كتاب Virtual Manufacturing
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Virtual Manufacturing

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Virtual Manufacturing    كتاب Virtual Manufacturing  Emptyالإثنين 10 أبريل 2023, 9:40 pm

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Virtual Manufacturing
Wasim Ahmed Khan , Abdul Raouf , Kai Cheng

كتاب Virtual Manufacturing  V_m_f_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Augmented Reality for Manufacturing 1
1.1 Virtual Reality 1
1.2 Reality Virtuality Continuum 2
1.3 Augmented Reality: An Alternate Human–Computer
Interaction . 2
1.4 Virtual Manufacturing . 3
1.4.1 Virtual Manufacturing Systems 6
1.4.2 Organization of Virtual Manufacturing Systems 6
1.4.3 Components of Virtual Manufacturing Systems 7
1.4.4 Control of Virtual Manufacturing Systems 8
1.5 Development of Virtual Manufacturing System Using
Augmented Reality . 12
1.5.1 Machine Tool Database . 12
1.5.2 Tools Database . 15
1.5.3 Jigs and Fixture Database . 15
1.5.4 Fluids . 15
1.5.5 Parameters Related to Intangible Functions . 17
1.5.6 3D Graphic Models for Virtual Manufacturing . 17
1.5.7 VMS Graphical User Interface 18
1.5.8 Inference Engines . 20
1.5.9 AR for Discrete Manufacturing . 21
1.6 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 21
1.6.1 Object-Oriented Analysis 22
1.6.2 Object-Oriented Design . 22
1.6.3 Object-Oriented Programming 23
1.6.4 Unified Modeling Language 24
1.7 Computer-Aided Software Engineering Tools for
Augmented Reality . 25
1.8 Software Development Tools for Augmented Reality . 26
xi1.9 Software Requirement specification For
Discrete Manufacturing 27
1.9.1 Purpose 27
1.9.2 The Concept 30
1.9.3 Scope . 34
1.9.4 System Overview . 34
1.9.5 Overall System Description 37
1.9.6 Project Functions . 37
1.9.7 System Interfaces . 38
1.9.8 Requirements Specification 48
1.10 Operation of the VMS . 49
1.11 Computer Hardware Configuration for Virtual
Manufacturing 50
1.12 Communication Methodology for
Virtual Manufacturing . 54
Bibliography 55
2 Manufacturing Processes and Systems . 57
2.1 An Overview of Discrete Manufacturing Processes . 57
2.2 Discrete Manufacturing Systems 59
2.2.1 Job Shop . 60
2.2.2 Project Shop . 61
2.2.3 Cellular Manufacturing . 61
2.2.4 Flow Line 61
2.2.5 Continuous Manufacturing System . 63
2.2.6 Flexible Manufacturing System . 63
2.2.7 Assembly System . 64
2.3 Production Planning and Control . 65
2.4 Virtual Reality for Manufacturing Systems and Processes 66
2.5 A Survey of the CNC Controller and Their Applications . 66
Bibliography 88
3 Automation and Control in Manufacturing . 91
3.1 Modern Control Systems . 91
3.2 Mathematical Models for the Control System 91
3.3 Control Methodologies for Discrete Manufacturing Systems . 91
3.3.1 Computer Numerical Control . 92
3.3.2 Programmed Control of Industrial Manipulators,
Gantries and Conveyors . 92
3.3.3 Programmable Logic Controllers 93
3.3.4 Embedded Systems 93
3.3.5 Mechatronics Based Application . 93
xii Contents3.3.6 Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition System 94
Bibliography 94
4 Augmented Reality for Sensors, Transducers and Actuators 97
4.1 Introduction 97
4.2 Sensors and Transducers Types and Usage 97
4.3 Actuators Types and Usage . 97
