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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Adhesives Technology Handbook الثلاثاء 12 سبتمبر 2023, 1:36 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Adhesives Technology Handbook Third Edition Sina Ebnesajjad, PhD President, FluoroConsultants Group, LLC Arthur H. Landrock
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents Preface to Third Edition Preface to Second Edition Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Introduction and Adhesion Theories 1.1 Definition of Adhesives and Adhesive Bonding 1.2 Functions of Adhesives 1.3 Classification of Adhesives 1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Joining Using Adhesives 1.5 Requirements of a Good Bond 1.6 Introduction to Theories of Adhesion 1.7 Definition of Failure Modes 1.8 Mechanisms of Bond Failure References Chapter 2. Surface Tension and Its Measurement 2.1 Introduction 2.2 What is an Interface? 2.3 Surface Tension 2.4 Surface Free Energy 2.5 Contact Angle (Young’s Equation) 2.6 Effect of Temperature on Surface Tension 2.7 Surface Tension Measurement References Chapter 3. Material Surface Preparation Techniques 3.1 Introduction 3.2 General Considerations 3.3 Surface Treatment of Metals 3.4 Cleaning (Degreasing) Metals 3.5 Priming 3.6 Sol–Gel Process 3.7 Surface Treatment of Plastics 3.8 Methods for Evaluating Effectiveness of Surface Preparation 3.9 Surface Exposure Time References Chapter 4. Classification of Adhesives and Compounds 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Adhesive Composition Formulation 4.3 Classification of Adhesives 4.4 Other Classifications References Chapter 5. Characteristics of Adhesive Materials 5.1 Acrylics 5.2 Allyl Diglycol Carbonate (CR-39) 5.3 Alloyed or Modified (Two-Polymer) Adhesives 5.4 Anaerobic Adhesives/Sealants 5.5 Aromatic Polymer Adhesives (Polyaromatics) 5.6 Asphalt 5.7 Butyl Rubber Adhesives 5.8 Cellulose Ester Adhesives 5.9 Cellulose Ether Adhesives 5.10 Conductive Adhesives 5.11 Cyanoacrylate Adhesives 5.12 Delayed-Tack Adhesives 5.13 Elastomeric Adhesives 5.14 Epoxy Adhesives 5.15 Epoxy-Phenolic Adhesives 5.16 Epoxy-Polysulfide Adhesives 5.17 Film and Tape Adhesives (See also Section 5.3) 5.18 Furane Adhesives 5.19 Hot-Melt Adhesives 5.20 Inorganic Adhesives (Cements) 5.21 Melamine-Formaldehyde Adhesives (Melamines) 5.22 Microencapsulated Adhesives 5.23 Natural Glues 5.24 Neoprene (Polychloroprene) Adhesives 5.25 Neoprene-Phenolic Adhesives 5.26 Nitrile-Epoxy (Elastomer-Epoxy) Adhesives 5.27 Nitrile-Phenolic Adhesives 5.28 Nitrile Rubber Adhesive 5.29 Nylon Adhesives 5.30 Nylon-Epoxy Adhesives 5.31 Phenolic Adhesives 5.32 Phenoxy Adhesives 5.33 PBI Adhesives 5.34 Polyester Adhesives 5.35 PI Adhesives 5.36 Polyisobutylene Adhesives 5.37 Polystyrene Adhesives 5.38 Polysulfides (Thiokols) 5.39 Polysulfone Adhesives 5.40 Polyurethane Adhesives 5.41 Polyvinyl Acetal Adhesives 5.42 Polyvinyl Acetate Adhesives 5.43 Polyvinyl Alcohol Adhesives 5.44 Polyvinyl Butyral Adhesives 5.45 Premixed Frozen Adhesives 5.46 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives 5.47 Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Adhesives 5.48 Rubber-Based Adhesives 5.49 Solvent-Based Systems 5.50 Thermoplastic Resin Adhesives 5.51 Thermoplastic Rubber (For Use in Adhesives) 5.52 Thermosetting Resin Adhesives 5.53 UV-Curing Adhesives 5.54 Urea-Formaldehyde Adhesives (Ureas) 5.55 Vinyl-Epoxy Adhesives 5.56 Vinyl-Phenolic Adhesives 5.57 Polyvinyl Formal-Phenolics 5.58 Polyvinyl Butyral-Phenolics 5.59 Vinyl-Resin Adhesives 5.60 Water-Based Adhesives References Chapter 6. Adhesives for Special Adherends 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Metals 6.3 Thermoplastics 6.4 Thermosetting Plastics (Thermosets) 6.5 Reinforced Plastics/Composites 6.6 Plastic Foams 6.7 Rubbers (Elastomers) 6.8 Ceramics and Glass References Chapter 7. Joint Design 7.1 Basic Principles 7.2 Types of Stress 7.3 Methods of Improving Joint Efficiency 7.4 Joint Design Criteria 7.5 Typical Joint Designs 7.6 Peeling of Adhesive Joints 7.7 Stiffening Joints 7.8 Cylindrical Joints 7.9 Angle and Corner Joints 7.10 Joints for Plastics and Elastomers 7.11 Stress Analysis of Adhesive Joints 7.12 Optimizing Adhesive Bonding Through Joint Design—A Practical Approach References Chapter 8. Adhesive Applications and Bonding Processes 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Adhesive 8.3 Adhesive Preparation 8.4 Adhesive Dispensers 8.5 Methods of Adhesive Application 8.6 Joint-Assembly Methods 8.7 Curing 8.8 Bonding Equipment 8.9 Weldbonding References Chapter 9. Solvent Cementing of Plastics 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Background 9.3 Solvents for Specific Polymers 9.4 Solvent Cementing—A Commercial Perspective References Chapter 10. Adhesives for Medical and Dental Applications 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Natural Adhesives 10.3 Synthetic and Semisynthetic Adhesives 10.4 Cyanoacrylic Adhesives 10.5 Test Methods to Characterize Strength of Tissue Adhesives 10.6 Medical and Dental Applications of Adhesives 10.7 Bone Adhesives 10.8 Dental Applications of Adhesives References Chapter 11. Durability of Adhesive Bonds 11.1 Introduction 11.2 High Temperature 11.3 Low and Cryogenic Temperatures 11.4 Humidity and Water Immersion 11.5 Saltwater and Salt Spray 11.6 Weathering 11.7 Chemicals and Solvents 11.8 Vacuum 11.9 Radiation 11.10 Biological Organisms 11.11 Test Methods 11.12 Adhesive Bond Durability—A Commercial Perspective References Chapter 12. Testing of Adhesive Bonds 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Tensile 12.3 Shear 12.4 Peel 12.5 Cleavage 12.6 Creep 12.7 Fatigue 12.8 Impact 12.9 Durability 12.10 Compilation of Test Methods and Practices References Chapter 13. Quality Control 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Incoming Material Control 13.3 Final Inspection 13.4 Nondestructive Tests 13.5 Weldbonding References Chapter 14. Safety, Environmental, and Economic Aspects, and Future Trends 14.1 Safety 14.2 Environmental Considerations 14.3 Economics 14.4 Future Trends References Glossary Index Index Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and