كتاب The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
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 كتاب The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
Laurence W. McKeen

كتاب The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers  T_e_o_14
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Creep, Polymers, Plastics and Elastomers
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Stress
1.3 Basic Concepts of Creep
1.4 Plastics and Polymers
1.5 Plastic Compositions
1.6 Mechanisms of Creep of Plastics
1.7 Poisson’s Ratio
1.8 Using Creep Data in Plastic Product Design
1.9 Summary
2. Styrenic Plastics
2.1 Polystyrene
2.2 Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate
2.3 Styrene Acrylonitrile
2.4 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
2.5 Methyl methacrylate acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
2.6 Styrene Maleic Anhydride
2.7 Styrenic Block Copolymers
2.8 Styrenic Blends and Alloys
3. Polyether Plastics
3.1 Polyoxymethylene (POM or Acetal Homopolymer)
3.2 Polyoxymethylene Copolymer (POM-Co or Acetal Copolymer)
3.3 Modified Polyphenylene Ether/Polyphenylene Oxides
4. Polyesters
4.1 Polycarbonate
4.2 Polybutylene Terephthalate
4.3 Polyethylene Terephthalate
4.4 Liquid Crystalline Polymers
4.5 Polycyclohexylene-Dimethylene Terephthalate
4.6 Polyphthalate Carbonate
4.7 Polyester Blends and Alloys
5. Polyimides
5.1 Polyetherimide
5.2 Polyamide-Imide
5.3 Polyimide
5.4 Imide Polymer Blends
6. Polyamides (Nylons)
6.1 Nylon 6 (PA 6)
6.2 Nylon 11 (PA 11)
6.3 Nylon 12 (PA 12)
6.4 Nylon 46 (PA 46)
6.5 Nylon 66 (PA 66)
6.6 Nylon 610 (PA 610)
6.7 Nylon 612 (PA 612)
6.8 Nylon 6/66
6.9 Nylon Amorphous
6.10 Polyarylamide
6.11 Polyphthalamide
7. Polyolefins and Acrylics
7.1 Polyethylene
7.2 Polypropylene
7.3 Polymethylpentene
7.4 Cyclic Olefin Copolymer
7.5 Rigid PVC
7.6 Polyacrylics
8. Thermoplastic Elastomers
8.1 Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers
8.2 Thermoplastic Copolyester Elastomers
8.3 Thermoplastic Polyether Olefin Elastomers
8.4 Thermoplastic Polyether Block Amide Elastomers
9. Fluoropolymers
9.1 Polytetrafluoroethylene
9.2 Ethylene Chlorotrifluoroethylene
9.3 Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene
9.4 Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene
9.5 Perfluoro Alkylvinylether (PFA/MFA)
9.6 Polychlorotrifluoroethylene
9.7 Polyvinylidene Fluoride
10. High-Temperature Polymers
10.1 Polyketones
10.2 Polyethersulfone
10.3 Polyphenylene Sulfide
10.4 Polysulfone
10.5 Polyphenylsulfone
Appendix 1. Abbreviations
Appendix 2. Unit Conversion Tables
Pressure, Stress, Modulus
Accelerating creep stage, 5
Accumulated creep strain, 10
Acetal copolymer. See Polyoxymethylene Copolymer
Acetal polymers. See Polyoxymethylene (POM)
Acrylics, 293-296
Acrylite" H15, 294-295
Diakon™ CLG356, 295
Diakon' CMG302, 295
Diakon™ LG 156, 293
Diakon' ST45G8, 295
product comparisons, 295-296
Acrylite" H15, 294-295
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), 22, 34, 55-61.
See also Lustran" ABS 446; Magnum' 1040
Cycolac" G360, 57
Cycolac'" X37, 58
direct comparison of ABS resins, 61
Toyolac" 100, 57
Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA), 33-34,42-47.
