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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
![كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II Empty]( | موضوع: كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II الأربعاء 24 مايو 2023, 6:27 am | |
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أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2021, September 9–10, 2021, Rome, Italy Caterina Rizzi , Francesca Campana , Michele Bici , Francesco Gherardini , Tommaso Ingrassia , Paolo Cicconi Editors
![كتاب Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II D_t_a_12]( و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Geometric Modelling and Analysis On the Geometrical Complexity Index as a Driver for Selecting the Production Technology . 3 Alessandro Greco, Pasquale Manco, and Salvatore Gerbino A Voxel-Based 2.5D Panel Method for Fluid-Dynamics Simulations . 13 Antonio Bacciaglia, Alessandro Ceruti, and Alfredo Liverani Enhanced Statistical Shape Model: A Statistical-Based Tool to design Custom Orthopaedic Devices 27 Antonio Marzola, Francesco Buonamici, Lorenzo Guariento, and Lapo Governi Design of a Low Cost 3D Printable Single-Component Compliant Mechanism for FWMAV’s Wing Actuation 39 Giovanni Carollo, Tommaso Ingrassia, and Antonio Pantano A Bespoke Neck Orthosis for Additive Manufacturing with Improved Design Method and Sustainable Material 50 Rita Ambu, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, and Michele Calì Battens Modelling and Optimization in Air-Sail Interaction Analysis 59 Michele Calì, Ignazio Sapienza, and Salvatore Massimo Oliveri Industrial Design and Ergonomics A Detailed Analysis of the Most Promising Concepts of Soft Wearable Robots for Upper–Limb . 71 Dario Panariello, Stanislao Grazioso, Teodorico Caporaso, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, and Antonio Lanzotti xvA New Sedan Concept Car in Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE) Enhanced with Augmented Reality 82 Gian Maria Santi, Leonardo Frizziero, Giampiero Donnici, Daniela Francia, Marco Neri, and Alfredo Liverani User Experience Design in Software and Hardware Components Studied in Human-Computer Interaction 91 Aurora Berni and Yuri Borgianni Virtual Reality and Interactive Design Spatial Augmented Reality as a Visualization Support for Engineering Analysis 103 Federico Morosi, Giandomenico Caruso, and Gaetano Cascini Investigating the Application of Augmented Reality to Support Wire Harness Activities . 116 Alessandra Papetti, Marianna Ciccarelli, Agnese Brunzini, and Michele Germani User-Centered Design of an Augmented Reality Tool for Smart Operator in Production Environment . 125 Emanuele Marino, Loris Barbieri, Biagio Colacino, and Fabio Bruno HoloLens 2 for Maxillofacial Surgery: A Preliminary Study . 133 Agnese Brunzini, Marco Mandolini, Manila Caragiuli, Michele Germani, Alida Mazzoli, and Mario Pagnoni CompassbAR: A Technique for Visualizing Out-of-View Objects in a Mixed Reality Environment 141 Alessandro Evangelista, Vito Modesto Manghisi, Francesco Laera, Michele Gattullo, Antonio Emmanuele Uva, and Michele Fiorentino Cinematic Virtual Reality as a Rehabilitative Tool in Subjects Affected by Schizophrenia . 