كتاب MATLAB & Simulink Powertrain Blockset User's Guide
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب MATLAB & Simulink Powertrain Blockset User's Guide

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عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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MATLAB & Simulink Powertrain Blockset User's Guide

كتاب MATLAB & Simulink Powertrain Blockset User's Guide  M_m_a_18
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Getting Started
Powertrain Blockset Product Description 1-2
Key Features 1-2
Required and Recommended Products 1-3
Required Products 1-3
Recommended Products 1-3
Getting Started with Powertrain Blockset 1-4
Next Steps 1-8
Conventional Vehicle Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel Economy and Emissions
. 1-10
Conventional Vehicle Powertrain Efficiency . 1-15
SI Core Engine Air Mass Flow and Torque Production 2-2
Air Mass Flow Models 2-2
Torque Models . 2-3
SI Engine Dual-Independent Cam Phaser Air Mass Flow Model 2-5
Collect Physical Measurements . 2-6
Estimate Ideal Trapped Mass 2-7
Correct Trapped Mass . 2-7
Calculate Air Mass Flow 2-8
SI Engine Speed-Density Air Mass Flow Model . 2-11
SI Engine Torque Structure Model 2-14
SI Engine Simple Torque Model . 2-20
CI Core Engine Air Mass Flow and Torque Production 2-21
Air Mass Flow 2-21
Torque 2-21
CI Engine Speed-Density Air Mass Flow Model 2-22
ContentsCI Engine Torque Structure Model 2-25
Fuel Injection . 2-27
Percent Oxygen . 2-27
Exhaust Temperature . 2-27
CI Engine Simple Torque Model . 2-30
Engine Calibration Maps 2-31
Engine Plant Calibration Maps 2-31
Engine Controller Calibration Maps 2-31
Calibration Maps in Compression-Ignition (CI) Blocks . 2-31
Calibration Maps in Spark-Ignition (SI) Blocks 2-55
Reference Applications
Internal Combustion Engine Reference Application Projects 3-2
Conventional Vehicle 3-2
Engine Dynamometers . 3-2
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Reference Application Projects . 3-3
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Reference Applications . 3-3
Motors and Electric Vehicles . 3-3
Build a Conventional Vehicle Model 3-5
Optimize Transmission Shift Maps 3-6
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy 3-7
Drive Cycle Source 3-7
Longitudinal Driver . 3-7
Controllers 3-8
Passenger Car . 3-9
Calibrate, Validate, and Optimize CI Engine with Dynamometer Test
Harness 3-11
Engine System 3-12
Performance Monitor . 3-13
Calibrate, Validate, and Optimize SI Engine with Dynamometer Test
Harness 3-15
Engine System 3-16
Performance Monitor . 3-17
Build Hybrid Electric Vehicle Multimode Model . 3-19
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-21
Drive Cycle Source . 3-21
Longitudinal Driver 3-21
Controllers . 3-22
Passenger Car 3-23
Build Full Electric Vehicle Model 3-26
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-28
Drive Cycle Source . 3-28
iv ContentsLongitudinal Driver 3-29
Controllers . 3-29
Passenger Car 3-30
Build Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle . 3-32
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-33
Drive Cycle Source . 3-34
Longitudinal Driver 3-34
Controllers . 3-34
Passenger Car 3-35
Build Hybrid Electric Vehicle Input Power-Split Model 3-37
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-39
Drive Cycle Source . 3-39
Longitudinal Driver 3-39
Controllers . 3-40
Passenger Car 3-43
Build Hybrid Electric Vehicle P0 Model 3-46
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-48
Drive Cycle Source . 3-48
Longitudinal Driver 3-49
Controllers . 3-50
Passenger Car 3-50
Limitations . 3-52
Acknowledgment 3-52
Build Hybrid Electric Vehicle P1 Model 3-53
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-55
Drive Cycle Source . 3-55
Longitudinal Driver 3-56
Controllers . 3-57
Passenger Car 3-57
Limitations . 3-59
Acknowledgment 3-59
Build Hybrid Electric Vehicle P2 Model 3-60
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-62
Drive Cycle Source . 3-62
Longitudinal Driver 3-63
Controllers . 3-64
Passenger Car 3-66
Limitations . 3-68
Acknowledgment 3-68
Build Hybrid Electric Vehicle P3 Model 3-70
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-72
Drive Cycle Source . 3-72