See also Luran'" S 757 R; Luran'" S 776 S;
Luran'" S 778 T
Addition polymerization, 19
Additives, 23-25, 27
Adipic Acid, 198
Alloys, polyester, 118, 161-165
Alternating copolymer, 19
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM),
ASTM D 1693-08, 18
ASTM D2561, 18
ASTM D2990-01, 17
ASTM D5592-94(2002)el, 17
ISO 1167, 17
ISO 1167-1:2006, 17
ISO 1167-2:2006, 17
ISO 22088-1 :2006, 18
ISO 3384:2005, 17
ISO 6914:2004,17
ISO 899-1 :2003, 17
ISO 899-2:2003, 17
Amilan' CMlO11G-30, 207
Amilan' CM1011G-45, 208
Aminolauric acid, 198
Aminoundecanoic acid, 198
Amodel'" A-1133 HS, 246-247
Amodel'" A-1145 HS, 249
Amodel" A-1160 HS, 254
Amodel'" ET-I000, 243
Amorphous nylon, 201
chemical structure of, 202
Amorphous polyamide, 240-241
Grilamid" TR55, 241
Grilamid'" TR90, 241
Trogamid" T5000, 240
Antiblocking agents, 23
Antistatic agents, 24
Apparent creep modulus, 8-9
Apparent modulus, 9
Axial or longitudinal stress, 3
Bayblend'" T85, 67-70
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 67
at 40°C, 67
at 60°C, 68
at 80°C, 68
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 68
at 40°C, 69
at 60°C, 69
at 80°C, 70
Bayblend'" T88-2N, 72-74
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 72
at 40°C, 72
at 60°C, 72
at 90°C, 72
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 73
at 40°C, 73
at 60°C, 74
at 90°C, 74
Bayblend" T88-4N, 75-77
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 75
at 40°C, 75
at 60°C, 75
at 90°C, 75
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 76
at 40°C, 76
at 60°C, 77
at 90°C, 77
Bending stress. See Flexural stress
Biphenol Diamine (BP Diamine), 169
Biphenol diamine PMDA polyetherimide, 168
4, 4'-Bisphenol A dianhydride (BPADA)-PPD
polyetherimide, 168
BPADA-DDS polyetherimide, 168
BPADA-MPD polyetherimide, 168
BPADA-PMDA-MPD copolyetherimide, 169
Blends, 22
polyester blends, 118, 161-165
styrenic blends, 35, 67-81. See also Bayblend" T85;
Bayblend'" T88-2N; Bayblend" T88-4N; Cycoloy
C1000; Luran S KR 2861-1; Terblend'" N NM-19;
Terblend® N NG-02
Block copolymer, 19-20
Branched polymers, 20
creep mechanisms for, 26
Cantilever beam bending, 2-3
Capro1actam, 198
Catalysts, 23-24
Celanex'" 2300 GV/30, 131
Celanex'" 2500, 123
Celanex'" 3210, 129
Celanex" 3300,131-132, 140
Celazole" PBI, 339
Celcon" GB25, 106
Celcon'" GC25A, 104
Celcon" M90™, 94-95
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°C, 94
at 40°C, 94
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 94
at 40°C, 95
Celcon'" M270™, 93
Celcon" TX90PLUS, 98
Combustion modifiers, 23
Composites, 23-24
Compressive stress, 1-2
Condensation polymerization, 19-20
Copolymers, 19-20
alternating, 19
block, 19
graft, 19
random, 19
Coupling agents, 25
Crastin" LW9020, 163
Crastin" LW9030, 164
Crastin" S600FlO NCOlO, 123
Crastin" SK601, 129
Crastin'" SK603, 130
Crastin" SK605, 134
Crastin" SK609, 138
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°C, 138
at 60°C, 138
Crastin'" ST820 NCOlO, 128
Crastin'" T805, 135
Crastin" T841FR, 139
Crastin'" T843FR, 139
basic concepts, 4-18
categories, 5-6
of metals, 4
regions of, 5-6
stages, 5-6
Crosslinked polyethylene (PEX), 265,
commercial methods for producing, 265
generic PEX, 278-279
Crosslinked polymers, 20
creep mechanisms for, 26
Crystalline versus amorphous plastics, 21-22
Cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), 266-267, 293
Cycolac'" G360, 57
Cycolac" X37, 58
Cycoloy C1000, 70-72
tensile creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 70
at 60°C, 71
at 90°C, 71
Data, creep
categories, 5
first stage of, 5
isochronous creep, 7
isometric curves, 8
primary, 5
steady state, 5
tertiary creep, 5
three-dimensional plot, 7
two-dimensional plots, 7
Delrin" 100, 500, 900, 84-86
isochronous flexural stress-strain
at 23°C, 84
at 45°C, 85
at 85°C, 85
at 100°C, 85
Delrin® 100ST NCOlO, 86-88
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 86
at 40°C, 86
at 60°C, 87
at 80°C, 87
Delrin" 510GR NCOOO, 88-90
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 88
at 40°C, 88
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 89
at 60°C, 89
at 90°C, 90
Delrin® 520MP NCOIO, 90-91
isochronous stress-strain
at zs-c, 90
at 60°C, 90
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 91
at 60°C, 91
Diakon' CLG356, 295
Diakon' CMG302, 295
Diakon' LG156, 293
Diakon' ST45G8, 295
Diamino Diphenyl Sulfone (DDS), 169
1, 12-Dodecanediotic Acid, 198
Dyes, 25
Dylark'" 480P16, 63-64
flexural creep strain versus time at noc, 63
tensile creep strain versus stress at 23°C, 64