4.4 Augmented Reality for Sensors, Transducers
and Actuators . 99
4.5 System Integration Methodology . 102
Bibliography 126
5 Augmented Reality for Computer Numerical
Control-Based Applications 127
5.1 Introduction to CNC-Based Applications 127
5.2 Components of Machine Tools for Augmented Reality Design 131
5.3 Standards Pertaining to Augmented Reality for
CNC-Based Machinery 131
5.4 Augmented Reality Design for CNC-Based Discrete
Manufacturing Processes . 133
5.4.1 EIA RS274 D Standard . 134
5.4.2 Explanation of Functions 134
5.4.3 Other Functions 138
5.4.4 Selected G and M Code Command Set 138
5.4.5 American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII) . 140
5.4.6 Unicode 140
5.5 Interpreter Design for CNC Operation 140
5.6 Interpreter Operation 143
5.6.1 Rapid Movement . 146
5.6.2 Linear Interpolation 147
5.6.3 Circular Interpolation 149
5.6.4 Parabolic Interpolation 150
5.7 A Description of Development of AR for Metal-Cutting
Machines 152
5.7.1 Developing AR for CNC Milling Operation . 152
5.7.2 Developing AR for Turning Operation 215
5.7.3 Developing AR for Drilling Operation 243
5.7.4 Developing AR for Sawing Operation . 244
5.8 Developing AR for CNC CMM 257
5.9 Interface Design for System Integration 275
Bibliography 300
Contents xiii6 Augmented Reality for Industrial Manipulators,
Gantries and Conveyors . 303
6.1 Introduction to Industrial Manipulators, Gantries
and Conveyors 303
6.2 Components of Industrial Manipulators Gantries
and Conveyors for Augmented Reality . 303
6.3 Standards Pertaining to Augmented Reality for
Industrial Manipulator, Gantry and Cranes . 305
6.4 Augmented Reality Design for Industrial Manipulator . 306
6.4.1 SLIM Command Set for Industrial Manipulator 307
6.4.2 Software Compiler Design Based on JIS SILM 310
6.5 Augmented Reality Design for Gantry Crane . 354
6.5.1 Interpreter Design for Gantry Crane 354
6.6 Augmented Reality Design for Conveyors . 371
6.6.1 Interpreter Design for Conveyors 382
6.7 Interface Design for System Integration 429
Bibliography 436
7 Virtual Reality Design for Programmable Logic Controller
Based Applications . 437
7.1 Introduction 437
7.2 Programmable Logic Controller 437
7.3 Programming PLCs . 437
7.3.1 Basic Instructions Adopted for PLC Simulation 438
7.4 Proxy HCI for PLC-Based Processes 441
7.5 Development of PLC Simulator Using
Object-Oriented Design 441
7.6 Programmable Logic Controller Simulation Software . 454
7.7 A Section of Software Code 459
7.8 Interface Design for System Integration 506
Bibliography 507
8 Augmented Reality for Embedded Systems . 509
8.1 Embedded System Characteristics . 509
8.2 Real–Time Operating Systems . 509
8.3 Embedded Systems in Augmented Reality Environment . 510
8.4 Augmented Reality Model for Embedded System 510
8.5 Interface Design for System Integration 529
Bibliography 532
9 Augmented Reality for Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition-Based Application . 533
9.1 Characteristics of SCADA-Based System . 533
9.2 Augmented Reality for SCADA-Based System . 533
xiv Contents9.3 Interface Design for Systems Integration 548
Bibliography 550
10 Augmented Reality for Mechatronics-Based Applications . 551
10.1 Characteristics of Mechatronics-Based Application . 551
