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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Polylactic Acid - PLA Biopolymer Technology and Applications السبت 01 يوليو 2023, 1:28 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Polylactic Acid - PLA Biopolymer Technology and Applications Lee Tin Sin, Abdul Razak Rahmat, Wan Azian Wan Abdul Rahman
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents 1 Overview of Poly(lactic Acid) 1 1.1 Background to Biodegradable Polymers 1 1.2 Market Potential of Biodegradable Polymers and PLA 13 1.3 General Properties and Applications of PLA 33 1.3.1 PLA for Domestic Applications 33 1.3.2 PLA and Copolymers for Biomedical Applications 43 1.4 Environmental Profile of PLA 57 1.5 Ecoprofile of PLA in Mass Production 58 1.6 Environmental Impact of PLA at the Post-Consumer Stage 63 1.7 Conclusion 67 References 67 2 Synthesis and Production of Poly(lactic Acid) 71 2.1 Introduction 71 2.2 Lactic Acid Production 72 2.2.1 Laboratory Scale Production of Lactic Acid 85 2.3 Lactide and Poly(lactic Acid) Production 86 2.3.1 Review of Lactide Production Technology 88 2.3.2 Polymerization and Copolymerization of Lactide 94 2.3.3 Lactide Copolymer 97 2.3.4 Quality Control 99 2.3.5 Quantification of Residual Lactide in PLA 100 2.3.6 Quantification of D-Lactic Acid Content in PLA 103 2.4 Conclusion 105 References 105 v3 Thermal Properties of Poly(lactic Acid) 109 3.1 Introduction 109 3.2 Thermal Transition and Crystallization of PLA 112 3.3 Thermal Decomposition 123 3.4 Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity and PressureVolumeTemperature of PLA 131 3.5 Conclusion 138 References 139 4 Chemical Properties of Poly(lactic Acid) 143 4.1 Introduction 143 4.2 Stereochemistry of Poly(lactic Acid) 146 4.3 Analytical Technique of PLA 154 4.3.1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 154 4.3.2 Infrared Spectroscopy 157 4.4 Solubility and Barrier Properties of PLA 162 4.4.1 Solubility of Polylactic Acid 163 4.4.2 Permeability of Polylactic Acid 164 4.5 Conclusion 172 References 172 5 Mechanical Properties of Poly(lactic Acid) 177 5.1 Introduction 177 5.2 Effect of Crystallinity and Molecular Weight on Mechanical Properties of PLA 179 5.3 Effect of Modifier/Plasticizer on PLA 182 5.4 Polymer Blends of PLA 191 5.4.1 Poly(lactic Acid) and Polycaprolactone Blend 192 5.4.2 Blends of Polylactide with Degradable or Partially Degradable Polymers 198 5.4.3 Blends of Polylactide and Polyhydroxyalkanoates 202 5.4.4 PLA Blends with Nondegradable Polymers 207 5.5 Conclusion 215 References 215 vi CONTENTS6 Rheological Properties of Poly(lactic Acid) 221 6.1 Introduction 221 6.2 Rheological Properties of Poly(lactic Acid) 222 6.3 Effects of Molecular Weight 226 6.4 Effects of Branching 230 6.5 Extensional Viscosity 232 6.6 Solution Viscosity of PLA 233 6.7 Rheological Properties of Polymer Blends 233 6.7.1 PLA/PBAT Blend 235 6.7.2 Blend with Layered Silicate Nanocomposites 237 6.7.3 PLA/Polystyrene Blend 239 6.8 Conclusion 243 References 243 7 Degradation and Stability of Poly(lactic Acid) 247 7.1 Introduction 247 7.2 Factors Affecting PLA Degradation 248 7.3 Hydrolytic and Enzymatic Degradation of PLA 255 7.4 Environmental Degradation of PLA 265 7.5 Thermal Degradation of PLA 278 7.6 Flame Resistance of PLA 288 7.7 Conclusion 295 References 295 8 Applications of Poly(lactic Acid) 301 8.1 Introduction 301 8.2 Poly(lactic Acid) for Domestic Applications 302 8.3 Poly(lactic Acid) for Engineering and Agricultural Applications 317 8.4 Poly(lactic Acid) for Biomedical Applications 317 8.5 Conclusion 317 References 326 Index 329 CONTENTS viiThis page intentionally left blank Index A Acetyl (CH3C) groups, 11 Activation energies of PLA, 129t Aliphatic polyesters, 3441 Amorphous-made PLA films, characteristics of, 258t Analytical technique of PLA CH