كتاب Advances in Mechanical Design
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Advances in Mechanical Design

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18936
التقييم : 35318
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Advances in Mechanical Design
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Mechanical Design (2021 ICMD)
Jianrong Tan

كتاب Advances in Mechanical Design  A_i_m_24
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Digital Rolling Test of Cycloidal Hypoid Gears Based
on Measuring Tooth Surface Data 1
Yongxiang Liu, Jinfu Du, and Kai Liu
2 Dynamic and Experimental Study of Lathe Tool with High
Damping Alloy Layer 17
Dongping Sheng, Fengxia Lu, and Hongshen Wan
3 Dynamic Behavior Research of Boring Cutter with High
Damping Alloy Sleeve . 31
Sheng Dongping, Lu Fengxia, and Wan Hongshen
4 Study on the Temperature in Air Squeeze Film . 49
Miaomiao Li and Xizhi Ma
5 Systematic Framework for Product Family Multi-agent
Performance Evaluation and Optimization Based
on Configuration Design . 65
Rongshen Lai, Bo Gao, Wenguang Lin, and Renbin Xiao
6 Design and Study of Symmetrical Two-Fingered In-Hand
Dexterous Manipulation . 77
XiongDun Xie, ZhiQing Wen James, and Wei Li
7 Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research
of Oil-Free Single Screw Air Compressor for Hydrogen
Fuel Cell . 93
Jian Sun, Bin Peng, and BingGuo Zhu
8 An Elastoplastic Contact Model Considering Wear Based
on Digital Rough Surfaces in Spatial Domain 109
Wei Li, Gang Xu, and Ping Huang
viiviii Contents
9 A Novel Approach for Identifying Electromagnetic Space–
Time Coupling Load of Wind Turbine 125
Wengui Mao, Jianhua Li, Chaoliang Hu, and Shixiong Pei
10 Research on a RSM Based Parameter Optimization
Method and Its Application in Mandible Reconstruction
Implant 139
Yangdong Wu, Min Shao, Dan Liu, Taihua Zhang, and Wei Lu
11 Affordance Characteristics Identification Method
on Maintenance Requirements Satisfactory Prediction 153
Sarina, Yi Wu, Jing Zhang, Yiqiang Cui, and Congxuan Wang
12 Project-Driven Teaching of Mechatronics Design Through
Multi-disciplinary Integration 175
Jianliang Guo, Qiubo Zhong, Zengwen Wu, Xianyong Liu,
and Tianyao Shen
13 Optimization Design of Blades for a Scaled Offshore
Floating Wind Turbine 189
Jiahuan Lin, Yangwei Wang, Huawei Duan, and Jun Zhang
14 Lightweight Design of a Dump Truck Compartment
Based on Response Surface Methodology 203
Dongyu Wu, Qingshan Gong, Guangguo Zhang,
and Ruyun Chen
15 Sand Erosion Behaviors and Mechanism of Pseudoelastic
TiNi Shape Memory Alloy . 217
Weiwei Yin, Xiaoguang Liu, Peidao Pan, and Lielong Wang
16 A Reliability Analysis Approach for Systems
with Parameters Have Unknown Distributions . 225
Zhou Yang, Singiresu S. Rao, Jiajia Li, and Yimin Zhang
17 Modeling and Simulation of Carbon Nanotubes-Pore
Model 257
Jiannan Sun, Ke Yan, Tingting Yin, Yongsheng Zhu,
and Jun Hong
18 Topology Optimization Computation of a Chassis
Structure in New Energy Vehicles . 269
Shengyong Wang, Hong Zhao, and Xiangfeng Zhang
19 Research on the Dynamic Properties of Ball Bearings
Based on the Quasi-Static Method 281
Mingkai Wang, Ke Yan, Xiaohong Zhang, and Jun HongContents ix
20 Novel Temperature Sensor Based on Highly Emissive
CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots for Bearing Rotating
Elements . 291
Pan Zhang, Ke Yan, Panting Liang, Yongsheng Zhu,
and Jun Hong
21 Optimal Design of Interference Fit for High-Speed
Motorized Spindle 305
