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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Operations Management in Automotive Industries الخميس 30 مارس 2023, 6:10 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Operations Management in Automotive Industries From Industrial Strategies to Production Resources Management, Through the Industrialization Process and Supply Chain to Pursue Value Creation Marco Gobetto
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents 1 Historical Outlines and Industrial Strategies for Automotive Industries 1 1.1 Historical Outlines in the Automotive Industry . 1 1.2 Strategic Planning of Production Activities 13 1.3 Process Integration and ‘‘Make or Buy’’ Decision-Making . 16 1.3.1 Items (m) for the Decision to ‘‘Make’’ . 17 1.3.2 Items (b) for the Decision to ‘‘Buy’’ . 18 1.3.3 Items (c) for the Decision for ‘‘Co-Makership’’ . 18 1.4 Manufacturing Systems Set-Up and Location Criteria 19 1.4.1 Equipment Level and the Defining of Technological Solutions 20 1.5 Overview of Technologies for Materials Applied to the Construction of Vehicles 23 1.6 Sketches for Manufacturing Systems Adopted in Car Manufacturing . 27 1.7 Systems’ Strategic Prerogatives 42 2 From Project to Product . 45 2.1 Standardization Logic and Project Set-Up . 45 2.2 Industrialization Process Description 48 2.3 Product/Process Information Technology System 52 2.4 Product Composition Analysis 61 2.5 Management of Technical Changes . 63 3 Manufacturing Engineering and Equipment Efficiency Evaluation 67 3.1 Manufacturing Engineering Planning and Executive Project 67 3.1.1 Manufacturing Engineering Plan Study and ‘‘System’’ Preliminary Project 67 3.1.2 Executive Project 68 3.2 Production Capacity Setting 70 3.3 Working Time Analysis Methodologies 73 3.4 Man–Machine Interaction and Standard Working Time Definition . 76 xiii3.5 Equipment Utilization Analysis 78 3.6 Introduction of Integrated Production Systems . 80 3.7 Operative Productivity and Flexibility . 81 3.8 Equipment and Machine Loading 82 3.9 Defining Installed Productive Capacity . 84 4 Work Analysis and Labour Productivity Evaluation Criteria . 87 4.1 Activity Level and Labour Efficiency . 87 4.1.1 Labour Efficiency Analysis . 88 4.2 Manpower Planning 89 4.2.1 Indirect Labour Requirement 90 4.2.2 Operative Plan and Staff Balancing: Requirements . 91 4.3 Working Time Length and Flexibility . 92 4.4 Labour Productivity and Improvement Plans . 94 4.5 Input Data for Operative Control . 99 4.6 Assignment of Tasks and Workload Balance 104 4.6.1 Considerations on Work Organization for Assembly Lines or Parallel Workstations . 108 4.7 Motivation and Rewarding of Employees . 110 5 Manufacturing System Management and Maintenance Criteria . 115 5.1 Plant Manufacturing System 115 5.2 Reliability and Maintainability of Equipment 117 5.3 Maintenance Management . 122 5.3.1 Autonomous Maintenance Activities (Simple and Recurrent Interventions: Type A) 123 5.3.2 Professional Maintenance Activites (Type B, C and D) . 125 5.4 Correlation Between Cost and Maintenance Effectiveness . 128 5.4.1 Breakdown Maintenance Activity Volume . 130 5.4.2 Preventive Professional Maintenance Activity Volume . 130 5.4.3 Individual Activity Achievable . 131 5.5 General and Complementary Equipment for Production . 131 5.5.1 General Services Equipment and Energy Consumption Optimization 131 5.5.2 Co-generation Equipment and Electric Energy Consumption Control Systems . 132 5.5.3 Auxiliary Equipment and Exhaust Material Management . 133 5.6 Tools and Consumables Management 134 5.6.1 General Criteria . 134 5.6.2 Tools and Tooling Subject to Quick Usury 135 5.7 ‘‘Total Productive Maintenance’’ Approach . 138 xiv Contents6 Logistics and Supply Chain Basics for Automotive Application . 141 6.1 Historical Evolution of Logistics and Actual Strategies . 141 6.1.1 1925–1975: Logistics as ‘‘Material Management’’ Support . 142 6.1.2 1975–1990: Logistics Oriented to ‘‘Time-to-Market’’ and ‘‘Commercial Network Service’’ . 143 6.1.3 Actual period: Logistics as an ‘‘Integrated Process’’ to Support ‘‘Supply Chain Management’’ 143 6.2 Logistic Flow in the Supply Chain . 144 6.3 Material Handling and Inventory Management Methodologies 148 6.4 Production and Delivery Planning 155 6.5 Logistics Information Technology Systems 160 6.6 Key Performance Indicators of Logistics . 163 6.6.1 Finished Product Inventory Indicators and Work in Process 163 6.6.2 Process Lead Time and Flow Index . 164 6.6.3 Risk Indicators of Inventory Obsolescence . 165 6.6.4 Order Execution Lead Time . 165 6.6.5 Service Level . 166 6.7 Just in Time Approach 167 7 Global Purchasing Operations . 169 7.1 Role of the Purchasing Department . 169 7.2 Evolution of Purchasing Policies . 171 7.3 Purchasing, Marketing and Global Sourcing Policies . 174 7.4 Management of Suppliers Network . 176 7.5 Order Procedure and Cooperation Agreements . 178 7.6 Supplying Cost and Purchasing Effectiveness Indicators . 179 7.7 ‘‘E-procurement’’ Techniques . 181 8 Quality Management and Continuous Improvement . 183 8.1 The ‘‘Learning Curve’’ Concept . 183 8.2 Production Ramp up and Maximum Rate Achievement . 184 8.3 Quality Management in Industrial Processes . 187 8.4 Quality and Reliability Assurance Techniques in Product Design Phase . 190 8.5 Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Approach . 191 Contents xv9 Value Creation and Final Considerations . 201 Appendix: Production Management Basics . 205 About the Author
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Operations Management in Automotive Industries رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Operations Management in Automotive Industries