كتاب Outboard Engines - Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair - 2nd Edition
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Outboard Engines - Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair - 2nd Edition

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Outboard Engines - Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair
2nd Edition
Ed Sherman

كتاب Outboard Engines - Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair - 2nd Edition  O_b_e_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface xi
1 The Basics: What Makes Your Engine Tick 1
Your Engine’s Four Basic Needs 1
Inside Your Engine—The Basic Components 2
Basic Two-Stroke and Four-Stroke Cycles 3
The Four-Stroke 3
The Two-Stroke 3
The Basics of Troubleshooting 6
2 Breaking In a New Engine 7
General Break-In Guidelines 7
Additives 8
Oil Grades 8
Mix Ratio 8
Operating Procedure 9
3 Routine Maintenance 10
Daily Checks and Maintenance 10
Monthly Checks and Maintenance 11
Seasonal Checks and Maintenance 12
Three-Month (or Seasonal) Service Checks 12
Grease Points 12
Propeller Inspection 12
Gearcase-Oil Change 14
Cooling System 15
Impeller Replacement 16
Cylinder Compression 17
Fuel System 18
Automatic Oiler 19
Steering 19
Battery 19
Two Final Adjustments 19
vSpecial Considerations for Four-Stroke Engines 19
Sump-Oil Change 19
Timing-Belt Wear 20
Valve Clearance Check 20
Maintenance in a Nutshell 22
Daily Checks 22
Monthly Checks 22
Seasonal Checks 23
Additional Four-Stroke Annual Service 23
Off-Season Storage and Spring Commissioning 23
Winter Storage 24
Spring Commissioning 24
4 How to Find the Trouble 26
Listen, Look, and Feel for Trouble 26
A Troubleshooting Plan of Attack 29
Ten Categories of Trouble 29
Symptoms and Probable Causes 29
Engine Will Not Start 29
Engine Runs Irregularly or Stalls 30
Rough Idle 30
Engine Speed Will Not Increase 30
Engine Overheats 30
Engine Speed Higher than Normal 30
Engine Speed Lower than Normal 30
Boat Speed Low 30
Steering Pulls to One Side 30
Excessive Blue Smoke 30
5 Isolating Ignition System Problems 31
Ignition Components, and What They Do 32
Ignition Tests 34
Testing for Spark 34
Testing the Plugs 34
Ignition Problems—Tests and Procedures 36
Ignition Problem Checklist 36
Testing Spark-Plug Wires 36
Testing High-Tension Coils 37
Testing Charge and Sensor Coils and Ignition Module 38
Testing the Charge Coil 39
Testing the Sensor Coil 39
Testing Coil Voltages 39
Charge-Coil Test 40
Sensor-Coil Test 40
Ignition-Module Test 40
Under-the-Flywheel Systems 40
Some Additional Checks 40
Testing Your Stop Switch 41
Testing a Mercury (Tilt) Stop Switch 42Final Checks and Ignition Timing 42
Checking the Timing 44
CDI Unit Problems 44
Optical Timing Systems 45
Summing It Up 45
6 The Charging and Starting Systems 46
Charging—The Key Components 46
How It All Works 47
Testing Your Battery 48
Battery Capacity Test 48
Battery Drain Test 48
Charging-System Problems and Possible Causes 49
Verifying Charging-System Output 49
Testing Your AC Voltage Rectifier 50
Testing the Stator Windings 51
The Sequence to Follow 53
Alternator-Equipped Engine Differences 53
Troubleshooting Electric Starter Circuits 53
Voltage-Drop Test 55
Testing the Neutral Safety Switch 57
Neutral Switch Misadjustment 58
Testing an Ignition Switch 59
Other Starter-Related Problems 60
Manual Starters 60
Winding On a New Pull Cord 61
Replacing the Recoil Spring 62
7 The Fuel and Lubrication Systems 65
