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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Ultraprecision Machining of Hybrid Freeform Surfaces Using Multiple-Axis Diamond Turning السبت 13 مايو 2023, 2:22 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Ultraprecision Machining of Hybrid Freeform Surfaces Using Multiple-Axis Diamond Turning Doctoral Thesis accepted by National University of Singapore, Singapore Dennis Wee Keong Neo
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Hybrid Freeform Surfaces 2 1.2 Ultraprecision Machining of Hybrid Freeform Surfaces . 5 1.3 Main Objectives of This Dissertation . 6 1.4 Organization of This Dissertation 6 References 7 2 Literature Review . 9 2.1 Multiple-Axis Ultraprecision Diamond Machining Techniques . 9 2.1.1 Fast Tool Servo (FTS) 10 2.1.2 Slow Slide Servo (SSS) . 14 2.1.3 Other Multiple-Axis Ultraprecision Machining Techniques . 16 2.2 State-of-Art CAD/CAM/CAE Technologies 18 2.2.1 CAD/CAM Technology for Surface Generation . 18 2.2.2 Surface Accuracy and Error Compensation Approaches 19 2.3 Concluding Remarks . 22 References 23 3 Initial Development of CAD/CAM Technologies . 27 3.1 CAD/CAM for Multiple-Axis Ultraprecision Machining Processes 28 3.1.1 Non-uniform Rational B-Spline Freeform Surfaces . 28 3.1.2 CAD/CAM Interpolator for FTS/SSS Diamond Turning 29 3.2 API Methodology for CAD/CAM Software Development . 31 3.2.1 Experimental Validation . 34 3.3 Concluding Remarks . 38 References 38 xi4 Development of Hybrid FTS/SSS Diamond Turning . 41 4.1 Principle of Layered Tool Trajectory . 41 4.2 Layered Tool Trajectory Control 43 4.3 Experimental Validations 47 4.4 Concluding Remarks . 50 References 51 5 Novel Surface Generation of Complex Hybrid Freeform Surfaces . 53 5.1 Novel Surface Generation for Automated Guilloche Machining Technique 53 5.2 Experimental Validations 55 5.2.1 Critical Machining Parameters 56 5.3 Concluding Remarks . 62 References 64 6 Development of Surface Analytical Model for Accurate Hybrid Freeform Surfaces . 65 6.1 Surface Generation for FTS/SSS Diamond Turning 66 6.1.1 Novel Surface Analytical Model . 66 6.1.2 Cutting Linearization Error . 68 6.2 Experimental Validation . 70 6.2.1 Evaluation of Critical Machining Parameters . 70 6.2.2 Cutting Experiments and Results . 77 6.3 Concluding Remarks . 80 References 81 7 Integration and Implementation 83 7.1 Integrated CAD/CAM System 83 7.1.1 Integrated Sub-system for AGMT Process . 84 7.1.2 Integrated Sub-system for Diamond Turning Process . 84 7.1.3 Optimization of Tool Geometry . 86 7.1.4 Geometrical Splitting of Hybrid Freeform Surface . 88 7.2 Case Study 1: Hexagonal Fresnel Lens Array Using AGMT Process 89 7.2.1 Experimental Validations 89 7.3 Case Study 2: Multiple-Compound Eye Surface Design-B . 97 7.3.1 Experimental Validations 97 7.3.2 Cutting Experiments and Results . 102 7.4 Concluding Remarks . 104 References 105 8 Conclusions and Recommended Future Works 107 8.1 Major Contributions 107 8.2 Recommended Future Works . 108 Curriculum Vitae 111 xii ContentsAcronyms AGMT Automated Guilloche machining technique API Application programming interface CAE Computer-aided engineering FFT Fast Fourier transformation FTS Fast tool servo HCAA Hybrid constant-arc and constant-angle HT Hilbert transformation MLA Microlens array NURBS Non-uniform rational B-splines SAM Surface analytical model SCD Single-crystal diamond SSS Slow slide servo SWG Sinusoidal wave grid xiiiSymbols r Outer radius of workpiece fr Radial feed per radian Nt Total number of spiral rotations to reach the center from the outer radius q Radial position of the tool from the center of workpiece h C-axis of spindle or angular position of a spiral point x X-axis which controls the radial movement toward the spindle center and is also perpendicular to spindle axis (Z-axis) Z Z-axis which controls the axial movement along the spindle axis W W-axis of the FTS stroke which controls the feed direction into the workpiece surface and is parallel to Z-axis i ith angular position of workpiece or spindle W max Maximum stroke zone of FTS Δh Constant-angle Np Number of control points per rotation Ez Overcut depth of machined surface b Surface slope along the feed direction Pi* Exit/reentry point rt Tool nose radius of diamond tool W* Effective stroke length of FTS Wc Compensated FTS stroke length of tool trajectory Zb max Maximum Z-axis boundary Zr Z-axis retraction ZR (Pi*) Minimum value for intersection point of surface and cylindrical region within a circumscribed radius q(Pi*) Cx X-axis coordinates of the cutting point P in AGMT Cy Y-axis coordinates of the cutting point P in AGMT t Rotational position for the workpiece or spindle in AGMT Xc X-axis of the center coordinates for an arc of the circular Fresnel lens in the AGMT xvYc Y-axis of the center coordinates for an arc of the circular Fresnel lens in the AGMT Ns Number of sides in a polygon P Cutting point or spiral point rc Arc-radius of circular tool trajectory of AGMT rlens Lens radius of a microlens rp Radius of polygonal tool trajectory with respect to q C Lens curvature of a microlens T Remainder value of t divided by 360° Tp Angle between apothem of polygon and the Guilloche tool trajectory point Dr Radii difference between the lens curvature rlens and tool nose radius rt d Angular position of tool profiles with respect to the center of lens curvature at point O in Fig. 5.6 Δd Angle between two tool profiles along radial feed direction in Fig. 5.6 Δd Distance AB in Fig. 5.6 ad Apothem of the triangle AOB in Fig. 5.6 af Apothem of hexagonal Fresnel lens dd Euclidean distance from the midpoint of AB to the tip of cusp in Fig. 5.6 df Relief depth of Fresnel zone plate Δq Feed rate Δqcr Critical feed rate Eq Cutting residual error h err Sagitta errors htol Sagitta of the chord which represents the maximum permissible profile error S Arc-length from the center of the workpiece to a cutting point P ΔS Constant-arc St Arc-length for the entire spiral tool trajectory ht Total angular of spiral rotations to reach the center from the outer radius PV err Peak-to-valley errors d err Local pverr k Wavelength of SWG surface / Slope of tool trajectory in the cutting direction ∂Z max Maximum deviation between two corresponding cutting points ASWG Amplitude of SWG surface PVtol Profile accuracy
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