149 Vito Modesto Manghisi, Alessandro Evangelista, Antonio Boccaccio, Michele Gattullo, Michele Fiorentino, Domenico Semisa, Valeria Latorre, and Antonio Emmanuele Uva Mixed Reality in STEM Didactics: Case Study of Assembly Drawings of Complex Machines . 157 Enricoandrea Laviola, Michele Gattullo, Antonio Boccaccio, Alessandro Evangelista, Michele Fiorentino, Vito Modesto Manghisi, and Antonio Emmanuele Uva Defining the Potential of Extended Reality Tools for Implementing Co-creation of User Oriented Products and Systems . 165 Sandhya Santhosh, Francesca De Crescenzio, and Bonaventura Vitolo xvi ContentsA New Approach for CAD Modelling of Customised Orthoses by Generative Design . 175 Laura Bragonzoni, Tommaso Ingrassia, Giuseppe Marannano, Vincenzo Nigrelli, and Vito Ricotta Semi-automatic Analysis of Spoken Interaction Dynamics in Collaborative Design Sessions 183 Niccolò Becattini and Luca Alberio Reverse Engineering, Digital Acquisition and Inspection A CAD-Based Tool for Tissue-Mimicking Replica of Human Costal Cartilage . 199 Michaela Servi, Elisa Mussi, Rocco Furferi, and Yary Volpe A Rapid Prototyping Strategy for Manufacturing of Personalized Bolus . 209 Elisa Mussi, Gabriele Simontacchi, Cinzia Talamonti, Michaela Servi, Rocco Furferi, Yary Volpe, Lorenzo Protesti, Monica Carfagni, and Stefania Pallotta CNN Approach for Monocular Depth Estimation: Ear Case Study 220 Roberto Magherini, Michaela Servi, Elisa Mussi, Rocco Furferi, Francesco Buonamici, and Yary Volpe A Fast Scanning System for Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction 229 Umberto Severino, Fabrizio Fuoco, Felix Manfredi, Loris Barbieri, and Maurizio Muzzupappa Online 3D Reconstruction in Underwater Environment Using a Low-Cost Depth Camera . 237 Luigi Scarfone, Rosario Aiello, Umberto Severino, Loris Barbieri, and Fabio Bruno A Depth-Camera Based System for the Real-Time Scanning of Upper Limb Anatomy 245 Paolo Neri, Sandro Barone, Alessandro Paoli, Armando Viviano Razionale, and Francesco Tamburrino Geometrical Product Specification and Tolerancing The ASME Y14.43 Standard and Its Root in the American Pragmatism . 259 Sergio Rizzuti and Luigi De Napoli Contents xviiProposal for a Method for Advanced Search of Information and Standards in the Field of Geometrical Product Specification 269 Ileana Bodini, Gabriele Baronio, Diego Paderno, Valerio Villa, Paolo Martinelli, Roberto Frizza, Alessandro Balsamo, and Stefano Uberti Model-Based Approach for Optimal Allocation of GD&T . 277 Andrea Petruccioli, Fabio Pini, and Francesco Leali Design for Manufacturing and Assembly A Method to Assess Design for Assembly Efficiency of Aircraft Cabin Concepts . 287 Giovanni Formentini, Claudio Favi, Francois Bouissiere, Claude Cuiller, Pierre-Eric Dereux, and Cedric Jurbert Design and Integration of Automation Systems with Manual Operation: Small and Medium Enterprises Issues . 298 Rocco Salvato, Giovanni Marra, Paola Scardamaglia, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, Domenico Marzullo, and Rocco Mozzillo Integrated Product and Process Design Modular Design Assessment: Development and Application of a Product Characteristic-Based Tool . 