Fuel-Delivery Systems 65
The Spin-On Fuel/Water Separator 66
Fuel System Safety Considerations 67
Fuel-System Basics and Common Problems 67
Fuel-Tank Strainer 67
Anti-Siphon Valve 68
Flushing the Tank 68
Portable-Tank Strainers 68
The Fuel/Water Separator 68
The Primer Bulb 68
Fuel Pump Strainer 69
Fuel Supply Problems 69
The Fuel Pump 71
Fuel Delivery Step by Step 72
Classic Symptoms of Carburetor Problems 72
Mixing Air and Fuel 72
How a Carburetor Works 73
The Float Circuit 73
The Idle Circuit 73
The Intermediate Circuit 73The High-Speed Circuit 74
The Choke Circuit 74
Removing Your Carburetor 74
Disassembling Your Carburetor 75
Choke and Primer Systems 79
Further Checks 79
Manual Primers 79
Electric Primers 79
Electric Chokes 80
Thermal Wax Valves 80
Changing Technology 81
Fuel Injection Systems 81
Lubrication Systems 83
The Pre-Mix Method 83
Automated Oiling Systems 83
Mechanical Oil-Pump Systems 86
Oil Recirculation Systems 87
Four-Stroke Engine Lubrication 88
8 Servicing the Steering and Trim Systems 89
Tiller Steering 89
Steering-Tension Adjustment 89
Trim Tab Adjustment 89
Cable-Controlled Steering 90
Measuring for a New Steering Cable 93
Multiple Engine Installations 94
Hydraulic Steering 94
Routine Servicing 95
Symptoms of Problems 95
Bleeding a Hydraulic System 96
Trim and Tilt Systems 96
Electrical Troubleshooting 100
9 The Cooling System, Lower Unit, and Propeller 102
Air Cooling 102
Air-and-Water Cooling 103
Water Cooling 103
Symptoms of Overheating 104
Causes of Overheating 104
Thermostat Removal and Testing 104
Flushing Your Cooling System 105
Servicing the Water Pump 105
Reinstalling the Lower Unit 108
Testing the Overheat Alarm 109
The Shifting System 110
Diagnosing Shifting Problems 110
Lower-Unit Maintenance 112
Choosing a Propeller 113
Propeller Terms 11410 Dealing with Corrosion 116
Sacrificial Zincs 116
The Galvanic Series 117
The Galvanic Isolator 118
Touching Up Paint Chips and Corrosion 119
Dealing with Hardware Corrosion 121
Releasing Fasteners and Preventing Corrosion 122
Frozen Bolts 123
Saving a Drowned Engine 124
11 Brand-Specific Information 125
Johnson and Evinrude 125
Johnson 125
Evinrude 126
Maintenance Schedule 126
Mercury Marine 126
CARB Ratings 128
Ethanol Worries? 128
Routine Maintenance 129
Nissan Marine/Tohatsu 135
Honda 136
Maintenance 137
Suzuki 138
Maintenance 139
Yamaha 139
Unusual Maintenance Check 139
Index 143
ABYC (American Boat & Yacht Council), 56
AC voltage rectifier, 47, 50–51
additives, 8
air cooling systems, 102–3
air-and-water cooling systems, 103
air/fuel mixture (carburetor), 72–73
alcohol, deterioration from, 7, 8
alloys, 116, 117
alternator-equipped engines, charging system test for, 53
aluminum anodes, 117
aluminum fuel tanks, 66
American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC), 56
American Wire Gauge (AWG) scale, 56
amps, 57
anodes, 116–18
anti-siphon valve, 68
API oil ratings, 8
automated oiling systems, 83–85
maintenance, 19
overheat alarm with, 109
AWG scale, 56
battery, 47–49
cable sizes, 56
capacity test, 48
drain test, 48–49
function of, 57
maintenance, 19
overcharged, 47
in starter circuit test, 54
testing, 48–49
Bernoulli, Daniel, 75
Bernoulli effect, 75
blade thickness (propeller), 114
blue smoke, 30
boat speed, low, 30
bolt-on components, monthly check of, 11
bolts, frozen, 123–24
Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), 125,
breaking in engines, 7–9
