كتاب Plastics Additives - An Industry Guide - Volume I
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 كتاب Plastics Additives - An Industry Guide - Volume I

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19004
التقييم : 35512
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Plastics Additives - An Industry Guide - Volume I
Third Edition
Ernest W. Flick

كتاب Plastics Additives - An Industry Guide - Volume I  P_a_a_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

ContentsandSubject Index
ADMTronicsUnlimited.Inc . 3
PrimersIAdhesives .. 3
ChartweUInternational.Inc . 6
CHARTWELL Adhesion Promoters 6
GeneralProperties . 6
General Properties for Higher Solid "H"Products 8
Dow Corning Coupling AgentdAdhesion Promoters 9
Sartomer . 10
Adhesion Promoters . 10
UV Cure Applications . 10
Peroxide Cure Applications .. 11
Metallic Monomers for Metal Adhesion . 12
NewToolsfor2000 13
New Acrylate Oligomers for Adhesives 13
New Acrylate Oligomers forInks .. 13
New Acrylate Oligomers for Coatings 13
UniroyalChemicalCo.,Inc . 14
DowCorning Corp . 9
POLYBONDPolymer Modifiers .. 14
ROYALTLJFPolymerModifiers .. 17
LonzaInc . 21
GLYCOLUBEAFA-1 Proprietary Anti-Fog 21
Chemax.1nc 22
CHEMSTATAntifogs . 22
MerixChemicalCo . 23
MERJXAnti-Fogwith Anti-Static .. 23
X ixii Contents
Morton Plastics Additives .. 24
LUBRIOLAntifogging Agents 24
Patco AdditivesDivision .. 25
PATIONIC AntifoggingAgents . 25
Witco Corp . 30
Additives for Polyolefins. RecommendedUses .. 30
Antifog & Antistat .. 30
Bayer Corp . 33
VULCANOXNULCANOLAntioxidantdAntiozonants .. 33
Ciba Specialty Chemicals 37
Additives for Polyolefins 37
Antioxidants (AO)&Processing Stabilizers .
Antioxidants (AO)&Processing Stabilizer Blends .. 38
Cytec Industries Inc .. 39
CYANOXAntioxidants . ..39
FairmountChemicalCo.,Inc . 41
MIXXIM AO-30 Antioxidant 41
GESpecialty Chemicals .. 42
WESTON&ULTRANOXAntioxidants 42
WINGSTAYAntioxidants ..
Great Lakes Chemical Corp .. 49
Antioxidants . 49
Mayzo .. 52
Antioxidants . 52
Antioxidants and Thermal Stabilizers . 53
BENEFOS 1680Phosphite Type Antioxidant 54
Neville Chemical Co 55
NEVASTAIN 21 Nonstaining Antioxidant .. 55
Raschig Corp 56
RALOX Antioxidants .. 56
3V Inc 59
ALVINOX Antioxidants 59
ALVIPACK Antioxidant Blends . .. 61
NAUGARD Antioxidants
NAUGARDWTOX Antioxidants ..
