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عدد المساهمات : 18940 التقييم : 35326 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook – Powerplant - Volume 2 الخميس 14 سبتمبر 2023, 1:17 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook – Powerplant - Volume 2 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards Service
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Volume Contents Volume 1 Preface .v Acknowledgments vii Table of Contents ix Chapter 1 Aircraft Engines .1-1 Chapter 2 Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems .2-1 Chapter 3 Induction and Exhaust Systems 3-1 Chapter 4 Engine Ignition and Electrical Systems 4-1 Chapter 5 Engine Starting Systems 5-1 Volume 2 Chapter 6 Lubrication and Cooling Systems .6-1 Chapter 7 Propellers .7-1 Chapter 8 Engine Removal and Replacement 8-1 Chapter 9 Engine Fire Protection Systems 9-1 Chapter 10 Engine Maintenance and Operation 10-1 Chapter 11 Light-Sport Aircraft Engines 11-1 Index Breather pressurizing system .6-30 Breather subsystems .6-31 Brinelling .10-3 Burning 10-3 Burnishing 10-3 Burr 10-3 C Carburetor adjustment and checks .11-25 Carburetor air temperature (CAT) indicator 10-22 Carburetor synchronization 11-17 Centrifugal force 7-4 Centrifugal twisting force . 7-4,7-9 Centrifugal twisting moment .7-9 Chafing .10-3 Changing oil .6-17 Assembly of and installation of oil filters 6-19 Draining oil 6-17 Oil and filter change and screen cleaning .6-18 Oil filter removal canister type housing .6-18 Oil filter/screen content inspection .6-18 Troubleshooting oil systems .6-19 Charging the propeller air dome 7-27 Checking alignment .10-11 Checking and adjusting propeller blade angles .7-23 Checking takeoff thrust 10-58 Checking the carburetor actuation .11-20 Checking the friction torque in free rotation 11-22 Checking the propeller gearbox .11-22 Checks and adjustments after engine runup and operation 8-14 Chipping .10-3 Cleaning .10-6 Cleaning propeller blades 7-27 Cleaning the oil tank 11-21 Clearances 10-55 Cloud point .6-3 Cold cylinder check .10-44 Combination splash and pressure lubrication 6-5 Combustion process .10-30 Combustion section inspection 10-49 A Abrasion .10-3 Accessory zone cooling .6-40 Aerodynamic factors 7-5 Aerodynamic twisting force .7-9 Aeromax aviation 100 (IFB) aircraft engine 11-12 Afterfiring 10-32 Airflow controls .6-11 Air oil coolers 6-28 Air pressure against the propeller piston .7-9 Aluminium propeller inspection 7-21 Ambient conditions 10-59 Analyzer safety precautions .10-62 Anti-icing systems .7-18 APU fire detection and extinguishing system 9-18 APU fire warning .9-18 Fire bottle discharge .9-18 Augmentors 6-34 Authorized personnel that meet FAA regulations .11-4 Autofeathering system .7-20 B Backfiring .10-31 Baffles 6-33 Balancing procedure 7-26 Basic engine operating principles 10-30 Blade angle 7-3,7-5 Blade tracking 7-22 Boeing 777 aircraft fire detection and extinguishing system 9-14 Boeing 777 fire extinguisher system 9-15 Fire extinguisher containers 9-15 Continuous fault monitoring 9-14 Engine fire operation 9-18 Engine fire switches 9-15 Fire detection 9-14 Nacelle temperature . 