symmetric stretching, 159161 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), 157159 1H and 13C NMR spectra, 154156, 155f, 156f, 157f infrared (IR) spectroscopy, 157162 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 154157 aOH stretching band, 157159 presence of aCQO carbonyl, 157159 Applications of PLA, 25t biomedical, 4357, 52t, 143144, 317, 324t domestic, 3342, 302317, 303t engineering, 317, 318t B Bagley correlation, 221222 Bakelite, 2 Bio-based polyethylene, 1719 Biodegradability and biodegradation of PLA aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation, 266267, 266t chemical bonding and, 249251 copolymer compositions, effect of, 251252 degradation time, 251t environmental degradation, 265278 factors affecting, 248255 flame resistance, 288295 fungal strains involved in, 273275, 274t high-molecular-weight polyesters, 253 hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation, 255265 microorganisms involved in, 273 molecular weight and crystallization, effect of, 252253 test under controlled composting conditions, 275278, 276t, 277f, 278f, 279f thermal degradation, 278287 using cumulative measurement respirometric (CMR) system, 269272 329Biodegradability and biodegradation of PLA (Continued) in vivo degradation mechanisms, 254255 water uptake and acidity, 253254 Biodegradable polyesters, 10f, 12 Biodegradable polymers, 3, 1719 background, 113 biological applications, 610 common, 7t definitions of common biological terms, 250t degradation modes, 256f degradation time, 251t evolution after 28 days, 268f hydrolyzable polymers, 251t market potential, 1333 petroleum-derived, 12, 16 physical properties of synthetic, 50t weight losses due to hydrolysis, 257261, 258t, 259f, 260t, 263f Bio-ethanol, 1719 Bio-Flexs, 41 BioFoams, 2431 BIOFRONTt, 2324, 3132 Biomaxs, 211 Biomedical applications, of PLA, 4357, 52t, 143144, 317, 324t Bionollet, 12 Bionolles, 199200 Bionollet PTT 1100, 13 Blendex 338, 210 Blends, polymer. see polymer blends Brabender extruder, 224226 Branching in PLA, 230232 Bulk production PLA, 2022 C Capillary rheometers, 221222 e-caprolactone, 4651, 8083, 95 monomer, 98 Capronors, 610 Cargill Dow Polymer LLC, 5 Carothers, Wallace, 5 CarreauYasuda model parameters, 231t Cellulose acetate, 11 fabric, knitted, 11 Cellulose polymers, 1920 CH bending bands, 126128 Chemical properties of PLA copolymerization effects, 148149 crystallinity and supercooling, 149152, 150f crystallization half-time, 148152, 150t α-form, β-form and γ-form, 152, 159161, 160f infrared (IR) spectroscopy, 157162 lactide isomers, 147148 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 154157 permeation properties, 164172, 168t, 169f revised tetrad stereosequence, 154155 solubility, 163164, 165t, 166t ‘solution-diffusion’ model, 170171 330 INDEXstereochemistry, 146153 stereoregularity, 154 stereosequence distribution, 154155 stereospecific isomer, 171172 thermodynamic criterion of solubility, 163164 water vapor transmission rates, 170t China, PLA in, 3233 Climate change, PLA and, 61f Cloisite 25A, 201202 Columbus, Christopher, 1 Commercial-grade branched material, 230 Condensation polymerization of lactic acid, 8990, 90f Copolymerization of lactide and glycolide, 9799 of L and D stereochemistry, 3441 Copolymers, 2431 CrossWLF model coefficient, 225t Cup system, 6364 b-cyclodextrin, 104 D Decomposition temperature of PLA, 123131 Depolymerization of PLLA, 126 Development of PLA, in early days, 144145 Dextrose, biological fermentation of, 1011 Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste, 1617 Directive 1999/21/EC on the Landfill of Waste, 1617 Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive), 1617 Distortion/deflection temperature, impact on, 41 D-lactic acid, 74, 8083, 8889, 9596, 163, 247248, 251252, 254255 content in PLA, calculations, 104105 presence, evaluation