كتاب The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
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 كتاب The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19027
التقييم : 35581
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Second Edition

كتاب The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers T_e_o_20
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Liesl K. Massey
Table of Contents
Preface xv
List of Graphs and Tables . xvii
Introduction 1
How to Use This Book . 1
Weatherability . 1
Weather Defined . 1
Variations in Natural Weathering 1
Testing for Weatherability . 1
Elements of Weather 2
Radiation . 2
Wavelength Regions of UV Radiation 2
Moisture 3
Radiation and Water 3
Radiation and Oxygen 3
Reducing the Effect of Radiation 3
Surface Temperature and Thermal Degradation . 4
Material Properties Post-Exposure 4
UV Additives and Stabilizers . 5
UV Absorbers 6
Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers . 6
Antioxidants 6
UV Inhibitors . 6
Test Environments 7
Indoor and Interior Exposure 7
Outdoor Testing . 7
Accelerated Outdoor Tests 8
Conventional Aging . 8
Conventional Aging with Spray 8
Humidity Variations . 9
Solar Radiation . 9
Sample Mounting Direction . 9
Artificial Accelerated Tests . 9
Conditions for Reproducing Natural Weathering Stresses
in the Laboratory 9
Xenon Arc 10
Fluorescent or QUV . 10
Carbon Arc or Fadeometer 11
Test Results 11
Notes on Variability in Testing and Results 11
Color Stability 12vi The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene—Chapter 1 13
Weathering Properties . 13
Stabilization 13
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 14
Capstock—Chapter 2 33
Weathering Properties . 33
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 33
Acetal—Chapter 3 . 35
Weathering Properties: General 35
Weathering Properties: Colored Material . 35
Weathering Properties: Unpigmented Material 36
Weathering Properties: Elevated Air Temperature . 36
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 37
Acrylonitrile-Styrene-Acrylate—Chapter 4 47
Weathering Properties . 47
Degree of Discoloration . 47
Thermal Resistance 47
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 48
Acrylic and Acrylic Copolymer—Chapter 5 . 57
Weathering Properties . 57
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 58
Acrylic and Polyvinyl Chloride Coextrusion—Chapter 6 . 65
Weathering Properties . 65
Cellulosic Plastic
Cellulose Acetate Butyrate—Chapter 7 . 67
Weathering Properties . 67
Color Retention . 67
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 68Table of Contents vii
Fluoropolymers: Overview—Chapter 8 . 71
Fluoropolymer Weathering . 71
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or TFE)—Chapter 9 . 73
Weathering Properties . 73
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 73
Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)—Chapter 10 . 75
Weathering Properties . 75
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 75
Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA and MFA)—Chapter 11 . 79
Weathering Properties . 79
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)—Chapter 12 . 81
Weathering Properties . 81
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE)—Chapter 13 87
Ethylene-chlorotrifluoroethylene (ECTFE)—Chapter 14 . 91
Weathering Properties . 91
Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE)—Chapter 15 95
Weathering Properties . 95
Polyvinyl Fluoride (PVF)—Chapter 16 97
Weathering Properties . 97
Ionomer—Chapter 17 . 103
Weathering Properties 103
Polyphenylene Oxide
Polyphenylene Oxide—Chapter 18 109
Weathering Resistance . 109
Nylon: Overview—Chapter 19 . 115
Weathering Properties: General . 115
Weathering Properties: UV Stabilization . 115
Weathering Properties: Colored Material 115viii The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Nylon 6—Chapter 20 117
Weathering Properties 117
Nylon 12—Chapter 21 127
Weathering Properties 127
Nylon with Glass Fiber—Chapter 22 . 133
Weathering Properties 133
Nylon 66—Chapter 23 135
Weathering Properties 135
Weathering Properties: Colored Material 135
Nylon 6,6T—Chapter 24 137
Weathering Properties 137
Nylon MXD6—Chapter 25 139
Polyarylamide—Chapter 26 . 143
Weathering Properties 143
Polycarbonate—Chapter 27 . 147
Weathering Properties 147
Light Transmission 148
Weathering Properties: UV Stabilization . 148
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 148
Polycarbonate Blends—Chapter 28 159
Weathering Properties 159
Weathering Properties: Stabilization . 159
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 159
Polybutylene Terephthalate—Chapter 29 161