10.2 Augmented Reality for Mechatronics Applications . 552
10.3 System Integration Methodology . 552
Bibliography 556
11 Virtual Manufacturing for Discrete Manufacturing Systems 557
11.1 Introduction 557
11.2 Components of the VMS . 558
11.2.1 Factory Layout . 561
11.2.2 Discrete Manufacturing Processes 562
11.2.3 Pick and Place Technology 562
11.2.4 Costing 562
11.2.5 Accounts and Finance 563
11.2.6 Sales 568
11.2.7 Inventory Management . 571
11.2.8 Procurement . 574
11.2.9 Process Planning 576
11.2.10 Quality Assurance . 580
11.2.11 Scheduling 581
11.2.12 Management Information System 583
11.3 Virtual Manufacturing System . 584
11.3.1 VMS Design 584
11.3.2 VMS Planner 584
11.3.3 VMS Monitor 586
11.3.4 VMS Fault Diagnostic 586
11.3.5 VMS Training . 587
11.3.6 VMS Quality Assurance 588
11.3.7 VMS Assembly 588
11.3.8 VMS Business . 590
11.3.9 VMS Vender 591
11.3.10 VMS Administrator 593
11.3.11 VMS Programs . 597
11.3.12 VMS Videos 597
11.3.13 VMS Help 597
11.4 AR Design of Virtual Manufacturing Facility 599
11.5 System Integration for Virtual Manufacturing Facility . 703
Bibliography 749
Contents xv12 The Future of Virtual Manufacturing Using Augmented
Reality Technology . 751
12.1 The Technological Excellence . 751
12.2 Adoption of Standard Products . 756
12.3 The Cost Factor . 756
12.4 The Prospects for a Dynamic Business Environment 757
Bibliography 762
Appendices 763
Index 797
(EIA) RS 274D, 59, 129, 92, 138, 147, 562
(EIA) RS 267, 130
3D graphics models, 17, 775
ABC, 562
Absolute Input, 136, 218, 225, 230, 232, 239,
243, 245, 251, 255
Acceleration, 98, 135
Accessories, 8, 58, 128
Accounting and finance, 5, 561, 563
Activity based costing, 562
Actuators, 91–92, 94, 97, 99–102, 133, 143,
304, 437, 533
Adaptive Control, 135
Address, 2, 134, 137, 304, 308,
456, 457, 662
Adoption of standard products, 756
Advancement in automobile industry, 557
Aerospace industry, 557
Agile manufacturing, 558
Animation, 41, 44, 188, 223, 244, 256, 267,
311, 337, 367, 385, 396, 409, 429,
561, 589, 609, 615, 616, 629, 648,
669, 670, 765, 770, 775, 785
Antonin Artaud, 1
Arc Clockwise (2 Dimensional), 134
Arc Clockwise (3 Dimensional), 136
Arc Counter clockwise
(3 Dimensional), 136
Arc Counterclockwise
(2 Dimensional), 135
Artificiality, 1
ASCII, 140, 143–144, 300
Assemblies, 7, 8, 57–58, 64–65,
Assembly system, 64–65, 589
Attribute, 24
Augmented Reality, 1–4, 6, 12, 14, 21, 25–26,
31, 49–50, 55–56, 66, 97, 99, 127,
130, 131, 133, 138, 152, 300,
303–306, 337, 354, 360, 368, 371,
384, 436–437, 441, 507, 509, 510,
533, 551, 552, 556, 599, 751,
755–756, 758
Augmented reality for embedded system, 524
Augmented reality for Mechatronics, 552
Augmented reality for SCADA
based system, 533
Axis Selection, 135
Balance sheet, 560, 564–565
Belt, 798, 304, 306, 371, 382, 384, 396, 399,
407, 410–412, 417, 424, 432, 436,
625, 633, 654, 668–670, 685
Binary signals, 133, 143
Biotechnology for manufacturing, 753
Board on Manufacturing and Engineering
Design, 751
BSI, 130
Budget allocations, 560, 565, 568
Cancel Fixed Cycle, 136
Cartesian coordinate system, 354
Case modeling, 133
Cell, 6, 47, 61, 72, 94, 116, 301, 561, 582, 599,
627, 630, 632, 641, 648, 652, 659,
661, 665–666, 677, 695, 747, 748,
Cellular system, 4, 31, 60
797C (cont.)