Chi-lan Cai and Jia-yi Zhou
22 Research on Space Target On-Orbit Capturing Methods 321
Wanxin Man, Xinhong Li, Zhibin Zhang, Jiping An,
Guohui Zhang, and Dingzhan Yu
23 Analysis of Yaw System Operation Data of Wind Turbine
in Mountain Wind Farm . 345
Han Jialu, Yang Xuebing, Ling Qihui, and Wang Xian
24 Structure Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel
Multi-mode Motion Transformation Mechanism . 353
Peipei Guo, Yang Qi, Qingmei Chen, Jiyuan Shan,
Yuying Gao, and Hong Wang
25 Structure Design and Performance Analysis of a Moveable
Compressible Multi-Motion Assembly Manipulator 369
Yang Qi, Peipei Guo, Qingmei Chen, Wenxuan Wu,
Linyuan Zhao, and Yan Zhang
26 Nonlinear Forced Vibration of a Functionally Graded
Conical Shell . 383
Yuhang Zhang, Wenguang Liu, Chao Liu, and Zhipeng Lyu
27 Research on Nonlinear Model of Bolted Joint Based
on Stiffness Softening 405
Mingguang Gong, Wenguang Liu, Yang Yang,
and Xiaoting Wang
28 Review on Vibration Control Methods of Gear
Transmission System 421
Dongbo Tian, Ruihai Geng, Yushu Bian, and Zhihui Gao
29 Analysis on the Influence of Guidance Mode on the Motion
Characteristics of Angular Contact Ball Bearing Cage 433
Xiaohong Zhang, Ke Yan, Mingkai Wang, Jun Hong,
and Yongsheng Zhu
30 Research on Nonlinear Dynamic Influence of Transmission
Error on Wind Turbine Planetary Gear System 447
Gang Tian, Xihui Liu, Zhihui Gao, and Yushu Bianx Contents
31 Research on Thermal Characteristics of the High-Speed
Motorized Spindle 459
Zhaolong Li, Bo Zhu, Bingren Cao, Yingtao Liu,
and Xiaodong Yang
32 Research on the Optimization Design Method
of the Structure of the Inflow Head of the Ultralow
Temperature High-Speed Bearing Tester 469
Xianming Gao, Yi Zheng, and Gongxue Zhang
33 Design and Optimization of the Pressing Process
for the Seal Groove of Fully Welded Ball Valve Seat 485
Hongyu Tian, Yang Yin, Xiang Duan, and Xiao Zhou
34 Study on Coupling Dynamic Characteristics
of Single-Input and Double-Output Transmission System . 505
Yaomin Shi, Haiwei Wang, Lan Liu, and Geng Liu
35 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Involute Spur Gear-Shaft
Transmission System 525
Zhen Wang, Hui Liu, and Changle Xiang
36 Effect of Uniform Corrosion on the Mechanical Properties
of 6061 Aluminum Alloys of Different Sizes 541
Zhao Weiyi, Wang Guan, Kou Linyuan, Zou Zekun,
Wen Tianxiang, and Zhu Xuejun
37 Simulation Research on Temperature Field of Acoustic
Enclosures of Heat Pump Unit 565
Yaowen Tan, Qi Zhou, Ting Lei, Peng He, and Chaoqun Wu
38 Wind Turbine Tower Design Optimization and Vibration
Reduction Control Strategy 577
Shengqiong Qin, Lang Cheng, and Zhanqi He
39 Principle and Kinematics Analysis of the New Type
Planetary Roller and Roller Pinion Compound
Transmission Device . 587
Lulu Li, Haiwei Wang, Shuangshuang Si, and Geng Liu
40 Research on Positioning of Mobile Robot with Manipulator
Arm for Machining of Large Cabin Support in Original
Position 607
Lin Wang, Yi Tong, Rui Wang, and Shisheng Zhong
41 Design and Simulation Analysis of Three-Corrugated
Steel Plate Damper 625
Shuai Dong, Yiming Wang, Hui Yan, Yalei Zhao, Lu Zhang,
and Hongyuan JiangContents xi
42 Analysis of Tooth Profile Influencing Factors and Meshing
Characteristics for Trochoidal Roller Pinion Rack
Transmissions 645
Shuangshuang Si, Haiwei Wang, Lulu Li, and Geng Liu
43 Bionic Fan Blade Shape Design Based on Owl Airfoil
and Analysis of Its Effect on Noise 665
Shengqiong Qin, Lang Cheng, and Zhanqi He
