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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب كيفية بناء ماكينة التحكم الرقمي CNC من الألف إلى الياء - Build Your Own CNC Machine الأحد 09 يوليو 2023, 1:25 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب كيفية بناء ماكينة التحكم الرقمي CNC من الألف إلى الياء Build Your Own CNC Machine
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Patrick Hood-Daniel, James Floyd Kelly Contents at a Glance ■About the Authors x ■About the Technical Reviewers xi ■Acknowledgments . xii ■Introduction xiii ■Chapter 1: Your CNC Machine . 1 ■Chapter 2: Hardware and Tools 5 ■Chapter 3: Tips and Advice . 13 ■Chapter 4: Movement Using Rails 23 ■Chapter 5: Joining Methods 35 ■Chapter 6: The Electronics 49 ■Chapter 7: X-Axis, Part 1 . 73 ■Chapter 8: X-Axis, Part 2 . 81 ■Chapter 9: X-Axis, Part 3 . 91 ■Chapter 10: Y-Axis, Part 1 . 99 ■Chapter 11: Y-Axis, Part 2 . 109 ■Chapter 12: Y-Axis, Part 3 . 121 ■Chapter 13: Preparing for the Z-Axis . 135 ■Chapter 14: Z-Axis, Part 1 . 149 ■Chapter 15: Z-Axis, Part 2 . 159 ■Chapter 16: Z-Axis, Part 3 . 167 ■Chapter 17: Mounting the Electronics . 183 ■Chapter 18: Software and Testing 197 ■Chapter 19: Where to Go from Here . 209 ■Index 217 Contents ■About the Authors x ■About the Technical Reviewers xi ■Acknowledgments . xii ■Introduction xiii ■Chapter 1: Your CNC Machine 1 What is CNC? 1 Industrial Uses . 2 Personal Uses 2 Your DIY CNC Machine 3 What’s Next? . 4 ■Chapter 2: Hardware and Tools . 5 The Tools 5 The Electronics Vendors 12 What’s Next? . 12 ■Chapter 3: Tips and Advice 13 Cut Once . 13 Protect Yourself . 14 Protect Your Lungs 15 Label Parts 16 MDF Sheets and Sizes . 17 Limit Your Cuts 18 Time Your Cuts 20 Encouragement . 20 What’s Next? . 21 ■Chapter 4: Movement Using Rails 23 Bearing-Rail Assembly 23 Riding the Rail . 32 Tips and Advice . 33■ CONTENTS vi What’s Next? . 33 ■Chapter 5: Joining Methods . 35 Two Pieces of MDF . 35 Method 1: Cross Dowels 38 Method 2: Bolt, Washer, and Nut .43 Which Method Is Best? 44 Building a Jig to Drill . 45 What’s Next? . 47 ■Chapter 6: The Electronics . 49 The Required Components 49 Preparing the Stepper Motor Wires 53 Preparing the Power Supply 56 Preparing the Breakout Board 59 Providing Power to the Stepper Motor Drivers 62 Wiring Motor Drivers to the Breakout Board . 64 Connecting Power to Motor Drivers . 65 Connecting Stepper Motors to Motor Drivers . 67 Wiring the Cooling Fan 69 Testing the Electronics 70 What’s Next? . 71 ■Chapter 7: X-Axis, Part 1 73 The X-Axis MDF Parts 73 The X-Axis Table . 74 Cutting Rails for Tabletop Sides . 79 Summary of Work . 80 What’s Next? . 80 ■Chapter 8: X-Axis, Part 2 81 Drilling the Table . 81 Drilling Holes for Legs . 85 Cutting the Table Ends 86 Summary of Work . 90 Hardware Required . 90 What’s Next? . 90 ■Chapter 9: X-Axis, Part 3 91 Drilling the Table Ends (Legs) 91■ CONTENTS vii Drilling and Mounting the Rail . 95 Attaching the Table Legs . 96 Cutting the X-Axis Lead Screw 97 Summary of Work . 98 Hardware Required . 98 What’s Next? . 98 ■Chapter 10: Y-Axis, Part 1 99 The Y-Axis MDF Parts 99 Parts Q and R: The Y-Axis Gantry Sides 100 Building BRAs for Gantry Sides . 105 Summary of Work . 108 Hardware Required . 108 What’s Next? . 108 ■Chapter 11: Y-Axis, Part 2 109 The Y-Axis MDF Parts 109 Attaching BRAs and Gantry Sides 110 Part P: The Y-Axis Gantry Bottom Support . 114 Summary of Work . 119 Hardware Required . 120 What’s Next? . 120 ■Chapter 12: Y-Axis, Part 3 121 The Y-Axis MDF Parts 121 The Rail Support 122 Finishing the Y-Axis Frame 128 Tips on Final Frame Assembly .132 Summary of Work . 132 Hardware Required . 132 What’s Next? . 133 ■Chapter 13: Preparing for the Z-Axis . 135 The Y-Axis BRA Supports 135 Cutting and Drilling Parts C and D .136 Measuring for the Z-Axis . 144 Summary of Work . 