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عدد المساهمات : 18940 التقييم : 35326 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Introduction to Bioplastics Engineering الخميس 03 أغسطس 2023, 2:28 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Introduction to Bioplastics Engineering Syed Ali Ashter R&D Endovascular Maquet Getinge Group Merrimack, NH, USA
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents 1. Introduction Abstract 1.1 Background 1.2 Understanding Global Markets 1.3 Current Material Trends 1.4 Current Market Trends 1.5 Barriers to Biopolymer Commercialization References 2. Overview of Biodegradable Polymers Abstract 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Definitions References 3. Mechanisms of Polymer Degradation Abstract 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Polyesters 3.3 Polyamides 3.4 Polycarbonates 3.5 Polyurethanes 3.6 Polyacetals References 4. Fundamentals on Biodegradability Abstract 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Measurement of Biodegradability of Polymers 4.3 Factors Affecting Biodegradability References 5. Types of Biodegradable Polymers Abstract 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Bio-Based Polymers 5.3 Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers 5.4 Bio-Derived Polyethylene 5.5 Polymers from Bio-Based Monomers 5.6 Bio-Based Materials for Paper/Substrate Coatings References 6. Additives and Modifiers for Biopolymers Abstract 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Types of Additives and Modifiers 6.3 Additives and Modifiers for Bioolefins 6.4 Additives and Modifiers for Biopolymers 6.5 Effect on Properties References 7. Processing Biodegradable Polymers Abstract 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Injection Molding 7.3 Compression Molding 7.4 Film Casting 7.5 Blow Molding 7.6 Blown Film Extrusion 7.7 Thermoforming 7.8 Fiber Spinning References 8. Extrusion of Biopolymers Abstract 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Conventional Extrusion of Biopolymers 8.3 Starch Extrusion 8.4 Extrusion Screw Designs References 9. Commercial Applications of Bioplastics Abstract 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Packaging 9.3 Bags 9.4 Disposable Housewares 9.5 Agriculture and Horticulture 9.6 Medical Devices 9.7 Consumer Electronics 9.8 Automotive References 10. New Developments Abstract 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Materials 10.3 Processing 10.4 Applications References Index Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively. A Abiotic oxidation, 3132 Absorbable anterior and posterior cruciate ligament interference screw, 237f Absorbable orthopedic pin, 237f Acidbase titration, 74 Acrylic-styrene-acrylonitrile (ASA), 254 Additives and modifiers, 153 bio-based, 89 for bioolefins, 156160 for biopolymers, 160172 foamability, 167 heat resistance, 165167 mechanical properties, 167172 processability, 163165 toughness, 160163 effect on properties, 172175 foamability, 174 heat resistance, 173174 mechanical properties, 175 processability, 173 toughness, 172173 types of, 154156 type 1 additives, 155 type 2 additives, 155156 type 3 additives, 156 Aerobes, 3233 Aerobic biodegradation, 3233, 72 Agricultural mulches, 234, 234f Agricultural waste, 252253 Agriculture and horticulture applications, 234235 Agro-polymers, 82 Ahlstrom Corp., 202 Aliphatic copolyesters, 83t Aliphatic polyamides, thermal oxidation of, 43, 44f Aliphatic polyester, 36, 83t, 104, 112 general degradation mechanism of, 36, 37f Alkyds, 139140, 140f Amylopectin, 86, 86f Amylose, 86 