44 Research on Teaching Quality Evaluation Standard
for Mechanical Design Course Based on Engineering
Education Professional Certification 673
Chengyi Pan, Jingzhong Xiang, Xin Song, Yudong Bao,
and Yanling Zhao
45 Experimental Study on Deformation Behavior of 6061
Aluminum Alloy Thin Walled Components Under
Different Heat Treatment Conditions . 687
Linyuan Kou, Yixi Zhao, Yang Liu, and Guan Wang
46 Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement of Horizontal
Axis Wind Turbines by Herringbone Groove Structure
on Blades . 709
Ruibiao Gao, Kun Chen, Yixiao Li, and Peiyao Zhao
47 Noise Reduction of Asymmetrical Serrated Trailing Edge
of Wind Turbine Blade with Different Serrated Angle 721
Yixiao Li, Kun Chen, Ruibiao Gao, and Wenhui Feng
48 An Integrated Structure-Control Optimization Method
for Rigid-Flexible Coupling Positioning Stage 733
Zhongyi Gao, Zhijun Yang, and Guanxin Huang
49 Strategy and Realization for Integrated Product
Innovation Design Based on Problem Solving Methods . 751
Miao Yu, Ling Chen, and Kai Zhang
50 Research on Calibration Method of Binocular
Camera-Lidar 767
Qicai Zhou, Keyuan Zhao, Kuan Jiang, Xiaolei Xiong,
and Jiong Zhao
51 Development of Intelligent Workstation for Self-service
Processing of Complex Aluminum Profiles . 781
Yunya Xiao, Shiqiang Xie, Wei Li, Qidi Chen, and Chao Jiang
52 Studies on the Temperature Characteristics
of an Ultrasonic Atomization Feed Direct Methanol Fuel
Cell 811
Tian Li, Zhi Ye, Sheng Gong, Chaoqun Wu, and Wenjie Zhanxii Contents
53 Failure Behavior of Single-Lapped CFRP Plates Under
Quasi-static Tensile and Fatigue Loading 829
Yang Yang, Wenguang Liu, Xiaoting Wang,
and Mingguang Gong
54 Research on Automatic Marking Method of 3D Model
Based on Geometric Feature Similarity 841
Shu-Chun Wang, Jing-Ying Xu, Li-Na Wang, Xi-Feng Fang,
and Hao-Ran Sun
55 The Determinants of Express Cabinet Interface’s
Cognitive Efficiency: An Eye-Tracking Study 863
Miaohui Wang, Wu Song, Ziqing Tian, and Xianggang Wang
56 Structure and Function Experiment of Pneumatic Ring
Brake 881
Xia Wang, Dexu Geng, Lizhong Zhang, Wenzhi Xu, He Peng,
and Guodong Sun
57 Research on the Vibration and Noise Reduction
of Thin-Walled Planetary Gearbox . 891
Lan Liu, Yingjie Xi, Kun Kang, Zhengxi Hu, Jingyi Gong,
and Geng Liu
58 Research on Requirement-Driven Customization Design
Platform for High-Speed Train Pedigree Product . 917
Haizhu Zhang, Rong Li, Qing Zheng, Lina He, and Guofu Ding
59 Sustainable Design for Transforming Sustainability
Requirements to Design Parameters Based
on Multi-criteria Decision-Making Methodology . 933
Chunhua Feng, Yugui Huang, and Xiang Chen
60 Experimental Study on Influence Factors of Clamping
Force Attenuation of Threaded Fastener 961
Mingpo Zheng, Zhifeng Liu, Ying Li, Tao Zhang,
Jingjing Xu, and Yanhong Cheng
61 Rolling Bearing Performance State Assessment Based
on the Composite Multiscale Slope Entropy 973
Jinbao Zhang, Jinle Zhang, Min Wang, and Ran Wei
62 Considering Pedestrian Perceived Risk and Living Area
in Studying the Effect of eHMI in Automated Vehicle
and Pedestrian Interaction . 985
Jinjuan She, Marufa Islam, and Megan Fanok
63 Design and Contact Analysis of Mover Locking Device . 1003
Xingguang Wu, Lu Lu, and Youxing XiongContents xiii
64 A Wearable Piezoelectro-Triboelectric Microsensor Using
Novel Electrodes Based on MEMS Technology . 1017
Nannan Zhou and Hongrui Ao
65 A State-of-the-Art Review for Product Engineering Design
for Sustainability Focusing on Aims and Methodologies . 1027
