كتاب Chemical Resistance Vol. 2 - Elastomers, Thermosets, and Rubbers
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Chemical Resistance Vol. 2 - Elastomers, Thermosets, and Rubbers

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عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Chemical Resistance Vol. 2 - Elastomers, Thermosets, and Rubbers    كتاب Chemical Resistance Vol. 2 - Elastomers, Thermosets, and Rubbers  Emptyالجمعة 28 أبريل 2023, 11:51 pm

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Chemical Resistance Vol. 2 - Elastomers, Thermosets, and Rubbers

كتاب Chemical Resistance Vol. 2 - Elastomers, Thermosets, and Rubbers  C_r_2_10
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Table of Contents
Chemical Resistance Volume II
Table of Contents
How To Use This Book
PDL Resistance Rating
CAS Reglstry Numbers
Polyamide Thermoplastic Elastomer
Styrenic Thermoplastic Elastomer
Olefinic Thermoplastic Elastomer
Urethane Thermoplastic Elastomer
Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride
Fluorinated Thermoplastic Elastomer
Butyl Rubber
Epichlorohydrin Rubber
Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Rubber
Ethylene Acrylate Rubber
Ethylene Propylene Rubber
FKM, VDF/CTFE, FKM/TFE Fluoroelastomers
FFKM Fluoroelastomer
Tetrafluoroethylene Propylene Copolymer and Terpolymer
Natural Latex Rubber
Polychloroprene (Neoprene) Rubber
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Copolymer
Polysulfide Rubber
Abbreviations used in this book
AASC methyl methacrylate n-butylacrylate
abras abrasion
absorp absorption
accep acceptable
acrylon. copol. acrylonitrile copolymer
Adv. Elast. Advanced Elastomer Systems
AEC aromatic polyester estercarbonate
Alkyd Resin Alkyd
Allied Sig Allied Signal
alpha eel. alpha cellulose
Amoco Amoco Performance Products
amor amorphous
Ans. Edm Ansell Edmont
antiox antioxidant
appear appearance
applic applications
aq aqueous
arom. pOlyam aromatic polyamide
AS-4 fib AS-4 fiber
asb asbestos
b.p boiling point
BF Good BF Goodrich
bideg biodegradable
BIP BIP Chern icals
bl.pig black pigment
black blackened
blist. blistered
BP Chern BP Chern icals
CA Cellulose Acetate
CAB Cellulose Acetate Butyrate
carb.lcloth carbon fiber/woven cloth
carb.lgl.fib carbon/glass fiber
carb.rrFE carbon fiberrrFE fiber
carb.bl. carbon black
carbofib carbon fiber
cel.fib CTMP aspen cellulosic fiber
cel.fib wood flour fiber
chalk chalking
chg change
Chlorinated TPO Chlorinated Polyolefin Ethylene
Interpolymer Alloy
CO Chlorohydrin Rubber
comm commercial
compo compatibility
cone concentration
Cone. PoL Concept Polymer
condit conditions
consid considerable
cont. continuous
copol. copolymer
corr corrosion
CP Cellulose Propionate
craz crazing
cryst. crystalline
CSM Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Rubber
dac dacron
DAP Diallyl Phthalate Resin
dark darkened
decomp decomposition
degrad degradation
diam diameter
dimen dimension
direc direction
discolor discoloration
disint. disintegrates
dissolv dissolving
distort distortion
Dow Dow Chem ical
Dow Corn Dow Corning
DuPont Can DuPont Canada
EACM Ethylene Acrylate Rubber
Eastman Eastman Performance Plastics
elev elevated
elong elongation
EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Methylene
EPM Ethylene Propylene Copolymer
Epoxy Epoxy Resin
EPR Ethylene Propylene Rubber
ESCR environmental stress crack resistance
exc excellent
expos exposure
ext extensive
extrus extrusion
fab fabric
fertil. fertilizer
FFKM Tetrafluoroethylene Perfluoromethyl Vinyl Ether
FKM Vinylidene Fluoride Hexafluoropropylene
FKMrrFE..... Vinylidene Fluoride Hexafluoropropylene
FMQ Methylfluorosilicone
formul. formulation
FQ Fluorosilicone
FTPE Fluorinated Thermoplastic Elastomer
Furane Furan Resin
FVMQ Methylvinylfluorosilicone
GE GE Plastics
gen.purp general purpose
gener. generally
Geon Co Geon Company
gl.lmin glass fiber / mineral filler
gl./min mineraVglass