Anaerobic biodegradation, 3233 Arboblend resins, 189 Arkema Biostrength, 161, 163 ski boot, 267 ArmorLite roofing material, 253254, 253f Aromatic copolyesters (PBAT), 83t Aromatic polyesters general degradation mechanism of, 35, 35f thermal degradation mechanism of, 3536, 36f ASTM D6400, 13 ASTM D6866, 13, 139 ASTM sub-committee D20-96, 65t AT&T, 128 Automotive applications, 240246 B Bacillus megaterium, 104 Bacterial polyesters, 33, 104111 polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), 104108 polyhydroxybutyrate (PHBs), 108111 275BASF, 85, 270 Ecovio resins, 168 Bioactive substances, 61 BioBag, 90 Bio-based additives, 89 Bio-based bioplastics, 1, 2f, 1415 Bio-based butadiene (bio-BDO), 85 Bio-based monomers, polymers from, 132139 1, 3 propanediol and DuPont’s Sorona, 134135 bio-based unsaturated polyester, 136139 lactic acid and poly(lactic acid), 133 succinic acid, 136 Bio-based plastics, 5, 2627, 27f, 245f advantages of, 2627 Bio-based polyamides, 240243, 267, 267f Bio-based polyesters, 240243 Bio-based polyethylene (Bio-PE), 7, 127128, 128f, 268 Bio-based polymers, 81, 84111 bacterial polyesters, 104111 cellulose-based polymers, 92103 chitin and chitosan, 103104 different ways to produce, 85f evolvement of, 84t starch-based polymers, 104111 Bio-based resins, 139141 Bio-based unsaturated polyesters (UPEs), 136139 Bio-BDO. See Bio-based butadiene (bio-BDO) Bioceta, 9495 Biodegradability, 23, 31, 61 example of, 62f factors affecting, 7778 measurement of, 7077 gas-evolution test system, 7677 plate test system, 73 respirometric system, 7476 standards, 6367 levels of standardization, 67f specifications, 67f standardization nomenclature, 64t terminology used in, 65t testing, 6770, 68f field test, 70 laboratory test, 68, 70 simulation tests, 70 Biodegradability testing, 6770 Biodegradable bags, 230231, 232f Biodegradable bioplastics, 1, 2f Biodegradable biopolymers, 1415 Biodegradable burial pods, 237f Biodegradable dental implants, 235238 Biodegradable hangers, 233f Biodegradable materials, 6162, 180, 251 Biodegradable natural polymer, 205f Biodegradable plastic staples, 235 Biodegradable plastics, 2324, 65t, 72, 227228, 229f, 254 Biodegradable polymers, 19 application of, 21f classification of, 20f definitions, 2228 bio-based plastics, 2627 biodegradable plastics, 2324 biopolymer, 2426 oxo-degradable plastics, 2728 Biodegradable polymers, processing, 179 blow molding, 192196 stretch blow molding, 194196 blown film extrusion, 196197 compression molding, 187189 fiber spinning, 199206 electrospinning, 202206 melt spinning, 200202 film casting, 189192 injection molding, 180187 DuPont Biomax TPS, 184 276 INDEXEcovio IS 1335, 186187 Metabolix Mirel, 184186 NatureWorks Ingeo Series, 182183 Novamont Mater-Bi, 184 TianAn Biologic, 186 thermoforming, 197199 Biodegradable polymers, types of, 81, 84f bio-based monomers, polymers from, 132139 1, 3 propanediol and DuPont’s Sorona, 134135 bio-based unsaturated polyester, 136139 lactic acid and poly(lactic acid), 133 succinic acid, 136 bio-based polymers, 84111 bacterial polyesters, 104111 cellulose-based polymers, 92103 chitin and chitosan, 103104 starch-based polymers, 8692 bio-derived polyethylene, 127131 overview of, 83t paper/substrate coatings, bio-based materials for, 139141 synthetic biodegradable polymers, 112127 poly(glycolide)/poly(glycolic acid), 121123 poly(lactic acid), 114118 poly(lactide-co-glycolide), 125127 poly(p-dioxanone), 123125 poly(ε-caprolactone), 118121 Biodegradable synthetic polymer, 205f Biodegradation curve, 71, 71f Biodegradation of polymers, 32f Biodegradation process, 19, 20f, 