Zhong-kai Li and Shuai Wang
66 Novel Design of a Modular Multi-stage Crusher
with Adaptive Clearance by TRIZ Method 1053
Jie Wang, Zhifang Zhu, Junhao Zeng, Shengtian Yang,
and Yisheng Guan
67 Bionics-Based Alternate Wheel-Leg Transport Robot . 1077
Jie Wang, Zhifang Zhu, Junhao Zeng, Shengtian Yang,
and Yisheng Guan
68 Research on Vibration Fatigue of a Piezoelectric
Cantilever Beam in Energy Harvester . 1099
Xingyi Wu, Wenguang Liu, and Mengxiang Fang
69 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Technique Assisted
in the Precise Positioning of Bronchoscopy in Children . 1111
Yudong Bao, Xu Li, Wen Wei, and Shengqian Qu
70 A Novel Multi-DOF Shipbuilding Crane Manipulator:
Type Synthesis and Structure Analysis 1123
Zhining Deng, Yuchen Pan, Minghang Yue, and Zhanbin Meng
71 Optimal Design and Analysis of Separable Suspension
System of Wheel-Legged Compound Unmanned Ground
Vehicle . 1137
Xiaolei Ren, Hui Liu, Haiyang Yang, Baoshuai Liu,
Lijin Han, and Han Ziyong
72 Workspace Analysis of Planar Suspended
Two-Cable-Driven Parallel Robots 1153
Yijia Peng and Wanghui Bu
73 Synthesis and Error Characteristics Analysis of 3T Parallel
Mechanism Based on Single-Opened-Chain—Position
Orientation Characteristics 1169
Yage Wang, Moyao Gao, and De Wang
74 Design of AGV Structure and Control System for Hospital
Drug Delivery 1187
Jidong Guo and Jiaxin Liangxiv Contents
75 Effect of Dam Number of Straight Bar Plate on the Pulp
Flow in the Low Consistency Disc Refiner . 1203
Chuanwu Duan, Jixian Dong, Huan Liu, Yangyuan Tian,
Kai Qi, and Ruifan Yang
76 Diodicity Optimization of Tesla-Type Check Valve Based
on Surrogate Modeling Techniques . 1225
Kunpeng Li, Shuo Wang, Chaoyong Zong, Yin Liu,
and Xueguan Song
77 Research on Electric Induced Vibration Fatigue
of Piezoelectric Smart Plates . 1245
Mengxiang Fang, Wenguang Liu, Xingyi Wu, Yiting Feng,
and Hongxia Chen
78 Multi-branch Cable Harness Layout Optimization Based
on Pattern Search Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
Algorithm 1255
Dan Zhang, Chaoli Cai, Chen Zhou, and Wenqiang Chen
79 Analysis of Load Sharing Characteristics of Power Split
Planetary Gear Transmission 1275
Lan Liu, Qiangyi Ma, Pengkai Ren, Fukang Wu, Jingyi Gong,
and Geng Liu
80 Three-Sensor Fusion Localization Method of Security
Robot Based on Particle Filtering Algorithm . 1299
Peizhi Rong, Yi Wan, Kunting Ju, Xichang Liang,
and Jiarui Hou
81 Sweeping Modeling Method and Contact Stress
Optimization of Miniature Line Gear . 1313
yangzhi Chen and xiaoping Xiao
82 Motioning Planning and Vibration Suppression
of Rigid-Flexible Coupled Joint SCARA Robot 1329
Junxiang Lin, Zhijun Yang, and Guanxin Huang
83 Simulation and Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics
of Loader Seats Under Different Pavements . 1349
Lu Wang, Hexu Yang, Yu Gao, and Xuejun Wang
84 Monocular Machine Vision Method for Watchcase Center
Coordinates and Deflection Angle Recognition . 1361
Shuanglong Liu and Xiaoyi Jin
85 An Uncertainty Evolution Model for Product Conceptual
Design Based on Fuzzy Reasoning Petri Nets . 1373
Yuming Guo and Zhaohui LiuContents xv
86 The FEM Analysis of Contact Deformation of Conical
Interface Considering Temperature Rise 1393
Lan Jin, Haoxun Yin, Weibing Li, Tinghua Yi, Zhiyuan Rui,
and Shiqi Lu
87 Simulation of Horizontal Double Head Screw Conveyor
Based on EDEM 1417
Lei Mei, Chuang Cheng, Xin Tan, Ziqiang Fan,
and Xiaolei Liang
88 Research on Multi-objective Optimization of Processing