Dylark" SMA resins, 64
Elastic modulus, 8-9
Elastic recovery, 4
Elastollan'" 1164 D, 299
Elastollan'" 1185 A, 299
Elastollan'" C 64 D, 300
Elastollan" C 85 A, 300
Elastollan" R 3000, 301
Elastomers, 1-30,22-23
Environmental stress cracking (ESC), 12-17
performance expectations, 16-17
generalizations about, 16
tests for, 12-17
single cantilever test, 13-14
tensile creep rupture test, 15-16
three point bending test, 14
Equivalent stress, 3
Ethylene-methacrylic acid (EMAA), 267
Extenders, 25
Extruded polystyrene (XPS), 33
Failure, creep, 10
Fiberloc ™87241, 291
Fillers, 23
Finite element analysis, 29-30
Fire retardants, 23
Flame retardants, 23
Flexural creep, 4
Flexural stress, 2-3
cantilever beam bending, 2-3
occurrence, 2
simple bending, 2
Fluon® G163, 317
Fluon® PAI025Z, 318
Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), 310-311,
323-327. See also Teflon" FEP
Fluoropolymers, 309-336. See also Fluorinated ethylene
propylene (FEP); Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
melting points of, 312
perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), 311
polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), 311
polyethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (E-CTFE), 310,
polyethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 310
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 311-312
Fortron'" 1140L4, 349-354
isochronous stress-strain of
at noc, 349
at 120°C, 349
at 150°C, 350
at 200°C, 350
tensile creep modulus versus time of
at 23°C, 352
at 120°C, 353
at 150°C, 353
at 200°C, 354
tensile creep strain versus time of
at noc, 350
at 120°C, 351
at 150°C, 351
at 200°C, 352
Fortron" 6165A4, 357-361
isochronous stress-strain of
at zs-c, 357
at 120°C, 357
at 150°C, 357
at 200°C, 357
tensile creep modulus versus time of
at 23°C, 360
at 120°C, 360
at 150°C, 361
at 200°C, 361
tensile creep strain versus time of
at zs-c, 358
at 120°C, 358
at 150°C, 359
at 200°C, 359
Generic PEX, 278-279
GHR® 8110, 288-289
GHR® UHMWPE, 289-290
Graft copolymer, 19-20
Grilamid" LV-3H, 219
Grilamid" TR55, 241
Grilamid'" TR90, 241
Grivory" GC-4H, 248
Grivory" GM-4H, 248
Grivory'" GV-5H, 250-251
Grivory" GV-6H, 255
Grivory" HT2V-3H, 245
Grivory" HT2V-5H, 252
Grivoryf HTV-3Hl, 244
Grivory" HTV-5Hl, 253398
Grivory'" XE3876, 244-245
GUR® 4120,286-287
GUR® 4152,287-288
GUR®, 289-290
Ha1ar® E-CTFE, 319-321
stress relaxation versus temperature of, 321
tensile creep strain versus time of
at 23°C, 319
at 75°C, 319
at 125°C, 320
at 150°C, 320
Hard phase plastic properties, 297
Heterophasic copolymers, 265
High density polyethylene (HDPE), 264, 267-269
density 0.945 g/cm', isochronous stress-strain of, 267
at 23°C, 267
at 40°C, 267
at 80°C, 268
density 0.948 g/cm'', tensile creep modulus
versus time
at 23°C, 268
at 40°C, 269
density 0.954 g/cm'', isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 272
at 40°C, 272
at 80°C, 272
density 0.960 g/cm'', isochronous stress-strain of
at 23°C, 275
at 40°C, 275
at 80°C, 275
High impact polystyrene (HIPS), 20, 33
creep curves
at 20°C, 40
in stress cracking testing of, 42
High-temperature polymers, 337-372
Homophasic copolymers, 265
Homopolymers, 265
Hoop stress, 3-4
Hostaform'" C 2521, 95
Hostaform'" C 9021, 92-93, 105
flexural creep modulus at various temperatures, 93
tensile creep curves at 23°C, 92
time compression stress curves at 20°C, 92
Hostaform'" S 9063, 99
Hostalen" CRP 100, 273-274
hoop stress versus time at various
temperatures of, 274
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 273
at 40°C, 274
Hostalen" GM 5010 T3, 269-270
hoop stress versus time at various temperatures of, 270
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 269
at 40°C, 270
Hostalen" H1022, 282
Hostalen'" H2150, 279-280
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 279
at 40°C, 279
at 60°C, 280
at 80°C, 280
Hostalen" H2222, 280
Hostalen" H2250, 281
Hostalen'" H52l6, 281
Hyflon® PFA M620, 330
Hyflon" PFA M720, 331
Hyflon'" PFA P220, 329
Hyflon'" PFA P420, 330
Hytrel®5526, 303-304
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 303
at 40°C, 303
at 80°C, 303
Hytrelf 6356, 304-305
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 304
at 40°C, 304
at 80°C, 305
Hytrel" 7246, 306-307
Imide polymer blends, 170-171
Immiscible blends, 22
Impact copolymers (heterophasic copolymers), 265
Impact modifiers, 23-24
Impet" 330R, 144
Impetf 61OR, 142
Isochronous creep, 7
Isometric curves, 8-9
Isophthalic acid (IPA), 201
Isophthalic Acid, 198
IXEF® 1022, 260
IXEF® 1032,261
Kynar'" PVDF, 336