31, 6162, 65t Bio-derived polyethylene (Bio-PE), 84, 127131, 128f Bio-Fan, 268269 BIO-FLEX, 194 Bio-Flex F6510, 195196 BioFoam, 255, 258, 258f Bio-LDPE. See Bio-Low density polyethylene (Bio-LDPE) Bio-Low density polyethylene (Bio-LDPE), 128 Biomax Strong, 155156, 160161, 161f Biomax Strong 100 and 120, 160161, 163, 164t Biomax Thermal 300, 166 Biomer, 112t Bioolefins, additives and modifiers for, 156160 Bio-PE. See Bio-derived polyethylene (Bio-PE) Bioplastic touch screen computer casing, 241f Biopol, 112t Biopol B, 107, 108f Biopolyesters, 8283 Biopolymer commercialization, barriers to, 1415 Biopolymer Network, 255257 Biopolymers, 1415, 2426 additives and modifiers for, 153, 160172 foamability, 167 heat resistance, 165167 mechanical properties, 167172 processability, 163165 toughness, 160163 advantages of, 2526 challenges to, 15 functions of, 25t structures of, 25 BioPreferred coatings, 141 categories, 140t Biorefinery concept, 9f Biostrength, 155156, 170 Biostrength 130 acrylic modifier, 161 INDEX 277Biostrength 150 impact modifier, 161162 Biostrength 280 impact modifier, 162 Biostrength 700 acrylic copolymer, 163 Biostrength Advantage, 163 BioWit-tube, 267268, 267f Bisphenol-A, 810, 46 Blow molding, 192196 blowing stage, 193 ejection, 193 injection stage, 193 preinjection stage, 192 stretch blow molding, 194196 Blown film extrusion, 196197, 196f Blow-up-ratio (BUR), 196197 Braskem, 128129, 130f Bulk degradation, 3435, 120f, 121 BUR. See Blow-up-ratio (BUR) Burial pods, biodegradable, 237f C CA. See Cellulose acetate (CA) CAB. See Cellulose-acetate butyrate (CAB) Calcification, 5152 Camphor, 101 characteristics of, 101102 structure of, 101f CAP. See Cellulose-acetate propionate (CAP) Capa, 254255 Capa brand polycaprolactone, 254255 Caprolactam, 3940 Carbonic ester, 46 Cargill, 85 Cellobiose, 92, 93f Celluloid, 99103 manufacture, flow chart of, 100f thermal degradation of, 102f Cellulose, 9293, 92f, 100f Cellulose acetate (CA), 9598 preparation mechanism, 96f properties of, 97t structure of, 98f Cellulose esters, 9495 melting points of, 95t Cellulose nitrate, 100101, 101f Cellulose-acetate butyrate (CAB), 99, 99f Cellulose-acetate propionate (CAP), 9899, 98f Cellulose-based polymers, 92103 Cellulosic feedstocks, 78 CelTiX, 155 CEN, 64, 65t Cereplast, 154 CESA-natur product line, 156 Chitin and chitosan, 103104, 103f Ciba Speciality Chemicals, 159 Cinnamomum camphora, 101 Citric acid, 92 Clariant, 156, 165 HYDROCEROL chemical foaming agents, 167, 168f Colorants, 102 Commercial applications of bioplastics, 227 agriculture and horticulture, 234235 automotive, 240246 bags, 230231 biodegradable plastics, 227228 consumer electronics, 240 disposable housewares, 231233 medical devices, 235239 packaging, 228230 Compatibilizer, 91 Compostability, 62, 63f, 65t Compostable bags, 227228 Composting, 6162, 7172 Compression molding, 187189 arrangement, 188f of tractor hood and speakers, 190f process parameters of, 188f Consumer electronics, 240, 242f 278 INDEXConventional extrusion of biopolymers, 213216 Conventional plastic versus Ingeo 3D biopolymer, 262t Conventional plastics and bioplastics, differences between, 15f Coordinate system, 34 Corbion Purac, 240, 244246 Corn starch, 91 Cost feasibility, 45 Cotton fibers, 187188 Current market trends, 1013 Current material trends, 610 Cutlery, 231 compostable, 233f Natur-Ware bio-based, 233f D Danimer LLC, 154, 165166 Degree of substitution (DS), 94, 97, 98t Denimite product, 269f Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), chemical structure of, 24f Depolymerization, 31 Derived alkoxy radical, decomposition