9-14 Overheat detection 9-14 Single/dual loop operation 9-14 Squib .9-15 System test 9-14I-2 Components .9-2 Composite propeller inspection .7-21 Compression 10-32 Connecting rods .10-5 Constant-speed feathering propeller 7-15 Constant-speed propellers 7-14 Constant speed unit (CSU) .7-32 Containers 9-9 Continuity check of aircraft EGT circuit .10-64 Continuous-loop detector systems .9-5 Automatic self-interrogation 9-7 Combination fire and overheat warning .9-6 Dual-loop systems 9-7 Fault indication .9-7 Fenwall continuous-loop system 9-5 Fire detection control unit (fire detection card) 9-7 Kidde continuous-loop system .9-5 Sensing element 9-5 Support tube-mounted sensing elements 9-7 System test 9-6 Temperature trend indication .9-6 Cooling system .11-7 Rotax 447 UL SCDI .11-5 Rotax 582 UL DCDI 11-5 Corrosion 10-3 Cowl flaps 6-34 Cowling 6-33 Crack 10-3 Crankshaft . 10-5,10-11 Cut 10-3 Cylindar removal .10-42 Cylinder assembly reconditioning .10-12 Cylinder baffle and deflector system inspection 6-38 Cylinder barrel .10-8 Cylinder bases 6-35 Cylinder compression tests 10-40 Cylinder grinding and honing 10-18 Cylinder head .10-5 Temperature indicator 10-24 Cylinder installation .10-43 Cylinder replacement .10-42 Cylinder temperature indicating systems .6-38 D Daily maintenance checks 11-22 Decarbonizing 10-6 Solution 10-7 Degreasing .10-6 Deicing systems .7-18 Brush block 7-19 Timer or cycling unit 7-19 Cycling timers 7-20 Deice boot .7-19 Dent 10-4 Deoiler 6-28 Depreservation of an engine 8-5 Detonation 10-30 Differential pressure tester .10-40 Dimensional inspection 10-8 Direct drive VW engines .11-13 Disassembly .10-2 Discharge indicators .9-9 Discharge valves 9-9 Disconnection of engine controls .8-8 Disconnection of lines 8-9 Dome assembly 7-36 Draining the engine 8-7 Dry sump lubrication system operation .6-12 Dry sump oil systems .6-5 Dual capacitor discharge ignition (DCDI) .11-4 Dye penetrant inspection 10-7 Dynamic balancing 7-25 E Eddy current inspection .10-7 EGT circuit error 10-66 Electrical disconnects .8-7 Electric system 11-6,11-8 Engine and engine compartment inspection 11-24 Engine checks 10-58 Engine cooling systems 6-33 Engine cowling 6-36 Engine cylinder cooling fin inspection 6-37 Engine fire detection systems .9-2 Engine fire extinguishing system .9-8 Engine general requirements 11-1 Engine inspection charts 11-26 Engine installation .8-15 Engine instruments 10-21,10-25 Engine lubrication 6-1 Engine mounts .8-23 Mounts for reciprocating engines .8-23 Mounts for turbofan engines 8-24 Turbine vibration isolation engine mounts .8-24 Engine oil pressure indicator .10-58 Engine oil temperature indicator 10-58 Engine operational problems .8-3 Engine or component lifespan exceeded 8-2 Engine preservation .11-24 Engine preservation and return to service 8-25 Engine pressure ratio indicator 10-56 Engine ratings 10-55I-3 Engine shipping containers 8-27 Engine shutdown 10-59 Engine speed varies with flight attitude (airspeed) 7-30 Engine starting .10-26 Engine stopping .10-29 Engine testing of reciprocating engines .10-20 Engine thermocouples out of calibration .10-66 Engine troubleshooting 10-36 Engine warm-up .10-26 Erosion .10-4 Exhaust gas temperature indicating systems 6-39 Exhaust gas temperature indicator (EGT) 10-56 Exhaust section 10-55 Exhaust system .11-25 F Factors affecting engine operation .10-32 Failure to feather or feathers slowly 7-30 Feathering 7-16 Operation 7-37 Fire detection system maintenance 9-10 Fire detection system troubleshooting .9-12 Fire extinguisher system maintenance practices 9-13 Fire extinguishing agents .9-8 Fire switch 9-10 Fire zones .9-7 Fixed-pitch wooden propellers 7-12 Flaking .10-4 Flash point and fire point .6-3 Fretting .10-4 Friction .6-2 Rolling friction .6-2 Wiping friction .6-2 Fuel control unit (FCU) .7-33 Fuel-flow indicator .10-57 Fuel flow meter 10-23 Fuel metering .10-32 Fuel nozzle and support assemblies .10-51 Fuel oil coolers .6-28 Fuel/oil mixing procedure 11-6 Fuel pressure and oil pressure check .10-28 Fuel pressure indicator .10-22 Fuel system . 