table, respectively. A Ablation, 50 Acetal copolymer adhesives for, 168169 solvents for, 241243 Acetal homopolymer adhesives for, 169 solvents for, 243 Acidbase theory, 1213 Acid-catalyzed phenolics, 131132 Acrylic acid (AAc) monomer, 55 Acrylics, 8586, 249250 Acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS) adhesives for, 169 solvents for, 243 4-Acryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-AETA), 289 Adherends, adhesives for, 160 ceramics and glass, 179180 metals. See Metals, adhesives for plastic foams, 177178 reinforced plastics/composites, 176177 rubbers (elastomers), 178 thermoplastics. See Thermoplastics, adhesives for thermosetting plastics (thermosets). See Thermosetting plastics (thermosets) Adherend-to-organic material, 36 Adhesion, 19, 24, 48, 235 environmental considerations, 380 surface treatment of materials to enhance, 36t theories of. See Theories of adhesion The Adhesive and Sealant Council, Inc. (ASC), 381 Adhesive bond, 12. See also Weldbonding advantages of, 3 for ceramics, 180 disadvantages of, 4 durability of. See Durability of adhesive bonds failure modes, 14f joints for. See Joint design of nickel-based alloys, 165 nonstructural, 1 operation, 207f quality control system for, 354f requirements for, 45 appropriate process, 5 choice of adhesive, 4 cleanliness, 5 good joint design, 4 wetting, 5 structural, 1 testing of. See Testing of adhesive bonds Adhesive failure, 14, 16 Adhesiveadherend interactions, 6, 8 Adhesives, defined, 1 Advancing angle, 24 Advancing contact angle, 24 Aerospace structures, 2 Aging, 343344 Air spray technique, 211 Airless spraying, 211 AK-225 T, 42t Alcoa Corp, 162, 334335 Aliphatic amine, 111 Aliphatic polyamine hardeners, 111 Alloy adhesives, 73, 73t Alloyed/modified (two-polymer) adhesives, 8691 Allyl diglycol carbonate, 86 Alumina, 13, 104 Aluminium Vehicle Technology (AVT), 334335 Aluminum and alloys, adhesives for, 160162 Aluminum oxide. See Alumina Amylaceous matter, 344 Anaerobic adhesives/sealants, 9192 Angle joints, 194, 194f Anhydride hardeners, 112 Animal glues, 126127 Animal origin, glues of, 126128 Application method, 206207 bonding equipment, 220227 adhesive thickness, 227 heating equipment, 222226 pressure equipment, 220222 ultrasonic activation, 226227 399Application method (Continued) curing, 220 dispensers, 209210 small-portion mixer dispensers, 209210 joint-assembly methods, 218219 heat activation, 219 pressure-sensitive and contact bonding, 219 solvent activation, 219 wet assembly, 218 storage, 206207 techniques, 210218 films, 216 hot melts, 216218 liquid adhesives, 210214 pastes, 214 powders, 215216 weldbonding, 227232 adhesive choice, 230231 configuration, 228230 surface preparation, 230 techniques, 232 tooling for, 231 Application mode and setting classification of adhesives by, 75, 76t Aromatic polyamine hardeners, 112 Aromatic polymer adhesives, 9394 ARP 1524, 350 ARP 1610, 344 Artificial latex, 153 Arvin acoustic analysis system, 363 Asahiklin AE3000, 42t Asahiklin AE3000AT, 42t Asahiklin AE3000ATE, 42t Asahiklin AE3100E, 42t Asahiklin AK-225 AES, 42t Ash content of adhesives, 344 Asphalt, 70, 94 ASTM B117, 312, 348 ASTM C813-90 (2009), 28t ASTM D724-99 (2003), 28t ASTM D816, 348 ASTM D896, 327, 345 ASTM D897, 339, 351 ASTM D898, 350 ASTM D899, 350 ASTM D903, 342, 348 ASTM D904, 348 ASTM D905, 341, 349 ASTM D906, 349 ASTM D950, 343, 347 ASTM D1002, 341, 349 ASTM D1062, 345 ASTM D1084, 351 ASTM D1144, 349351 ASTM D1146, 344 ASTM D1151, 345 ASTM D1183, 343 ASTM D1184, 346 ASTM D1304, 346 ASTM D1337, 350 ASTM D1338, 352 ASTM D1344, 351 ASTM D1382, 344 ASTM D1383, 344 ASTM D1488, 344 ASTM D1489, 347 ASTM D1490, 347 ASTM D1579, 346 ASTM D1581, 344 ASTM D1582, 347 ASTM D1583, 347 ASTM D1584, 351 ASTM D1713, 344 ASTM D1780, 345 ASTM D1781, 342, 348 ASTM D1828, 346 ASTM D1875, 345 ASTM D1876, 348 ASTM D1877, 344 ASTM D1879, 329, 348 ASTM D1916, 348 ASTM D2093, 350 ASTM D2094, 349 ASTM D2095, 351 ASTM D2182, 341, 349 ASTM D2183, 346 ASTM D2293, 342343, 345 ASTM D2294, 345 ASTM D2295, 347, 349 ASTM D2339, 349 ASTM D2556, 351 ASTM D2557, 345, 347, 349 ASTM D2651, 350 ASTM D2674, 350 ASTM D2739, 351 ASTM D2918, 346, 348 ASTM D2919, 346, 349 ASTM D2979, 351 ASTM D3111, 346 ASTM D3121, 351 ASTM D3163, 341, 349 ASTM D3164, 349 ASTM D3165, 341, 349 ASTM D3166, 343, 346, 349 ASTM D3167, 342, 348 ASTM D3236, 351 ASTM D3310, 345 ASTM D3433, 347 ASTM D3482, 346 400 IndexASTM D3528, 349 ASTM D3632, 344 ASTM D3658, 351 ASTM D3762, 343, 352 ASTM D3807, 345 ASTM D3808, 350 ASTM D3929, 350 ASTM D3931, 347, 349 ASTM D3933, 349350 ASTM D4027, 349 ASTM D4299, 344 ASTM D4339, 348 ASTM D5725-99(2008), 28t ASTM D5946-09, 28t ASTM E229, 341, 348 ASTM F2255-05 Standard Test Method, 269 ASTM F2256-05 Standard Test Method, 269 ASTM F2258-05 Standard Test Method, 269 ASTM F2458-05 Standard Test Method, 269 ASTM G85, 348 ASTM-D5040, 344 Attractive forces, 1920 Autoclave bonding, 221 B Bare roll, 52 Base, 6768 Basic salts, 122 Benzyl cellulose, 100 Beryllium, adhesives for, 162163 Beveled double strap joint, 186f Beveled lap joints, 186f, 191 Biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film, 5455 Binders, 67 Biodeterioration, 344 Biological organisms, 333334 Biological tissue adhesives. See Tissue adhesives Biomimetic adhesives, 258 Bitumin, 70 380 Black Maxs, 262263 Blocking point, 344 Blood albumen, 126 Bond failure, mechanisms of, 1617 Bonding, process control of, 358360 adhesive application, 359 assembly, 359 curing, 360 prefit, 358359 standard test specimen, 360 Bonding equipment, 220227 adhesive thickness, 227 heating equipment, 222226 direct heating curing, 222223 electric resistance heaters, 224225 high-frequency dielectric (radio frequency) heating, 225 induction heating, 225226 low-voltage heating, 226 radiation curing, 223224 pressure equipment, 220222 ultrasonic activation, 226227 Bonding techniques, for latex adhesives, 153154 Bone adhesives, 283284 Boron nitride, 104 Boron trifluoride hardeners, 112 Brass, adhesives for, 163 Bronze, adhesives for, 163 Brushing, 210 Bubble pressure method, 26t Butt joint, 189190, 203 Butyl cyanoacrylate, 263 Butyl rubber, 95, 96t, 99t C Cadmium, adhesives for, 163 