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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Reverse Engineering - An Industrial Perspective الثلاثاء 04 أبريل 2023, 5:37 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Reverse Engineering - An Industrial Perspective Vinesh Raja and Kiran J. Fernandes (Eds.)
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents List of Contributors xvii 1 Introduction to Reverse Engineering 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 What Is Reverse Engineering? . 2 1.3 Why Use Reverse Engineering? . 3 1.4 Reverse Engineering–The Generic Process 4 1.5 Phase 1–Scanning . 5 1.5.1 Contact Scanners 5 1.5.2 Noncontact Scanners . 6 1.6 Phase 2–Point Processing 7 1.7 Phase 3–Application Geometric Model Development 8 2 Methodologies and Techniques for Reverse Engineering– The Potential for Automation with 3-D Laser Scanners 11 2.1 Computer-aided Reverse Engineering . 11 2.1.1 What Is Not Reverse Engineering? . 12 2.1.2 What is Computer-aided (Forward) Engineering? . 12 2.1.3 What Is Computer-aided Reverse Engineering? . 13 2.2 Computer Vision and Reverse Engineering . 15 2.2.1 Coordinate Measuring Machines 15 2.2.2 Active Illumination 3-D Stereo . 17 2.2.3 Benefits and Drawbacks 20 2.3 Structured-light Range Imaging . 21 2.3.1 Source Illumination Categories 22 2.3.2 Sheet-of-light Range Imaging . 25 2.4 Scanner Pipeline . 27 2.4.1 Data Collection . 27 2.4.2 Mesh Reconstruction . 29 2.4.3 Surface Fitting . 31xii Contents 2.5 Conclusions 32 Acknowledgments . 32 3 Reverse Engineering–Hardware and Software . 33 3.1 Introduction . 33 3.2 Reverse Engineering Hardware 34 3.2.1 Contact Methods 34 3.2.2 Noncontact Methods . 37 3.2.3 Destructive Method . 46 3.3 Reverse Engineering Software 53 3.3.1 Reverse Engineering Software Classification 53 3.3.2 Reverse Engineering Phases 54 3.3.3 Fundamental Reverse Engineering Operations 60 3.4 Conclusion 69 4 Selecting a Reverse Engineering System . 71 4.1 Introduction . 72 4.2 The Selection Process 75 4.2.1 Team Formation 75 4.2.2 Identify the Business Opportunity and Technical Requirements 75 4.2.3 Vendor and System Information Gathering . 76 4.2.4 Vendor Short-listing 76 4.2.5 Visit the Short-listed Vendors 77 4.2.6 Detailed Vendor Assessment 78 4.2.7 Benchmarking 79 4.2.8 Perform a Commercial Evaluation of the Vendor Chosen 79 4.3 Some Additional Complexities . 79 4.4 Point Capture Devices . 80 4.4.1 Contact Devices–Hard or Manual Probe . 80 4.4.2 Touch-trigger Probe 81 4.4.3 Continuous Analogue Scanning Probe 82 4.4.4 Other Facets of Probe Selection 82 4.4.5 Noncontact Devices . 83 4.5 Triangulation Approaches 83 4.6 “Time-of-flight” or Ranging Systems . 84 4.7 Structured-light and Stereoscopic Imaging Systems 84 4.8 Issues with Light-based Approaches 85 4.9 Tracking Systems . 86 4.10 Internal Measurement Systems 86 4.10.1 X-ray Tomography 86 4.11 Destructive Systems . 87Contents xiii 4.12 Some Comments on Accuracy 87 4.13 Positioning the Probe . 89 4.14 Postprocessing the Captured Data 90 4.15 Handling Data Points . 91 4.16 Curve and Surface Creation . 93 4.17 Inspection Applications . 95 4.18 Manufacturing Approaches . 96 4.19 Conclusion 96 4.20 Appendix . 97 4.20.1 Data Capture Vendors . 97 4.20.2 Postprocessing Vendors 98 5 Introduction to Rapid Prototyping 99 5.1 The Basic Process . 100 5.2 Current Techniques and Materials . 102 5.2.1 Stereolithography . 102 5.2.2 Selective Laser Sintering 104 5.2.3 Fused Deposition Modeling 105 5.2.4 Three-dimensional Printing 106 5.2.5 Laminated Object Manufacturing 108 5.2.6 Multijet Modeling . 109 5.2.7 Laser-engineered Net Shaping 110 5.3 Applications 110 5.3.1 Rapid Prototyping 111 5.3.2 Rapid Tooling . 112 5.3.3 Rapid Manufacturing . 113 5.4 Future 114 6 Relationship Between Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping 119 6.1 Introduction 120 6.1.1 Modeling Cloud Data in Reverse Engineering 120 6.1.2 Data Processing for Rapid Prototyping . 