Lexan'" 101, 119
Lexan'" 141R, 119-120
Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), 264
Linear polymers, 20
creep mechanisms for, 26
Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs), 116-118,
monomers to make, 117
Vectra" ABO, 157
Vectra" B130, 159
Vectra" C130, 159
Vectra" E130i, 160
Vectra" H140, 160
Zenite'" 6130 BKOlO, 158
Log-log scales, 9
Low density polyethylene (LDPE), 264
Lubricants, 23INDEX
Lubricomp" DFL-4036, 121-122
creep strain versus time
at 23°e, 121
at zo-e. 122
at 120oe, 122
Lupolen'" 5031L, 271
isochronous stress-strain of
at 23°e, 271
at ao-c, 271
Lupolen'" 5261Z, 273
Lupolen" 6031M, 276
Luran S KR 2861-1,81
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 81
at so-c, 81
Luran'" 378 P G7, 50-53
creep modulus versus time
at 23°e, 51
at -o-c, 52
at so-c, 52
at so-c, 53
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 50
at 40oe, 50
at so-c, 51
at so-c, 51
Luran'" 378 P, 47-50
creep modulus versus time
at 23°e, 48
at 40 oe, 49
at 60 oe, 49
at so-c, 50
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 47
at 40 oe, 47
at 60 oe, 48
at 80oe, 48
Luran'P S 757 R, 42-45
creep modulus versus time
at 23°e, 43
at 40oe, 44
at 60 oe, 44
at 80oe, 45
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°e, 42
at 40 oe, 42
at 60 oe, 43
at 80oe, 43
Luran'" S 776 S, 47
Luran" S 778 T, 45-46
creep modulus versus time
at 23°e, 46
at 60oe, 46
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 45, 47
at 60 oe, 45
at 70oe, 47
Lustran" ABS 446, 55-56
creep strain versus time
at 23°e, 55
at -o-c, 55
at 60oe, 56
at so-c, 56
Magnum™ 1040,58-60
creep modulus versus time
at 23°e, 59
at 50oe, 60
at 80°C, 60
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 58
at so-c, 58
at so-c, 59
Maximum surface strain, 14
Measures of creep, 6-18
Medium density polyethylene (MDPE), 264
Melting points of fluoroplastics, 312
Metals, creep properties, 4
Methyl methacrylate-acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
(MABS), 34, 62-63. See also Terlux" 2802 TR
Methylene dianiline (MDA), 169
Mica, 25
Minlon'" lOB140 NeOlO, 228-229
creep strain in flexure versus time of
at 23°e, 229
isochronous stress-strain of
at 23°e, 228
at so-c, 228
at so-c, 228
at too-c. 228
Minlon® 11e40 NeOlO, 229
Minlon® 12T, 227
Minlon'" 20B, 230
Minlon'" 73M30 NeOlO, 207-208
Modulus, creep, 8-9
Moire fringe extensometer, 15
Molecular weight, polymers, 20-21
M-Phenylene Diamine (MPD), 169
Multiphase polymer blends, 22
Neoflon" M-300H, 332
Neoflon' M-400H, 332
Nodes, 29
Non-fibrous fillers, 23
Normal stress, 1
Noryl'" 731, 112
Noryl'? GFN1, 113
Noryl'" GFN2, 113
Noryl'" GTX964W, 111
Nylon 6,198-199
characteristics of, 198
chemical structure of, 199
Nylon 11, 199
Nylon 12, 199
Nylon 46, 201
chemical structure of, 206
Nylon 66, 199-200
Nylon 610, 200
structure of, 20 I
Nylon 612, 200-201
structure of, 20 I
Nylon 666 or 66/6, 201
Oxydianiline (aDA), 169
Particulate fillers, 23
Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), 311, 328-331. See also Hyflon"
PFA P220; Teflon® PFA
Hyflon" PFA M620, 330
Hyflon'" PFA M720, 331
Hyflon" PFA P420, 330
PFA resins, comparison, 331
Peroxide (or Engel) method (PEX-a), 265
Pigments, 25
Plasticizers, 24-25
Plastics, 1-30,33-81. See also Styrenic plastics
creep in, mechanisms, 25-27
branched or crosslinked polymers, 26
linear polymers, 26
reinforced plastics, 26
Poisson's ratio, 27-28
Polyacrylics, 267
Polyamide (PA), 35
Polyamide 6 (PA 6, Nylon 6), 204-208
Amilan' CMIOIIG-30, 207
Amilan' CMIOIIG-45, 208
Minlon" 73M30 NCOIO, 207-208
Stat-Kon® PC-I006, 206
Thermocomp'" PF-1004, 204
Thermocomp'" PF-I006 (PF006), 206
Ultramid" B5, 204
Zytel® 73G30L NCOIO, 205
Polyamide II (PA II, Nylon 11),209-210
Rilsan® PA II resins, 209
Polyamide 12 (PA 12, Nylon 12),210-219.
See also Vestamid" L2140; Vestamid'" L2124;
Vestamid'" L-GF30
Grilamid" LV-3H, 219
Polyamide 46 (PA 46, Nylon 46),242-243
generic grades of, comparison, 243-259
Stanyl'" PA 46, 243
Stanyl" TW200F8, 242
Stanyl" TW300, 242
Polyamide 66 (PA 66, Nylon 66), 220-232.
See also Ultramid'P A 3K; Zytel'" 101
Minlon" 10B140 NCOIO, 228-229
Minlon'" l1C40 NCOIO, 229
Minlon'" 12T, 227
Minlon'" 20B, 230
Ultramid'" A 3WG10, 232
Zytel® 408HS, 223
Zytel® 408L, 223
Zytel® 70G13, 224
Zytel'" 70G30HSLR, 225
Zytel® 70G33HSIL, 227
Zytel® 70G33L 33, 226
Zytel® 70G43L, 231
Polyamide 610 (PA 610, Nylon 610), 233-234
Thermocornp" QF006 (QF-I006), 233
Thermocomp" QF008 (QF-1008), 233
Thermocomp'" QF012 (QF-100-12), 234
Polyamide 612 (PA 612, Nylon 612), 234-239.