Weathering Properties 161
Weathering Properties: Stabilization . 161
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 162
Polyethylene Terephthalate—Chapter 30 . 167
Weathering Properties 167
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 168Table of Contents ix
Liquid Crystal Polymers—Chapter 31 . 173
Weathering Properties 173
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 174
Polyarylate—Chapter 32 175
Weathering Properties 175
Polyimide—Chapter 33 . 177
Weathering Properties: General . 177
Weathering Properties: Outer Space and Nuclear Environments . 177
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 177
Polyamideimide—Chapter 34 . 181
Weathering Properties 181
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 181
Polyetherimide—Chapter 35 183
Weathering Properties 183
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 183
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)—Chapter 36 185
Weathering Properties 185
Polyethylene: Overview—Chapter 37 187
Weathering Properties: General . 187
Polyethylene Films 187
Weathering Properties: Color Pigments . 188
Weathering Properties: UV Stabilizers . 188
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 189
Low Density Polyethylene—Chapter 38 193
High Density Polyethylene—Chapter 39 . 195
Weathering Properties: Colored Material 195
Carbon Black 195
White Pigments 195
Yellow Pigments 195
Red Pigments 196
Orange Pigments 196
Blue and Green Pigments 197x The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Pigment Dispersion 197
Part Thickness . 197
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 198
Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene—Chapter 40 . 211
Polyethylene Copolymers—Chapter 41 213
Weathering Properties 213
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 214
Polypropylene—Chapter 42 . 215
Weathering Properties: Stabilization . 215
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 217
Polymethylpentene—Chapter 43 223
Weathering Properties 223
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 223
Polyphenylene Sulfide
Polyphenylene Sulfide—Chapter 44 . 225
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 225
General Purpose Polystyrene—Chapter 45 . 227
Weathering Properties 227
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 227
High Impact Polystyrene—Chapter 46 . 231
Weathering Properties 231
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 232
Polysulfone—Chapter 47 239
Weathering Properties 239
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 239
Polyethersulfone—Chapter 48 . 241
Weathering Properties 241
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 241Table of Contents xi
Styrene Acrylonitrile Copolymer
Styrene-Acrylonitrile Copolymer—Chapter 49 . 243
Weathering Properties 243
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 244
Styrene Butadiene Copolymer
Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer—Chapter 50 247
Weathering Properties 247
Indoor UV Light Resistance and Indirect Sunlight . 247
Vinyl Resin
Polyvinyl Chloride—Chapter 51 . 249
Weathering Properties 249
Thickness 249
Plasticizers 249
Additional Plasticizers . 250
Stabilizers . 251
Pigments and Colorants 251
Yellowing . 252
Weathering Properties: Stabilization . 252
Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride—Chapter 52 255
Weathering Properties 255
Thermoplastic Blends/Alloys
ABS Vinyl Resin Alloy
ABS Polyvinyl Chloride Alloy—Chapter 53 257
Weathering Properties 257
Acrylic (PMMA) Polyvinyl Alloy—Chapter 54 . 259
Weathering Properties 259
Polycarbonate ABS Alloy—Chapter 55 261
Weathering Properties 261
Biodegradable Thermoplastic Alloys
Biodegradable Polyethylene Films
Biodegradable Polyethylene Films—Chapter 56 263xii The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Degradation Rate . 263
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 264
Starch Synthetic Resin Alloy—Chapter 57 . 269
Biodegradability 269
Thermoset Polyester—Chapter 58 . 271
Polyester Powder . 271
Urethane Polyesters 271
Weathering Properties: UV Stabilization . 271
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 272
Polyurethane Reaction Injection Molding System—Chapter 59 . 273
Weathering Properties 273
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 274
Thermoplastic Elastomers
Thermoplastic Elastomers
Thermoplastic Elastomers: Overview—Chapter 60 . 279
Chlorinate Polyethylene Elastomer—Chapter 61 . 281
Weathering Properties 281
Olefinic Thermoplastic Elastomer—Chapter 62 283
Weathering Properties 283
Outdoor Accelerated Exposure Testing 284
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 285
