كورس تعليم برنامج فيوجن 360 - Migrating from AutoCAD to Fusion 360 Course
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 كورس تعليم برنامج فيوجن 360 - Migrating from AutoCAD to Fusion 360 Course

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18962
التقييم : 35392
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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كورس تعليم برنامج فيوجن 360
Migrating from AutoCAD to Fusion 360 Course

كورس تعليم برنامج فيوجن 360 - Migrating from AutoCAD to Fusion 360 Course  A_f_3_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1.Introduction \ 01.Welcome
1.Introduction \ 02.Using the exercise files
2.1. Getting Started \ 03.Similarities and differences between AutoCAD and Fusion 360
2.1. Getting Started \ 04.Collaborating in Fusion Team and A360
2.1. Getting Started \ 05.Fusion 360 file types
2.1. Getting Started \ 06.The user interface
2.1. Getting Started \ 07.Navigating in a model
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 08.Sketch mode_environment
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 09.Sketch constraints - Horizontal, vertical, and collinear
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 10.Sketch constraints - Coincident, concentric, and midpoint
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 11.Sketch constraints - Parallel, perpendicular, and tangent
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 12.Sketch constraints - Equal, symmetry, fix, and curvature
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 13.Sketch profiles and fully constrained
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 14.Design intent
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 15.Create tools - Sketch-based extrude and revolve
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 16.Create tools - Sketch-based loft and sweep
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 17.Create tools - Sketch rib and web
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 18.Modify tools - Press pull
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 19.Modify tools - Chamfer and fillet
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 20.Modify tools - Draft and shell
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 21.Modify tools - Combine
3.2. Constraints and 3D Part Modeling \ 22.Modify tools - Replace face, split face, and split body
4.3. Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360 \ 23.Creating components
4.3. Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360 \ 24.Inserting a component into an assembly
4.3. Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360 \ 25.The joint origin
4.3. Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360 \ 26.Joint motion types - Rigid, cylindrical, and joint
4.3. Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360 \ 27.Joint motion types - Pin-slot, slider, and ball
4.3. Assemble Parts and Components in Fusion 360 \ 28.Joint motion types - Planar
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 29.Before creating a new drawing
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 30.Drawing views
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 31.Geometry annotations
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 32.Dimensions and text
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 33.Exploded assembly drawing
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 34.Applying appearance
5.4. Creating 2D Drawings in Fusion 360 \ 35.Scene settings
6.5. Working with AutoCAD Files \ 36.Importing with 2D AutoCAD file
6.5. Working with AutoCAD Files \ 37.Importing an AutoCAD 3D file
6.5. Working with AutoCAD Files \ 38.Applying joints to components
6.5. Working with AutoCAD Files \ 39.Completing the assembly
6.5. Working with AutoCAD Files \ 40.Exporting a drawing to DWG
6.5. Working with AutoCAD Files \ 41.Importing and exporting DXF
7.Conclusion \ 42.Next steps

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كورس تعليم برنامج فيوجن 360 - Migrating from AutoCAD to Fusion 360 Course
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