of, 103105 D-lactide, 3441, 9293, 229 Domestic application, PLA for, 3342, 302317, 303t Downstream processing, 2022 Drug carrier medium, PLA as, 51, 54t Durect Lactels, 57t E Eastar Bios, 1213 Eastar Bios Ultra, 1213 Ecodeart, 3132 Eco-efficiency, of PLA postconsumer, 63 Ecoflexs, 1213 Eco-indication points, 6364, 65f Ecological aspects of PLA production, 6163 Eco-plastic products, 17 Ecoprofile of PLA in mass production, 5863 Ecovios, 1213, 2022 Elastic poly(e-caprolactone/ L-lactide) (PCL/L-LA) copolymer with PLLA, 193 INDEX 331Engineering applications, PLA for, 317, 318t Environmental degradation of PLA, 265278 Environmental impact of PLA, 6366 Environmental profile of PLA, 5758 European standard EN 13432, 1617 European Union, PLA in, 31 Extensional viscosities of PLA, 232233 F Fibers, PLA, 145146 First generation PLA, 6364 FKuR Kunststoff GmbH grade, 44t Flame resistance of PLA, 288295 Food packaging polymer, PLA as, 145146 Fossil energy requirement for PLA, 5961, 60f Fre´my, 7374 Futerros, 41 Futerro specification, 48t G Galacids, 8485, 85t Glycolide, 95 Glycolide-content copolymer, 9799 Goodyear, Charles, 1 ‘green’ credentials of PLA, 145146 Green plastic technologies, 2324 H Heat capacity of PLA, 132, 133t High-molecular-weight PLA, 2324, 145146 Hisun Biomaterial PLA specification, 47t Hydrolisis of PLA, 124f Hydroxycyclic ester initiators, 230 I Ingeot, 5, 2324, 3441, 5861, 6366, 66t IngeosPLA, 8083 IR spectrum of PLA, 157162 L Lactate ester, 86 Lactels, 5157 Lactic acid with addition of bases, production, 7780 during anaerobic exercise, production, 73 bacteria, 7475, 75t, 7780, 146147 from bacteria fermentation, 7475 broth from the fermentor, 80 chemical synthesis approach, 83 commercial purified, 8485 condensation polymerization, 90f evaporation and prepolymerization stages, 9092 and feeling of soreness, 73 fermentation process, 7475, 7780, 84, 146147 332 INDEXindustrial, 8485 laboratory scale production, 8586 NatureWorks, 80 pharmaceutical grade, US, 85 physical properties, 73t polylactide (PLA) from, 4346 production, 7285 Purac’s, 30f, 5758, 6163 purification technologies, 80, 81t reaction of polymerization and depolymerization reaction, 9092, 91f sugarcane-based production, 5758 synthesis in lactate form, 85b water removal during production, 8990 yield corresponding to type of starchy and cellulosic material and to microorganism, 78t Lactide, 5 coordination-insertion chain growth reaction scheme, 96f Lactide copolymer, 9799 Lactidedioxanone copolymer, 9899, 100f Lactideglycolide copolymers, 9798 tensile strength, 99t Lactide polymerization, 9596 Lactide production technology, 8893 anionic initiators used, 9495 cationic initiators used, 9495 mass-scale production, 88 polymerization and copolymerization, 9497 process flow, 89f US Patent 5 274 073, 8889 Lactobacillus species, 7477, 75t, 76t Le Chatelier’s principle, 9092 Lignocellulosics, 23 Limiting oxygen index (LOI), 288290 Linear-branched PLA, 231 L-lactic acid, 4346, 79t, 8083, 8889, 251252, 254255 L-lactide, 74, 9293 Long-chain poly(p-dioxanone), 9899 Low-molecular-weight PLA, 8687 M MarkHouwink equation, 233, 234t Market potential of PLA, 1333 Mass production, ecoprofile of PLA in, 5863 MaterBis sample, 266267 MBA900H, 2324 Mechanical properties of PLA of annealed poly (D,L-lactide) specimens, 181t of blends of polylactide with nondegradable polymers, 213t crystallinity and molecular weight, effect of, 179182 electron irradiation and, 286287 elongation at break, 190191 INDEX 333Mechanical properties of PLA (Continued) glucose monoester or partial fatty acid ester, effect of, 188 nanocomposites, 212215 from NatureWorks LLC, 178t of nonannealing poly (D,Llactide) specimens, 181t oligomeric lactic acid, effect of, 189190 PBOH, AGM and DBS, effect of, 190191 PLA/organoclay nanocomposites, 195 for PLA/PCL, 195, 196t, 198 