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| موضوع: كتاب Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS الخميس 02 فبراير 2023, 12:43 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS William E. Howard East Carolina University Joseph C. Musto Milwaukee School of Engineering
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS page v Special Features vii Preface ix PART ONE Learning SOLIDWORKS 1 1 Basic Part Modeling Techniques 3 1.1 Engineering Design and Solid Modeling 4 1.2 Part Modeling Tutorial: Flange 5 1.3 Modifying the Flange 25 1.4 Using Dimensions and Sketch Relations 30 1.5 A Part Created with Revolved Geometry 35 Problems 49 2 Engineering Drawings 55 2.1 Drawing Tutorial 55 2.2 Creating a Drawing Sheet Format 70 2.3 Creating an eDrawing 76 Problems 803 Additional Part Modeling Techniques 83 3.1 Part Modeling Tutorial: Wide-Flange Beam Section 84 3.2 Part Modeling Tutorial: Bracket 92 3.3 Sharing and Displaying the Solid Model 106 Problems 111 4 Advanced Part Modeling 119 4.1 A Lofted and Shelled Part 119 4.2 Parts Created with Swept Geometry 129 4.3 A Part Created with a 3-D Sketch as the Sweep Path 133 Problems 140 5 Parametric Modeling Techniques 149 5.1 Modeling Tutorial: Molded Flange 150 5.2 Creation of Parametric Equations 163 5.3 Modeling Tutorial: Cap Screw with Design Table 167 5.4 Incorporating a Design Table in a Drawing 174 Problems 181 6 Creation of Assembly Models 191page vi 6.1 Creating the Part Models 192 6.2 Creating an Assembly of Parts 197 6.3 Adding Features at the Assembly Level 206 6.4 Adding Fasteners to the Assembly 209 6.5 Creating an Exploded View 213 Problems 219 7 Advanced Assembly Operations 229 7.1 Creating the Part Models 229 7.2 Creating a Complex Assembly of Subassemblies and Parts 230 7.3 Detecting Interferences and Collisions 236 Problems 238 8 Assembly Drawings 241 8.1 Creating an Assembly Drawing 241 8.2 Adding an Exploded View 243 8.3 Creating a Bill of Materials 246 Problems 250 PART TWO Applications of SolidWorks 2539 Generation of 2-D Layouts 255 9.1 A Simple Floor Plan Layout 255 9.2 Finding the Properties of 2-D Shapes 268 Problems 273 10 Solution of Vector Problems 277 10.1 Vector Addition 277 10.2 Vector Addition with SolidWorks 278 10.3 Modifying the Vector Addition Drawing 280 10.4 Further Solution of Vector Equations 283 10.5 Kinematic Sketch of a Simple Mechanism 286 Problems 293 11 Analysis of Mechanisms 297 11.1 Approaching Mechanism Design with SolidWorks Assemblies 298 11.2 Development of Part Models of Links 299 11.3 Development of the Assembly Model of the Four-Bar Linkage 302 11.4 Creating Simulations and Animation with a Motion Study 306 11.5 Investigating Mechanism Design 310Problems 315 12 Design of Molds and Sheet Metal Parts 325 12.1 A Simple Two-Part Mold 325 12.2 A Core-and-Cavity Mold 330 12.3 A Sheet Metal Part 338 Problems 346 13 The Use of SolidWorks to Accelerate the Product Development Cycle 351 13.1 3-D Printing 352 13.2 Finite Element Analysis 360 13.3 Product Data Management 362 13.4 Some Final Thoughts 364 APPENDIX A Recommended Settings 365 A.1 System Settings 365 A.2 Part Settings 367 A.3 Drawing Settings 372 A.4 Assembly Settings 374A.5 Backing Up and Transferring Settings 375 A.6 Summary of Recommended Settings 378 B The SOLIDWORKS Interface: Use and Customization 379 Index 393 3 A Additive Manufacturing (AM), 350 see also 3-D printing Advanced tab, 15 Airbus 380 jumbo jet, 364 Alignment, 63 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), 84 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 9 Angle, 197 Animation, 306–310 Animation