311 Laura Asión-Suñer and Ignacio López-Forniés Concept Assessment Using Objective-Based Metrics on Functional Models . 320 Ignacio López-Forniés An Integrated Approach to Ensure Requirements Traceability During the Product Development Process . 328 Domenico Viapiana, Giovanni Riggio, Loris Barbieri, and Fabio Bruno Design of a Bioinspired Multi-fingered Soft Pneumatic Gripper with Embedded Suckers . 336 Stanislao Grazioso, Teodorico Caporaso, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, and Antonio Lanzotti Investigation of Warpage and Tolerances in Injection Moulding Components Based on Simulation and Experimental Validation 342 Giovanni Garlaschelli, Francesco Gherardini, Simone Malagola, and Francesco Leali Ecodesign Investigating a Circular Economy Application: Reuse of End of Life Tire Fibers in a Plastic Compound . 357 Daniele Landi and Marco Marconi xviii ContentsEphemeral Products: Opportunities for Circularity Based on Ideation for Reuse. An Experience 365 Ignacio López-Forniés and Jorge Sierra-Pérez A Design for De-manufacturing Methodology to Improve the Product End of Life Environmental Sustainability 373 Marta Rossi, Federica Cappelletti, Marco Marconi, and Michele Germani An Approach for the Responsible Design of the Packaging Employed in Household Appliances 381 Daniele Landi and Paolo Cicconi Implementation of Eco-Design Actions in the Development of a Sustainable Heat Exchanger in a Life Cycle Perspective . 390 Núria Boix Rodríguez, Marta Rossi, Federica Cappelletti, and Claudio Favi Design for Additive Manufacturing The Role of Rapid Prototyping Devices in the Design and Manufacturing Practices of FabLab Visitors: A Survey . 401 Aurora Berni, Florian Dallago, Lorenzo Maccioni, Franco Concli, and Yuri Borgianni Geometrical Issues in Design for Binder Jetting – The Effect of Anisotropic Dimensional Change on Sintering 410 Marco Zago, Nora Francesca Maria Lecis, Maurizio Vedani, and Ilaria Cristofolini A Hollowing Topology Optimization Method for Additive and Traditional Manufacturing Technologies . 422 Emmanuele Barberi, Filippo Cucinotta, Marcello Raffaele, and Fabio Salmeri A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Strut Waviness on the Mechanical Properties of BCC Lattice Unit Cells 431 Davide Tumino, Andrea Alaimo, Calogero Orlando, and Stefano Valvano Effects of Coating Post-processing on the Compressive Properties of Strut-and-Node-Based FDM Lattice Structures . 442 Sandro Barone, Paolo Neri, Alessandro Paoli, Armando Viviano Razionale, and Francesco Tamburrino Examination of Additively Manufactured Auxetic Components Using a Novel Testing Setup 451 Lewis William Robert Urquhart, Francesco Tamburrino, Andrew Wodehouse, Paolo Neri, and Armando Viviano Razionale Contents xixHeterogeneous Materials Additive Manufacturing: An Overview 462 Riccardo Sponchiado, Luca Grigolato, Stefano Filippi, Gianmaria Concheri, Roberto Meneghello, and Gianpaolo Savio Conformal Lattice Structures: Modeling and Optimization 474 Pierandrea Dal Fabbro, Stefano Rosso, Alessandro Ceruti, Roberto Meneghello, Gianmaria Concheri, and Gianpaolo Savio Optimization of an Engine Piston Through CAD Platforms and Additive Manufacturing Based Systematic Product Redesign . 486 Enrico Dalpadulo, Fabio Pini, and Francesco Leali A Numerical Model for Simulating the Selective Laser Melting of Closed Impellers . 494 Marco Mandolini, Federica Santucci, Paolo Cicconi, Eleonora Santecchia, Michele Germani, Marco Palladino, Claudio Favi, and Marco Marconi Additive Manufacturing Design of an Argon Condenser Made with Pure Copper Powder for High-Purity Physics Applications: Technological Issues 502 Daniele Cortis, Alessandro Lalli, and Donato Orlandi A Further Investigation Toward the Design of Topology Optimized Solid-Lattice Hybrid Structures for Biomedical Applications . 514 Chiara de Crescenzo, Maria Richetta, Massimo Martorelli, Antonio Gloria, and Antonio Lanzotti A Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of Process Parameters on the Impact Resistance of 3D Printed PETG and HIPS . 524 Massimo Martorelli, Vito Gallicchio, Antonio Gloria, and Antonio Lanzotti 3D Printing of Prototypes Starting from Medical Imaging: A Liver Case Study 535 Robinson Guachi, Michele Bici, Fabiano Bini, Marcelo Esteban Calispa, Cristina Oscullo, Lorena Guachi, Francesca Campana, and Franco Marinozzi Integrated Methods for System Design, Simulation, Analysis and Optimization Fracture Toughness Characterization of Copper-Resin Interface in Power Electronics Application 549 Michele Calabretta, Alessandro Sitta, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, and Gaetano Sequenzia A Framework for Virtual Evaluation of Body-Attached Sensor Networks 557 Giuseppe Sanseverino, Dominik Krumm, and Stephan Odenwald xx ContentsMobile Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments: Comparison of Lidar-Based 2D SLAM Algorithms 569 Riadh Dhaoui and Amine Rahmouni An Integrated Modular Design and Group Decision-Making Method in Complex Design Environments . 581 Cristina Renzi and Francesco Leali Firefly Algorithm for Structural Optimization Using ANSYS 593 Giuseppe Marannano and Vito Ricotta An Analytical Model for Robot-Based Grinding of Axisymmetric Mold Inserts Using a Rotary Unit . 605 Eugenio Tamassia, Sebastian Hähnel, Fabio Pini, Tim Grunwald, Thomas Bergs, and Francesco Leali Towards the Upscaling of Biomanufacturing Process Enhanced by Human-Robot Collaboration . 615 Andrea Rega, Castrese Di Marino, Ferdinando Vitolo, Stanislao Patalano, and Antonio Lanzotti A Coarse-Grained Lattice Spring Model to Characterize Nanoindented Stem Cells 623 Lorenzo Vaiani, Michele Fiorentino, Michele Gattullo, Vito Modesto Manghisi, Antonio Emmanuele Uva, and Antonio Boccaccio Analysis of Possible Algorithms for Active Noise Control of Siren Noise into an Ambulance 630 Massimo Generoso Buttarazzi, Chiara Bartalucci, Francesco Borchi, Monica Carfagni, and Libero Paolucci A Graph-Based Multi-level Framework to Support the Designing of Collaborative Workplaces . 641 Castrese Di Marino, Andrea Rega, Fabio Fruggiero, Agnese Pasquariello, Ferdinando Vitolo, and Stanislao Patalano Finite Element Model Proposed for Determine the Rotational Equilibrium Around of the Subtalar Joint Axis (SJA) 650 Rubén Lostado Lorza, Fátima Somovilla Gomez, Saúl Íñiguez Macedo, Marina Corral Bobadilla, María Ángeles Martínez Calvo, Álvaro Pérez-Sala, and Ignacio M. Larráyoz Requirements Engineering in Complex Systems Design . 