PLAPCLPLA triblock copolymer, 195 PLA/polystyrene blend, 239240 plasticizers and modifiers, effect of, 182191, 183t with polycaprolactone (PCL), blending with, 192197 poly(ethyleneco-vinyl acetate) (EVA), effect of, 189190 polyethylene glycol monolaurate, effect of, 189190 poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), effect of, 189191 of polylactide/PHA blends, 208t of poly(L-lactide) specimens, 180t polymer blends, 191215 with poly(tetramethylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PTAT), 198199 triacetin (TAC), effect of, 190 Meso-lactide, 3441, 8889, 156157 Methyl trifluoromethane sulfonic acid, 9495 Microorganism-derived biodegradable polymers, 3 Mineralization of PLA, 272, 272f Mirelt, 1011 MMT nanoclays, 210 Moldflows software, 224226 Multicyclic esters, 230 Multifunctional polymerization initiators, 230 N NatureWorks, PLA by, 5861, 59f NatureWorks grades, 35t, 37t, 39t NMR spectrum of PLA, 154157 N,N,N0,N0-tetramethyl-1,4- phenylenediamine (TMPD), 284286 Nodaxt, 206207 O oligoNodax, 206207 oligoNodax-b-poly(L-lactide) diblock copolymers, 206207 Organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT), 294295, 294t Oxo-biodegradable plastics, 34 Oxo-biodegradable polymers, 34 334 INDEXP PaperMates, 1011 Patents published about PLA, 6f PBS/PBSA, 12 p-dioxanone monomer, 9899 PE-coated cardboard cup, 6364 Pellethanet 2102-75A, 210 Permeation properties of PLA, 207215 Petrochemical polymers and climate change, 61f Petroleum-derived biodegradable polymers, 3, 12, 16 Phenol-formaldehyde resin, 2 Picea sitchensis, 121122 PLA-copolymer-related drug delivery system, 5157 PLAGA copolymer, 273275 Plastics ban on non-degradable, 1617 certification of compostable, 18t degradability of, 23 global producers, 1314 products, 1516 renewable biodegradable, 20f reusable plastic bags, 17 world production, 1314 worldwide demand, 1415 Plastic surgery, PLA in, 51 Polybutylene adipate/ terephthalate (PBAT), 13 Polycaprolactone (PCL), 610 Polydioxanone (PDO), 610 Poly(D-lactide)/poly(D-lactic acid) (PDLA), 4351, 109112, 143144 copolymers, 113 Poly(DL-lactide)/poly(DL-lactic acid) (PDLLA), 109111, 114f, 143144 Polyethylene, 24 Poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO), 188189 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 13, 164 permeability, 166169 Polyglycolic acid (PGA), 610 Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA)/PLA blends, 205206 Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), 1011 Poly(b-hydroxybutyrateco-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), 169170 Poly-3-hydroxybutyratecovalerate (PHBV), 1011 Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), 1011 Poly(lactic acid)/polylactide (PLA), 3, 5 applications, 25t arrangement of molecules of semicrystalline, 222223 average prices, 2223 biodegradability, 144. see also biodegradability and biodegradation of PLA biomedical applications, 4357, 52t, 143144, 317, 324t bulk production, 2022 CarreauYasuda model parameters, 231t characteristics of amorphousmade, 258t in China, 3233 INDEX 335Poly(lactic acid)/polylactide (PLA) (Continued) and climate change, 61f copolymers, 2431 crossWLF model coefficient, 225t cup system, 6364 development, early days, 144145 direct method of synthesizing, 144145 distortion/deflection temperature, impact on, 41 domestic application, 3342, 302317, 303t downstream processing, 2022 as a drug carrier medium, 51, 54t eco-efficiency, postconsumer, 63 eco-indication points, 6364, 65f engineering applications, 317, 318t environmental profile of, 5758 in the European Union, 31 family, 144 fibers, 145146 first generation, 6364 FKuR Kunststoff GmbH grade, 44t as a food packaging polymer, 145146 fossil energy requirement, 5961, 60f Futerro specification, 48t ‘green’ credentials, 145146 high-molecular-weight, 2324, 145146 Hisun Biomaterial specification, 