See also Vestamid'" D16; Zytel'" 158L NCOIO
Vestamid" VX7099, 238
Zytel" 77G43L, 239
Polyamide-imide (PAl), 167-170, 187-192
Torlon'" 4203L, 187
Torlon® 4275, 189-190
Torlon" 4301, 188
Torlon® 4375, 189
Torlon® 5030, 190
Torlon" 7130, 191-192
Polyamides/Nylons, 197-262. See also individual
Nylon entries
diacids used to make, 198
diamines used to make, 198
monomers used to make, 197
Polyarylamide (PAA), 202, 260-261
IXEF® 1022, 260
IXEF® 1032,261
Polybenzimidazole (PBI), 339
Polybutadiene, 22
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), 22, 115-116,
Celanex" 2300 GV/30, 131
Celanex'? 2500, 123
Celanex'" 3210, 129
Celanex'" 3300, 131-132
Crastin'" S600FIO NCOI0, 123
Crastin" SK601, 129
Crastin'" SK603, 130
Crastin'" SK605, 134
Crastin" SK609, 138
Crastin" ST820 NCOIO, 128
Crastin" T805, 135
Crastin'" T841FR, 139
Crastinf T843FR, 139
performance properties, 115
product comparisons of PBT Resins, 140-141
Ultradur'" B4300 G6, 135-136
Ultradurf B4520, 127-128
Vestodur'" 2000, 124-125
Vestodur" GF30, 132-134
Vestodur'" HI19, 126-127
Vestodur'" HI19-GF30, 137-138
Polycarbonate (PC), 35,115,119-122
Lexan'" 101, 119
Lexan" 141R, 119-120
Lubricomp'" DFL-4036, 121-122
performance properties, 115
Thermocomp" DF-1006, 120-121
Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), 311, 332
Polycyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate (PCT), 118
Polyesters, 115-165. See also Liquid crystalline
polymers (LCPs); Polycarbonate (PC); Polybutylene
terephthalate (PBT); Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
formation, 115-116
Polyether block amide (PEBA) elastomers, 298
Polyether plastics, 83-113
modified polyphenylene ether/polyphenylene oxides
(PPE or PPO), 84
Polyoxymethylene (POM), 83
Polyoxymethylene Copolymer (POM-Co), 83-84,
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), 170, 337, 340-343
Victrex" 450CA30, 341
Victrex'" 450G, 340
Polyetherimide (PEl), 167, 171-186. See also Ultem'"
1000; Ultem® 2200; Ultem® 2400; Ultem® PEl resins;
Vespel® TP-8054; Vespel" TP-8130; Vespel'" TP-8212;
Vespel" TP-8311; Vespel® TP-8395; Vespel® TP-8549;
Vespel'" TP-8792
PEl resins, product comparison, 184-186
Ultem" CRS5001, 181-182
Ultem" XH6050, 183-184
Polyethersulfone (PES), 337-338, 343-348
Radel® A-200A, 345
Radel" AG-230, 346-347
Sumika Excel'" 4101GL30, 347-348
Ultrason" E 2010 G4, 346
Ultrason" E 2010 G6, 348
Ultrason'" E 2010, 343-344
Polyethylene (PE), 263-265, 267-278
classifications, 263
High density polyethylene (HDPE), 264,
Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), 264
Low density polyethylene (LDPE), 264
Medium density polyethylene (MDPE), 264
Ultra low density polyethylene (ULDPE), 263
Very low density polyethylene (VLDPE), 264
crystallinity, 264-265
Hostalen'" CRP 100, 273-274
Hostalen" GM 5010 T3, 269-270
Lupolen'" 5031L, 271
Lupolen'" 5261Z, 273
Lupolen'" 6031M, 276
products, comparison, 277-278
Polyethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene (E-CTFE), 310,
Halar® E-CTFE, 319-321
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 19, 116, 142-157, 170
Impet'" 330R, 144
Impet" 61OR, 142
Rynite" 415HP, 142-143
Rynite" 530, 145-146
Rynite'" 545,153-154
Rynite" 555,154-157
Rynite" 935, 147-149
Rynite" 940, 149-150
Rynitef FR515, 143-144
Rynite" FR530, 146-147
Rynite'" FR943, 150-151
Rynite" SST35, 152-153
Polyethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), 310, 321-322
Tefzel'" ETFE HT-2004, 322
Tefzel" ETFE, 321
Polyimide (PI), 170, 192-195
Vespel" SPl, 192-193
Vespel" SP21, 193-194
Vespel" SP22, 194-195
Polymerization, 19. See also Addition polymerization;
Condensation polymerization; Copolymers
Polymers, 18-25
Polymethyl methacrylate, 22
Polymethylpentene (PMP), 266, 286
Polyolefins, 263-296
Polyoxymethylene (POM) homopolymer, 83, 84-91.
See also Delrin® 100, 500, 900; Delrin" 100ST
NCOIO; Delrin'" 510GR NCOOO; Delrin® 520MP
Polyoxymethylene copolymer (POM-Co), 83-84,
92-110. See also Hostaform" C 9021; Ultraformf
N2200 G43; Ultraform'" N2200 G53
Celcon'" M270™, 93
Celcon" M90™, 94-95
Celcon'" TX90PLUS, 98
Hostaform" C 2521, 95
Hostaform'" S 9063, 99
Ultraform'" H4320, 97
Ultraform" N2320 003,96-97
Polyphenylene ether (PPE), 84
Polyphenylene oxides (PPO), 84
Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), 338, 349-363.
See also Fortron" 1140L4; Fortron'" 6165A4;
Ryton'" R-4
cured PPS, 338
generic and product comparison, 362-363
HMW branched PPS, 338
HMW linear PPS, 338
properties of, 338
regular PPS, 338
Ryton" A-200PPS, 349
Ryton'" R-7, 356
Ryton" R-IO, 356
Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU), 339, 369-372.