Carriers/reinforcements, 68 Casein glue, 126 Cationic epoxies, 223 Cellulose acetate, 99 Cellulose ester adhesives, 95101 properties and advantages of, 100t Cellulose nitrate, 99 Cellulosics adhesives for, 169170 solvents for, 243246 cellulose acetate, 243 cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), 244245 cellulose nitrate, 245 cellulose propionate, 245 ethyl cellulose, 246 Ceramics and glass, 179180 Chemat Technology, 47 Chemical atmosphere, corona treatment under, 5455 Chemical bonding, 1013 Chemical composition, classification of adhesives by, 7173 alloy adhesives, 73, 73t elastomeric adhesives, 72, 73t thermoplastic adhesives, 7172, 71t, 72t thermosetting adhesives, 71 Chemical reagents, 345 Chemical treatment, 45, 50 Chemically reactive types, 77 Chip-bonding adhesives, 102103 Index 401Choice of adhesive, 4, 230231 Clad aluminum, 316 Classification of adhesives, 3, 6982 by chemical composition, 7173 alloy adhesives, 73, 73t elastomeric adhesives, 72, 73t thermoplastic adhesives, 7172, 71t, 72t thermosetting adhesives, 71 by function, 7374 nonstructural adhesives, 74 structural adhesives, 7374, 74t by mechanical properties of adhesives, 82 by mode of application and setting, 75, 76t natural adhesives, 6970 asphalt and bitumin, 70 gelatine, 70 natural rubber, 70 resins, 70 shellac, 70 starch and dextrin, 70 one-component adhesives, 83 by physical form, 7475 liquid adhesives, 74 paste adhesives, 75 powder/granule adhesives, 75 tape and film adhesives, 75 by Rayner, 7981 thermoplastic resin adhesives, 80t thermosetting resin adhesives, 79t two-polymer adhesives (alloys), 81t society of manufacturing engineering, 7779 chemically reactive types, 77 delayed-tack adhesives, 79 evaporative/diffusion adhesives, 78 hot-melt adhesives, 78t pressure-sensitive adhesives, 79 tape and film adhesives, 79t by specific adherends/applications, 7576 synthetic adhesives, 70 two-component adhesives, 83 by type of cure that occurs in adhesive, 82 Cleaner technologies substitute assessments (CTSAs), 380 Cleaning (degreasing) metals, 3945 chemical treatment, 45 intermediate cleaning, 4445 grit blasting, 45 solvent cleaning, 4044 safety, 44 ultrasonic cleaning with liquid rinse, 43 ultrasonic vapor degreasing, 4142 vapor degreasing, 4041 Cleanliness, 5 Cleavage stress, 342, 345 Cleavage/peel strength, 345. See also Peel strength Closure of hernia incisions, tissue adhesives for (case study), 278283 Cohesion force, 19 Cohesive energy density (CED), 8, 236 Cohesive failure, 14, 16 Collagen-based adhesives, 259 Colloidal method, 47 Composition formulation, of adhesives, 6769 adhesive base/binder, 67 carriers/reinforcements, 68 diluents, 68 fillers, 68 hardener, 6768 solvents, 68 Conductive adhesives, 102104 electrically, 102103 heat cure conductive adhesives, 103 room temperature cure adhesives, 103 snap cure conductive adhesives, 103 two-component conductive adhesives, 103 thermally, 103104 Contact angle (Young’s equation), 2325, 23f Contact bonding, 153154, 219 Contact charging theory. See Electrostatic theory Contact-angle test, 6162 Copolymeric hydrogels, 271 Copper and copper alloys, adhesives for, 164 Corner joints, 194, 194f Corona treatment, 5055 three-dimensional, 5354 under chemical atmosphere, 5455 Corrosivity, 345 Covalent bonds, 1112 Creep tests, 342343, 345 Critical surface tension, 27t, 29, 31, 6162 Cryogenic temperatures, 303305, 345 Curing, 220, 360 direct heating, 222223 electron beam, 223224 radiation, 223224 UV, 149150, 223 Cyanoacrylate adhesives, 105108, 275277 Cyanoacrylate glue, 271 Cyanoacrylate pitfalls and pearls, 281t Cyanoacrylic acid butyl ester, 269271 Cyanoacrylic adhesives, 259269 aging properties, 262 benefits and limitation, 263t commercial grades, 266269 medical grade, 263266 polymerization, 261262, 261f structures, 260f Cylindrical joints, 192193 402 IndexD Dado joint, 194 Dead-weight loads, 220221 Definition of adhesives and adhesive bonding, 12 Delayed-tack adhesives, 79, 108109 Density, test method for, 345 Dental applications of adhesives, 284289, 287t 4-acryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-AETA), 289 hydroxy ethyl methacrylate, 288 methacrylic acid (MA), 286 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP), 289 4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitic acid, 288 methyl methacrylate, 286287 Dermabonds, 266, 268269 Design for Environment (DfE) program, 380 Dextrins, 70, 125 Di-2-hydroxyethyl methacryl hydrogen phosphate (Di-HEMA-phosphate), 289 Diallyl phthalate, adhesives for, 175 Dicyandiamide (DICY), 164 Diffusion, 67 Diffusion adhesives, 78 Diffusion theory, 89 Diluents, 68 Di-methacrylates, 289 Dip coating, 213 Dipole, 11 Dipoledipole forces, 11 Direct heating curing, 222223 Dispersion component, 20 Double butt lap joint, 186f Double dielectric, 52 Double lap joint, 186f, 191 Double strap joint, 186f Drop volume method, 26t Du Nouy ring method, 26t, 2729, 28f Dual element transducer, 367 Durability of adhesive bonds, 297299 adhesive bond durability, 334336 ASTM tests, 334, 343, 345346 biological organisms, 333334 chemicals and solvents, 326327 high temperature, 299302 epoxies, 300 modified phenolics, 300301 polyaromatics, 302 polysulfone, 301302 silicones, 302 humidity and water immersion, 305312 fatigue-life data, 311312 hot-water-soak test, 308311 moisture exposure, effects of surface preparation on, 306308 stressed temperature/humidity test, 308 low and cryogenic temperatures, 303305 radiation, 329333 saltwater and salt spray, 312316 Boeing/Air Force studies, 316 saltwater immersion, 315316 seacoast weathering environment, 313315 vacuum, 327329 weathering, 317326 outdoor weathering, 317326 simulated weathering/accelerated testing, 317 Dynamic surface tension measurement methods for liquids, 26t Dynamic Wilhelmy method, 27t Dyne liquids, 61 E Eastman Chemicals, 259 Economics, 380382 Eddy-sonic test method, 363 Elastomer-epoxies, 87, 129 Elastomeric adhesives, 72, 73t, 109110 Elastomeric polymers in nonstructural applications, 96t Electric resistance heaters, 224225 Electrical properties, 346 Electrically conductive adhesives, 102103 heat cure conductive adhesives, 103 room temperature cure adhesives, 103 snap cure