كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering    كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering  Emptyالسبت 01 يوليو 2023, 1:44 am

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Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering
Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019, September 9–10, 2019, Modena, Italy
Caterina Rizzi , Angelo Oreste Andrisano , Francesco Leali , Francesco Gherardini , Fabio Pini , Alberto Vergnano

كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering  D_t_a_13
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Geometric Modelling and Analysis
Shape and Texture Analysis of Radiomic Data
for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis and Prognostication:
An Overview . 3
Francesco Bianconi, Mario Luca Fravolini, Isabella Palumbo,
and Barbara Palumbo
Mandible Morphing Through Principal Components Analysis 15
Giulia Pascoletti, Michele Calì, Cristina Bignardi, Paolo Conti,
and Elisabetta M. Zanetti
Flying Shape Sails Analysis by Radial Basis Functions
Mesh Morphing . 24
Michele Calì, Domenico Speranza, Ubaldo Cella,
and Marco Evangelos Biancolini
Effect of Cell Shape on Nanoindentation Measurements 37
Antonio Boccaccio, Michele Fiorentino, Vito Modesto Manghisi,
Giuseppe Monno, and Antonio E. Uva
Industrial Design and Ergonomics
Nature Inspired Redesign of the Visual Appearance
of an Industrial Product . 47
Dolores Parras-Burgos, Francisco J. F. Cañavate,
Francisco Cavas-Martínez, and Daniel G. Fernández-Pacheco
Perceived Comfort and Muscular Activity: A Virtual Assessment
of Possible Correlations . 59
Nicola Cappetti, Alessandro Naddeo, Vittorio Maria Soldovieri,
Ivan Vitillo, and Iolanda Fiorillo
xvExperimental Comfort Assessment of a T-Shirt for Roadrunner 71
Enrico Avagnale, Rosaria Califano, and Iolanda Fiorillo
Virtual Reality and Interactive Design
Dynamic Projection for the Design of an Adaptive Museum Guide 85
Alma Leopardi, Silvia Ceccacci, and Maura Mengoni
Enhancing Spatial Navigation in Robot-Assisted Surgery:
An Application 95
Marco Gribaudo, Sandro Moos, Pietro Piazzolla, Francesco Porpiglia,
Enrico Vezzetti, and Maria Grazia Violante
Informing the Use of Visual Assets in Industrial Augmented Reality . 106
Michele Gattullo, Giulia Wally Scurati, Alessandro Evangelista,
Francesco Ferrise, Michele Fiorentino, and Antonio Emmanuele Uva
Integrated Design Tools for Model-Based Development
of Innovative Vehicle Chassis and Powertrain Systems . 118
Emanuele Bonera, Marco Gadola, Daniel Chindamo, Stefano Morbioli,
and Paolo Magri
A Handheld Mobile Augmented Reality Tool for On-Site Piping
Assembly Inspection 129
Fabio Bruno, Loris Barbieri, Emanuele Marino, Maurizio Muzzupappa,
and Biagio Colacino
Multisensory Augmented Reality Experiences for Cultural
Heritage Exhibitions 140
Marina Carulli and Monica Bordegoni
Reverse Engineering, Digital Acquisition and Inspection
Optical Stereo-System for Full-Field High-Frequency 3D Vibration
Measurements Based on Low-Frame-Rate Cameras . 155
Sandro Barone, Paolo Neri, Alessandro Paoli, Armando V. Razionale,
Leonardo Bertini, and Ciro Santus
CAD Reconstruction: A Study on Reverse Modelling Strategies 165
Francesco Buonamici, Monica Carfagni, Rocco Furferi, Lapo Governi,
and Yary Volpe
3D Scanning Procedure for the Evaluation of Lymphedema
of Upper Limbs Using Low-Cost Technology: A Preliminary Study . 177
Andrea Vitali, Daniele Regazzoni, Caterina Rizzi, and Guido Molinero
Low Cost Device to Perform 3D Acquisitions Based
on ChAruCo Markers 189
Luca Puggelli, Rocco Furferi, and Lapo Governi
xvi ContentsAutomatic Segmentation of Constant Radius Secondary
Features from Real Objects 201
Luca Di Angelo, Paolo Di Stefano, and Anna Eva Morabito
Comparison of Algorithms for Recognition of Cylindrical Features
in a Voxel-Based Approach for Tolerance Inspection . 213
Michele Bici and Francesca Campana
Geometrical Product Specification and Tolerancing
Tolerance Prediction for Determinate Assembly Approach
in Aeronautical Field . 229
Rocco Mozzillo, Ferdinando Vitolo, Paola Iaccarino,
and Pasquale Franciosa
Robust Parameter Analysis of Compliant Part Models
for Computer Aided Tolerancing 241
Alberto Vergnano, Francesco Gherardini, Andrea Petruccioli,
Enrico Bonazzi, and Francesco Leali
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
An Improved Design Method for Net-Shape Manufacturing
in Powder Metallurgy . 257
Marco Zago, Mats Larsson, and Ilaria Cristofolini
Design for Assembly in the Conceptual Development
of Aircraft Systems . 268
Claudio Favi, Giovanni Formentini, Francois Bouissiere, Claude Cuiller,
Pierre-Eric Dereux, and Corentin Malchair
A Knowledge Formalization Approach for Manufacturing
Cost Estimation . 279
Marco Mandolini, Claudio Favi, Federico Campi, and Roberto Raffaeli
Vibration-Assisted Face Grinding of Mould Steel 291
Sebastian Hähnel, Tim Grunwald, Thomas Bergs, Fabio Pini,
and Francesco Leali
Virtual Design for Assembly Improving the Product Design
of a Two-Way Relief Valve 304
Daniela Francia, Davide Seminerio, Gianni Caligiana, Leonardo Frizziero,
Alfredo Liverani, and Giampiero Donnici
Integrated Product and Process Design
Improving the Shoes Customization Process Through
a Digitally-Enabled Framework . 317
Marco Marconi, Alessandra Papetti, Marta Rossi, and Giulia Di Domizio
Contents xviiConceptual Design of a Functional Orthodontic Appliance
for the Correction of Skeletal Class II Malocclusion . 329
Luca Grigolato, Stefano Filippi, Daniela Barattin, Daniele Cantarella,
Won Moon, Roberto Meneghello, Gianmaria Concheri,
and Gianpaolo Savio
ANOVA Applied to the Taguchi Method: A New Interpretation 342
Sergio Rizzuti and Luigi De Napoli
Proposal of a Framework Based on Continuous Brainwriting
to Expand Mindfulness in Concept Generation . 352
Sergio Rizzuti and Luigi De Napoli
Morphological and Mechanical Characterization of P-Scaffolds
with Different Porosity 361
Marta De Giorgi, Nunzia Gallo, Marta Madaghiele,
and Anna Eva Morabito
Automotive Design Engineering: Material and Processes
Selection Problems . 373
Cristina Renzi, Luca Di Angelo, and Francesco Leali
Integrated Methods for System Design, Simulation,
Analysis and Optimization
Development of an Exhaust System for Agricultural Tractors 387
Stefano Uberti and Alessandro Copeta
A Topology Optimization of a Motorsport Safety Device 400
Filippo Cucinotta, Marcello Raffaele, and Fabio Salmeri
A Cooperative Monitoring System for Diver Global Localization
and Operation Support . 410
Fabio Bruno, Loris Barbieri, Antonio Lagudi, Marino Mangeruga,
Francesco Pupo, and Alessandro Casavola
Design and Simulation of the Hull of a Small-Sized Autonomous
Surface Vehicle for Seabed Mapping . 422
Loris Barbieri, Filippo Cucinotta, Alessandro Gallo, Fabio Bruno,
Maurizio Muzzupappa, Nadia Penna, and Roberto Gaudio
Machine Health State Recognition Through Images Classification
with Neural Network for Condition-Based Maintenance 432
Marco Rossoni, Andrea Fumagalli, and Giorgio Colombo
Mechanics–Based Virtual Prototyping of Robots with Deformable
Bodies and Flexible Joints . 444
Stanislao Grazioso, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, and Antonio Lanzotti
xviii ContentsVirtual Prototyping Design Method to Optimize Mechanical
Spring Devices for MV Switch Disconnector . 458
Michele Calì, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, and Sebastiano Zuccarello
Design and Process Optimization of a Sintered Joint for Power
Electronics Automotive Applications . 470
Michele Calabretta, Alessandro Sitta, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri,
and Gaetano Sequenzia
An Integrated Approach to Optimize Power Device Performances
by Means of Stress Engineering . 481
Michele Calabretta, Alessandro Sitta, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri,
and Gaetano Sequenzia
Iterative and Participative Axiomatic Design Process to Improve
Conceptual Design of Large-Scale Engineering Systems . 492
Domenico Marzullo, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, Danilo Nicola Dongiovanni,
Antonio Lanzotti, Rocco Mozzillo, and Andrea Tarallo
Industrial Noise Modelling and Control: The Case of Natural
Gas Distribution Systems 506
Chiara Bartalucci, Francesco Borchi, and Monica Carfagni
Design Optimization: Tools and Methods for ETO Products . 516
Paolo Cicconi, Marco Mandolini, Miriam Nardelli,
and Roberto Raffaeli
Design and Optimization of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior
in Glass Reinforced Polyamide 6 for Automotive Application 528
Silvia Barbi, Luca Cattani, Tiziano Manfredini, and Monia Montorsi
A Fiber Optic Strain Gage Sensor for Measuring Preload
in Thick Composite Bolted Joints 540
Marannano Giuseppe and Restivo Gaetano
How to Classify Compliant Mechanisms 552
Davide Russo and Antonio Caputi
Condition Monitoring Techniques of Ball Bearings
in Non-stationary Conditions . 565
Matteo Strozzi, Riccardo Rubini, and Marco Cocconcelli
A CAE-Based Model of Aluminium Alloys Welded T-Joints
for TEP Analysis 577
Federico Ruini, Fabio Pini, and Francesco Leali
Dynamic Modelling of Mechanical System
for the Packaging Industry . 589
Raffaele Di Canosa and Francesco Pellicano
Contents xixExperimental Methods in Product Development
How Do Design Changes and the Perception of Product
Creativity Affect Value? . 601
Yuri Borgianni, Lorenzo Maccioni, Guido Orzes, and Demis Basso
Improving the Efficiency of Design Protocol Analysis:
An Approach to Speed Up the Coding Stage . 612
Niccolò Becattini, Gaetano Cascini, Jamie O’Hare,
and Jean-Francois Boujut
Proof of Concept as a Multidisciplinary Design-Based Approach 625
Diego Paderno, Ileana Bodini, and Valerio Villa
Experimental Study on Nonlinear Random Excitation 637
Francesco Pellicano, Antonio Zippo, Giovanni Iarriccio,
and Marco Barbieri
Knowledge and Product Data Management
A Knowledge Repository to Support Ecodesign Implementation
in Manufacturing Companies . 651
Marta Rossi, Marco Marconi, Roberto Menghi, and Alessandra Papetti
Engineering Methods in Human-Related Applications
Deep CNN for 3D Face Recognition 665
Elena Carlotta Olivetti, Jacopo Ferretti, Giansalvo Cirrincione,
Francesca Nonis, Stefano Tornincasa, and Federica Marcolin
Multiperspective Ergonomic Assessment Approach for Human
Centered Workplace Design 675
Alessandra Papetti, Martina Scafà, Agnese Brunzini, and Marco Mandolini
Towards a Non-invasive Pectus Excavatum Severity Assessment
Tool Using a Linear Discriminant Analysis on 3D Optical Data 686
Michaela Servi, Rocco Furferi, Yary Volpe, Marco Ghionzoli,
and Antonio Messineo
A Preliminary 3D Depth Camera-Based System to Assist Home
Physiotherapy Rehabilitation . 696
Francesca Uccheddu, Lapo Governi, and Monica Carfagni
Design of a Customized Neck Orthosis for FDM Manufacturing
with a New Sustainable Bio-composite 707
Rita Ambu, Alessandro Motta, and Michele Calì
xx ContentsA Multi-layer Approach for the Identification and Evaluation
of Collaborative Robotic Workplaces Within Industrial
Production Plants 719
Ferdinando Vitolo, Agnese Pasquariello, Stanislao Patalano,
and Salvatore Gerbino
Accurate Liver 3D Reconstruction from MRE Images
Using Shift-Compensated Volumetric Interpolation 731
Chiara Santarelli, Francesca Uccheddu, and Elisa Mussi
A Multi-disciplinary Assessments Tool
for Human-Machine Interaction . 741
Margherita Peruzzini, Fabio Grandi, Marcello Pellicciari,
Giovanni Berselli, and Angelo Oreste Andrisano
Understanding the Human Motor Control for User-Centered
Design of Custom Wearable Systems: Case Studies in Sports,
Industry, Rehabilitation . 753
Teodorico Caporaso, Stanislao Grazioso, Dario Panariello,
Giuseppe Di Gironimo, and Antonio Lanzotti
3D Digital Surgical Planning: An Investigation of Low-Cost
Software Tools for Concurrent Design 765
Francesco Buonamici, Lorenzo Guariento, and Yary Volpe
CAD Modeling for Evaluating LVOT Obstruction
in Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement 776
Salvatore Pasta, Stefano Cannata, Giovanni Gentile, Tommaso Ingrassia,
Vincenzo Nigrelli, and Caterina Gandolfo
A Reliable Procedure for the Construction of a Statistical Shape
Model of the Cranial Vault 788
Antonio Marzola, Michaela Servi, and Yary Volpe
A New Approach to Evaluate the Biomechanical Characteristics
of Osseointegrated Dental Implants 801
Vito Ricotta, Tommaso Ingrassia, Vincenzo Nigrelli, and Marco Zicari
Biomechanical Analysis of a New Elbow Prosthesis 812
Vito Ricotta, Laura Bragonzoni, Giuseppe Marannano, Lorenzo Nalbone,
and Andrea Valenti
Additive Manufacturing
Adoption of Additive Technologies by Florence Industries:
Designing a Survey Session 827
Francesco Saverio Frillici, Lorenzo Fiorineschi, Rocco Furferi,
and Federico Rotini
Contents xxiProperties Enhancement of Carbon PA 3D-Printed Parts
by Post-processing Coating-Based Treatments 837
Sandro Barone, Paolo Neri, Sara Orsi, Alessandro Paoli,
Armando V. Razionale, and Francesco Tamburrino
Sensor Embedding in a 3D Printed Flexure Hinge . 848
Francesco Rosa, Diego Scaccabarozzi, Simone Cinquemani,
and Francesco Bizzozero
A Virtual Design Process to Produce Scoliosis Braces
by Additive Manufacturing 860
Davide Felice Redaelli, Fabio Alexander Storm, Emilia Biffi,
Gianluigi Reni, and Giorgio Colombo
High Density AlSi10Mg Aluminium Alloy Specimens Obtained
by Selective Laser Melting . 871
Federico Uriati, Filippo Da Rin Betta, Paolo Ferro, Stefano Rosso,
Gianpaolo Savio, Gianmaria Concheri, and Roberto Meneghello
Scale and Shape Effects on the Fatigue Behaviour of Additively
Manufactured SS316L Structures: A Preliminary Study 879
Stefano Rosso, Roberto Meneghello, Gianmaria Concheri,
and Gianpaolo Savio
Additive Manufacturing Challenges and Future Developments
in the Next Ten Years 891
Antonio Bacciaglia, Alessandro Ceruti, and Alfredo Liverani
Investigating the Relationships Between Additive Manufacturing
and TRIZ: Trends and Perspectives 903
Barbara Motyl and Stefano Filippi
Optimizing the Nozzle Path in the 3D Printing Process . 912
Manuel Iori and Stefano Novellani
A Build-Time Estimator for Additive Manufactured Objects . 925
Luca Di Angelo, Paolo Di Stefano, and Emanuele Guardiani
3D Printed Materials for High Temperature Applications . 936
Antonio Marzola, Elisa Mussi, and Francesca Uccheddu
Optimization Design Strategy for Additive Manufacturing