146 Hardware Required . 147 What’s Next? . 147■ CONTENTS viii ■Chapter 14: Z-Axis, Part 1 149 The Z-Axis MDF Parts 149 Part F: The Z-Axis Rail Support 150 Parts W and X: The Z-Axis Bearing Supports . 154 Z-Axis Bearing-Rail Assemblies .155 Summary of Work . 157 Hardware Required . 157 What’s Next? . 157 ■Chapter 15: Z-Axis, Part 2 159 Preparing to Drill . 159 Drilling Part F: The Z-Axis Rail Support 159 Drilling Parts W and X: The Z-Axis Bearing Supports 161 Mounting the Z-Axis Bearing-Rail Assemblies 164 Summary of Work . 166 Hardware Required . 166 What’s Next? . 166 ■Chapter 16: Z-Axis, Part 3 167 Cutting the Z-Axis Rail Support Rails . 167 Cutting and Drilling Parts M and N . 169 Cutting and Drilling Part V 173 Assembling the Z-Axis . 174 Attaching the Z-Axis to the Machine 176 Summary of Work . 181 Hardware Required . 181 What’s Next? . 181 ■Chapter 17: Mounting the Electronics 183 Cutting and Drilling the Motor Mounts . 183 Mounting Your Router 191 Summary of Work . 194 Hardware Required . 195 What’s Next? . 195 ■Chapter 18: Software and Testing . 197 CAD, CAM, and Control Software . 197 The Mach3 Control Software .197 Downloading and Installing Mach3 198■ CONTENTS ix Configuring Mach3 200 Ports and Pins 200 Motor Outputs 201 Input Signals 201 Motor Tuning and Setup . 202 Configuring the Default Motor Units . 203 Testing Your Machine 203 Testing the Router . 206 School Starts . 207 What’s Next? . 208 ■Chapter 19: Where to Go from Here 209 Getting Familiar with CAD 209 Getting Familiar with CAM . 210 Installing an Emergency Stop 210 Adding Limit Switches . 213 Adding a Solid State Relay . 214 Protecting and Painting Your Machine . 215 What’s Next? . 215 ■Index . 217 Index 5V adapter, 59 A assembling z-axis, 174–176 attaching z-axis to machine, 176–181 B Back Supports, cutting y-axis, 176–178 bar clamps, 9 barrel nuts (cross dowels), 38 bearing supports, 154–155, 161–164 bearing-rail assemblies (BRAs). See BRAs (bearing-rail assemblies) bolt-bearing-nut assemblies, 26, 107, 164 bolt/washer/nut MDF joining method, 43–44 Bosch Laminate Router (Colt model), 191 brad point drill bits, usage of, 6 BRAs (bearing-rail assemblies) adjusting on rails (y-axis), 132 attaching to gantry sides, 110–114 building for gantry sides (y-axis), 105–108 building for z-axis, 155–157 *components of, 23–31 mounting (z-axis), 164–166 mounting on linear bearing supports, 141–142 y-axis supports for, 135–136 breakout board connecting EStop to, 212–213 Keling C10, 50 preparing, 59–62 wiring motor drivers to, 64 breathing masks, 15 Burt, Jim, 5 C C clamps, 9 CAD (computer-aided design) software defined, 197 overview, 209–210 CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) software defined, 197 overview, 210 center punch, 9, 100 chamfering chamfer bit (45 degree), usage of, 10 Part F, 152–153 tabletop edges (x-axis), 77–79 CNC (computer numerical control) discussion forum, 11 do-it-yourself machine. See DIY CNC machine industrial uses for, 2 machine, protecting and painting, 215 overview, 1 personal uses for, 2 software, 50 components electronic, 49–53 EStop, 210 configuring Mach3 Control application, 200–203 connecting power to motor drivers, 65 stepper motors to motor drivers, 67–69 Control software defined, 197 Mach3. See Mach3 Control application cooling fan, wiring, 69 counterboring holes, drilling depth of, 163 *surfaces of Parts O and S, 124–126 countersink drill bits, 10, 86–90 cross dowels attaching Router base with, 176 for attaching table legs, 96 drilled holes in Part F for, 161 drilling holes for, 127 drilling holes in back supports for, 169–171 MDF joining method, 38–42 securing Back Supports with, 174–176 Cut List PDF file, 82 INDEX cuts limiting, 18 timing, 20 cutting and drilling Back Supports (z-axis Parts M and N), 169–173 gantry sides (y-axis), 100–104 motor