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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics الخميس 24 أغسطس 2023, 3:49 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics (1999) Behnam Pourdeyhimi
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents ò Prefaceò The Optimized Performance of Linear Vibration Welded Nylon 6 and Nylon 66 Butt Jointsò Image Analysis of Polypropylene Melt Fiber Stretchingò The Effect of Fiber Orientation on Distribution on the Tooth Stiffness of a Polymer Composite Gearò Novel Processing and Performance of Aligned Discontinuous Fiber Polymer Compositesò Characterization of Kneading Block Performance on Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extrudersò A Quantitative Description of the Effects of Molecular Weight and Atactic Level on the Spherulite Growth Rate of Ziegler-Natta Isotactic Polypropyleneò Miscibility and Co-Continuous Morphology of Polypropylene-Polyethylene Blendsò Flow Visualization for Extensional Viscosity Assessmentò PP/LLDPE/EDPM Blends Effect of Elastomer Viscosity on Impactò Mixing of a Low Molecular Weight Additive in a Co-Rotating TSE Morphological Analysis of a HDPE/PDMS Systemsò The in situ Compatibilization of HDPE/PET Blendsò Evaluation of Process Aids for Controlling Surface Roughness of Extruded LLDPEò Evaluation of Scratch and Mar Resistance in Automotive Coatings: Nanoscratching by Atomic Force Microscopeò Study of the Morphology and Tensile Mechanical Properties of Biaxially Oriented PET/PP Blendsò Improved Barrier and Mechanical Properties of Laminar Polymer Blendsò Relative Magnetic Permeability of Injection Molded Composites as Affected by the Flow Induced Orientation of Ferromagnetic Particlesò Processing-Structure-Property Relations in PS/PE Blends: Compression versus Injection Moldingò Polyetherimide Epoxy-Based Prepreg Systems with Variable Temperature Cure Capabilityò CO 2 Blown PETG Foamsò Tear Strength Enhancement Mechanisms in TPO Filmsò Morphological Study of Fatigue Induced Damage in Semicrystalline Polymersò The Effect of Several Kinds of Oils on the Oil Resistance Behavior of Polystyrenic Thermoplastic Vulcanizateò Visualization of Polymer Melt Convergent Flows in Extrusionò Evaluation of the Constrained Blister Test for Measurement of an Intrinsic Adhesionò Fractal Analysis and Radiographic Inspection of Microwave Welded HDPE Barsò Application of Thermography for the Optimization of the Blow Molding Processò The Use of Video and the Development of Solids Conveying Theoryò Microcellular PET Foams Produced by the Solid State Processò Thermal Wave Imaging of Propagating Cracks in Polypropylene and a Thermoplastic Olefinò The Division of Agglomerates in Molten Environment of Polymers: A Physical Model for Mathematical Descriptionò A New On-Line Technique for Morphology Analysis and Residence Time Measurement in a Twin-Screw Extruderò Controlled Order Thermosets for Electronic Packagingò Fatigue Fracture in Polypropylene with Different Spherulitic Sizesò Brittle-Ductile Transition of PP/Rubber/Filler Hybridsò Index A abrasion 81 additives 79 ADF process 27 adhesion energy 209 adhesives 210 AFM 109 airplanes 155 annealing 299 architectural applications 191 aspect ratio 20, 29, 140 atactic 50 automotive 1, 191 coatings 107 Avrami analysis 46 Avrami equation 60 B barrier properties 127 basecoat 107 bimodal distribution 53 birefringence 66 blending 79 blends 73, 89, 91, 93, 95, 119, 127, 145, 175, 191, 267, 273 blister test 209 blow molding 65, 99, 127, 225 bottles 227 box counting method 218 bubbles 241 C capillary rheometer 13 cell 170 chain scission 191 Chow’s model 169 clearcoat 107 CO2 166 coatings 210 compatibilizers 89, 120, 127, 149, 299 composites 22, 27, 135, 283 compounding 75, 79, 145 compression 158 molding 145, 210, 217 set 191 computer interface 91 contraction 65 copolymers 191 corrosion 107 Coulomb’s friction 1 crack growth 214 initiation 292 propagation 289 speed 291 tip 253 crazes 185, 295 critical distance 299 stress 97 crosslinking 191, 284 crosslinks 94 crystallinity 247, 289 crystallization 46, 60, 89, 165 kinetics 43 cure kinetics 157 curing 285 D damage 107, 182, 214, 291 Indexdebonding 151 deflection 25 deformation 129, 145 delamination 28 density 193 die 65 diffusion 127, 217 coefficient 167 