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عدد المساهمات : 19001 التقييم : 35505 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Customized Production Through 3D Printing in Cloud Manufacturing الأحد 12 مارس 2023, 10:58 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Customized Production Through 3D Printing in Cloud Manufacturing Lin Zhang, Longfei Zhou, Xiao Luo
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface ix 1. Introduction to customized manufacturing 1.1 The origin of customized manufacturing 1 1.2 Evolution of customized production 3 1.2.1 Cottage industry production 3 1.2.2 Machine production 5 1.2.3 Mass production 7 1.2.4 Mass customized production 7 1.2.5 Future production 9 1.3 3D printing and cloud manufacturing 10 1.4 Conclusion 13 References 13 2. Advances in cloud manufacturing 2.1 A new paradigm of manufacturing 15 2.2 The concept of cloud manufacturing 16 2.2.1 The conceptual model of cloud manufacturing 17 2.2.2 Whole life cycle activities in a cloud environment 18 2.2.3 Six unique abilities of cloud service platform 19 2.3 Six technical features of cloud manufacturing 21 2.3.1 Digitization 21 2.3.2 Networking 21 2.3.3 Virtualization 22 2.3.4 Service-orientation 23 2.3.5 Collaboration 24 2.3.6 Intelligence 24 2.4 Conclusion 25 References 26 3. 3D printing with cloud manufacturing 3.1 3D printing in the cloud manufacturing environment 27 3.2 Production with cloud 3D printing platform 29 3.2.1 The architecture of the cloud 3D printing platform 29 v3.2.2 The functional structure of the cloud 3D printing platform 33 3.2.3 Standard for 3D printing platform 35 3.3 Advantages of cloud 3D printing services 35 3.3.1 High customization 35 3.3.2 High agility 36 3.3.3 High flexibility 37 3.3.4 High socialization 37 3.3.5 Low cost 38 3.4 Conclusion 38 References 38 4. Model design of 3D printing 4.1 3D printing model management 39 4.2 Sketch based 3D model retrieval 43 4.3 Image based 3D model generation 48 4.3.1 3D model generation process 49 4.3.2 Experiment and evaluation 54 4.4 Conclusion 56 References 57 5. 3D printing resource access 5.1 Classification of 3D printers 59 5.2 Accessing 3D printers based on adapters 61 5.2.1 Adapter access module on the adapter side 62 5.2.2 Service management module on the platform side 64 5.2.3 Communication between platform and adapters 68 5.2.4 Distributed slicing task execution based on adapters 71 5.3 Accessing 3D printers based on sensors 75 5.3.1 Sensor selection and application 75 5.3.2 Sensor fusion 80 5.4 Conclusion 81 References 82 6. 3D printing process monitoring 6.1 Quality problems in the 3D printing 83 6.2 Overview of the 3D printing process monitoring method 85 6.3 3D printing fault detection based on process data 86 6.3.1 Data acquiring 86 6.3.2 Data preprocessing 88 6.3.3 Feature engineering 90 vi Contents6.3.4 Classifier 90 6.3.5 Design of the fault detection system 94 6.4 Conclusion 94 References 95 7. 3D printing credibility evaluation 7.1 3D printing model credibility evaluation 97 7.1.1 Problem description 97 7.1.2 Framework of 3D printing model credibility evaluation 98 7.1.3 Indexes and evaluation of 3D printing model credibility 100 7.2 3D printing service credibility evaluation 103 7.2.1 Credibility evaluation indicators of cloud manufacturing services 104 7.2.2 Attributes of a 3D printing equipment 105 7.2.3 Credibility assessment process of cloud manufacturing services 107 7.3 Conclusion 109 References 109 8. Supply-demand matching and task scheduling 8.1 The supply and demand relationship in 3D printing cloud platform 111 8.2 Supply-demand matching 112 8.2.1 Multi-source data integration model 113 8.2.2 Capability indicator model 119 8.2.3 Model-based matching process and matching rules 123 8.3 Scheduling of distributed 3D printing services 126 8.3.1 Optimization objective 127 8.3.2 Constraints 129 8.3.3 Optimization algorithm 130 8.4 Conclusion 133 References 134 9. 