See also Radel" R-5000402
Polyphthalamide/high-performance polyamide (PPA),
Amodel" A-1133 HS, 246-247
Amodel'" A-I 145 HS, 249
Amodel'" A-1160 HS, 254
Amodel'" ET-l 000, 243
Grivory" Ge-4H, 248
Grivory'" GM-4H, 248
Grivory'? GV-5H, 250-251
Grivory'" GV-6H, 255
Grivory'" HT2V-3H, 245
Grivory'" HT2V-5H, 252
Grivory'" HTV-3Hl, 244
Grivory" HTV-5Hl, 253
Grivory" XE3876, 244-245
PPA resins, comparison, 256-259
apparent flexural creep modulus versus time,
flexural creep strain versus time by dynamic
mechanical analysis, 256
Polyphthalamides, 203
Polyphthalate carbonate (PPC), 118, 161
Polypropylene (PP), 265-266, 279-285
homopolymers, 265
Hostalen'" H1022, 282
Hostalen'" H2150, 279-280
Hostalen'" H2222, 280
Hostalen'" H2250, 281
Hostalen'" H5216, 281
impact copolymers (heterophasic copolymers), 265
random copolymers (homophasic copolymers), 265
Verton" MV006S, 283
Verton" MV008S, 284-285
Verton" MVOOAS, 285
Polystyrene (PS), 22, 33, 36-42
extruded polystyrene (XPS), 33
general-purpose PS resins, 41
generic products and direct comparison of PS resins,
high impact polystyrene (HIPS), 33
polystyrene 168 N, 39
creep strain curves at 20°C, 40
polystyrene 454 C, 37-39
creep modulus versus time at 23°C of, 38
creep modulus versus time at 40°C of, 38
creep modulus versus time at 60°C of, 39
isochronous stress-strain at 23°C of, 37
isochronous stress-strain at 40°C of, 37
isochronous stress-strain at 60°C of, 37
polystyrene 456 F, 40
creep rupture curves at various temperatures, 40
polystyrol 143 E, 36
creep modulus versus time at 23°C of, 36
isochronous stress-strain at 23°C of, 36
Poly sulfone (PSU), 338-339, 364-369
Udel® P-1700, 366-368
Ultrason" S 2010, 364-365
Ultrason" S 2010 G4, 368
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 309-310, 313-318
Fluon'" 0163,317
Fluon® PA1025Z, 318
Teflon® PTFE, 313-316
Poly trimethylene terephthalate (PTT), 118
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 291-292
Fiberloc' 87241, 291
rigid PVC, 266
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 311-312, 333-336.
See also Solef'" 1010
Kynar'" PVDF, 336
Solef'" 8088/0902, 336
P-Phenylene diamine (PPD), 169
Primary creep region, 5
Product design, plastic, using creep data in, 27-30
Pseudo elastic design method, 28-29
Pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), 169
Radel® A-200A, 345
Radel® AG-230, 346-347
Radel" R-5000, 369-372
apparent creep modulus versus time of, 372
isochronous stress-strain curves of
at 23°C, 369
at 95°C, 369
at 160°C, 370
tensile creep modulus versus time of
at 23°C, 370
at 95°C, 371
at 160°C, 371
Radial stress, 3
Radiation or electron-beam method (PEX-c), 265
Random copolymer, 19-20, 265
Rapra tensile creep machine, 15-16
Reinforced plastics, creep mechanisms for, 26
Reinforcing fillers, 23
Release agents, 23
Rilsan® PA 11 resins, 209
creep rupture, 10-11
in air and aggressive environments, 12
strength, 9-12
stress rupture, 10-11
Rynite'" 415HP, 142-143
Rynite'" 530, 145-146
Rynite'" 545, 153-154
Rynite'" 555,154-157
flexural creep strain versus time
at a stress of 6.9 MPa, 154, 156
at a stress of 13.8 MPa, 155, 156
atastressof27.6MPa, 155, 157
Rynite" 935,147-149
flexural creep strain versus time
at a stress of 6.9 MPa, 147INDEX
at a stress of 13.8 MPa, 148
at a stress of 27.6 MPa, 149
Rynite" 940, 149-150
Rynite" FR515, 143-144
Rynite'" FR530, 146-147
Rynite'" FR943, 150-151
Rynite" SST35, 152-153
Ryton" A-200 PPS, 349
Ryton" R-4, 354-355
Ryton" R-7, 356
Ryton" R-lO, 356
Sebacic Acid, 198
Secant modulus, 28
Semi-crystalline polyamide (PACM 12),202-203,
Trogamid" CX7323, 261
Shear stress, 1-2
Silane method (PEX-b), 265
Single cantilever test, 13-14
Slip, 23
Smoke suppressants, 23
Soft phase elastomeric properties, 297
Solef® 1010,333-335
hoop stress versus time of, 334
isochronous stress-strain versus time of
at 23°C, 333
at 120°C, 333
at 140°C, 334
Solef® 8088/0902, 336
Stanyl'" TW200F8, 242
Stanyl'" TW300, 242
Stat-Ken" PC-1006, 206
Steady state region, 5
Strain versus time creep behavior, 6
Strain, measurement, 6-8
Strength, creep, 9-12. See also Rupture strength
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC), 14
Stress, measurement, 6-8
Stress. See also individual entries
types of, 1-4
Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), 33134, 47-54.
