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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Form, Structure and Mechanism الأحد 24 سبتمبر 2023, 2:44 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Form, Structure and Mechanism MICHAEL FRENCH Professor of Engineering Design Lancaster University
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Introduction: the Use of this Book ix Acknowledgements xi 1 Preliminaries 1 1.1 The scope of this book 1 1.2 The anatomy of design 1 1.3 The conceptual stage 4 1.4 General aids to design 4 1.5 Combinative methods: tables of options 11 1.6 Repechage and reviews 13 1.7 Recurrent problems in design 14 1.8 Combination and separation of functions 18 1.9 Summary 22 2 Structures 23 2.1 Introduction 23 2.2 Structural elements: rods, ties and struts 25 2.3 Beams 26 2.4 Plates 31 2.5 Torsion 31 2.6 Thin-walled pressure vessels 33 2.7 Contact stresses 34 2.8 An example: bathroom scales 38 2.9 Bathroom scales: refinements and details 41 2.10 Springs 44 2.11 Structures, springs, energy and stiffness: pertinacity 48 vvi CONTENTS 3 Abutments and Joints 52 3.1 Introduction 52 3.2 The form of abutments 52 3.3 Screwed fastenings 56 3.4 Joints 60 3.5 Stator blade fixing 62 3.6 Joint efficiency 64 3.7 Offset bolted joints: lugs 68 3.8 General principles applied to joint design 71 3.9 Register in joints: intersection problems 73 3.10 Alternating loads on bolted joints 75 3.11 Sealing 77 4 Freedom and Constraints: Bearings 79 4.1 Degrees of freedom 79 4.2 Shafts and bearings 81 4.3 The principle of least constraint: kinematic design 83 4.4 Epicyclic gears 84 4.5 Bearings 86 4.6 Hydrostatic bearings 87 4.7 Hydrodynamic bearings: squeeze action 91 4.8 Hydrodynamic bearings: wedge action 94 4.9 Rolling-element bearings 96 5 Various Principles 100 5.1 Insight and abstraction 100 5.2 Biasing 101 5.3 Force paths 102 5.4 A cylinder head joint 104 5.5 Bevel gear mounting 107 5.6 Gear pump 107 5.7 Nesting and stacking 110 5.8 Guiding principles for choosing nesting orders 112 5.9 Other aspects of nesting 114 5.10 Summary of guiding principles for nesting orders 118 5.11 Flexural elements 118 5.12 Easements 121 6 Materials and Manufacturing Methods 123 6.1 Introduction 123 6.2 Materials, manufacture and design philosophies 125 6.3 The effect of density 128 6.4 Choice of material 129 6.5 Figures of merit 131CONTENTS vii 6.6 The relation between form and manufacturing method 137 6.7 New materials and processes 141 6.8 Aids to material selection 142 7 Pneumatic Quarter-turn Actuators 144 7.1 Introduction 144 7.2 Fundamental considerations 145 7.3 Aspect ratio 148 7.4 Table of options 149 7.5 Studying a combination 152 7.6 Two good designs 156 7.7 Summary 159 8 Epicyclic Gears 160 8.1 The function of the planet carrier 160 8.2 Increasing the stiffness by asymmetry 163 8.3 Local form design 164 8.4 Joint location and design 167 8.5 'Alexandrian' solutions 167 8.6 The choice of embodiment 169 8.7 Another solution 171 8.8 Other aspects of epicyclic gearing 173 9 Hydraulic Pumps 175 9.1 The swash-plate pump 175 9.2 Valve plate design 176 9.3 Eliminating the valve plate 179 9.4 Virtues and limitations of the swash-plate pump 179 9.5 The bent-axis pump 180 9.6 An elegant bent-axis pump 182 9.7 Combining the virtues of swash-plate and bent-axis 185 10 Miscellaneous Examples 191 10.1 Connecting rods 191 10.2 A suitcase handle and a suspension arm 195 10.3 A window stay 198 10.4 The Challenger disaster 203 II The Principles of Design 208 11.1 An emerging discipline 208 11.2 Least constraint and kinematic design 209 11.3 Separation and combination of functions 210 11.4 Design mating surfaces or abutments 211 11.5 Clarity of function 211viii CONTENTS 11.6 Short direct force-paths 213 11.7 Matching and disposition 214 11.8 Nesting order and related principles 216 11.9 Avoiding arbitrary decisions: combining good features 217 Bibliography 220 Index 222 Index Abstraction 100, 140 increasing level of 8-11 Abutment 52-6, 211 Actuator, quarter-turn 144-59 aspect ratio 