11-6,11-7 Functional check of aircraft EGT circuit .10-64 Functions of engine oil .6-2 G Galling 10-4 General maintenance practices for the light-sport Jabiru engines .11-24 General maintenance practices on light-sport Rotax engines .11-16 General overhaul procedures .10-2 General procedures for engine removal and installation 8-3 Gouging 10-4 Governor mechanism .7-10 Governor system operation 7-12 Great plains aircraft volkswagen (VW) conversions 11-15 Grooving 10-4 Ground check .10-27 Ground operation engine fire .10-58 H Hamilton standard hydromatic propellers 7-34 Hartzell constant-speed 7-14 Head bolts 11-25 HKS 700T engine 11-10 Hoisting and mounting the engine for installation .8-10 Connections and adjustments .8-11 Hoisting the engine 8-10 Hub .7-29 Assembly 7-36 Hunting and surging .7-30 Hydraulic lock 10-26 Hydromatic propeller .7-35 Feathering installation 7-37 I Ice control systems .7-18 Idle mixture 10-34 Idle speed adjustment .11-20 Idle speed and idle mixture checks 10-29 Inclusion .10-4 Induction manifold .10-34 Inspecting the magnetic plug .11-21 Inspection and depreservation of accessories 8-5 Inspection and repair of combustion chambers .10-51 Inspection and replacement of powerplant external units and systems .8-6 Inspection of stored engines .8-28 Inspection process 10-3 Installation of turbofan engines .8-19 Completing the installation 8-19 Installation with cable hoist 8-19 Installation with dolly .8-19 J Jabiru 2200 aircraft engine .11-12 Jabiru light-sport engines .11-10I-4 L Large springs 7-9 Leak testing 10-18 Light-sport aircraft engines 11-4 Lock-pitch solenoid valve 7-33 Lubrication system .11-6, 11-7, 11-20, 11-25 Breather systems (vents) 6-26 Check valve 6-27 Instrumentation .6-26 Maintenance practices 6-14 Requirements 6-5 Thermostatic bypass valves 6-27 Lycoming 0-233 series light-sport aircraft engine .11-16 M Magnetic chip detectors .6-28 Magnetic particle inspection 10-8 Maintenance schedule procedures and maintenance checklist 11-17 Manifold pressure indicator .10-23 Marking materials for combustion section parts 10-50 Mechanical failures 9-2 Metal fixed-pitch propellers .7-14 Metal particles in the oil 8-3 Metal propeller inspection .7-21 Tachometer inspection .7-21 N Nick 10-4 Nonfeathering 7-14 O Oil change 11-21 Oil cooler 6-10,6-16 Oil cooler flow control valve .6-10 Oil filters 6-8 Bypass valve .6-7 Canister housing filter 6-8 Check valve 6-7 Cuno oil filter .6-8 Spin-on filters .6-8 Oil injection lubrication of Rotax 503 UL DCDE, 582 UL DCDI, and 582 UL DCDI .11-6 Oil jets 6-26 Oil level check .11-20 Oil pressure gauge 6-9 Dual-type oil pressure gauge 6-9 Oil pressure indicator .10-23 Oil pressure regulating valve 6-8,6-25 Oil pressure relief valve 6-17,6-25 Oil pump . 6-7,6-23 Gear-type oil pump .6-23 Gerotor pump .6-24 Oil tank .6-22 Oil tanks 6-5,6-14 Oil temperature bulbs .6-16 Oil temperature indicator 6-10,10-23 One or more inoperative thermocouples in engine parallel harness .10-66 On-speed condition 7-10 Operational effect of valve clearance 10-34 Opposed light-sport, experimental, and certified engines .11-7 Optical fire detection systems 9-4 Principle of operation .9-4 Optimizing engine running 11-20 Other disconnections 8-9 Overspeed condition 7-10 P Peening .10-4 Personnel authorized to perform inspection and maintenance on light-sport engines .11-2 Pistons . 