See also Luran" 378 P; Luran" 378 P G7
generic products and direct comparison of
SAN resins, 53-54
Styrene-maleic anhydride (SMA), 34-35, 63-64.
See also Dylark'" 480P16; Dylark'" SMA resins
production, 35
Styrenic block copolymer (SBC), 35,65-67.
See also Styrolux'" 656C
Styrenic plastics, 33-81
acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), 34,
acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA), 33-34,
blends, 35, 67-81. See also Blends, styrenic
(MABS), 34, 62-63
polystyrene, 33, 36-42
styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN), 34, 47-54
styrene-maleic anhydride (SMA), 34-35, 63-64
styrenic block copolymers (SBCs), 35, 65-67
Styrolux" 656C, 65-67
creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 66
at 40°C, 66
at 60°C, 67
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 65
at 40°C, 65
at 60°C, 65
Sumika Excel®4101GL30, 347-348
Surlyn®, 267
Teflon® FEP, 323-327
creep strain in compression versus time of
at 23°C, 325
at 100°C, 325
stress relaxation versus time of
at 23°C, 327
at 100°C, 327
tensile creep strain versus time of
at -54°C, 323
at 23°C, 323
at 100°C, 324
at 175°C, 324
torsional creep strain versus time of
at 23°C, 326
at 100°C, 326
Teflon® NXT resins, 309
Teflon® PFA, 328-329
tensile creep strain versus time of
at 23°C, 328
at 100°C, 328
at 200°C, 329
Teflon" PTFE, 313-316
compressive creep strain versus time of
at 23°C, 315
at 100°C, 315
shear creep strain versus time of
at 23°C, 316
at 100°C, 316
tensile creep strain versus time of
at -54°C, 313
at 23°C, 313
at 100°C, 314
at 200°C, 314
Tefzel'" ETFE HT-2004, 322
Tefzel® ETFE, 321
Tensile creep rupture test, 15-16
Tensile creep, 4-5
Tensile stress, 1-2404
Terblend" N NG-02, 79-80
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 79
at 60°C, 79
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 80
at 60°C, 80
Terblend'" N NM-19, 78-79
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 78
at 40°C, 78
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 78
at 60°C, 79
Terephthalic acid (TPA), 198,201
Terlux'" 2802 TR, 62-63
creep modulus versus time at 60°C, 63
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 62
at 40°C, 62
at 60°C, 62
Tertiary creep region,S
Thermal stabilizers, 25
Thermocomp'" DF-1006, 120-121
Thermocomp" PF-I004, 204
Thermocomp" PF-I006 (PF006), 206
Thermocomp'" QF006 (QF-1006), 233
Thermocomp'" QF008 (QF-1008), 233
Thermocomp'" QF012 (QF-100-12), 234
Thermoplastic copolyester elastomers
(TPE-Es or COPEs), 301-307
Hytrel" 5526, 303-304
Hytrel® 6356, 304-305
Hytrel'" 7246, 306-307
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 301
at 40°C, 302
at 80°C, 302
Thermoplastic elastomers, 297-307
'hard phase' plastic properties, 297
'soft phase' elastomeric properties, 297
polyether block amide (PEBA) elastomers, 298
Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (TPUs), 297-301
Elastollan'" 1164 D, 299
Elastollan® 1185 A, 299
Elastollan® e 64 D, 300
Elastollan® e 85 A, 300
Elastollan® R 3000, 301
Thermosets versus thermoplastics, 21
Three point bending test, 14
THV™, 312
Ticona Vectra® A950 Lep, 117
Time, measurement, 6-8
Topas'", 293
Torlon" 4203L, 187
Torlon®4275, 189-190
Torlon" 4301, 188
Torlon'" 4375, 189
Torlon" 5030, 190
Torlon'" 7130, 191-192
Torque, 2
Torsional constant (K), 2
Torsional stress, 2
Tougheners, 23
Toyolac" 100, 57
TPX™ PMP Resin, 286
Trogamid'" eX7323, 261
Trogamid'" T5000, 240
Udel® P-1700, 366-368
Ultem® 1000, 171-173
creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 171
at 60°C, 172
at 100°C, 173
at 150°C, 173
Ultem" 2200,173-175
creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 173
at 60°C, 174
at 100°C, 174
at 150°C, 175
Ultem" 2400,175-177
creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 175
at 60°C, 176
at 100°C, 176
at 150°C, 177
Ultem® eRS5001, 181-182
creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 181
at 60°C, 181
at 100°C, 182
at 150°C, 182
Ultem® PEl resins
apparent creep modulus versus time
at 23°C and 34.5 MPa, 185
at 23°C and 48.3 MPa, 184
at 82°C and 23.6 MPa, 186
at 82°C and 34.5 MPa, 185
flexural creep strain versus time
at 23°C and 48 MPa, 186
Ultem® XH6050, 183-184
creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 183
at 127°C, 183
at 150°C, 184
Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE),
GHR® 8110, 288-289
GHR® UHMWPE, 289-290
GUR® 4120,286-287
GUR® 4152,287-288
GUR®, 289-290INDEX
Ultra low density polyethylene (ULDPE), 263
Ultradur'" B4300 G6, 135-136
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 135
at so-c, 135
tensile creep strain versus time
at 23°e, 136