122 6.1.3 Integration of RE and RP for Layer-based Model Generation . 122 6.2 The Adaptive Slicing Approach for Cloud Data Modeling . 124 6.3 Planar Polygon Curve Construction for a Layer . 125 6.3.1 Correlation Coefficient 126 6.3.2 Initial Point Determination . 127 6.3.3 Constructing the First Line Segment (S1) . 128 6.3.4 Constructing the Remaining Line Segments (Si) . 130 6.4 Determination of Adaptive Layer Thickness . 132 6.5 Some Application Examples 134xiv Contents 6.6 Conclusions 139 Acknowledgments . 139 7 Reverse Engineering in the Automotive Industry . 141 7.1 Introduction . 141 7.2 Reverse Engineering– Workflow for Automotive Body Design 142 7.3 Inside GM’s Virtual NASCAR Engine Block . 143 7.4 Ferrari Speed Not Confined to Race Track 146 7.5 Reverse Engineering for Better Quality . 149 7.6 A Look Ahead–Convergence of Digital and Physical Worlds . 152 Acknowledgments . 154 8 Reverse Engineering in the Aerospace Industry 157 8.1 Introduction . 157 8.2 RE in Aerospace–A Work in Progress . 159 8.3 Reducing Costs of Hard Tooling 162 8.4 Digitizing a NASA Space Vehicle 164 8.5 Inspection in Half the Time 169 8.6 Making the Next Great Leap . 173 Acknowledgments . 174 9 Reverse Engineering in the Medical Device Industry 177 9.1 Introduction . 177 9.2 Orthodontics Without Wires and Brackets . 178 9.3 Improving the Scanning Process 180 9.4 The Six-stage Process . 181 9.5 Achievement . 182 9.6 Digital Dentistry Becomes Reality 182 9.7 Hearing Instruments Meet the Digital Age 185 9.8 Reverse Engineering–A Better Knee Replacement . 188 9.9 The Quest for a Total Artificial Heart 190 9.10 Moving Toward Mass Customization 192 Acknowledgments . 194 10 Legal Aspects of Reverse Engineering . 195 10.1 Introduction . 195 10.2 Copyright Law 196 10.3 Reverse Engineering 198 10.4 Recent Case Law . 199 10.4.1 Sega Enterprises Ltd. v. Accolade, Inc. 199 10.4.2 Atari Games Corp. v. Nintendo of America, Inc . 201Contents xv 10.5 The Fair Use Statutory Defense . 203 10.5.1 History and Changing the Law 203 10.5.2 What Do We Know About Proper Reverse Engineering 203 10.6 Conclusion 206 11 Barriers to Adopting Reverse Engineering . 207 11.1 Background . 207 11.2 The Research Model . 208 11.3 Research Methodology . 213 11.4 Factor Analysis Approach . 214 11.4.1 Factor Determination Phase . 214 11.4.2 Data Collection . 214 11.5 Findings . 216 11.6 Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Research 218 Color Section . 219 References . 231 Index . 239 Index 2 2-D cross-sectional (slice) images 46 2-D cross-sectional images 33 3 3-D geometric models 33 3-D graphics 33 3-D models 33 3-D point cloud data 30 3-D points 2 3-D polygon models 55 3-D reconstruction 43 3-D scanners 177 A abnormal faces 63 accuracy 87 active illumination 17 active stereo 17 aerospace industry 157 analogue sensing 34 application-specific geometric model 4 automatic alignment 61 automotive industry 141 B basic CAD entities 59 basic operations 64 benchmarking 79 boundary control 64, 65 business opportunity 75 C C/C++ 134 CAD model 2 CAD-CAM-CAE 33 capturing 72 case law 199 changing the law 203 charge-coupled devices (CCD) 83 classification of noncontact RE 37 clay mock-up 3 coded and noncoded markers 165 coded-light range scanner 24 coherent laser radar 44 commercial evaluation 79 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 143 computer numerical control (CNC) 34 computer vision 15 computer-aided design (CAD) 12, 13, 33, 72240 Index computer-aided engineering (CAE) 12, 58 computer-aided inspection (CAI) 149 computer-aided reverse engineering (CARE) 11 computerized tomography (CT) 44, 55, 177 contact methods 34 contact scanners 5 continuous wave modulation 18 control point editing 68 convergence of digital and physical worlds 152 coordinate measurement machines (CMM) 34 coordinate measuring machines (CMM) 15, 80 copyright law 196 correlation coefficient 