148 calculations 146-8 crank and slider 147-8 disposition 152-5 examples 156-9 fail safe 158 guidance 149, 151-2 Miti-l 157-9 Norbro 156-8 rack and pinion 151, 153, 154 swept volume 145-6 types of 144-5 Alexandrian solutions 163, 167-8 Alternator 214-16 Aluminium alloy 123-4, 127, 128-9, 142, 150--1 extrusion 149, 199 Arbitrary decision 7, 192, 217-18 Ashby, M.F. 142 Asymmetry in design 154, 163-4,212 Backlash 101 Balancing of forces 85, 109, 144, 174, 177, 178, 209 Ball-joint 80, 183 Bathroom scales 38-44 Beam 26-31 curvature 30 deflections of 30--1 human 72 rationale of 28 ring 29 Bearing ball 36-8 ball and roller 81-2, 107 film 86-96 foil 195 hybrid 96 hydrodynamic 86, 91-6 hydrostatic 86-91 location 82 power consumption 88-9 requirements 111-12 roller 96 rolling element 96-9 squeeze action 91--4 taper roller 83 thrust 95-6 tilting pad 95 wedge action 94-6 Bending of beam 28,30, 129 in carrier 163-4 in window stay 199, 200--1 inefficiency of 103-4 Bent-axis pump 180--5 kinematics 182 Bevel gear 107 Biasing 101-2 in pinion teeth 173 of diaphragm 170--1 222INDEX 223 Bicycle tyre 102 wheel 101 Big end joint in 59-62,75-7, 105 Bird-in-cage toy 9-10 Bolt 56-9, 65-6, 68-9 choice of size of 70 function of 59 stretch in 76-7 Calculations, rough 94 Cassette, camera 15-16 Cast iron 124, 141 Casting 124, 125, 141, 142 Catapult 102 Centering 5-8 Ceramic 138, 141-2 Chain, roller 104 Challenger shuttle 203-7 seal failure 203 Chamfer 54 Clarity of function 28-9,42, 76, 168, 179, 195, 211, 212 Clerk, R.C. 188-9 Closure, principle of local 74, 205, 213 Combination 11-12 of virtues 185, 219 studying a 150--6 Combinative methods 11-13 Comparator 120-1 Configurations of actuator 144-5 Connecting rod 135, 191-5 Constraints 80-1, 107 principle of least 83-4, 85 Coupling, face 74 Crank and slider 147-8, 188 Cryogenic tank 134-5 Curvature of beam 30 principal radii of 34 relative radii of 36 Cut-out 162, 200-1 Cutting tool 138 Cylinder head joint 29, 104-6 Cylinder liner 190 Decision, arbitrary 7, 110 Decomposition 139, 145 Deflection of beam 30-1, 38-44 of springs 41, 44-5 Degrees of freedom 43, 79-81, 84-6, 115, 117, 186-9, 198,200,202, 209 Density 128-9 Design 1, 100 anatomy of 1 brief 3 conceptual 4 diversification in 5 elastic 209 embodiment 4 kinematic 84-6,179,190,209 stepwise 5-8 Designer 51 Diaphragm 7, 168-71 Differential 209 Disposition, problems of 14-16, 89-90, 119, 152-5, 214-16 Diversification of approach 5 Dowel 73-4 Drive, transfer of 114-18 'Drop-together' construction 179 Ears on can 155-6 Easements 121-2, 184 Efficiency of actuator 146 of joint 64-8 of use of material 45-6, 130 Electronics 43-4 Ellipsoid 34-6 Embodiment 3 Energy in flywheel 48 in spring 41, 44-6, 133 in structure 51 Engine internal combustion 10-11, 29 steam 9-10 Wankel 11 Epicyclic gears 84, 160-74, 186 freedoms in 84-6 planet carrier 84, 160-7 structure 160-7 Essence, seizing the 7, 100 Failure, seriousness of 24 Fatigue 25, 137 Fibre reinforcement 124, 127, 130, 141 Fillet 53 Fir-tree root 66-8224 INDEX Flange 61 bend in 166 of beam 28-30 of bolted joint 68-71 Flexural elements 118-22, 137, 207, 209 pivot 121 Flywheel 50 Force path 102-4 Form, relation to manufacture 137 Freedom see Degrees of freedom Functions 11-13, 14--15, 149-50, 215 combination and separation of 18-22, 210 separation of 109, 140, 179, 206, 209 Furniture 15 Gas turbine 63, 139 Gasket 29, 77-8, 105 Gear (see also Epicyclic gears) reduction 209, 210 sun, planet etc. 84, 160--1 teeth in actuator 148 Hydraulic diameter 90 Incubation 100 Insight 4, 59, 100, 195 Intersection 1~18, 75, 161 Jaguar 217 Joint bolted 68-71, 75-7 clamp (pipes) 212-13 clevis 203 constant velocity 11~17 cylinder head 104--6 discrete 212-13 efficiency 64--8 general principles of 71-5 Hooke's 116, 187, 198 in rotor 72-4 location of 167, 172, 187 moving 86 offset bolted 68-71, 206 scarf 65 screwed 64--6 Kettle 117 Kinematic design 84--6, 95 Lathe 112-13 Leaking and bursting 22, 108-9, 190, 205,206,210 Little end 93-4 Load alleviation 42 capacity of bearings 99 distribution 