conductive adhesives, 103 two-component conductive adhesives, 103 Electrolytic corrosion, 346 Electron beam (EB) curing, 223224 Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), 1415, 357 Electrostatic theory, 8 Emulsion, 153 Enhanced adhesion, 78 EnSolv, 42t EnSolv-GCS, 42t Environmental considerations, 380 Epoxy adhesives, 110112, 175, 300, 326, 331 hardening agents for, 111112 Epoxy-nylons, 314315 Epoxy-phenolic adhesives, 87, 112, 300301 Epoxy-polyamides, 87, 113, 171, 304305 Ethyl cellulose, 100, 246 Ethyl cyanoacrylate, 106 Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene. See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for Index 403Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin resins, 118 Evaporative/diffusion adhesives, 78 Extrusion of adhesives, 214 F Failure modes, definition of, 1315 Fatigue, 343, 346 Fatty polyamides, 111112 Federal Test Method Std. 175B, Method 1081, 346 Federal Test Method Std. 175B, Method 4041.1, 347 FiberTites, 94, 95t Fibrin, 270 sealants, 259 Filler content, 346 Fillers, 16, 68, 102 Film adhesives, 75, 113115, 216 Film corona treatment system, 52f “First-generation acrylic adhesives,” 85 Fish glues, 127 “Flame throwers,” 5657 Flame treatment, 50, 5660, 57f Flange joints, 192f Flexible adhesives, 2 Flexible materials, joints for, 194195, 196f Flexural strength, 346 Flow brush, 210211 Flow properties, 346 Flowing, 210211 Fluorinated-ethylene propylene (Teflons). See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for Fluorine-to-carbon (F/V) ratio, 59 Fluoroplastics, adhesives for, 170 Foamable hot-melt adhesives, 118 Fokker Bond Tester, 368 Fokker Test method, 355 Fracture strength in cleavage, 347 Function, classification of adhesives by, 7374 nonstructural adhesives, 74 structural adhesives, 7374, 74t Functions of adhesives, 23 Furane adhesives, 116117 Future trends, 382383 G Gap-filling adhesive bonds, 347 Gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures, tissue adhesive applications in (case study), 276277 bleeding from other sources, 277 closure of fistula, 277 esophageal variceal bleeding, 277 gastric variceal bleeding, 276277 peptic ulcer bleeding, 277 Gelatine, 70 General Electric, 170171 Gibbs free energy, 2324 Glass matte-reinforced thermoplastic (GMT), 58 Global Industry Analysts, Inc., 383 Glubran 2, 278282 Gluing, 272 GluStitchs, 263 Goland and Reissner theory, 202203 Gold, adhesives for, 164 Granule adhesives, 75 Graphite, 224225 Grit blasting, 45 Grit content, 347 Guggenheim’s equation, 2526 H Hardeners for epoxy adhesives, 111112 for thermosetting adhesives, 6768 Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), 375 Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS), 376377, 376f Heat activation, 219 Heat cure conductive adhesives, 103 Heat reactivation, 154 Heating equipment, 222226 direct heating curing, 222223 electric resistance heaters, 224225 high-frequency dielectric (radio frequency) heating, 225 induction heating, 225226 low-voltage heating, 226 radiation curing, 223224 Hexafluoroacetone sesquihydrate, 168, 241243 HFE-7100, 42t High-temperature-resistant adhesives, 299302 epoxies, 300 modified phenolics, 300301 polyaromatics, 302 polysulfone, 301302 silicones, 302 High temperature effects, 347 High-frequency dielectric (radio frequency) heating, 225 Hildebrand solubility parameter, 236 Histoacryls Blue, 263 History, of adhesive development, 84 “Holding adhesive,” 1, 74 Holography, 368369 404 IndexHot melts, 216218 melt-reservoir systems, 216217 progressive-feed systems, 217218 Hot presses/platens, 222223 Hot-melt adhesives, 78t, 117120, 212 ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin resins, 118 foamable hot-melt adhesives, 118 polyamide (Nylon) and polyester resins, 119 Hot-setting phenolics, 132 Hot-water-soak test, 308311 Humidity and water immersion, 305312 fatigue-life data, 311312 hot-water-soak test, 308311 moisture exposure, effects of surface preparation on, 306308 stressed temperature/humidity test, 308 Hydrogen bonding, 11, 13 Hydrogen ion concentration, 347 Hydrophobic recovery, 55 Hydroxy ethyl cellulose, 100 Hydroxy ethyl methacrylate (HEMA), 286, 288 2-Hydroxyethyl methacryl dihydrogen phosphate (HEMA-phosphate), 289 Hysol EA 9614, 171 Hysteresis, 24 I Impact strength, 347 Impact tests, 343 Incoming material control, 356360 adhesives, 356357 mechanical properties, 357 miscellaneous properties (including creep), 357 bonding, process control of, 358360 adhesive application, 359 assembly, 359 curing, 360 prefit, 358359 standard test specimen, 360 surface preparation control, 357358 Induction heating, 225226 Infrared lamps, 223 Inorganic adhesives (cements), 120123 basic salts (sorel cements), 122 litharge cements, 122 phosphate cements, 122 Sauereisen’s adhesives, 123 soluble silicates (potassium and sodium silicate), 121122 sulfur cements, 122123 Interface, defined, 19 Intermediate cleaning, 4445 grit blasting, 45 Intermolecular interactions, 1112 Ionic bonds, 11 Ionomer (Surlyns), adhesives for, 170 J JAN cycling, 319 Joggle lap joints, 186f, 191 Joint design, 4, 183 adhesive joints, peeling of, 191192 angle and corner joints, 194 basic principles, 183 butt joints, 189190 common joint styles, 203f criteria, 187189 cylindrical joints, 192193 efficiency, methods of improving, 185187 lap joints, 190191 beveled lap joints, 191 double lap joints, 191 joggle lap joints, 191 strap joints, 191 optimizing adhesive bonding through, 203204 for plastics and elastomers, 194196 flexible materials, 194195 rigid plastics, 196 stiffening joints, 192 stress, types of, 183185 cleavage, 185 compression, 184 peel, 185 shear, 184 tension, 185 stress analysis, 196203 experimental analyses, 197201 failure analyses, 201202 methods of, 202203 theoretical analysis, 196197 Joint-assembly methods, 218219 heat activation, 219 pressure-sensitive and contact bonding, 219 solvent activation, 219 wet assembly, 218 K Knife coating, 212 L “L” angle joints, 194 Lap joints, 190191, 203204 beveled, 191 Index 405Lap joints (Continued) double, 191 joggle, 191 strap joints, 191 Latex, 153154 Lead, adhesives for, 164 Lewis acid and base, 12 Liquid adhesives, 74, 114, 133, 210214 application by extrusion, 