658 Domenico Marzullo, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, Antonio Lanzotti, Rocco Mozzillo, and Andrea Tarallo Virtual Prototyping and FEM Analysis of the Crystal Eye Detector . 668 Fabrizio Renno, Stefano Papa, Domenico Marzullo, Felicia Carla Tiziana Barbato, and Giancarlo Barbarino Contents xxiVirtual Prototyping as a Supporting Tool for the Design of Complex Robotic Cells 675 Roberto Raffaeli, Federico Neri, Margherita Peruzzini, Giovanni Berselli, and Marcello Pellicciari An Innovative Mechanical Solution to Better Understand Human-Robot Interaction Forces 683 Irene Pippo, Jacopo Zenzeri, Giovanni Berselli, and Diego Torazza Finite Element Analysis of the Interaction Between an Endo-Surgical Tool and Colorectal Tissue for Setting up Force Feedback Evaluation in Virtual Reality-Based Applications 691 Robinson Guachi, Michele Bici, Fabiano Bini, Francesca Campana, and Franco Marinozzi Experimental Methods in Product Development Recent Findings About the Novelty Metric of Shah 705 Lorenzo Fiorineschi, Francesco Saverio Frillici, Federico Rotini, and Monica Carfagni Mechanical Characterization of Power Electronics Solder Materials . 712 Michele Calabretta, Alessandro Sitta, Angelo Alberto Messina, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, and Gaetano Sequenzia 3D-Printed Pure Copper: Density and Thermal Treatments Effects 721 Ilaria Rago, Marco Iannone, Francesco Marra, Maria Paola Bracciale, Laura Paglia, Donato Orlandi, Daniele Cortis, and Valerio Pettinacci Design and Validation of a Block-on-Ring Test Bench 729 Diego Paderno, Ileana Bodini, Gabriele Baronio, Stefano Uberti, Lorenzo Montesano, Simone Tonoli, Annalisa Pola, and Valerio Villa Human-Related and User-Centered Design The New Ergonomic Paradigm for Academic Learning Environments During Covid-19 Lockdown 741 Iolanda Fiorillo, Rosaria Califano, and Alessandro Naddeo A System to Support the Design and Management of Customer Experience Based on a Customer-Centered Approach 753 Silvia Ceccacci, Andrea Generosi, and Maura Mengoni Evaluation of a Morphable Anthropomorphic Articulated Total Body Model 761 Giulia Pascoletti, Toon Huysmans, Paolo Conti, and Elisabetta M. Zanetti Preliminary Study of a High-Fidelity Simulator for the Management of Paediatric Tracheal Pathologies . 773 Chiara Santarelli, Luca Puggelli, Monica Carfagni, and Lapo Governi xxii ContentsTrends in Human Factors Integration for the Design of Industry 4.0 785 Fabio Grandi, Margherita Peruzzini, Roberto Raffaeli, and Marcello Pellicciari Evaluation of Mandibular Advancement Devices in Patients Suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Periodontitis 793 Marco Mandolini, Manila Caragiuli, Giovanni Bruno, Alberto De Stefani, Antonio Gracco, Alida Mazzoli, and Agnese Brunzini Limitations of Using Generative Design for Maxillo-Facial Reconstructive Surgery Applications . 801 Stefano Filippi, Massimo Robiony, Alessandro Tel, and Francisco Daniel Montoya Buteler Heart Sound Processing Model for a Mat-Shaped Device . 