Briggs & Stratton air-cooled engines, 102
BRP (Bombardier Recreational Products), 125
built-in fuel tanks, 65–68, 72
butterfly plate, 74
cable-controlled steering, 90–94
cables, monthly check of, 11
capacitive discharge (CD) ignition system, 32
capacitors, 32
capacity test, battery, 48
CARB ratings, 126, 128
carburetors, 72–79
adjusting, 19
choke circuit, 74
cleaning parts, 77–78
disassembling, 75–77
float circuit, 73
float height and drop, 78
fuel injection systems vs., 81
high-speed circuit, 74
idle circuit, 73
intermediate circuit, 73–74
maintenance, 19
mixing air and fuel, 72–73
needle-valve assembly installation, 78
reassembly, 78–79
removing, 74–75
143cavitation (propeller), 114
CD (capacitive discharge) ignition system, 32
CDI unit problems, 44–45
charge coils, 32, 38–40
charging system, 46–53
AC voltage rectifier testing, 50–51
alternator-equipped engines, 53
battery testing, 48–49
components of, 46–47
output verification, 49–50
stator windings testing, 51–53
troubleshooting, 49, 53
choke circuit, 74, 79–81
clean air requirements, 1, 3
clean-out carburetor kits, 75
compression test, 17–18
cooling system, 102–10
air cooling, 102–3
air-and-water cooling, 103
flushing, 11, 15–16, 105
Mercury engines, 131
overheat alarm testing, 109–10
overheating causes and symptoms, 104
seasonal maintenance, 15–17
thermostat removal and testing, 104–5
water cooling, 103–9
water pump servicing, 105–9
corrosion, 116–24
cleaning and touching up areas of, 119–21
of drowned engines, 124
galvanic isolator, 118–19
of hardware, 121–24
monthly check for, 11
sacrificial zinc anodes, 116–18
visual check for, 27, 28
corrosion inhibitors, 19
crankshaft position sensors (CPS), 32
cupping (propeller), 114
cycles, engine, 3–6
cylinder compression, 17–18
daily checks and maintenance, 10–11
daily maintenance, 22
diameter (propeller), 114, 115
diodes, 50
dip tanks (carburetors), 77
drain test (battery), 48–49
drowned engine, 40, 124
DVA tester, 38–40
ECM (electronic control module), 32
ECU (electronic control unit), 32
electric chokes, 80
electric primers, 79–80
electric starter systems, 53–60. See also charging system
checking sequence, 54–55
ignition switch testing, 59–60
neutral safety switch testing, 57–58
voltage-drop test, 55–57
electric trim and tilt systems, 98
electromagnet, 47
electronic control module (ECM), 32
electronic control unit (ECU), 32
emergency stop button and clip, 33, 34
engine management module (EMM), 32
engine problems
hesitation, 73
overheating, 30, 60, 104
runs irregularly or stalls, 30
seized engine, 60
skipping or misfiring, 34
speed higher than normal, 30
speed lower than normal, 30
speed will not increase, 30
will not start, 29–30, 60
basic needs of, 1
breaking in, 7–9
cycles, 3–6
drowned, 40, 124
four-stroke, 1–3 (see also four-stroke engines)
principle of operation, 1
troubleshooting. See engine problems
two-stroke, 1, 2 (see also two-stroke engines)
E-10 blend, 7
ethanol, 8, 128
Evinrude engines, 125–28
E-Tec fuel system, 71, 84–85, 126
pull cord replacement, 61–62
recoil spring service, 62–64
shift-rod height, 106
exhaust discharge, checking, 11
fasteners, frozen, 122–23
feel of components, 29
fiberglass fuel tanks, 8
field windings, 57
fishing line, around propeller, 10
float circuit (carburetor), 73
flooding, engine, 72
flywheel, 32
checking, 43–44
function of, 57
ignition module under, 40
loose, engine timing and, 43–44
four-stroke engines
components of, 2
cycle of, 3, 4
144 Indexfuel stabilization, 24