214 brushing, 210 dip coating, 213 flowing, 210211 knife coating, 212 oil can and squeeze bottle, 213 roll and knife method, 213 roll coating, 212 silk screening, 212213 spraying, 211212 Liquid baths, 222 Liquid crystals, 368 Liquid homolog series, 27t, 2934 Liquidliquid interface, 20f, 2728 Liquids dynamic surface tension measurement methods for, 26t static surface tension measurement methods for, 26t surface tension measurement for, 26 Litharge cements, 122 Loctite Corporation, 107108, 262263 Locus of failure, 13 London dispersion forces, 11 Low and cryogenic temperature, 347 Low-voltage heating, 226 M Magnesium, 39 and magnesium alloys, adhesives for, 164165 Magnesium oxychloride, 122 Manufacturing engineering, society of, 7779 chemically reactive types, 77 delayed-tack adhesives, 79 evaporative/diffusion adhesives, 78 hot-melt adhesives, 78t pressure-sensitive adhesives, 79 tape and film adhesives, 79t Material safety data sheet (MSDS), 375, 378, 379t Material surface preparation techniques, 35 cleaning (degreasing) metals, 3945 chemical treatment, 45 intermediate cleaning, 4445 solvent cleaning, 4044 general considerations, 3536 methods for evaluating effectiveness of surface preparation, 6162 contact-angle test, 6162 dyne liquids, 61 water-break test, 61 priming, 46 solgel process, 4647, 47f surface exposure time (SET), 6264 surface treatment of metals, 3639 surface treatment of plastics, 4860 corona treatment, 5155 effect of treatment on plastic surfaces, 4850 flame treatment, 5660 mechanical treatment (surface roughening), 51 surface cleaning, 51 Maximum acceptable concentrations (MACs), 44 Mechanical theory, 78 Medical grade cyanoacrylate adhesives, 263266 Medicine and dentistry, adhesives in, 258259 applications, 269283 case studies, 272283 skin closure, adhesives for, 271272 bone adhesives, 283284 cyanoacrylic adhesives, 259269 commercial grades, 266269 medical grade, 263266 dental applications, 284289 10-Methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP), 289 4-acryloyloxyethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-AETA), 289 4-methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitic acid, 288 hydroxy ethyl methacrylate, 288 methacrylic acid (MA), 286 methyl methacrylate, 286287 monomers, 289 natural adhesives, 259 synthetic/semisynthetic adhesives, 259 tissue adhesives test methods to characterize strength of, 269 Medline, 266 Melamine-formaldehyde adhesives (melamines), 123, 164, 175 Melt-reservoir systems, 216217 Metal oxides, 13 Metals, adhesives for, 160167, 161t aluminum and alloys, 160162 beryllium, 162163 brass and bronze, 163 cadmium (plated on steel), 163 406 Indexcopper and copper alloys, 164 gold, 164 lead, 164 magnesium and magnesium alloys, 164165 nickel and nickel alloys, 165 plated metals, 165 platinum, 166 silver, 166 stainless steel, 166 steel, mild, carbon (iron), 166 surface treatment of, 3639 tin, 166 titanium and titanium alloys, 166167 tungsten and tungsten alloys, 167 uranium, 167 zinc and zinc alloys, 167 Methacrylate-based adhesives, 270271 Methacrylic acid (MA), 286 11-Methacryloyloxy-1,10-undecanedicarboxylic acid (MAC-10), 289 10-Methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP), 289 2-(Methacryloyloxyethyl) phenyl hydrogen phosphate (Phenyl-P), 289 4-Methacryloyloxyethyl trimellitic acid (4-MET), 288 Methyl cellulose, 100 Methyl chloroform, 44 Methyl methacrylate (MMA), 85, 286287 Methyl nonafluorobutyl ether, 42t Methyl nonafluoroisobutyl ether, 42t Methyl-2-cyanoacrylate, 106 Methylene chloride, 41, 247 Microencapsulated adhesives, 123124 MIL-STD-304 conditioning, 318t Miniaturization trend, in electronics, 383 “Modified acrylics,” 85 Modified nylons, 130 Moisture exposure, 305 effects of surface preparation on, 306308 N National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 378 Natural adhesives, 3, 6970, 259 asphalt and bitumin, 70 gelatine, 70 natural rubber, 70 resins, 70 shellac, 70 starch and dextrin, 70 Natural glues, 124128 animal origin, glues of, 126128 vegetable glues, 124126 Natural latex, 153 Natural rubber, 70, 96t, 142 Neoprene (polychloroprene) rubber adhesives, 96t, 128, 168169 Neoprene-phenolic adhesives, 87, 128129 Net force on surface molecule, 19 Neutron radiography, 370371 NFPA 704, 378 Nickel and nickel alloys, adhesives for, 165 Nitrile rubber adhesive, 96t, 130 Nitrile-epoxy (elastomer-epoxy) adhesives, 129 Nitrile-phenolic adhesives, 8788, 9091, 129130, 300, 332 Nonchromate corrosion inhibitors, 47 Nondestructive tests, 360371 holography, 368369 liquid crystals, 368 neutron radiography, 370371 penetrant inspection, 371 radiography, 370 radioisotope methods, 370 scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), 371 sonic methods, 362363 arvin acoustic analysis system, 363 eddy-sonic test method, 363 pulsed eddy-sonic test method, 363 sonic resonator, 363 sweep-frequency resonance method, 367368 thermal image inspection, 369 thermal infrared inspection (TIRI), 369370 ultrasonic methods, 363367 ultrasonic multiple transducer, 366367 ultrasonic pulse echo contact impedance testing, 365, 365f ultrasonic pulse echo immersion, 365366, 366f X-ray techniques, 370 Nonstructural adhesives, 1, 74 Nonvolatile content, 347 Noryls. See Phenylene-oxide-based resins Nylon adhesives, 130 Nylon-epoxy adhesives, 87, 131 Nylons (polyamides) adhesives for, 170 modified, 130 solvents for, 246 O Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 375 Octyl-2-cyanoacrylate (2-OCA), 266 Index 407Octylcyanoacrylate, 266, 268 Odor, 348 Oil can, 213 Open pediatric urological procedures tissue adhesive as dressing (case study), 275276 Open-time bonding, 153 Organosilanes, 12 Outdoor weathering, 317326 Oven heating, 222 Oxidizing flame, 58 P Paste adhesives, 75, 114, 214 knives, 214 spatulas, 214 trowels, 214 Peel strength, 348 Peel tests, 62, 341342 Pendent drop method, 26t Penetrant inspection, 371 Penetration, 348 Perchloroethylene, 44, 247 Perfluoroalkoxy resins. See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for Personal protective equipment (PPE), 376377 pH. See Hydrogen ion concentration Phased array transducer, 367 Phenol-formaldehyde (phenolics), 176, 331 Phenolic adhesives, 131132 