Controller, 217 Animation Tool, 306 Annotation tab, 60 ANSI. see American National Standards Institute Apply Scene Tool, 15 Arcs, 30, 95–96 Area, of shape, 268–269 Area properties, 268–272 Assembly drawing Bill of Materials (BOM), 246–249 creating, 241–243 exploded view, adding, 243–246page 394 Assembly-level dimensions, 244 Assembly-level feature, 209, 244 Assembly model advanced, 229–237 assembly of parts, 197–206 creating, 192–197 defined, 191 exploded view, 213–218 fasteners, adding, 209–212 features, adding, 206–208 interferences and collisions, 236–237 introduction to, 191 planning, 199 subassemblies and parts, 230–236 Assembly settings, 374 Assembly system, 5 Assembly template, 374 Associativity, 62 Automatic relations, 32 Auto Relief, 340 AVI file, 310 B Back-up and transfer settings, 375–377 Base feature, 13 Base, of mold, 326 Basic Motion, 306, 312–313 Basic Motion Tool, 306 Bending stiffness, 271 Bend notes, 343–345 editing, 345 Bends, and sheet metal part, 339–343 Bent tubing, 129 Bill of Materials (BOM), 209, 246–249, 363 balloon, 248–249 editing, 247Binder jetting, 353 Block, 266 Bolt hole, 20–22, 102 Border, 70–72 Boss, 13 Boundary conditions, 362 Bracket, 92–105 arc for, 95–97 cylindrical feature, 97 holes, 101–104 horizontal boss, 92 symmetric sketch, 95–96 C CAD (Computer-Aided Design), 4 Camera View, 109 Cap screw, 167–174 Cartoon View, 15 Cavity, 331 Center hole, adding, 19 Centerline, dimensions and, 31 Centerline Tool, 39, 41–42, 161 Centroidal axis, 271 Centerpoint Arc Tool, 258 Centerpoint Straight Slot Tool, 121 Center point, circle, 10–11, 31, 32 Center Rectangle Tool, 37–38 Center Tool, 74 Centroid, 268 Chamfer, 24 Chamfer Tool, 24 “child” feature, 25 Circle center point, 10–11, 31, 32 dimensions and, 31 drawing, 10–11page 395 methods for defining, 10–11 points on perimeter, 11 Smart Dimension Tool, 12 Circle Tool, 10–11, 64, 161, 162 Circular Pattern, 21, 27, 102 Circular Pattern Tool, 21, 161 Classic color icon option, 9 Coarse resolution, 358–359 Coincident, 32 Coincident relation, 178, 197 Collinear relation, 86 CommandManager, 7–8, 379–392 Comment, 79 Component (part), 5 Computer-aided design (CAD), 298 Concentric mate, 233, 235 Concentric relation, 96, 198 Concurrent engineering, 4 Configuration management, 362 ConfigurationManager, 29, 91 Context Toolbar, 20 Convert Entities Tool, 155 Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs), 67 Core, 330 Core-and-cavity mold, 330–338 Corner Rectangle Tool, 37–38, 72 Cosmetic threads, 169–171 Countersunk screw holes, 194 Crank-rocker, 289 Cylindrical mold part, 325 D Data management, 362–364 Data management function of PDM, 363, 364 Deformation, 271 Dependent parameter, 150Derived parts, 330 Design, 4 Design engineer, 128 Design intent, 19 importance of, 27 Design table, 150 cap screw with, 167–174 incorporating into drawing, 174–180 Detached drawing, 76 Detail View Tool, 64 Dimension Palette, 66 Dimensions, 30–31, 34 adding, 60 font, 62 importing, 60, 65 sketch relations and, 30–35 tolerance and, 66–68 Dimetric view, 14 DimXpertManager, 29 Directed energy deposition, 354 DisplayManager, 29 Display Style Tool, 15 Distance, 197 Document Properties tab, 9, 36 Double-rocker mechanism, 289 Drafting Standard, 57 Draft Tool, 160 Drawing 2-D of flange, 55–70 eDrawing, 76–79 setting, 372–374 sheet format, 70–76 template, 378 Drawing Heads-up View Toolbar, 64 Drawing settings, 372–374 Drawing sheet format, 70–76 Drawing trees, 363Driven dimensions, 60, 280, 281, 288–289 Dual Dimension units, 9 Dynamic Annotation Views Tool, 14 Dynamics, 311 Dynamic Zoom, 16 E Edit Appearance Tool, 15 Edit