10-5,10-13 Piston pins 10-5, 10-13 Piston repairs 10-18 Pitting .10-4 Pneumatic synchronization 11-18 Pneumatic thermal fire detection .9-5 Pour point .6-3 Power check .10-28 Powerplant vibration 7-22 Pratt and Whittney PT6 Hartzell Propeller System .7-32 Pre-flight checks .11-23 Pre-ignition 10-31 Pre-oiling 10-26 Preparation of engine for ground and flight testing .8-13 Fuel system bleeding 8-13 Pre-oiling 8-13 Preparation of engines for installation .8-3 Preparing the engine for removal .8-7 Preservation and depreservation of gas turbine engines .8-28 Preservation and storage of engines .8-24 Corrosion-preventive compounds 8-25 Heavy compound 8-25 Light mixture 8-25 Corrosion-preventive materials 8-24 Dehydrating . 8-25I-5 Silica gel .8-25 Pressure and scavenge oil screens 6-16 Pressure indication .9-9 Pressure subsystem 6-30 Pressure system 6-29 Propeller aerodynamic process 7-2 Propeller auxiliary systems 7-18 Propeller balancing 7-24 Propeller blade .7-3 Flyweights 7-9 Propeller check .8-14 Propeller controls and instruments .7-6 System 7-31 Propeller governor .7-9 Oil on the propeller piston side 7-9 Propeller inspection and maintenance .7-20 Propeller location .7-6 Pusher propellers 7-6 Tractor propeller .7-6 Propeller overhaul 7-28 Propeller pitch 7-3 Check 10-28 Propellers 7-1,7-2,7-6 Constant-speed propellers 7-8 Controllable-pitch propeller .7-7 Feathering propellers 7-8 Fixed-pitch propeller 7-6 Ground-adjustable propeller .7-7 Lubrication .7-28 Principles 7-2 Removal and installation 7-26 Reverse-pitch propellers .7-9 Test club propeller 7-7 Troubleshooting .7-30 Vibration .7-22 Propellers used on general aviation aircraft .7-12 Propeller synchronization and synchrophasing .7-20 Prop reassembly .7-29 Q QECA buildup method for changing of engines 8-4 R Reassembly 10-20 Receiving inspection 10-2 Reciprocating engine cooling systems .6-33 Maintenance .6-35 Reciprocating engine lubrication systems .6-5 Reciprocating engine operation .10-25 Reciprocating engine overhaul 10-1 Major overhaul and major repairs 10-2 Top overhaul .10-2 Reciprocating helicopter engine and QECA 8-23 Installation, rigging, and adjustment of helicopter QECA 8-23 Removal of helicopter QECA 8-23 Testing the engine installation 8-23 Reduction gear assembly .7-31 Refacing valve seats .10-13 Removal and installation of an opposed-type engine .8-14 Engine removal .8-14 Removal of reciprocating engines .8-2 Removing hard carbon .10-6 Removing the engine .8-9 Repair and replacement 10-12 Requirements and characteristics of reciprocating engine lubricants 6-2 Resistance and insulation check .10-65 Resistance of circuit out of tolerance .10-66 Revmaster R-2300 engine 11-13 Rigging, inspections, and adjustments .8-20 Adjusting the fuel control .8-21 Rigging power controls 8-20 Rotax 447 UL SCDI .11-4 Rotax 503 UL DCDI 11-4 Rotax 503 UL DCDI 11-5 Rotax 582 UL DCDI 11-5 Rotax 912/914 11-7 S Scavenger subsystem .6-31 Scavenge system 6-29 Scoring .10-4 Scratches 10-4 Sender 11-25 Servicing propellers .7-27 Setting the propeller governor .7-40 Shorts to ground/shorts between leads .10-66 Single capacitor discharge ignition (SCDI) .11-4 Spark plugs .11-25 Specific gravity 6-4 Spectrometric oil analysis engine inspection program 8-3 Spectrometric oil analysis program .6-21 Parts per million (PPM) 6-21 Stain .10-4 Static balancing 7-24 Structural inspection 10-7 Sudden reduction in speed .8-2 Sudden stoppage 8-2 Surge protection valves 6-10I-6 Swivel outlet fitting 6-22 Synchrophasing system 7-31 T Tachometer . 