gl.fib glass fiber
gl.fib glass fiber/sphere
gl.fib mixed glass fiber
gl.fib.lmisc glass fiber / complex filler
gl.fib.rrFE glass fiber / TFE fiber
gl.fil. glass filler
graph graphite
graph.laram graphite/aramid fiber
graph.lasb graphite/asbestos fiber
graph.lfluoro graphite / fluorocarbon
graph.fib graphite filler
hard hardness
Hoechst Cel. Hoechst Celanese
hr hour
Huls Huls AG
Huls Huls America
IIR Isobutylene Isoprene Rubber
IM-6 fib IM-6 fiber
immers immersion
imp.str impact strength
inj. mold injection molded
Isopolyester lsophthalate Polyester
Jap. Synth Japan Synthetic Rubber Company
lab laboratory
Lenzing Lenzing AG
Igt. light
LLDPE linear low density polyethylene
Ing.gl. Iong glass
Ing.gl.fib long glass fiber
LNP LNP Engineering Plastics
lube Iubricating
max maximum
MBS methyl methacrylate butadiene styrene
med medium
Melamine Melamine Resin
Meth Methanol
MF meltflow
MI melt index
mil.gl. milled glass
mineral mineral filler
misc unknown filler
© Plastics Design LibraryAbbreviations used in this book
Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Gas Chemical
Mitsui Toa Mitsui Toatsu Chem icals
mod modified
moder moderate
moist. moisture
mol molecular
mol.wgt. molecular weight
MQ Methylsilicone
mths months
NBR Nitrile Rubber
Network Pol. Network Polymers
Nippon Goh Nippon Gohsei
Novacor Novacor Chem icals
NR Natural Rubber
Occiden Occidental
Orthopolyester Orthophthalate Polyester
oxid oxidizer
PABM Polyam inobismaleimide
Parker Han Parker Hannifin
part partially
PC polycarbonate
PE polyethylene
perm permeability
perm permeation
Perox. Cur Peroxide Curable Fluoroelastomer
Phenolic Phenolic Resin
phys physical
Pl Polyimide
Pioneer Pioneer Inductrial Products
plast. plasticizer
PMQ Methylphenylsilicone
polyal. polyallomer
Polyamide TPE Polyamide Thermoplastic Elastomer
Polyester TPE Polyester Thermoplastic Elastomer
polyol. poIyolefin
poss possible
prop property
props properties
pts points
PU Polyurethane
PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol
PVC Polyol Polyvinyl Chloride Polyol
PVMQ Methylphenylvinylsilicone
question questionable
recom recommended
resist. resistant
resorc resorcinol
ret. retained
© Plast ics Design Library
retard retardant
Rhone Pou Rhone Poulenc
RIM PU......... Polyurethane Reaction Injection Molding
RIM PU......... Polyurethane Reaction Injection Molding
rot.mold rotational molding
S2 fab woven S2 glass fabric
S2 gl. S-2 glass tape
sap saponification
SBR Styrene Butadiene Rubber
SEBS styrene ethylenelbutylene styrene
SEP styrene ethylene/propylene
Shell Shell Chern ical
sht.gl. short glass fiber
SI Silicone
signif significant
sil.fil. silica filler
sl. slight
soft softening
sol'n solution
stab stabilized
stabiliz stabilization
stain staining
str strength
Styrenic TPE Styrenic Thermoplastic Elastomer
sup.tgh super tough
surf surface
swell. swelling
synth synthetic
T Polysulfide Rubber
temp temperature
tens.str tensile strength
terpol. terpolymer
TFP copol. ..Tetrafluoroethylene Propylene Copolymer
TFP terpol. Tetrafluoroethylene Propylene Terpolymer
Ti02 titanium dioxide
Ti02lfluoro Ti02/ fluorocarbon
Toray Toray Industries
TPAU Thermoplastic Polyester Urethane Elastomer
TPE Thermoplastic Elastomer
TPEU Thermoplastic Polyether Urethane Elastomer
TPO Olefinic Thermoplastic Elastomer
TPU Urethane Thermoplastic Elastomer
UF Urea Resin
unidir. unidirectional
Union Car Union Carbide
unsatisf. unsatisfactory
UTS ultimate tensile strength
VA vinyl alcohol
var variable
VDF/CTFE Vinylidene Fluoride Chlorotrifluoroethylene
Vinyl Ester Vinyl Ester Resin
vise viscosity
VMQ Methylvinylsilicone
VMQ/FVMQ Methylvinylsilicone
Methylvinylfluorosilicone Alloy
vol. volume
w/ with
weath.res weather resistant
wgt. weight
white pig white pigment
woll.fil. wollastonite filler
yrs years.
Aflas (3M)
Fluoroelastomer (TFP) 280
Alcryn (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
Apical (Allied Sig.)