acid-catalyzed phenolics, 131132 hot-setting phenolics, 132 Phenolics, modified, 300301 epoxy-phenolic, 300301 nitrile-phenolic, 300 Phenoxy adhesives, 133 Phenylene-oxide-based resins (Noryls), 170171, 250252 Phosphate cements, 122 Physical form, classification of adhesives by, 7475 liquid adhesives, 74 paste adhesives, 75 powder/granule adhesives, 75 tape and film adhesives, 75 Plain butt joint, 186f Plasma treatment, 50 Plastic bottle, 3D treatment of, 54f Plastic film treater, 52, 53f Plastic foams, 177178 Plastics, surface treatment of, 4860, 49f corona treatment, 5155 three-dimensional, 5354 under chemical atmosphere, 5455 effect of treatment on plastic surfaces, 4850 flame treatment, 5660 mechanical treatment (surface roughening), 51 surface cleaning, 51 Plastics adhesion substrates, treatment values for, 63t Plastics and elastomers, 194196 flexible materials, 194195 rigid plastics, 196 Plastilocks, 88 bond strength of, 89t properties of, 88t Plated metals, adhesives for, 165 Platinum, adhesives for, 166 Polarizability, 11 Poly(t-butylmethacrylate) (PtBMA), surface energies of, 32t Polyamide (Nylon) and polyester resins, 119 Polyamide-6,6 (PA-66), surface energies of, 32t Polyamide-12 (PA-12), surface energies of, 32t Polyaromatics, 9394, 302 Polyaryl ether (Arylon T), adhesives for, 171 Polyaryl ether ketones, 93 Polyaryl sulfone, adhesives for, 171 Polyarylates, 93 Polybenzimidazoles (PBI), 133135, 163, 302 Polybutylene terephthalate, 249 Polybutylmethacrylate (PBMA), surface energies of, 32t Polycarbonates (PCs), 93, 171 surface energies of, 32t Polychloroprene adhesives. See Neoprene (polychloroprene) rubber adhesives Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTrFE) adhesives for, 171 surface energies of, 32t Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), surface energies of, 32t Polyesters, 135 thermoplastic polyester, 172 thermosetting polyester, 176 unsaturated, 331 Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) adhesives for, 172 surface energies of, 32t Polyetherimide, 93 adhesives for, 172 solvents for, 254 Polyethersulfone, 93, 172 Polyethylacrylate (PEA), surface energies of, 32t Polyethylene, 13, 56 adhesives for, 172173 -branched PE, surface energies of, 32t -linear PE, surface energies of, 32t Zisman plot for, 30f 408 IndexPolyethyleneoxide (PEO), surface energies of, 32t Polyethyleneterephthalate (PET), surface energies of, 32t Polyethylmethacrylate (PEMA), surface energies of, 32t Polyhexylmethacrylate (PHMA), surface energies of, 32t Polyimides (PIs), 93, 135136, 176, 302, 331 Polyisobutylene (PIB), 136 properties of, 96t surface energies of, 32t Polyisobutylmethacrylate (PIBMA), surface energies of, 32t Polymeric (alkoxide) route, 47 Polymers aromatic, 9394 elastomeric, 95, 96t solubility parameters for, 240t solubility parameters for, 240t solvents for, 241254 surface tension of, 20 two-polymer adhesives, 8691 urethane, 138 welding of, 235 Polymethyl methacrylate, 249250 Zisman plot for, 31f Polymethylacrylate, surface energies of, 32t Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) adhesives for, 173, 283284 bone cement, 283284 Polymethylpentene (TPXss), adhesives for, 173 Polyoxymethylene (POM), 168 Polyphenylene sulfide (Rytons), adhesives for, 173 Polyphenylquinoxaline, 167 Polypropylene, 56 adhesives for, 173 -isotactic PP, surface energies of, 32t Polystyrene, 136137 adhesives for, 173 solvents for, 247249 Polystyrene PS, surface energies of, 32t Polysulfides, 96t, 137 Polysulfones, 93, 138, 301302, 330 adhesives for, 173174 solvents for, 249 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 39 adhesives for, 174 surface energies of, 32t Zisman plot for, 30f Polytetrahydrofurane (PTHF), surface energies of, 32t Polytetramethylene oxide (PTME), surface energies of, 32t Polytrifluoroethylene (P3FEt/PTrFE), surface energies of, 32t Polyurethane, 138140, 305, 331, 333 adhesives for, 176 manufacture of, 383 Polyvinyl acetal adhesives, 140 Polyvinyl acetate adhesives, 140141 Polyvinyl alcohol adhesives, 141 Polyvinyl butyral adhesives, 141 Polyvinyl butyral-phenolics, 151152 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) adhesives for, 174 chlorinated, 254 solvents for, 252254 surface energies of, 32t Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) adhesives for, 174 surface energies of, 32t Polyvinyl formal-phenolics, 151152 Polyvinylacetate (PVA), surface energies of, 32t Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC), surface energies of, 32t Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), surface energies of, 32t. See also Fluoroplastics, adhesives for Polyvinyltoluene (PVT), surface energies of, 32t Poly-α-methyl styrene (PMS), surface energies of, 32t Powder adhesives, 75, 215216 Powder contact angle, 27t Premature adhesive failure, 16 Premixed frozen adhesives, 141142 Preparation of adhesives, 207208 Pressure equipment, 220222 Pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA), 79, 104, 142143, 177 Pressure-sensitive and contact bonding, 219 Priming, 37, 46 Progressive-feed systems, 217218 Proper choice of adhesive, 4 Properly treated polychlorotrifluoro-ethylene (PCTFE), 171 Pull-force methods, 2728 Pulsed eddy-sonic test method, 363 Q Quality control, 353 adhesive-bonded joints, defects in, 361t final inspection, 360 flow chart of, 354f incoming material control, 356360 adhesives, 356357 process control of bonding, 358360 surface preparation control, 357358 Index 409Quality control (Continued) nondestructive tests, 360371 holography, 368369 liquid crystals, 368 neutron radiography, 370371 penetrant inspection, 371 radiography, 370 radioisotope methods, 370 scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), 371 sonic methods, 362363 sweep-frequency resonance method, 367368 thermal image inspection, 369 thermal infrared inspection (TIRI), 369370 ultrasonic methods, 363367 X-ray techniques, 370 weldbonding, 372373 R Radiation, 329333 Radiation curing, 223224 Radiation exposure, 348 Radiography, 370 neutron, 370371 Radioisotope methods, 370 Rayner, classification of adhesives by, 7981 thermoplastic resin adhesives, 80t thermosetting resin adhesives, 79t two-polymer adhesives (alloys), 81t