POLYGARD Antioxidants
GoodyearChemical 47
Uniroyal Chemical Co., Inc . 63
Witco Corp 73
Additives for Polyolefins, RecommendedUses . 73
Antioxidants .. 73Contents xiii
ACLStaticide 79
STATICIDETopicalAnti-Stats .. 79
Akzo NobelChemicalsInc . 81
ARMOSTAT Antistatic Additives 81
Concentrates 83
Amstat 1ndustries.Inc .. 84
Anti-staticChemicals 84
BASFCorp . 85
LAROSTAT Antistats . 85
LAROSTATAntistatic Additives .. 86
LAROSTAT FPE-S Food Grade Antistat .. 87
LAROSTAT HTS905Antistat . 88
Chemax.Inc 89
CHEMSTAT Antistats 89
CytecIndustriesInc .. 92
CYASTAT Antistatic Agents .. 92
Eastern Color&ChemicalCo .. 94
ECCOSTAT ASP Anti-StaticAgent . 94
JacksonLea 95
LEA Antistat Anti-Static Solution . 95
LonzaInc . 96
GLYCOSTATandGLYCOLUBEAntistatic Agents .. %
MerixChemical.Co 97
MERIXAnti-Static#79 Concentrate . 97
PatcoAdditivesDivision .. 98
PATIONIC Antistatic Agents .. 98
3VInc .. 102
ANTISTATIC0KN Antistatic Agent 102
TomahProducts.Inc .. 103
E-SeriesEthoxylatedAmines . 103
Anti-Static Agent Use . 103
Q-SeriesQuaternary Amines .. 104
Anti-static Agent Use .. 104
FerroCorp .. 107
MICRO-CHEKAntimicrobials .. 107
MicrobanProductsCo .. 108
Microban Antibacterial . 108xiv Contents
MortonInternational.Inc 109
The Right Antimicrobial 109
The Active Substance 109
SangiAmerica Inc .. 110
APICIDER-ASeriesAntimicrobial .. 110
EndexPolymerAdditives.1nc 115
ENDEX Chemical FoamingAgents and ProcessAids .. 115
Rit-ChemCo.,Inc. .. 117
BLO-FOAMChemicalBlowingAgents 117
Chemax.Inc 123
MAXSPERSERPigmentDispersants . 123
TegoChemieServiceGmbH . 124
TEGO Dispers Dispersing Additives . 124
Agrashell.Inc 127
Vegetable Shell Products .
Dual Screen Aggregates .
Industrial Flour
Madefromvegetable ShellRawMaterial
Standard Softwood Grades ..
StandardHardwood Grades ..
Wood Flour ..
AmericanWoodFibers 129
ClaremontFlockCorp .. 135
DegussaAG . 138
D.J.Enterprises,Inc. .. 139
PrecisionandRandom CutFlock
Aerosil R 972 as FillerinFluoroelastomers
SILLUh4-200-Qff Alumina Silicate ..
.. 135
. 138
.. 139Contents xv
ECC International .. 140
Calcium Carbonate .. 140
FiberSales &DevelopmentCorp 147
SOLKA-FLOCNatwdFiller 147
MICROGLASSMilledFibers . 148
Wollastonite (CalciumMetasilicate) .. 151
DIATOMITEFunctional Fillers 152
DICAPERL Hollow Glass Microspheres .. 155
PERLITEFunctionalFillers . 156
J.M.Huber Corp 157
CalciumCarbonate .. 157
Thermosets Product Selection Guide 157
Kaolin Clays 158
Thermosets Product Selection Guide 158
IntercorpInc .. 159
DiatomaceousEarth(Partia1GradeListing) . 159
SepioliteClay-AEM (Preliminary Partial Grade Listing) . 160
Wollastonite-Natural-KEMOLIT&TREMIN(PartialGradeListing) . 161
Wollastonite-Surface Modified-Fillex (PartialGradeListing) .163
KaopoliteInc .. 164
FERROSIL14FerroaluminumSilicate . 164
KaolinUSP .. 165
KAOPOLITE Anhydrous Aluminum Silicates .. 166
MAGOTEXFused MagnesiumOxide 167
SILTEXFusedSilica .. 168
Luzenac America. Inc 170
Talc in Plastics .. 170
Products and Applications 170
Talc in Polypropylene 172
TalcinPVC . 173
Malvern MineralsCo . 174
NOVAClTE . 174
NOVAKUP .. 176
Mississippi LimeCo .. 177
Precipitated Calcium Carbonates .. 177
Slurry Precipitated Calcium Carbonates .. 179
NYCO 182
Chemically ModifiedMinerals .. 182
Advantages of WOLLASTOCOAT Surface Modified Wollastonite . 184
NYAD Wollastonite Calcium Metasilicate .. 185
NYGLOS Wollastonite .. 186
Chemically ModifiedFLAKEGLAS-1/8",1/64” . 187
Fibertec . 148
GrefcoMinerals.Inc 152xvi Contents
0hioLime.Inc .. 188
OHSODolomitic Limestone 188
STONELITE DolomiticLimestone
Perlite asanultrafine Filler .. 190
Perlite Lightweight Hollow Spheres 191
Pierce&Stevens Corp . 192
DUALITE Microspheres .. 192
MICROPEARLMicrospheres 193
PiquaMinerals . 194
PIQUAMinerals Fillers . 194
PottersIndustriesInc 196
SPHERIGLASS Solid Glass Spheres 1%
ShamokinFiller Co., Inc 198
Silbrico Corp
RYOLEXFfier23-M . 199
UniminCorp .. 200
Premium Mineral FillersandExtenders .. 200
.. 200
. 204
MIN-U-SIL Fine Ground Silicas 204
SIL-CO-SILGround Silicas . .. 206
U.S.Silica Co
AcetoCorp .. 211
Trichloro Ethyl Phosphate. Tris (beta-chlorethyl) Phosphate 211
Albemarle Corp 212
SAYTEX FlameRetardants
Albright&WilsonAmericasInc ..