Charts of accounts, 653
CIM, 301
Circular Interpolation, 135–136, 138, 149,
193, 197, 216–217, 223–224, 229,
231–232, 238, 242, 275, 284–286,
295, 299, 665, 687
Circular Interpolation
(2 Dimension), 135
Circular Interpolation
(3 Dimensional), 136
Clamp, Unclamp, 137
Class diagram, 25
Close loop, 1, 9–10, 94, 99, 101–102
CMM, 257
CNCDrilling class, 682–683, 689
CNCMilling class, 600, 681–682, 687, 700
CNCTurning class, 685, 689
Collaboration diagram, 25
Compiler, 93, 133, 143, 305, 307, 308, 310,
562, 599, 639, 685
Component, 4, 6–7, 24–25, 45
Component diagram, 25
Components of virtual manufacturing system, 7
Computer graphics, 1, 300
Computer modeling, 1
Computer numerical control (CNC), 8, 58,
127, 130–132
Computer simulation, 1
Constant surface Speed, 137
Consumable items, 559, 571–572, 575-576
Continuous manufacturing processes, 303
Control elements, 8, 58, 128, 756
Conveyor, 371, 382, 384, 396, 399
Conveyor3D, 396, 407, 423
Coolant, On, Off, 177
Coolants, 7, 15, 58, 128
Coordinate measuring machine, 36, 257,
295, 298
Correctness checking tools, 26
Cost Factor, 756–757
Costing, 3, 5, 561–562, 586
Costing reports, 559, 562–563
Counter, 440–441, 448, 452
Craftsman, 127
Cutter Compensation/Offset Cancel, 135, 218,
225, 230, 299
Cutter Compensation-Left, 230, 299
Cutter Compensation-Right, 230, 299
Cutter Offset-Inside Corner, 218, 230,
255, 299
Cutter Offset-Outside Corner, 218, 230,
255, 299
Cyberspace, 1
Debugging tools, 26
Deceleration, 135
Decision parameters, 5, 92, 459, 584
Delay, 135, 219, 230, 232, 238, 242
Deployment diagram, 25
Digital Signal Processors , 509
Digits, 134, 510, 515
Digits class, 515, 519
Direction, 12, 134–135, 139–140
DirectX, 18, 45, 763
Discrete manufacturing processes, 57, 91, 93,
127, 131, 561–562
Distance learning , 1, 6, 754
Distribution valve, 537, 539, 541
Drill3D class, 244, 248
Drilling machine, 13, 72, 654, 682
Dwell, 135–136, 139, 218–219, 225
Dynamic business environment, 757–758
E-commerce, 1, 36
Electrical transmission system, 533
Electromagnetic, 95, 98, 100, 437
Electronic components, 8, 58
Electronic interface, 130
Electronics industry, 557
Elimination of defect, 558
Embedded system, 97, 509–510, 519
Energy source, 7, 58, 128
Enterprise resource planning, 30, 557
ERP, 30, 557
Extranet, 6, 31, 50, 758
Factory 3D window, 559–560
Factory clock, 510, 519, 525, 527
Factory controls, 563
Factory layout, 5, 44, 441, 561, 599
Factory layout window, 44, 558, 559
Factory3D class, 599, 647
Fault diagnostic, 1, 3, 20, 35, 38, 48, 49, 102
Feeding mechanism, 58
Finish goods, 560, 568–569, 580, 664
Fixed Cycle, 136
Fixed Sequential format, 134
Flexible manufacturing system, 4, 63–64
Flow line, 4, 60–62
Flow of energy, 7, 11
Flow of information, 6–7, 11, 21, 558, 758, 759
Full body immersion, 1
Function block diagram, 438
798 IndexG
Gantry, 303, 305, 307, 354, 357, 360
Gantry crane, 354, 359, 360, 362, 365
Gantry3D, 365–368, 404, 407, 675
General ledger, 560, 564–567
Global domain, 759, 761
Graphical User interface, 18
Grasp, 307, 342, 345
Gripper, 304
Group of small hydroelectric generating
stations, 533
Group technology, 557
Guideways, 304
High level computer programming
language, 129
Home, 55, 85, 309, 313, 343, 345, 658
Human computer interfaces, 1, 2, 436
Humidity, 92, 304
IEC 1131-3, 437, 438
IGES, 30
Imaginary world, 1
Immersion, 1, 6