Reactive adhesives, 85 “Reactive-fluid adhesives,” 85 Receding angle, 24 Receding contact angle, 24 Recessed double strap joint, 186f Reclaim rubber, properties of, 96t Reinforced plastics/composites, 176177 Requirements for good adhesive bond, 45 adhesive bonding process, 5 cleanliness, 5 good joint design, 4 proper choice of adhesive, 4 wetting, 5 Resins, 70 anaerobic, 329 phenylene oxide-based, 250252 thermoplastic, 147148 thermosetting, 149 Resorcinol-formaldehyde adhesives, 143 Rho-Tron 225 TM, 42t Right-angle butt joints, 194 Rigid plastics, 196 Rio Tinto Alcan, 334336 Roll and knife method, 213 Roll coating, 212 Room temperature cure adhesives, 103 Room-temperature-vulcanizing (RTV) silicones, 303 Rosin adhesive, 125126 Rubber, 70, 178 butyl, 95 joints under stress, 195f nitrile, 130 thermoplastic, 148 Rubber cement tests, 348 Rubber phenolics, 305 Rubber-based adhesives, 143146 silicone adhesives, 143146 Rubberized asphalt adhesives, 99t S Safety factors, 375379 in solvent cleaning operations, 44 Saint-Gobain boron nitride, 104 Salt spray (fog) testing, 348 Salt spray, 312316 Saltwater and salt spray, 312316 Boeing/Air Force studies, 316 saltwater immersion, 305312, 315316 seacoast weathering environment, 313315 Sauereisen’s adhesives, 123 Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), 371 Scanning acoustic tomography. See Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) Scarf butt joint, 186f Scarf joints, 195, 203 Scotch-Weldt, 88, 88t properties test results for, 89t tensile shear test results for, 89t Sealants, 259 Sealing, 23 “Second-generation acrylics,” 85 primary benefits of, 85 Self-adhesive bandages, 269 Sessile drop method, 27t Shear strength, 348349 Shear tests, 124, 340341 Shellac, 70, 128 Shurtronic Harmonic Bond Tester, 363 Silane primers, 171 Silicone, 96t, 142146 Silicone resins, adhesives for, 176 Silicones, 302 Silk screening, 212213 Silver, 102 adhesives for, 166 410 IndexSingle fiber Wilhelmy method, 27t Single lap joint, 186f, 188, 188f Single strap joint, 186f Skin closure, adhesives for, 271272 Skin closure in plastic surgery, tissue adhesive for (case study), 283 Small and medium vessels, sutureless anastomoses of (case study), 274275 Small-portion mixer dispensers, 209210 Snap cure conductive adhesives, 103 Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, 100 Solgel process, 4647, 47f Solids defined, 22 measurement for, 2934 surface energy of, 22 surface tension measurement methods for, 27t Soluble nylons, 87 Soluble silicates, 121122 Solutions, 153 Solvent activation, 219 Solvent bonding, factors affecting, 237241 solubility, 237 stress cracking, 237241 Solvent cementing of plastics, 235 background, 235241 factors affecting adhesive and solvent bonding, 237241 solubility parameter, 236237 in cold temperatures, 255256 commercial perspective, 254255 in high temperatures, 255 polymerization, 235 specific polymers, solvents for, 241254 acetal copolymer, 241243 acetal homopolymer, 243 acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene, 243 cellulosics, 243246 chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, 254 nylons (polyamides), 246 phenylene oxide-based resins, 250252 polybutylene terephthalate, 249 polyetherimide, 254 polymethyl methacrylate, 249250 polystyrene, 247249 polysulfone, 249 polyvinyl chloride, 252254 styreneacrylonitrile, 249 Solvent cleaning, 4044 safety, 44 ultrasonic cleaning with liquid rinse, 43 ultrasonic vapor degreasing, 4142 vapor degreasing, 4041 Solvent reactivation, 154 Solvent wiping, 43 Solvent-based systems, 78t, 146147 Solvents, 68 Sonic methods, 362363 arvin acoustic analysis system, 363 eddy-sonic test method, 363 pulsed eddy-sonic test method, 363 sonic resonator, 363 Sorel cements, 122 Soybean glue, 125 Spatulas, knives, trowels, 214 Specific surface area (SSA), 67 Specimen preparation, 349 Spinning drop method, 26t Spot adhesion test, 350 Spraying, 211212 Spreading coefficient, 2425 Squeeze bottle, 213 Stainless steel, adhesives for, 166 Starch adhesives, 124125 Starch and dextrin, 70 Static surface tension measurement methods for liquids, 26t Step lap joint, 186f, 201 Stiffening joints, 192, 201 Stoichiometric volume, 58 Storage life, 350 Straight joints for solid bars, 193f for tubular forms, 193f Strap joints, 191 Strength development, 350 Stress, types of, 183185 cleavage, 185 compression, 184 peel, 185 shear, 184 tension, 185 Stress analysis of adhesive joints, 196203 experimental analyses, 197201 failure analyses, 201202 methods of, 202203 theoretical analysis of stresses and strains, 196197 Stress cracking, 237241 Stress-cracking resistance, 350 Stressed temperature/humidity test, 308 Stressed-bond joint durability, 316 Stripping strength. See Peel strength Structural adhesives, 1, 7374, 74t Styreneacrylonitrile adhesives for, 175 solvents for, 249 Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), 96t Styrene-butadiene-styrene (S-B-S), 148 Styrene-isoprenestyrene (S-I-S), 148 Index 411Sulfur cements, 122123 Superglues (cyanoacrylates), 12 Surface cleaning, 51 Surface energy, 19 of solid, 22 Surface exposure time (SET), 6264 Surface free energy, 2023 of select plastics, 30t surface energy of solids, 22 work of adhesion, 2223 Surface preparation, 350, 357358 effectiveness of, 6162 on moisture exposure, 306308 Surface roughening, 51 Surface tension, 1920 of liquids, 29, 31t measurement, 2634 for liquids, 2729 for solids, 27t, 2934 of polymers, 20 of solid plastics, 2934 temperature effect on, 25 Surface treatment of materials to enhance adhesion, 36t Surface treatment of metals, 3639 Surgical adhesives, 259 Suture and tissue adhesive, effects of on bacterial counts, 272274 Sweep-frequency resonance method, 367368 Synthetic adhesives, 3, 70, 259 Synthetic latexes, 153 Synthetic/semisynthetic adhesives, 259 T “T” angle joint, 194 Tack, 351 delayed-tack adhesives, 108109 Tandem method, 366367 Tank-type applications, 216217 Tape adhesives, 75, 104, 113115 Tape and film adhesives, 75, 79t, 115, 299300 TAPPI T458, 28t Temperature effect on surface tension, 25 Tensile strength, 351 Tensiles, 339340 Testing of adhesive bonds, 339 cleavage, 342 creep, 342343 durability, 343 fatigue, 343 impact, 343 