Sketch, 25 eDrawing, 76–79, 106–110 adding comments, 78 creating, 76–79 publish, 77 sending, 79 sharing via email, 77 eDrawings Publisher, 76 eDrawings Viewer, 76, 78 Element, 361 Engineering design, 4–5 defined, 4 Engineering economy, 267 Engineering field, change and, 364 Equations, vector, 283–285 Ergonomic design, 267 Ergonomics, 267 Exit Sketch, 10 Exit Sketch Tool, 25, 130 Exploded view, 213–218, 243–246 Extruded Boss/Base Tool, 13, 18, 97, 98, 99, 150, 157 Extruded Cut Tool, 20, 21, 153 Extrusion, 13, 18–19 F Fastener, 209–212 Feature, 206–208 FeatureManager, 17, 25, 29page 396 FeatureManager Design Tree, 8 Features tab, 7 Fillet, 22–23 Fillet Tool, 23, 24, 43, 88, 125 Finite Element Analysis (FEA), 360–362 common errors in using, 361–362 inappropriate boundary conditions, 361 inappropriate choice of elements, 361 linear behavior, 361 misrepresentation, 362 Finite element model, 4 Fix, 32 Flange 2-D drawing of, 55–70 modification of, 25–29 tutorial, 5–24 Flat-Pattern, 340–341 Flatten-Bends, 341, 343 Flatten tool, 340, 341 Fly-out feature, 7 Font, 62, 172 Four-bar linkage, 297, 298 assembly model, 302–305 development of, 299–302 mechanism design, 298–299 motion simulation, 306, 310–314 part model, 299–302 simulation and animation, 306–310 Four-bar linkage assembly model, 302–305 Four-View option, 26 Front Plane, 10, 17 Front View, 18 Fully Defined, 12 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), 352 GGeometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T), 67 Geometric tolerances, 67 Geometry, 86, 195 Global Variables, 164 Guide curve, 129 H Handlebars, 133, 138–139 Hatch, 198–199, 215, 233 Heads-Up View Toolbar, 8, 14 Helix curve, 131, 132 Helix geometry, 131 Helix/Spiral curve, 131 Hidden lines, 57 Hide/Show Items Tool, 15 Hinge, 192, 215 Hinge pin, 229–230 Hole, 194, 215 Hole Wizard, 194, 207 Horizontal relation, 32 HTML file, 79 I Independent parameter, 150 Industrial, 267 Industrial design, 128 Industrial designer, 128 Industrial Designers Society of America, 128 Industrial engineer, 267 Industrial engineering, 267 Inertia, 47 Initial sketch plane, 42 Instant 2-D, 10 Instant 3-D, 10 Interface use and customization, 379–392 Interferences and collisions, 236–237page 397 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 9 Intersections, 155, 157 IPS (inch, pound, second), 9 ISO. see International Organization for Standardization Isometric view, 14 J Jetting binder, 353 material, 353 Joint, 297, 298 K Keyboard shortcuts, 388–390 K-factor, 340 Kinematic analysis, 286, 311 Kinematic sketch defined, 286 of simple mechanism, 286–292 Kinetic analysis, 311 L Layer-by-layer building process, 350. see also 3-D printing Layout sketch, 286 Linear pattern, 102–103 Linear Pattern Tool, 149 Line Tool, 41–42, 73, 130 Link, 297, 298 Lofted and shelled part, 119–129 business card holder, 119–129 design intent, 123 fillet tool, 125 guide curve, 122, 129 shell command, 124 Loft Tool, 119, 128. see also Lofted and shelled partM Machine components, 311 Machine design, 311 Machine dynamics, 311 Manually-added relation, 33 Manufacturing process, 67 Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP), 364 Markup box, 79 Mass Properties, 45 tools, 107 Mated assembly, 299 Mate Dialog Box, 202–206 Mate PropertyManager, 202 Material extrusion, 352 Material jetting, 353 Materials, mass properties, 45 Mates, 198 Mate Tool, 200, 201–202 Measure Tool, 108 Mechanical engineering system, 5 Mechanics of materials, 271 Mechanism, 297 Mechanism analysis four-bar linkage assembly model, 302–305 introduction to, 297–298 mechanism design investigation, 310–314 part