Inch Programming, 135, 139, 218, 225, 230, 243
Income statement, 560, 564
Incremental Input, 136, 218, 225, 230, 243
Industrial area, 757, 758
Industrial environment, 92, 304–305
Industrial manipulator, 8, 10, 35, 92, 303, 306
Inheritance, 23–24
Instruction list, 438
Intangible function, 3, 5, 17–18, 26
Integrated development environment, 26, 43
Integrated manufacturing system, 11–12, 96
Interaction, 1–3, 12, 24
Interactive (Standard), 129
Interchangeability, 127
Interface design, 275, 429, 506, 529
Internet, 6, 31, 50–52, 584, 590
Interpolation, 134–136, 138–139, 147,
Interpreter, 143, 196, 223, 244
Interpreter compiler, 133
Interpreter design, 140, 354, 382
Interpreter operation, 143
Intranet, 6, 30, 50, 758
Inventory management, 5, 30, 559, 561, 571
Inverse time Feed rate, 137
Irrigation system, 533
ISO, 45, 130, 305–306, 551
ISO OSI, 551
Java, 23, 47, 590, 763, 772–773
JENA, 47, 590
Jigs and fixture database, 15–17
JIS SLIM, 5, 307, 310, 562
Job arrive event handling, 674
Job Shop, 4, 27, 29–31, 50, 60
Job status window, 559, 659
Kanban (Just in Time), 557
Kernel, 510–513, 517
Ladder diagram, 438, 455, 493, 502
LAN, 55
Large communication system, 533
Large flow lines, 533
Layout, 5, 31
Lead, 135, 218
Lean manufacturing, 557
LED, 281, 514–516, 530
Letters, 9, 134, 138, 515
LetX, 308–309
LetY, 309
LetZ, 309
Lexical analysis, 310
Light, 8, 15, 92, 99, 129, 221
Light signalization, 437
Linear interpolation, 134, 138, 147
Load, 439
LoadBar, 439, 455
Local area network, 55, 109
Lubricating oil, 7–8, 58, 128–129
Machine elements, 58, 128
Machine output window, 559–560
Machine tool database, 12
Machines database, 13, 559, 579, 584
Machines database reports, 559
Magnetic starters, 137
MAN, 55
Management information system, 5
Manufacturing practices, 557
Manufacturing processes, 4, 5, 7–9, 57
Index 799M (cont.)
Material handling equipments, 8, 36, 58, 129
Material resource planning (MRP), 557
Mechanical components, 8, 58, 128
Mechanism, 4, 7, 17, 57, 97
Mechatronics, 8, 11, 93, 97, 551
Mechatronics based application, 551
Mechatronics based system, 8, 11, 99, 551–552
Mechatronics system, 551
Memory usage tools, 26
Metal cutting processes, 4, 9, 562
Metal forming processes, 4, 57
Metal joining processes, 4, 57
Metric Programming, 136, 139
Milling machine, 13, 133, 152, 188, 600
MIS, 559, 561, 583
Modern manufacturing processes, 557
MRP II, 557
MS Windows, 2
Multimodal devices, 1
NC Input, 442, 449, 468, 485
NC Relay Contact, 442, 449, 450
Network communication, 1
Noise, 7, 58, 98, 100, 304
Non conventional processes, 131
Numerical Control, 8, 9, 35, 58–59, 92
Object code, 310
Object oriented analysis, 12, 22
Object oriented analysis and design
(OOAD), 21
Object oriented design, 22
Object oriented programming, 23, 27
Operation monitoring, 1, 3
Operations, 5, 35–36
Optimization of slowest link, 558
Optional (Planned) Stop, 137
OutBar, 440, 455
Output window, 558–559
Overall system description, 37
Parabolic Interpolation, 139, 150
Parallel Ports, 194, 223, 244
Parse program, 323
Parsing, 310–311, 337
Pick and place technology, 10, 36, 562
Plane Selection, 135, 218, 299
PLC Control Library, 442, 446
PLC Counter, 453, 466
PLC Simulation Software, 438
PLC Simulator, 438–439, 446
Point to Point Positioning, 134
Polar coordinate system, 303
Pose, 308
Potable water treatment
and distribution, 553
Practicing quality assurance, 1