Parameters of Non-metallic Laser Cutting Machine
for Low Energy Consumption 1437
Hong Bao, Junguo Zhang, Jing Yang, Tianci Liu, and Lei Zhang
89 Study on Anti-backlash Mechanism Used in Precise
Transmission: A Review . 1449
Wei Luo, Geng Liu, and Haiwei Wang
90 Development of Parametric Design System of Double
Circular Arc Spiral Bevel Gear Nutation Drive Based
on SolidWorks 1471
Zetong Xie, Ligang Yao, Jiaxin Ding, Kanghong Ren,
Bingbing Jia, and Jinglin Liu
91 Knowledge-Driven Adaptive Sequential Modeling
and Prediction of Aerodynamic Characteristics 1489
Xuening Pu, Jia Hao, Fulin Zhang, Shipei He,
and Yongsong Long
92 Modeling and Simulation of a Tower-of-Hanoi-Playing
Robot Station Based on RobotStudio 1507
Lin Wang, Xiang Yue, and Jinglin Peng
93 Design of a Hybrid-Drive Upper Limb Powered
Exoskeleton Robot 1523
Xiaoqing Yuan, Jiakun Zhang, Fujun Fang, Wendong Wang,
Huimin Su, and Yaqing Xu
94 Development of Intelligent Post-processing Algorithm
for Three Degrees of Rotation Freedom CNC Machine
Tools . 1537
Pengrui Zhao, Zhifeng Liu, Zhixiong Li, Zirui Cao,
and Lihang Su
95 Analysis of Ship Shaft Bending Vibration Characteristics
Based on Bearing Oil Film Stiffness . 1553
Shuqing Liu, Rui Huo, Yuanbo Li, and Chuangye Lixvi Contents
96 PSO-Based Material Stiffness Optimization for Dynamic
Problems . 1567
Yicong Zhou, Qiyin Lin, Chen Wang, Fangyan Wei,
and Jun Hong
97 A Nonlinear Lateral-Torsional Coupling Dynamic
Model of Planetary Transmission and Verification
with Experiment 1579
Xie Yunkun, Liu Hui, and Zhan Zhaobin
98 A Novel Piecewise Modification of Cycloidal Gear
and Tooth Contact Analysis 1599
Guolong Li, Chenfa Wu, Yuan Pang, Bing Cao, and Quanfu Ran
99 Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of Machining
Characteristics of Aluminum Alloys During High-Speed
Machining 1619
Dexiong Chen, Delong Chen, Qingqing She, and Zhe Li
100 Parameter Inverse Identification for Direct Laser
Deposition Simulation Using Support Vector Regression
and Genetic Algorithm 1637
Yang Xu, Yun Chen, Liang Hou, Chao Ye, Jing Guo,
Xueman Hu, and Jiahao Zou
101 Analysis of Phase Coupling Characteristics of a Two-Stage
Planetary Gear System 1653
Pengfei Yan, Hui Liu, Wei Zhang, Wenjin Bei, and Chen Zhang
102 Study on Influence of Rotational Speed of Spiral
Distributor on Paving Uniformity of Asphalt Pavement
Based on Rocky . 1661
Lianming Du, Liwen Chen, Xiuli Fu, Xiangbo Ze,
Xiuhua Men, Yongzhi Pan, and Rongyu Ge
103 Design of Multi-nozzle Bio-3D Printer System Based
on Marlin Firmware . 1673
Yanan Li, Yi Wan, Xi chang Liang, and Jiarui Hou
104 Research on Active Affective Interaction Interaction
Design Strategies for the Elderly 1687
Chang Ge, Baoxin Xu, Yanmin Xue, and Suihuai Yu
105 Propagation Path Optimization of Dimension Change
Based on Associated Network Model 1699
Dianxi Wang, Bo Yang, Jinping Li, Yanchao Liu,
and Baozhong ChengContents xvii
106 Construction of Weighted Directed Association Network
Model Based on Feature Analysis . 1709
Jinping Li, Bo Yang, Dianxi Wang, Yanchao Liu,
and Baozhong Cheng
107 The Difference Coefficient Matrix Condition Number
Based Sensor Placement Optimization Method for Robust
Temperature Field Reconstruction 1721
Xu Liu, Wei Peng, Shulei Liu, Zhiqiang Gong, and Wen Yao
108 Study on Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Spur Gear
Under Tooth Surface Microscopic Topography . 1741
Xin Yu, Yunyun Sun, and Shijing Wu
109 A Normal Tracking Method for Workpieces