of, 42f Devolatilization unit, 255 DIN, 65t Direct extrusion, 213214 Disintegrability, 23 Disposable housewares, 231233, 233f Dissolvable medical screws promoting bone growth, 237f Dow Chemicals, 170172 Drop-ins, 67, 26 DS. See Degree of substitution (DS) DuPont Biomax TPS, 184 processing conditions for, 185t DuPont Co., 123 DuPont’s Sorona, 134135 in flooring applications, 135f synthesis of, 135f DuPont’s Sorona EP PTT polyester, 243 Durabio, 271f, 272 E Ecodear Nanoalloys, 258259 Eco-Delink, 155 Eco-PLA, 119t Ecovative, 269 Ecovative Myco foam packaging, 269f Ecover, 129, 131f Ecovio IS 1335, 186187 Ecovio L Foam, 259, 270, 270f Electrospinning, 202206 parameters, 204t setup, 203f Electrospun fibers, 205207, 206f Elvaloy, 155156 EMforce Bio, 168170 EMforce Bio additive, 155 EN 13432, 2224 Enteric esters, 94 EPI Oxo-Biodegradable bags, 231 EPS. See Expanded polystyrene (EPS) Ester linkages, 3334, 34f, 263264 Esterase, 3334 Ethanol, 127 Eureka, 254 European Bioplastics Association, 6 Expanded PLA (EPLA) bead and foams, 255258 Expanded polystyrene (EPS), 255 Expansorb, 261263 Expansorb-B universal expander liquid, 263f External deckles, 189191 Extruder screw, 217218 Extruders components of, 211 single-screw, 211212 twin-screw, 213 Extrusion blow molding, 193194, 193f INDEX 279Extrusion blow molding (Continued) examples of, 194f Extrusion of biopolymers, 211 conventional extrusion of biopolymers, 213216 LSLF extrusion, 215216 extrusion screw designs, 217223 pulverization screw design, 220221 reactive extrusion screw design, 221223 Turbo-Screw design, 218220 starch extrusion, 216217 F Fantastic Beach toys, 231 Feather-g-poly(methyl acrylate) plastic, 265 Fermentation process, 107, 110 Fiber spinning, 199206 electrospinning, 202206 melt spinning, 200202 Field tests, 68f, 70 Film casting, 189192, 191f product examples, 192f First-generation additives, 154 FIS Green 300T, 266267, 266f Fischer esterification, 94 Fischerwerke, 266267 FKUR, 194 Foam extrusion process, Turbo-Screw in, 218 Foam packaging, 227228 Foamability, 167, 174 Food packaging, 228 Ford Motor Co, 1 Fringed-micelle regions, 93 G Galactic (Belgium), 119t Gas-evolution test system, 7677 GE Geloy, 253 General Electric, 253 General-purpose screw, 180, 182f Genomatica, 85 G-Kup Coffee, 271, 271f Global markets, 56 Global production capacities of bioplastics, 7f by 2018, 10f by material type, 8f Glycolide, 122123 Glycoprotein, 24 Grab-n-Go, 230 Green Guard, 139 Green Seal, 139 Guided-tissue-regeneration membranes, 235238, 238f H HDT. See Heat deflection temperature (HDT) Heat deflection temperature (HDT), 165, 173174 Heat resistance, 165167, 173174 Heated nozzles, 187 High impact polystyrene (HIPS), 198199 High-shear screws, 180 High-speed energy input (HSEI) TSEs, 215 HIPS. See High impact polystyrene (HIPS) Hot runner systems, 187 HYDROCEROL chemical foaming agents, 167 Hydrolysis, 3334 of acetals, 5556 Hyperform HPN-20E, 157158, 158f I Impact modifiers, 172173 Infrared (IR) radiation, 198199 Ingeo 3D Series, 259261 Ingeo 3251D TDS, 180, 182 Inherent biodegradability, 65t Injection blow molding, 192193 examples of, 194f process, 193f 280 INDEXInjection molding, 180187, 181f DuPont Biomax TPS, 184 Ecovio IS 1335, 186187 Metabolix Mirel, 184186 NatureWorks Ingeo Series, 182183 Novamont Mater-Bi, 184 TianAn Biologic, 186 Injection stretch blow molding (ISBM). See Stretch blow molding InnoCore, 254 Insorb absorbable skin stapler, 237f Invista, 85 IRGACLEAR XT 386, 159, 160f IRGASURF SR 100, 159160 Iris Industries, 269 ISO 472, 65t Isosorbide-based copolyesters, 910 J Japanese Biodegradable