Preload of Registers, 136
Procedure sheet, 578
Process classification, 129
Process control window, 46
Process planning, 5, 559, 561, 576
Process sales order, 560, 569
Procurement, 5, 560, 574
Production philosophies, 1, 5, 59
Production Report, 583
Products, 583
Products classification, 558, 576
Products status Report, 583
Programmable logic controller
(PLC), 8, 437
Project functions, 37
Proxy User interface, 584
Proxy virtual process, 130
Purchasing, 560, 571, 576
Purchasing Quality Control, 580
Quality assurance, 5, 20, 580, 588
Rapid maintenance, 1
Rapid movement, 146
Rapid response, 1, 759
Raw material status, 559, 571–572
Real Time Operating Systems, 93, 509
Real world, 1, 21
Reality virtuality continuum, 2
Refineries, 533
Relay, 437, 439, 455
Release, 307
Requirement specifications, 48
Requisition, 560, 574
Revolution Per Minute, 137
Rotate, 307
Route sheet, 559, 579
RTOS, 93, 509
RTU, 533
800 IndexS
Sales order, 560, 569
Sales Quality Control, 580
Sawing, 244
SCADA based system, 533
Scheduling, 559, 581
Scheduling reports, 582
Scrap handling equipments, 8, 58, 129
Search business, 560, 590
Semantic analysis, 310
Semantic Web Technology, 590
Sensors, 97
Serialization, 441–442
Sheet metal working processes, 4
Simulated reality, 1
Simulation, 1
Six Sigma, 558
SLIM arithmetic operator, 310
SLIM assignment operator, 310
SLIM comments, 310
SLIM compiler, 310
SLIM relational operator, 310
SLIM Statement, 327, 329, 336
SLIMMoveStm, 336
Solenoid, 100
Spherical coordinate system, 303
Spindle CCW, 137, 139, 219
Spindle CW, 219, 137, 139
SQL, 599, 627
Standards organization, 130–131, 133
Steam driven machines, 557
STEP, 30
Supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), 8, 94
Suppliers, 592
Surface properties modification processes, 4
System Integration methodology, 102
System interface, 38
System overview, 34
System synthesis, 753, 755
Tab sequential format, 134
Telepresence, 1
Theory of constraints (TOC), 557
Thermal properties modification processes, 4
Thread Cutting, Constant Lead, 167, 218
Thread Cutting, Decreasing Lead, 135, 168,
Tool database, 15
Tool holding devices, 8, 58, 129
Trail balance, 564
Training, 1, 3, 20, 36
Transducers, 97, 99
Transportation, 5, 30, 371, 509, 557
TTL, 551
Turning, 13–14, 215
Turning machine, 13
Unified Modeling Language (UML), 31
User interfaces, 2
VDA-FS, 30
Vendors, 31, 37, 66, 133, 440
Vibration, 7, 58, 92, 101, 304
Virtual manufacturing system (VMS), 6, 584
Visual experience, 1
VMS Administrator, 36, 561, 593
VMS Assembly, 20, 35, 588–589
VMS Business, 20, 35–36, 560, 590
VMS Design, 20, 34–35, 558, 584–585
VMS Fault diagnostic, 20, 35, 559, 586–587
VMS Graphical user interface, 18, 20
VMS Help, 21, 35, 37, 597, 598
VMS monitor, 20, 34–35, 559, 586–587
VMS Planner, 20, 34–35, 584
VMS Programs, 21, 35, 37, 597
VMS Quality assurance, 20, 560, 588–589
VMS Training, 20, 35–36, 587–588
VMS Vendor, 21
VMS Videos, 597–598
WAN, 55
Weather forecasting system, 533
WEB agent, 590
Word address format, 8, 58, 128–129, 134
Work holding devices, 8, 58, 128–129

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»  كتاب Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Handbook - Volume IX - Material and Part Handling in Manufacturing

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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