Polyester Thermoplastic Elastomer—Chapter 63 . 301
Weathering Properties 301
Weathering Properties: Color Pigments . 301
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 302
Polystyrene-Butadiene-Styrene Thermoplastic—Chapter 64 311
Weathering Properties 311
Styrenic Thermoplastic Elastomer—Chapter 65 313
Weathering Properties 313Table of Contents xiii
Weathering Properties: Stabilization . 313
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 314
Urethane Thermoplastic Elastomer—Chapter 66 . 315
Weathering Properties 315
Weathering Properties: UV Stabilization . 316
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 317
Nitrile Thermoplastic Elastomers—Chapter 67 . 323
Weathering Properties 323
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 324
Thermosetting Elastomers (Rubbers)
Thermoset Elastomers or Rubbers
Thermoset Elastomers or Rubbers: Overview—Chapter 68 . 325
Butyl Rubber, Bromobutyl Rubber, and Chlorobutyl Rubber—Chapter 69 327
Weathering Properties 327
Weathering Properties: Ozone Resistance 327
Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Rubber—Chapter 70 . 329
Weathering Properties 329
Weathering Properties: Color Pigments . 329
Weathering Properties: Curing Systems . 330
Weathering Properties: Fillers . 331
Weathering Properties: Plasticizers . 332
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 332
Ethylene-Propylene Copolymer—Chapter 71 343
Weathering Properties 343
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 343
Ethylene-Propylene Diene Methylene Terpolymer—Chapter 72 . 345
UV Resistance . 345
Outdoor Weather Resistance . 345
Accelerated Outdoor Weathering Resistance 346
Accelerated Artificial Weathering Resistance 347
Effect of Carbon Black on Weatherability 347
Effect of Color Pigments on Weatherability 347
Effective UV Screening Agents in Mineral-Filled Vulcanizates . 348
Effect of Curing Systems on Weatherability 348
Effect of Plasticizers on Weatherability 348
Ozone Resistance 348
Neoprene Rubber—Chapter 73 373
Weathering Properties 373
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 374xiv The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Polybutadiene—Chapter 74 . 383
Weathering Properties 383
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 384
Polyisoprene Rubber—Chapter 75 . 385
Weathering Properties 385
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 386
Polyurethane—Chapter 76 391
Weathering Properties 391
Weathering Properties: Stabilization . 391
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 392
Silicone Rubber—Chapter 77 . 393
Weathering Properties 393
Weathering Properties by Material Supplier Trade Name 393
Fluoropolymers in Coating Applications—Appendix 1 395
Architectural Fabrics 395
Fabric Base Materials 395
Fabric Coatings 395
Fabric Top Finishes or Topcoats 395
Weathering Resistance . 396
Coil Coatings—Appendix 2 . 399
Comparative Properties and Performance Chart 399
Coil Coating Topcoats 399
Glossary of Terms 401
References 445
Trade Name Index 453
Plastics Design Library . 455
Trade Name Index
Advanced Elastomer Systems
Santoprene—Chapter 62
American Cyanamid
TMXDI (META)—Chapter 76
Kynar—Chapter 12
Plexiglas—Chapter 5
Dutral-TER—Chapter 72
Capron—Chapter 20
Elastollan—Chapter 66
Luran—Chapter 1, 4, 49
Polystyrol—Chapter 45
Styrolux—Chapter 64
Terluran—Chapter 1
Ultradur—Chapter 29
Ultraform—Chapter 3
Ultramid—Chapter 20, 22, 24
Ultrason—Chapter 48
Bayblend—Chapter 55
Chevron Phillips
Marlex—Chapter 39
Ryton—Chapter 44
K-Resin—Chapter 50
Acrylite—Chapter 5
Cyrolon—Chapter 5
Calibre—Chapter 27
Engage—Chapter 62
Pellethane—Chapter 66
Pulse—Chapter 55
Styron—Chapter 46
Tyril—Chapter 49
Tyrin—Chapter 61
Dow Corning
Silastic—Chapter 77
Delrin—Chapter 3
Hypalon—Chapter 70
Hytrel—Chapter 63
Kapton—Chapter 33
Kevlar—Appendix 1
Neoprene—Chapter 73
Nordel—Chapter 72
Rynite—Chapter 30
Surlyn—Chapter 17
Tedlar—Chapter 16, Appendix 1
Teflon—Chapter 9, Appendix 1
Tefzel—Chapter 15
Zytel—Chapter 23
Tenite—Chapter 7
Chemigum—Chapter 67
EMS Grivory
Grilamid—Chapter 21
Vistalon—Chapter 72
GE Plastics
Cycolac—Chapter 1, 2
Cycoloy—Chapter 28
Geloy—Chapter 2, 4
Lexan—Chapter 27
Noryl—Chapter 18
Ultem—Chapter 35
Natsyn—Chapter 75
Aclar—Chapter 13
Japan Synthetic Rubber Company
JSR BR—Chapter 74454 The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Laporte AlphaGary
Evoprene—Chapter 65
LNP Engineering Plastics
General Purpose Polystyrene—Chapter 45
Nylon 6/6—Chapter 22
Nylon 6—Chapter 20
Polycarbonate—Chapter 27
Polyethylene—Chapter 37
Polypropylene—Chapter 42
Polysulfone—Chapter 47
Tufcoat—Chapter 6
Iupital—Chapter 3
Rayon—Chapter 4
Reny—Chapter 25
Mitsui Chemicals