809 Luca Salvati, Nicola Cappetti, Matteo d’Amore, Anita Fiorentino, Arcangelo Pellegrino, Pasquale Sena, and Francesco Villecco Design of Wearables for Biosignal Acquisition: A User Centered Approach for Concept Generation and Selection 818 Teodorico Caporaso, Stanislao Grazioso, Giuseppe Di Gironimo, and Antonio Lanzotti A Workflow for the Numerical Evaluation of Hemodynamics in a Patient-Specific AAA After Stent-Graft Implantation . 827 Michele Bertolini, Marco Rossoni, and Giorgio Colombo Engineering Education A Systematic Approach to Innovative MCAD Education Based on Negative Knowledge Development and Formative Feedback . 839 Ferruccio Mandorli and Harald E. Otto The Problem-Solution Network for Systematic Conceptual Design: Lesson Learned . 851 Lorenzo Fiorineschi, Federico Rotini, and Monica Carfagni A New Table to Manage 1D Tolerances Stack-Up . 861 Sergio Rizzuti and Luigi De Napoli A Service-Learning Experience Applied in Corporate Identity Design of Newly Created Companies . 872 Natalia Muñoz López, Anna Biedermann, José Luis Santolaya Sáenz, and Camille Bertrand Students Creativity Assessment Through Gray’s “Forward Flow” Tool: A Preliminary Study . 879 Ileana Bodini, Mariasole Bannò, Diego Paderno, Gabriele Baronio, Stefano Uberti, and Valerio Villa Contents xxiiiReasoning About Technical Drawing Online Teaching During COVID-19 . 889 Barbara Motyl, Stefano Filippi, Gabriele Baronio, and Valerio Villa Engineering Methods and Applications in Cultural Heritage Automatic Segmentation of Sweep Features of Constant Radius from Archaeological Artifacts . 901 Luca Di Angelo, Paolo Di Stefano, and Anna Morabito A Review on Computer-Based Methods for Archeological Pottery Classification and Reconstruction 909 Luca Di Angelo, Paolo Di Stefano, Emanuele Guardiani, and Caterina Pane A Photogrammetry Reconstruction of Emissario Romano in Capistrello . 920 Luca Di Angelo, Paolo Di Stefano, and Emanuele Guardiani A Methodological Proposal for the Comparison of 3D Photogrammetric Models 930 Andrea di Filippo, Francesco Villecco, Nicola Cappetti, and Salvatore Barba A CAD-Based Framework for Interactive Analysis in the Restoration of Bronze Statues . 938 Paolo Cicconi, Michele Bici, Olimpia Colacicchi Alessandri, Giorgio D’Ercoli, and Francesca Campana Design of the New Inner Frame for the Vittoria Alata di Brescia: How Engineering Design May Support Ancient Bronze Restoration . 951 Michele Bici, Annalena Brini, Francesca Campana, Sergio Capoferri, Riccardo Guarnieri, Francesca Morandini, and Anna Patera Author Index 963 xxiv Contents Author Index A Aiello, Rosario, 237 Alaimo, Andrea, 431 Alberio, Luca, 183 Ambu, Rita, 50 Asión-Suñer, Laura, 311 B Bacciaglia, Antonio, 13 Balsamo, Alessandro, 269 Bannò, Mariasole, 879 Barba, Salvatore, 930 Barbarino, Giancarlo, 668 Barbato, Felicia Carla Tiziana, 668 Barberi, Emmanuele, 422 Barbieri, Loris, 125, 229, 237, 328 Barone, Sandro, 245, 442 Baronio, Gabriele, 269, 729, 879, 889 Bartalucci, Chiara, 630 Becattini, Niccolò, 183 Bergs, Thomas, 605 Berni, Aurora, 91, 401 Berselli, Giovanni, 675, 683 Bertolini, Michele, 827 Bertrand, Camille, 872 Bici, Michele, 535, 691, 938, 951 Biedermann, Anna, 872 Bini, Fabiano, 535, 691 Boccaccio, Antonio, 149, 157, 623 Bodini, Ileana, 269, 729, 879 Boix Rodríguez, Núria, 390 Borchi, Francesco, 630 Borgianni, Yuri, 91, 401 