dimensional stability 283 dispersed phase 125 dispersion 77 distortion 25 distribution 19 DMA 156 domain size 148 drag flow 37, 85 draw ratio 14 DSC 46, 60, 186, 193, 242 ductile behavior 291 durability 107 E E-glass fiber 29 elastic properties 23 elasticity 191 electronic packaging 283 elongation 124 elongational deformation 39 elongational stress 53 end groups 91 endotherm 183 enthalpy 183, 193 entropy 255 entry profile 70 EPDM 73 epoxy resin 89, 109, 155, 283 EPR 173 erosion damage 108 etching 108 exotherm 46 extensional stress 66 extensional viscosity 11 extruder 35, 53, 60, 65, 92, 128, 147, 174, 192, 201, 233, 267, 273 extrusion 44, 65, 79, 97, 225, 233 F failure 249 fatigue 181, 289 feed 270 ferrite 136 ferromagnetic particles 135 fiber 19 fibers 11, 28 fibrils 148, 292 filaments 12 fill length 38 filler 135, 299 film 97, 119, 127 finite element model 23 flow 35, 56, 141 flow control 157 flow fields 201 foaming 168 foams 165, 241 fractal geometry 290 fractals 218 fracture 94, 289 toughness 155 friction 81 FTIR 277, 285 G gap width 56 gasket 218 gears 19 Gibbs function 255 glass barrel 233 fiber 1, 32 transition temperature 160, 165 gloss 107 304 Indexgrafting 89 Griffith’s energy 188 growth 181 H hardness 192 hazing 108 HDPE 217 Helmholtz function 255 Hermann’s orientation parameter 285 homogeneity 267 homogenization 54 hot spots 229 hysteresis 168 hysteretic heating 181 I impact strength 76, 173, 273, 300 injection molding 19, 135, 145 injection rate 141 interface 94 interfacial tension 55, 89, 147 interparticle distance 174 isotactic 182 isotacticity 44 isothermal melting 46 J joint 220 L labeling agents 274 laminates 156, 210 LCST 59 lifetime 181 ligaments 153, 214 light 235 liquid crystals 283 M magnetic field 140 magnetic permeability 135 maleation 127 maleic anhydride 301 marring 108 mechanical properties 89 melamine 109 melt 65, 97, 226, 267 melt flow 301 index 92, 99 melt fracture 97 melting 79 temperature 193 metallocene 43 microcellular morphology 165 microstructure 267, 300 microwave 217 miscibility 59 mixing 35, 79, 89, 129, 135 mobility 148 molding cycle 225 molecular weight 43, 53 morphology 36, 54, 59, 77, 79, 89, 122, 127, 145, 170, 183, 270, 273 N nanoscratching 109 networks 283 Newtonian fluid 36 nonlinear optics 283 non-Newtonian flow 269 nucleation 181 O oil resistance 191 orientation 19, 29, 119, 135, 145, 283 factor 22 function 137 Ostwald ripening 148 P paints 210 Index 305parison 225 particle diameter 76 PDMS 82 peel strength 210 percolation theory 299 permeability 131 PET 89, 119 PETG 166 phase inversion 75 plug force 237 polyamide 6, 127, 273 - 274, 299 polyaniline 217 polycondensation 165 polyetherimide 155 polyethylene 53, 59, 73, 82, 89, 99, 119, 127, 136, 145, 226, 249, 270, 299 polymethylmethacrylate 36 polyol 107 polyolefin 53 polypropylene 14, 43, 59, 73, 120, 173, 182, 249, 274, 289, 299 polystyrene 145, 191, 210, 270 polyurethane 109 potential energy 187 prepreg 155 process aids 97 R radial growth 43 throttle 56 radiotracers 274 reactive blending 91 reinforcement 19 relaxation 121 residence time 35, 37, 80, 274 rheological properties 145 rheology 11, 65, 86 rheometer 136 Richardson-Mandelbrot equation 291 ripening kinetics 148 rubber 273, 299 S sampling 54, 277 SAXD 183 scratching 108 screw 54, 86 screw configuration 35 SEM 20, 92, 128, 146, 175, 185, 243 shape 137 factor 132 shear history 37 rate 178 stress 97 shrinkage 228 silicone 104 sizing 29 skin 228 smectic phase 286 softness 191 solubility 166 spacers 214, 276 specific heat 255 spherulite boundaries 185 spherulites 43, 62, 291 spinning 11 strain rate 66 stress 124 stretching 119 surface roughness 97 T tack 158 tear strength 174 TEM 73, 193 tensile properties 193 thermal history 145 thermographic imaging 225 thickness variations 227 throughput 85, 97, 191 306 Indextopological dimension 218 torque 91 toughening 174, 302 toughness 27 TPO 174, 249 transport kinetics 167 triazine 283 U UCST 59 V vacuum forming 65 viscoelastic energy 209 parameters 182 response 184 viscosity 36, 65, 73, 80, 93, 128, 158, 179, 267 voids 156, 159 volume fraction 36 W wall thickness 226 waste 89 WAXD 183 wear 81 Weber number 179 welding 1, 217 Y yield strength 291 stress 153 Z Ziegler-Natta 43 Index 307
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics