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عدد المساهمات : 18967 التقييم : 35407 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Essentials of Mechanical Stress Analysis الثلاثاء 16 مايو 2023, 7:39 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Essentials of Mechanical Stress Analysis Second Edition Amir Javidinejad
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xi Author xiii Chapter 1 Basics of Engineering Materials 1 1.1 Introduction . 1 1.2 The Fundamental Terms . 1 1.3 The Material Properties 7 1.4 Material Selection . 11 References . 12 Chapter 2 Stress and Strain Relationship . 13 2.1 Introduction . 13 2.2 Stress . 13 2.3 2-D Stresses on an Inclined Angle 14 2.4 Principal Stresses 14 2.5 Mohr’s Circle 15 2.6 Strain . 23 2.7 Plane Stress and Strain . 24 2.8 Principal Strains 25 2.9 Stress Based on the Measured Strains . 25 2.10 Stress State in Polar Coordinates . 27 2.11 Stress Field around Circular Holes in Thin Plates 29 2.12 Stress due to Thermal Expansion and Axial Pre-loading 31 References . 35 Chapter 3 Stresses due to Various Loading Conditions 37 3.1 Introduction . 37 3.2 Contact Stresses 37 3.3 Thin-Walled Spherical Pressure Vessels . 42 3.4 Thin-Walled Cylindrical Pressure Vessels 43 3.5 Thick-Walled Cylinder . 51 3.6 Stress on Hydraulic Actuators . 52 3.7 Stress due to Various Combined Loadings . 53 3.8 Stresses due to Rotational Loadings 55 References . 58 viiChapter 4 Failure Criteria . 59 4.1 Introduction . 59 4.2 Material Failure 59 4.2.1 Ductile Failure 59 4.2.2 Brittle Failure 59 4.3 Maximum-Shearing-Stress Criterion (Ductile Material) . 60 4.4 Maximum-Distortion-Energy Criterion (Ductile Material) . 61 4.5 Maximum-Normal-Stress Criterion (Brittle Material) . 62 4.6 Coulomb-Mohr’s Criterion (Brittle Material) 63 4.7 Factor of Safety Calculations . 63 References . 67 Chapter 5 Beam Analysis Theory . 69 5.1 Introduction . 69 5.2 Boundary Conditions and Loading 69 5.3 Shear and Moment Diagrams . 70 5.4 Deflection of the Beams . 74 5.5 Bending of the Beams 82 5.6 Shear of the Beams 83 5.7 Guide to Beam Design and Analysis . 85 5.8 Torsion of the Beams . 88 5.9 Curved Beam Theory . 89 References . 98 Chapter 6 Plate Analysis Theory 99 6.1 Introduction . 99 6.2 Circular Plates Uniformly Loaded . 99 6.3 Circular Plates Loaded at the Center . 102 6.4 Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates . 107 References . 110 Chapter 7 Elastic Stability and Buckling . 111 7.1 Introduction . 111 7.2 Column Buckling Instability 111 7.3 Column Buckling under Combined Axial and Bending Loads . 117 7.4 Multiple Column System Buckling . 119 7.5 Buckling of Plates 121 References . 124 viii ContentsChapter 8 Energy Methods . 125 8.1 Introduction . 125 8.2 Strain Energy 125 8.3 Castigliano’s Theory . 127 8.4 Stress due to Impact by Potential Energy . 130 References . 137 Chapter 9 Fatigue Analysis . 139 9.1 Introduction . 139 9.2 Stress-Life S-N Curve . 139 9.3 Fatigue Crack Growth 141 Reference 144 Chapter 10 Numerical and Finite Element Methods 145 10.1 Introduction . 145 10.2 Stress on Truss Elements . 145 10.3 Stress on Beam Members . 157 10.4 Accurate Finite Element Analysis of Plates 164 10.5 Finite Element Analysis Results Correlations . 175 10.6 Determination of Fastener Stiffness for FEA 176 References . 179 Chapter 11 Composite Analysis Theory . 181 11.1 Introduction . 181 11.2 Orthotropic Lamina 181 11.3 Orthotropic Layers Oriented at an Arbitrary Angle 182 11.4 Analysis of Laminate . 185 11.5 Effective Modulus of the Laminate . 193 References . 194 Chapter 12 Fasteners and Joint Connections 195 12.1 Introduction . 195 12.2 Fastener-Connection Failure . 195 12.3 Welded-Connection Failure 198 12.4 Eccentric Loading of Fasteners 199 12.5 Inter-Coupling Loading of Fasteners and Inserts 202 12.6 Fastener Properties . 203 References . 204 Contents ixChapter 13 MathCAD Stress Analysis Simulations . 205 13.1 Introduction . 205 13.2 Section Property Calculations 205 13.3 Stress Transformation and Principal Stresses 210 13.4 Hooke’s Law (Stress and Strain Conversations) . 212 13.5 Contact Stresses 214 13.6 Pressure Vessels . 215 13.7 Shear and Moment Diagrams . 216 13.8 Curved Beam Theory . 219 13.9 Deflection of Circular Plates 222 13.10 Deflection of Rectangular Plates 228 13.11 Column Buckling 230 13.12 Plate Buckling . 233 13.13 Truss System Analysis . 234 13.14 Composite Laminate Lay-up Analysis . 238 13.15 Eccentric Loading of the Fasteners 244 References . 245 Index . 247 Index 2-D stresses on an inclined angle, 14–15 Airy stress function, 29–31, 164 Allowable strength, 8–9 ANSYS, use of for finite element analysis of plates, 166–171 Axial strain deformation, 1 Beam members, finite element analysis of stress on, 144–157 Beams bending, 82 boundary conditions for, 69 curved beam theory and deformation of, 89–96 deflection of, 74–82 loading, 70 shear and moment diagrams, 70–73 shear stresses in, 83–85 torsion of, 88 use of MathCAD to determine shear and moment diagram of, 216–218 Bending beams, 82 curved beam under, 89 laminates, 186 Bending moments central-loaded plates, 102–104 fastener failure, 196 uniformly loaded circular plates, 99–102 Bolted and riveted connection failure, 195–198 Boundary conditions beams, 69 center-loaded plates, 102–104 column buckling instability, 111–116 edge, 85–88 plate buckling, 121 shear–moment diagrams, 70–73 Buckling column instability, 111–116 combined loading, 117–119 multiple column systems, 119–121 plates, 121–123 use of MathCAD to determine in columns, 230–232 use of MathCAD to determine in plates, 233 Cantilevered beams, 76–80 deflection of, 74–76 stress due to impact by potential energy on, 130–131 Cartesian coordinates, representation of stress in, 27 Castigliano’s theory, 127–130 Central-loaded circular plates, analysis of, 102–104 Circular holes, stress field around in thin plates, 29–30 Circular plates center loaded, 102–104 uniformly loaded, 105–106 use of MathCAD to determine deflection of, 222–229 Columns buckling instability, 111–16 buckling under combined axial and bending loads, 117–118 multiple system buckling, 119–120 use of MathCAD to determine buckling in, 230–232 Combined loading, column buckling under, 117–18 Composite analysis effective modulus of laminate, 193 orthotropic lamina, 181–182 orthotropic layers oriented at an arbitrary angle, 182–184 Composite laminates, use of MathCAD for layup analysis, 222–227 Composite materials properties of, 10 stress analysis of, 181 Concentrated loading, 69 Contact stresses, 37–41 calculation of using MathCAD, 214 Couple loading, 69 Cracks fatigue crack growth, 142–144 material failure due to, 59 Curvature representation theory, 74–75 Curved beam theory deformation and, 89–96 use of MathCAD to determine stresses, 219–221 Cyclic loading, fatigue analysis under, 141–142 Cylindrical pressure vessels determination of stress on thick-walled, 51–52 determination of stress on thin- walled, 43–50 247Deflection beam members, 74–75 circular center-loaded plates, 102–104 material failure due to, 59 multiple column system buckling, 119–120 uniformly loaded circular plates, 99–101 uniformly loaded rectangular plates, 107–109 Deformation curved beam theory and, 89–96 multiple column system buckling, 119–120 Displacement, analysis of laminate, 185 Eccentric loading of fasteners, 199–203 use of MathCAD for analysis of, 230–233 Edge boundary conditions, plate analysis of circular plates, 99–100 Effective modulus, 193–194 Elastic bodies contact stresses in, 36–42 displacement and rotation of, 125–127 stress due to impact by potential energy on, 130–136 use of Castigliano’s theory for, 127–129 Endurance limit, 140–141 Engineering material properties, 7 Equivalent spring force, 132 Factor of safety, calculations for, 63–66 Failure analysis fastener connections, 195–197 maximum distortion energy criterion, 59 maximum normal stress criterion, 59 maximum shear stress criterion, 60 Mohr’s criterion, 63 welded connections, 199–200 Failure criteria, 59 factor of safety based on, 63 Fastener failure, analysis of, 195–203 Fasteners eccentric loading of, 199–203 intercoupling loading of, 20 properties of, 203–204 use of MathCAD for analysis of eccentric loading of, 244–245 Fatigue analysis crack growth, 139–140 stress-life S–N curve, 139–140 Fillet weld connections, failure, 198–199 Final stresses, 199 Finite element analysis stress on beam members, 157–163 stress on truss elements, 145–156 use of ANSYS for accurate analysis of stress on plates, 164–175 use of MathCAD for in truss systems, 234–237 Fixed beams, 69–70 Fracture failure criteria, 59 maximum normal stress, 62 Mohr’s criterion, 63 Free mesh, use of in finite element analysis of plate stress, 166–175 Free-body diagrams beam, 70–71 cylindrical pressure vessels, 43–46 fasteners, 200–201 Fundamental terms, 1–5 Gradual loading, 69 Gyration ratio, 111 High-aspect-ratio mapped mesh, use of for finite element analysis of plates, 153–167 High-density free mesh, use of for finite element analysis of plates, 153–167 Hooke’s law, 1, 19 MathCAD, 208–209 Impact loading, 131–135 Inclined angle, 2-D stresses on, 14–15 Inserts, intercoupling loading of, 202 Joint failure, 195, 197–198 Knock-down factors, 7 Lamina analysis of composites, 185–186 analysis of layers oriented at an arbitrary angle, 182–185 properties of, 10 properties of composites, 11 Laminates composite analysis of, 185–192 effective modulus of, 193–194 material properties, 9–111 use of for composite lay-up analysis, 185–192 Lateral strain deformation, 2 Loading beams, 69–82 buckling of plates, 121–124 column buckling, 111–119 column buckling under axial and bending loads, 117–119 composite analysis of laminate, 185 determination of stress on truss elements, 145–156 eccentric, 199 248 Indexfastener failure and, 195–196 intercoupling, 202 shear and moment diagrams, 70–73 Long columns buckling instability, 111–116 definition of, 111 Low-aspect-ratio mapped mesh, use of for finite element analysis of plates, 166–167 Low-density free mesh, use of for finite element analysis of plates, 166–167 Mapped mesh, use of in finite element analysis of plate stress, 166–167 Material coefficient of thermal expansion, 7 Material constants, 1–8 Material failure, factors in, 55 Material properties, 9–11 MathCAD calculation of contact stresses using, 214 plate buckling analysis using, 233 section property calculations using, 206–209 stress and strain conversations, 210–213 use of for analysis of eccentric loading of fasteners, 244–245 use of for composite lay-up analysis, 238–244 use of for finite element analysis of truss systems, 234–237 use of for principal stresses and Mohr’s circle, 210 use of to calculate wall stresses on pressure vessels, 215 use of to determine deflection of circular plates, 222–227 use of to determine deflection of rectangular plates, 228–229 use of to determine shear and moment diagram of a beam, 216–218 use of to determine stresses for curved beam members, 219–221 Maximum contact pressure, 37–33 determination of for spherical contacts, 33–42 Maximum distortion energy criterion, 61 Maximum normal stress criterion, 62 beam bending, 82 Maximum shear stress determination of using Mohr’s circle, 15–19 fastener failure and, 195 Maximum shear stress criterion, 60 Metallic materials, stress analysis of, 9 Modulus of elasticity, 1 Mohr’s circle, 15–19 construction of using MathCAD, 210 Mohr’s criterion, 63 Moment diagrams, 70–73 use of MathCAD to determine for beams, 216–218 Moment loading, 55 Neutral axis location, 89, 90, 92 Normal stress, beam bending, 82 Number of residual life cycles, material failure due to, 60 Numerical analysis stress on beam members, 158–161 stress on truss elements, 145–156 One-side fixed beams, 69–70 One-side simply supported beams, 69–70 Orthotropic composite materials, 8, 181–182 analysis of layers oriented at arbitrary angles, 182–183 Planes, stress and strain for, 24–25 Plate analysis assumptions for, 99 central-loaded circular plates, 102–103 uniformly loaded circular