47t impact on environment, 6366. see also biodegradability and biodegradation of PLA from L-lactic acid, 4346 market potential, 1333 mass production and ecoprofile, 5863 by NatureWorks, 5861, 59f NatureWorks grades, 35t, 37t, 39t patents published, 6f PLA-coated cable vs PVCcoated cable, 323t in plastic surgery, 51 powerlaw equation, 225t, 236 Purac’s product range, 2431, 5157 research publications (19502009), 6f routes for synthesis, 144f second generation, 5961 Toyobo grade, 46t UnitikaTerramacs grade, 42t, 43t virgin PET (vPET) vs recycled PET (rPET), 66t Polylactic acid resin producers, 32t Polylactide bottles, biodegradability study of, 267269 in compost pile, 270f evolution after 28 days, 268f 336 INDEXPoly(L-lactic acid)/poly(L-lactide) (PLLA), 109111, 143144 activation energy, 128129 calcium-ion end-capped, 128129 carboxyl-type, 128129 depolymerization, 126 effects of pyrolysis, 128129 functional groups of endcapped, 128129 IR spectra, 161162 melting range, 112113 PBS/PBSL blends, 200 PLLA/HDPE blends, 211212 PLLA/LLDPE blends, 211212 PLLA/Nodaxt blends, 206207 PLLA/PBSA composites with C25A and TFC, 200201 PLLA/PBS blends, 201 PLLAPEGPLLA triblock copolymer, 205 PLLA/PEO, 207210 PLLA/PHB blends, 205 PLLA/PHBV blends, 202205 PLLA/PTAT blends, 198199 rate of hydrolysis, 264t re-crystallization process, 261 stereochemical defects and crystallization, 121122 thermal decomposition, 123125 thermal properties of hydrolytically degraded, 261264, 262t thermograms, 114f, 259f unit cell parameters for non-blended, 143144 Polymer blends, 191215 with dicumyl peroxide (DCP), 194 elastic poly(e-caprolactone/ L-lactide) (PCL/L-LA) copolymer with PLLA, 193 with nondegradable polymers, 207215 PEO/PLLA blends, 207210 PLA/Cloisite 30B blends, 210 PLA/ePHA blends, 205206 PLA/PHA blends, 205206 PLA/poly(butylene adipateco-terephthalate) (PBAT), 199 PLA/polyisoprene/poly(vinyl acetate) blends, 210 PLLA/Nodaxt blends, 206207 PLLA/PBS blends, 201 PLLA/PBSL blends, 200 PLLAPCL diblock copolymer, 193194 PLLAPCLPLLA triblock copolymer, 193 PLLA/PHB blends, 205 PLLA/PHBV, 202205 PLLA/PHBV blends, 202 with polycaprolactone (PCL), 192197 with poly(ethylene/butylene succinate), 199200 with polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), 202207 of polylactide with degradable or partially INDEX 337degradable polymers, 198202, 203t poly(TMC/CL), 194195 polyurethane/PLA networks, 194 with poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc), 207 solution and melt blending, 207 using triphenyl phosphite, 193 at XPLLA, 193194 Polymerize lactide, 9596 Polymers, 1 average prices, 22f biodegradable, 3, 21f global development, 2, 2f oxo-biodegradable, 34 petroleum price and, 1516 synthetic, 2 worldwide consumption, 15t Polypropylene, 24 Polystyrene (PS), 2, 194195 Polytetramethylene adiphate/ terephthalate (PTMAT), 13 Poly(vinyl acetate), 3 Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH), 35, 249251 average prices, 2223 Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), 2 Potassium methoxide, 9495 Powerlaw equation, 225t, 236 Prepolymer reactor, 8992 PRO-BIP 2009, 1719 Production of poly(lactic acid)/ polylactide (PLA), 86105 application of coupling agents in, 86105 calculation of residual lactide, 102103 catalyst used, 94t coordination-insertion chain growth reaction scheme of lactide, 96f direct polycondensation (DP) route, 7172 evaluation of D-lactic acid presence, 103105 evaporation and prepolymerization stages, 9092 formation of free radicals, 8687 GC/FID method of residual lactide quantification, 100102, 101t from initial fermentation process, 92f from lactate ester, 86 low-molecular weight, 8687 low-molecular-weight byproducts, 9293 quality control, 99100 quantification of residual lactide in, 99103 reaction of polymerization and depolymerization reaction, 9092, 91f ring-opening