Plastics Society, 65t Johnson & Johnson, 129, 131f K Kenaf fiber, 187188 Kickstarter, 269 Knitted cellulosic high-performance fibers, 107, 108f Kuredux PGA data sheet, 123f Kureha Chemical Industries, 123 L Lacear (Mitsui Toatsu Chemical, Japan), 119t LACTEL absorbable polymers, 263264, 264f Lactic acid, 115 and poly(lactic acid), 133 Lactron (Kanebo Goshen, Japan), 119t Lacty (Shimadzu Corporation, Japan), 119t Lenzing AG, 202 Life cycle of bioplastics, 3, 3f Low-speed late fusion (LSLF) extrusion, 215216 twin-screw extruders, 215 LSLF. See Low-speed late fusion (LSLF) M Masterbatch, 153154, 165 Material classification system, 4f Medical devices, 235239 Melt spinning, 200202, 201f Melting temperature, 7778 Mer units, 19, 20f Meredian, 167168 Metabolix Inc., 910, 9f, 167168 Metabolix Mirel, 184186 processing properties of, 185t MHG Biopolymers, 154, 165168 Microbial degradation, 31 Millad 3988i, 156157 Millad NX8000, 156157 Mineralization, 32, 5152 Minerals, 155 Minimum renewable carbon content categories (MRCC), 139, 141 Mirel, 910, 184186 processing properties of, 185t Mitsubishi Chemical, 910, 272 Mixing and conveying elements, 213f Modifiers, additives and. See Additives and modifiers Monomers, defined, 31 MRCC. See Minimum renewable carbon content categories (MRCC) MSU respirometric systems, 7476 cumulative measurement respirometric system, 74, 74f direct measurement respirometric system, 7476, 75f Mushroom packaging, 269 Myco Foam, 269, 269f INDEX 281N Nanoalloy technology, 258259 properties of, 260t National standards, 6467 Natural biodegradable polymers, 82 Natural polymers, 1, 2f, 19, 8182 Natural resins, 2f NatureWorks, 119t, 166 NatureWorks Ingeo Series, 182183, 270 Natur-Ware cutlery, 231 Nestle´ & Tetra Pak, 129 New developments of bioplastics, 251 applications, 266272 materials, 251264 Ecodear Nanoalloys, 258259 Ecovio L Foam, 259 expanded PLA (EPLA) bead and foams, 255258 Expansorb, 261263 Ingeo 3D Series, 259261 LACTEL absorbable polymers, 263264 processing, 264265 Nodax, 112t Non-biodegradable biopolymers, 1415 Nonenteric esters, 94 Nontoxic biodegradable polymer sutures, 235 Nova Institute, 5 Novamont Mater-Bi, 184 processing conditions for, 184t Novamont resins Inc., 90 Novozymes, 85 Nucleic acids, 24 function of, 25t Nylon, types of, 38f O OctoDEX, 239, 254 Octoplus, 239, 254 OnCap Bio, 170, 171f OnCap BIO Antifog, 155156 OPS. See Oriented polystyrene (OPS) Oriented polystyrene (OPS), 198199 Oxo-Biodegradable bags, 231 Oxo-degradable additives, 27 Oxo-degradable plastics, 2728 P Packaging applications, 1112, 11f, 63, 228230 Pantene, 130131 Paper/substrate coatings, bio-based materials for, 139141 Paraloid BPM-500, 170172, 171f Parietex ProGripTM laparoscopic selffixating mesh, 239, 239f Parison, 193194 Patented additives, 252253 PBS. See Polybutylene succinate (PBS) PBSA. See Polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA) PCL. See Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) PDO. See 1, 3 Propanediol (PDO) PE. See Polyethylene (PE) PEA. See Polyesteramide (PEA) Pebax RNew 80R53, 267 Percent mineralization, 72 Perstorp, 254 PET. See Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Petroplastics versus bioplastics, 5f PGA. See Poly(glycolide)/poly (glycolic acid) (PGA) PHA-based polymeric modifier, 910, 9f PHAs. See Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) PHB. See Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) PHBV. See Polyhydroxybutyratevalerate (PHBV) Photolysis, 42, 54 PLA. See Polylactic acid (PLA) Plantura, 244246 282 INDEXPlastic sutures, 235 Plasticizers, 89, 9192, 175, 217 Plate test