models of links and, 299–302 simulations and animation with motion study, 306–310 SOLIDWORKS assemblies and, 298–299 Mechanism design investigating, 310–314 with SOLIDWORKS assemblies, 298–299 Mechanism design investigation, 310–314 Menu Bar, 7 Merge, 33 Metrology, 67 Microsoft Excel, 171, 175page 398 Microsoft Windows, 3 Mid Plane extrusion, 88 Mirror Entities, 96 Mirror image, 83, 95, 105 Mirroring, 94, 104 Mirror Tool, 138 Model builder, 4 Model displaying, 106–110 Modeling technique, selecting, 24 Model Items Tool, 60 Model planning, 19 Model sharing, 106–110 Model View, 56, 59, 71, 107 Modify Configurations Dialog Box, 91 Mold base, 326 core-and-cavity, 330–338 cylindrical part, 325 two-part, 325–330 Mold base, 326–329 Molded flange, 150–162 Molded flange, in parametric model, 150–162 Moments of inertia, 268 MotionManager, 110, 306 Motion study, 306–310 Motion Study Properties Tool, 309 Motor PropertyManager, 307 Motor Tool, 307 Mouse Gestures, 391–392 N Newton’s Second Law, 47 No Bends Tool, 341 Nodes, 360 Normal To Tool, 14 Normal vector, 354Note Tool, 73–74 O Offset Entities Tool, 122–123 Options Tool, 8, 16, 23, 36, 57 Orientation View, 109 Orthographic projection, 15 Over Defined, 12 P Pan Tool, 16 Parallel relation, 265 Parallel surfaces, 197 Parametric design problem, 298 Parametric equations, 163–166 Parametric model defined, 149 introduction to, 149–150 molded flange, 150–162 “parent” feature, 25 Part setting, 367–371 template, 378 Part Heads-up View Toolbar, 64 Part-level feature, 209 Part modeling bracket, 92–105 created with 3-D sketch as sweep path, 133–139 eDrawing, 106–110 flange modification, 25–29 flange tutorial, 5–24 hinge pin, 229–230 of links, 299–302 lofted and shelled part, 119–129 swept geometry, 129–133 wide-flange beam section, 83, 84–91Part models of links, 299–302 Part settings, 367–371 Part Template, 36 Pattern, 102 Perpendicular relation, 33, 197, 265 Perspective View, 15 Photopolymer, 350 PhotoView 360, 15, 29 Physics, 311 Pierce relation, 132 Pilot hole, 207 Pin joint, 298, 299 Pivot point, 286, 298 Plain White scene, 15 Plane of symmetry, 34 Playback mode, 309 Position analysis, 286 Powder bed fusion, 351 PowerPoint presentation, video and, 110 Previous View Tool, 14 Process management function of PDM, 362, 363 Product Data Management (PDM), 362–364 categories of function, 362–363 software, 362 Product development cycle 3-D printing, 350–359, 360 Finite Element Analysis (FEA), 360–362 introduction to, 349 product data management, 362–364 Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), 364 Project management, 267 Properties, finding, 268–269 PropertyManager, 11, 13, 17, 29 circle tool and, 11 tool selection and, 11 Pulley, 35, 85page 399 Q Quality control, 267 Quick Access Tools, 388 R Radius dimension, 39 Rebuild Tool, 165 Record Video option, 108 Reference Geometry Tool, 17, 132 Reference Plane, 92 Relations, 32–35. see also Sketch Relations Resolution, 356–359 .stl files, 356 Resultant force, 277 Resultant vector, 278 Revolved Boss/Base Tool, 40 Revolved features, 31, 35, 42 Revolved geometry, 35–48 Rib Pattern, 163, 165 Ribs, 101, 109, 163 Rotary motor, adding, 306, 307 Rotate Tool, 78 Rotate View Tool, 16 Round, 22 S Save, 19, 36 Scale, 65 “Scissors” action, 299 Screw threads, 169 Section properties, 269–272 Section Properties Tool, 271 Section Tool, 107 Section View Tool, 14 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), 351Send Tool, 108 Sensor, 47 Settings assembly, 374 assembly template, 378 back-up and transfer, 375–377 drawing, 372–374 drawing template, 378 part, 367–371 part template, 378 system, 