كتاب Autodesk Fusion 360 Basics Tutorial
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 كتاب Autodesk Fusion 360 Basics Tutorial

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عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Autodesk Fusion 360 Basics Tutorial
Tutorial Books

كتاب Autodesk Fusion 360 Basics Tutorial  F_3_6_40
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Scope of this book
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Autodesk Fusion 360
What is Fusion 360?
Starting Autodesk Fusion 360
User Interface
File Menu
Application Bar
Navigation Bar
View Cube
Shortcut and Marking Menus
Customizing the Toolbar
The Quick Setup dialog
Chapter 2: Part Modeling Basics
Tutorial 1
Creating a New Project
Starting a Sketch
Adding Dimensions
Creating the Base Feature
Adding an Extruded Feature
Adding another Extruded Feature
Saving the Part
Tutorial 2
Sketching a Revolve Profile
Creating the Revolved Feature
Creating the Cut feature
Creating another Cut featureAdding a Fillet
Saving the Part
Tutorial 3
Creating the Cylindrical Feature
Creating Cut feature
Saving the Part
Tutorial 4
Creating a Box
Applying Draft
Saving the Part
Chapter 3: Assembly Basics
Tutorial 1
Top-Down Approach
Bottom-Up Approach
Inserting the Base Component
Adding the second component
Assembling the Components
Adding the Third Component
Creating the Main Assembly
Placing the Sub-assembly
Adding Joints
Placing the second instance of the Sub-assembly
Tutorial 2
Starting a New Animation
Creating a Storyboard Animation
Publishing the Animation Video
Tutorial 3
Exploding the Components Manually
Chapter 4: Creating Drawings
Starting a New Drawing File
Generating the Base View
Generating the Section View
Creating the Detailed ViewCreating Centermarks and Centerlines
Adding Dimensions
Populating the Title Block
Saving the Drawing
Tutorial 2
Creating a New Drawing File
Generating Base View
Generating the Exploded View
Creating the Parts list
Creating the Parts list of the sub-assembly
Saving the Drawing
Chapter 5: Sketching
Creating Rectangles
Creating Polygons
Circumscribed Polygon
Inscribed Polygon
Edge Polygon
Horizontal/Vertical Constraint
Automatic Constraints
Deleting Constraints
Conic Curve
Tutorial 1
Concentric Constraint
Center Point Arc
Circular PatternTrim
Chapter 6: Additional Modeling Tools
Creating the First Feature
Adding the Second feature
Creating a Counterbore Hole
Creating a Threaded hole
Creating a Circular Pattern
Creating Chamfers
Saving the Part
Creating the first feature
Creating the Shell feature
Creating the Third feature
Creating a Cut Feature
Creating the Rib Feature
Creating the Coil
Creating the First Section and Rails
Creating the second section
Creating the Loft feature
Creating the Extruded feature
Creating an Emboss
Creating Fillets
Shelling the Model
Adding Threads
Creating a 3D Sketch
Creating the Pipe feature
Editing the Freeform Shape
TUTORIAL 6Creating the Base Feature
Creating the second feature
Adding Threads
Creating the First Feature
Creating the Extruded surface
Replacing the top face of the model with the surface
Creating a fillet
Creating a Variable Radius fillet
Shelling the Model
Constructing a cylindrical shell
Adding a Slot
Constructing the Rectangular pattern
Constructing the Circular pattern
Chapter 7: Top-Down Assembly and Joints
Creating a component in the Assembly
Creating the Second Component of the Assembly
Creating the third Component of the Assembly
Create the Bolt
Creating a Rigid Group
Using the Measure tool
Inserting the Components into the Design
Creating the Slider Joint
Editing the Joint Limits
Creating Second Slider Joint
Creating the Revolute Joint
Creating the Rigid Joint
Adding more assembly joints
Creating Motion Links
Chapter 8: Dimensions and Annotations
TUTORIAL 1Starting a New Drawing File
Creating Centerlines and Centered Patterns
Editing the Hatch Pattern
Applying Dimensions
Placing the Feature Control Frame
Placing the Surface Texture Symbols
Modifying the Title Block Information


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