Honda, 136
Johnson, 125–26
lubrication, 88
maintenance, 2, 3, 19–23
Mercury Marine, 126, 128, 130, 132–34
oil for, 8
overheat alarm, 109
pistons in, 3
sump-oil change, 19–20
Suzuki, 138
three-month maintenance for, 19–23
timing-belt wear, 20, 21
Tohatsu, 136
valve clearance check, 20–23
Yamaha, 139, 140
frozen fasteners, releasing, 122–24
stabilizing, 24
water in, 65–66
fuel additives, 8
fuel blends, 7–8
fuel conditioner, 24
fuel delivery, 72. See also fuel systems
fuel injection systems, 81–83
acronyms used with, 81
fuel pumps, 71
ignition timing, 33
rust particles in injectors, 66
fuel leaks, checking for, 18–19
fuel pump, 71
fuel pump strainer, 69
fuel strainer, 11–12. See also fuel/water separator
fuel supply problems, 69–71
fuel systems, 65–83
anti-siphon valve, 68
carburetor, 72–79
choke system, 79–81
flushing tank, 68
fuel delivery, 72
fuel injection systems, 81–83
fuel pump, 71
fuel pump strainer, 69
fuel supply problems, 69–71
fuel-tank strainer, 67–68
maintenance, 18–19
Mercury engines, 132
portable-tank strainers, 68
primer bulb, 68–69
primer system, 79–81
safety considerations, 67
spin-on fuel/water separator, 66, 68
vent fitting or hose problems, 67
fuel tanks, 8, 65–67
fuel/air mixture (carburetor), 72–73
fuel-hose clamps, 67
fuel-oil mix, 8–9, 83
fuel-tank strainer, 67–68
fuel/water separator, 69, 70
monthly check of, 11–12
need for, 8
spin-on, 66, 68
galvanic corrosion, 116
galvanic isolator, 118–19
galvanic series, 117
gapping tool, 34
gas mileage, 1
gate signal, 32
gearcase-oil change, 14–15
gear-shift controls, lubrication of, 11
grease points, 12
Hall effect sensor, 32
corrosion of, 121–24
metric vs. U.S., 25
heat sink (rectifiers), 50
heating coil, electric, 80
high-speed circuit (carburetor), 74
high-speed jet, 75
high-speed nozzle, 75
high-tension coils, 33, 37–38
hold-downs, wire, 37
Honda engines, 136–37
fuel/water separator on, 69, 70
maintenance schedule for, 137
sump-oil change, 20
timing-belt wear, 20
hoses, fuel-delivery, 67, 69
HPDI system (Yamaha), 126
hydraulic control valves, 98
hydraulic fluid, 95
hydraulic steering, 94–96
hydraulic trim and tilt systems, 98–100
ICM (ignition control module), 32
idle, rough, 30
idle circuit (carburetor), 73
ignition coils, 33, 37–40
ignition control module (ICM), 32
ignition pulse generators, 32
ignition switch testing, 59–60
ignition system, 31–45
capacitive discharge, 32
CDI unit problems, 44–45
charge coil testing, 38–40
components of, 32–33
Index 145flywheel check, 43–44
high-tension coils testing, 37–38
ignition-module testing, 40
optical timing system, 45
plugs testing, 34–36
problem checklist, 36
sensor coil testing, 38–40
spark testing, 34, 35
spark-plug wires testing, 36–37
stop switch testing, 41–42
timing check, 19, 44
tools and tester for, 31
wire inspection, 42–43
ignition-module testing, 40
damage to, 103, 104
removing and inspecting, 106
replacement of, 16, 17
inertia-type starter motors, 53, 54
integral fuel tanks, 65
intermediate circuit (carburetor), 73–74
Johnson engines, 125–27
pull cord replacement, 61–62
recoil spring service, 62–64
shift-rod height, 106
lash, 22
fuel, 18–19
hydraulic fluid, 96
oil, 29
lean fuel mixtures, 73
lower unit
maintenance, 112–13
reinstalling, 108–9
removing, 105–6
repairing corrosion and paint chips on, 119–21
lubrication, 83–88
automated oiling systems, 83–85
for four-stroke engines, 88
and lean fuel mixtures, 73
manual tilt mechanism, 97