365–367 Shaded Sketch Contours Tool, 12 Shape area of, 268–269 section properties of, 269–272 Sheet format, 70–76 Sheet lamination processes, 353 Sheet metal part, 338–345 Sheet metal toolbar, 339 Shell Tool, 119, 124. see also Lofted and shelled part Shrinkage, in molding material, 325, 329, 337 Simple mechanism, 283–285 Simple two-part mold, 325–330 Simulation with motion study, 306–310 Sintered, 351 SI units, 9 Six-bar linkage, 297 Sketch dimensions, editing, 25–26 Sketch Fillet Tool, 88, 137 Sketch Relations, 32–35 automatic, 32 collinear, 86 concentric, 96 horizontal and vertical, 32, 35 icons of, 35 manually adding, 33 merge, 33page 400 perpendicular, 33, 34, 35 Sketch tab, 7, 10 SLA process, 350 Slider-crank, 297 Smart Dimension Tool, 12–13, 18, 21, 30–31 Snap, 11, 32 Solid model, 4 Solid modeling engineering design and, 4–5 introduction to, 3 Solid part, 5–24. see also Flange SOLIDWORKS interface, use and customization, 379–392 SOLIDWORKS Motion, 306 SOLIDWORKS program, 3 Statistical Process Control (SPC), 67 Status Bar, 8 Stereolithography, 350, 354 Stereolithography (.stl) file, 354 Stl file, 354–359 creating, 355 resolution, 358–359 Strain, 271 Stress, 271, 360 Stress analyst, 4 Subassemblies and parts, 230–236 Sweep Path, 133–139 Sweep Tool, 119. see also Lofted and shelled part Swept Boss/Base Tool, 133, 138 Swept geometry, 129–133 Symmetric sketch, 94, 96 Symmetry, 35, 83–84, 92, 104 System Options, 57 System settings, 365–367 TT abs, sheet metal part, 339Tangent, 57, 70, 198 Tangent Arc Tool, 95, 129 Tangent display, 57 Task Pane, 8, 15, 28 texture application and, 29 T-beam, 34, 269 Techniques, modeling, 24 Template, 10 Text, adding to part, 126–127 Texture, 29 Thermoplastic material, 352 Thin-feature extrusion, 192–196 Thread diameter, 173 Thread Tool, 169 3-D modeling software, 3 3-D printing, 350–358, 360 categories of, 350 3-D sketch, 133, 136, 137 fillets, 125–126 fully defined, 130 handlebars, 133, 139 sweep path and, 133–139 Title block, 70–72 Toggle position, 289, 292, 313 Tolerance, dimensions and, 66–68 Tool selection, 11 Top View, 64 Torque, 47 Total Quality Management (TQM), 363–364 Transfer settings, 375–377 Triad Tool, 201 Trim Entities Tool, 85 Trimetric view, 14, 16, 99, 108 2-D drawing, 55–70, 64–65 from 3-D model, 55–70 center hole, 61–62 chamfer, 60page 401 dimensions, 65–67 of flange, 5–24, 55–70 part file import, 59 pictorial view, 69 trimetric view, 69–70 2-D layout floor plan, 255–267 properties of 2-D shapes, 268–272 2-D shapes, 268–272 2-D sketch, 13 and 3-D features, video example, 6 2-D sketch, into 3-D part, 13 Two-part mold, 325–330 U Under Defined, 12 Undo Tool, 13, 27 Units and Dimension default values, 6–7 Units and Dimension Standard box, 6 US units, 9 VV at polymerization, 350, 351 Vector addition, 277–278 modification of, 280–283 with SOLIDWORKS, 278–280 Vector drawing equations, 286–292 kinematic sketch of simple mechanism, 286–292 Vector equations, 283–285 Vector problems, solution of, 277–292 Vertical relation, 32 Video, 108–110, 110 Video Compression screen, 110 Video examplepage 402 2-D part creation, 56 2-D sketch with 3-D features, 6 3-D printing, 360 assembly model from prefabricated blocks, 192 bracket mounting holes, 105 lofted and swept features, 120 Shell Tool, 120 View Layout tab, 62–63 View Orientation Tool, 14 six standard views in, 14 View Selector Tool, 14 View Settings Tool, 15 Virtual vault, 363 WW eb, vertical, 84 Welcome dialog box, 5, 6 Wide-flange beam section, 84–91 Z Zoom to Area Tool, 14 Zoom to Fit Tool, 14 Zoom to Sheet Tool, 64
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