plates, 99–102 uniformly loaded rectangular plates, 107–109 Plates accurate finite element analysis of, 165–175 buckling of, 121–122 use of MathCAD for determination of buckling in, 230 Poisson’s ratio, 1 Polar coordinates, stress state in, 13–14 Potential energy, stress due to impact by, 130–132 Pressure vessels thin-walled cylindrical, 43–50 thin-walled spherical, 42 use of MathCAD to calculate wall stresses on, 215 Principal strains, 25 Principal stresses, 14–15 calculating using MathCAD, 210 determination of using Mohr’s circle, 14–18 factor of safety, 59 Quasi-isotropic laminates, 193 Rectangular plates analysis of uniformly loaded, 107–109 use of MathCAD to determine deflection in, 228–229 Rod truss members, analysis of stress on, 145–156 S–N curve, 139–140 Safety factor, calculations for, 63–65 Index 249Section property calculations using MathCAD, 206–208 Shear components of stress, 15 free body diagrams, 70–73 use of MathCAD to determine diagram for beams, 216–218 Shear modulus, 3 Shear strength, 3 Shear stresses beams, 83–84 torsion and, 88–89 Simply supported beams, 55–56 deflection of, 74–81 Slenderness, 97 Spherical contacts, contact stresses for, 38 Spherical pressure vessels, determination of stress on thin-walled, 43 Steel, stress-life S–N curve, 139–140 Stiffness beam members, 146 determination of for truss elements, 146–153 laminate, 185–1192 orthotropic lamina, 181 plate buckling and, 233 Strain definition of, 1 material failure due to, 47 plane, 25–26 Strain deformation, 3 Strain energy definition of, 125 displacement and rotation of elastic bodies, 125–126 Strain transformation, 20–26 composite analysis of orthotropic lamina, 183–185 use of MathCAD to perform, 213 Strains composite analysis of orthotropic lamina, 181–182 laminates, 185–192 principal, 25–26 stress based on measured, 25–26 Strength of a material, 2 Stress based on measured strains, 25 beam bending, 82 definition of, 1 determination of on beam members, 157–163 determination of on thin-walled pressure vessels, 43–47 field of around circular holes in thin plates, 29 impact by potential energy, 130–134 material failure due to, 37–58 plane, 24 shear components of, 13–14 state of in polar coordinates, 27–28 use of finite element analysis for plates, 164–174 use of finite element analysis to determine, 164–174 Stress analysis, fundamental terms, 1–11 Stress concentration factor, 5 Stress riser, 5 Stress state transformation determination of using Mohr’s circle, 15–19 Stress transformation, use of MathCAD for calculating, 210 Stress-life S–N curve, 139–140 Stress–strain relations, 23–24 laminates, 182 representation of in polar coordinate system, 25–28 Stresses 2-D on an inclined angle, 14 analysis of in central-loaded circular plates, 102–105 analysis of in uniformly loaded circular plates, 99–101 composite analysis of orthotropic lamina, 182–185 contact, 214–215 principal, 14–15 T-beams, shear stress distribution in, 85 Tension tear-out, 197–198 Thermal expansion material coefficient of, 7 strain due to, 31 Thick-walled pressure vessels determination of stress on, 51–52 Thin plates definition of, 99 stress field around circular holes in, 29–30 Thin-walled pressure vessels, determination of stress on, 42–43 Timoshenko approach to plate analysis, 99–107 Torsion loading, 69, 162 beam members, 88 Truss elements determination of strain energy in, 125–126 determination of stress on using finite element analysis, 164–174 use of MathCAD for finite element analysis of, 234–237 Ultimate strength of a material, 1 Uniformly distributed loading, 69 Uniformly loaded circular plates, analysis of, 99–102 250 IndexUniformly loaded rectangular plates, analysis of, 107–109 Unity deflection, 158 Unity displacement, 160 von Mises criterion, 61 stress field on plates, 164 Welded connections, failure of, 198–199 Winkler method, 89–96 Yield failure criteria, 59 maximum distortion energy, 61 maximum shear stress, 60 Yield strength, 3
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