Process to Develop 3D Magnetic Nanocomposite Scaffolds . 948
Antonio Gloria, Marco Domingos, Saverio Maietta, Massimo Martorelli,
and Antonio Lanzotti
xxii ContentsDetermination of Adhesive to Be Applied in the Fabrication
of Prototypes Using FDM Techniques of 3D Printing
in Component Parts Using ULTEM™ 1010 959
Miguel Suffo
Assessment of Design for Additive Manufacturing Based
on CAD Platforms . 970
Enrico Dalpadulo, Fabio Pini, and Francesco Leali
Author Index 983
Author Index
Ambu, Rita, 707
Andrisano, Angelo Oreste, 741
Avagnale, Enrico, 71
Bacciaglia, Antonio, 891
Barattin, Daniela, 329
Barbi, Silvia, 528
Barbieri, Loris, 129, 410, 422
Barbieri, Marco, 637
Barone, Sandro, 155, 837
Bartalucci, Chiara, 506
Basso, Demis, 601
Becattini, Niccolò, 612
Bergs, Thomas, 291
Berselli, Giovanni, 741
Bertini, Leonardo, 155
Biancolini, Marco Evangelos, 24
Bianconi, Francesco, 3
Bici, Michele, 213
Biffi, Emilia, 860
Bignardi, Cristina, 15
Bizzozero, Francesco, 848
Boccaccio, Antonio, 37
Bodini, Ileana, 625
Bonazzi, Enrico, 241
Bonera, Emanuele, 118
Borchi, Francesco, 506
Bordegoni, Monica, 140
Borgianni, Yuri, 601
Bouissiere, Francois, 268
Boujut, Jean-Francois, 612
Bragonzoni, Laura, 812
Bruno, Fabio, 129, 410, 422
Brunzini, Agnese, 675
Buonamici, Francesco, 165, 765
Calabretta, Michele, 470, 481
Calì, Michele, 15, 24, 458, 707
Califano, Rosaria, 71
Caligiana, Gianni, 304
Campana, Francesca, 213
Campi, Federico, 279
Cañavate, Francisco J. F., 47
Cannata, Stefano, 776
Cantarella, Daniele, 329
Caporaso, Teodorico, 753
Cappetti, Nicola, 59
Caputi, Antonio, 552
Carfagni, Monica, 165, 506, 696
Carulli, Marina, 140
Casavola, Alessandro, 410
Cascini, Gaetano, 612
Cattani, Luca, 528
Cavas-Martínez, Francisco, 47
Ceccacci, Silvia, 85
Cella, Ubaldo, 24
Ceruti, Alessandro, 891
Chindamo, Daniel, 118
Cicconi, Paolo, 516
Cinquemani, Simone, 848
Cirrincione, Giansalvo, 665
Cocconcelli, Marco, 565
Colacino, Biagio, 129
Colombo, Giorgio, 432, 860
Concheri, Gianmaria, 329, 871, 879
Conti, Paolo, 15
Copeta, Alessandro, 387
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
C. Rizzi et al. (Eds.): ADM 2019, LNME, pp. 983–986, 2020.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31154-4Cristofolini, Ilaria, 257
Cucinotta, Filippo, 400, 422
Cuiller, Claude, 268
Da Rin Betta, Filippo, 871
Dalpadulo, Enrico, 970
De Giorgi, Marta, 361
De Napoli, Luigi, 342, 352
Dereux, Pierre-Eric, 268
Di Angelo, Luca, 201, 373, 925
Di Canosa, Raffaele, 589
Di Domizio, Giulia, 317
Di Gironimo, Giuseppe, 444, 492, 753
Di Stefano, Paolo, 201, 925
Domingos, Marco, 948
Dongiovanni, Danilo Nicola, 492
Donnici, Giampiero, 304
Evangelista, Alessandro, 106
Favi, Claudio, 268, 279
Fernández-Pacheco, Daniel G., 47
Ferretti, Jacopo, 665
Ferrise, Francesco, 106
Ferro, Paolo, 871
Filippi, Stefano, 329, 903
Fiorentino, Michele, 37, 106
Fiorillo, Iolanda, 59, 71
Fiorineschi, Lorenzo, 827
Formentini, Giovanni, 268
Francia, Daniela, 304
Franciosa, Pasquale, 229
Fravolini, Mario Luca, 3
Frillici, Francesco Saverio, 827
Frizziero, Leonardo, 304
Fumagalli, Andrea, 432
Furferi, Rocco, 165, 189, 686, 827
Gadola, Marco, 118
Gaetano, Restivo, 540
Gallo, Alessandro, 422
Gallo, Nunzia, 361
Gandolfo, Caterina, 776
Gattullo, Michele, 106
Gaudio, Roberto, 422
Gentile, Giovanni, 776
Gerbino, Salvatore, 719
Gherardini, Francesco, 241
Ghionzoli, Marco, 686
Giuseppe, Marannano, 540
Gloria, Antonio, 948
Governi, Lapo, 165, 189, 696
Grandi, Fabio, 741
Grazioso, Stanislao, 444, 753
Gribaudo, Marco, 95
Grigolato, Luca, 329
Grunwald, Tim, 291
Guardiani, Emanuele, 925
Guariento, Lorenzo, 765
hnel, Sebastian, 291