polymerization (ROP) route, 7172, 8687 sample preparation for testing, 104b stereocomplex composition, 9293 testing procedures, 99100 transesterification mechanism, 9092 US Patent 6 569 989, 9293 338 INDEXProteinase K, 265t Purac’s product range, 2431, 5157 PURALACTt, 24 Purasorbs, 5157, 55t, 56t PVC-coated cable PLA-coated cable vs, 323t PVT relationship of PLA, 132138, 136t, 137t Pyramid Bioplastics Guben GmbH, 31 R Recycled PET (rPET) virgin PET (vPET) vs, 66t Recycling of biowaste, 1617 Regular solution theory (RST), 164 Research publications about PLA (19502009), 6f Residual lactide, quantification of, 99103 calculations, 102103 GC/FID method, 100102, 101t REVOD201, 41 REVODE101, 41 Rheological properties of PLA, 222226 blends with layered silicate nanocomposites, 237239 branching effects, 230232 extensional viscosities, 232233 flow activation energy for PLA70 blend, 243t molecular weight, effect of, 226229, 227t, 228f non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior of PLA, 224226 of PLACNs, 237239, 238f PLA-melt viscosity, 223f, 224f PLA/PBAT melts, 235237 PLA/polystyrene blend, 239243 of polymer blends, 233243 shear viscosities, 222224 solution viscosity, 233 true viscosity vs 1/T for PLA70, 242, 242f viscoelastic properties, 226227 zero-shear viscosity, 227229, 227t Rheometric Dynamic Analyzer (RDAII), 237 Rheometrics RDSII torsional rheometer, 226227 Rhizopus oryzae, 7577 Ring-opening polymerization of lactide, 8687 Rotational rheometers, 221222 Rubber, natural, 1 S Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 7374 Second generation PLA, 5961 Semicrystalline, arrangement of molecules of, 222223 Solution viscosity of PLA, 233 Stannous (Sn) complexes, 9596 Starch-based plastics, 2223 Starches, 23 Starchpolymer blends, 1920 Stereochemistry of PLA, 146153 Stereoisomer D-lactic acid, 4346 INDEX 339Sulfur vulcanization, 1 Synthesis of PLA, routes for, 144f Synthesizing PLA, direct method of, 144145 Synthetic polymer, 2 T Tellest, 1011 Teramacs, 3132 Terramacs, 41 Thermal conductivity of PLA, 131132, 135t Thermal degradation of PLA, 278287, 281t, 282f, 283f Thermal properties of PLA activation energies, 129t annealing point, 115116 crystallization, 111123 degradation under isothermal conditions, 125126 determination, 109111 DSC thermograms, 117f fiber incorporation and thermal transition, 121122 food grade plasticizer, effects of, 116121, 120t FTIR spectra, 126128, 127f glass transition behavior, 114115 glass transition temperature, 112115 heat capacity, 132, 133t isomers, effects of, 111t lactide and, 118 maleic anhydride (MA)- compatibilized blends, 122123 melting temperature and enthalpies, 114115, 119t, 149f microstructure rearrangement upon cooling, 111 molten polymer, 132138 monomer types, impact on structural properties, 121122 PLAstarch blends, 122123, 122t, 123f pure PLA, 121122 PVT relationship, 132138, 136t, 137t shear viscosity, 112113 solubility parameters, 118t stereocomplexed PLLAPDLA blend, 112113 stereoform of lactides, 110f thermal conductivity, 131132, 135t thermal decomposition, 123131 thermogravimetry, 130f transition temperature, 112123 WF accelerated thermal decomposition, 129131 Tin octoate catalyst, 9697 Titration reaction scheme, 271, 271 Toyobo PLA specification, 46t Transesterification of PLA, 124f Triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC), 286287, 287f Trifluoromethane sulfonic acid, 9495 Tris(nonylphenyl), 231 Tris (nonylphenyl) phosphate, 231 Tweens80, 7780 340 INDEXU UL-94, 288290, 289t, 291t, 292t UnitikaTerramacs PLA grade, 42t, 43t V Vinegar syndrome, 11 Virgin PET (vPET) vs recycled PET (rPET), 66t Vuitton, Louis, 11 Vulcanization of rubber, 1 Vyloecols, 2431, 41 W WeissenbergRabinowitsch correlation, 221222 WilliamsLandelFerry equation (WLF), 229 Z Zoladexs, 5
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