with Free-Form Surface in Robotic Polishing 1753
Bing Wang, Jian Li, Haowen Chen, Yisheng Guan,
and Tao Zhang
110 Configuration and Motion Analysis of Orthopedic
External Fixation Mechanism with Virtual Motion Center 1767
Peng Su, Shuo Li, Yuliang Lai, Li Zhang, and Jian Li
111 A Novel Method to Accelerate the Solution of Compliance
Using Deep Learning for Topology Optimization . 1781
Jiaxiang Luo, Yu Li, Weien Zhou, Xianqi Chen, and Wen Yao
112 Modular Design of a 7-DOF Cable-Driven Humanoid Arm 1793
Bin Wang, Tao Zhang, Yisheng Guan, Yaowei Song,
Zhihao Liang, Jiazhen Chen, and Wang Xu
113 Conceptual Design and Kinetostatic Analysis of a Novel
Three-DoF Underactuated Double Gripper 1807
Haifeng Liu, Shouchao Guo, Ben Liu, and Yuanqing Wu
114 Classification Modeling for Spare Parts Based
on Multi-index Fuzzy Evaluation in Collaborative Design . 1823
Guodong Yi, Lifan Yi, and Lu Wang
115 Mismatched Design of Toroidal Surface Enveloping
Conical Worm Drive 1833
Chongfei Huai, Chunlin Chen, and Yaping Zhao
116 Influence Analysis of Design Change in Modular Product . 1853
Xianfu Cheng, Zhihu Guo, Tian Yuan, Minghua You,
and Xiaodong Ma
117 Research on Cylinder Friction Behavior Based on Seal
Deformation 1867
Ange Lin, Zhemin Wu, Jian Wu, and Zhe Lixviii Contents
118 Bionic Design and Optimization of a Hoverable
Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle with Gravity Center
Position Control 1879
Kai Hu, Huichao Deng, Shengjie Xiao, Yuhong Sun,
and Shutong Zhang
119 A Novel Articulated Robot with Active Spherical Joints . 1891
Shouchao Guo, Haifeng Liu, Ben Liu, and Yuanqing Wu
120 Theoretical Derivation and Analysis of Stability of Crane
Jib Structure . 1909
Fenglin Yao, Jiandong Li, Hui Li, Changkai Xie, and Hao Yang
121 Experimental Exploration on the Effect of Peening
Parameters on Anti-fatigue Ability of GH4169 . 1931
Gongxue Zhang, Feng Wen, and Lei Zhang
122 Study on Tribological Properties of ILs-MWCNTs/MoS2
Hybrid Nanofluid . 1947
Runzi Wang, Ao Li, Minzi Zhou, Jiawei Tong, and Ruitao Peng
123 Hydrostatic Transmission Wheel Loader Shoveling
Function Failure Analysis and Renovation . 1969
Naiwei Zou, Jianwei Wei, Chao Pei, Chenggang Liu,
and Yuandong Huang
124 Research on a New Type of Pipeline Robot 1981
Yongzhi Zhang, Binghui Wu, Jianfeng Liu, Siqing Long,
and Zechang Lv
125 Constrained Multi-objective Large Deformation Shape
Optimization of Blended-Wing-Body Underwater Glider . 1991
Wenyi Long, Peng Wang, Huachao Dong, Weixi Chen,
and Xubo Yang
126 Analysis of Thermally Induced Vibration for Tension-Rod
Antenna in Orbit 2011
Yuqing Feng, Xiaofei Ma, and Hui Wang
127 Design of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs and Virtual Test
of Human–Machine Interaction Safety 2027
Tianzuo Chang, Surong Jiang, Bai Chen, Ziyu Liao,
Junnan Lv, and Debin Liu
128 Design of Signal Feature Extraction Solution for Gear
Performance Degradation 2047
Jiachi Wu, Bin He, Dong Zhang, and Weijia WangContents xix
129 Knowledge Graph-Based Product Sustainable Design
for Low Carbon Footprint . 2069
Weihao Chen, Bin He, Qianyi Yu, and Xin Yuan
130 Design of Discrete Groove for Raceway of Cageless Ball
Bearing 2089
Yanling Zhao, Qiyu Wang, Mingzhu Wang, Chengyi Pan,
and Yudong Bao
131 Research on the Effect of Non-smooth Convex Hull
Structure of High-Speed EMU on Air Resistance
and Friction Noise . 2109
Hai-yan Zhu, Yu-hao Wang, Hai-jun Huang,
Jian-chang Wang, and Qi-ying Xu
132 Calculation Model for Surface Roughness in Forming