Bouissiere, Francois, 287 Bracciale, Maria Paola, 721 Bragonzoni, Laura, 175 Brini, Annalena, 951 Bruno, Fabio, 125, 237, 328 Bruno, Giovanni, 793 Brunzini, Agnese, 116, 133, 793 Buonamici, Francesco, 27, 220 Buttarazzi, Massimo Generoso, 630 C Calabretta, Michele, 549, 712 Calì, Michele, 50, 59 Califano, Rosaria, 741 Calispa, Marcelo Esteban, 535 Campana, Francesca, 535, 691, 938, 951 Capoferri, Sergio, 951 Caporaso, Teodorico, 71, 336, 818 Cappelletti, Federica, 373, 390 Cappetti, Nicola, 809, 930 Caragiuli, Manila, 133, 793 Carfagni, Monica, 209, 630, 705, 773, 851 Carollo, Giovanni, 39 Caruso, Giandomenico, 103 Cascini, Gaetano, 103 Ceccacci, Silvia, 753 Ceruti, Alessandro, 13, 474 Ciccarelli, Marianna, 116 Cicconi, Paolo, 381, 494, 938 Colacicchi Alessandri, Olimpia, 938 Colacino, Biagio, 125 Colombo, Giorgio, 827 Concheri, Gianmaria, 462, 474 Concli, Franco, 401 Conti, Paolo, 761 Corral Bobadilla, Marina, 650 Cortis, Daniele, 502, 721 Cristofolini, Ilaria, 410 Cucinotta, Filippo, 422 Cuiller, Claude, 287 D d’Amore, Matteo, 809 D’Ercoli, Giorgio, 938 Dal Fabbro, Pierandrea, 474 Dallago, Florian, 401 Dalpadulo, Enrico, 486 De Crescenzio, Francesca, 165 de Crescenzo, Chiara, 514 De Napoli, Luigi, 259, 861 De Stefani, Alberto, 793 Dereux, Pierre-Eric, 287 Dhaoui, Riadh, 569 Di Angelo, Luca, 901, 909, 920 di Filippo, Andrea, 930 Di Gironimo, Giuseppe, 71, 298, 336, 658, 818 Di Marino, Castrese, 615, 641 Di Stefano, Paolo, 901, 909, 920 Donnici, Giampiero, 82 E Evangelista, Alessandro, 141, 149, 157 F Favi, Claudio, 287, 390, 494 Filippi, Stefano, 462, 801, 889 Fiorentino, Anita, 809 Fiorentino, Michele, 141, 149, 157, 623 Fiorillo, Iolanda, 741 Fiorineschi, Lorenzo, 705, 851 Formentini, Giovanni, 287 Francia, Daniela, 82 Frillici, Francesco Saverio, 705 Frizza, Roberto, 269 Frizziero, Leonardo, 82 Fruggiero, Fabio, 641 Fuoco, Fabrizio, 229 Furferi, Rocco, 199, 209, 220 G Gallicchio, Vito, 524 Garlaschelli, Giovanni, 342 Gattullo, Michele, 141, 149, 157, 623 Generosi, Andrea, 753 Gerbino, Salvatore, 3 Germani, Michele, 116, 133, 373, 494 Gherardini, Francesco, 342 Gloria, Antonio, 514, 524 Governi, Lapo, 27, 773 Gracco, Antonio, 793 Grandi, Fabio, 785 Grazioso, Stanislao, 71, 336, 818 Greco, Alessandro, 3 Grigolato, Luca, 462 Grunwald, Tim, 605 Guachi, Lorena, 535 Guachi, Robinson, 535, 691 Guardiani, Emanuele, 909, 920 Guariento, Lorenzo, 27 Guarnieri, Riccardo, 951 H Hähnel, Sebastian, 605 Huysmans, Toon, 761 I Iannone, Marco, 721 Ingrassia, Tommaso, 39, 175 Íñiguez Macedo, Saúl, 650 J Jurbert, Cedric, 287 K Krumm, Dominik, 557 L Laera, Francesco, 141 Lalli, Alessandro, 502 Landi, Daniele, 357, 381 Lanzotti, Antonio, 71, 336, 514, 524, 615, 658, 818 Larráyoz, Ignacio M., 650 Latorre, Valeria, 149 Laviola, Enricoandrea, 157 Leali, Francesco, 277, 342, 486, 581, 605 Lecis, Nora Francesca Maria, 410 Liverani, Alfredo, 13, 82 López-Forniés, Ignacio, 311, 320, 365 Lostado Lorza, Rubén, 650 M Maccioni, Lorenzo, 401 Magherini, Roberto, 220 Malagola, Simone, 342 Manco, Pasquale, 3 Mandolini, Marco, 133, 494, 793 Mandorli, Ferruccio, 839 Manfredi, Felix, 229 Manghisi, Vito Modesto, 141, 149, 157, 623 Marannano, Giuseppe, 175, 593 Marconi, Marco, 357, 373, 494 Marino, Emanuele, 