Polyimide 707
Aropol (Ashland)
Polyester (Isophthalate) 659
Atlac (Reichhold)
Polyester (Bisphenol A) 561
Polyester (Chlorendic) 621
Polyester Terephthalate 703
Vinyl Ester Resin 716
Baydur (Miles)
Polyurethane 710
Beetle (Am. Cyan.)
Urea Resin 711
C-Flex (Cone. Pol.)
Styrenic TPE 25
Canners and Handlers (Ans. Edm.)
Natural Rubber : 285
Colo-Fast LM (Recticel)
Polyurethane 405
Cosmic (Cosmic)
Diallyl Phtha.late Resin 508
Cymel (Am. Cyan.)
Melamine Resin 537
Derakane (Dow)
Vinyl Ester Resin 716
Durimid (Rogers)
Polyimide 707
Dutral CO (Ausimont)
Ethylene Propylene Rubber ...... 141
Dutral TER (Ausimont)
Ethylene Propylene Rubber ...... 141
Ecdel (Eastman)
Polyester TPE 11
Elastollan (BASF)
Urethane TPE (TPAU) 60
Urethane TPE (TPEU) 60
Epon (Shell)
Epoxy Resin 521
Ever-Flex (Ans. Edm.)
PVC Polyol 81
Fiberite (Fiberite)
Phenolic Resin 538
Trade Name Index
Fluorel (3M)
Fluoroelastomer (FKM) 190
Fluorel II (3M)
Fluoroelastomer (TFP) 280
Genal (GE)
Phenolic Resin 538
Geolast (Adv. Elast.)
Olefinic TPE 29
Glastic (Glastic)
Polyester 558
GP-B (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
GP-N (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
Hercules (HerCUles)
Epoxy Resin 521
Hetron (Ashla.nd)
Furane Resin 530
Polyester (Bisphenol A) 561
Polyester (Chlorendic) 621
Polyester (Isophthalate) 659
Vinyl Ester Resin 716
HyComp (Dexter)
Epoxy Resin 521
Hypalon (DuPont)
Chlorosulfonated PE Rubber .... 118
Hytrel (DuPont)
Polyester TPE 11
IM-B (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
IM-N (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
JSR (Jap. Synth.)
Polybutadiene 101
Kalrez (DuPont)
Fluoroelastomer (FFKM) 255
Kel-F (3M)
Fluoroelastomer (VDF/CTFE) ... 190
Kinel (Rhone Pou.)
Polyaminobismaleimide 709
Kraton (Shell)
Styrenic TPE 25
Lomod (GE)
Polyester TPE 11
Monkey Grip (Ans. Edm.)
PVC Polyol 81
Trade Name Index
Neoprene (DuPont)
Neoprene Rubber 312
Neox (Ans. Edm.)
Neoprene Rubber 312
Nordel (DuPont)
Ethylene Propylene Rubber ..... 141
Parker (Parker Han.)
Urethane TPE 60
Pebax (Atochem)
Polyamide TPE 1
Pellethane (Dow)
Urethane TPE (TPAU) 60
Urethane TPE (TPEU) 60
PF-B (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
Pibi'flex (EniChem)
Polyester TPE 11
PRF2 (Indspec)
Phenolic Resin 538
PVA (Ans. Edm.)
Polyvinyl Alcohol 414
Pylox (Pioneer)
PVC Polyol 81
RX (Rogers)
Diallyl Phthalate Resin 508
Santoprene (Adv. Elast.)
Ole'finic TPE 29
Silastic (Dow Corn.)
Fluorosilicone 460
Silicone 419
Sol-Vex (Ans. Edm.)
Nitrile Rubber 252
SP-B (DuPont)
Olefinic TPE 29
Stansolv (Pioneer)
Nitrile Rubber 252
Stanzoil (Pioneer)
Neoprene Rubber 312
Texin (Miles)
Urethane TPE (TPAU) 60
Upilex (Ube)
Polyimide 707
Upimol (Ube)
Polyimide 707
© Plastics Design LibraryTrade Name Index
Vamac (DuPont)
Ethylene Acrylate Rubber 139
Vestamid (Huls)
Polyamide TPE 1
Vibrin (Owens Corn.)
Polyester (Bisphenol A) 561
Polyester (Isophthalate) 659
Vinyl Ester Resin 716
Viton (DuPont)
Fluoroelastomer 190
Fluoroelastomer (FKM) 190
Fluoroelastomer (FKM/TFE) 190
Vyram (Adv. Elast.)
Olefinic TPE 29
Wet-Wear (Ans. Edm.)
PVC Polyol 81
Xycon (Amoco)
Polyester 558
Zytel FN (DuPont)
Polyamide TPE 1
© Plastics Design Library
Trade Name Index

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