Grinding of Involute Spline 2121
Cheng Wang, Guodong Wang, Wei Zhang, Qifu Yang,
and Yanzhong Wang
133 Development of ROS-Based Laser Navigation Forklift
AGV System 2135
Qi Qin, Yi Wan, Xichang Liang, and Jiarui Hou
134 Web-Spline IGA Based Support Position Optimization
for Natural Frequency Maximization of the Curved Beam 2147
Wenya Fan, Daoyuan Yu, Shouyu Cai, and Huan Sun
135 Development of Insulation Coating Robot for Distribution
Network Lines Maintenance . 2163
Xiang Yue, Hongguang Wang, Lin Wang, and Yanhua Liu
136 Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Cutter Spacing Design
Based on Simulations of Rock Breaking Process Using
a FEM-SPH Coupling Method . 2175
Qi Geng, Maolin Shi, Xinyuan Liu, Yufeng Lu, Junjie Zhang,
and Min Ye
137 An Adaptive Feature-Driven Method for Structural
Topology Optimization 2195
Yuxin Sun, Wenwen Chen, and Shouyu Cai
138 Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Investigation
on the Residual Stress Redistribution Induced Distortion
During Blade Machining . 2211
Kunyang Lin, Xiaofei Ma, and Wenhu Wangxx Contents
139 Improved Function Structure Modeling Based
on the Synergistic Conceptual Basis of Function
and Affordance . 2227
Chunlong Wu, Jinzheng Li, and Runhua Tan
140 Nonlinear Dynamic Modelling and Analysis for a High
Contact Ratio Spur Gear Pair Considering the Meshing
State of Multiple Pairs of Teeth . 2259
Rui Xu, Jing Zhang, Jiugen Wang, Renjun Li, and Peicheng Shi
141 Relevance Information Analysis and Extraction Between
Performance and Influence Factors of Porous Aerostatic
Spherical Bearing of CNC Machine Tool Motorized Spindle . 2273
Xiaoliang Lin, Xiaolei Deng, Lihao Liu, and Kuan Zhao
142 Design and Analysis of an Inchworm-Like Wheel-Legged
Mobile Robot . 2287
Qiang Fu and Yisheng Guan
143 Lightweight Design of Automatic Inspection Mechanism
for Main Coolant Line Welds in Nuclear Power Plant . 2303
Maocheng Hong, Huaidong Chen, Jialong Shu, Chao Ma,
Jianrong Wu, Songhua Huang, and Xiaobing Zhang
144 Discussion on Teaching Method Reform of Mechanical
Principle Course at Private Colleges 2315
Jiangling Fan, Junyan Fan, and Zhiqing Cheng
145 Dimension Transfer Analysis Based on Feature Association . 2327
Yanchao Liu, Bo Yang, Jinping Li, Dianxi Wang,
and Baozhong Cheng
146 Attribute Importance Determination of the Customer
Needs for Product Family Based on Axiomatic Design
and Conjoint Analysis . 2341
Renbin Xiao and Xianfu Cheng
147 Investigation on the Design Method and Failure
Mechanism of Silicon-Based MEMS Setback Arming
Device 2357
Ziyang Ni, Ying Liu, Jin Xie, Yunlai Liao, and Jun Dai
148 Configuration Design and Verification of Soft-Rigid
Hybrid Hand with ab/adduction Movement . 2375
Zhe Liu, Diansheng Chen, Zeyi Zhang, Guozhen Huang,
Weihong Liu, and Yongkang Jiang
149 Development of a Rigid-Flexible Composite Three-Finger
Dexterous Hand . 2391
Weidong Guo, Wenjie Lu, Yuanbo Liu, and Demin WeiContents xxi
150 Topology Optimization of Channel-Cooling Cellular
Structures for Thermomechanical Behaviors 2421
Da Geng and Mingdong Zhou
Correction to: Advances in Mechanical Design C1
Jianrong Tan

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Design of Mechanical Elements - A Concise Introduction to Mechanical Design Considerations and Calculations
» كتاب Advances in Mechanical Design
» كتاب Mechanical Engineering Design
» كتاب Handbook of Mechanical Design
» كتاب Mechanical Design for the Stage

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