10-56,11-25 Check 10-65 Indicator 10-24 Teledyne Continental 0-200 engine .11-16 Test cell requirements 10-21 Thermal discharge indicator (red disk) 9-10 Thermal switch system 9-2 Thermocouple 9-3 Systems .9-3 Torquemeter .10-25 Turboprop engines 10-56 Troubleshooting aircraft tachometer system 10-66 Troubleshooting and abnormal operation 11-23 Exceeding of maximum admissible cylinder head temperature 11-24 Exceeding of maximum admissible exhaust gas temperature .11-24 Exceeding the maximum admissible engine speed .11-24 Engine keeps running with ignition OFF 11-24 Knocking under load .11-24 Troubleshooting EGT system 10-66 Troubleshooting turbine engines 10-60 Turbine blade inspection 10-51 Turbine blade replacement procedure 10-52 Turbine disk inspection 10-51 Turbine engine analyzer uses .10-62 Turbine engine calibration and testing .10-60 Turbine engine condition monitoring programs 8-3 Turbine engine cooling 6-39 Turbine engine ground fire protection .9-9 Turbine engine instruments 10-56 Turbine engine insulation blankets 6-41 Turbine engine lubricants 6-19 Bulk stability 6-20 Cleanliness .6-19 Compatibility 6-20 Load-carrying ability 6-19 Seal wear 6-20 Vapor phase deposits 6-19 Turbine engine lubrication systems .6-21 Turbine engine maintenance 10-46 Blending and replacement 10-49 Causes of blade damage .10-46 Compressor section 10-46 Inspection and cleaning 10-46 Turbine engine oil system maintenance .6-32 Turbine engine operation .10-58 Turbine engine powerplant removal and installation 8-16 Install apu powerplant 8-16 Removal and replacement of an auxiliary power unit (APU) 8-16 Turbine engine wet-sump lubrication system 6-31 Reservoir 6-32 Magnetic drain plug 6-32 Provision .6-32 Sight gauge .6-32 Vent or breather 6-32 Turbine lubrication system components 6-22 Turbine nozzle inlet guide vane inspection .10-54 Turbine oil filters 6-24 Turbine oil health and safety precautions 6-20 Turbocharger and control system .11-10 Turbofan powerplant QECA removal 8-18 Removal of QECA accessories 8-19 Turbo-propeller assembly 7-31 Turboprop engines and propeller control systems .7-30 Turboprop operation 10-60 Troubleshooting procedures for turboprop engines 10-60 Turboprop powerplant removal and installation 8-22 Two-cycle engine .11-4 Two cylinder rotax engine .11-4 Two-stroke engines 11-5 Two-way check valve 9-9 Typical dry-sump pressure regulated turbine lubrication system 6-28 Typical dry-sump variable pressure lubrication system 6-30 U Ultrasonic Inspection .10-8 Pulse-Echo 10-8 Resonance .10-8 Through Transmission 10-8 Underspeed Condition .7-10 Unfeathering 7-17 Operation 7-39 Universal Propeller Protractor .7-23 Upsetting 10-4 V Valves . 10-10,10-13 Blow-by 10-40 Lapping .10-18 Reconditioning .10-16 Springs . 10-10,10-13I-7 Train .10-5 Viscosity 6-3 Index .6-3 Visual inspection 10-3 W Warning systems . 9-10,10-25 Wear metals and additives .6-21 Aluminum .6-21 Chromium .6-21 Copper 6-21 Iron .6-21 Lead 6-21 Molybdenum 6-21 Nickel .6-21 Phosphorous .6-21 Silver 6-21 Tin 6-21 Titanium .6-21 Wet-sump lubrication system operation 6-14 Wood propeller inspection .7-21 X X-ray 10-8 Y Yellow disk discharge indicator .9-10
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