126 critical factors 207, 213 crossing faces 63 curve degree conversion 67 curve phase 57, 66 curve redirection, transition, and extension 68 curve reparameterization 67 curve smoothing and cleaning 67 D data acquisition 46, 61 data collection 27 data optimization 61 data registration 60 decimation 63 defeaturing 64 Delaunay triangulation 120 destructive method 46 detailed vendor assessment 78 digital dentistry 182 digital form 3 digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) 55 direct manufacturing 110 drawing exchange format (DXF) 8 E edge detection 65 edge detection and control 64 editing 65 error map 60 F factor analysis approach 214 factor analysis approach (FAA) 207 filling holes 64 finite element analysis (FEA) 143 fused deposition modeling (FDM) 105 G generic process 4 geometric dimensioning and tolerance (GD&T) 150 H hearing instruments 185 I identifying primitives 62 initial graphics exchange specification (IGES) 8 inspection 72 interferometry (moiré effects) 41 ISO G Code 8 K knee replacement 188Index 241 L laminated object manufacturing (LOM) 108 large point clouds 91 laser triangulation 55 laser-based illumination 17 laser-based range scanner 13 laser-engineered net shaping (LENS) 110 layer-by-layer 99 layered manufacturing 100 legal aspects 195 M magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 55, 86 manual creation 59 mass customization 192 medical device industry 177 mesh reconstruction 29 modeling 33 modeling cloud data 120 multijet modeling (MJM) 109 multiple scans 60 N noise 61 noncontact methods 37 noncontact scanners 6 nonmanifold faces 63 nonoptical techniques 44 nonuniform rational B-splines (NURBS) 31, 33, 58 manual creation from basic CAD entities 59 manual creation from patches 59 numerically controlled (NC) 72 NURBS surface phase 58, 68 O OBJ 8 OpenGL 134 optical techniques 38 optimizing polygon models 62 orthodontics 178 P passive methods 43 passive stereo 17 patches 59 photogrammetry 166 point clouds 33 point generation 68 point processing 4 point-to-point sensing 34 polygon editing 64, 65 polygon mesh refinement 63 polygon model 60 polygon phase 57 polygons 33 position-sensing devices (PSD) 83 postprocessing 90 potential suppliers 76 primitives fitting 64, 65 product development cycle 2 product development cycle times 2 project champion 75 R rank weighting grid 78 rapid manufacturing 113 rapid product development 2 rapid prototyping (RP) 99 rapid prototyping/tooling 3 rapid tooling 112 redundancy reduction 62 redundant faces 63 registration 11, 29 remeshing 64, 65 reverse engineering hardware 34 reverse engineering software classification 53 reverse engineering workflow for automotive body design 142242 Index role activity diagram (RAD) 73 role activity diagramming 74 S sampling function 62 scanner pipeline 27 scanners 60 scanning 1, 4, 5, 60 scanning probes 34 scanning/digitizing 2 selection process 74 selective laser sintering (SLS) 104 shapes from shading (SFS) 43 sharpening 65 sheet-of-light range scanner 24 sheet-of-light scanners 25 solid free-form fabrication 100 source illumination categories 22 standard triangulation language (STL) 8, 100 statutory defense 203 stereolithography 93, 102 stereovision 43 structured light 39 structured-light range imaging 21 structured-light triangulation 18 surface fitting 31 system selection 75 T taxonomy of measuring systems 81 taxonomy of positioning devices 89 technical requirements 75 three-dimensional printing (3-DP) 106 time-of-flight estimation 18 topology 92 total artificial heart 190 touch-trigger probes 34 transformation 29 transitive techniques 44 triangular mesh 119 triangulation 38, 83 V VDA 8 virtual reality modeling language (VRML) 8 X X-ray tomography 86
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Reverse Engineering - An Industrial Perspective رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Reverse Engineering - An Industrial Perspective