85--6, 169, 195 in window stay 199 sharing in gears 209 Lug 68-71, 155--6 Machining 52, 55, 139, 178 Manufacture 52,55,63,123-7,211 design philosophy of 126 gears 138 generative 125-7 hard materials 138 marginal cost of 125 'near net form' 126 of shaft 8 relation to design 124 replicative 125-7 Matching 16, 46, 66, 147, 205--6, 214 Materials 123-4 and manufacture pairs 137 charts 142-3 choice of 129-31, 142-3 cost of 131-22, 139 density 128-9 figures of merit for 131-7, 142-3 in actuator 142, 154 new 141 of ship 9 specific stiffness of 128 specific strength of 128 stiffness of 133 Mating surfaces 52-5, 173, 179,211 in big end 60--2, 191-2 Maxwell, structural lemma 48-9 Moment, bending 27-31 Moulding 124 torsion in 141 Nature 139 Nesting and stacking 110--12, 114, 118 O-ring 77-8, 109, 150, 157, 178,203, 207 Pertinacity 48-51 Plates 31INDEX Polymer 127, 151 fibre-reinforced 124, 127, 130, 141 Pressure vessels, thin-walled 33-4, 48-9, 155, 204 Prestressing 101 Princess and the pea 195 Principles 208-19 (see also under individual names) elastic design 209 force paths 102-4, 205, 212, 213-14 functions, separation of, etc. 18-22 kinematic design 209 least constraint 83-4, 85, 169, 187, 208, 209 local closure 74, 205 nesting order 118, 216--17 'never make two faces' 192 uniformity 212 Procrustes 149 Production see Manufacture Pump bent-axis 180-5 Clerk Tri-link 188-90 gear 107-8 swash-plate 175-80, 185 Quill-shaft 209 Radius of gyration, k 27-8, 63, 100 Reactor, Advanced Gas-cooled (AGR) 22 Redundancy 80-1 Register 59,61, 73-4 Relief 54-5, 60-1, 114, 211 Repechage 14 Repertoire (of means) 24,25,86, 187 Restrictor 87-8, w=.1 Reynold's number, Re 90-1 Rolling mills 174 Rotor 71-2, 214-16 Rule, inverse loss 67,216 Scantling 23-4, 123 Scheme 4 Screw, differential 59 Screwed fastenings 56--9, 62-3 Sealing 29, 70, 77-8, 108-9, 145, 177 kinds of 77 Section 27-8 in torsion 32 modulus of 27-8 open and closed 32-3 second moment of 27-8 Self-alignment of pinions 168-73 Shaft 81-3 Sharing benefits etc. 42, 216 Shear flow 29-30,.33 in beam 28-30 Ship, materials of 123 Sintering 138 Specification 3, 146 Spigot 73-4 Spring 44-8, 51, 133, 137 in scales 38-44, 45, 130-1 in suspension 46--7 in window stay 203 Stability 25-6,88, 132-3, 168 Statement of problem 3 Stator blade fixing 62-4 Steam engine 9-10 Watt and 21-2 Steam turbine 140 Steel 123, 124, 128-9, 130, 199 austenitic 139 stainless 134, 145, 150 Steering 111, 115-17 'Sticky drawer' effect 113-14, 152 Stiffness 7, 8, 47, 142-3 in bolted joints 75-7, 105 of bearing 91 of handle 196 of planet carrier 162 of structure 51, 113 specific 141-2 torsional 32-3 Stool analogy 163, 167-8 Strain gauges 43-4 Strength 24 specific 128, 141-2 Stress allowable 24 alternating 25 contact 34-8, 188 design 24-5,51, 131 equivalent 24-5 hoop 33 longitudinal 33 shear 24,30, 31-2 torsional 31-3 Structure 23-4, 71 efficient 51 of planet carrier 160-7 225226 Strut 25-6, 128, 135 Suitcase handle 195-7 Surface 53-5 Surface table 86 Suspension ~7, ill, 114-17, 120 arm 197-8 BMW front 16--18 independence of 18-19 rear 18-21, 137 Suspension bridge 119 Swash-plate pump 175-80, 185 side thrust in 179-80 Swingletree 169 Table kernel 13, 149-50 morphological 11 of options 11-13, 149 surface 86 Tap, domestic 5 Telescope 86, 118 Tent 26 Thermal expansion 63, 139 Tie 25-6, 134 in torsion 135 Tin-opener 11-13 Torque constraint 187 in actuator 146 in bolt 57-9 in carrier 160 thread-climbing 58 Torroja, E. 100, 169 INDEX Torsion 31-3 moulded forms for 141 Tresca criterion 24, 136 Tri-link pump 188-90 Turbine, wind 16 Typewriter 110-11 Valve internal combustion engine 10 steam engine 10 variable timing of 217 Valve-plate, hydraulic pump 176 freedoms of 176--7 Vierendeel truss 119-20 Volvo bent-axis pump 182-5 ball-retention in 183-4 casing 184-5 piston 184 Wasa 192-5 Washer 58 conical 63-4 Web 28, 166 Werkspoor 191 Window stay 198-203 ergonomics of 201-2 secure 202-3 Wind-up in pinion 173 Wood 128 Zinc-based alloy 127 Zwicky, F. 11
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