass spectroscopy Size exclusion chromatography (SEC), 187e9 Skin closure adhesives, 346e59 Sodium etch: fluorocarbon elastomers, 130 fluoroplastics, 73e6 Sodium hydroxide-chromic acid for magnesium/ magnesium alloys, 91 Solids and surface energy, 23 Solprene elastomer, 131 Soluble silicates, 156e7 Solvents: film adhesives, 172 reinforced plastics/thermosets, 124 safety, 53e4 storage, 54 thermoplastic resins, 172 Sorel cements, 157 Soybean glue, 159 Stainless steel: acid etch, 95 adhesive joints, 310 ASTM methods, 96e7 bromophosphate, 96 introduction, 95 oxalic-sulfuric acid for heat resistance, 95e6 recommended adhesives, 248 surface preparation, 51e2 424 INDEXStarch, 138, 158e9 Steel: acid treatment, 94 ASTM methods, 94e5 introduction, 92e4 (mild, carbon, iron), recommended adhesives, 248 potassium iodide-phosphoric acid, 94 Stradivari, Antonio, 137 Structural adhesives, 232e4 Styrene butadiene rubber (Buna S): abrasive treatment, 129 activated-gas plasma, 130 cyclization, 129 Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN; Lustran), 120, 253 Sulfur cements, 157 Sulfuric acid-dichromate etch see FPL etch Sulfuric-nitric acid pickle for nickel/nickel alloys, 92 Super glues see cyanoacrylates Supermarine Spitfire cockpit, 301 Surface chemical analysis by ESCA, 11 Surface exposure time (SET), 77e9, 123 Surface free energy: solids, 23 surface tension, 22e3 work of adhesion, 23 Surface hardening of metals, 50 Surface and materials analysis: Auger electron spectroscopy, 31e2, 37e8 differential scanning calorimetry, 41e2 differential thermal analysis, 43 dynamic mechanical analysis, 43e4 electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, 31e2, 37e8 energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, 31e2, 35 environmental scanning electron microscopy, 34 gas chromatography, 39e40 infrared spectroscopy, 31e3 introduction, 31 ion scattering spectroscopy, 31e2, 38 mass spectroscopy, 39 nuclear magnetic resonance, 40e1 Raman spectroscopy, 33 Rutherford backscattering theory, 31e2, 34e5 sample depth, 32 scanning electron microscopy, 31, 33e5 secondary ion mass spectroscopy, 31e2, 38e9 thermogravimetric analysis, 44e7 time-of-flight, 39 transmission electron microscopy, 35e7 Surface preparation: chemical etching, 70e9 cleaning, 52e6 cold rolled steel, 51e2 effectiveness contact-angle test, 77 dyne liquids, 16, 77 surface exposure time, 77e9 water-break test, 77 introduction, 49 metals aluminium, 51e2, 83e9 atmospheric plasma jet, 56 beryllium, 89 brass, 89 bronze, 89 cadmium, 89 cleaning (degreasing), 50e2 conclusions, 104 copper, 51e2 copper/copper alloys, 89e91 gold see platinum introduction, 83 magnesium, 51e2 magnesium/magnesium alloys, 91e2 nickel/nickel alloys, 92 platinum, 92e3 silver, 92e3 stainless steel, 51e2, 95e7 steel, 93e5 summary, 49e50, 56 tin, 97 titanium, 51e2, 97e101 tungsten/tungsten alloys, 101e2 uranium, 102 weldbonding, 103e4 zinc/zinc alloys, 102e3 painted surfaces, 132 plastics, 56e70 foams, 124 priming, 56 reinforced plastics/thermosets, 123e4 reinforced thermoplastics, 124 rubbers, 124e31 thermoplastics, 107e20, 132 elastomers, 131e2 thermosets, 120e3, 132 Surface pretreatment, 49 Surface tension: contact angle (Young’s equation), 23e5 definition, 21e2 interface, 21 introduction, 21 Laplace’s equation, 25 measurement liquids, 25e6 solids, 26, 28e9 polymers, 22 surface free energy, 22e3 temperature, 25 Surface treatment: abrasion, 15e16 INDEX 425Surface treatment: (Continued) adhesive bonds, 17 chemical treatment, 15e16 cleanliness, 17 degreasing, 16 introduction, 15e16 joint design, 17 minerals in plastics bonding to minerals, 378e9 silanes, 379e80, 380e1 reasons, 15e16 wetting, 17 Synthetic natural rubbers (polyisoprene): abrasive treatment, 129 chlorination, 129 cyclization, 129 Tape adhesives, 152e4 Tear-ply (peel-ply) method, 123 Tedlar (polyvinyl fluoride) adhesive, 120, 253 Teflon see polytetrafluoroethylene Tefzel ETFE, 68 TEM see transmission electron microscopy Temperature and surface tension, 25 Tenite adhesive, 115 Tetra Etch, 76 Tetramethylsilane (TMS), 40 TGA see thermogravimetric analysis Theory of adhesion: acidebase theory, 9 chemical bonding, 8e9 diffusion, 7 electrostatic (electronic), 6e7 introduction, 5e6 mechanical, 6 weak boundary layer, 9e10 wetting, 7e8 Thermal conductivity, 280e3 Thermally conductive adhesives, 