Longitudinal Driver 3-73
Controllers . 3-74
Passenger Car 3-74
Limitations . 3-76
Acknowledgment 3-76
vBuild Hybrid Electric Vehicle P4 Model 3-77
Evaluate and Report Power and Energy . 3-79
Drive Cycle Source . 3-79
Longitudinal Driver 3-80
Controllers . 3-81
Passenger Car 3-81
Limitations . 3-83
Acknowledgment 3-83
Develop, Resize, and Calibrate Motors with Dynamometer Test Harness
. 3-84
Motor System . 3-85
Performance Monitor . 3-85
Resize the Motor . 3-87
Resize the CI Engine 3-89
Create CI Engine Models with Twice the Power . 3-89
Resize the SI Engine 3-96
Create SI Engine Models with Twice the Power . 3-96
Generate Mapped CI Engine from a Spreadsheet 3-103
Step 1: Generate Mapped Engine Calibration 3-103
Step 2: Apply Calibration to Mapped Engine Model . 3-106
Generate Mapped SI Engine from a Spreadsheet 3-108
Step 1: Generate Mapped Engine Calibration 3-108
Step 2: Apply Calibration to Mapped Engine Model . 3-110
Generate a Deep Learning SI Engine Model 3-112
Internal Combustion Mapped and Dynamic Engine Models . 3-122
Analyze Power and Energy 3-123
Live Script 3-123
Power Signals 3-124
Generate Mapped Fuel Cell from a Spreadsheet 3-127
Step 1: Generate Mapped Fuel Cell Calibration 3-127
Step 2: Apply Calibration to Mapped Fuel Cell Model 3-129
Project Templates
CI Engine Project Template . 4-2
Controller . 4-2
Plant 4-2
SI Engine Project Template . 4-4
Controller . 4-4
Plant 4-4
vi ContentsSupporting Data
Install Drive Cycle Data 5-2
Track Drive Cycle Errors 5-3
Generate Parameter Data for Datasheet Battery Block . 6-2
Generate Parameter Data for Equivalent Circuit Battery Block . 6-14
Step 1: Load and Preprocess Data . 6-15
Step 2: Determine the Number of RC Pairs . 6-17
Step 3: Estimate Parameters 6-18
Step 4: Set Equivalent Circuit Battery Block Parameters . 6-24
Generate Optimal Current Controller Calibration Tables for Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motors . 6-26
Step 1: Generate Current Controller Parameters . 6-26
Step 2: Generate Motor Parameters 6-26
Step 3: Generate Flux-Based PMSM Parameters . 6-26
Model with Optimized Parameters . 6-26
Generate Current Controller Parameters . 6-28
Collect and Post Process Motor Data . 6-29
Model Motor Data . 6-30
Generate Calibration . 6-34
Set Block Parameters . 6-47
Generate Feed-Forward Flux Parameters . 6-49
Step 1: Load and Preprocess Data . 6-49
Step 2: Generate Evenly Spaced Data . 6-49
Step 3: Set Block Parameters . 6-51
Generate Parameters for Flux-Based PMSM Block . 6-53
Step 1: Load and Preprocess Data . 6-53
Step 2: Generate Evenly Spaced Table Data From Scattered Data 6-54
Step 3: Set Block Parameters . 6-56
Powertrain Blockset Examples
Conventional Vehicle Reference Application 7-2
HEV Multimode Reference Application 7-3
viiHEV Input Power-Split Reference Application 7-4
HEV P0 Reference Application . 7-5
HEV P1 Reference Application . 7-6
HEV P2 Reference Application . 7-7
HEV P3 Reference Application . 7-8
HEV P4 Reference Application . 7-9
EV Reference Application 7-10
FCEV Reference Application 7-11
CI Engine Dynamometer Reference Application 7-12
SI Engine Dynamometer Reference Application 7-14
Motor Dynamometer Reference Application . 7-16
Optimize Transmission Control Module Shift Schedules . 7-17
Calibrate ECMS Block . 7-20
Detect Misfires Using On-Board Diagnostics 7-31
Read and Write Block Parameters to Excel 7-35
Generate Drive Cycles for Real Driving Emissions 7-39
Virtual Vehicle Composer
Get Started with the Virtual Vehicle Composer . 8-2
Open the Virtual Vehicle Composer App 8-2
Virtual Vehicle Composer Workflow . 8-2
Setup Virtual Vehicle . 8-4
More About . 8-5
Configure Virtual Vehicle Data . 8-7
Chassis . 8-7
Tire and Brake . 8-8
Powertrain 8-8
Driver 8-9
Environment . 8-9
Configure Virtual Vehicle Scenario and Test . 8-10
viii ContentsConfigure Virtual Vehicle Data Logging 8-12
Build Virtual Vehicle 8-13
Operate Virtual Vehicle 8-14
Analyze Virtual Vehicle 8-15
Resize Engines and Mapped Motors . 8-18
Resize Engine . 8-18
Resize Mapped Motor


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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى شروحات البرامج الهندسية-
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