125 Marinozzi, Franco, 535, 691 Marra, Francesco, 721Author Index 965 Marra, Giovanni, 298 Martinelli, Paolo, 269 Martínez Calvo, María Ángeles, 650 Martorelli, Massimo, 514, 524 Marzola, Antonio, 27 Marzullo, Domenico, 298, 658, 668 Mazzoli, Alida, 133, 793 Meneghello, Roberto, 462, 474 Mengoni, Maura, 753 Messina, Angelo Alberto, 712 Montesano, Lorenzo, 729 Montoya Buteler, Francisco Daniel, 801 Morabito, Anna, 901 Morandini, Francesca, 951 Morosi, Federico, 103 Motyl, Barbara, 889 Mozzillo, Rocco, 298, 658 Muñoz López, Natalia, 872 Mussi, Elisa, 199, 209, 220 Muzzupappa, Maurizio, 229 N Naddeo, Alessandro, 741 Neri, Federico, 675 Neri, Marco, 82 Neri, Paolo, 245, 442, 451 Nigrelli, Vincenzo, 175 O Odenwald, Stephan, 557 Oliveri, Salvatore Massimo, 50, 59, 549, 712 Orlandi, Donato, 502, 721 Orlando, Calogero, 431 Oscullo, Cristina, 535 Otto, Harald E., 839 P Paderno, Diego, 269, 729, 879 Paglia, Laura, 721 Pagnoni, Mario, 133 Palladino, Marco, 494 Pallotta, Stefania, 209 Panariello, Dario, 71 Pane, Caterina, 909 Pantano, Antonio, 39 Paoli, Alessandro, 245, 442 Paolucci, Libero, 630 Papa, Stefano, 668 Papetti, Alessandra, 116 Pascoletti, Giulia, 761 Pasquariello, Agnese, 641 Patalano, Stanislao, 615, 641 Patera, Anna, 951 Pellegrino, Arcangelo, 809 Pellicciari, Marcello, 675, 785 Pérez-Sala, Álvaro, 650 Peruzzini, Margherita, 675, 785 Petruccioli, Andrea, 277 Pettinacci, Valerio, 721 Pini, Fabio, 277, 486, 605 Pippo, Irene, 683 Pola, Annalisa, 729 Protesti, Lorenzo, 209 Puggelli, Luca, 773 R Raffaele, Marcello, 422 Raffaeli, Roberto, 675, 785 Rago, Ilaria, 721 Rahmouni, Amine, 569 Razionale, Armando Viviano, 245, 442, 451 Rega, Andrea, 615, 641 Renno, Fabrizio, 668 Renzi, Cristina, 581 Richetta, Maria, 514 Ricotta, Vito, 175, 593 Riggio, Giovanni, 328 Rizzuti, Sergio, 259, 861 Robiony, Massimo, 801 Rossi, Marta, 373, 390 Rosso, Stefano, 474 Rossoni, Marco, 827 Rotini, Federico, 705, 851 S Salmeri, Fabio, 422 Salvati, Luca, 809 Salvato, Rocco, 298 Sanseverino, Giuseppe, 557 Santarelli, Chiara, 773 Santecchia, Eleonora, 494 Santhosh, Sandhya, 165 Santi, Gian Maria, 82 Santolaya Sáenz, José Luis, 872 Santucci, Federica, 494 Sapienza, Ignazio, 59 Savio, Gianpaolo, 462, 474 Scardamaglia, Paola, 298 Scarfone, Luigi, 237 Semisa, Domenico, 149 Sena, Pasquale, 809 Sequenzia, Gaetano, 549, 712 Servi, Michaela, 199, 209, 220 Severino, Umberto, 229, 237 Sierra-Pérez, Jorge, 365 Simontacchi, Gabriele, 209 Sitta, Alessandro, 549, 712 Somovilla Gomez, Fátima, 650 Sponchiado, Riccardo, 462966 Author Index T Talamonti, Cinzia, 209 Tamassia, Eugenio, 605 Tamburrino, Francesco, 245, 442, 451 Tarallo, Andrea, 658 Tel, Alessandro, 801 Tonoli, Simone, 729 Torazza, Diego, 683 Tumino, Davide, 431 U Uberti, Stefano, 269, 729, 879 Urquhart, Lewis William Robert, 451 Uva, Antonio Emmanuele, 141, 149, 157, 623 V Vaiani, Lorenzo, 623 Valvano, Stefano, 431 Vedani, Maurizio, 410 Viapiana, Domenico, 328 Villa, Valerio, 269, 729, 879, 889 Villecco, Francesco, 809, 930 Vitolo, Bonaventura, 165 Vitolo, Ferdinando, 615, 641 Volpe, Yary, 199, 209, 220 W Wodehouse, Andrew, 451 Z Zago, Marco, 410 Zanetti, Elisabetta M., 761 Zenzeri, Jacopo, 683
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