at 100oe, 137
Ultradur'" B4520, 127-128
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 127
at so-c, 127
at 100oe, 128
Ultraform" H4320, 97
Ultraformf N2200 G43, 99-101
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°e, 99
at «rc, 99
at so-c, 100
at 100oe, 100
at 120oe, 100
Ultraform" N2200 G53, 101-103
creep modulus versus time curves
at 23°e, 103
at 40oe, 103
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°e, 101
at -o-c, 101
at so-c, 102
at so-c, 102
at 100°C, 102
at 120oe, 102
Ultraform" N2320 003, 96--97
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°e, 96
tensile creep strain versus time
at 23°e, 96
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°e, 97
Ultraform'" N2720 M21O, 106--107
creep modulus versus time curves
at 23°e, 107
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°e, 106
at so-c, 106
at 120oe, 107
Ultraform" N2720 M63, 108-109
creep modulus versus time curves
at 23°e, 109
at «rc, 109
isochronous stress-strain curves
at 23°e, 108
at -o-c, 108
at so-c, 108
at 100oe, 108
Ultramid'P A 3K, 222
Ultramid'" A 3WG10, 232
Ultramid® B5, 204
Ultrason'" E 2010 G4, 346
Ultrason" E 2010 G6, 348
Ultrason'" E 2010,343-344
Ultrason" S 2010 G4, 368
Ultrason'" S 2010, 364--365
UV stabilizers, 24
Valox'" 508, 161-163
creep strain versus time
at 23°e, 161
at so-c, 162
at 82°e, 162
at 121°e, 163
Vectra'" ABO, 157
Vectra'" B130, 159
Vectra" e130, 159
Vectra'" E130i, 160
Vectra'" H140, 160
Verton* MV006S, 283
Verton" MV008S, 284--285
Verton* MVOOAS, 285
Very low density polyethylene
(VLDPE), 264
Vespel'" SPl, 192-193
Vespel® SP21, 193-194
Vespel® SP22, 194-195
Vespel® TP-8054, 177
Vespel® TP-8130, 178
Vespel" TP-8212, 178
Vespel'" TP-8311, 179
Vespel'" TP-8395, 179
Vespel® TP-8549, 180
Vespel'" TP-8792, 180
Vestamid" D16, 234--237
tensile creep strain versus time of
at 23°e, 234
at so-c, 235
at 100oe, 235
tensile creep modulus versus time of
at 23°e, 236
at so-c, 236
at 100oe, 237
Vestamid'" L2124, 213-216
tensile creep strain at various stresses of
at 23°e, 213
at so-c, 214
at 100oe, 214
tensile creep modulus at various stresses of
at 23°e, 215
at so-c, 215
at 100oe, 216
Vestamid'" L2140, 210-213
tensile creep strain at various stresses of
at 23°e, 210
at eo-c. 211
at 100oe, 211
tensile creep modulus at various
stresses of
at 23°C, 212
at 60°C, 212
at 100°C, 213
Vestamid" L-GF30, 216-219
tensile creep strain at various
stresses of
at 23°C, 216
at 60°C, 217
at 100°C, 217
tensile creep modulus at various
stresses of
at 23°C, 218
at 60°C, 218
at 100°C, 219
Vestamid" VX7099, 238
Vestodur'? 2000, 124-125
tensile creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 124
at 100°C, 124
tensile creep modulus curves
at 23°C, 125
at 100°C, 125
Vestodur" GF30, 132-134
tensile creep strain versus time
at 23°C, 132
at 100°C, 133
tensile creep modulus
at 23°C, 133
at 100°C, 134
Vestodur" HIl9, 126-127
tensile creep strain versus time
at 100°C, 126
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 126
at 100°C, 127
Vestodur'" HIl9-GF30, 137-138
tensile creep modulus versus time
at 23°C, 137
at 100°C, 138
Victrex" 450CA30, 341
Victrex" 450G
Viscoelasticity, 30
Von Mises equivalent stress formula, 3
Xenoy" 6370, 164-165
Young's modulus, 28
Zenite" 6130 BKOIO, 158
Zytel® 101,220-222
apparent flexural creep modulus
versus time
at 23°C, 221
at 60°C, 222
flexural creep strain versus time at 23°C, 221
flexural isochronous stress-strain at 23°C, 220
isochronous stress-strain of
at 23°C, 220
at 60°C, 220
at 100°C, 220
Zytel" 158L NCOIO, 237
Zytel'" 408HS, 223
Zytel'" 408L, 223
Zytel'" 70G 13, 224
Zytel'" 70G30HSLR, 225
Zytel® 70G33HSu, 227
Zytel" 70G33L 33, 226
Zytel'" 70G43L, 231
Zytel'" 73G30L NCOIO, 205
isochronous stress-strain
at 23°C, 205
at 60°C, 205
at 90°C, 205
Zytel'" 77G43L, 239

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رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
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كتاب The Effect of Creep and other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
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صفحة 2 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب The Effect of Creep and Other Time Related Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب The Effect of Temperature and Other Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب The Effect of Temperature and Other Factors on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب The Effect of Sterilization on Plastics and Elastomers
» كتاب The Effect of UV Light and Weather on Plastics and Elastomers

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