3D printing process management 9.1 Multi-task parallel printing for complex products 135 9.1.1 Problem definition 135 9.1.2 Combinatorial optimization method of parallel processing services 137 9.2 A 3D printing task packing algorithm 142 9.2.1 Problem description 142 9.2.2 The 3D printing task packing algorithm (3DTPA) 144 9.3 Conclusion 154 References 154 Contents vii10. Security and privacy in cloud 3D printing 10.1 Data security of cloud 3D printing platforms 157 10.1.1 Data security issues in cloud 3D printing 157 10.1.2 Encryption technology for cloud 3D printing data 158 10.1.3 Violation identification and notification in cloud 3D printing 159 10.2 Access control for cloud 3D printers 160 10.3 Security of cloud 3D printing based on blockchain 165 10.3.1 Review of blockchain applications in cloud manufacturing 165 10.3.2 Credit security of cloud 3D printing services 168 10.4 Intellectual property protection 176 10.5 Conclusions 177 References 178 11. Application demonstration of cloud 3D printing platform 11.1 Customized production based on cloud 3D printing platform 181 11.2 Conclusion 191 12. Conclusions and future work Index 19 Index Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures. A Acceleration sensors, 86, 90 Access device queue module, 66 Actual printing effect, 98–100, 103 Adapter access, 3D printers, 61–75 Additive manufacturing file format (AMF), 40 Additive Manufacturing Service Platform (AMSP) framework, 35 Aerosol printing, 60 ANSYS Additive, 98 Arduino ADXL345, 79, 79f Arduino Uno, 80, 81f Autodesk Netfabb, 98, 102f Auxiliary process, 143 B Bag-of-features (BoF) model, 46–47 Basic attribute model, 113–114 Bipartite graph capability indicator model based on, 120 edge set model, 121 mathematic model, 119 vertex set model, 120 Black Forest Cuckoo Clock, 4, 5f Blockchain based security, 165–175 credit security, 168–175 overview, 165–168 Business qualification evaluation, 104 C Capability indicator model, 119–123 Centralized scheduling, 74–75 Classifier, 3D printing, 86, 90–94 Closed outline, 46 Cloud 3D printing platform, 27–29, 38, 111–112 architecture, 29–33, 31f blockchain based security, 165–175 credit security, 168–175 customized production based on, 181–190 databases, 35 data security, 157 data security issues, 157–158 encryption technology, 158–159 functional structure, 33–35 intellectual property protection, 176–177 matching process, 124–125 printers, access control for, 160–164 security, 177–178 standard for, 35 violation identification and notification, 159–160 Cloud 3D printing resource access control, 163f Cloud Gate Access Control module, 163 Cloud manufacturing, 13, 15, 25 abilities, 19–21 applications, 17 capabilities, 17 concept, 16–21 conceptual model, 17–18 credibility assessment process, 107–108 3D printing in, 27–29 life cycle activities, 18–19 processes, 18 resources, 17 roles, 17–18 Cloud service module, 181, 183f Cloud services, 186, 188–189f CMfg 3D printing services, 128 Combinatorial optimization method, 137–141 Communication mechanisms for online printing tasks, 69 for real-time data monitoring and control, 70 Completion task processing module, 68 Computer-aided design software, 39–40 Concurrency support, 70 Constraints, 129–130 Consulting center module, 181, 183f Content-based retrieval technology, 45 Cottage industry production, 3–5 Credibility evaluation cloud manufacturing services, 107–108 indexes, 100–103 indicators, 104–105 3D printing model, 97–103 197Credibility evaluation (Continued) 3D printing equipment attributes, 105–107 3D printing service, 103–108 Credit security, 168–175 Customized 3D printing design, 194 Customized manufacturing, 195 cloud manufacturing, 13 cottage industry production evolution, 3–5 future production, 9–10 machine production evolution, 5–7 mass customized production evolution, 7–9 mass production evolution, 7 origin of, 1–3 production, 181–190 3D printing manufacturing technology, 13 D Data normalization, 89 Data processing unit, 3D printers, 62, 64 Data security, cloud 3D printing platforms, 157 encryption technology, 158–159 issues, 157–158 violation identification and notification, 159–160 Deep learning, 48–49 Device information management, 68 Device interface unit, 63 Digital light processing (DLP), 116, 142, 144 Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) printers, 116 Distributed scheduling, 74 Distributed slicing method, 71–75 DLP. See Digital light processing (DLP) Download task module, 67 Dynamic aggregation mechanism, 43–44 Dynamic data cloud storage module, 66 E Edge set model, 121 Encryption technology, 158–159 Extrusion fused layer modeling, 60 F Fault detection, 3D printing classifier, 90–94 data acquiring, 86–88 data preprocessing, 88–89 design, 94 feature engineering, 90 Fault rate, 118 Fault type, 119 FDM. See Fused deposition modeling (FDM) Feature extraction, 44 Filling rate, 146 Flexible manufacturing, 20 Ford Model T, 7, 8f Fused deposition modeling (FDM), 27, 75–78, 142–143 printers, 75, 77f, 86, 87f, 116 G GA algorithm, 130, 132 Generative adversarial network (GAN), 49 Generative adversarial network (GAN) loss, 52 H Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS), 56 Hall theorem, 125 Heuristic search algorithm, 140 Hybrid scheduling, 74 I Image based 3D model generation, 48–56 Image encoder, 50 Intellectual property protection, 176–177 K Key management, 159–160 Keyword-based retrieval technology, 45 Kruskal improved algorithm, 123–124 Kuhn-Munkres algorithm (K-M algorithm), 123–124 L Laminated object manufacturing (LOM), 142 Layer laminate manufacturing (LLM), 60 Learning methods, 93 Lightweight virtualization technology, 97–98, 100 Linear regression, 90 Logistic regression model, 90 Log likelihood function, 91 M Machine learning, 84–86, 90, 94 Machine production, 5–7 Matching process, cloud 3D printing, 124–125 Material types, 3D printers, 122 198 IndexModel design, 3D printing, 39 aggregation process, 43–44 image based 3D model generation, 48–56 management, 39–42 retrieval, 45–47 sketch- based 3D model retrieval approach, 43–48 Modern production line, 7 Monitoring method, 3D printing, 85–86 Multi-task parallel printing combinatorial optimization method, 137–141 for complex products, 135–141 problem definition, 135–137 N Netty, 73, 73f Network interface unit, 63 O Object reconstruction loss, 51 OBJ file format, 39–40, 44 Online adaptation system, 61, 62f Online customization, 183, 184–188f, 185–187, 189, 190–191f Operation data management module, 68 Optimization algorithm, 130–133 Order-demand-oriented manufacturing mode, 15–16 P Parallel processing services, 137–141 Personalized manufacturing, 20 Polymerization, 59 Pose vector calibration, 44 Powder binder 3D printing, 60 Prime improved algorithm, 123–124 Printable space, 122 Print attribute model, 113–115 Printing accuracy, 121 Product mall module, 181, 182f Prototype parameter design validation report, 185, 186f Q Quality level evaluation, 104 Queue creation module, 66 R Radio frequency identification technology (RFID), 176–177 Rectangular packing problem, 144 Registration/management module access, 64 Remote monitoring and equipment operation module, 65 Remote procedure call (RPC), 73–74 S Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) clustering method, 46–47 Security mechanism, 70 Selective laser sintering (SLS), 27, 142 printers, 116 Sensor access, 3D printers, 75–81 Sensor data processing module, 64 Service capability calculation method, 168 Service capability proof algorithm, 171 Service certification, 107 Service composition optimization, 136, 138, 154 Service interaction evaluation, 105 Servitization integration technology, 29 Sketch- based 3D model retrieval approach, 43–48 SLA. See Stereo lithography appearance (SLA) SLS. See Selective laser sintering (SLS) Social manufacturing, 19 Standard exchange of product data mode (STEP), 40 Stereo lithography apparatus (SLA) printers, 116 Stereo lithography appearance (SLA), 27, 142–144 STL file format, 39–40, 44, 54–55 Supply-demand matching, 112–126 capability indicator model, 119–123 model-based matching process and rules, 123–126 multi-source data integration model, 113–119 T Task cancellation module, 67 Task failure processing module, 67 Task information module, 66 Task packing algorithm, 3D printing problem description, 142–144 3D printing task packing algorithm (3DTPA), 144–154 Task queue management module, 66 Index 199Technical capability evaluation, 104 3D manufacturing format (3MF), 40 3D printers access control for, 160–164 adapter access, 61–75 application, 75–80 classification, 59–61, 81–82 distributed slicing task execution, 71–75 platform vs. adapters, communication, 68–70 service management module, 64–68 sensor access, 75–81 sensor fusion, 80–81 sensor selection, 75–80 types, 116 3D printing in cloud manufacturing (see Cloud 3D printing platform) fault detection (see Fault detection, 3D printing) general production process, 28f manufacturing technology, 13 model design (see Model design, 3D printing) monitoring method, 85–86 quality problems in, 83–85 3D printing service scheduling method (3DPSS), 126–133 characteristics, 132–133 constraints, 129–130 optimization algorithm, 130–133 optimization objective, 127–129 3D printing task packing algorithm (3DTPA), 144–154 Time window processing, 88 Titanium alloy, 60 Total matching degree, 123 Trust incentive mechanism, 171 U User queue module, 66 V Vertex set model, 120 Vibration sensors, 80, 80f, 86 Video interface unit, 63 Violation identification, 159–160 ,#3D,#Printing,#3D_Printing,#3D-Printing,#3DPrinting,#الطباعة_ثلاثية_الأبعاد,
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