mounts, 183–190 Router Base (z-axis Part V), 173–174 cutting rails for tabletop sides, 79–80 D default motor units (Mach3 config), 203 detail metal rulers (1/2"), usage of, 8 dip switches, configuring (stepper motor drivers), 68–69 DIY CNC machine history of, 3–4 overview, 3 downloading Mach3 Control application, 198–200 drill bits, twisted and spade, 6–7 drill press, usage of, 7 drilling. See also cutting and drilling building jig for, 45 gantry sides (y-axis), 100–104 and mounting rails, 95–96 E electronics breakout board, preparing, 59–62 *components, documentation for, 12 components, required, 49–53 overview, 49 power supply, preparing, 56–59 stepper motor drivers, connecting power to, 65 stepper motor drivers, connecting stepper motors to, 67–69 stepper motor drivers, providing power to, 62 stepper motor drivers, wiring to breakout board, 64 stepper motor wires, preparing, 53–56 testing, 70–71 vendors, 11–12 wiring cooling fan, 69 EStop (emergency stop), installing, 210–213 extension cords, 53 F fan, 120V, 53 formaldehyde-free MDF, 15 Forstner drill bits, usage of, 6 frame, finishing (y-axis), 128 G Gantry Bottom Support, 20, 114–119 gantry sides attaching BRAs to, 110–114 building BRAs for, 105–108 cutting and drilling, 100–104 G-Code language, 197 projects, 209 glasses, safety, 14 ground wire connection, 57 H hand router, 191 hardware required mounting electronics, 195 preparing for z-axis, 147 for x-axis, 90, 98 for y-axis, 108, 120, 132 for z-axis, 157, 166, 181 heat-shrink tubing, 54 Hood-Daniel, Patrick, 3, 12 hot wire connecting, 57 identifying, 56 I industrial uses for CNC, 2 Input Signals tab (Mach3 config), 201–202 installing Mach3 Control application, 198–200 J jigs for drilling MDF pieces, building, 45–47 to hold rail, building, 95 joining methods bolt/washer/nut method, 43–44 building jig for drilling, 45–47 comparison of methods, 44–45 cross dowels method, 38–42 overview, 35 for two MDF pieces, 35–37 INDEX K Keling Technology C10 breakout board, 50 KL-320-36 36V/8.8 power supply, 52 KL4030 stepper motor driver, 50 site for ordering electronic parts, 12 Kelly, Darrell A., 5 Kelly, James Floyd, 5 knockdown nuts (cross dowels), 38 L labeling parts, 16 surfaces of Parts O and S, 124 LazyCam application, 199 lead screw, cutting (X-Axis), 97 legs for table attaching, 96–97 cutting, 86–90 drilling, 91–94 limit switches, adding (CAD machines), 213–214 linear bearing supports (Parts C & D) cutting/drilling (y-axis), 136–141 mounting BRAs on, 141–142 lock washers and nuts, 44 lockdown version of Mach3, 198 lungs, protecting, 15 M Mach3 Control application configuring, 200–203 downloading and installing, 198–200 overview, 197–198 Mach3 software, 209 magnetic bowl, usage of, 7 masks, breathing, 15 MDF (medium-density fiberboard) *defined, 2 formaldehyde-free, 15 jig for drilling pieces of, 45–47 methods for joining two pieces of, 35– 37 parts for drilling (z-axis), 159 parts for x-axis, 73 parts for y-axis, 99, 109–110 parts for y-axis frame, 121–122 parts for z-axis, 149 Parts Layout PDF files, 82 sheets, purchasing, 75 sheets, sizes of, 17–18 MDI (manual data input) tab (Mach3), 203–204 measure twice/cut once rule, 13–14 measuring for z-axis, 144–146 metal band saw, usage of, 5 metal file, usage of, 10 metal square, 8 mitre box, usage of, 6 motor drivers connecting power to, 65 connecting stepper motors to, 67–69 wiring to breakout board, 64 motors attaching to CNC, 188–190 motor mounts, cutting/drilling, 183– 190 Motor Outputs tab (Mach3 config), 201 Motor Tuning (Mach3 config), 202–203 testing, 203–206 mounting BRAs to bearing supports (z-axis), 164–166 electronics, 183 rails, 95–96 router, 191–194 multimeter, 11, 52, 57 N NO/NC (normal opened/closed) label (EStop), 212 P painting/protecting CNC machines, 215 Part Y, surface of, 81–82 Part Z bottom of, 83 