system, 73 PLGA. See Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) Pliable braided sutures, 235 Polestar 200P, 155 Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), 3132, 83t, 90, 118121 applications of, 122f -based bioplastics, 254 structure of, 119f synthesis of, 120f Poly(diphenolic acid-isophthaloyl chloride), 3536 Poly(glycolide)/poly(glycolic acid) (PGA), 112, 121123, 124f applications of, 124f structure of, 122f Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), 125127, 126f Poly(p-dioxanone) (PDS), 123125 commercial products of, 125t structure of, 124f Poly(propylene succinate) (PPSu), 36 Polyacetals, 5356 depolymerization reaction of, 54f depolymerization under UV radiation, 55f hydrolysis of, 5556 photo-oxidation of, 54, 55f thermal oxidation of, 53 PolyActive, 239, 254 Polyamide 4,6 (PA-4,6), 38 Polyamide 6 (PA-6), 38 cis-elimination reaction in, 40 degradation of, 40f monomer formation mechanisms in, 39f Polyamide 6,6 (PA-6,6), 38 Polyamide 11 (PA-11), 38 Polyamides, 3843 photo-oxidation, 4143 thermal degradation, 3941, 41t thermal oxidation, 43 Polybutylene succinate (PBS), 91 Polybutylene succinate adipate (PBSA), 91 Polycarbonates, degradation of, 4451 Davis and Golden mechanism for, 44, 45f Kuroda’s mechanism for, 47f Lee’s degradation mechanism, 46, 46f McNeill and Rincon’s mechanism for, 47, 49f Montaudo and Puglisi’s mechanism for, 50f Polyesteramide (PEA), 83t, 254 Polyesters, 3338 hydrolytic degradation mechanism of, 52f polycondensation and hydrolysis of, 33, 34f structure of, 34f Polyethylene (PE), 1112, 127 bio-derived, 127131 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 1112, 3133, 114115, 244 Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), 3334, 83t, 104108 applications of, 109f function of, 25t structure of, 105f typical properties of, 108t Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), 108111 commercial products, 112t life cycle of, 111f Polyhydroxybutyrate-valerate (PHBV), 166167, 186 Polyisocyanates, 51, 52f Polyketals, 252, 252f Polylactic acid (PLA), 7, 3132, 81, 83t, 112, 114118, 154, 161166, 165f, 180, 182, 197, 213, 227, 255 INDEX 283Polylactic acid (PLA) (Continued) applications of, 115f glass transition and melting temperatures, comparison, 116f glass transition temperatures for, 117f main products of, 119t PLA golf tee, 237f PLA/PLGA biopolymers, 261263 synthesis of, 116f, 134f thermal degradation of, 117, 118f Polymer degradation, mechanisms of, 31 modes and corresponding factors of, 33t polyacetals, 5356 hydrolysis, 5556 photo-oxidation, 54 thermal oxidation, 53 polyamides, 3843 photo-oxidation, 4143 thermal degradation, 3941 thermal oxidation, 43 polycarbonates, 4451 polyesters, 3338 polyurethanes, 5153 Polymer drying, 180 Polymer matrix characteristics, 239 Polymeric materials, biodegradation of, 23f Polymers, defined, 19, 31 Polyolefins, 156 PolyOne, 166167, 170 OnCap bioadditives, 171f Polyoxymethylene (POM), 53 degradation mechanisms of, 53 thermal degradation of, 53, 54f Polyphenols, function of, 25t Polyphosphates, function of, 25t Polypropylene (PP), 157159 Polypropylene/polylactic acid (PP/ PLA), 244 Polysaccharides, function of, 25t Polysulfates, function of, 25t Polyurethanes (PU), 5153, 51f POM. See Polyoxymethylene (POM) PPSu. See Poly(propylene succinate) (PPSu) Processability, 163165, 173 Processing aids, 153 Processing of biopolymers, 211 Processing temperature profile, 183t 1, 3 Propanediol (PDO), 134135 Proteins, function of, 25t Proton-initiated degradation, 4142 Pseudomonas, 3334, 104 Pulverization screw design, 220221 Purac, 257 Pyranose