mechanical oil-pump systems, 86–87
oil recirculation systems, 87–88
pre-mix method, 83
of throttle and gear-shift controls, 11
for two-stroke engines, 8
maintenance, 10–25
automatic oiler, 19
battery, 19
carburetor adjustment, 19
cooling system, 15–17
cylinder compression, 17–18
daily, 10–11, 22
for four-stroke engines, 2, 3, 19–23
fuel system, 18–19
gearcase-oil change, 14–15
grease points, 12
hydraulic steering system, 95
ignition timing, 19
impeller replacement, 16, 17
monthly, 11–12, 22, 23
propeller inspection, 12–13
seasonal, 12, 23
steering, 19
sump-oil change, 19–20
three-month, 12–19
timing-belt wear, 20, 21
tools for, 25
valve clearance check, 20–23
manual primers, 79
manual starter systems, 60–64
manual trim and tilt systems, 97–98
master carburetor kits, 75
mechanical oil-pump systems, 86–87
Mercury DVA tester, 38–40
Mercury Marine engines, 126, 128–34
and fuel blends, 7, 8
hydraulic trim systems, 98, 99
inspection and maintenance schedule, 129–30
oil pump bleeding, 86–87
oil-injection system, 86
overheat alarm, 109
rebranded Tohatsu engines as, 135
stop (tilt) switch, 42, 43
metals, 116, 117
mix ratio, 8–9
MON (Motor Octane Number), 7
monthly maintenance, 11–12, 22, 23
Morse controls, 94
Motor Octane Number (MON), 7
multimeter, 37
multiple engines, steering systems for, 94
needle-valve assembly, 73, 78
neon tester, 34, 35
neutral safety switch testing, 57–58
Nissan Marine engines, 135–36
noises, troubleshooting, 26, 27
octane requirements, 7
odors, 29
OEDA (Outboard Engine Distributors Association),
off-season storage, 23–24
ohmmeter, 41–42, 50–52
146 Indexoil, 86–87. See also lubrication
automated oiling systems, 19, 83–85, 109
checking level of, 10
fuel-oil mix, 8–9, 83
gearcase-oil change, 14–15
grades of, 8
in hydraulic system, 96
mechanical oil-pump systems, 86–87
oil recirculation systems, 87–88
sump-oil change, 19–20
oil film buildup, 10
oil leaks, 29
oil recirculation systems, 87–88
oiler, automatic, 19
OMC. See Outboard Marine Corporation
operation, during break-in, 9
optical timing system, 45
OptiMax engines, 126, 128
Outboard Engine Distributors Association (OEDA),
Outboard Marine Corporation (OMC), 83, 125
overhead camshaft engines, valve clearance for, 21, 22
overheat alarms, 103, 109–10
causes and symptoms of, 104
and engine seizure, 60
symptoms of, 104
of wiring, 29
paint, touching up, 119–21
piston rings, 17, 18
pistons, 3
pitch (propeller), 114, 115
plastic fuel tanks, 66
portable-tank fuel systems, 65–69
portable-tank strainers, 68, 69
pre-mix method (lubrication), 83
primer (paint), 119–20
primer bulb, 68–69
primer systems, 74, 79–81
choosing, 113–15
daily check of, 10
inspection of, 12–13, 112–13
removing, 112
pull cord starter systems, 60–64
pulsar coils, 32
quarterly maintenance, 12–19
rack-and-pinion cable steering systems, 90, 91
rake (propeller), 114
recoil spring replacement, 62–64
rectifier, 47, 50–51
reference voltage, 49, 50
regulated voltage, 50
remote control
for ignition switch, 41, 42, 59, 60
for shifting system, 110
for starter circuit, 53, 54, 57
removable fuel tank. See portable-tank fuel systems
Research Octane Number (RON), 7
rotary cable steering systems, 90, 91
rotor, 57
rough idle, 30
rust, 119, 121–22. See also corrosion
Rust Reformer, 121–22
sacrificial zinc anodes, 12, 116–18
screw clamps, checking, 11
seasonal maintenance, 12, 23. See also three-month
SeaStar system, 94, 95
seized engine, 60
sensor coils, 32, 33, 38–40
shift rod, 106, 109