147 Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), 44e7, 185, 188 Thermomechanical analysis, 190 Thermoplastics: acetal copolymer, 109 acetal homopolymer, 109e11 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, 111 allyl diglycol carbonate, 111 cellulosics, 111e12 conclusions, 132 ECTFE, 112 elastomers, 131e2 ETFE, 112 ethylene-vinyl acetate, 112 FEP, 112 introduction, 107 ionomer, 112 nylon, 112e13 PCTFE, 115 perfluoroalkoxy resins, 113 phenylene-oxide-based resins, 113 polyaryl sulfone, 114 polyarylate, 113 polycarbonates, 114e15 polyester, 115 polyetheretherketone, 115e16 polyetherimide, 116 polyethersulfone, 116 polyethylene, 116e17 polymethylmethacrylate, 117 polymethylpentene, 117 polyphenylene sulfide, 117e18 polypropylene, 118 polystyrene, 118e19 polysulfone, 119 polytetrafluoroethylene, 119 polyvinyl chloride, 120 polyvinyl fluoride, 120 polyvinylidene fluoride, 120 recommended adhesives, 249e53 research atmospheric plasma, 108 ion-assisted reaction, 108e9 ultraviolet light, 107e8 resin adhesives, 172e3 rubber in adhesives, 173 styrene-acrylonitrile, 120 Thermosets: conclusions, 132 diallyl phthalate, 120e1 epoxies, 121 foams, 255 introduction, 120 melamine-formaldehyde, 121 phenol-formaldehyde, 121 polyester, 121 polyimide, 121 polyurethane, 122 recommended adhesives, 253e5 resin adhesives, 173 silicone resins, 122 urea-formaldehyde, 122e3 Thermosetting resins: acetylene terminated, 199e200, 211e13 fracture energies, 208e9 introduction, 196e7 maleimide terminated, 197e8, 207e10 nadimide terminated, 198e9, 209e11 Thiol-polyene system (radical polymerisation), 225e7 Three-dimensional (3D) corona treatment for plastic surfaces, 61e2, 68, 70 Time-of-flight analysis, 39 426 INDEXTin: recommended adhesives, 248 surface preparation, 97 Titanium: adhesive joints, 310 alkaline cleaning, 99 alkaline etch, 99e100 alkaline-peroxide etch, 100e1 ASTM methods, 101 biomaterial, 98e9 introduction, 97e8 Pasa-Jell treatment, 100 stabilized phosphate-fluoride, 99 surface preparation, 51e2 VAST process, 100 Titanium/titanium alloys, recommended adhesives, 249 TMS see tetramethylsilane Torlon 4000T adhesive, 209 TPR adhesive, 131 TPX see polymethylpentene Transdermal patches, 345e6 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 35e7 Tuffak polycarbonate, 114 Tungsten/tungsten alloys: hydrofluoric-nitric-sulfuric acid, 101e2 recommended adhesives, 249 Tyril copolymer, 120 Ubbelhode viscometer, 187 Udel: P1700 adhesive, 209 Polysulfone adhesive, 166 Ultem 1000 adhesive, 196, 208, 216, 251, 275 Ultrasonics: cleaning with liquid rinse, 53 vapor degreasing, 53 Ultraviolet (UV) light, thermoplastics, 107e8 Uncured adhesives for electronics: corrosivity, 287 infrared spectroscopy, 287 materials, 283e4 pot life, 284e7 shelf life, 284e7 viscosity and rheology, 284e7 Upjohn 2080 adhesive, 209 Uranium: abrasive method, 102 acetic-hydrochloric acid, 102 nitric acid, 102 recommended adhesives, 249 Urea-formaldehyde adhesives, 122e3, 174e5, 254 US Army Research and Development Center, 78 UV-curable acrylate resins, 222e5 UV-curable adhesives: description, 173e4 dual-care systems, 230e1 introduction, 222 photo-initiated cationic polymerization, 227e30 photo-initiated radical polymerization, 222e7 UV-curing acrylates, 346 Vapor degreasing, 53 Vapor honing/PASA-Jell 107M for weld bonding, 103e4 VAST process: titanium, 100 weldbonding, 104 Vegetable glues: dextrins, 159 rosin, 159 soybean, 159 starch, 158e9 Vespel polyimide, 121e2 Vinyl-epoxy adhesives, 175 Vinyl-phenolic adhesives, 141, 175 Vinyl-resin adhesives, 175 Violins, 137 Viton elastomer, 130 Vogelesang, Boud, 310 Vought, Chance, 308, 311e12 Water-based emulsions (plastic foams), recommended adhesives, 254 Water-break test, 77 Water-resin adhesives: Latex, 176e7 natural polymers, 176 soluble synthetic polymers, 176 Weak boundary layer theory of adhesion, 9e10 Weldbonding of metals: introduction, 103 vapor honing/PASA-Jell 107M, 103e4 Wetting theory of adhesion, 7e8 Wilhelmy Plate method for measurement of surface tension, 25e7 Wood and adhesive joints, 309 Work of adhesion, 23 World War II, 138, 301, 304 Wound closure devices comparison, 357 Zinc/zinc alloys: abrasion, 102 acid etch, 102e3 conversion coatings, 103 FPL etch, 103 recommended adhesives, 249 INDEX 427
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