rings, structure of, 93f Q QMILK, 266, 266f R Reactive extrusion, 221222 two-stage screw design for, 223f types of, 223t Reactive extrusion screw design, 221223 Recycled chicken feathers, 265, 265f Recycled polymers, 252253 Recycled wood by-product, 252253, 253f Reedy International, 167 Regional standards, 6467 Renewable polymers, 82, 85 Resin synthesis, bio-based building blocks, 141t Respirometric system, 7476 MSU respirometric systems, 7476 UMIC Lab I, 76 Ribonucleic acid (RNA), chemical structure of, 24f Ro¨chling automotive, 244246, 246f S Safoam RPC-20MS1 and 20MS2, 167 Scarpa, 267, 267f 284 INDEXScrew flight circulation channel geometry, 219f Seeding strips, 234, 234f Semicrystalline polyesters, 34 Simulation tests, 68f, 70 Single-screw extruders, 211212, 212f, 216 Single-stage stretch blow molding, 195 Ski boot, 267 SMR. See Sulzer Mixer Reactor (SMR) Solanyl (Rodenburg Biopolymers, Netherlands), 119t Solaplast compostable films, 236f Solaplast mulching films, 234235 Solaplast resins, 228230, 230f Solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP), 220221, 221f, 222f Sorona EP PTT polyester, 243 Spandex, 85 Spin pack, 201, 202f Spinning temperature, 200 Spunbond Ingeo PLA fiber, 203f SSSP. See Solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP) Stabilizers, 153 for translucent celluloid, 102 Standardization procedure, tests under, 68t Stannous octoate, 118119, 125126 Starch, 83t Starch extrusion, 216217 screw designs in, 217f Starch synthetic aliphatic polyester blends, 8990 Starch-based PCL polymers, 90t Starch-based polymers, 8692, 227 starchPBS/PBSA polyester blends, 91 starchPVOH blends, 9192 starch synthetic aliphatic polyester blends, 8990 thermoplastic starch (TPS), 8789 Starch-based resins, 7 StarchPBS/PBSA polyester blends, 91 StarchPVOH blends, 9192 Stretch blow molding, 194196 single-stage, 195 two-stage, 195196, 195f Succinic acid, 136 applications of, 137t products of, 136f Sukano PLA im S550, 172 Sulzer Chemtech, 255, 257 Sulzer Mixer Reactor (SMR), 255 Superoxide dismutase, 252 SUPLA, 240 Surface erosion of polycaprolactone, 120121 of polyesters, 3435 SurModics, 254 Symmetrical splined screw shafts, 214, 215f SynBiosys, 254 Synbra Technology, 257 Synthetic biodegradable polymers, 112127, 113t poly(glycolide)/poly(glycolic acid), 121123 poly(lactic acid), 114118 poly(lactide-co-glycolide), 125127 poly(p-dioxanone), 123125 poly(ε-caprolactone), 118121 Synthetic polymers, 19, 3132, 81, 204205 T Tapes, 234, 234f Tetra Pak, 129, 269 milk cartons, 269f Textile fiber and bioplastic, 266, 266f Thermoforming, 197199 Thermoplastic starch (TPS), 8789 formulation of wheat starch-based, 89t INDEX 285TianAn Biologic, 167168, 186 processing conditions for, 186t Toray, 258259 Toughness, 160163, 172173 Toyota, 244 TSE. See Twin-screw extruder (TSE) Turbo-Screw design, 218220 Twin-bed desiccant dryers, 180 Twin-screw extruder (TSE), 212f, 213 high-speed energy input TSEs, 215 low-speed late fusion TSEs, 215 Twin-screw extrusion, 214 Two-stage stretch blow molding, 195196, 195f TYRX absorbable antibacterial envelope, 238, 238f U Ultimate biodegradability, 65t UMIC Lab I, 76 Unsaturated polyesters (UPEs), 136139 UPE. See Unsaturated polyesters (UPEs) US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 13 USDA BioPreferred Program, 139 V Vehicles containing bio-based plastics, 245f Virgin biopolymers, mechanical properties of, 175 Virgin PLA resins, 167168 W Wautersia eutropha, 104 Witasek, 267268 Y Yogurt, 270f Z Zeolite, 255 ZIEHL-ABEGG, 268269 Bionic Bio-Fan, 268269 ZinCo GmbH, 268
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