shifting system, 110–12
remote control, 110
tiller steering, 110
troubleshooting, 110–12
slip (propeller), 114
smells, 29
sounds, troubleshooting, 26, 27
spark, testing for, 34, 35
spark plugs, 18, 33–36
spark-plug wires, 33, 34, 36–37
spin-on fuel/water separator, 66, 68
spring commissioning, 24
starter systems
electric. See electric starter systems
manual, 60–64
recoil spring replacement, 62–64
winding on new pull cord, 61–62
stator windings, 51–53, 57
steering, pulling in, 30
steering cable, measuring for, 93–94
steering system, 89–96
cable-controlled steering, 90–94
hydraulic steering, 94–96
maintenance, 19
for multiple engine installations, 94
tiller steering, 89–90
steering-tension adjustment, 89
stop control, 33
stop switch, testing, 41–42
storage, boat, 23–24
submerged engine. See drowned engine
sump-oil change, 19–20
Index 147surface-gap plugs, 33, 34, 36
Suzuki engines, 138–39
fuel injection system, 81–82
maintenance schedule for, 139
TCW-3 oil, 8, 83
Teleflex Inc., 94, 95
telltale spray, 11
temperature sensors, 109
Tempo Products, 120
thermal wax valves, 74, 75, 80
thermostat, 16, 17, 104
Three Step Voltage Test, 49–50
three-month maintenance, 12–19
throttle lubrication, 11
throttle plate, 74
tiller steering, 89–90, 110
tilt control, 96, 97. See also trim and tilt systems
tilt tube, 91–93
timing, ignition, 32–33, 43–45
timing-belt, checking wear of, 20, 21
Tohatsu engines, 135–36
tools, maintenance, 25
tracer spray, 11
trigger coils, 32
trim and tilt systems, 96–101
electric, 98
electrical troubleshooting, 100–101
hydraulic, 98–100
manual, 97–98
purpose of, 97
stop switch, 42, 43
trim control, 96, 97
trim tab adjustment, 89–90
trim-indicator gauge, 100
trim-limiting switch, 100
troubleshooting, 6, 26–30. See also engine problems;
specific systems
basic sequence for, 6
categories of problems, 29
corrosion, 27–29
feel of components, 29
odors and smells, 29
plan of attack for, 29
sounds and noises, 26, 27
symptoms and probably causes, 29–30
visual checks, 27–29
two-stroke engines
components of, 2
cycle, 3, 5–6
Evinrude, 126, 127
fuel stabilization, 24
Johnson, 125–26
lubrication for, 8
Mercury Marine, 126, 128
oil for, 8
oil recirculation systems, 87–88
overheat alarm, 109
pistons in, 3
Tohatsu, 135
Yamaha, 139, 140
unloaded voltage, 50
valve clearance (four-stroke engines), 20–23
variable-ratio oiling (VRO) system, 83–86
vent problems, 67
ventilation (propeller), 114
Verado engines, 126, 128
visual troubleshooting checks, 27–29
voltage regulator, 47
voltage testing
ignition switch, 59
Three Step Voltage Test, 49–50
trim and tilt circuit, 100, 101
voltage-drop test, 55–57
VRO. See variable-ratio oiling system
water, in fuel tanks, 65–66. See also fuel/water separator
water cooling systems, 103–9
flushing, 105
overheating causes and symptoms, 104
thermostat removal and testing, 104–5
water pump servicing, 105–9
water pump, 105–9
water tube, 107–8
wet compression test, 18
winding on new pull cord, 61–62
winter storage, 24
AWG scale, 56
color codes for, 36
computer-controlled fuel injection system, 84
ignition system, 42–43
monthly check of, 11
overheated, 29
starter circuit, 53, 54
Yamaha engines, 139–41
choking and priming methods, 81
HPDI system, 126
maintenance schedule for, 139–41
oil-injection system, 86
sump-oil change, 20
thermal wax valve in, 74, 75, 80
timing-belt wear, 20
zinc anodes, 12, 116–18
148 Index

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