drilling holes in bottom of, 82–83 parts, labeling, 16 Parts O and S, 121–122 Parts Q & R (y-axis gantry sides), 100–104, 114 Parts T and U (table legs), cutting out, 86–90 Parts Y and Z, connecting, 83–85 personal uses for CNC, 2 Philips head screwdriver, 42–43 pilot holes, 29, 106 plastic wire conduit, 53, 68 Ports and Pins (Mach3 config), 200 power connecting to motor drivers, 65 providing to stepper motor drivers, 62 INDEX power drill (1/2"), usage of, 7 power supply Keling's KL-320-36 36V/8.8, 52 preparing, 56–59 predrilling (pilot holes), 26 R rail supports drilling (z-axis Part F), 159–161 for y-axis, 122–128 for z-axis (Part F), 150–153 rails adjusting BRAs on (y-axis), 132 bearing-rail assemblies, 23–32 bolting to frame (y-axis), 130–132 *cutting (z-axis), 167 cutting for tabletop sides, 79–80 drilling and mounting, 95–96 riding, 32–33 routers mounting, 191–194 precautions, 14 Router Base, cutting/drilling (z-axis), 173–174 safe use of, 77 testing, 206–207 usage of, 9 S safety precautions, 14 sanding block, usage of, 10 screw drivers, 6 screw terminal, 59–62 Select Native Units (Mach3 config), 203 shrink tubing, 53 slot screwdriver, 39, 42 soldering gun, 10, 52 wires, 54 solid state relay (SSR), adding, 214 spade drill bits, 7 SSR (solid state relay), 214 stepper motor drivers Keling KL4030, 50 providing power to, 62 stepper motors connecting to motor drivers, 67–69 wires, preparing, 53–56 T table, drilling, 81–85 table legs (ends) attaching, 96–97 cutting, 86–90 drilling, 91–94 drilling holes for, 85–86 table saw, usage of, 5 tabletop sides, cutting rails for, 79–80 x-axis, 74–79 tape measures, 8 tapping bit and holder, usage of, 9 holes, 26 rails, 107 tap tool, 30, 33 templates, pilot hole, 28, 106 testing CNC motors, 203–206 electronics, 70–71 router, 206–207 third hand clamp, usage of, 11 tinning wires, 57 tips and advice cuts, limiting, 18 cuts, timing, 20 lungs, protecting, 15 MDF sheets, sizes of, 17–18 measure twice/cut once, 13–14 part labeling, 16 positive attitude, 20–21 for riding rails, 33 safety precautions, 14 tools for building CNC machine, 5–11 transfer punches, usage of, 7 twisted drill bits, 6 V vendors, electronics, 12 voltage, verifying, 49 W websites, for downloading Cut List PDF file, 82 Parts Layout PDF files, 16, 82 rail piece pilot hole template, 28 INDEX websites, for further information building your own CNC, 12 CAD software, 209–210 CAM software, 210 CNC discussion forum, 11 detailed wiring diagram, 71 electronic parts vendors, 12 limit switches, 214 tap usage demo video, 32 wires 18-gauge, 52 connecting to stepper motor drivers, 62, 67 cutters and strippers, 11, 52 stripping and pairing, 53–54 wiring cooling fan, 69 motor drivers to breakout board, 64 wrenches for 1/4" nuts, 8 X x-axis cutting rails for tabletop sides, 79–80 lead screw, cutting, 97 MDF parts for, 73 table, drilling, 81–85 table legs, cutting, 86–90 table legs, drilling holes for, 85–86 tabletop, 74–79 Y y-axis adjusting BRAs on rails, 132 Back Supports, cutting, 176–178 BRA supports, 135–136 BRAs for gantry sides, building, 105–108 cutting/drilling linear bearing supports, 136–141 finishing frame, 128 frame rail support, 122–128 gantry bottom support (Part P), 114 gantry sides, 100–104 hardware required, 132 MDF parts for, 99, 109–110 MDF parts for frame, 121–122 Rail Support, 20 Z z-axis assembling, 174–176 attaching to machine, 176–181 bearing supports (Parts W and X), 20, 154–155, 161–164 BRAs, building for, 155–157 BRAs, mounting, 164–166 cutting/drilling Back Supports (Parts M and N), 169–173 cutting/drilling Router Base (Part V), 173–174 hardware required, 166, 181 MDF parts for, 149, 159 measuring for, 144–146 preparing for, 135 rail support (Part F), 20, 150–153, 159–161 rail support rails, cutting, 167
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