كتاب Fundamentals of Machine Design Vol 1
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Fundamentals of Machine Design Vol 1

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Fundamentals of Machine Design Vol 1
P. Orlov
Translated From the Russian
By Yu. Travnichev

كتاب Fundamentals of Machine Design Vol 1  P_f_o_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface . 7
Chapter 1. Principles of Machine D e s i g n 9
1.1. Objectives of Machine D e s ig n . 9
1.2. Economic Factors of D e s i g n . 10
1.3. Durability 28
1.4. Operational Reliability . 52
1.5. Machine Cost 57
1.6. Building up Machines Derivatives on the Basis of Unification 61
1.7. Reduction of Product R a n g e . 70
1.8. Preferred Numbers and Their Use in D e s ig n in g . 78
1.9. General Design Rules . 84
Chapter 2. Design M e th o d s 88
2.1. Design Succession . 89
2.2. Study of Machine Application Field 91
2.3. Choice of Design . 92
2.4. Development of Design Versions . 93
2.5. Method of Inversion . 98
2.6. Composition Methods . 103
2.7. Composition Procedures . 106
2.8. Design Example 107
Chapter 3. Weight and Metal C o n t e n t 131
3.1. Rational Sections 133
3.2. Lightening of P a r t s 148
3.3. Rational Design S c h e m e s . 170
3.4. Correction of Design Stresses . 184
3.5. Materials of Improved Strength . 211
3.6. Light Alloys 226
3.7. Non-Metallic Materials . 235
3.8. Specific Indices of Strength of M a te r ia ls . 246
Chapter 4. Rigidity of S tr u c tu r e s 252
4.1. Rigidity Criteria 253
4.2. Specific Rigidity Indices of M a te r ia ls . 260
4.3. Enhancing Rigidity at the Design Stage . 272
4.4. Improving the Rigidity of Machine Constructions . . . 305
Chapter 5. Cyclic Strength 348
5.1. Improvement of Fatigue Strength . 391
5.2. Design of Cyclically Loaded C om ponents . 397
5.3. Cylindrical Joints Operating under Alternating Loads 4126 Contents
Chapter 6. Contact Strength . 418
6.1. Spherical Joints . 424
6.2. Cylindrical Connections 428
Chapter 7. Thermal Stresses and S tr a in s 439
7.1. Thermal Stresses . 439
7.2. Thermal Strains . 461
7.3. Temperature-Independent Centring 472
7.4. Heat R e m o v a l 481
Chapter 8. Strengthening of S tru ctu res 486
8.1. Elastic Strengthening 486
8.2. Plastic Strengthening 489
Chapter 9. Surface Finish 498
9.1. Classes of Surface Finish 500
9.2. Selection of Surface Finish Classes . 510
Index 516
aluminium, 227
light, 226
magnesium, 230
titanium, 234
Alloying, 212
Anisotropy, of metals, 198
Centring, temperature-independent, 472
of elasticity, 254
of hysteresis, 215
of operational expenditures, 12
of rigidity, 253
of stress concentration, 375
Compactness, of constructions, 172
Compounding, 63
Connection(s), cylindrical, 428
Constraint, form, 446
Construction, from pressed sheet metal, 159
Content, metal, 131
Cost, of machine, 57
Derivative(s), machine, building of,
choice of, 92
of cyclically loaded parts, 397
economic factors of, 10
economy-oriented, 10
enhancing rigidity of, 272
equal strength, 141
general rules of, 84
methods of, 88
plate, 332
rational schemes of, 170
safety margins of, 207
consecutive, of machines, 76
of design versions, 93
Dimension(s), standard linear, 81
Dislocation(s), 216
Downtime, 33
criteria of, 28
design, 33
influence on output, 23
influence on size of machine
fleet, 19
fimits to increase, 46
means of enchancing, 37
theory of, 35
Durability and obsolescence, 50
economic, 11
of fillets, chamfers and tapers, 156
of loading schemes, 176
of strength of mating parts, 194
of system resilience, 188
of type of loading, 164
of load concentrations, 410
of superfluous links, 170
Expenditures, 12
Extrusion, reducing weight by, 162
accidental breakdown, 32
economic, 10
load, 31
machining time, 31
off-day, 30
operational, influence upon economic effect, 13
repair downtime, 31
scale, 380
seasonal work, 30
shift, 30
use, 11, 30
diagrams of, 357
under non-stationary loading conditions, 384
Field, machine application, study
of, 91
Holes, as stress concentrators, 405
Indices, specific rigidity, of materials
expansion, 460
spherical, 424
Life, service, 29
Limit(s), fatigue, 355Index 517
of improved strength, 211
non-metal lie, 235
glassceramics, 233
plastics, 235
reinforced concrete, 239
reinforced wood, 237
preferred, 78
basic series of, 79
derived series of, 80
used in designing, 82
Parameter(s), machine, rational selection of, 182
Plate(s), design of, 332
Principles, of machine design, 9
Procedures, composition, 106
round hollow, strength and rigidity
of, 138
strength and rigidity indices of, 135
Profitability, of machine, 10
Recoupment, of equipment, 12
of machine cost, 15
of product range, 70
of stress concentration, 397
means for improving, 54
operational, 52
Ribbing, 293
criteria of, 253
transverse, improvement of, 290
of structures, 252
of thin-walled constructions, 334
Section(s), rational, 133, 288
Sectionalization, 61
parametric, 71
size-similar, 73
unified, of machines, 68
Standardization, 60
integrated, 65
Strain, thermal, 439, 461
contact, 418
cyclic, 348
equal, of units and connections, 147
for complex stresses, 361
improvement of, 391, 393
of materials,
improvement, of, 211
specific indices of, 246
thermal, 448, 450
elastic, 486
plastic, 489
of pressed connections, 410
of structures, 486
design, 207
correction of, 184
thermal, 439
reduction of, 459
Succession, design, 89
Support(s), rational arrangement of, 286
Surface finish, 498
classes of, 500
cantilevered, 280
double-support, 215
multi-station machine, 65
Unification, 58
Universalization, of machines, 75
Versions, design, development of, 93
Weight, as design parameter, 131
Whiskers, 218

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