كتاب Stretch Blow Molding
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Stretch Blow Molding

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Stretch Blow Molding
Second Edition
Ottmar Brandau

كتاب Stretch Blow Molding  S_b_m_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Preface to the Third Edition
1: Short History of Stretch Blow Molding
2: Material Basics
2.1. Manufacture and States of PET
2.2. Crystallization of PET
2.3. Drying of PET
2.4. Other Consequences of Insufficient Drying
2.5. Behavior in the Injection Mold
2.6. Behavior in the Blow Mold
3: Reheat Stretch Blow Machine (RSBM) Types
3.1. Overview
3.2. Differences Between Rotary Machines of Different Manufacturers
3.3. Orientation of Preforms and Bottles
3.4. Movement Actuation
3.5. Shape and Location of Oven Section
3.6. Blow Mold Actuation
3.7. Preform Seal
3.8. Synchronization and Crash Protection
4: Machine Details
4.1. Oven Section
4.2. Transfer Functions
4.3. Blow Wheel/Blow Clamp
4.4. Machine Timing
4.5. Rotary Machines Comparison
5: Blow Molds
5.1. Design
5.2. Base Mold
5.3. Making a Mold
5.4. Venting
5.5. Stretch Rod
6: Fundamentals of the Blow Process
6.1. Process Overview
6.2. Stretch Ratios
6.3. Types of Heat Transfer
6.4. Light Absorption Characteristics of PET
6.5. Optimal Preform Temperature
7: The Blowing Process
7.1. Reheating Preforms
7.2. Blowing Bottles
7.3. Air Valve Control
8: Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machines
8.1. Four-Station Machines
8.2. Machine Controls
8.3. Injection Controls
8.4. Interaction Between Injection and Blow
8.5. Conditioning
8.6. Container Blowing
8.7. Hot Runners
8.8. Integrated Two-Stage Stretch Blow Molding
8.9. Single or Two Stage—That is the Question
9: Special Applications
9.1. Simulation of the Blow Process
9.2. Stretch Blow Molding of Oriented Polypropylene
9.3. Plant-Based Plastics
9.4. Blow Process for Hot-Fill Applications
9.5. Preferential Heating
9.6. Direct Feeding of Preforms into the Blow Machine
9.7. Vision Inspection
9.8. Barrier Enhancing Technologies
9.9. Blow-and-Trim Process
9.10. CSD Bottle Base Failures
9.11. Recycling of PET Bottles
9.12. Preform Aesthetics in the Two-Stage Process
9.13. Blowing Thick-Walled Preforms
10: Troubleshooting of Blowing Problems
10.1. General Guidelines
10.2. Starting a New Process
10.3. Preblow Pressure Control
10.4. Changing Preform Temperatures
10.5. Output Control
10.6. Troubleshooting of Specific Problems
10.7. Defects Particular to Single-Stage Molding
10.8. Summary of Preform Quality Checks
11: Economics
11.1. Container Types
11.2. Business Models
11.3. Tooling Costs
11.4. Lightweighing of Bottles and Caps
11.5. Resin Prices
11.6. Bottle Production Costs
11.7. Starting with a New Product
11.8. Recommended Laboratory Equipment for RSBM Plants
11.9. Western Versus Asian Machinery
11.10. Bottle Storage and Transport
12: Preform Design for Single- and Two-Stage Processing
12.1. Two-Stage Process Injection Molding
12.2. Single-Stage Process Injection Molding
12.3. Goals and Conditions
12.4. The Mechanics of Preform Design
12.5. Putting it all Together
13: Auxiliary Equipment
13.1. Compressors
13.2. Chillers
13.3. Conveyors and Bottle Storage Devices
14: Training of Operators
14.1. Current State of Training
14.2. Obstacles to Training Programs
14.3. Rethinking Abstract Concepts
14.4. Language Structure
14.5. Converting Formulas Into Common English Sentences
14.6. Substituting Uncommon Arithmetical Operators
14.7. Presentation Style
14.8. Translating Graphs into Common-Day Language
14.9. Choosing Easy-to-Understand Drawings
14.10. Computer Simulations
14.11. Comprehensive Coverage
14.12. Trainees Involvement
14.13. Assessments
14.14. Conclusions

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Stretch Blow Molding
» كتاب Stretch Blow Molding
» كتاب Practical Extrusion Blow Molding
» كتاب Practical Guide to Injection Blow Molding
» كتاب Injection Molding Handbook

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