TPX—Chapter 43
NOVA Chemicals
Styrosun—Chapter 46
NAS—Chapter 5
Zylar—Chapter 5
Mater-Bi—Chapter 57
Kydex—Chapter 54
Novaloy—Chapter 53
Estane—Chapter 66
Dutral—Chapter 71
Forprene—Chapter 62
Geon—Chapter 51
Colo-Fast—Chapter 59, 76
Shell Chemical
Kraton—Chapter 65
Solvay Advanced Polymers
IXEF—Chapter 26
Torlon—Chapter 34
Solvay Plastics
Udel—Chapter 47
Solvay Solexis
Halar—Chapter 12, 14
Hylar—Chapter 12
Solef—Chapter 12
Celanex—Chapter 29
Celcon—Chapter 3
GUR—Chapter 40
Hostaform—Chapter 3
Vectra—Chapter 31
Nylon 6—Chapter 20
Upilex—Chapter 33
Upimol—Chapter 33
United Coatings
Elastuff—Chapter 76
Victrex PEEK—Chapter 36
Ardel—Chapter 32Plastics Design Library
Founding Editor: William A. Woishnis
Fluorinated Coatings and Finishes Handbook: The
Definitive User’s Guide and Databook, Laurence
W. McKeen, 978-0-8155-1522-7, 400 pp., 2006
Fluoroelastomers Handbook: The Definitive User’s
Guide and Databook, Albert L. Moore, 0-8155-
1517-0, 359 pp., 2006
Reactive Polymers Fundamentals and Applications: A Concise Guide to Industrial Polymers,
J.K. Fink, 0-8155-1515-4, 800 pp., 2005
Fluoropolymers Applications in Chemical Processing Industries, P. R. Khaladkar, and S. Ebnesajjad,
0-8155-1502-2, 592 pp., 2005
The Effect of Sterilization Methods on Plastics and
Elastomers, 2nd Ed., L. K. Massey, 0-8155-1505-
7, 408 pp., 2005
Extrusion: The Definitive Processing Guide and
Handbook, H. F. Giles, Jr., J. R. Wagner, Jr.,
and E. M. Mount, III, 0-8155-1473-5, 572 pp.,
Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers, 2nd Ed.,
L. K. Massey, 1-884207-94-4, 250 pp., 2004
Handbook of Molded Part Shrinkage and Warpage,
J. Fischer, 1-884207-72-3, 244 pp., 2003
Fluoroplastics, Volume 2: Melt-Processible Fluoroplastics, S. Ebnesajjad, 1-884207-96-0, 448 pp.,
Permeability Properties of Plastics and Elastomers,
2nd Ed., L. K. Massey, 1-884207-97-9, 550 pp.,
Rotational Molding Technology, R. J. Crawford and
J. L. Throne, 1-884207-85-5, 450 pp., 2002
Specialized Molding Techniques & Application,
Design, Materials and Processing, H. P. Heim,
and H. Potente, 1-884207-91-X, 350 pp., 2002
Chemical Resistance CD-ROM, 3rd Ed., Plastics
Design Library Staff, 1-884207-90-1, 2001
Plastics Failure Analysis and Prevention, J. Moalli,
1-884207-92-8, 400 pp., 2001
Fluoroplastics, Volume 1: Non-Melt Processible
Fluoroplastics, S. Ebnesajjad, 1-884207-84-7,
365 pp., 2000
Coloring Technology for Plastics, R. M. Harris, 1-
884207-78-2, 333 pp., 1999
Conductive Polymers and Plastics in Industrial
Applications, L. M. Rupprecht, 1-884207-77-4,
302 pp., 1999
Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics, B. Pourdeyhimi, 1-884207-81-2, 398 pp.,
Metallocene Technology in Commercial Applications, G. M. Benedikt, 1-884207-76-6, 325 pp.,
Weathering of Plastics, G. Wypych, 1-884207-75-8,
325 pp., 1999
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for Plastics Engineering, M. Sepe, 1-884207-64-2, 230 pp., 1998
Medical Plastics: Degradation Resistance and Failure Analysis, R. C. Portnoy, 1-884207-60-X,
215 pp., 1998
Metallocene Catalyzed Polymers, G. M. Benedikt
and B. L. Goodall, 1-884207-59-6, 400 pp.,
Polypropylene: The Definitive User’s Guide and
Databook, C. Maier and T. Calafut, 1-884207-58-
8, 425 pp., 1998
Handbook of Plastics Joining, Plastics Design
Library Staff, 1-884207-17-0, 600 pp., 1997
Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics
and Elastomers, Plastics Design Library Staff,
1-884207-15-4, 595 pp., 1995
Chemical Resistance, Vol. 1, Plastics Design Library
Staff, 1-884207-12-X, 1100 pp., 1994456 The Effects of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
Chemical Resistance, Vol. 2, Plastics Design Library
Staff, 1-884207-13-8, 977 pp., 1994
The Effect of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and
Elastomers, 1st Ed., Plastics Design Library Staff,
1-884207-11-1, 481 pp., 1994
The Effect of Creep and Other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers, Plastics Design
Library Staff, 1-884207-03-0, 528 pp., 1991
The Effect of Temperature and Other Factors on
Plastics, Plastics Design Library Staff, 1-884207-
06-5, 420 pp., 1991

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب The Effect of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب The Effects of Sterilization Methods on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب The Effect of Sterilization on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب Permeability Properties of Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب Permeability and Other Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers

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