methods and practices, compilation of, 343352 aging, 343344 amylaceous matter, 344 ash content, 344 biodeterioration, 344 blocking point, 344 characterization, 344 chemical reagents, 345 cleavage, 345 cleavage/peel strength, 345 corrosivity, 345 creep, 345 cryogenic temperatures, 345 density, 345 durability, 345346 electrical properties, 346 electrolytic corrosion, 346 fatigue, 346 filler content, 346 flexural strength, 346 flow properties, 346 fracture strength in cleavage, 347 gap-filling adhesive bonds, 347 grit content, 347 high temperature effects, 347 hydrogen ion concentration, 347 impact strength, 347 low and cryogenic temperature, 347 nonvolatile content, 347 odor, 348 peel strength, 348 penetration, 348 pH, 348 radiation exposure, 348 rubber cement tests, 348 salt spray (fog) testing, 348 shear strength, 348349 specimen preparation, 349 spot adhesion test, 350 spread, 350 storage life, 350 strength development, 350 stress-cracking resistance, 350 stripping strength. See Peel strength surface preparation, 350 tack, 351 tensile strength, 351 torque strength, 351 viscosity, 351 volume resistivity, 351 water absorptiveness, 351 weathering, 351 wedge test, 352 working life, 352 peel, 341342 shear, 340341 tensiles, 339340 Theories of adhesion, 513, 6f, 7t acidbase theory, 1213 412 Indexchemical bonding, 1013 diffusion theory, 89 electrostatic theory, 8 mechanical theory, 78 weak boundary layer theory, 13 wetting theory, 910 Thermal image inspection, 369 Thermal infrared inspection (TIRI), 369370 Thermally conductive adhesives, 103104 Thermids IP-600, 93 chemical structure of, 94f Thermoplastic adhesives, 7172, 71t, 72t, 299 Thermoplastic resin adhesives, 80t, 147148 Thermoplastic resins, 80, 235 Thermoplastic rubber, 94, 148 Thermoplastics, adhesives for, 168175 acetal copolymer, 168169 acetal homopolymer, 169 acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene (ABS), 169 cellulosic plastics, 169170 ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene. See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for fluorinated-ethylene propylene (Teflons). See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for fluoroplastics, 170 ionomer (Surlyns), 170 nylons (polyamides), 170 perfluoroalkoxy resins. See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for phenylene-oxide-based resins (Noryls), 170171 polyaryl ether (Arylon T), 171 polyaryl sulfone, 171 polycarbonate, 171 polychlorotrifluoroethylene, 171 polyester, 172 polyetheretherketone, 172 polyetherimide, 172 polyethersulfone, 172 polyethylene, 172173 polymethylmethacrylate, 173 polymethylpentene (TPXss), 173 polyphenylene sulfide (Rytons), 173 polypropylene, 173 polystyrene, 173 polysulfone, 173174 polytetrafluoroethylene, 174 polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 174 polyvinyl fluoride, 174 polyvinylidene fluoride. See Fluoroplastics, adhesives for styrene-acrylonitrile, 175 Thermosetting adhesives, 71, 299 Thermosetting plastics (thermosets), adhesives for, 175176 diallyl phthalate, 175 epoxies, 175 melamine-formaldehyde (melamines), 175 phenol-formaldehyde (phenolics), 176 polyester (thermosetting polyester), 176 polyimide, 176 polyurethane, 176 silicone resins, 176 urea-formaldehyde, 176 Thermosetting resin adhesives, 79t, 149 Thickness of adhesives, 227 Thiokols. See Polysulfides Threshold limit values (TLVs), 44 Through-transmission techniques, 366 Time of flight diffraction technique, 367 Tin, adhesives for, 166 Tissue adhesives, 258, 266 case studies, 272283 closure of hernia incisions, 278283 comparison of effects of suture and tissue adhesive on bacterial counts, 272274 gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures, 276277 sutureless anastomoses of small and medium vessels, 274275 tissue adhesive as dressing after open pediatric urological procedures, 275276 tissue adhesive for skin closure in plastic surgery, 283 topical skin wounds, tissue adhesives in, 277278 cyanoacrylate, 266269 test methods to characterize strength of, 269 Titanium and titanium alloys, adhesives for, 166167 Tongue-and-groove joints, 186f, 189190 Topical skin wounds, tissue adhesives in (case study), 277278 Torque strength, 351 Transdermal patch technology, 270 Trends in adhesives industry, 380, 381t 1,1-Trichloroethane, 41 Trichloroethylene, 44 Tungsten and tungsten alloys, adhesives for, 167 Two-component conductive adhesives, 103 Two-polymer adhesives (alloys), 81, 81t, 8691 U Ultem, 93 properties of, 93t Ultrasonic activation, 226227 Ultrasonic cleaning with liquid rinse, 43 Ultrasonic multiple transducer, 366367 Ultrasonic pulse echo contact impedance testing, 365, 365f Index 413Ultrasonic pulse echo immersion, 365366, 366f Ultrasonic vapor degreasing, 4142 Uranium, adhesives for, 167 Urea-formaldehyde adhesives, 150151, 176 Urethane adhesives, 326 UV-curing adhesives, 149150, 223 V Vacuum, 327329 Vacuum bags, 221222 Van der Waals forces, 9 Vapor degreasing, 4041 Ultrasonic, 4142 Vegetable glues, 124126 Vertrel CMS, 42t Vertrel SMT, 42t Vinyl acetal-phenolic adhesives, 304305 Vinyl-epoxy adhesives, 151 Vinyl-phenolics, 87, 151 Vinyl-resin adhesives, 152 Viscosity, 351 Volkersen’s model, 202 Volume resistivity, 351 W Water absorptiveness, 351 Water-based adhesives, 152154, 152t Water-based systems, 78t Water-break test, 61 Weak boundary layer theory, 13, 35 Weathering, 317326, 351 outdoor weathering, 317326 seacoast environment, 313315 simulated weathering/accelerated testing, 317 Wedge-test method, 316, 343, 352 Weldbonding, 227232, 372373 adhesive choice, 230231 configuration, 228230 advantages and limitations, 230 surface preparation, 230 techniques, 232 tooling for, 231 Welding of polymers, 235 Wet assembly, 218 Wet bonding, 153 Wettability, 6162 Wetting, 5 Wetting theory, 910 Wilhelmy plate method, 26t, 2729, 28f Wonder adhesives. See Cyanoacrylic adhesives Work of adhesion, 2223 Working life, 352 Wound closure devices, 277278, 279t X X-ray techniques, 370 Y Young’s equation, 2325 YoungDupre’s equation, 25 Z Zinc and zinc alloys, adhesives for, 167 Zisman plot for polyethylene, 30f for polymethyl methacrylate, 31f for polytetrafluoroethylene, 30f
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