ANTIBLAZENKFlame Retardant .. 214
ANTIBLAZENpFlame Retardant .
ANTIBLAZE 1045Flame Retardant .
AlcanChemicals . 217
AluminaTrihydrate-SFGrades .. 217
Alumina Trihydrate-SF Super Density Grades .. 219
FLAMTARD FlameRetardants 220
Aluchem. Inc .. 221
Al(0H). Hydrated Aluminas .
Alusuisse AluminumUSA ..
AmspecChemical Corp .
MARTINAL andMAGNIFIN Flame Retardant Fillers
Antimony Oxide 227Contents xvii
D.J.Enterprises, Inc .. 230
Dover Chemical Corp 231
Retardants .. 231
DOVERSPERSEAqueous ChlorinatedFlameRetardants 232
DSMMelapur 233
MELAPURFlameRetardants . 233
ECCOGARDFlame Retardants ..
PYRO-CHEK FlameRetardant Additives . 238
PYRO-CHEK&BROMOKLOR FlameRetardant Additives 239
FocusChemical Corp 240
AkzoNobel Chemicals .. 240
FYROLFlame Retardants 240
FYROL Melamine Derivatives 243
BayerAG . 244
Triethyl Phosphate (PhosphoricAcid Triethylester) 244
GE Silicone . 245
SFRl00SiliconeFluid . 245
GreatLakesChemicalCorp .. 246
Flame Retardants . 246
H&CIndustriesInc . 250
FIREX300CFlameRetardant . 250
FIREX400CFlameRetardantMasterbatch . 251
J.M.HuberCorp . 252
SOLEM Alumina Trihydrate
Thermosets Product SelectionGuide .
Laurel Industries .
FIRESHIELDFlameRetardants . 255
LSFRFlameRetardant Additive 256
THERMOGUARDandPYRONIL45 FlameRetardants . 257
MartinMariettaMagnesia Specialties 258
MAGCHEMMagnesiumOxides .. 258
MAGSHIED Magnesium HydroxideforFlame-retardancy
and Smoke Suppression .. 260
NyacolNanoTechnologies.Inc 262
Colloidal Antimony Pentoxide Flame Retardant Additives 262
PolymerAdditivesGroup 265
CHARMAXAOM &MO Fire Retardant &
Smoke Suppressant Additives . 265
CHARMAXLow Smoke .. 266
CHARMAXFRFlame Retardants 267
FEmO-CHARB-44M .. 230
DOVERGUARD BrominatedandBromo-Chlorinated Flame
EasternColor&ChemicalCo .. 235
FerroCorp .. 237
FYARESTORFlameRetardant Additives 237xviii Contents
CHARMAXZinc Borates ..
HYDRAMAXMagnesium Hydroxides
HYDRAXAlumina TrihydrateATH .
Sherwin-WilliamsCo 273
KEMGARD FlameRetardantISmoke Suppressant .. 273
SybronChemicalsInc .. 274
SYBRON/TANATEXFlame Retardants
3V Inc. .
PLASTISANBFlameRetardant .. 275
U.S. Borax,Inc. .. 276
FIREBRAKEFireRetardants .. 276

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