Iaccarino, Paola, 229
Iarriccio, Giovanni, 637
Ingrassia, Tommaso, 776, 801
Iori, Manuel, 912
Lagudi, Antonio, 410
Lanzotti, Antonio, 444, 492, 753, 948
Larsson, Mats, 257
Leali, Francesco, 241, 291, 373, 577, 970
Leopardi, Alma, 85
Liverani, Alfredo, 304, 891
Maccioni, Lorenzo, 601
Madaghiele, Marta, 361
Magri, Paolo, 118
Maietta, Saverio, 948
Malchair, Corentin, 268
Mandolini, Marco, 279, 516, 675
Manfredini, Tiziano, 528
Mangeruga, Marino, 410
Manghisi, Vito Modesto, 37
Marannano, Giuseppe, 812
Marcolin, Federica, 665
Marconi, Marco, 317, 651
Marino, Emanuele, 129
Martorelli, Massimo, 948
Marzola, Antonio, 788, 936
Marzullo, Domenico, 492
Meneghello, Roberto, 329, 871, 879
Menghi, Roberto, 651
Mengoni, Maura, 85
Messineo, Antonio, 686
Molinero, Guido, 177
Monno, Giuseppe, 37
Montorsi, Monia, 528
Moon, Won, 329
Moos, Sandro, 95
Morabito, Anna Eva, 201, 361
984 Author IndexMorbioli, Stefano, 118
Motta, Alessandro, 707
Motyl, Barbara, 903
Mozzillo, Rocco, 229, 492
Mussi, Elisa, 731, 936
Muzzupappa, Maurizio, 129, 422
Naddeo, Alessandro, 59
Nalbone, Lorenzo, 812
Nardelli, Miriam, 516
Neri, Paolo, 155, 837
Nigrelli, Vincenzo, 776, 801
Nonis, Francesca, 665
Novellani, Stefano, 912
’Hare, Jamie, 612
Oliveri, Salvatore Massimo, 458, 470, 481
Olivetti, Elena Carlotta, 665
Orsi, Sara, 837
Orzes, Guido, 601
Paderno, Diego, 625
Palumbo, Barbara, 3
Palumbo, Isabella, 3
Panariello, Dario, 753
Paoli, Alessandro, 155, 837
Papetti, Alessandra, 317, 651, 675
Parras-Burgos, Dolores, 47
Pascoletti, Giulia, 15
Pasquariello, Agnese, 719
Pasta, Salvatore, 776
Patalano, Stanislao, 719
Pellicano, Francesco, 589, 637
Pellicciari, Marcello, 741
Penna, Nadia, 422
Peruzzini, Margherita, 741
Petruccioli, Andrea, 241
Piazzolla, Pietro, 95
Pini, Fabio, 291, 577, 970
Porpiglia, Francesco, 95
Puggelli, Luca, 189
Pupo, Francesco, 410
Raffaele, Marcello, 400
Raffaeli, Roberto, 279, 516
Razionale, Armando V., 155, 837
Redaelli, Davide Felice, 860
Regazzoni, Daniele, 177
Reni, Gianluigi, 860
Renzi, Cristina, 373
Ricotta, Vito, 801, 812
Rizzi, Caterina, 177
Rizzuti, Sergio, 342, 352
Rosa, Francesco, 848
Rossi, Marta, 317, 651
Rosso, Stefano, 871, 879
Rossoni, Marco, 432
Rotini, Federico, 827
Rubini, Riccardo, 565
Ruini, Federico, 577
Russo, Davide, 552
Salmeri, Fabio, 400
Santarelli, Chiara, 731
Santus, Ciro, 155
Savio, Gianpaolo, 329, 871, 879
Scaccabarozzi, Diego, 848
Scafà, Martina, 675
Scurati, Giulia Wally, 106
Seminerio, Davide, 304
Sequenzia, Gaetano, 470, 481
Servi, Michaela, 686, 788
Sitta, Alessandro, 470, 481
Soldovieri, Vittorio Maria, 59
Speranza, Domenico, 24
Storm, Fabio Alexander, 860
Strozzi, Matteo, 565
Suffo, Miguel, 959
Tamburrino, Francesco, 837
Tarallo, Andrea, 492
Tornincasa, Stefano, 665
Uberti, Stefano, 387
Uccheddu, Francesca, 696, 731, 936
Uriati, Federico, 871
Uva, Antonio E., 37
Uva, Antonio Emmanuele, 106
Valenti, Andrea, 812
Vergnano, Alberto, 241
Vezzetti, Enrico, 95
Villa, Valerio, 625
Violante, Maria Grazia, 95
Vitali, Andrea, 177
Vitillo, Ivan, 59
Vitolo, Ferdinando, 229, 719
Volpe, Yary, 165, 686, 765, 788
Author Index 985Z
Zago, Marco, 257
Zanetti, Elisabetta M., 15
Zicari, Marco, 801
Zippo, Antonio, 637
Zuccarello, Sebastiano, 458

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» كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II
» كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools
» كتاب Gaging Tools and Methods
» كتاب Machines, Tools, and Methods of Automobile Manufacturer
» كتاب Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering

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